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A. English and General
- ALTHOLZ, J. L., Bibliographical Note on the “Rambler,” PBSA , 56:113-14.[3655]
- ALTICK, R. D., The Sociology of Authorship: The Social Origins, Education, and Occupations of 1,100 British Writers, 1800-1935, BNYPL , 66:389-404.[3656]
- AVIS, F. C., Historical Notes on Piecework in the Printing Industry, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):548-52.[3657]
- AYERS, R. W., The John Phillips-John Milton Angli Responsio: Editions and Relations, PBSA , 56:66-72.[3658]
- BAER, HANS, Bibliographie und Bibliographische Arbeits-Technik; eine Einführung, Frauenfeld , Huber, 1961. 172 p.(Bibliothek des Schweizer Buchhandels 3.)[3659]
- BAMBERGER, FRITZ, The Early Editions of Spinoza's Tractatus Theologico-Politicus: A Bibliographical Re-examination, Studies in Bibl. and Booklore , 5:9-33.[3660]
- BARBER, GILES, Notes on Some English Centre- and Corner-Piece Bindings, c. 1600, Library , 5th ser., 17:93-5.[3661]
- BARNETT, G. L., A Disquisition on Punch and Judy Attributed to Charles Lamb, HLQ , 25:225-47.[3662]
- BASTIAN, J. M., James Ralph's Second Adaptation from John Banks [Anna Bullen from Banks' Vertue Betray'd: or, Anna Bullen], HLQ , 25:181-88.[3663]
- BATESON, F. W., Modern Bibliography and the Literary Artifact, English Studies Today , 2d ser. (1961):67-77.(Reviewed by Alice Walker, Library, 5th ser., 17:271-72.)[3664]
- BATTESTIN, M. C., Fielding's Revisions of Joseph Andrews , SB , 16:81-117.[3665]
- BEAURLINE, L. A., An Editorial Experiment: Suckling's A Sessions of the Poets , SB , 16:43-60.[3666]
- BENNETT, J. A. W., Wanley's Life of Wolsey , Bodleian Libr. Record , 7:50-52.[3667]
- BERRY, L. E., Addendum [to B3163]: Another Booklist of Thomas Charde, PBSA , 56:115.[3668]
- BIBLIOGRAPICAL Notes & Queries, Book Collector , 11:79-86, 211-19, 345-54, 480-86. Including: Harvey Kerpneck, A Shorn Shagpat, pp. 81-83; John Carter, Housmaniana, p. 84; Weldon Thornton, Joyce's Ulysses, 1922, pp. 85-6; Herta Ryder, Joyce's Ulysses, 1922, p. 214; E. A. Osborne, Cancellandum R 2 in Boyle's Sceptical Chymist, 1661, p. 215; David Macaree, Three Early 18th-Century Prose Romances of David Crawford [London, 1700], pp. 215-6; Jeff Clements, Early Editions of Bloom-field's Poems, pp. 216-7; Michael Papantonio, John Marshall and The Infant's Library, p. 217; A. N. L. Munby, The Didot Horace, 1799, p. 345, same, H. D. Lyon, p. 480; W. B. Todd, Cruikshank's Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1852, p. 345; George C. Singer, T. J. Wise and the Technique of Promotion, pp. 347-8; same, John Carter, pp. 480-82; Peter Eaton, Shaw and Shaviana, pp. 349-50; B. C. Bloomfield, An Unrecorded Article by T. S. Eliot, p. 350; R. J. F. Carnon, An Unexplained 17th-Century Cancel, pp. 351-2; B. C. Bloomfield, Bloomfield's Rural Tales, 1802, p. 482; W. R. Cagle, A ‘Lost’ Edition (1745) of Defoe's Roxana, pp. 483-4; W. R. N. Payne, An Irregular Copy of Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, 1807, pp. 485-6.[3669]
- BINNS, N. E., An Introduction to Historical Bibloigraphy , 2d ed., London, Assn. of Assistant Librarians, 1962. 388 p.[3670]
- BIRLEY, ROBERT, The Library of Louis-Henri de Loménie, Comte de Brienne, and the Bindings of the Abbé Du Seuil, Library , 5th ser., 17:105-31.[3671]
- BISHOP, O. B., Publications of the Government of the Province of Canada, 1841-1867 . Thesis. PhD. Michigan. 1962.[3672]
