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2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliographical and Textual Scholarship

A. English and General

  • ABBEY, J. R., British Signed Bindings in My Library, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:270-79.[1069]
  • ADAMS, H. H., A Prompt Copy of Dryden's Tyrannic Love , SB , 4:170-74.[1070]
  • ALDIS, H. G., The Printed Book ; the original manual . . . revised and brought up to date by John Carter and Brooke Crutchley, Third Edition, N. Y., Cambridge Univ. Press, 1951. 141 p.[1071]
  • ALTICK, R. D., Cope's Tobacco Plant: An Episode in Victorian Journalism, PBSA , 45:333-50.[1072]
  • ARBER, EDWARD, editor, A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640 , Vol. 5, N. Y., Peter Smith, 1950. 277 p.(Reprint.)[1073]
  • AVERY, E. L., “The Revisions of the Plays,” p. 161-70, in Congreve's Plays on the Eighteenth-Century Stage , N. Y., Modern Language Assn., 1951.[1074]
  • AVIS, F. C., The Doves Press, 1900-1917, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1951):174-77.[1075]
  • BACON, W. A., “Revisions,” p. lxi-lxxii of his edition of William Warner's Syrinx, or A Sevenfold History , Northwestern Univ. Press, 1950.[1076]
  • BAINE, R. M., Percy's Own Copies of the Reliques , HLB , 5:246-51.[1077]
  • BARRIE'S the Wedding Guest, PULC , 12:163-64.(On copies of Scribner's edition of 1900 and the London edition of the same year.)[1078]
  • BATDORF, F. P., The Murray Reprints of George Crabbe: A Publisher's Record, SB , 4:192-99.[1079]
  • BENNETT, P. A., editor, Books and Printing; a Treasury for Typophiles , Cleveland and N. Y., The World Publishing Company, [1951]. xv, 417 p.(Anthology, including: R. S. Grannis, “Colophons,” p. 31-44; E. E. Willoughby, “Printers' Marks,” p. 45-51; A. F. Johnson, “Title Pages: Their Forms and Development,” p. 52-64; L. C. Wroth, “The First Work with American Types,” p. 65-77; R. B. McKerrow, “Typographic Debut; Notes on the Long f and other characters in early English printing,” p. 78-84; J. T. Winterich, “Benjamin Franklin: Printer and Publisher,” p. 352-67.)[1080]
  • BLAGDEN, CYPRIAN, Booksellers' Trade Sales, 1718-1768, Library , 5th ser., 5:243-57.[1081]
  • BLANCHARD, RAE, Steele, Charles King, and the Dunkirk Pamphlets, HLQ , 14:423-29.[1082]
  • BLAND, DAVID, The Illustration of Books , London, Faber and Faber, 1951. 160 p., 46 illustrations.[1083]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, The First Editions of Sir Robert Stapylton's “The Slighted Maid” (1663) and “The Step-Mother” (1664), PBSA , 45:143-48.[1084]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, The Revolution in Shakespeare Criticism, University of Chicago Magazine , Nov., 1951, p. 11-14.[1085]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, Robert Roberts: A Printer of Shakespeare's Fourth Folio, SQ , 2:241-46[1086]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, The 1665 Manuscript of Dryden's Indian Emperour , SP , 48:738-60.[1087]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, The Two Issues of D'Urfey's Cynthia and Endymion, 1697, PULC , 13:32-34.[1088]
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, The Variant Sheets in John Banks's Cyrus the Great, 1696, SB , 4:174-82.[1089]
  • BRIDGE, ALEXANDER, Sir James Bacon and Byron, TLS , March 16, 1951, p. 165.(Bacon the author of Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Lord Byron by George Clinton, Esq., London, James Robins and Co., 1825.)[1090]

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  • BRITTAIN, F., Four “Q” Rarities, Book Handbook , 2:27-35.[1091]
  • BUCKLER, W. E., Henry Kingsley and The Gentleman's Magazine , JEGP , 50:90-100.[1092]
  • BUCKLER, W. E., see no. 1242.
