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- AITKEN, W. R., Neil Miller Gunn [with a First Check List of His Books,] Bibliotheck , 3:89-95.[3566]
- BARKER, N. J., Some Notes on the Bibliography of William Hayley: Part III. Note on Printers and Publishers, Trans. Cambridge Bibl., Soc. , 3:339-60.[3567]
- BARR, C. B. L., and POLLARD, M., The Historia Plantarum of John Ray, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:335-38.[3568]
- BLOOMINGDALE, JUDITH, Haiku: An Annotated Checklist, PBSA , 56:488-94.[3569]
- BOWDEN, ANN, The T. E. Lawrence Collection at the University of Texas, Texas Quart. , 5:54-63.[3570]
- CARNIE, R. H., Stationers and Bookbinders in the Records of the Hammermen of St. Andrews, Bibliotheck , 3:53-60.[3571]
- CARTER, HARRY, Orlando Jewitt, Wood Engraver , Oxford, 1962. xi, 50 p.[3572]
- CARTER, J. A., Jr., Supplement to Blackmore Bibliography [the serial publication of Kit and Kitty], N & Q , n.s. 9:305.[3573]
- CARY, RICHARD, James Stephens at Colby College [a checklist], Colby Libr. Quart. , 5:224-52.[3574]
- CAVE, RODERICK, RAE, THOMAS, and CHAMBERS, DAVID, Private Press Books 1961 , London, Private Libraries Assn., 1962. v, 42 p.[3575]
- CEVASCO, G. A., J. K. Huysmans in England and America: A Bibliographical Study , Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Virginia, [1962]. 30 p.(Repr. from typescript.)[3576]
- COLIN, GEORGES, Bibliographie des premières publications des romans de George Sand, Le Livre et l'Estampe , No. 25:5-23, No. 26:117-33, No. 27:237-55, No. 28:325-41, No. 29-30:12-35, No. 31:157-85.[3577]
- CONSTANTINO, RENATO, Early Philippine Imprints in the Lopez Memorial Museum , Manila, 1961. vii, 45 p.[3578]
- CUSHING, H. W., A Bio-bibliography of Andreas Vesalius , 2d ed., Hamden, Conn., Archon, [distributed by Shoe String Press], 1962. xxxviii, 264 p.(Reproduced from ed. of 1943.)[3579]
- DENSON, ALAN, Printed Writings by George W. Russell (Æ): A Bibliography , Evanston, Illinois, Northwestern Univ. Press, 1962. 255 p.[3580]
- DICKSON, S. A., Tobacco: A Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts and Engravings Acquired Since 1942 in the Arents Tobacco Collection at The New York Public Library from 1507 to the Present . . . Part VII (1651-1672) , New York Public Library, 1962. Pp. 301-84, and plates.(Continues B3055.)[3581]
- ENGLISH Private Presses 1757 to 1961 [An Exhibition Catalogue], London, The Times Bookshop, 1961. 64 p.[3582]
- FITZGERALD, E. N., The Works of Aleister Crowley, Published or Privately Printed. A Bibliographical List, IN Charles Richard Cammell, Aleister Crowley , New York, University Books, 1962, pp. 207-18.[3583]
- GIMBEL, RICHARD, An Exhibition of 150 Manuscripts, Illustrations, and First Editions of Charles Dickens to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of His Birth. Selected from His Collection and Described by Colonel Richard Gimbel, Yale Univ. Libr. Gazette , 37:45-93.[3584]
- GITTLEMAN, SOL, Edward Fitzgerald's “Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam” in Germany, N & Q , n.s. 9:95-6.[3585]
- GORDON, C. A., A Bibliography of Lucretius , London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1962. 319 p.[3586]
- GREEN, R. L., The Lewis Carroll Handbook, Being a New Version of A Handbook of the Literature of the Rev. C. L. Dodgson, by S. H. Williams and F. Madan, Revised, Augmented and Brought Up to 1960 , Oxford, 1962. xvi, 308 p., 15 plates.[3587]