- BLACK, H. M., An Irish Parliamentary Binding in Glasgow University Library, Bibliotheck , 3:100-102.[3673]
- BLACKBURN, T. H., Edmund Bolton's London, King Charles His Augusta, or City Royal , HLQ , 25:315-23.[3674]
- BLAKISTON, J. M. G., Winchester College Library in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, Library , 5th ser., 17:23-45.[3675]
- BLOUNT, TREVOR, A Revised Image in the Opening Chapter of Dickens's “Bleak House,” N & Q , n.s. 9:303-4.[3676]
- BOND, R. P., John Partridge and the Company of Stationers, SB , 16:61-80.[3677]
- BOOTH, B. A., Author to Publisher: Anthony Trollope and William Isbister, PULC , 25:51-67.[3678]
- BORDONA, J. D., Noticia de Varios Impresos en Idiomas Filipinos, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):329-34.[3679]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Est ablished Texts and Definitive Editions, PQ , 41:1-17.[3690]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, Principles of Bibliographical Description , New York, Russell & Russell, 1962. 505 p.(A reprinting of the ed. of 1949.)[3691]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, What Shakespeare Wrote, Shakepeare-Jahrb. , 93:24-50.[3692]
- BROMWICH, JOHN, The First Book Printed in Anglo-Saxon Types, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:265-91.(An ed. of Aelfric's A Testimonie of Antiquitie earlier than STC 159 (J. Day [1567]).)[3693]
- BROOKS, R. L., A Danish “Balder Dead,” PBSA , 56:253-4.[3694]
- BROOKS, R. L., Matthew Arnold and The London Review , PMLA , 76(1961):622-3.[3695]
- BROOKS, R. L., Some Unaccomplished Projects of Matthew Arnold, SB , 16:213-16.[3696]
- BROWN, T. J., English Literary Autographs XLI. William Wycherley, 1640?-1716; Sir John Vanbrugh, 1664-1726, Book Collector , 11:63.[3697]
- BROWN, T. J., . . . XLII, Lord Byron, 1788-1824, Book Collector , 11:205.[3698]
- BROWN, T. J., . . . XLIII, William Cowper, 1731-1800, Book Collector , 11:331.[3699]
- BROWN, T. J., . . . XLIV, Edmund Burke, 1729-97, Book Collector , 11:467.[3700]
- BRYANT, J. A., Jr., Jonson's Revision of Every Man in His Humor , SP , 59:641-50.[3701]
- BURNS, F. D. A., Thomas Heywood and the “Annalia Dubrensia,” 1636, N & Q , n.s. 9:69-70.[3702]
- BUTT, JOHN, Dickens's Manuscripts, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 36:149-61.[3703]
- CAMDEN, CARROLL, Songs and Choruses in The Tempest [possibly alterations by Sheridan], PQ , 41:114-22.[3704]
- CARTER, HARRY, The Script Types of Robert Granjon, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):44-9.[3705]
- CLAIR, COLIN, The Bishops' Bible 1568, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):287-90.[3706]
- CLUBB, M. D., Junius's Edition of “Caedmon,” Library , 5th ser., 17:157.[3707]
- COLBURN, W. E., The Vizetelly Extracts , PULC , 23:54-59.(An attack, published in 1888, on the suppression of Zola's novels in England.)[3708]
- COLEMAN, E. E., Ephémérides du Citoyen, 1767-1772, PBSA , 56:17-45.[3709]
- COLLINS, R. L., “Tennyson's Original Issue of Poems, Reviews, etc., 1842-1886,” a Compilation by Henry van Dyke, PULC , 24:39-50.[3710]
- CORDASCO, FRANCESCO, The Twisleton Junius: A Suppressed Passage of Junius Restored, N & Q , n.s., 8(1961):63-4.[3711]
- CRANFIELD, G. A., The Development of the Provincial Newspaper, 1700-1760 , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1962. 287 p.[3712]
- DEARING, V. A., Methods of Textual Editing , Los Angeles, W. A. Clark Memorial Library, 1962, iv, 40 p.(The role of the electronic computer.)[3713]