  • BUSHNELL, G. H., Scottish Engravers; a Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Engravers and of Engravers Who Worked in Scotland to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century , London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1949. 60 p.[1093]
  • BUTTERFIELD, L. H., The American Interests of the Firm of E. and C. Dilly, with their Letters to Benjamin Rush, 1770-1795, PBSA , 45:283-332.[1094]
  • HAPMAN, R. W., and others, Book Collecting; Four Broadcast Talks , Cambridge, Bowes and Bowes, [1951]. 45 p.[1095]
  • CORDASCO, F. G. M., Adam Clarke's Bibliographical Dictionary (1802-1806), SB , 4:188-91.[1096]
  • CORDASCO, F. G. M., An Eighteenth-Century Forgery of Robert Wilkinson's Merchant Royall (1607), Library , 5th ser., 5:274.[1097]
  • CORDASCO, F. G. M., An Unrecorded History of Malvern (1817) by John Chambers, N & Q , 196:81.[1098]
  • CORDASCO, F. G. M., William Richardson's Essays on Shakespeare (1784): A Bibliographical Note on the First Edition, N & Q , 196:148.[1099]
  • COWEN, D. L., The Edinburgh Dispensatories, PBSA , 45:85-96.[1100]
  • CRONE, G. R., A Note on Bradock Mead, Alias John Green, Library , 5th ser., 6:42-43.(Shown to be the editor of the New General Collection of Voyages published by Thomas Astley in 1745-1747.)[1101]
  • CROW, JOHN, editor, [Introduction], “List of Variant Readings, List of Irregular and Doubtful Readings,” p. v-xv, in his edition of Law Tricks, by John Day, 1608, London, Oxford Univ. Press for the Malone Society, 1950.[1102]
  • CROW, JOHN, Thomas Goad and The Dolefull Euen-Song: An Editorial Experiment, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:238-59.[1103]
  • DAVIS, HERBERT, Bowyer's Paper Stock Ledger, Library , 5th ser., 6:73-87.(London, 1699-1777.)[1104]
  • DAWSON, G. E., Some Bibliographical Irregularities in the Shakespeare Fourth Folio, SB , 4:93-103.[1105]
  • DEARING, V. A., The 1737 Editions of Alexander Pope's Letters, Essays . . . Dedicated to Lily B. Campbell , Univ. of California Press, 1950, p. 185-97.[1106]
  • DICKINS, BRUCE, John Heaz, Elizabethan Letter-Founder to the Printers, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:287.[1107]
  • DREYFUS, JOHN, Baskerville's Methods of Printing, Signature , new ser., 12:44-51.[1108]
  • DUNKIN, P. S., The Ghost of the Turned Sheet, PBSA , 45:246-50.[1109]
  • DUNKIN, P. S., How to Catalog a Rare Book , Chicago, American Libr. Assn., 1951. vii, 85 p. Lithoprinted.[1110]
  • DUTHIE, G. I., Elizabethan Shorthand and the First Quarto of King Lear , Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1950. 82 p.[1111]
  • DUTHIE, G. I., The Text of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet , SB , 4:3-29.[1112]
  • EAVES, T. C. D., Graphic Illustration of the Novels of Samuel Richardson, 1740-1810, HLQ , 14:349-83.[1113]
  • EAVES, T. C. D., The Second Edition of Thomas Gray's Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat , PQ , 28 (1949):512-15.(A version in the Newcastle General Magazine.)[1114]
  • EAVES, T. C. D., An Unrecorded Children's Book Illustrated by Thomas Bewick, Library , 5th ser., 5:272-73.(The History of Pamela . . . Abridged, London, ca. 1779.)[1115]
  • EDE, CHARLES, editor, The Art of the Book. Some Record of the Work Carried out in Europe and the U. S. A., 1939-1950 , London and New York, Studio Publications, 1951. 214 p., over 200 illustrations.[1116]
  • An EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY Illustrator, TLS , May 4, 1951, p. 284.(David Allan and the Foulis Press Gentle Shepherd, 1788.)[1117]
  • The EIKON BASILIKE. Review of F. F. Madan's New Bibliography of the “Eikon Basilike,” (“Check List for 1950,” no. 535), TLS , Feb. 9, 1951, p. 88, with discussion of authorship by Madan, the reviewer, and others, TLS, Feb. 23, p. 117, March 2, p. 140, March 9, p. 154.[1118]
  • ELMEN, PAUL, Richard Allestree and The Whole Duty of Man , Library , 5th ser., 6:19-27.(Allestree shown to be the author.)[1119]
  • The END of the Firm of Cadell, TLS , April 27, 1951, p. 268.[1120]
  • ESPEZEL, P. d', see Part I, no. 879.

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  • EVANS, G. B., [Some Additional Notes on English Retail Book-prices, 1550-1640], Library , 5th ser., 5:275-76.(Additions to no. 684, “Check List for 1950.”)[1121]
  • FULTON, J. F., see Part I, no. 884.
