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- ALDEN, J. E. La Legienda di Sancta Caterina [Florence, Dino, ca.1492?], [Univ. Penn.] Libr.Chron. , 16:87-89.[341]
- ALKER, H. Die älteste Druckermarke im Psalterium moguntinum von 1457 der österr. Nationalbibliothek, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):134-42.(Important since most authorities state erroneously that the 48line Bible, 1462 is the earliest book to bear a printer's mark).[342]
- ALONSO ALONSO, M. Homenaje a Avicena en su milenario: Las traduciones de Juan Gonzalez de Burgos y Saloman, Al-Andalus , 14 (1949):291-319.(Text critical study based on the Venice, Locatellus, 1508 edition Sufficientia physicorum and Madrid Bibl. nac.5.008).[343]
- ANTIQUARIAN BOOKMAN. Special Bible Supplement , Nov. 18, 1950.(Contains a biographical sketch of Gutenberg by S. M. Malkin, a census of Gutenberg Bibles by Edward Lazare, a chronology of the Bible, etc.)[344]
- AUDIN, M. Somme typographique , Paris, Audin, 1948-49. 2 vols.[345]
- BARGE, H. Der Finnische Buchdruck von seinen Anfängen bis in die Neuzeit, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):149-58.[346]
- BAUDRIER, H. Bibliographie lyonnaise . . . Tables. Par Georges Tricou , Geneva, E. Droz, 1950. v.l (of two).(Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, v.l-).[347]
- BENNETT, H. S. An Unrecorded Sarum Book of Hours of 1526. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:178-79.[348]
- BENNETT, H. S. Notes on English Retail Book-Prices, 1480-1560. Library , 5th ser., 5:172-78.[349]
- BOEREN, P. C. De Bibliotheek van de Brusselse Kanunnik Nicolaus Clopper sr. (1472), Het Boek , 30:175-225.[350]
- BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON. Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVth Century. Part VIII. France, French-Speaking Switzerland , London, 1949. lxxxvii, 441p.(Introduction by V. Scholderer).[351]
- BÜHLER, C. F. Aldus Manutius; the First Five Hundred Years, BSA , 44:205-15.[352]
- BÜHLER, C. F. The Edition of the Ditz moraulx des philosophes Printed at Paris by Michel le Noir [after April 27, 1506; GW.7:col.401], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):182-85.[353]
- BÜHLER, C. F. An Exhibition in Honor of the Book of Common Prayer, Held at the Pierpont Morgan Library, Hist. Mag. of the Protestant Episcopal Church , 19:48-52.[354]
- BÜHLER, C. F. A Fifteenth-Century List of Recommended Books [in Marco del Monte S. Maria, Libro dei comandamenti, 1494, H.11596], New Colophon , 3:49-53.[355]
- BÜHLER, C. F. Observations on Two Caxton Variants [Duff 96 and 267], SB , 3:97-104.[356]
- BUTTERWORTH, C. C. Bishop Tunstall and the English Hortulus [Antwerp, 1530], [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 16:37-45.[357]
- CAMPANA, A. Osservazioni sulle stampatore Nicolò Brenta de Varenna, Studi di bibliografia. . . in memoria di Luigi de Gregori , Rome, Palombi, 1949, pp. 57-64.[358]
- CHANCE, B. Early Printing of Medical Books, Bull. Hist. Medicine , 22:647-63.[359]
- CHAYTOR, H. J. From Script to Print. An Introduction to Medieval Literature , Cambridge, Heffer, 1950. 156p.(Reprint of 1945 edition).[360]
- CHEPMAN AND MYLLAR PRINTS. Nine Tracts [STC. 20120, 11984, 7542, 7349, 3307, 5099, 7348, 13166 & 7347] from the First Scottish Press , Edinburgh, Bibl. Soc., 1950. xxvii, 220p.[361]
- CODAZZI, A. Le edizioni quattrocentesche e cinquecentesche della “Geografia” di Tolomeo , Milan-Venice, La Goliardica, 1950. 92p.[362]
- COHNEN, I. Les libraires-imprimeurs français en Angleterre aux XVe et XVIe siècles, Courier graphique , 44:29-32.[363]
- COPINGER, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum. . . [Reprint edition], Milan, Görlich, 1950. 2 pts. in 3v.[364]
- CORDIE, C. L'edizione principe delle Maccheronee folenghiane [1517] e le sue due ristampe, Bibliofilia , 51 (1949):37-85.[365]
- CORNELY, B. Von Aldus Manutius bis Johann Adolph Engels. Ein entwicklungs-geschichtlicher Beitrag zum “Schönen und Färben” des Papiers, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):35-38.[366]
- CORTES, N. A. El traductor Ottavanti [Savonarola, El triumfo de la cruz, Valladolid, Francisco Fernández de Cordoba, 1548, etc.], Comparative Literature , 2:248-52.[367]
- CUESTA GUTTIEREZ, L. Las impresiones españolas de Erasmo en la epoca imperial [1525-1554], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):203-208.[368]
- DALBANNE, C. L'ars moriendi du Me I. D. [Lyons? 148-], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):51-56.[369]
- DANGON, C. A propos du quatrième centenaire de “La Défense et illustration de la langue française”—Le “Champ fleury” de Geofroy Tory. Courier graphique , no. 44:21-28.[370]
- DANGON, C. Rabelais et ses imprimeurs lyonnais. Courier graphique , no. 49:27-31.[371]
- DOLD, A. Zwei Fragmente des seltenen lateinischen Oktav Psalteriums Peter Schöffers in der Type B48, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):49-93.[372]
- DONATI, L. Un capitolo iconografico sui Trionfi del Petrarca, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):118-25.[373]
- DONATI, L. Esame critico della teoria di Wallau [in Festschrift zum 500 jährigen Geburtstage von Johann Gutenberg, Mainz, 1900, pp. 261-304] sulle iniziali di Schoeffer, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):143-52.[374]
- DONATI, L. Iniziali iconografiche, Rinascita grafica , 1 (1949):2-3.(Examples taken from 16th cent. imprints).[375]
- DONATI, L. Meditationes Johannis de Turrecremata (1467) . . ., Studi di bibliografia . . . in memoria di Luigi de Gregori , Rome, Palombi, 1949, pp. 99-128.[376]
- DONATI, L. Una nova bolla zilografica, Bibliofilia , 51 (1949):154-65.[377]
- DONATO, P. da S. GIOVANNI IN PERSICETO. Biblioteca dei Frati Minori Cappuccini della Provincia di Bologna (1535-1946) , Budrio, Montanari, 1949. xxxix, 497p.[378]
- DROZ, E. Une impression d'Etienne Dolet [L. Valla, Elegantiarum linguae latinae libri VI, 1541], Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 12:313-14.[379]
- DUVEEN, D. I. Conrad Gesner and his Thesaurus Evonymi Philiatri , Book Hand-book , 8-9:423-28.[380]
- ECKELMANN, H. Zur Entwicklung der Buchdruckerschrift. Der Einfluss des Kupferstichs auf die Formgestaltung . Frankfurt a.M., Polygraphischer Verlag, 1950. 57p.[381]
- EICHLER, F. Kleine Randbemerkungen zur Gutenbergischen Drucktechnik, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):97-99.[382]
- ELIE, H. Un lunevillois imprimeur à Rome au début du XVIme siècle: Etienne Guillery, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):128-37.(Second and final part of an article in Gutenberg Jahrbuch [1939]:185-96).[383]
- ELIE, H. Polycarpus Severitanus de Sebenico. Étude bio-bibliographique, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):190-92.[384]
- ESTER, K. d'. Die Kunst Gutenbergs im Hohlspiegel der Satire, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):410-19.[385]
- FAVA, D. Primi monumenti tipografici di Asti [1518-1521], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):160-66.[386]
- FREYS, E. Makulatur aus der Presse Günther Zainers, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):94-96.[387]
- FRISCH, E. v. Ein Buch aus der Bibliothek Ulrich Fuggers [G. Vida, De arte poetica, etc., Rome 1527, bound with Vida's Christias, 1535], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):376-80.[388]
- FUHRMANN, O. W. A Note on Gutenberg's Typemetal, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):111-17.[389]
- GALLEGO MORELL, A. Bibliografía de Garcilaso, Rev. bibliografica y doc. , 3 (1949):53-92.[390]
- GELDNER, F. Hat Heinrich Kefer aus Mainz die sechsunddreissigzeilige Bibel gedruckt?, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):100-110.[391]
- GELDNER, F. Zur Geschichte des Bamberger Buchdrucks im 15.Jahrhundert. Kleinere Drucke der Sensenschmidt-Petzensteiner-Pfeyl'schen Werkstätte nach den Bamberger Hofkammerzahlamtsrechnungen, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):100-104.[392]
- GIBSON, S. and D. M. ROGERS. The Earl of Leicester and Printing at Oxford, Bodleian Libr. Rec. , 2(1949):240-45.[393]
- GIESECKE, ALBERT. Das Schriftmetall Gutenbergs, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49): 53-65.[394]
- GOFF, F. R. and V. L. EATON. Early Printed Books Relating to America, 1493-1801, Libr. Congress Quart. Jour. , 8:no. 1:29-39.[395]