- GREG, W. W., Licensers for the Press to 1640; a Biographical Index Based Mainly on Arber's Transcript of the Register of the Company of Stationers , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1962. 109 p.(Oxford Bibl. Soc. Pubns. n.s. 10.)[3588]
- GRIFFITH, R H., Alexander Pope: A Bibliography , London, Holland Press, 1962. 2 vols.(Photo-litho offset of original ed.)[3589]
- HALPERN, SHELDON, Sydney Smith in the Edinburgh Review , BNYPL , 66:589-602.[3590]
- HARVEY, D. D., Ford Madox Ford, 1873-1939: A Bibliography of Works and Criticism , Princeton Univ. Press, 1962. xxiii, 633 p.[3591]
- HENLEY, E. F., A Check List of Masters' Theses in the United States on William Wordsworth , Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Virginia, [1962]. ii, 41 p.(Reproduced from typescript.)[3592]
- HORST, I. B., A Bibliography of Menno Simons, c. 1496-1561, Dutch Reformer; with a Census of Known Copies , Nieuwkoop, B. de Graaf, 1962. 157 p.[3593]
- ISAAC, P. C. G., Checklist of Books & Periodicals Printed by William Bulmer . First Supplement, January, 1962. 4 p.(Offset; supplements B3069.)[3594]
- JEFFREYS, A. E., Michael Faraday, a List of His Lectures and Published Writings , London, Royal Institution, 1960. 19, 86 p.[3595]
- JUEL-JENSEN, BENT, Sir Philip Sidney, 1554-1586, Book Collector , 11:468-79.(Some Uncollected Authors, XXXIV)[3596]
- KAUFMAN, PAUL, The Leigh Browne Collection at the Keats Museum, Library , 5th ser., 17:246-50.[3597]
- KEYNES, GEOFFREY, A Bibliography of Siegfried Sassoon , London, Hart-Davis, 1962. 199 p.(Soho Bibls., 10. Added note in review by R. J. Roberts, Book Collector, 11:518-21.)[3598]
- KEYNES, GEOFFREY, Dr. Timothie Bright, 1550-1615: A Survey of His Life with a Bibliography of His Writings , London, The Wellcome Historical Medical Libr., 1962. viii, 47 p., 17 plates.(Pubns, n.s. 1.)[3599]
- KIRKUS, A. M., Robert Gibbings: A Bibliography , Edited by Patience Empson and John Harris, London, Dent, 1962 xiv, 170 p.[3600]
- LANDWEHR, JOHN, Dutch Emblem Books: A Bibliography , Utrecht, Haentjes, Dekker & Gumbert, 1962. xii, 100 p.(Bibliotheca Emblematica I.)[3601]
- LEFEVRE, J. M., John Home: A Check List of Editions, Bibliotheck , 3:121-38.[3602]
- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections: 1959-61 , Ann Arbor, J. W. Edwards, 1962. viii, 1061 p.[3603]
- LOHF, K. A., compiler, The Collection of Books, Manuscripts, and Autograph Letters in the Library of Jean and Donald Stralem , New York, Privately Printed, 1962. 55 p.[3604]
- The LONDON Stage, 1660-1800, a Calendar of Plays , Carbondale, Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1962. 4 vols. to date.(Editors: William van Lennep, E. L. Avery, A. H. Scouten, G. W. Stone, Jr., C. B. Hogan.)[3605]
- McCLELLAND, AIKEN, Provincial Printing: Tandragee [1843-1851], The Irish Book , 1:98-100.[3606]
- MARTIN, W., T. E. Hulme: A Bibliographical Note, N & Q , n.s. 9:307.[3607]
- MILNE, A. T., Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Jeremy Bentham in the Library of University College, London , 2d ed., London, Athlone Press, 1962. xii, 104 p.[3608]
- MORRIS, J. M., A Check-List of Prints Made at Cambridge by Peter Spendlowe Lamborn (1722-1774), Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:295-312.[3609]
- MORTIMER, J. E., The Library Catalogue of Anthony Higgin, Dean of Ripon (1608-1624) , Leeds Philosophical and Literary Soc., 1962. 75 p.(Proceedings, X, pt. 1.)[3610]