  • GASKELL, PHILIP, Prolegomena to the Revised Edition of Straus and Dent's John Baskerville , Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:288-95.[1122]
  • GATHORNE-HARDY, ROBERT, Jeremy Taylor and “Christian Consolations,” TLS , April 20, 1951, p. 245.(Shown to be by John Hackett not by Taylor.)[1123]
  • A GENERAL Note on the Prices of Binding all sorts of Books , 1669, Cambridge, Mass., 1951.(Reproduces an English broadside advertisement, from a copy at Harvard, with a two-page note by W. A. Jackson.)[1124]
  • GETTMANN, R. A., The Serilization of Reade's “A Good Fight” [in Once a Week], NCF , 6:21-32.[1125]
  • GIBSON, STRICKLAND, Thomas Bennet, A Forgotten Bibliographer, Library , 5th ser., 6:43-47.(His Essay on the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, 1715, first offered typographical data as clues to the order of editions.)[1126]
  • GREG, W. W., The Editorial Problem in Shakespeare; a Survey of the Foundations of the Text , Second Edition, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1951. 210 p., with notes correcting the first edition, p. a-i.[1127]
  • GREG, W. W., [Marlowe's] “Doctor Faustus,” 1604-1616; Parallel Texts Edited by W. W. Greg, Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1950. xiv, 407 p.[1128]
  • GREG, W. W., The Printing of Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida in the First Folio, PBSA , 45: 273-82.[1129]
  • HAMMAM, M. Y., History of Printing in Egypt, Gutenberg Jahrb . (1951):156-59.[1130]
  • HAMMELMANN, H. A., Gravelot in England, Book Handbook , 2:176-90.[1131]
  • HAMMELMANN, H. A., English Eighteenth-Century Book Illustration, Book Handbook , 2:127-46.[1132]
  • HANKE, LEWIS, The Historia de las Indias of Bartolomé de las Casas, Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth , Portland, Me., 1951, p. 143-50.[1133]
  • HARTHAN, J. P., Bookbindings: Victoria and Albert Museum , London, 1950. 28 p., 67 half-tones.[1134]
  • HAZEN, A. T., One Meaning of the Imprint, Library , 5th ser., 6:120-23.(Variants of “London: Printed and sold by A. B.” meaning “Printed in London, and sold by A. B.”)[1135]
  • HENDERSON, PHILIP, Emily Brontë's Poems, TLS , Nov. 30, 1951, p. 765.(Text of some fifteen in doubt. Completely established, Helen Brown, TLS, Dec. 21, 1951, p. 821. Reply, Henderson, TLS, Jan. 11, 1952, p. 25.)[1136]
  • HOFER, PHILIP, Baroque Book Illustration; a Short Survey from the Collection in the Department of Graphic Arts, Harvard College Library , Harvard Univ. Press, 1951. 43 p., and 149 reproductions.[1137]
  • HOPPE, H. R., The Copyright-Holder of the Second Edition of the Rheims New Testament (Antwerp, 1600), Richard Gibbons, S. J. , Library , 5th ser., 6:116-20.[1138]
  • HUNTER, G. K., The Marking of Sententiae in Elizabethan Printed Plays, Poems, and Romances, Library , 5th ser., 6:171-188.[1139]
  • HYDE, M. C., The History of the Johnson Papers, PBSA , 45:103-116.[1140]
  • JENKINS, HAROLD, [Introduction], “List of Variant Readings,” and “List of Irregular and Doubtful Readings,” p. v-xxv in his edition of Henry Chettle's The Tragedy of Hoffman, 1631, Oxford Univ. Press for the Malone Society, [1951].[1141]
  • JENKINS, HAROLD, The 1631 Quarto of The Tragedy of Hoffman , Library , 5th ser., 6:88-99.[1142]
  • JENNETT, SEÁN, The Making of Books , London, Faber & Faber, 1951. 474 p.[1143]
  • JOHNSON, A. F., The Exiled English Church at Amsterdam and Its Press, Library , 5th ser., 5:219-42.[1144]
  • JOOST, NICHOLAS, Two American Editions of Leslie's “Short and Easie Method,” N & Q , 196:496-97.[1145]
  • KARTON im Wandel der Zeit, see Part I, no. 898.
  • KEEN, ALAN, . . . Lancashire and Shropshire and the Young Shakespeare, Bull. John Rylands Libr. , 33:256-70.[1146]
  • KELLEY, MAURICE, Milton and Machiavelli's Discorsi , SB , 4:123-27.(Notes on reading of the Discorsi assigned tentatively to period Nov.-Dec. 1651 to Jan.-Feb., 1652.)[1147]
  • KRIEG, W., see Part I, no. 904.
  • LANE, LAURIAT, Jr., “Oliver Twist”: A Revision, TLS , July 20, 1951, p. 460.(Further note by Cecil Roth, TLS, Aug. 3, 1951, p. 485.)[1148]
  • LLOYD, L. J., Some Eighteenth-Century French Illustrated Books, Book Handbook , 2:56-74.[1149]

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  • LOTZ, A., see Part I, no. 920.
  • LUTHER, J., see Part I, no. 921.