- GOFF, F. R. Fifteenth Century Books in the Library of Congress. A Check List , Washington, 1950. 82p.[396]
- GOFF, F. R. The Four Florentine Editions of Savonarola's Predica dellarte del bene morire , New Colophon , 3:286-301.[397]
- GOLDSCHMIDT, E. P. De Longueil's Letter on His Adventure in Switzerland, 1513 [printed in his De suis infortuniis epistola, Bourges, J. Garnier, 1533], Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 12:166-82.[398]
- GOLDSCHMIDT, E. P. The Printed Book of the Renaissance , Cambridge, University Press, 1950. viii, 92p.[399]
- GOLDSCHMIDT, LAZARUS. The Earliest Editions of the Hebrew Bible . . . With a Treatise on the Oldest Manuscripts . . . by Paul Kahle , New York, Aldus, 1950.[400]
- GOLLOB, H. Die Verbindung Wien-Strassburg über Hagenau in der Kunst der Frühdrucke, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):177-81.[401]
- GRAESSE, J. G. T. Trésor de livres rares et précieux . . . [Reprint edition], Milan, Görlich, 1950- v.1-3 (of 8).[402]
- GROTHE, W. Wiegendrucke in der Zeitwende. Versuch der geistes-und bildungs-geschichtlichen Einordnung von Inkunabeln einer Interim-Sammlung , Stuttgart-Klagenfurt, Kleinmayr, 1950. 147p.[403]
- GRUNDMAN, H. Über die Schriften des Alexander von Roes, Deutsches Arch. für Erforschung des Mittelalters , 8:154-237.(Includes printing history of early editions—Hain 9437, 7199— on p. 225 et seq.)[404]
- GUARNASCHELLI, T. M. Osservazioni sopra un articulo inserito nella Miscellanea in onore di Luigi de Gregori [see no. 454], Bibliofilia , 51 (1949):92-97.[405]
- Die GUTENBERG FORSCHUNG vor neuen Tatsachen, Druckspiegel , 4 (1949):49-52.[406]
- GUTENBERG-GESELLSCHAFT. Gesamtverzeichnis der Publikationen, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):441-44.[407]
- HARLECH, Lord. Incunabula at Brogyntyn, 1950 . Nat. Libr. of Wales Jour. , 6:329-37.[408]
- HEDBERG, A. Stockholms bokbindare, 1460-1880 . . . with an English summary , Stockholm, [Norstedt], 1949. v.1-(Nordiska Museets Handlingar. [v.]36-).[409]
- HILL, R. S. Music from the Collection of Baron Horace de Landau, Libr. Congress Quart. Jour. , 7: no. 4:11-21.[410]
- HIRSCH, R. The Invention of Printing and the Diffusion of Alchemical and Chemical Knowledge, Chymia , 3:115-41.[411]
- HORRENT, J. Fragmentos desconocidos de un romancero [Tercera parte de la silva de varios romances, Zaragoza, Esteban de Nájera, 1551], Rev. bibliografica y doc. , 3 (1949):283-90.[412]
- HUSUNG, M. J. Die Lederschnitt-Wappenbände des 15. Jahrhunderts und ihre Beziehungen zum Exlibris . . . sowie zur Graphik und Heraldik der Zeit, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):228-41.[413]
- JOHNSON, A. F. A Catalogue of Italian Writing-Books of the Sixteenth Century, Signature , new ser., 10:23-48.(Bibliography of Arrighi, Tagliente, Carpi, Celebrino, Palatino, Amphiareo, Ruano, Cresci, etc.)[414]
- JOHNSON, A. F. English Books Printed Abroad, Library , 5th ser., 4:273-76.(Primarily concerned with the Strassburg group, around the middle of the 16th century).[415]
- JUCHHOFF, R. Was bleibt von den holländischen Ansprüchen auf die Erfindung der Typographie, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):128-33.[416]
- JUNTKE, F. Marcus Brandis und die Agenda merseburgensis [ca.1480], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):97-99.[417]
- KAZMEIER, A. W. Ist Georg Richolff d.Ä. nicht doch Inkunabeldrucker?, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):105-111.[418]
- KAZMEIER, A. W. Die regionale Entwicklung der Wasserzeichenforschung im Umriss dargestellt, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):25-30.[419]
- KENYON, Lord. Mirk's Liber festivalis and Quattuor Sermones , Library , 5th ser., 5:59-60.[420]
- KISCH, G. Pseudo-Philo's Liber antiquitatum Biblicarum , South Bend, Indiana, Notre Dame, 1949. 277 p.(“The Editio Princeps,” p. 31-47; “Bibliography,” p. 98-106.)[421]
- KNAUS, H. Schöffers Handel mit Zell-Drucken, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):91-92.[422]
- KRONENBERG, M. E. Bibliografische Problemen en Perikelen, Bibliotheekleven , 35 (1949?):33-42.[423]
- KRONENBERG, M. E. Documenten Betreffende de Brugse Drukkers uit de XVIe Eeuw, Het Boek , 30:89-90.[424]
- KRONENBERG, M. E. Onbekende Utrechtse Uitgaven van Suster Bertken's Boekjes [1516], Het Boek , 30:271-94.[425]
- KRONENBERG, M. E. Over Typen van R. Pafraet en Jac. de Breda in de 15e Eeuw, Het Boek , 30:73-74.[426]
- KRONENBERG, M. E. Een Pater Noster in Blokdruk, Het Boek , 30:169-73.[427]
- KRUITWAGEN, B. Bestaat er Verband tussen de Pseudo-Costerianadrukkerij en het Utrechtse Universiteits-Plan van 1470, Het Boek , 30:257-70.[428]
- KRUITWAGEN, B. Kunnen de Costeriana te Utrecht en de Blokboeken te Zwolle Gedrukt Zijn, Het Boek , 30:146-67.[429]
- KYRISS, ERNST. Berichtigungen zu Haebler: Rollen- und Plattenstempel des 16. Jahrhunderts, Zentralbl. für Bibliotheksw. , 64:113-21.[430]
- KYRISS, ERNST. Bookbindings in the Libraries of Prague, SB. , 3:105-130.[431]
- KYRISS, ERNST. Der Erfurter Buchbinder Wilhelmus Winter, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):206-227.[432]
- KYRISS, ERNST. An Esslingen Binder of the Late Gothic Period, Speculum , 25:73-77.[433]
- KYRISS, ERNST. Notes on Nuremberg Panel Stamps before the Reformation, BSA. , 44:59-62.[434]
- KYRISS, ERNST. Schriftdruck in Einbänden des 15. Jh., Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):88-96.[435]
- LANGE, W. H. Buchhandel, Buchverlag, Buchvertrieb. Beiträge zur wirtschaftlichen und geistigen Situation des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Buch und Papier , Leipzig, Harrassowitz, 1949, p. 55-74.[436]
- LEEMANN-VAN ELCK, P. Aus den Anfängen des Buchdrucks in Zürich, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):186-89.[437]
- LEEMANN-VAN ELCK, P. Druck, Verlag, Buchhandel im Kanton Zürich von den Anfängen bis um 1850 . Zürich, Leemann, 1950. 184p.(Mitteil.antiq. Gesellsch.Zürich. Bd. 36, Heft 1).[438]
- LEHMANN-HAUPT, H. Peter Schoeffer . . . with a List of His Surviving Books and Broadsides , Rochester, N. Y., L. Hart, 1950. 146p.[439]
- LEPORACE, T. G. La prima edizione de Pillularium de Pantaleone Confienza de Vercelli (Pavia, 1484), Bibliofilia , 51 (1949):145-53.[440]
- [LUTHER, MARTIN]. New Zeitung vom Rein [Wittenberg, H. Lufft, 1542; facsimile published in honor of Walter Menn at the occasion of his 60th birthday, with explanatory text by Joseph Benzing], [Wiesbaden, Steiner, 1950]. 27p.[441]
- MACKINNEY, L. C. The Third Printing of Galen's Opera omnia, 1511 or 1513? Isis , 41:199-201.[442]
- MALCLES, L. N. Sources bibliographiques , Geneva, Droz, 1950- v-1-(The first volume contains a section “Le livre aux XVe et XVIe siècles”).[443]
- MASSON, D. I. Hand List of Incunabula in the University Library, Liverpool , Liverpool, Privately Printed, 1949. 46p.[444]
- MAURO, A. Le prime edizioni dell' Arcadia del Sannazaro, Giorn.ital.filologia [Naples], 2 (1949):341-51.[445]
- MEAD, H. R. [Fifteen] Unique Spanish Incunabula [in the Henry E. Huntington Library], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):153-59.[446]
- MELDAU, R. Bildungsgesetze von Druckerund Verlegerzeichen des 15. Jahrhunderts, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):112-17.[447]
- MENDIA TORRES, F. Libros españoles de sastreria de los siglos XVI a XVIII, Rev. bibliografica y doc. , 3 (1949):93-140.[448]
- MITCHELL, W. S. Blairs College Bindings, Aberdeen Univ. Rev. , 33 (1949):23-29.(Includes description of some few early 16th cent. bindings).[449]
- MOEGREEN, C. Bogens historie, En bog om bogen , Copenhagen, Andersen, 1950, pp. 11-46.(“Handskrifterne,” “Inkunablerne,” “Renæssancens antikvaskrifter,” “Bogtrykket i tiden 1500 til ca. 1780,” p. 11-31; “Det danske bogtryk gennem tiderne,” p. 37-43.)[450]
- MONDOLFO, A. La biblioteca Landau Finaly, Studi di bibliografia . . . in memoria di Luigi de Gregori , Rome, Palombi, 1949, pp. 265-85.(“Incunaboli,” p. 277-80; “Edizioni dei secoli 16°-19°,” p. 280-85).[451]
- MONTIEL, I. Incunables, impresos del siglo XVI y manuscritos en la Biblioteca publica provincial de Guadalajara, Rev. bibliografica y doc. , 3 (1949):141-61.[452]
- MORI, G. Nochmals der Typen-Neudruck des Canon missae . . ., Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):80-90.[453]
- MORICCA-CAPUTO, A. Appunti su alcuni incunaboli casanatensi, Studi di bibliografia . . . in memoria di Luigi de Gregori , Rome, Palombi, 1949, pp. 304-316.(Critical additions to GW. and the Indice generale degli incunaboli).[454]
