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(White paper, unlined, with Harper's official heading, 8" x 5")

Mr. Walt Whitman, Dear Sir,

I send enclosed Messrs Harper & Brothers' check for One Hundred Dollars ($100), in payment for your poem, "Song of the Redwood Tree."

The Messrs Harper do not object to the subsequent publication of the poem in book form, provided such publication is not made until six months after the appearance of the poem in their Magazine.


Page 206

With thanks for your poem (of which I will send you proof in a few days), & the best wishes for your welfare, I am

Sincerely yours
H. M. Alden.
Ed. Harper's Mag.

P.S. The poem will appear in an early number. H. M. A.

Whitman's "The Song of the Redwood Tree" appeared in Harper's Monthly for February, 1874 (XLVIII, 366-367). It first appeared in book form in Two Rivulets, published in 1876.