  • MacDONALD, HUGH, Andrew Marvell's Miscellaneous Poems, 1681, TLS , July 13, 1951, p. 444, and Correction, TLS, Aug. 24, 1951, p. 533.(Describes copy in the Bodleian.)[1150]
  • McILWRAITH, A. K., The Manuscript Corrections in Massinger's Plays, Library , 5th ser., 6:213-16.[1151]
  • McMANAWAY, J. G., King James Takes a Collection, Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth , Portland, Me., 1951, p. 223-33.(Broadsides issued by various bishops soliciting contributions in favor of Captain Whitbourne and the advancement of the Newfoundland plantation.)[1152]
  • McMANAWAY, J. G., Some Bibliographical Notes on Samuel Daniel's Civil Wars , SB , 4:31-39.[1153]
  • McMANAWAY, J. G., An Uncollected Poem of John Skelton (?), N & Q , 196:134-35.(Found in BM and Folger copies of Angel Day's The English Secretorie (1586).)[1154]
  • MACOMBER, H. P., A Comparison of the Variations and Errors in Copies of the First Edition of Newton's Principia, 1687, Isis , 42:230-32.[1155]
  • MANDACH, ANDRÉ DE, The First Translator of Molière: Sir William Davenant or Colonel Henry Howard, MLN , 66:513-18.(Howard's The Playhouse to Be Let.)[1156]
  • MARSHALL, W. H., The Text of T. S. Eliot's “Gerontion,” SB , 4:213-17.[1157]
  • MASLEN, KEITH, Book Ornaments, TLS , Aug. 3, 1951, p. 485.(On the identification of printers by their ornaments. See also TLS, July 20, 1951, p. 453.)[1158]
  • MEAD, H. R., Two Issues of Cowley's “Vision,” PBSA , 45:77-81.[1159]
  • METZDORF, R. F., Three States of “The Revolter,” PBSA , 45:362.[1160]
  • MILLAR, B. P., Three Texts of “The Death of Queen Jane,” HLB , 5:99-102.(No. 170 in Child's English and Scottish Popular Ballads.)[1161]
  • MOORE, J. R., Defoe's “Lost” Letter to a Dissenter, HLQ , 14:299-306.[1162]
  • MOSSNER, E. C., and HARRY RANSOM, Hume and the “Conspiracy of the Booksellers”: The Publication and Early Fortunes of the History of England , Univ. of Texas Studies in English , 29 (1950):162-82.[1163]
  • MUNBY, A. N. L., . . . The Catalogues of Manuscripts & Printed Books of Sir Thomas Phillipps; Their Composition and Distribution , Cambridge, At the Univ. Press, 1951. 39 p.(Phillipps Studies No. 1.)[1164]
  • MUNBY, A. N. L., The Two Title-Pages of the “Principia,” TLS , Dec. 21, 1951, p. 828.[1165]
  • O'CONNOR, J. J., On the Authorship of the Ratsey Pamphlets, PQ , 30:381-86.[1166]
  • ONG, W. J., Hobbes and Talon's Ramist Rhetoric in English, Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:260-69.[1167]
  • PAFFORD, WARD, The Date of [Bryon's] “Hours of Idleness,” N & Q , 196:339-40, and Addendum, N & Q, 196:476-77.[1168]
  • PALTSITS, V. H., see no. 1295.
  • PATTERSON, L. D., Recorde's Cosmography, 1556, Isis , 42:208-18.[1169]
  • PECKHAM, MORSE, Dr. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia , PBSA , 45:37-58.[1170]
  • PHILIP, I. G., Thomas Hearne as a Publisher, Bodleian Libr. Rec. , 3:no.31:146-55.[1171]
  • PHILLIPS, G. L., Tit for Tat: A Novel of Social Criticism, Mid-America , 33 (new ser. 22):225-41.(Shown to be by Marion Southwood not Matthew Estes.)[1172]
  • PHILLIPS, JAMES, The Dean of Coleraine, Friends of the Libr of Trinity College, Dublin, Annual Bull . (1950):10-15.[1173]
  • PRANCE, C. A., A Forgotten Skit by Lamb, TLS , Feb. 9, 1951, p. 92.(“Cockney Latin” by “Philopatris Londiniensis,” London Magazine, Nov., 1823.)[1174]
  • PRICE, CECIL, The Edinburgh Edition of Chesterfield's Letters to His Son , Library , 5th ser., 5:271-72.[1175]
  • PROUTY, C. T., Bibliographical Note [on Peter Beverley's Ariodanto and Jeneura], p. 67-69 in The Sources of Much Ado about Nothing: A Critical Study, together with the Text of Peter Beverley's “Ariodanto and Jeneura ,” Yale Univ. Press, 1950.[1176]
  • RAMSDEN, CHARLES, French Bookbinding 1789-1848, Library , 5th ser., 5:258-60.(Summary of a paper. Fully treated in his book on the subject, “Check List for 1950,” no. 738.)[1177]
  • RENKER, ARMIN, Das Buch vom Papier . . ., Dritte, neu bearbeitete Ausgabe, Wiesbaden, Insel-Verlag, 1950. 250 p.(First published 1934.)[1178]
  • ROBERT THORNTON and “The Temple of Flora,” TLS , June 1, 1951, p. 348.[1179]
  • ROBERTSON, D. S., A Copy of Milton's “Eikonoklastes,” TLS , June 15, 1951, p. 380; June 22, 1951, p. 396.[1180]
  • ROCHLIN, S. A., The Earliest Use of Greek Type at the Cape, Quart. Bull. of the South African Libr. , 4:88-89.[1181]

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  • RODENBERG, JULIUS, Oliver Simon und die Curwen Press in Plaistow, London, Gutenberg Jahrb . (1951):160-73.[1182]
  • ROGERS, D. M., John Abbot (1558-1650), Biographical Studies , 1:22-33.[1183]
  • ROSENBERG, ALBERT, The Date of John Gay's “An Epistle to Burlington,” PQ , 30:94-96.[1184]
  • ROSNER, CHARLES, Printer's Progress, a Comparative Survey of the Craft of Printing, 1851-1951 , Harvard Univ. Press, 1951. 119 p.[1185]
  • RYAN, L. V. An Octavo Edition of “Poëmata” by Walter Haddon (1567), PBSA , 45:166-69.[1186]
  • SALE, W. M., Samuel Richardson: Master Printer , Cornell Univ. Press, 1950. 389 p.(Cornell Studies in English, 37.)[1187]
  • SAVAGE, J. E., The “Gaping Wounds” in the Text of Philaster , PQ , 28 (1949):443-57.[1188]
  • SCHATZKI, WALTER, Kate Greenaway's “Mother Goose,” Antiquarian Bookman , 8:405-406.[1189]
  • SCHMIDT-KUENSEMUELLER, F. A., see Part I, no. 961.