- MUSPER, H. T. Die Ars moriendi und der Meister E. S., Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):57-61.[455]
- NESBITT, A. Lettering; the History and Technique of Lettering as Design , New York, Prentice-Hall, 1950. 300 p.(Chapter V, Gothic Letters and Types; VI, Humanistic Writing and Its Influence on Type, etc.)[456]
- NISSEN, C. Die naturwissenschaftliche Abbildung, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):249-66.(With extensive list of secondary sources).[457]
- OATES, J. C. T. The Trewe Encountre: A Pamphlet of Flodden Field. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:126-29.[458]
- OLDHAM, J. B. An Unrecorded Cambridge Panel. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:179-80.(Used on binding about 1524.)[459]
- PARENTI, M. Seconda giunta al Lexicon typographicum Italiae , Florence, Sansoni, 1949. 36p.[460]
- PATTISON, M. The Estiennes; a Biographical Essay , San Francisco, Book Club of California, 1949. [12] p., 3 orig. leaves, 42 p.[461]
- PETERSEN, C. S. Afhandlinger til dansk bog- og bibliotekshistorie , Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1950. 331 p.(“Christian IV.s boggave 1605 til Köbenhavns universitet,” p. 1-81, lists individual titles in the collection, in several cases with prices paid by King Christian IV).[462]
- PIERPONT MORGAN LIBRARY, N. Y. The Pierpont Morgan Library. Review of the Activities and Major Acquisitions of the Library, 1941-1948 . . . New York, 1949 [i.e. 1950]. 108 p.[463]
- PLANCKE, R. L. Middeeuwse inventarissen van Belgische Kloosterbibliotheken, Gulden Passer , 26 (1949):237-52.[464]
- PRESSER, H. and D. MEINECKE. Tausend Jahre Buchillustration , Mainz, Gutenberg-Museum, 1950. 48 p.(Kleiner Druck der Gutenberg-Gesellsch. Nr. 44).[465]
- PRITZEL, G. A. Thesaurus literaturae botanicae . . . inde a rerum botanicarum initiis ad nostra usque tempora . . . [Reprint], Milan, Görlich, 1950. lv.(Originally published in 1851, this remains the outstanding list for historians of botany).[466]
- RATCLIFF, E. C. The Booke of Common Prayer of the Churche of England: Its Making and Revisions , London, Soc. for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1949. 24 p., 80 illustrations.[467]
- REEDIJK, C. Erasmus' Verzen op het Overlijden van Hendrik van Bergen [1502-1503], Het Boek , 30: 297-305.[468]
- RIDOLFI, R. Incunabuli contrastampati. Nuovi sussidi per l'attribuzione e la datazione dei paleotipi, Bibliofilia , 51 (1949):131-44.[469]
- RIDOLFI, R. Proposta di ricerche sulle stampe e sugli stampatori de Quattrocento, Bibliofilia , 51 (1949):1-8.[470]
- RIDOLFI, R. Stampe populari per il ritorno de Medici in Firenze l'anno 1512, Bibliofilia , 51 (1949):28-36.[471]
- RIDOLFI, R. Il Trattado devotissimo de nomine Iesu (Reichling 1093), Bibliofilia , 51 (1949):203-209.[472]
- ROBERTSON, E. Aldus Manutius, the Scholar-Printer, 1450-1515, Bull. John Rylands Libr. , 33:57-73.[473]
- ROMA. BIBLIOTECA ANGELICA. Mostra del libro romano del cinquecento. Catalogo a cura di Francesco Barberi e con introduzione di Lamberto Donati , Rome, 1950. 49 p., 24 plates.[474]
- ROMANO, A. Nota sull' editio princeps delle Laudi di Jacopone [Florence, 1490], Aevum , 23 (1949):164-69.[475]
- ROSENKILDE, V. Christian II's Danske Testamente, Wittenberg, 1524 [fictitious imprint: Leipzig, 1524], Nordisk tidskr.bokoch biblioteksv. , 36 (1949):120-42.(With summary in English).[476]
- RUPPEL, A. Druckte Gutenberg auch in Basel?, Druckspiegel , 4 (1949):5-7.[477]
- RUPPEL, A. 50 Jahre Mainzer Gutenberg-Museum, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):430-37.[478]
- SAISSET, F. Le Songe de Poliphile. Portique , no. 7:65-76.[479]
- SANTOVITO-VICHI, N. La collezion romana della Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma, Studi di bibliografia . . . in memoria di Luigi de Gregori , Rome, Palombi, 1949, pp.353-77.(“Mirabilia e guide,” p. 358-71).[480]
- SAULNIER, V. L. Problèmes d'attribution concernant Maurice Scève et ses soeurs, Bull. du Biblioph . (1950):57-77.[481]
- SAULNIER, V. L. Recherches sur diverses poésies de Bonaventure des Périers, Bull. du Biblioph. , (1950):225-51.(With reference to editions, but without bibliographical descriptions).[482]
- SCACCIA-SCARAFONI, C. La grammatica di Sulpicio Verolano in un incunabulo ignoto ai bibliografi, Studi di bibliografia . . . in memoria di Luigi di Gregori , Rome, Palombi, 1949, pp. 378-84.(Hitherto undescribed edition of the De octo partibus orationis, Venice, De Pensis, Sept. 18, 1500).[483]
- SCHOLDERER, V. Another Vain Effort of Albrecht von Bonstetten to Get His Work into Print (1500), Het Boek , 30:295-96.[484]
- SCHOLDERER, V. Notes on the Incunabula of Esslingen, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950) 167-71.(Deals with Conrad Fyner, Johannes Hug, and the likelihood that four imprints, usually assigned to Fyner, were printed by an unidentified printer in Strassburg).[485]
- SCHONATH, W. Neue fränkische Funde [Ratsbibliothek Windesheim] von Fragmenten der 36zeiligen Bibel und das Mainzer Psalterium von 1459, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):118-20.[486]
- SCHOTTENLOHER, K. Buchdrucker und Buchführer im Kampf der Schwärmer und Wiedertäufer, 1524-1568, Buch und Papier , Leipzig, Harrassowitz, 1949, p. 90-113.[487]
- SCHOTTENLOHER, K. Der Frühdruck im Dienste der öffentlichen Verwaltung, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):138-48.[488]
- SCHOTTENLOHER, K. Der Poet Thileman Conradi [Thiloninus Philymnus] und Johann Werlich [Johann von Erfurt], der Drucker des Wormser Edikts gegen Luther [1521], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):193-95.[489]
- SCHULLIAN, D. M. and F. E. SOMNER. A Catalogue of Incunabula and Manuscripts in the Army Medical Library , N. Y., Schumann, [1949]. 361 p.[490]
- SCHUNKE, I. Begegnungen mit Grolier [bindings in Lüneburg und Trier], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):381-88.[491]
- SELECTIVE CHECK LIST of Bibliographical Scholarship for 1949 , SB. , 3:292-302.(Pp. 293-95 cover Incunabula and early Renaissance printing).[492]
- SERVOLINI, L. Eustachio Celebrino da Udine, intagliato, calligrafo, poligrafo ed editore del sec. XVI, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):179-89.(Includes list of books illustrated or published by Celebrino).[493]
- SERVOLINI, L. Ugo da Carpi, illustratore del libro, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):196-202.[494]
- SHAFFER, E. The Nuremberg Chronicle [of Hartmann Schedel, 1493], Los Angeles, Plantin Press, 1950. 61p.[495]
- SHEPPARD, L. A. The Vitae Lidwinae Printed at Schiedam, 1498 [GW. 5579], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):172-76.(With list of books printed in Schiedam, 1498-1505).[496]
- TOBOLKA, ZDENEK. Kniha: její uznik, vynoj a rozbor , Prague, Orbis, 1949. 243p.(The book, origin, development and analysis; deals with the manuscript as well as with the printed book, incl. chapters on authorship, maps, music, printing, etc.)[497]
- TRONNIER, A. Zwei kleine Beiträge [1 Eine astronomische Gutenberg-Ehrung. 2. Eine Inkunabeldatierung durch Abklatsche — Hain 5683,5684 — 1481], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):121-27.[498]
- TRONNIER, A. Ueber Anschlussbuchstaben, Setzer und Drucker im Fust-Schöfferschen Canon missae . . . [1458], Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):66-79.[499]
- TURNER, P. A. Antonio de Guevara, Libro auro de Marco Aurelio , Valencia, 1528, Nueva rev. filol. hisp., 4:276-81.(Lists printed translations of Juan de Molina).[500]
- TYLER, A. E. Robert Estienne and His Privileges, 1526-1550, Library , 5th ser., 4:225-37.[501]
- VINDEL, F. El arte tipografico en España durante el siglo XV: Valladolid, Toledo, Huerte y Pamplona , Madrid, Dir. gen. rel. cult., 1950. xxxi, 260 p.(With 274 illus.)[502]
- WICHERSHEIMER, E. Les Tacuni sanitatis [Strassburg, Schott, 1531] et leur traduction allemande par Michel Herr [Strassburg, Schott, 1533], Bibl. d'Humanisme et Renaissance , 12:85-97.[503]
- WIKGREN, A. The Use of Marginal Notes in the English Bible, Crozer Quart. , 27:143-53.[504]
- WILKINS, E. W. A General Survey of Renaissance Petrarchism, Comparative Literature , 2:327-42.[505]

1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumeration
A. English and General
- ANTIQUARIAN BOOKMAN. Special Bible Supplement . See Part I, no. 344.
- ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL, Buenos Aires. Catalogo de la Mapoteca. 2.a Parte - Mapas Argentinos. Tomo I - Históricos. Tierras Australes , Buenos Aires, 1949 [i.e. 1950]. 510 p.[506]
- BABSON INSTITUTE. Descriptive Catalogue of the Grace K. Babson Collection of the Works of Sir Isaac Newton and of the Material Relating to Him , N. Y., Reichner, 1950. 228 p.[507]
- BATDORF, F. P. An Unrecorded Early Anthology of Crabbe. SB , 3:266-67.(Tales and Miscellaneous Poems, London, Bohn, 1847.)[508]
- BISHOP, W. W. Checklist of American Copies of “Short-Title Catalogue” Books , [2d ed.], Univ. of Michigan Press, 1950. 203 p.[509]
- BOWERS, F. and R. B. DAVIS. George Sandys: A Bibliographical Catalogue of Printed Editions in England to 1700. NYPB , 54:159-81, 223-44, 280-86; and separately printed, N. Y. Public Libr., 1950, 53 p.[510]
- BREDSDORFF, E. Danish Literature in English Translation; with a Special Hans Christian Andersen Supplement , Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1950. 198 p.[511]
- CORDASCO, F. A Bibliography of Robert Watt, M. D. . . . with a Facsimile Edition of his Catalogue of Medical Books , N. Y., Kelleher, 1950. 27 p., facsimile 68 p.[512]
- CORDASCO, F. Bibliography of Thomas Frognall Dibdin , Brooklyn, Long Island Univ. Press, 1950. 12 p.[513]
- CORDASCO, F. A Junius Bibliography , N. Y., B. Franklin, 1949. 125 p.[514]
- DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. LIBRARY. Marine Atlases in the Dartmouth College Library , Hanover, 1950. 29 p.[515]
- EVANS, J. R. The Popish Plot. Natl. Libr. of Wales Jour. , 6:43-50.(Includes check list of pamphlets, 1678-1686, in the Library).[516]
- FLOWER, M. Thomas Stanley (1625-1678); a Bibliography of His Writings in Prose and Verse (1647-1743). Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:139-72.[517]
- FRANTZ, A. I. Half a Hundred Thralls to Faust . . . British and American Translators . . . 1823-1949 , Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1949. 335 p.(Bibliography of translations, p. 275-98.)[518]
- FUSSELL, G. E. More Old English Farming Books: From Tull to the Board of Agriculture, 1731-1793 , London, Crosby Lockwood & Son, 1950. 186 p.[519]
- GIBSON, R. W. Francis Bacon . . . Works and . . . Baconiana to the Year 1750 , Oxford, Scrivener Press, 1950. 369 p., facsimiles.[520]
- HARASZTI, Z. The First Book of Common Prayer. Boston Public Libr. Quart. , 1 (1949):93-112.(The first of a series of four articles.)[521]
- HARASZTI, Z. The Revision of the Prayer Book [1549-1559]. Boston Public Libr. Quart. , 2:21-48.(The second of a series of four articles; continued in “Dissenters and Recusants,” 2:119-155, and “The Occasion for Plymouth Plantation,” 2:-197-230.)[522]
- HARASZTI, Z. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville. Boston Public Libr. Quart. , 2:306-16.[523]
- HARDING, G. L. and B. KROEPELIEN. Tahitian Imprints of the London Missionary Society, 1810-1834 , Oslo, la Coquille Qui Chante, 1950. 95 p.(Preliminary ed.)[524]
- HOFF, B. v't. Plattegronden van de Stad Rotterdam in de 16de en 17de EEUW. Het Boek , 30:43-64.[525]
- HOLADAY, A. “The Texts,” in his edition of Thomas Heywood's The Rape of Lucrece , Univ. of Illinois Press, 1950, p. 1-5.[526]
- HOWE, E. Bibliotheca Typographia. Signature , new ser., 10:49-64.[527]
- JOHNSON, A. F. See Part I, no. 414, 415.
- JONAS, K. W. Bibliography of the Writings of W. Somerset Maugham , South Hadley, Mass., Priv. printed, 1950. 97 p.[528]
- JONAS, K. W. More Maughamiana. BSA , 44:378-83.[529]
- KERR, E. M. Bibliography of the Sequence Novel , Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1950. 126 p.(Processed.)[530]
- KERSHAW, A. Bibliography of the Works of Richard Aldington from 1915 to 1948 , London, Quadrant Press, 1950. 57 p.[531]
- LEARY, L. The Published Writings of Nathaniel Tucker, 1750-1807. Bull. of Bibl . 20:5-6.[532]
- LETTS, M. H. I. “Bibliography. II. Printed Editions, Mainly before 1600,” in his Sir John Mandeville, the Man and His Book , London, Batchworth Press, 1949, p. 177-81.[533]
- LOEWENSTEIN, F. E. The Rehearsal Copies of Bernard Shaws's Plays , London, Reinhardt & Evans, 1950. 36 p.[534]
- MADAN, F. F. A New Bibliography of the Eikon Basilike of King Charles the First , London, Quaritch, 1950. 199 p.(Oxford Bibl. Soc., Publications, new ser., III.)[535]
- MALCLES, L. N. See Part I, no. 443.
- MATTHEWS, W. British Diaries . . . 1442-1942 , Univ. of California Press, 1950. 373 p.[536]
- MATTHEWS, W. Canadian Diaries and Autobiographies , Univ. of California Press, 1950. 130 p.[537]
- MORRISON, P. G. Index of Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave, A Short-Title Catalogue , Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Virginia, 1950. 82 p.(Processed.)[538]
- OWEN, B. Welsh American Newspapers and Periodicals. Natl. Libr. of Wales Jour. , 6:373-84.(Suppl. to list published in Summer Number of Journal, 1942.)[539]
- PETTIT, H. Further Additions to the Check-List of Young's “Night-Thoughts” in America. BSA , 44:192-95.[540]
- PIANTANIDA, S., and others. Autori italiana del '600. Catalogo bibliografico , Milano, Libreria Vinciana, 1948- , Vol. 1-[541]
- PRICE, C. Eighteenth Century Playbills of the English Theatre in Wales. Natl. Libr. of Wales Jour. , 6:260-72.[542]
- RUNNQUIST, A. Maughamiana. TLS , March 10, 1950, p. 153.(Translations into Swedish.)[543]
- RUSSELL, K. F. A Bibliography of Anatomical Books published in English before 1800. Bull. Hist. Medicine , 23 (1949):268-306.[544]
- SHINE, H. and H. C. The Quarterly Review under Gifford: Identification of Contributors, 1809-1824 , Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1949. xxiv, 108 p.[545]
- SOUTHERN, A. C. Elizabethan Recusant Prose, 1559-1582 . . . with an Annotated Bibliography , London, Sands. 1950. 553 p.[546]
- STARR, W. T. Critical Bibliography of the Published Writings of Romain Rolland , Northwestern Univ. Press, 1950. 138 p.[547]
- STERNFELD, F. W. Goethe and Music: A List of Parodies. NYPB , 54:107-22, 182-97, 287-300, 528-37.(To be continued.)[548]
- STEWART, P. Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection at the University of Texas. British Newspapers and Periodicals, 1632-1800 , Univ. of Texas, 1950. 172 p.[549]
- STOTT, R. T. Maughamiana: The Writings of W. Somerset Maugham , London, Heinemann, 1950. 73 p.(Also: Garden City, Doubleday & Co., 1950.)[550]
- TAPLIN, G. B. Mrs. Browning's Contributions to Periodicals: Addenda. BSA , 44:275-76.(Adds a dozen items to Wise's Bibliography.)[551]
- WEINBERG, B. Translations and Commentaries of Longinus, On the Sublime, to 1600. Modern Philology , 47:145-51.[552]
- WELSH, D. V. Checklist of French Political Pamphlets, 1560-1644, in the Newberry Library , Chicago, 1950. 204 p.[553]
- WILSON, C. A. See no. 585.

B. United States
- ADAMS, T. R. Commencement Dialogues and Odes of the College of Philadelphia. [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 17:30-37.[554]
- ADAMS, T. R. Trial Check List of the Writings of William Smith, First Provost of the University of Pennsylvania , Univ. of Penn. Libr., 1950. [25] p.(Mimeographed.)[555]
- ALDEN, J. E. Rhode Island Imprints, 1727-1800 , N. Y., Bowker for the Bibl. Soc. of Amer., 1949 [i.e. 1950]. 665 p.[556]
- BELKNAP, G. N. McMurtrie's Oregon Imprints: A Supplement , Portland, Binfords & Mort, 1951. 36 p. Reprinted from the Oregon Hist. Quart., 51:239-72.[557]
- BELL, J. F. Jesuit Relations and Other Americana in the Library of James F. Bell , Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1950. 419 p.[558]
- BLUMANN, E. and M. W. THOMAS, California Local History , Stanford Univ. Press, 1950. 576 p.(Lithoprinted from typewritten copy.)[559]
- DAWSON, M. History and Bibliography of Southern California Newspapers, 1851-1876 , Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1950. 86 p.(Reprinted, revised, from Hist. Soc. of Southern California Quart., 32:5-44, 139-74.)[560]
- EBERSTADT, L. Early Oregon Imprints at Yale [1846-1850], Yale Univ. Press, 1950. 8 p., 4 p. facsimile of first imprint.[561]
- FISHWICK, M. W. Bibliography of the American Hero , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1950. 16 p.(Mimeographed.)[562]
- HAMILTON, S. Early American Book Illustrators and Wood Engravers, 1670-1870; a Catalogue of a Collection of American Books . . . Presented to Princeton University , New York, 1950. 591 p.(Mimeographed.)[563]
- HARDING, W. Additions to the Thoreau Bibliography. Thoreau Soc. Bull . See issues.[564]
- HARLOW, N. Maps of San Francisco Bay from the Spanish Discovery in 1769 to the American Occupation , San Francisco, Book Club of California, 1950. 140 p., facsimiles.[565]
- HARWELL, R. B. Confederate Music , Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1950. 184 p.[566]
- IRISH, W. R. Modern American Muse: A Complete Bibliography of American Verse, 1900-1925 , Syracuse Univ. Press, 1950. 259 p.[567]
- JOHANNSEN, A. The House of Beadle and Adams, and Its Dime and Nickel Novels , Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1950. 2 vols.[568]
- LEARY, L. See no. 532.
