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A. English and General
- AKRIGG, G. P. V. The Name of God and “The Duchess of Malfi.” N & Q , 195:231-33.(Omissions in text of 1623 suggest censorship.)[586]
- ALDEN, J. and T. R. ADAMS. Gigantomachia. [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 16:93-94.(Reports hitherto undifferentiated edition of Wing G698.)[587]
- ALDEN, J. and T. R. ADAMS. Unrecorded Poem of Thomas D'Urfey. [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 16:93.(An Ode on the Anniversary of the Queen's Birth, London, MDCXC.)[588]
- ALDRIDGE, A. O. Two Versions of Shaftesbury's Inquiry Concerning Virtue. HLQ , 13:207-14.[589]
- ALEXANDER, D. P. A “Lost” Dumas Romance. New Colophon , 3:160-64.(Le Comte de Moret.)[590]
- ALSPACH, R. K. Yeats' “Maid Quiet.” MLN , 65:252-53.[591]
- ALTICK, R. D. Robert Browning Rides the Chicago and Alton. New Colophon , 3:78-81.(Poetical works reprinted in the railroad's timetables, 1872-74.)[592]
- ANKER, J. Otto Friedrich Müller's Zoologia Danica , Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1950.[593]
- ARBER, A. Children in Early Printing Shops. TLS , March 10, 1950, p. 153.[594]
- AUDIN, M. See Part I, no. 345.
- AUSTEN-LEIGH, R. A. Pote's Day-Book. Etoniana , no. 109:129-32.(Describes daybook of Eton printer, bookseller and binder Joseph Pote, 15 June 1771 — 8 Nov. 1774.)[595]
- AUTY, R. A. “Byzantium.” TLS , August 11, 1950, p. 501.(Discussion of reading of a line in Yeats' poem. Comments by others: August 25, p. 533; Sept. 22, p. 597; Nov. 3, p. 693.)[596]
- AVERY, E. L. Two Early London Playbills. N & Q , 195:99.[597]
- BAINE, R. M. The First Anthologies of English Literary Criticism, Warton to Haslewood. SB , 3:262-65.[598]
- BALD, R. C. Editorial Problems—A Preliminary Survey. SB , 3:3-17.[599]
- BALFOUR, M. L. G. In Defense of The Hanging Judge. New Colophon , 3:75-77.[600]
- BALSTON, T. John Boydell, Publisher, “The Commercial Maecenas.” Signature , new ser., 8 (1949):3-22.[601]
- BANDY, W. T. Petite addition à la bibliographie baudelairienne; une édition non signalée de La Fanfarlo . Bull. de Biblioph . (1950):198-200.[602]
- BATDORF, F. P. Notes on Three Editions of George Crabbe's “Tales.” BSA , 44:276-79.[603]
- BENNETT, H. S. See Part I, no. 349.
- BENZING, J. Johann Albin zu Mainz als Reichsdrucker (1598-1620). Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):209-13.[604]
- BIBLIOGRAPHY of Coloured Plate Books. TLS , March 31, 1950, p. 208; April 7, 1950, p. 220.[605]
- BINGLEY, B. Bewickiana. Signature , new ser., 9 (1949):35-46.(Illustrations in G. L. Ways' Fabliaux.)[606]
- BOND, D. F. The First Printing of the Spectator. MP , 47:164-77.[607]
- BOND, W. H. Christopher Smart's Jubilate Agno. Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:39-52.[608]
- BOWERS, F. A Crux in the Text of Lee's Princess of Cleve (1689), II.i. Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:409-11.[609]
- BOWERS, F. Current Theories of Copy-text, with an Illustration from Dryden. MP , 68:12-20.(The Indian Emperour.)[610]
- BOWERS, F. The First Edition of Dryden's Wild Gallant, 1669. Library , 5th ser., 5:51-54.[611]
- BOWERS, F. Nathaniel Lee: Three Probable Seventeenth-Century Piracies. BSA , 44:62-66.(Rival Queens, 1694; Tragedy of Nero, 1696; Sophonisba, 1697.)[612]
- BOWERS, F. The Prologue to Nathaniel Lee's “Mithridates,” 1678. BSA , 44: 173-75.[613]
- BOWERS, F. Some Relations of Bibliography to Editorial Problems. SB , 3:37-62.[614]
- BOWERS, F. The Supposed Cancel in Southerne's The Disappointment Reconsidered. Library , 5th ser., 5:140-49.[615]