  • SCHOTTENLOHER, K., see Part I, no. 964.
  • SHERBO, ARTHUR, Dr. Johnson on Macbeth: 1745 and 1765, R.E.S. , new ser., 2:no. 5:40-47.[1190]
  • SHERWIN, OSCAR, Milton for the Masses: John Wesley's Edition of Paradise Lost, MLQ , 12:267-85.[1191]
  • SHORTER, A. H., Early Paper-Mills in Kent [1588-1738], N & Q , 196:309-13.[1192]
  • SILVER, L. H., The First Edition of Walton's Life of Herbert, HLB , 5:371-72.[1193]
  • SIMON, OLIVER, Mass Production and the Art of the Book in England, Gutenberg Jahrb . (1951):192-95.[1194]
  • SIMPSON, D. H., A Note on the Bibliography of George McCall Theal, Quart. Bull. of the South African Libr. , 4:126-32.[1195]
  • SKELTON, R. A., Jean LeClerc's Atlas of France, 1691, British Museum Quart. , 16:60-61.[1196]
  • SKELTON, R. A., John Norden's Map of Surrey [1594], British Museum Quart. , 16:61-62.[1197]
  • STARR, H. W., Spanish Translations of Gray's “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard,” N & Q , 196:206-209.[1198]
  • STEVENS, HENRY, see no. 1295.
  • STEVENSON, A. H., A Critical Study of Heawood's Watermarks Mainly of the 17th and 18th Centuries , PBSA , 45:23-36.(Discusses no. 666, “Check List for 1950.”)[1199]
  • STEVENSON, A. H., Shakespearian Dated Watermarks, SB , 4:159-64.[1200]
  • STEVENSON, A. H., Watermarks Are Twins, SB , 4:57-91, and Addendum, 4:235.[1201]
  • STEVENSON, ROBERT, John Wesley's First Hymnbook, Review of Religion , 14 (1950):140-60.[1202]
  • STURMAN, BERTA, The Second Quarto of A King and No King, 1625, SB , 4:166-70.[1203]
  • STURMAN, BERTA, The 1641 Edition of Chapman's Bussy D'Ambois , HLQ , 14:171-201.[1204]
  • SWARTHOUT, GLENDON, “The Way of All Flesh,” TLS , Aug. 3, 1951, p. 485.(Publishes two pages from the MS., those concluding Chapter VI, for the first time.)[1205]
  • SWEDENBERG, H. T., Jr., On Editing Dryden's Early Poems, Essays . . . Dedicated to Lily B. Campbell , Univ. of California Press, 1950, p. 73-84.[1206]
  • TAYLOR, ARCHER, and F. T. MOSHER, see Part I, no. 975.
  • TEERINK, H., Swift's Verses on the Death of Doctor Swift , SB , 4:183-88.[1207]
  • THOMAS, SIDNEY, Henry Chettle and the First Quarto of Romeo and Juliet , R.E.S. , new ser., 1 (1950):8-16.(Suggests Chettle as the author of the “un-Shakesperian passages” in Q1.)[1208]
  • THORP, J. P., editor, B. H. Newdigate, Scholar-Printer, 1869-1944 , Oxford, Black-well, 1950. 48 p.[1209]
  • TODD, W. B., Another Attribution to Swift, PBSA , 45:82-83.(Taste: An Essay, London, 1739, actually a translation from Charles Rollin.)[1210]
  • TODD, W. B., The Bibliographical History of Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France , Library , 5th ser., 6:100-108.[1211]
  • TODD, W. B., Bibliography and the Editorial Problem in the Eighteenth Century, SB , 4:41-55.[1212]
  • TODD, W. B., The First Printing of Hume's Life (1777), Library , 5th ser., 6:123-25.[1213]
  • TODD, W. B., A Hidden Edition of Whitehead's “Variety” (1776), PBSA , 45:357-58.[1214]
  • TODD, W. B., Press Figures and Book Reviews as Determinants of Priority: A Study of Home's “Douglas” (1757) and Cumberland's “The Brothers” (1770), PBSA , 45:72-76.[1215]

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  • TODD, W. B., Twin Titles in Scott's “Woodstock” (1826), PBSA , 45:256.[1216]
  • TODD, W. B., Two Issues of Crabbe's “Works” (1823), PBSA , 45:250-51.[1217]
  • TOUSSAINT, A., Early Printing in the Mascarene Islands, 1767-1810 , Paris, Max Besson, 1951, 167 p.[1218]
  • TREMAINE, MARIE, A Half-Century of Canadian Life and Print, 1751-1800, Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth , Portland, Me., 1951, p. 371-90.[1219]
  • UPDIKE, D. B., Printing Types; Their History, Forms and Use; A Study in Survivals , Harvard Univ. Press, 1951.(Reprinting of the second edition, 1937.)[1220]
  • VARLEY, D. H., Adventures in Africana, Quart. Bull. of the South African Libr. , 4:37-84.[1221]
  • VOORHOEVE, P., Batak Bark Books, Bull. John Rylands Libr. , 33:283-98.[1222]
  • WALKER, ALICE, The Cancelled Lines in 2 Henry IV, IV.i.93,95, Library , 5th ser., 6:115-16.[1223]
  • WALKER, ALICE, Quarto “Copy” and the 1623 Folio: 2 Henry IV, R.E.S. , new ser., 2:217-25.[1224]
  • WALKER, ALICE, The Textual Problem of Hamlet: A Reconsideration, R.E.S. , new ser., 2:328-38.[1225]
  • WALKER, J., The Censorship of the Press during the Reign of Charles II, History , new ser., 35(1950):219-38.[1226]
  • WALSH, J. E., see no. 1301.