- LUTRELL, E. Newspapers and Periodicals of Arizona, 1859-1911 , Univ. of Arizona, 1950. 123 p.[569]
- McGIRR, N. F. Mr. Roosevelt's Roosevelt Collection. New Colophon , 3:264-70.[570]
- McMURTRIE, D. C. Oregon Imprints, 1847-1870 , Univ. of Oregon Press, 1950. 206 p.(For a supplement see Belknap, G. N. no. 557.)[571]
- MALONE, R. M. Wyomingana: Two Bibliographies , Univ. of Denver Press, 1950. 66 p.[572]
- MINICK, A. R. History of Printing in Maryland, 1791-1800, with a Bibliography of Works Printed in the State during the Period , Baltimore, Enoch Pratt Free Libr., 1949. 603 p.(Mimeographed.)[573]
- POTTER, J. Bibliography of John Dos Passos , Chicago, Normandie House, 1950. 96 p.(Review, with additions, by W. White, BSA, 44:201-204.)[574]
- QUERNEL, L. Bibliography of the Work of Karl Jay Shapiro, 1935-1949 , Baltimore, Enoch Pratt Free Libr., 1950. 13 p.(Mimeographed.)[575]
- REICHMANN, F. German Printing in Maryland: A Check List, 1786-1950. Soc. for the History of the Germans in Maryland, 27th Report (1950):9-70.[576]
- ROBBINS, J. A. Some Unrecorded Poems of James Kirke Paulding: An Annotated Check-List. SB , 3:229-40.[577]
- RUDOLPH, E. L. Confederate Broadside Verse , New Braunfels, Texas, The Book Farm, 1950. 118 p.[578]
- SKEEL, Mrs. R., Jr. Mason Locke Weems: A Postscript. New Colophon , 3:243-49.(Addenda to Paul L. Ford's bibliography of Weems.)[579]
- UNITED STATES. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. DIVISION OF MAPS. United States Atlases . . . National, State, County, City and Regional . . . in the Library , Washington, 1950. 445 p.[580]
- VERNER, C. A Further Checklist of the Separate Editions of Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1950. 26 p.(Mimeographed. “Further” in acknowledgement of debt to unpublished notes and memoranda of Mr. Harry Clemons. For additions see the Secretary's News Sheet of the Society, No. 14, July 1950, and No. 15, November 1950.)[581]
- WEBER, C. C. and C. J. Bibliography of the Published Writings of Sarah Orne Jewett , Colby College Press, 1949. 105 p.[582]
- WEMYSS, S. General Guide to Rare Americana, Philadelphia , Priv. pr., 1950. 323 p.(Enlarged ed. in 1 vol.)[583]
- WHITE, W. John P. Marquand: A Preliminary Checklist. Bull. of Bibl. , 29 (1949):268-71.[584]
- WILSON, C. A. Thirteen Author Collections of the Nineteenth Century and Five Centuries of Familiar Quotations , N. Y., Priv. Pr. for Charles Scribner's Sons, 1950. 2 vols.(Louisa May Alcott, Emerson, Hardy, Hawthorne, Irving, Longfellow, Lowell, Melville, Poe, Thoreau, Familiar Quotations; O. W. Holmes, Anthony Trollope, Whittier.)[585]

2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliographical, and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- AKRIGG, G. P. V. The Name of God and “The Duchess of Malfi.” N & Q , 195:231-33.(Omissions in text of 1623 suggest censorship.)[586]
- ALDEN, J. and T. R. ADAMS. Gigantomachia. [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 16:93-94.(Reports hitherto undifferentiated edition of Wing G698.)[587]
- ALDEN, J. and T. R. ADAMS. Unrecorded Poem of Thomas D'Urfey. [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 16:93.(An Ode on the Anniversary of the Queen's Birth, London, MDCXC.)[588]
- ALDRIDGE, A. O. Two Versions of Shaftesbury's Inquiry Concerning Virtue. HLQ , 13:207-14.[589]
- ALEXANDER, D. P. A “Lost” Dumas Romance. New Colophon , 3:160-64.(Le Comte de Moret.)[590]
- ALSPACH, R. K. Yeats' “Maid Quiet.” MLN , 65:252-53.[591]
- ALTICK, R. D. Robert Browning Rides the Chicago and Alton. New Colophon , 3:78-81.(Poetical works reprinted in the railroad's timetables, 1872-74.)[592]
- ANKER, J. Otto Friedrich Müller's Zoologia Danica , Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1950.[593]
- ARBER, A. Children in Early Printing Shops. TLS , March 10, 1950, p. 153.[594]
- AUDIN, M. See Part I, no. 345.
- AUSTEN-LEIGH, R. A. Pote's Day-Book. Etoniana , no. 109:129-32.(Describes daybook of Eton printer, bookseller and binder Joseph Pote, 15 June 1771 — 8 Nov. 1774.)[595]
- AUTY, R. A. “Byzantium.” TLS , August 11, 1950, p. 501.(Discussion of reading of a line in Yeats' poem. Comments by others: August 25, p. 533; Sept. 22, p. 597; Nov. 3, p. 693.)[596]
- AVERY, E. L. Two Early London Playbills. N & Q , 195:99.[597]
- BAINE, R. M. The First Anthologies of English Literary Criticism, Warton to Haslewood. SB , 3:262-65.[598]
- BALD, R. C. Editorial Problems—A Preliminary Survey. SB , 3:3-17.[599]
- BALFOUR, M. L. G. In Defense of The Hanging Judge. New Colophon , 3:75-77.[600]
- BALSTON, T. John Boydell, Publisher, “The Commercial Maecenas.” Signature , new ser., 8 (1949):3-22.[601]
- BANDY, W. T. Petite addition à la bibliographie baudelairienne; une édition non signalée de La Fanfarlo . Bull. de Biblioph . (1950):198-200.[602]
- BATDORF, F. P. Notes on Three Editions of George Crabbe's “Tales.” BSA , 44:276-79.[603]
- BENNETT, H. S. See Part I, no. 349.
- BENZING, J. Johann Albin zu Mainz als Reichsdrucker (1598-1620). Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):209-13.[604]
- BIBLIOGRAPHY of Coloured Plate Books. TLS , March 31, 1950, p. 208; April 7, 1950, p. 220.[605]
- BINGLEY, B. Bewickiana. Signature , new ser., 9 (1949):35-46.(Illustrations in G. L. Ways' Fabliaux.)[606]
- BOND, D. F. The First Printing of the Spectator. MP , 47:164-77.[607]
- BOND, W. H. Christopher Smart's Jubilate Agno. Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:39-52.[608]
- BOWERS, F. A Crux in the Text of Lee's Princess of Cleve (1689), II.i. Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:409-11.[609]
- BOWERS, F. Current Theories of Copy-text, with an Illustration from Dryden. MP , 68:12-20.(The Indian Emperour.)[610]
- BOWERS, F. The First Edition of Dryden's Wild Gallant, 1669. Library , 5th ser., 5:51-54.[611]
- BOWERS, F. Nathaniel Lee: Three Probable Seventeenth-Century Piracies. BSA , 44:62-66.(Rival Queens, 1694; Tragedy of Nero, 1696; Sophonisba, 1697.)[612]
- BOWERS, F. The Prologue to Nathaniel Lee's “Mithridates,” 1678. BSA , 44: 173-75.[613]
- BOWERS, F. Some Relations of Bibliography to Editorial Problems. SB , 3:37-62.[614]
- BOWERS, F. The Supposed Cancel in Southerne's The Disappointment Reconsidered. Library , 5th ser., 5:140-49.[615]
- BOYCE, B. “Bibliographical Note,” in his edition of The Adventures of Lindamira , Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1949, p. xiv-xv.[616]
- BROWN, E. K. Pater's Appreciations: A Bibliographical Note. MLN , 65:247-49.[617]
- BUTT, J. David Copperfield: From Manuscript to Print. RES , new ser., 1:247-51.[618]
- CARR, B. M. H. The Ettrick Shepherd: Two Unnoted Articles. N & Q , 195:388-90.[619]
- CHAPMAN, R. W. The Text of “Miss Mackenzie.” Trollopian , 3 (1949):305-308.[620]
- CORDASCO, F. John Miller—Associate with Woodfall in the Printing of the Junius Letters. N & Q , 195:319-20.[621]
- CORDASCO, F. An Unrecorded Medical Translation by Smollett. N & Q , 195:516.(M. Dibon's Description of the Venereal Diseases . . . , Leidae, Samuel Dortas, 1751.)[622]
- CORSON, J. C. Contributions to “Blackwood's Magazine.” N & Q , 195:63.(J. G. Lockhart's “Lines Written on Tweedside, September 18, 1831.”)[623]
- CRANFILL, T. M. Barnaby Rich: An Elizabethan Reviser at Work. SP 46 (1949):411-18.(Revisions of his Farewell to Militaire Profession.)[624]
- DANKS, K. B. An Implication of Bibliographical Links. N & Q , 195:73-74.[625]
- DARGAUD, M. L'édition originale du “Génie Bonhomme” de Charles Nodier (1836). Bull. du Biblioph . (1950):42-50.[626]
- DAVIES, D. W. The Provenance of the Oriental Types of Thomas Erpenius. Het Boek , 30:117-22.[627]
- DAVIES, G. Daniel Defoe's A Tour thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain . Modern Philology , 68:21-36.[628]
- DAY, C. L. Dates and Performances of Thomas D'Urfey's Plays , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1950. 24 p.(Mimeographed.)[629]
- DEARING, V. A. The Prince of Wales's Set of Pope's Works. Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:320-38.[630]
- DESPRECHINS, R. Les différentes couvertures de l'édition originale de Madame Bovary . Bull. du Biblioph . (1950):159-61.[631]
- DÉVIGNE, R. L'imprimerie folklorique: histoire des livres de colportage et du livre populaire; typographie. iconographie, bibliographie des origines aux XXe siècle. Courier graphique , no. 46:33-39; no. 47:33-40; no. 49:41-45.[632]
- DICKINS, B. Stationers Made Free of the City in 1551/2 and 1552. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:194-95.[633]
- DICKSON, S. The “Humours” of Samuel Rowlands. BSA , 44:101-18.(Shown to be author of Humors Antique Faces, 1605.)[634]
- DOBELL, C. Samuel Hoole, Translator of Leeuwenhoek's Select Works; with a Note on That Publication. Isis , 41:171-80.[635]
- DOBELL, R. J. The Bibliography of Gilbert Burnet. Library , 5th ser., 5:61-63.(Some Passages of the Life and Death of the Right Honourable John Earl of Rochester, London, 1680.)[636]
- DOYLE, A. I. The Earliest Printed Statutes of Pembroke College. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:130-38[637]
- DREYFUS, J. The Baskerville Punches, 1750-1950 . Library , 5th ser., 5:26-48. Published separately as The Survival of Baskerville's Punches, Cambridge, Priv. pr. by the University Printer, 1949. vii, 36 p.[638]