- NOWELL-SMITH, SIMON, Thomas Edward Brown, 1830-1897, Book Collector , 11:338-44.(Some Uncollected Authors XXXIII.)[3611]
- PARIS. BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE, Blaise Pascal, 1623-62 [An Exhibition Catalogue], Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, 1962. xx, 144 p., 14 plates.[3612]
- PARIS. BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712-78 [An Exhibition Catalogue], Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, 1962. xii, 126, 14 p., 16 plates.[3613]
- PERRY, J. W., Short Title List of Books Printed before 1701 , Durban, Univ. of Natal Libr., 1961. Not paged.[3614]
- PETERSON, ANNAMARIE, Israel Zangwell (1864-1926): A Selected Bibliography, Bull.of Bibl. , 23:136-40.[3615]
- RHODES, D. E., and SIMONI, ANNA, Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature [Halkett & Laing] Volume 9, Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd, 1962. viii, 479 p.[3616]
- SMITH, T. d'A., compiler, John Drinkwater, 1882-1937. Catalogue of an Exhibition , London, Times Bookshop, 1962. 52 p.[3617]
- STODDARD, R. E., Dashiell Hammett, 1894-1961 , Book Collector , 11:71-80(Some Uncollected Authors XXXI.) (Note by Desmond Flower, ibid., p. 217.)[3618]
- STRATMAN, C. J., A Bibliography of British Dramatic Periodicals, 1720-1960 , New York Public Libr., 1962. 58 p.[3619]
- TENER, R. H., More Articles by R. H. Hutton, BNYPL , 66:58-62.[3620]
- THORNTON, WELDON, Books and Manuscripts by James Joyce [at the University of Texas, and Desiderata], Libr. Chron. of the Univ. of Texas , 7:1:18-23.[3621]
- TOINET, PAUL, Répertoire Bibliographique et Iconographique de Paul et Virginie de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Bull. du Bibliophile , 1961:147-52.[3622]
- TOMPKINS, A. D. R., A Nursery Version of “John Gilpin,” N & Q , n.s. 9:460-61.[3623]
- TRUSS, T. J., Theodore Watts-Dunton: A Primary Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 23:114-17.[3624]
- WILLIAMS, F. B., Jr., Index of Dedications and Commendatory Verses in English Books before 1641 , London, Bibl. Soc., 1962. 256 p.[3625]
- WILMOT, B. C., A Checklist of Works by and about John Buchan, Queen's University, Ontario, Canada , Boston, G. K. Hall, 1961. 66 p.[3626]
- WILSON, E. M., Some Spanish Verse Chap-Books of the Seventeenth Century, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 3:327-34.[3627]
- YACHNIN, RISSA, and STAM, D. H., Turgenev in English: A Checklist of Works by and about Him. With an Introductory Essay by Marc Slonim , New York Public Library, 1962. 55 p.[3628]
- ZEKE, Z. G., and WHITE, WILLIAM, George Orwell: A Selected Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 23:110-14.[3629]



B. United States
- ADLER, BEATTY, and WILHELM, JANE, H. L. M. The Mencken Bibliography , Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press for the Enoch Pratt Free Library, 1962. 317 p.[3630]
- ARNDT, K. J. R., and OLSON, M. E., German-American Newspapers and Periodicals, 1732-1955: History and Bibliography , Heidelberg, Quelle & Meyer, 1961. 794 p.[3631]
- BARNES, WARNER, American First Editions at TxU, XIII. James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) [Variants of copies described in Blanck's BAL], Libr. Chron. Univ. of Texas , 7:2:15-18.[3632]
- BEAR, J. A., Jr., and BEAR, M. C., A Checklist of Virginian Almanacs, 1732-1850 , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Virginia, 1962. xliv, 206 p.(Reproduced from typescript.)[3633]