- DECHERT, ROBERT, A New Copy of the Paris 1660 Jesuit “Relation,” and Notes on Other Editions, PBSA , 56:368-72.[3714]
- DEVEREUX, E. J., Some Lost English Translations of Erasmus, Library , 5th ser., 17:255-9.[3715]
- DORSTEN, J. A. van, Thomas Basson, 1555-1613, English Printer at Leiden , Leyden, Univ. Press, 1961. xii, 128 p., 5 plates.[3716]
- DOWDING, GEOFFREY, An Introduction to the History of Printing Types , London, Wace and Company, 1962. xxiv, 278 p.(Typographical Text Books, No. 3.)[3717]
- DRAKE, ROBERT, Saki [Hector Hugh Munro]: Some Problems and a Bibliography, English Fiction in Transition , 5:1:6-26.[3718]
- DUDEK, LOUIS, Literature and the Press, a History of Printing, Printed Media, and Their Relation to Literature , Toronto, Ryerson Press, 1960. 238 p.(“Originally published in microfilm by University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1955. Revised.”)[3719]
- DURKAN, JOHN, Alexander Dickson and S.T.C. 6823, Bibliotheck , 3:183-90.[3720]
- DURME, MAURICE VAN, Lettres Inedites du Cardinal de Granvelle à Christophe Plantin (1567-1569), Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):280-6.[3721]
- EDDY, D. D., The Publication Date of the First Edition of “Rasselas,” N & Q , n.s. 9:21-2.[3722]
- EDDY, D. D., Samuel Johnson's Editions of Shakespeare (1765), PBSA , 56:428-44.[3723]
- EDELSTEIN, J. M., Another Bulgarini Book, PBSA , 56:482.(Adds to B2547.)[3724]
- EEGHEN, I. H. van, De Amsterdamse Boekhandel, 1680-1725. Vol. I: Jean Louis de Lorme en Zijn Copieboek , Amsterdam, Scheltema & Holkema, 1960. 179 p.[3725]
- EGERER, JOEL, Thomas Stewart, Robert Burns, and the Law, PBSA , 56:46-55.(On the pirating of published and unpublished material in Scotland.)[3726]
- ELIZABETH MARIE, Sister, Eric Gill, Twentieth Century Book Designer , New York, Scarecrow Press, 1962. 184 p.[3727]
- ELLEGÅRD, ALVAR, A Statistical Method for Determining Authorship. The Junius Letters, 1769-1772 , Stockholm, Almqvist and Wiksell, 1962. 115 p.[3728]
- ELLEGÅRD, ALVAR, Who Was Junius? , Stockholm, Almqvist and Wiksell, 1962. 159 p.[3729]
- ENGLAND, M. W., Edmund Burke's Part in the Jubilee Oration, BNYPL , 66:198-204.[3730]
- EVANS, G. B., The Douai Manuscript—Six Shakespearean Transcripts (1694-95), PQ , 41:158-72.[3731]
- FAIRBANK, ALFRED, and DICKENS, BRUCE, The Italic Hand in Tudor Cambridge , London, Bowes & Bowes, 1962. viii, 32 p., 24 plates.(Cambridge Bibl. Soc. Monograph No. 5.)[3732]
- FINKELPEARL, P. J., Henry Walley of the Stationers' Company and John Marston, PBSA , 56:366-8.[3733]
- FINLAYSON, C. P., Thomas Carlyle's Borrowings from Edinburgh University Library, 1819-1820, Bibliotheck , 3:138-43.[3734]
- FORD P., and FORD, G., editors, Luke Graves Hansard; His Diary, 1814-1841. A Case Study in the Reform of Patronage , Oxford, Blackwell, 1962. civ, 225 p.[3735]
- FLEEMAN, J. D., Some Proofs of Johnson's Prefaces to the Poets , Library , 5th ser., 17:213-30.[3736]
- FLETCHER, HARRIS, The Seventeenth-Century Separate Printing of Milton's Epitaphium Damonis , JEGP , 61:788-96.[3737]
- FOAKES, R. A., and RICKERT, R. T., editors, Henslowe's Diary , Cambridge, At the University Press, 1961. lix, 368 p.[3738]
- FORREST, EARL, A History and Evaluation of English Historical Annuals for 1701-1720 and 1739-1743 . Thesis. PhD. Univ. of Illinois. 1961.[3739]
- FREEMAN, ARTHUR, An Emendation in Dekker [If this be not a good Play, I.i.28 (Dekker, Works, ed. Bowers, III, 124)], N & Q , n.s. 9:334.[3740]