- DREYFUS, J. Baskerville's Ornaments. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:173-77.[639]
- DUNLOP, R. “Text and Canon,” in his edition of The Poems of Thomas Carew; with His Masque, Coelam Britannicum , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1949, p. lix-lxviii.[640]
- DUVEEN, D. I. Antoine Lavoisier's Traité elèmentaire de chimie; a Bibliographical Note. Isis , 41:168-71.[641]
- DUVEEN, D. I. Conrad Gesner and His “Thesaurus Evonymi Philiatri.” Book Handbook , nos. 8 & 9:423-28.[642]
- EASTMAN, A. M. Johnson's Shakespeare and the Laity: A Textual Study. PMLA , 65:1112-21.[643]
- EASTMAN, A. M. The Texts from Which Johnson Printed His Shakespeare. JEGP , 49: 182-91.[644]
- EBERLE, G. J. The Composition and Printing of Middleton's A Mad World , My Masters. SB , 3:246-52.[645]
- EEGHEN, I. H. v. De Reisbeschrijving van François Leguat (een merkwaardige uitgaaf uit het jaar 1708). Het Boek , 30:227-46.[646]
- EHRLICH, E. S. Photomicrography as a Bibliographical Tool. Harvard Lib. Bull. , 4:123-26.[647]
- FERGUSSON, J. The Text of Boyd's “Sonet.” TLS , May 12, 1950, p. 293.[648]
- FINCH, J. S. The Norfolk Persuaders of Sir Thomas Browne; a Variant Copy of the 1712 “Posthumous Works.” Princeton Libr. Chron. , 11:199-201.[649]
- FRIDAY, pseudonym. “The True-Born Englishman” at Yale. Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 24:132-40.[650]
- GACHET, H. Balzac et la papeterie. Courier graphique , no. 39 (1949):25-31.[651]
- GACHET, H. La réglementation en papeterie aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles [en France]. Courier graphique , no. 38 (1949):41-48.[652]
- GACHET, H. Vieilles papeteries françaises: Les papeteries d'Annonay. Courier graphique , no. 41 (1949):27-34; Les anciennes manufactures Canson & Montgolfier, no. 42 (1949):23-32; Les papeteries d'Arches, no. 43:35-40; Les papeteries du Marais et de Sainte-Marie, no. 45:43-47; Les origines de la papeterie en Dauphiné; les papeteries F. Barjon, no. 49:47-50.[653]
- GAGNEBIN, B. La publication du livre de d'Alembert Sur la destruction des Jésuites en France assurée en 1765 a Genève par Voltaire. Bull. du Biblioph. , (1950):190-97.[654]
- GASKELL, P. Eighteenth-century Press Numbers, Their Use and Usefulness. Library , 5th ser., 4:249-61.[655]
- GEORGE, J. Four Notes on the Text of Dekker's Shoemaker's Holiday . N & Q , 194:192.(Confirmed in note by F. Bowers, A Late Appearance of “Cornwall” for “Cornhill,” N & Q, 195:97-98.)[656]
- GIBSON, S. and D. M. ROGERS. The Earl of Leicester and Printing at Oxford. Bodleian Libr. Rec. , 2 (1949):240-45.[657]
- GILMORE, M. P. Authority and Property in the Seventeenth Century: The First Edition of the Traité des seigneuries of Charles Loyseau. Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:258-65.[658]
- GOLDBERG, H. The Two 1692 Editions of Otway's Caius Marius . SB , 3:253-54.[659]
- GORDAN, J. D. [Notes on the manuscript of Wilkie Collins's I Say No, added to the Berg Collection, and its publication as a serial and a book.] NYPB , 54:301-302.[660]
- GRAY, H. D. The Wooing of Nerissa. TLS , Feb. 3, 1950, p. 73.(Merchant of Venice, III, 2. 199. Related letters Dec. 9, 1949, Feb. 17, 1950.)[661]
- GRAY, J. E. Still More Massinger Correcions. Library , 5th ser., 5:132-39.(Ms. corrections by Massinger in copies of his plays.)[662]
- GREENE, D. J. The Johnsonian Canon: A Neglected Attribution. PMLA , 65:427-34.(“Observations” appended to “A Letter from a French Refugee in America to His Friend a Gentleman in England,” Literary Magazine, June 1756.)[663]
- GREG, W. W. The Rationale of Copy-Text. SB , 3:19-36.[664]
- HEALEY, G. H. Another Defoe Item. N & Q , 195:195.(Proposals for Printing by Subscription a Compleat History of the Union, 1707.)[665]
- HEAWOOD, E. Watermarks, Mainly of the 17th and 18th Centuries , Hilversum, Holland, Paper Publications Soc., 1950. 154 p., 4078 reproductions on 267 leaves.[666]
- HENCH, A. L. Printer's Copy for Tyrwhitt's Chaucer. SB , 3:265-66.[667]
- HERSHOLT, J. Hans Christian Andersen's First Book. New Colophon , 3:44-47.(Ungdoms-Forsög of William Christian Walter [pseudonym], Kjöbenhavn, 1822.)[668]
- HESPELT, E. H. Quevedo's “Buscón” as a Chapbook. BSA , 44:66-69.[669]
- HILL, A. A. Some Postulates for Distributional Study of Texts. SB , 3:63-95.[670]
- HINMAN, C. Mark III: New Light on the Proof-Reading for the First Folio of Shakespeare. SB , 3:145-53.[671]
- HLASTA, S. C. Printing Types and How to Use Them , Pittsburgh, Carnegie Press, 1950. 304 p.[672]
- HOFER, P. Some Precursors of the Modern Illustrated Book. Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:191-202.(Examples largely French books of the 19th century.)[673]
- HOLADAY, A. Thomas Heywood and the Puritans. JEGP , 49:192-203.(Various Puritan pamphlets have been incorrectly attributed to him.)[674]
- HORN, R. D. The Early Editions of Addison's Campaign . SB , 3:256-61.[675]
- HORNE, C. J. Boswell and Literary Property. N & Q , 195:296-98.(His purpose in separately off-printing Johnson's Letter to Lord Chesterfield and Conversation with George III from the Life.)[676]
- HORROX, R. Table for the Collation of the First Folio. Book Handbook , no. 2 (1947):105-12; no. 4 (1947):113-28; nos. 8 & 9 (1950):129-38; Second Folio, p. 139-54; Third Folio, p. 155-67; Fourth Folio, p. 168-76; with an introductory essay by R. C. Bald, “The Shakespeare Folios,” no. 2 (1947):100-105.[677]
- HOWE, E. A List of London Bookbinders, 1648-1815 , London, Bibl. Soc., 1950. xxxviii, 105 p.[678]
- HOWE, E. The London Bookbinders, Masters & Men, 1780-1806 , London, Dropmore Press, 1950. 182 p.[679]
- HUNT, R. W. Tanner's Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica . Bodleian Libr. Rec. , 2:249-58.[680]
- IMHOFF, L. Un imprimé rarissime du XVIIe siècle de l'imprimeur ambulant Jacob Ammon à Sion. Zeitschrift für Buchdruckgeschichte , no. 3 (1950):1-6.[681]
- JACKSON, W. A. Sir Robert Bruce Cotton's A short view of the long life and raigne of Henry the third . Harvard Libr. Bull. , 3:28-38.[682]
- JOHNSON, A. F. English Books Printed Abroad. Library , 5th ser., 4:273-76.[683]
- JOHNSON, F. R. Notes on English Retail Book-prices, 1550-1640. Library , 5th ser., 5:83-112.[684]
- KAPLAN, I. Kipling's “American Notes” and Mark Twain Interview. BSA , 44:69-73.[685]
- KEHRLI, J. O. Die Lithographien zu Goethe's Faust von Eugène Delacroix , Bern, Gutenberg Museum, 1950. 74 p., 29 plates.[686]
- KENNEY, C. E. William Leybourn, 1626-1716. Library , 5th ser., 5:159-71.[687]
- KERSLAKE, J. F. M. de Jarry's Project for an Edition of the Moniteur . Library , 5th ser., 4:277-79.[688]
- KING, A. H. English Pictorial Music Titlepages, 1820-1885; Their Style, Evolution, and Importance. Library , 5th ser., 4:262-72.[689]
- KOCH, H. Ernst von Gera, Drucker in Jena. Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):159-60.[690]
- KRANS, G. H. A. Steven Joessen, Drukker en Uitgever te Kampen van c. 1550-1581. Het Boek , 30 (1949):91-115.[691]
- KRONENBERG, M. E. Almanach en Prognostication door Joannes Sylvius beide voor 1551 (Deventer, Albert Pafraet, 1550). Het Boek , 30 (1949):123-26.[692]
- KRUYSKAMP, C. Jan Mommaert en Het “Stichtelyck Proces.” Het Boek , 30:306-12.[693]
- LABANDE, L. H. Les premiers ouvrages imprimés à Marseille. Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):214-26.[694]
- LABARRE, E. J. The Sizes of Paper, Their Names, Origin and History, Buch und Papier , Leipzig, Harrassowitz, 1949, p. 35-54.[695]
- LAFUMA, L. Pascal's “Pensées.” TLS , Dec. 22, 1950, p. 815.(Ms. sources.)[696]
- LANCKORONSKA, M. French Wood-Engraved Book Decorations of the Eighteenth Century. Signature , new ser., 8 (1949):23-45.[697]
- LANCKORONSKA, M. Typographischer Buchschmuck des 18. Jahrhunderts: Ein deutscher Nachfolger von Pierre Simon Fournier. Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):235-44.[698]
- LANCKORONSKA, M. Die venezianische Buchgraphik des XVIII Jahrhunderts , Hamburg, Maximillian Gesellschaft, 1950. 53 p., 121 illustrations.[699]
- LE GEAR, C. E. Mercator's Atlas of 1595. Libr. Congress Quart. Journ. , 7:no. 3:9-13.[700]
- LEONARD, I. A. Books of the Brave , Harvard Univ. Press, 1949. 381 p.(Includes discussion of the Mexican book trade in 1576 and 1600, the Lima book trade in 1583, etc.)[701]
- LIEBERT, H. W. Dr. Johnson's First Book. Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 25:23-28.(A translation, Father Jerome Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia.)[702]
- LIMOUZE, A. S. Doctor Gaylard's Loyal Observator Reviv'd . MP , 68:97-103.[703]
- McDADE, T. M. Gallows Literature of the Streets. New Colophon , 3:120-27.[704]
- McILWRAITH, A. K. Marginalia on Presscorrections in Books of the Early Seventeenth Century. Library , 5th ser., 4:238-48.(Especially 1624 quarto of Philip Massinger's The Bond-man.)[705]
- McMANAWAY, J. G. Additional Prompt-Books of Shakespeare from the Smock Alley Theatre. MLR , 45:64-65.[706]
- MAYO, R. D. Gothic Romance in the Magazines. PMLA , 65:762-89.[707]
- MEGAW, R. N. E. The Two 1695 Editions of Wycherley's Country-Wife . SB , 3:252-53.[708]
- MENDIA TORRES, F. See Part I, no. 448.
