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B. United States

  • ADAMS, T. R., and WRIGHT, W. E., American Imprints before 1801 in the Libraries of Williams College not in “Evans,” Williamstown, 1957. 10 p.(Mimeographed)[753]
  • BLANCK, JACOB, Bibliography of American Literature , Vol. 2. George W. Cable to Timothy Dwight, Yale Univ. Press, 1957. xix, 534 p.[754]
  • BRENNI, V. J., Pearl Buck: A Selected Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl . 22:65-9, 94-6[755]
  • BRENNI, V. J., West Virginia Authors: A Bibliography , Morgantown, West Virginia Libr. Assn., 1957. 73 p.[756]
  • BREWER, F. J., James Branch Cabell: A Bibliography of His Writings, Biography and Criticism , Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1957. 206 p.[757]
  • BRUCCOLLI, M. J., James Branch Cabell: A Bibliography. Part II. Notes on the Cabell Collections at the University of Virginia , Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1957. 178 p.(For Part I see preceding entry)[758]
  • BURTON, R. E., City Directories in the United States , 1785-1820: A Bibliography with Historical Notes , 1956 (Thesis, Univ. of Michigan)[759]
  • CARPENTER, M. F., A Preliminary Checklist of Imprints of Delaware, 1836-1862, with a Historical Introduction , 1957 (Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America)[760]

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  • EDEL, LEON, and LAURENCE, D. H., A Bibliography of Henry James , London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1957. 411 p.[761]
  • FULD, J. J., A Pictorial Bibliography of the First Editions of Stephen C. Foster , Philadelphia, Musical Americana, 1957. 206 p.[762]
  • GROCE, G. C., and WALLACE, D. H., The New-York Historical Society's Dictionary of Artists in America, 1564-1860 , Yale Univ. Press, 1957. xxvii, 759 p.[763]
  • HARDING, WALTER, Thoreau's Library , Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia Press, 1957. 102 p.[764]
  • HARRIS, R. B., Bibliography of the Writings of Albert Pike , Washington, Supreme Council 33°, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free-Masonry, Southern Jurisdiction, 1957. 109 p.[765]
  • HARWELL, RICHARD, More Confederate Imprints . Vol. 1. Official Publications, Richmond, Virginia State Libr., 1957. 158 p.(Publications, No. 4)[766]
  • KASER, DAVID, Waverley in America, PBSA , 51:163-7(Publication by Carey & Lea)[767]
  • KUEHL, J. R., Walter Van Tilburg Clark: A Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 22 (1956):18-20[768]
  • LATHEM, E. C., A Bibliography of the First Editions of Books by Richard Hovey, Based on the Collection of Hovey's Works in the Dartmouth College Library, IN Richard Hovey: Man and Craftsman , Duke Univ. Press, 1957, pp. 229-50[769]
  • LEWIS, B. M., Preparing a Register of Editors, Printers, and Publishers of American Magazines, 1741-1810, BNYPL , 61:517-21[770]
  • LEWIS, B. M., A Register of Editors, Printers, and Publishers of American Magazines, 1741-1810 , New York Public Libr., 1957. 40 p.[771]
  • LOUGHRAN, C. D., A Check List of Delaware Imprints from 1816 through 1835, with a Historical Introduction , 1956 (Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America)[772]
  • McMILLAN, A. Y., A Check List of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Imprints, 1873-1876, with a Historical Introduction , 1957 (Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America)[773]
  • MAGEE, DOROTHY, and MAGEE, DAVID, Bibliography of the Grabhorn Press, 1940-1956. With a Check-List, 1916-1940 , San Francisco, The Grabhorn Press, 1957. xxix, 119 p.[774]
  • MERIWETHER, J. B., William Faulkner: A Check List, PULC , 18:136-58(Also published separately by the Princeton Univ. Libr. 23 p.)[775]
  • MILLER, E. H., and MILLER, R. S., Walt Whitman's Correspondence: A Checklist , New York Public Libr., 1957. 172 p.[776]
  • PACKER, K. H., Early American School Books: A Bibliography Based on the Boston Booksellers' Catalogue of 1804 , Univ. of Michigan Press, 1954. v, 47 p., 1 leaf, facsim. [7] p.[777]
  • PIZER, DONALD, Hamlin Garland: A Bibliography of Newspaper and Periodical Publications (1885-1895), Bull. of Bibl. , 22:41-4[778]
  • PORTER, B. H., H. L. Menccken: A Bibliography , 2d ed., San Francisco, Bern Porter Books, 1957. 20 p.[779]
  • POSEY, Sister LAURETTA, A Preliminary Check List of Imprints, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 1836-1840, with a Historical Introduction , 1957 (Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America)[780]
  • SCHOENBERG, W. P., Jesuit Mission Presses in the Pacific Northwest: A History and Bibliography of Imprints, 1876-1899 , Portland, The Champoeg Press, 1957. 76 p.[781]
  • STARKE, V. A., A Check List of Richmond, Virginia, Imprints, from 1853 through 1860 , 1957 (Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America)[782]
  • STEMPLE, R. M., Margaret Prescott Montague, 1878-1955: A Check List, Bull. of Bibl. , 22:62-4[783]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, John P. Marquand Since 1950, Bull. of Bibl. 21 (1956): 230-4(Supplements White's list in Bull. of Bibl., 19 (1949):268-71)[784]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, Nathanael West: A Bibliography, SB , 11:207-24[785]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, The Walt Whitman Fellowship: An Account of Its Organization and a Checklist of Its Papers, PBSA , 51:67-84(“Additions and Corrections,” ibid., 167-9)[786]

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  • WRIGHT, L. H., American Fiction, 1851-1875: A Contribution toward a Bibliography , San Marino, The Huntington Library, 1957. 413 p.[787]
  • ZIEMKE, EARL, A Check List of Nonofficial Imprints for the District of Columbia for the Year 1848, with a Historical Introduction , 1957 (Thesis, Catholic Univ. of America)[788]