- FRENCH, J. M., Moseley's Advertisements of Milton's Poems, 1650-1660, HLQ , 25:337-45.[3741]
- GARRETT, K. I., [T. J. Wise's forgery of an edition of George Cruikshank's The Artist and the Author [1872]], IN The Guildhall Miscellany , Volume II, October 1962. Reviewed in TLS , Oct. 26, 1962, p. 832, and correction by F. S. Bradburn, TLS , Nov. 16, 1962, p. 873.[3742]
- GEDULD, H. M., The Textual Problem in Shaw, Shaw Rev. , 5:54-60.[3743]
- GITTINGS, ROBERT, Emma Hardy's Recollections, TLS , June 8, 1962, p. 429.(Reply to Mr. Beatty's remarks on Some Recollections by Emma Hardy in TLS, June 1, 1962.)[3744]
- GLAISTER, GEOFFREY, The Glossary of the Book , London, Allen and Unwin, 1960. xvi, 484 p.(Critical review by Nicolas Barker, Library, 5th ser., 17:269-70.)[3745]
- GOLLIN, R. M., The 1951 Edition of Clough's Poems: A Critical Re-Examination, MP , 60:120-27.[3746]
- GUERRA, FRANCISCO, Nicolás Bautista Monardes. Su Vida y Su Obra, ca. 1493-1588 , Mexico City, Compañía Fundidora de fierro y acero de Monterrey, 1961. 226 p.(Pub. No. 41, Dept. of Hist. of Medicine, Yale Univ.)[3747]
- GUTHKE, K. S., M. G. Lewis' The Twins , HLQ , 25:189-223.[3748]
- HABER, T. B., A. E. Housman and Ye Rounde Table , JEGP , 61:797-809.[3749]
- HANFORD, J. H., “Paradise Lost” Annotated by Thomas Edwards, PULC , 23:123-4.[3750]
- HARMAN, ELEANOR, The University as Publisher , Univ. of Toronto Press, 1961. 165 p.[3751]
- 108....BIB SOC BOWERS JG 7-10-63....
- HARTMAN, J. P., Bookbindings , London, H. M. Stationary Office, 1962. 32 p. 72 plates.[3752]
- HENDRICKSON, J. R., and STARR, H. W., The Final Couplet of Gray's “Candidate,” N & Q , n.s. 8(1961):58-9.[3753]
- HENDRICKSON, J. R., and STARR, H. W., Two Poems Attributed to Gray, N & Q , n.s. 8 (1961):57-8.[3754]
- HEPBURN, J. G., Manuscript Notes for Lord Raingo , English Fiction in Transition , 5:1:1-5.[3755]
- HOBSON, A. R. A., William Beckford's Binders, IN Festschrift Ernst Kyriss (Stuttgart, Max Hettler Verlag, 1961), pp. 375-81.[3756]
- HOGAN, J. J., Cutting His Text According to His Measure: A Note on the Folio Lear , PQ , 41:72-81.[3757]
- HORODISCH, A., Holländische gestickte Einbände, IN Festschrift Ernst Kyriss (Stuttgart, Max Hettler Verlag, 1961), pp. 383-96.[3758]
- HOUGHTON, E. R., The British Critic and the Oxford Movement, SB , 16:119-37.[3759]
- HUETTER, LUIGI, La Tipografia Vaticana, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):273-9.[3760]
- HUNTLEY, F. L., Ben Jonson and Anthony Munday, or, The Case is Altered Altered Again, PQ , 41:205-14.(Not clearly by one or the other.)[3761]
- JACKSON, W. A., Bibliography and Literary Studies , Los Angeles, Univ. of California, 1962. [iv], 16 p.[3762]
- JOLLIFFE, J. W., and RHODES, D. E., Some Sixteenth-Century French Books with Twin Imprints, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):291-3.[3763]
- KHAN, M. S., The Early History of Bengali Printing, Libr. Quart. , 32:51-61.[3764]
- KIMBROUGH, ROBERT, The Origins of Troilus and Cressida: Stage, Quarto, and Folio, PMLA , 77:194-9.[3765]
- KLEPIKOV, S. A., Russian Bookbinding from the Middle of the 17th to the End of the 19th Century, Book Collector , 11:437-47.[3766]
- KORG, JACOB, George Gissing's Commonplace Book: A Manuscript in the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library , New York Public Library, 1962. 64 p.[3767]
- KRUEGER, ROBERT, Sir John Davies: Orchestra Complete, Epigrams , Unpublished Poems, R.E.S., n.s. 13:2-29, 113-24.[3768]