  • WEAVER, WARREN, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; Its Origin and Its Author, PULC , 13:1-17.[1227]
  • WEBB, H. J., Two Additions to the Military Bibliography of Thomas Digges, MLQ , 12:131-33.[1228]
  • WEEDON, M. J. P., Mother Goose's Melody, Library , 5th ser., 6:216-18.(Advertised in the London Chronicle from 30 Dec. 1780 to 2 Jan. 1781, as “now first published” from the papers of the late John Newbery.)[1229]
  • WEIR, J. L., Bibliographical Notices of “The Last Battell of the Soule in Death” (1628-29), Part II, N & Q , 196:76-79.(Part I, “Check List for 1950,” no. 774.)[1230]
  • WHITE, WILLIAM, Two Problems in A. E. Housman Bibliography, PBSA , 45: 358-59.(Is Two Cities, 1904, his? Should books with his marginalia be included in a bibliography of his works?)[1231]
  • WHITLEY, ALVIN, The Autograph of Keats's “In Drear Nighted December,” HLB , 5:116-22.[1232]
  • WILSON, E. G., Edward Moxon and the First Two Editions of Milnes's Biography of Keats, HLB , 5:125-29.[1233]
  • WING, D. G., The Making of the Short-Title Catalogue, 1641-1700 , PBSA , 45:59-69.[1234]
  • WOLKINS, G. G., Edward Winslow (O. V. 1606-11), King's Scholar and Printer, Proceedings , American Antiquarian Soc., 60: 237-66.(Training as a printer and his part in the management of the Pilgrim Press at Leyden in 1617, p. 253-56.)[1235]
  • WROTH, L. C., see no. 1305.

B. United States

  • ADAMS, R. G., Introduction, p. ix-xviii, in “A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia” by Thomas Hariot; A Facsimile Edition of the 1588 Quarto , Ann Arbor, The Clements Libr. Associates, 1951.[1236]
  • ADAMS, W. C., History of Papermaking in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon Hist. Quart. , 52:21-37, 83-100, 154-85.[1237]
  • AUSTIN, J. C., J. T. Fields and the Revision of Longfellow's Poems: Unpublished Correspondence, NEQ , 24:239-50.[1238]
  • BAKER, H. S. C., The Book Trade in California, 1849-1859, California Hist. Soc. Quart. , 30:97-115, 249-67, 353-67.[1239]
  • BENNETT, P. A., see no. 1080.
  • BOWERS, FREDSON, Correction to Lawrence G. Starkey, “The Printing by the Cambridge Press of A Platform of Church Discipline , [SB] Vol. II, pp. 91-92, SB, 4:235.[1240]
  • BRIGHAM, C. S., American Booksellers' Catalogues, 1734-1800, Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth , Portland, Me., 1951, p. 31-67.[1241]
  • BUCKLER, W. E., “Household Words” in America, PBSA , 45:160-66.[1242]
  • BURLAND, C. A., A Note on the [Pierre] Desceliers' Mappemonde of 1546 in the John Rylands Library, Bull. John Rylands Libr. , 33:237-41.[1243]
  • BUTTERFIELD, L. H., see no. 1094.

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  • CANADAY, D. W., Voice of the Volunteer of 1847, Journ. of the Illinois State Hist. Soc. , 44:199-209.(The Picket Guard, a camp newspaper of the Mexican War published at Saltillo.)[1244]
  • CATLIN, Mrs. RANDOLPH, see no. 1034.