- BURKE, W. J., American Authors and Books, 1640 to the Present Day , revised ed. by W. J. Burke, and Will D. Howe, augmented and revised by Irving R. Weiss, New York, Crown, [1962]. 834 p.[3634]
- CARY, RICHARD, A Bibliography of the Published Writings of Mary Ellen Chase, Colby Libr. Quart. , 6:34-45.[3635]
- CHECKLIST of the Hamlin Garland Papers, American Literature Collection, University of Southern California Library, Univ. of Southern California Libr. Bull. , No. 9:27-159.[3636]
- CLARK, T. D., editor, Travels in the New South , Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1962. 2 vols.(Vol. I, 1865-1880, by F. M. Green; 1880-1900, by T. D. Clark; Vol. II, 1900-1955; English language, R. B. Vance, foreign languages, L. S. Thompson.)[3637]
- COHEN, HERMAN, A Check List of the Hammer Creek Press [of John Fass], Quart. News-Letter , Book Club of California, 28:82-8.[3638]
- COYLE, WILLIAM, ed., Ohio Authors and Their Books; Biographical Data and Selective Bibliographies for Ohio Authors, Native and Resident, 1796-1950 . Preliminary research by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wessen, Cleveland, World, [1962]. xii, 741 p.[3639]
- DE MOLEN, R. L., A Bibliography of United States History Textbooks, 1820-1825 , Ann Arbor, Mich, Ann Arbor Publishers, 1962. 18 p.[3640]
- ELLIS, M. M., Supplementary Bibliography of Kenneth Roberts, Colby Libr. Quart. , 6:99-105.[3641]
- GUERRA, FRANCISCO, American Medical Bibliography, 1639-1783 , Preface by Lawrence C. Wroth, New York, Lathrop C. Harper, 1962. 885 p.(Dept. of the History of Science and Medicine Yale Univ., Publn. No. 40.)[3642]
- HOWES, WRIGHT, U. S. — iana (1650-1950): A Selective Bibliography , rev. and enl. ed., New York, R. R. Bowker for The Newberry Library, 1962. 652 p.[3643]
- JOHANNSEN, ALBERT, The House of Beadle and Adams and Its Dime and Nickel Novels , Vol. III, Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press, [1962]. vii, 99 p.(Supplements 568 (1950).)[3644]
- KEMBLE, E. C., A History of California Newspapers, 1846-1858 . Foreword by Helen Harding Bretnor, Los Gatos, California, Talisman Press, [1962]. 398 p.[3645]
- MARTIN, DICK, The First Edition of the Wonderful Wizard [by L(yman) Frank Baum with “A Chronological Checklist of His Published Writings”], Amer. Book Collector , 13:4:26-31.[3646]
- OLMSTED, D. H., A Check List of Books Illustrated and/or Printed by Mallette Dean, Quart. News-Letter , Book Club of California, 28:34-41.[3647]
- PHILLIPS, R. S., Shirley Jackson: A Checklist, PBSA , 56:110-13.[3648]
- RENKEN, MAXINE, A Bibliography of Henry Miller, 1945-1961 , Denver, Alan Swallow, 1962. 13 p.[3649]
- RILEY, E. L., see B3916.
- SHAW, R. R., and SHOEMAKER, R. H., American Bibliography: A Preliminary Checklist , 1811, 1812, 1813, New York, The Scarecrow Press, 1962. 3 vols.[3650]
- SLATE, J. E., The Joseph Hergesheimer Collection [at the University of Texas, and Desiderata], Libr. Chron. of the Univ. of Texas , 7:1:24-31.[3651]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Additional Reviews of Sherwood Anderson's Work, PBSA , 56: 358-65.(Supplements B2446.)[3652]
- VAN TRUMP, J. D., Porter Garnett and the Laboratory Press. An Exhibition , Pittsburgh, Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1962. 22 p.[3653]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Nathanael West, 1903?-1940, Book Collector , 11:206-10, and 351.(Some Uncollected Authors XXXII.)[3654]

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