- LADBOROUGH, R. W., A Lost Pepys-Library Book Recovered, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:292-4.[3769]
- LANG, C. Y., Atalanta in Manuscript, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 37:19-24.(Swinburne's Atalanta in Calydon.)[3770]
- LANE, R. F., Bodoni's Manuale Tipografico and the Recent Facsimile [London, The Holland Press Ltd., 1960], Library , 5th ser., 17:132-8.[3771]
- LAURIA, ARTHUR, Le Premier Livre Imprimé à Tarente , Paris, Lib. Ant. Lauria, 1961. 12 p.[3772]
- LEWIS, JOHN, Printed Ephemera: The Changing Uses of Type and Letterforms in English and American Printing , Ipswich, W. S. Cowell & Co., Distributed by Faber & Faber, London, 1962. 288 p.[3773]
- LIEBERT, H. W., Boswell's “Life of Johnson,” 1791, Amer. N & Q , 1:6-7.[3774]
- LINDBERG, S. G., Bookbindings in Sweden, IN Festschrift Ernst Kyriss (Stuttgart, Max Hettler Verlag, 1961), pp. 447-63.[3775]
- LOOMIE, A. J., The Authorship of An Advertisement Written to a Secretarie of M. L. Treasurer of England , Renaissance News , 15:201-207.(Ascribed to Joseph Creswell. Richard Versteghen suggested.)[3776]
- M., A., Wing W 2044 +, Durham Philobiblon , 2:50-51.(Whittel not Whittie the author of this variant and W 2044, Whittie, John, An exact diary of the late expedition, London, For Richard Baldwin, 1689.)[3777]
- McDONALD, W. U., Jr., On the Authorship of “Some Scenes from the Life of Edward Lascelles,” N & Q , n.s. 9:187-8.(Not by Henry D. Inklis.)[3778]
- McKAY, G. L., Note on R. L. Stevenson's “Requiem,” Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 36:122-5.[3779]
- MacLEOD, R. D., Some Scottish Publishers, Libr. Rev. . No. 142:435-40, No. 143:514-20, No. 144:597-603.[3780]
- McMANAWAY, J. G., Privilege to Print, SB , 16:201-203.[3781]
- MAGAW, B. L., The Work of John Shirley, an Early Hack Writer, PBSA , 56:332-45.[3782]
- MANZALAOUI, M. A., Typographical Justification and Grammatical Changes in the Eighteenth Century, PBSA , 56:248-51.[3783]
- MARSHALL, W. H., An Early Misattribution to Byron: Hunt's “The Feast of the Poets,” N & Q , n.s. 9:180-82.[3784]
- MAUD, R. N., Dylan Thomas' Collected Poems: Chronology of Composition, PMLA , 76(1961):292-7.[3785]
- MAYO, R. D., The English Novel in the Magazine, 1740-1815 , Evanston, Illinois, Northwestern Univ. Press, 1962. x, 695 p.[3786]
- MERIWETHER, J. B., Bibliographical and Textual Studies of Twentieth-Century Writers, IN Approaches to the Study of Twentieth-Century Literature (Michigan State Univ., 1961), pp. 35-51.[3787]
- MEYER, SAM, Spenser's Colin Clout: The Poem and the Book, PBSA , 56:397-413.[3788]
- MIDDLETON, B. C., The Bookbinders Case Unfolded [a late 17th-century broadside and the earliest description of bookbinding in England], Library , 5th ser., 17:66-76.[3789]
- MILLER, W. E., The Hospital of Incurable Fooles, SB , 16:204-207.(Possibly, but not certainly, translated by Edward Blount; probably not by Thomas Nashe.)[3790]
- MITCHELL, S. O., Johnson and [His Present of] Cocker's “Arithmetic,” PBSA , 56:107-109.[3791]
- MITCHELL, W. S., German Bindings in Aberdeen University Library: Iconographic Index, and Indices of Initials, Binders, and Dates, Library , 5th ser., 17:46-55.[3792]
- MORAN, JAMES, editor, Deposito Cornuti Typographici , Translated from the German [of Johann Rist] by William Blades, London, Maximilian Editions, 1962. 55 p.(A 17th-century morality play formerly performed at the initiation of apprentices as journeyman printers.)[3793]