  • CHAPMAN, R. W., A Reading in Hawthorne, TLS , Dec. 28, 1951, p. 837.(The Scarlet Letter, Chapter 1.)[1245]
  • COLEMAN, J. W., John Bradford, Esq., Pioneer Kentucky Printer and Historian , Lexington, Ky., Winburn Press, 1950. 24 p.[1246]
  • COOPER, B. C., and R. E. HASKER, The Printer of Harvard's Humble Proposal (1659), SB , 4:199-201.[1247]
  • DAVIS, E. G., John Bradford's Contributions to Printing and Libraries in Lexington , Univ. of Kentucky. Thesis, 1951.[1248]
  • DICKERSON, O. M., British Control of American Newspapers on the Eve of the Revolution, NEQ , 24:453-68.[1249]
  • EDEL, LEON, The Architecture of Henry James's “New York Edition,” NEQ , 24:169-78.[1250]
  • EDEL, LEON, A Further Note on “An Error in The Ambassadors,” AL , 23:128-30.(Corrects no. 835, “Check List for 1950.”)[1251]
  • EDELSTEIN, D. S., Joel Munsell Prints Lossing's Memorial of Alexander Anderson, PBSA , 45:351-55.[1252]
  • EMERY, A. S., Nancy Sproat and Her Little Books for Good Children, NYPB , 55:367-85.[1253]
  • FLANAGAN, J. T., An Early Novel of the American Revolution, New York History , 32:316-22.(Michel René Hilliard D'Auberteuil's Mis MacRea, Roman Historique, Philadelphia, 1784.)[1254]
  • GAUSTAD, E. S., Charles Chauncy and the Great Awakening: A Survey and Bibliography, PBSA , 45:125-35.[1255]
  • GEGENHEIMER, A. F., Early and Late Revisions in Henry James's “A Passionate Pilgrim,” AL , 23:233-42.[1256]
  • GOFF, F. R., The Federal City in 1793, Libr. Congress Quart. Jour. , 9:no. 1:3-8.(Chancellor Kent's copy of Tobias Lear's Observations on the River Potomack, New York, 1793, and Andrew Ellicott's Plan of the City of Washington, 1792.)[1257]
  • GOFF, F. R., The First Decade of the Federal Act for Copyright, 1790-1800, Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth , Portland, Me., 1951, p. 101-28.(Mr. Goff also served as editor of the Essays as a whole.)[1258]
  • GREEN, RALPH, Early American Power Printing Presses, SB , 4:143-53.[1259]
  • HANKE, LEWIS, see no. 1133.
  • HEILBRON, B. L., Lewis' “Mississippithal” in English, Minnesota History , 32:202-213.(Discovery of one part of edition in English also reported in PBSA, 45:359-62, and more briefly in N & Q, 196:542-43. See also her article, no. 306, “Check List for 1949,” and J. F. McDermott's, no. 1271 here.)[1260]
  • HILL, R. S., The Melody of “The Star Spangled Banner” in the United States before 1820, Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth , Portland, Me., 1951, p. 151-93.[1261]
  • HUNTER, DARD, American Paper Labels, Gutenberg Jahrb. (1951):30-33, and Plates I-V.(Labels used by early paper mills.)[1262]
  • JOHNSON, T. H., Jonathan Edwards, PULC , 12:159-60.(On copies of his The Great Concern of A Watchman For Souls, Boston, 1743, and Glaubwürdige Nachricht, Magdeburg and Leipzig, 1738.)[1263]
  • JOHNSON, U. E., American Woodcuts, 1670-1950 , The Brooklyn Museum, 1950. 55 p.[1264]
  • JOOST, NICHOLAS, see no. 1145.
  • LEHMANN-HAUPT, HELLMUT, and others, The Book in America; a History of the Making and Selling of Books in the United States , by Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, in Collaboration with Lawrence C. Wroth and Rollo G. Silver, Second Edition, N. Y., R. R. Bowker, 1951. 493 p.(Completely revised; Miss Ruth Shepard Grannis's “American Book Collecting and the Growth of Libraries,” Part III, p. 295-381, of the first edition, New York, 1939, dropped to allow for the expansion of the section on “Book Production and Distribution from 1860 to the Present Day.” “Bibliography,” prepared by Miss Janet Bogardus, p. 422-66.)[1265]
  • LOMOTE, R. M., Censorship of the Press in the American Colonies, 1639-1775 , Univ. of Illinois. M.A. Thesis, 1951.[1266]
  • LUCKE, J. R., Correspondence concerning the Printing of the Public Laws in Kentucky, 1802-1821, The Filson Club History Quart. , 25:204-209.(Printing in newspapers.)[1267]
  • LUCKE, J. R., Letters from John Quincy Adams and Others Dealing with the Printing of the Federal Laws in Virginia, 1802-1821; Transcribed, with a Foreword and Notes, Virginia Mag. of History and Biography , 59:34-50.(In newspapers.)[1268]

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  • McDERMOTT, J. F., Baldwin's “Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi”—A Bibliographical Note, PBSA , 45:251-56.[1269]
  • McDERMOTT, J. F., French Publications in Saint Louis, PBSA , 45:83-84.(Early nineteenth century.)[1270]
  • McDERMOTT, J. F., Henry Lewis's “Das Illustrirte Mississippithal,” PBSA , 45:152-55.(Cf. articles by B. L. Heilbron, “Check List for 1949,” no. 306, and no. 1260 here.)[1271]
  • McDONALD, G. D., William Bradford's Book Trade and John Bowne, Long Island Quaker, as his Book Agent, 1686-1691, Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth , Portland, Me., 1951, p. 209-22.[1272]
  • McFERRIN, J. B., Printing in Nashville before 1840 , Univ. of Illinois. M. A. Thesis, 1951.[1273]
  • MAY, E. R., Benjamin Parke Avery: Including a Review of the Office of State Printer, 1850-72, California Hist. Soc. Quart. , 30:125-49.[1274]
  • MILLER, F. DeW., Twenty-Eight Additions to the Canon of Lowell's Criticism, SB , 4: 205-10.[1275]
  • MULLINS, Rev. P. J., A Survey of Catholic Americana and Catholic Book Publishing in the United States, 1841-1850 , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1951.[1276]
  • MURPHY, L. W., John Dunlap's “Packet” and Its Competitors, Journalism Quart. , 38:58-62.[1277]
  • ONIS, J. de, Alcedo's Bibliotheca Americana, Hispanic American Hist. Rev. , 31:530-41.[1278]
  • PALTSITS, V. H., see no. 1295.
