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B. United States
- ALBRECHT, R. C., Thoreau and His Audience: “A Plea for Captain John Brown,” AL , 32 (1960-61):393-402.[3880]
- ALDRIDGE, A. O., Benjamin Franklin and the Pennsylvania Gazette, Proceedings , Amer. Philosophical Soc., 106:77-81.[3881]
- BARRETT, C. W., Italian Inflence on American Literature , New York, The Grolier Club, 1962. 132 p.[3882]
- BEDINI, S. A., A Compass Card by Paul Revere (?), Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 37:36-8.[3883]
- BLOOMFIELD, B. C., W. H. Auden's First Book, Library , 5th ser., 17:152-4.[3884]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, “A Preface to the Text,” pp. xxix-xlvii; “Textual Introduction: The Scarlet Letter,” pp. xlix-lxv; “Appendixes,” pp. 265-89, IN Centenary Edition of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Vol. I. The Scarlet Letter , Ohio State Univ. Press, 1962.[3885]
- BROWN, M. C., The Oriole Press. Joseph Ishill: Solitary Rebel, Amer. Book Collector , 13:1:8-16.[3886]
- BRUCCOLI, MATTHEW, A Further Note on the First Printing of The Great Gatsby , SB , 16:244.[3887]
- CALLENDER, G. P., The Peter Pauper Press, Amer. Book Collector , 12:7:15-24.[3888]
- CAPPON, L. J., Who Is the Auther of History of the Expedition under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark (1814)?, William and Mary Quart. , 3d ser., 19:257-68.[3889]
- CHEAPE, K. S. H., Confederate Book Publishing with Emphasis on Richmond, Virginia . Thesis. Univ. of North Carolina. 1960. ACRL Microcard Series 1961. vi, 152 leaves.[3890]
- CHILDS, J. B., The Authentic Archetype of the United States Constitution, PBSA , 56:372-4.[3891]
- CHILDS, J. B., The Story of the United States Senate Documents, 1st Congress, 1st Session, New York, 1789, PBSA , 56:175-94.[3892]
- CUNLIFFE, MARCUS, Parson Weems and George Washington's Cherry Tree, Bull. of The John Rylands Libr. , 45:58-96.[3893]
- DANIEL, C. A., West's Revisions of Miss Lonelyhearts , SB , 16:232-43.[3894]
- DAVIS, C. C., Mr. Legaré Inscribes Some Books: The Literary Tenets, and the Library, of a Carolina Writer, PBSA , 56:219-36.[3895]
- EBY, C. D., Jr., Bryant's “The Pariries”: Notes on Date and Text, PBSA , 56:356-7.[3896]
- FORD, P. L., The New England Primer; a History of Its Origin and Development, with a Reprint of the Unique Copy of the Earliest Known Edition , New York Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, 1962. 53, 78 p.(Classics in Education No. 13.) (Reprint of work first published in 1897.)[3897]
- FRIEND, LLERENA, Thirty-five Years of Hertzog Printing, Libr. Chron. of the Univ. of Texas , 6:4:26-47.[3898]
- HAYCRAFT, HOWARD, Poe's “Purloined Letter,” PBSA , 56:486-7.[3899]
- GOODALE, DAVID, Walt Whitman's “Banner at Day-Break,” 1860, HLQ , 26:105-108.[3900]
- HITCHINGS, SINCLAIR, Some American Woodengravers, 1820-1840, PAGA , 9:4 (Dec. 1961): 121-38.[3901]
- KANE, NORMAN, Loguen's “Narrative,” 1859 (Wright 2016-17), PBSA , 56:488.[3902]
- KANE, NORMAN, Some Lardner Variants [of Treat 'em Rough], PBSA , 56:487.[3903]
- LEE, R. E., Timothy Dwight and the Boston Palladium , New England Quart. , 35:229-39.[3904]
- MANIERRE, W. R., A “Mather” of Dates, SB , 16:217-20. (Corrects dating of entries in Cotton Mather's Diary as published by Kuno Francke in 1896.)[3905]
- MARINO, S. J., The French-Refugee Newspapers and Periodicals in the United States, 1789-1825 . Thesis. PhD. Univ. of Michigan. 1962.[3906]
- MATCHETT, W. H., Dickinson's Revision of “Two Butterflies Went Out at Noon,” PMLA , 77:436-41.[3907]
- MERIWETHER, J. B., Notes on the Textual History of The Sound and the Fury , PBSA , 56:285-316.[3908]