- MORAN, JAMES, Stationers' Companies of the British Isles, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):533-40.[3794]
- MORISON, STANLEY, On Type Designs Past and Present. A Brief Introduction , revised ed., London, Benn, 1962. 80 p.[3795]
- MORTENSON, ROBERT, A Note on the Revision of Gulliver's Travels , Libr. Chron . [Univ. of Pennsylvania], 28:26-28.[3796]
- MUNBY, A. N. L., The Cult of the Autograph Letter in England , London, Univ. of London, The Athlone Press, 1962. viii, 117 p., 2 plates.[3797]
- MURRAY, P. B., The Authorship of The Revenger's Tragedy , PBSA , 56:195-218.(Argues for Thomas Middleton.)[3798]
- MURRAY, P. B., The Collaboration of Dekker and Webster in “Northward Ho” and “Westward Ho,” PBSA , 56:482-6.[3799]
- NEILL, D. G., A New Address for Christian Kalthoeber [London Bookbinder, late 18th-century], Library , 5th ser., 17:95.[3800]
- NETHERY, WALLACE, Charles Lamb in America, 1849-1866, Amer. Book Collector , 12:6:7-16.[3801]
- NETHERY, WALLACE, John Locke's Essay on “Humane Understanding,” Amer. Book Collector , 12:9:13-17.[3802]
- NIXON, H. M., Baumgarten's Will, IN Festschrift Ernst Kyriss (Stuttgart, Max Hettler Verlag, 1961), pp. 397-404.(John Ernst Baumgarten, German binder in London, who died March 21, 1782.)[3803]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding by John Brindley, 1743, Book Collector , 11:466.(English Bookbindings XLIII.)[3804]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding Supplied by John Bill to James I, c. 1621, Book Collector , 11:62.(English Bookbindings XL.)[3805]
- NIXON, H. M., Grolier's Binders, Book Collector , 11:79.(Supplments B2244.)[3806]
- NIXON, H. M., Grolier's Chrysostom , Book Collector , 11:64-70, 213-14.[3807]
- NIXON, H. M., A Little Gidding Binding, c. 1635-40, Book Collector , 11:330.(English Bookbindings XLII.)[3809]
- NIXON, H. M., Roger Bartlett's Bookbindings, Library , 5th ser., 17:56-65.[3810]
- NOWELL-S MITH, SIMON, Leigh Hunt's The Descent of Liberty , 1815, Library , 5th ser., 17:238-40.[3811]
- NOWELL-S MITH, SIMON, Gebir; A Poem . 1798 [by Walter Savage Landor], Library , 5th ser., 17:149-52.[3812]
- OSBORN, J. M., “That on Whiston” by John Gay, PBSA , 56:73-8.[3813]
- PACKER, L. M., Christian Rossetti's “Songs in a Cornfield”: A Misprint Uncorrected, N & Q , n.s. 9:97-100.[3814]
- PADEN, W. D., Twenty New Poems Attributed to Tennyson, Praed, and Landor, Victorian Studies , 4(1960-1961):194-218, 290-314.[3815]
- PAFFORD, J. H. P., “The Winter's Tale”: Typographical Peculiarities in the Folio Text, N & Q , n.s. 8(1961):172-8.[3816]
- PLAVŠIĆ, LAZAR, Das Drucken Kyrillischer Bücher in Urach (Tübingen) Während des Siebenten Jahrzehnts im 16. Jahrhundert, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):251-55.[3817]
- POLHEMUS, G. W., An Additional Variation in Arnold's “The Terrace at Berne,” N & Q , n.s. 9:299.[3818]
- POLLARD, M., The First Irish Edition of Maria Edgeworth's Parent's Assistant , The Irish Book , 1:85-8.[3819]
- PRICE, G. R., Setting by Formes in the First Edition of The Phoenix [by Thomas Middleton], PBSA , 56:414-27.[3820]
- PRIMROSE, J. B., The Pitsligo Press of George Hay Forbes, Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 4:53-89.[3821]
- PRITCHARD, ALLAN, George Wither's Quarrel with the Stationers: An Anonymous Reply to The Schollers Purgatory , SB , 16:27-42.[3822]
- PUOKKA, JAAKKO, Über Finnisches Buchbinden vom Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts bis zum anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):512-18.[3823]