- BOYCE, B. “Bibliographical Note,” in his edition of The Adventures of Lindamira , Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1949, p. xiv-xv.[616]
- BROWN, E. K. Pater's Appreciations: A Bibliographical Note. MLN , 65:247-49.[617]
- BUTT, J. David Copperfield: From Manuscript to Print. RES , new ser., 1:247-51.[618]
- CARR, B. M. H. The Ettrick Shepherd: Two Unnoted Articles. N & Q , 195:388-90.[619]
- CHAPMAN, R. W. The Text of “Miss Mackenzie.” Trollopian , 3 (1949):305-308.[620]
- CORDASCO, F. John Miller—Associate with Woodfall in the Printing of the Junius Letters. N & Q , 195:319-20.[621]
- CORDASCO, F. An Unrecorded Medical Translation by Smollett. N & Q , 195:516.(M. Dibon's Description of the Venereal Diseases . . . , Leidae, Samuel Dortas, 1751.)[622]
- CORSON, J. C. Contributions to “Blackwood's Magazine.” N & Q , 195:63.(J. G. Lockhart's “Lines Written on Tweedside, September 18, 1831.”)[623]
- CRANFILL, T. M. Barnaby Rich: An Elizabethan Reviser at Work. SP 46 (1949):411-18.(Revisions of his Farewell to Militaire Profession.)[624]
- DANKS, K. B. An Implication of Bibliographical Links. N & Q , 195:73-74.[625]
- DARGAUD, M. L'édition originale du “Génie Bonhomme” de Charles Nodier (1836). Bull. du Biblioph . (1950):42-50.[626]
- DAVIES, D. W. The Provenance of the Oriental Types of Thomas Erpenius. Het Boek , 30:117-22.[627]
- DAVIES, G. Daniel Defoe's A Tour thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain . Modern Philology , 68:21-36.[628]
- DAY, C. L. Dates and Performances of Thomas D'Urfey's Plays , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1950. 24 p.(Mimeographed.)[629]
- DEARING, V. A. The Prince of Wales's Set of Pope's Works. Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:320-38.[630]
- DESPRECHINS, R. Les différentes couvertures de l'édition originale de Madame Bovary . Bull. du Biblioph . (1950):159-61.[631]
- DÉVIGNE, R. L'imprimerie folklorique: histoire des livres de colportage et du livre populaire; typographie. iconographie, bibliographie des origines aux XXe siècle. Courier graphique , no. 46:33-39; no. 47:33-40; no. 49:41-45.[632]
- DICKINS, B. Stationers Made Free of the City in 1551/2 and 1552. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:194-95.[633]
- DICKSON, S. The “Humours” of Samuel Rowlands. BSA , 44:101-18.(Shown to be author of Humors Antique Faces, 1605.)[634]
- DOBELL, C. Samuel Hoole, Translator of Leeuwenhoek's Select Works; with a Note on That Publication. Isis , 41:171-80.[635]
- DOBELL, R. J. The Bibliography of Gilbert Burnet. Library , 5th ser., 5:61-63.(Some Passages of the Life and Death of the Right Honourable John Earl of Rochester, London, 1680.)[636]
- DOYLE, A. I. The Earliest Printed Statutes of Pembroke College. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:130-38[637]
- DREYFUS, J. The Baskerville Punches, 1750-1950 . Library , 5th ser., 5:26-48. Published separately as The Survival of Baskerville's Punches, Cambridge, Priv. pr. by the University Printer, 1949. vii, 36 p.[638]
- DREYFUS, J. Baskerville's Ornaments. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:173-77.[639]
- DUNLOP, R. “Text and Canon,” in his edition of The Poems of Thomas Carew; with His Masque, Coelam Britannicum , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1949, p. lix-lxviii.[640]
- DUVEEN, D. I. Antoine Lavoisier's Traité elèmentaire de chimie; a Bibliographical Note. Isis , 41:168-71.[641]
- DUVEEN, D. I. Conrad Gesner and His “Thesaurus Evonymi Philiatri.” Book Handbook , nos. 8 & 9:423-28.[642]