- METZDORF, R. F. A Newly Recovered Criticism of Johnson's Irene . Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:265-68.[709]
- MILLER, C. W. Thomas Newcomb: A Restoration Printer's Ornament Stock. SB , 3:155-70, 6 plates.[710]
- MITCHELL, W. S. See Part I, no. 449.
- MODERN Bibliography. TLS , June 23, 1950, p. 396.[711]
- MORGAN, P. The Earliest Stratford Newspaper. N & Q , 195:52.[712]
- MORISON, S. The Roman, Italic & Black Letter Bequeathed to the University of Oxford by Dr. John Fell , Oxford, University Press, 1950. 41 p.[713]
- MORISON, S. The Typographic Arts , Harvard Univ. Press, 1950. 106 p., 32 plates.(Also: London, Sylvan Press, 1949.)[714]
- MORNAND, P. Les Robinson Crusoe. Portique , no. 7:49-64.(Illustrated editions.)[715]
- MOSSNER, E. C. Hume's Four Dissertations: An Essay in Biography and Bibliography. MP , 68:37-57.[716]
- MUIR, K. A Chapman Masque? TLS , Dec. 15, 1950, p. 801.(The Masque of the Twelve Months. Further correspondence, Dec. 29, p. 827.)[717]
- MUNBY, A. N. L. Chirm's Banded Bindings. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:181-86.[718]
- MUNBY, A. N. L. Windham and Gauffecourt. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:186-90.(Binding at Felbrigg Hall and possible use of ms. derived from ms. of Gauffecourt's Traitè de la reliure, 1763.)[719]
- NEWMAN, F. B. A Consideration of the Bibliographical Problems Connected with the First Edition of Humphry Clinker. BSA , 44:340-71.[720]
- NOSWORTHY, J. M. The Southouse Text of Arden of Feversham . Library , 5th ser., 5:113-29.[721]
- OLIVER, L. M. Thomas Drue's Duchess of Suffolk: A Protestant Drama. SB , 3:241-46.[722]
- PARENTI, M. Intorno alla prima edizione delle “Poesie” del Tommaseo , Firenze, Sansoni, 1949. 24 p.[723]
- PARKER, W. R. Principles and Standards of Bibliographical Description. BSA , 44:216-23.(Review of Bowers' Principles of Bibliographical Description and Standards of Bibliographical Description by Bühler, McManaway, and Wroth.)[724]
- PARTRIDGE, C. Evangelical Children's Books, 1828-1859. N & Q , 195:56-58.[725]
- PATRICK, J. M. The Date of Milton's Of Prelatical Episcopacy . HLQ , 13:303-11.[726]
- PATRICK, M. Four Centuries of Scottish Psalmody , London, Oxford, 1949. 234 p.[727]
- PAZOS, M. R. Más sobre la bibliografía de Don Rodrigo de Mandiáa y Para. Arch. Ibero-Americano , 2nd ser., 9 (1949) : no. 36:533-45.[728]
- PECKHAM, M. Blake, Milton and Edward Burney. Princeton Libr. Chron. , 11:107-26.(Illustrations for Paradise Lost.)[729]
- PECKHAM, M. English Editions of Philip James Bailey's Festus . BSA , 44:55-58.[730]
- PEERY, W. [Introductions and Check-list of works, p. 321-23], in his edition of The Plays of Nathan Field, Univ. of Texas Press, 1950. 346 p.[731]
- PESQUEIRA, F. El Estado de Occidente (Sonora y Sinaloa): Nómina de algunos de los primeros papeles impresos en la imprenta de su Gobierno. Suma bibliográfica 6:no. 19:757-68.[732]
- PLACE, E. B. “Bibliography,” in his edition of Juan de Segura's Proceso de cartas de amores (1548) , Northwestern Univ., 1950, p. 1-8.[733]
- PLACE, J. La faute de “Dominique.” Bull. du Biblioph . (1950):78-82.(Correction of text of Eugène Fromentin's Dominique.)[734]
- POVEY, K. and I. J. C. FOSTER. Turned Chain-lines. Library , 5th ser., 5:184-200.[735]
- PRICE, G. R. Compositors' Methods with Two Quartos Reprinted by Augustine Mathewes. BSA , 44:269-74.(STC 14647 and 17912.)[736]
- PURPUS, E. R. Some Notes on a Deistical Essay Attributed to Dryden. PQ , 29:347-49.(A Summary Account of the Deist's Religion . . . and An Essay, London, 1745.)[737]
- RAMSDEN, C. French Bookbinders, 1789-1848 , London, Lund Humphries & Co., 1950. 228 p.[738]
- RANDALL, D. A. The Court of Appeals. New Colophon , 2:pt.8:93-83.(Answers on points of the bibliography of specific books.)[739]
- REA, R. R. Amelia Evans Barry and Gov. Pownall's Map: An Episode in International Biblio-Philanthropy. Indiana Quart. for Bookmen , 5 (1949):7-16.[740]
- REA, R. R. Bookseller as Historian. Indiana Quart. for Bookmen , 5:75-95.(John Almon, London publisher and bookseller of latter half of 18th century.)[741]
- RECIO, A. Ensayo bibliográfico sobre San Francisco Solano. Arch. Ibero-Americano , 2d ser., 9:473-532.[742]
- RIJNBACH, A. A. v. Een Onbekende Spectator en Zijn Samensteller, Egbert Buys. Het Boek , 30:75-87.[743]
- RITSON, L. Arthur Christian, Director of the Imprimerie Nationale, 1895-1906. Signature , new ser., 9 (1949):3-28.[744]
- ROUDINESCO, A. Remarques sur le premier tirage des Fables de la Fontaine illustrées par Grandville. Bull. du Biblioph . (1950):126-30.[745]
- SANVILLE, D. W. Thomas D'Urfey's “Love for Money”; a Bibliographical Study. [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 17:71-77.[746]
- SARTON, G. Desargues in Japan. Isis , 41:300-301.(Note on Dutch translation, Amsterdam, 1664, of his Manière universelle, Paris, 1648.)[747]
- SAUL, G. B. Yeats and His Poems. TLS , March 31, 1950, p. 208.[748]
- SAVAGE, D. S. Hamlet and the Pirates. An Exercise in Literary Detection , London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1950. 115 p.[749]
- SCHMOLLER, H. P. Carl Ernst Poeschel. Signature , new ser., 11:20-36.[750]
- SCOTT, K. W. “Mary Price.” TLS , Jan. 20, 1950, p. 41.(Date of G. W. M. Reynold's play of that title.)[751]
- SILVER, L. H. Bunyan's Barren Fig Tree, 1670. Library , 5th ser., 5:61.[752]
- SKELTON, R. A. Pieter Van den Keere. Library , 5th ser., 5:130-32.(Corrects statements in no. 177, Check List for 1949 .)[753]
- SMYSER, J. W. Coleridge's Use of Wordsworth's Juvenilia. PMLA , 65:419-26.[754]
- STEPHENS, J. C., Jr. Addison and Steele's “Spectator.” TLS , Dec. 15, 1950, p. 801.[755]
- STEREOTYPING and Its Inventor [William Ged]. TLS , Feb. 10, 1950, Book Production Section, p. ix.[756]
- STROUT, A. L. Contributors to “Blackwood's Magazine.” N & Q , 195:70-72.(List of unidentified prose pieces.)[757]
- STROUT, A. L. James Hogg's “Chaldee Manuscript.” PMLA , 65:695-718.[758]
- SUPER, R. H. The Authorship of Guy's Porridge Pot and The Dun Cow. Library , 5th ser., 5:55-58.(First by R. E. Landor, second not by W. S. Landor.)[759]
- TEMPLEAN, W. D. The Engravings for Gilpin's Works on Picturesque Beauty. N & Q , 195:52-54.[760]
- THOMAS, S. Henry Chettle and the First Quarto of Romeo and Juliet . RES , new ser., 1:8-16.[761]
- THOMPSON, K. F. The Authorship of Yorick's “Sentimental Journey Continued.” N & Q , 195:318-19.[762]
- THORPE, J. [Bibliography, authorship, census of copies, variant readings, etc.], in his edition of Rochester's Poems on Several Occasions, Princeton Univ. Press, 1950, p. xi-xxxviii, 153-91.[763]
- TODD, W. B. The Number, Order, and Authorship of the Hanover Pamphlets Attributed to Chesterfield. BSA , 44:224-38.[764]
- TODD, W. B. Observations on the Incidence and Interpretation of Press Figures. SB , 3:171-205.[765]
- TODD, W. B. Variant Editions of Lyttleton's “To the Memory of a Lady Lately Deceased.” BSA , 44:274-75.[766]
- TOUSSAIT, A. An American Printing Equipment in Mauritius in the Eighteenth Century. BSA , 44:175-81.[767]
- TUCKER, J. E. John Davies of Kidwelly (1627?-1693), Translator from the French, with an Annotated Bibliography of His Translations. BSA , 44:119-52.[768]
- VARLEY, D. H. Adventures in Africana , Univ. of Cape Town and Trustees of the South African Libr., 1949. 46 p.[769]
- VERWEY, H. d. l. F. Hendrik van Brederode en de Drukkerijen van Vianen. Het Boek , (1949):3-38.[770]
- WALLER, F. O. Three 1695 Editions of Jevon's Devil of a Wife . SB , 3:255.[771]
- WEBER, C. J. The Tragedy in Little Hintock; New Light on Thomas Hardy's Novel The Woodlanders. In Booker Memorial Studies, edited by Hill Shine, Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1950, p. 133-53.[772]
- WEIL, E. Samuel Browne, Printer to the University of Heidelberg, 1655-1662. Library , 5th ser., 5:14-25.[773]
- WEIR, J. L. Bibliographical Notice of “The Last Battell of the Soule in Death” (1628-29). Part I. N & Q , 195:535-37.(To be continued.)[774]
- WEISS, W. Das Posthorn; ein Beitrag zur Wasserzeichenkunde. Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):39-46.[775]
- WILLIAMS, P. Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida; The Relationship of Quarto and Folio. SB , 3:131-43.[776]
- WRIGHT, W. E. A Newly Discovered Edition of Wieland's Trial of Abraham . MLN , 65:246.(Boston, John Perkins, 1764.)[777]
- ZAGORIN, P. The Authorship of Mans Mortallatie [Amsterdam (i.e. London?) 1643.] Library , 5th ser., 5:179-83.(Not by Robert Overton but Richard Overton.)[778]