- QUAINTANCE, R. E., Jr., Henry Mackenzie's Sole Comedy [False Shame, or The White Hypocrite, merely another title for The Force of Fashion], HLQ , 25:249-51.[3824]
- RANDALL, D. A., “Dukedom Large Enough”: I. Changing the Gutenberg Census. II. Hemingway, Churchill, and the Printed Word, PBSA , 56:157-74, 346-53.[3825]
- REGEMORTER, BERTHE van, Ethiopian Bookbindings, Library , 5th ser. 17:85-8.[3826]
- REINGOLD, NATHAN, A Russian Bookstore Catalogue of the Eighteenth Century, PBSA , 56:106-107.[3827]
- RHEIN, ADOLF, Die Frühen Verlagseinbände; Eine Technische Entwicklung 1735-1850, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):519-32.[3828]
- RITTERBUSH, P. C., Erasmus Darwin's Second Published Poem [To Mr. Gurney, On his Book of Short-Writing], R.E.S. , n.s. 13:158-60.[3829]
- ROBERTS, E. V., Henry Fielding's Lost Play, Deborah, or A Wife for You All (1733), BNYPL , 66:576-88.[3830]
- ROBERTS, E. V., Possible Additions to Airs 6 and 7 of Henry Fielding's Ballad Opera “The Lottery” (1732), N & Q , n.s. 9:455-6.[3831]
- ROGERS, DAVID, A Portrait of John-George of Brandenburg on Presentation Bindings: A Footnote to Haebler, Library , 5th ser., 17:88-92.[3832]
- ROSSI, M. M., Herbert of Cherbury's Religio Laici: A Bibliographical Note, Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. , 4:45-52.[3833]
- SALMON, VIVIAN, Early Seventeenth-Century Punctuation As a Guide to Sentence Structure, R.E.S. , n.s. 13:347-60.[3834]
- SANDERSON, J. L., Thomas Bastard's Disclaimer of an Oxford Libel, Library , 5th ser., 17:145-9.[3835]
- SCHNEIDER, E. W., Tom Moore and the Edinburgh Review of Christabel , PMLA , 77:71-6.[3836]
- SCHNEIDER, GEORG, Theory and History of Bibliography . Translated by Ralph Robert Shaw, New York, Scarecrow Press, 1962. xiv, 306 p.(Reprint of translation first published in 1934.)[3837]
- SCHOLES, ROBERT, Grant Richards to James Joyce, SB , 16:139-60.[3838]
- SCHUNKE, ILSE, Die Einbände der Palatina in der Vatikanischen Bibliothek , Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1962. 3 vols.(Studi e Testi, v. 216, 217, 218.)[3839]
- SHAWCROSS, J. T., Establishment of a Text of Milton's Poems through a Study of Lycidas , PBSA , 56:317-31.[3840]
- SHUGRUE, MICHAEL, Richard Savage in the Columns of “Applebee's Original Weekly Journal,” N & Q , n.s. 8 (1961):51-2.[3841]
- SIDNELL, M. J., Manuscript Versions of Yeats's The Countess Cathleen , PBSA , 56:79-103.[3842]
- SINCLAIR, K. V., A Boccaccio Manuscript in Australia, PBSA , 56:56-65.[3843]
- SLEPIAN, BARRY, When Swift First Employed George Faulkner, PBSA , 56:354-6.[3844]
- SMITH, J. H., The Composition of the Quarto of Much Ado About Nothing , SB , 16:9-26.[3845]
- SOLTESZ, ELISABETH, Buchschmuck-Klischees in Ungarn im XVI. Jahrhundert, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):416-24.[3846]
- SOMER, J. L., Ralph Crane and “an olde play called Winter's Tale,” The Emporia State Research Studies (Kansas State Teachers College), 10:4(June 1962):22-8.[3847]
- SOUTHAM, B. C., Interpolations to Jane Austen's “Volume the Third,” N & Q , n.s. 9:185-7.[3848]
- SOUTHAM, B. C., The Manuscript of Jane Austen's Volume the First, Library , 5th ser., 17:231-7.[3849]
- SOUTHAM, B. C., The Text of “Sandition,” N & Q , n.s. 8 (1961):23-4.[3850]
- STEELE, O. L., A Note on Half-Sheet Imposition in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Books, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):545-7.[3851]
- STEVENSON, ALLAN, see Part I, B3538.