  • PHILLIPS, W. L., The First Printing of Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg , Ohio, SB , 4:211-13.[1279]
  • PIPER, H. D., F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Check List, PULC , 12:196-208.[1280]
  • PIPER, H. D., Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald: A Check List, PULC , 12:209-10.[1281]
  • REYNOLDS, J. E., The First First of Walter van Tilberg Clark, Antiquarian Bookman , 7:21-22.(Christmas Comes to Hjalsen, Reno, Nev., 1930, 16 p.)[1282]
  • ROBBINS, J. A., George R. Graham, Philadelphia Publisher, Pennsylvania Mag. of Hist. and Biography , 75:279-94.(Graham's Magazine, 1841-1858.)[1283]
  • ROCKEFELLER, G. C., The First Testaments Printed in New Jersey, PBSA , 45:148-51.(Trenton, Isaac Collins, 1779 and 1782.)[1284]
  • ROLLINS, C. P., The Bibliographical Press at Yale University, Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth , Portland, Me., 1951, p. 247-61.[1285]
  • SACCO, F. R., Government Regulation of Printing in the British-American Colonies, 1763 , Univ. of Illinois. M.A. Thesis, 1951.[1286]
  • SALAS, E. P., Una Supercheria Californiana traducida en Chile, El Bibliófilo Chileno , no. 5 (Aug. 1949):58-59.(J. Tyrwhitt Brooks' Four Months among the Gold-Finders in California, New York, Appleton, 1849.)[1287]
  • SAUNDERS, A. M., An Unpublished Letter of “Parson” Weems, Maryland Hist. Mag. , 46:213-15.(Fills a gap in Weems' itinerary in Georgia, March, 1822.)[1288]
  • SHACKFORD, J. A., The Author of David Crockett's Autobiography, BPLQ , 3:294-304.(Crockett and Thomas Chilton collaborators.)[1289]
  • SHERA, J. H., The Beginnings of Systematic Bibliography in America, 1642-1799, Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth , Portland, Me., 1951, p. 263-78.[1290]
  • SILVER, R. G., Belcher & Armstrong Set up Shop: 1805, SB , 4:201-204.[1291]
  • SILVER, R. G., The Boston Book Trade, 1790-1799, Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth , Portland, Me., 1951, p. 279-303.(A directory.)[1292]
  • SILVER, R. G., see no. 1265.
  • STARKEY, L. G., see no. 1059.
  • STERN, M. B., The Frank Leslie Publishing House, Antiquarian Bookman , 7:1973-75.[1293]
  • STERN, M. B., William Williams: Pioneer Printer of Utica, New York, 1787-1850 , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1951. 22 p. Mimeographed.[1294]
  • STEVENS, HENRY, Recollections of James Lenox and the Formation of His Library . Revised and Elucidated by Victor Hugo Paltsits, N. Y. Public Libr., 1951. xxxvi, 187 p.[1295]
  • SWAN, B. F., The First Printing in Providence, Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth , Portland, Me., 1951, p. 365-69.[1296]
  • TWEITO, T. E., Frontier Journalism, The Palimpsest , 32:441-56.(Seth W. Swiggett's Sioux City lowa Eagle, July 4, 1857-Oct. 1859.)[1297]
  • VAN RAVENSWAAY, CHARLES, . . . Pioneer Presses in Missouri, Bull. Missouri Hist. Soc. , 7:296-301.[1298]
  • VERNER, COOLIE, Maps and Plates Appearing with the Several Editions of Mr. Jefferson's “Notes on the State of Virginia,” Virginia Mag. of Hist. and Biography , 59:21-33.[1299]

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  • WALLINGFORD, HOWARD, . . . Papermaking on the Neponset . . . from 1728 to 1951 , Boston, [1951]. [4] p.(Reprinted from Feb., 1951, issue of the New England Printer & Lithographer.)[1300]
  • WALSH, J. E., William Penn Stops the Press, HLB , 5:94-99.(Cancelland and cancel in the Harvard copy of Penn's Some Account of the Province of Pennsilvania, London, 1681.)[1301]
  • WEISS, H. B., Type Founders, Copperplate Printers, Stereotypers in Early New York City, NYPB , 55:471-83.[1302]
  • WINTERICH, J. T., What a New Englander was Likely to Read in 1711, Publishers' Weekly , 159:759-61.[1303]
  • WOLKINS, G. G., see no. 1235.
  • WOODRESS, J. L., Jr., A Note on Lowell Bibliography: The Review of Howells' Venetian Life , SB , 4:210-11.[1304]
  • WROTH, L. C., The Frontier Presidios of New Spain: Books, Maps, and a Selection of Manuscripts relating to the Rivera Expedition of 1724-1728, PBSA , 45:191-218.[1305]
  • WROTH, L. C., see no. 1265.
  • WYLLIE, J. C., The First Maryland Tract: A Reconsideration of the Date of Printing of the Maryland Charter, Essays Honoring Lawrence C. Wroth , Portland, Me., 1951, p. 475-83.[1306]