- MERIWETHER, J. B., The Proposed Edition of William Gilmore Simms, Mississippi Quart. , 15:100-112.[3909]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Snodgrass Peoples His Universe, PBSA , 56:494-5.(S. S. Gardons used as pseudonym by W. D. Snodgrass. Confirmed, and use of Kozma Petrovitch Prutkov as pseudonym pointed out by William White, PBSA, 57 (1963):94.)[3910]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Publication of Mark Twain in Canada, Amer. N & Q , 1:20-21.(On the unauthorized printing of “Running for Governor” and “About Barbers.”)[3911]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, William Dean Howells: Two Mistaken Attributions, PBSA , 56:254-57.(“Daisy Miller and The Europeans,” Discovery of a Genius, ed. by Albert Mordell (New York, 1961), pp. 85-87, actually by Constance Fenimore Woolson, and “Defense of Daisy Miller” (pp. 88-91) by John Hay.)[3912]
- NEW YORK Public Library, Cuts, Borders, and Ornaments Selected from the Robinson-Pforzheimer Typographical Collection in The New York Public Library , New York Public Library, 1962. 44 leaves of proofs.[3913]
- POWELL, W. S., Patrons of the Press: Subscription Book Purchases in North Carolina, 1733-1850, North Carolina Hist. Rev. , 39:423-99.[3914]
- RANDALL, D. A., “Dukedom Large Enough”: II. Hemingway, Churchill, and the Printed Word. III. Thomas Jefferson and The Declaration of Independence, PBSA , 56:346-53, 472-80.[3915]
- RILEY, E. L., Henry Miller: An Informal Bibliography, 1924-1960 , Hays, Kansas, Fort Hays Kansas State College, 1961. vi, 52 p.(Fort Hays Studies, Bibliography Series No. 1.)[3916]
- RISTOW, W. W., John Melish and His Map of the United States, Libr. Congress Quart. Jour. Current Acquisitions , 19:159-78.[3917]
- SILVER, R. G., Government Printing in Massachusetts, 1751-1801, SB , 16:161-200.[3918]
- SMITH, D. E., Publication of John Bunyan's Works in America, BNYPL , 66:630-52.[3919]
- SONN, I. M., Benjamin Thompson Pierson and His Newark Directories, Proceedings , New Jersey Historical Soc., 79:21-37.[3920]
- SORENSEN, P. D., Nauvoo Times and Seasons , Jour. Illinois State Hist. Soc. , 55:117-35.[3921]
- STEELE, O. L., Evidence of Plate Damage As Applied to the First Impression of Ellen Glasgow's The Wheel of Life (1906), SB , 16:223-31.[3922]
- STEELE, O. L., On the Imposition of the First Edition of Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter , Library , 5th ser., 17:250-55.[3923]
- STODDARD, R. E., Oscar Wegelin, Pioneer Bibliographer of American Literature, PBSA , 56:237-47.[3924]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Lyric Year: A Bibliography, PBSA , 56:454-71.[3925]
- TANSELLE, G. T., An Unknown Early Appearance of “The Raven,” SB , 16:220-23.[3926]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Unrecorded Early Reprintings of Two Poe Tales [“The Purloined Letter” and “The Oval Portrait”], PBSA , 56:252.[3927]
- THOMAS, ISAIAH, Three Autobiographical Fragments , Worcester, American Antiquarian Society, 1962. 32 p.[3928]
- TODD, W. B., The Early Issues of Poe's Tales (1845), Libr. Chron. of the Univ. of Texas , 7:1:13-17.[3929]
- VAN TRUMP, J. D., and ZIEGLER, A. P., Jr., Thomas Bird Mosher, Publisher and Pirate, Book Collector , 11:295-312, and note by B. C. Middleton, ibid., pp. 482-83.[3930]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, An Unpublished Notebook. Walt Whitman in Washington in 1863, Amer. Book Collector , 12:5:8-13.[3931]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Whitman as Short Story Writer: Two Unpublished Manuscripts, N & Q , n.s. 9:87-9.[3932]
- WOLF, EDWIN, 2nd, The Reconstruction of Benjamin Franklin's Library: An Unorthodox Jigsaw Puzzle, PBSA , 56:1-16.[3933]
- WOODWARD, D. H., John Quinn and T. S. Eliot's First Book of Criticism, PBSA , 56:259-65.[3934]


Correction: “A Harold Frederic First,” by Stanton B. Garner, XV (1962), 268-269
“Barbette's Christmas” was published in 1876, not in 1878 as stated in error. In addition, the study of Frederic by T. F. O'Donnell and H. C. Franchere (1961), unpublished when Professor Garner's note was printed, clarifies the biography by showing that Frederic had left the Utica Morning Herald to join the staff of the Observer (which printed the story) in December 1875. The above information courtesy of Austin Briggs, Jr., of Hamilton College.
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