- STILLINGER, JACK, The Text of “The Eve of St. Agnes,” SB , 16:207-12.[3852]
- STOLS, A. A. M., La introducción de la imprenta en Guatemala , Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, 1960. 38 p.[3853]
- STRATMAN, C. J., Cotes's Weekly Journal; or, The English Stage-Player, PBSA , 56:104-106.[3854]
- SUPER, R. H., The First Publication of “Thyrsis,” N & Q , n.s. 8 (1961):229.[3855]
- SUTHERLAND, R. C., A Critical View of the Recent Literature of British Heraldry, PBSA , 56:445-53.[3856]
- SZANTO, TIBOR, Die Janson-Antiqua und Miklós Kis von Misztótfalusi, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):50-56.[3857]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Whitman's Short Stories: Another Reprint, PBSA , 56:115.[3858]
- TARR, J. C., see Part I, B3541.
- THOMPSON, L. S., Bookbinding in the Americas, Inter-American Rev. of Bibl. , 12:253-68.[3859]
- THOMPSON, L. S., Printing in Colonial Spanish America , Hamden, Conn., Archon [Distributed by Shoe String Press, 1962]. 108 p.[3860]
- TIMKO, MICHAEL, H. G. Wells's Dramatic Criticism for the Pall Mall Gazette , Library , 5th ser., 17:138-45.[3861]
- TSIEN, TSUEN-HSUIN, Written on Bamboo and Silk: The Beginnings of Chinese Books and Inscriptions , Univ. of Chicago Press, 1962. xiv, 233 p.[3862]
- UCHASTKINA, Z. V., A History of Russian Hand Paper-Mills and Their Watermarks , edited and adapted for publication in English by J. S. G. Simmons, Hilversum, Paper Publications Society, 1962. 308, xxx p., 6 maps, 11 plates, [381] p. of reproductions of watermarks.(Monumenta Chartae Papyraceae Historiam Illustrantia. IX.)[3863]
- VAUGHAN, J. E., The Authorship of Dr. Williams's Library MSS. 61.1 (Baxter MSS.) [Life of Thomas Hall (1618-1665), probably by himself], N & Q , n.s. 9:380-81.[3864]
- VEYRIN-FORRER, JEANNE, Les Caracteres de Pierre-François Didot (1783-1796), Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):57-67.[3865]
- VOGEL, P. H., Die Druckermarken in den Emdener Niederländischen Bibeldrucken 1556-1568, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1962):456-8.[3866]
- WALKER, ALICE, Edward Capell and His Edition of Shakespeare, Proceedings of the British Academy , 46 (1961):131-45.[3867]
- WALKER, ALICE, Charles Burney's Theft of Books at Cambridge, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:313-26.[3868]
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- WEINER, A. B., editor, Hamlet: The First Quarto, 1603 , Great Neck, N. Y., Barron's 1962. x, 176 p.[3870]
- WEINER, A. B., Two “Hamlet” Emendations, N & Q , n.s. 9:143-5.[3871]
- WERKMEISTER, LUCYLE, An Early Version of Burns's Song, “Their Groves of Sweet Myrtle,” N & Q , n.s. 9:460.[3872]
- WERKMEISTER, LUCYLE, The First Publication of Chatterton's Verses “To Miss C. | On Hearing Her Play on the Harpsichord,” N & Q , n.s. 9:270-71.[3873]
- WERKMEISTER, LUCYLE, Two Early Versions of Cowper's “The Negro's Complaint,” N & Q , n.s. 9:26-7.[3874]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Housman in French & Music, PBSA , 56:257-9.[3875]
- WOODFIELD, DENIS, An Ordinary of British Armorial Bookbindings in the Clements Collection, Victoria and Albert Museum , London, Victoria and Albert Museum, 1958 [1960]. ii, 192 p.[3876]
- ZALL, P. M., A Variant Version of Cowper's “The Rose,” HLQ , 25:253-6.[3877]
- ZALL, P. M., Wordsworth Edits His Editor [Joseph Hine], BNYPL , 66:93-6.[3878]
- ZIMANSKY, C. A., Marlowe's Faustus: The Date Again, PQ , 41:181-7.[3879]








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