- EASTMAN, A. M. Johnson's Shakespeare and the Laity: A Textual Study. PMLA , 65:1112-21.[643]
- EASTMAN, A. M. The Texts from Which Johnson Printed His Shakespeare. JEGP , 49: 182-91.[644]
- EBERLE, G. J. The Composition and Printing of Middleton's A Mad World , My Masters. SB , 3:246-52.[645]
- EEGHEN, I. H. v. De Reisbeschrijving van François Leguat (een merkwaardige uitgaaf uit het jaar 1708). Het Boek , 30:227-46.[646]
- EHRLICH, E. S. Photomicrography as a Bibliographical Tool. Harvard Lib. Bull. , 4:123-26.[647]
- FERGUSSON, J. The Text of Boyd's “Sonet.” TLS , May 12, 1950, p. 293.[648]
- FINCH, J. S. The Norfolk Persuaders of Sir Thomas Browne; a Variant Copy of the 1712 “Posthumous Works.” Princeton Libr. Chron. , 11:199-201.[649]
- FRIDAY, pseudonym. “The True-Born Englishman” at Yale. Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 24:132-40.[650]
- GACHET, H. Balzac et la papeterie. Courier graphique , no. 39 (1949):25-31.[651]
- GACHET, H. La réglementation en papeterie aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles [en France]. Courier graphique , no. 38 (1949):41-48.[652]
- GACHET, H. Vieilles papeteries françaises: Les papeteries d'Annonay. Courier graphique , no. 41 (1949):27-34; Les anciennes manufactures Canson & Montgolfier, no. 42 (1949):23-32; Les papeteries d'Arches, no. 43:35-40; Les papeteries du Marais et de Sainte-Marie, no. 45:43-47; Les origines de la papeterie en Dauphiné; les papeteries F. Barjon, no. 49:47-50.[653]
- GAGNEBIN, B. La publication du livre de d'Alembert Sur la destruction des Jésuites en France assurée en 1765 a Genève par Voltaire. Bull. du Biblioph. , (1950):190-97.[654]
- GASKELL, P. Eighteenth-century Press Numbers, Their Use and Usefulness. Library , 5th ser., 4:249-61.[655]
- GEORGE, J. Four Notes on the Text of Dekker's Shoemaker's Holiday . N & Q , 194:192.(Confirmed in note by F. Bowers, A Late Appearance of “Cornwall” for “Cornhill,” N & Q, 195:97-98.)[656]
- GIBSON, S. and D. M. ROGERS. The Earl of Leicester and Printing at Oxford. Bodleian Libr. Rec. , 2 (1949):240-45.[657]
- GILMORE, M. P. Authority and Property in the Seventeenth Century: The First Edition of the Traité des seigneuries of Charles Loyseau. Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:258-65.[658]
- GOLDBERG, H. The Two 1692 Editions of Otway's Caius Marius . SB , 3:253-54.[659]
- GORDAN, J. D. [Notes on the manuscript of Wilkie Collins's I Say No, added to the Berg Collection, and its publication as a serial and a book.] NYPB , 54:301-302.[660]
- GRAY, H. D. The Wooing of Nerissa. TLS , Feb. 3, 1950, p. 73.(Merchant of Venice, III, 2. 199. Related letters Dec. 9, 1949, Feb. 17, 1950.)[661]
- GRAY, J. E. Still More Massinger Correcions. Library , 5th ser., 5:132-39.(Ms. corrections by Massinger in copies of his plays.)[662]
- GREENE, D. J. The Johnsonian Canon: A Neglected Attribution. PMLA , 65:427-34.(“Observations” appended to “A Letter from a French Refugee in America to His Friend a Gentleman in England,” Literary Magazine, June 1756.)[663]
- GREG, W. W. The Rationale of Copy-Text. SB , 3:19-36.[664]
- HEALEY, G. H. Another Defoe Item. N & Q , 195:195.(Proposals for Printing by Subscription a Compleat History of the Union, 1707.)[665]
- HEAWOOD, E. Watermarks, Mainly of the 17th and 18th Centuries , Hilversum, Holland, Paper Publications Soc., 1950. 154 p., 4078 reproductions on 267 leaves.[666]
- HENCH, A. L. Printer's Copy for Tyrwhitt's Chaucer. SB , 3:265-66.[667]
- HERSHOLT, J. Hans Christian Andersen's First Book. New Colophon , 3:44-47.(Ungdoms-Forsög of William Christian Walter [pseudonym], Kjöbenhavn, 1822.)[668]