B. United States
- ALDEN, J. E. Scotch Type in Eighteenth-Century America. SB , 3:270-74.(“Essentially a statement of work in progress.”)[779]
- ASHTON, W. J. Voice in the West , N. Y., Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1950. 424 p.(History of the Deseret News of Salt Lake City, established 1850.)[780]
- BLANCK, J. Bibliographical Jungle. Antiquarian Bookman , 6:579-80; 1419-20.(Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, 1906.)[781]
- BLANCK, J. In Re Huckleberry Finn . New Colophon , 3:153-59.[782]
- BRIGHAM, C. S. Journals and Journeymen; a Contribution to the History of Early American Newspapers , Univ. of Penn. Press, 1950. 114 p.[783]
- BROWN, H. G. and M. O. Philadelphia Book Trade to 1820 [a Directory]. NYPB , 54:25-37, 89-92, 123-45.(A continuation of No. 291, Check List for 1949 .) The whole also separately printed, N. Y. Public Libr., 1950, 129 p.[784]
- BROWN, R. B. Texans in Leopard Skin Pants. BSA , 44:373-78.(W. W. Heartstill's Fourteen Hundred and 91 Days in the Confederate Army, Marshall, Texas, 1876.)[785]
- BUTTERFIELD, L. H. B. Franklin's Epitaph. New Colophon , 3:9-29.[786]
- CADBURY, H. J. John Hepburn and His Book against Slavery, 1715. Proc. Amer. Antiquarian Soc. , 59 (1949):89-160.(The American Defence, Evans no. 1678; article includes reprint of the Defence.)[787]
- CAMERON, K. W. An Early Prose Work of Emerson. AL , 22:332-38.(Review of W. P. Greenwood's Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship, Boston, 1830.)[788]
- CAUTHEN, I. B., Jr. Poe's Alone: Its Background, Source, and Manuscript. SB , 3:284-91.[789]
- DE ARMOND, A. J. Andrew Bradford, Colonial Journalist , Univ. of Delaware Press, 1949. 272 p.(Includes account of his journal, the American Weekly Mercury, 1719-1746.)[790]
- DUNBAR, V. R. The Revision of Daisy Miller . MLN , 65:311-17.[791]
- EBERSTADT, C. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. New Colophon , 3:312-56.[792]
- EBERSTADT, L. The Passing of a Noble “Spirit.” BSA , 44:372-73.(Porter's Spirit of the Times, Sept. 6, 1856—Dec. 28, 1861.)[793]
- EDELSTEIN, D. S. Joel Munsell: Printer and Antiquarian , Columbia Univ. Press, 1950. 420 p.[794]
- FINKEL, W. L. Sources of Walt Whitman's Manuscript Notes on Physique. AL , 22:308-31.[795]
- FINKEL, W. L. Walt Whitman's Manuscript Notes on Oratory. AL , 22:29-53.[796]
- FRENCH, W. G. A “Lost” American Novel. AL , 21:477-78.(John Holt Ingraham's Pierce Fenning, or The Lugger's Chase, New York, Williams, 1846. Copy found Univ. Mississippi Libr.)[797]
- FRY, J. and P. JEFFERSON. The Fry and Jefferson Map of Virginia and Maryland. A Facsimile of the First Edition . . . with an Introduction by Dumas Malone , Princeton Univ. Press, for the Harry Clemons Publication Fund, 1950. 21 p., facsimile.(Check list of eighteenth-century editions, by Coolie Verner, p. 13-19.)[798]
- GAINES, W. H., Jr. The Continental Congress Considers the Publication of a Bible, 1777. SB , 3:274-81.[799]
- GALLUP, D. C. The Making of The Making of Americans . New Colophon , 3:54-74.[800]
- GOFF, F. R. Peter Force. BSA , 44:1-16.[801]
- GOFF, F. R. and V. L. EATON. See Part I, no. 395.
- HAMILTON, J. A. Timothy Flint's “Lost Novel.” AL , 22:54-56.(Copy of Flint's The Lost Child, Boston, Putnam & Hunt, 1830, located in Marietta College Library.)[802]
- HART, J. D. The Popular Book: A History of America's Literary Taste , New York Oxford, 1950. 351 p.[803]
- HINZ, J. P. Willa Cather in Pittsburgh. New Colophon , 3:198-207.(Includes “A Check-List of Willa Cather's Writings in Pittsburgh Periodicals and Newspapers.”)[804]
- HUNTER, D. Papermaking by Hand in America, 1690-1811 , Chillicothe, Ohio, Mountain House Press, 1950. 326 p., facsimiles. Abstract published in Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):31-40.[805]
- KAINEN, J. George Clymer and the Columbian Press , New York, The Typophiles, or San Francisco, Book Club of California, 1950. 60 p.[806]
- LEONARD, E. A. Paper as a Critical Commodity during the American Revolution. Penn. Mag. Hist. & Biog. , 74:488-99.[807]
- LOVETT, R. W. Harvard College and the Supply of Textboks. Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:114-22.(Side light on book trade.)[808]
- McANEAR, B. American Imprints Concerning King's College. BSA , 44:301-39.[809]
- MAY, E. R. Bret Harte and the Overland Monthly . AL , 22:260-71.[810]
- MINICK, A. R. See no. 573.
- NASH, R. A Preliminary Checklist of American Writing Manuals and Copybooks to 1850 , Chicago, The Newberry Libr., 1950. 72 p.(Copies issued for checking; not published.)[811]
- ORCUTT, W. D. Mary Baker Eddy and Her Books , Boston, Christian Science Pub. Soc., 1950. 198 p.[812]
- PALTSITS, V. H. New Light on “Publick Occurences,” America's First Newspaper. Proc. Amer. Antiquarian Soc. , 59 (1949):75-88.[813]
- PECKHAM, H. H. An Early Indiana Bookplate. Indiana Quart. for Bookmen , 5:29-30.[814]
- PHILLIPS, W. L. Franklin's Version of the “Lord's Prayer”: A Restoration of the Text. AL , 22:338-41.[815]
- POWELL, W. S. The Bicentennial of Printing in North Carolina. North Carolina Hist. Rev. , 27:193-99. Condensed from the introduction to the facsimile edition of The Journal of the House of Burgesses, of the Province of North-Carolina, 1749, Raleigh, State Dept. of Archives and Hist., 1949, p. vii-xvii.[816]
- PROCTER, P. S., Jr. William Leggett (1801-1839), Journalist and Literator. BSA , 44:239-53.[817]
- ROLLINS, C. P. Theodore Low De Vinne. Signature , new ser., 10:3-21.[818]
- SEALTS, M. M., Jr. Did Melville Write “October Mountain”? AL , 22:178-82.[819]
- SHOCKLEY, M. S. Shapiro's “World.” AL , 21:485.(Correction of line 17 of Karl Shapiro's “Nostalgia.”)[820]
- SILVER, R. G. The First Presses in Each of the United States. Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Virginia, Secretary's News Sheet , no. 12, January 1950.(A preliminary list.)[821]
- SILVER, R. G. Printers' Lobby: Model 1802. SB , 3:207-28.(Against increased duty on imported type.)[822]
- SIMPSON, L. P. The Literary Miscellany and The General Repository: Two Cambridge Periodicals of the Early Republic. Libr. Chron. Univ. of Texas , 3:177-90.[823]
- SMITH, J. E. One Hundred Years of Hartford's Courant; from Colonial Times through the Civil War , Yale Univ. Press, 1949. 342 p.[824]
- STARKEY, L. G. Benefactors of the Cambridge Press: A Reconsideration. SB , 3:267-70.[825]
- STEPHENS, S. DeW. The Mavericks, American Engravers , Rutgers Univ. Press, 1950. 219 p.[826]
- STUTLER, B. B. The Transformation of Young Kate . New Colophon , 3:222-27.(Written by John Lewis. Published under various titles.)[827]
- TAYLOR, C. M. Some Whittier First Editions Published in the British Isles. Jour. of the Friends' Historical Soc. , 42:41-45.[828]
- THOMPSON, L. S. The First Non-Serial Puerto Rican Imprint. BSA , 44:181-82.(Cortabarria, Proclama, 1811.)[829]
- THORPE, J. George Catlin vs. the Philobiblon Society. New Colophon , 3:250-59.(Dispute over their publication of his Account of an Annual Religious Ceremony practised by the Mandan Tribe of North American Indians.)[830]
- VERNER, C. The Several States of the Farrer Map of Virginia. SB , 3:281-84.[831]
- WALSH, J. E. The California and Oregon Trail: A Bibliographical Study. New Colophon , 3:279-85.(Parkman's California and Oregon Trail, 1849.)[832]
- WEITENKAMPF, F. Early Pictures of North American Indians: a Question of Ethnology , N. Y. Public Libr., 1950. 26 p. Reprinted from NYPB, 53 (1949):591-614.[833]
- WOLF, E., 2nd. Benjamin Franklin's Political , Miscellaneous and Philosophical Pieces, 1779. [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 16:50-63.[834]
- YOUNG, R. E. An Error in The Ambassadors. AL , 22:245-53.[835]

The scope of this list is the same as that of the list for 1949, with the division between the two parts made, as before, at the close of 1550. The abbreviations for periodicals in the Modern Language Association of America Style Sheet are used here. Those interested in catalogues of exhibitions, books on collectors and collecting, bookselling, and similar subjects closely related to those covered here will want to consult Mr. George L. McKay's annual “Books about Books” in the New Colophon and the lists of “Recent Books and Periodicals” published from time to time in the Library. The compilers gratefully acknowledge the kindness of Mr. John Wyllie and Mr. Rollo Silver in suggesting items for inclusion, and of Mr. Curt F. Bühler in reading Part I in manuscript and suggesting additions.
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