- HESPELT, E. H. Quevedo's “Buscón” as a Chapbook. BSA , 44:66-69.[669]
- HILL, A. A. Some Postulates for Distributional Study of Texts. SB , 3:63-95.[670]
- HINMAN, C. Mark III: New Light on the Proof-Reading for the First Folio of Shakespeare. SB , 3:145-53.[671]
- HLASTA, S. C. Printing Types and How to Use Them , Pittsburgh, Carnegie Press, 1950. 304 p.[672]
- HOFER, P. Some Precursors of the Modern Illustrated Book. Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:191-202.(Examples largely French books of the 19th century.)[673]
- HOLADAY, A. Thomas Heywood and the Puritans. JEGP , 49:192-203.(Various Puritan pamphlets have been incorrectly attributed to him.)[674]
- HORN, R. D. The Early Editions of Addison's Campaign . SB , 3:256-61.[675]
- HORNE, C. J. Boswell and Literary Property. N & Q , 195:296-98.(His purpose in separately off-printing Johnson's Letter to Lord Chesterfield and Conversation with George III from the Life.)[676]
- HORROX, R. Table for the Collation of the First Folio. Book Handbook , no. 2 (1947):105-12; no. 4 (1947):113-28; nos. 8 & 9 (1950):129-38; Second Folio, p. 139-54; Third Folio, p. 155-67; Fourth Folio, p. 168-76; with an introductory essay by R. C. Bald, “The Shakespeare Folios,” no. 2 (1947):100-105.[677]
- HOWE, E. A List of London Bookbinders, 1648-1815 , London, Bibl. Soc., 1950. xxxviii, 105 p.[678]
- HOWE, E. The London Bookbinders, Masters & Men, 1780-1806 , London, Dropmore Press, 1950. 182 p.[679]
- HUNT, R. W. Tanner's Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica . Bodleian Libr. Rec. , 2:249-58.[680]
- IMHOFF, L. Un imprimé rarissime du XVIIe siècle de l'imprimeur ambulant Jacob Ammon à Sion. Zeitschrift für Buchdruckgeschichte , no. 3 (1950):1-6.[681]
- JACKSON, W. A. Sir Robert Bruce Cotton's A short view of the long life and raigne of Henry the third . Harvard Libr. Bull. , 3:28-38.[682]
- JOHNSON, A. F. English Books Printed Abroad. Library , 5th ser., 4:273-76.[683]
- JOHNSON, F. R. Notes on English Retail Book-prices, 1550-1640. Library , 5th ser., 5:83-112.[684]
- KAPLAN, I. Kipling's “American Notes” and Mark Twain Interview. BSA , 44:69-73.[685]
- KEHRLI, J. O. Die Lithographien zu Goethe's Faust von Eugène Delacroix , Bern, Gutenberg Museum, 1950. 74 p., 29 plates.[686]
- KENNEY, C. E. William Leybourn, 1626-1716. Library , 5th ser., 5:159-71.[687]
- KERSLAKE, J. F. M. de Jarry's Project for an Edition of the Moniteur . Library , 5th ser., 4:277-79.[688]
- KING, A. H. English Pictorial Music Titlepages, 1820-1885; Their Style, Evolution, and Importance. Library , 5th ser., 4:262-72.[689]
- KOCH, H. Ernst von Gera, Drucker in Jena. Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):159-60.[690]
- KRANS, G. H. A. Steven Joessen, Drukker en Uitgever te Kampen van c. 1550-1581. Het Boek , 30 (1949):91-115.[691]
- KRONENBERG, M. E. Almanach en Prognostication door Joannes Sylvius beide voor 1551 (Deventer, Albert Pafraet, 1550). Het Boek , 30 (1949):123-26.[692]
- KRUYSKAMP, C. Jan Mommaert en Het “Stichtelyck Proces.” Het Boek , 30:306-12.[693]
- LABANDE, L. H. Les premiers ouvrages imprimés à Marseille. Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):214-26.[694]
- LABARRE, E. J. The Sizes of Paper, Their Names, Origin and History, Buch und Papier , Leipzig, Harrassowitz, 1949, p. 35-54.[695]
- LAFUMA, L. Pascal's “Pensées.” TLS , Dec. 22, 1950, p. 815.(Ms. sources.)[696]
- LANCKORONSKA, M. French Wood-Engraved Book Decorations of the Eighteenth Century. Signature , new ser., 8 (1949):23-45.[697]
- LANCKORONSKA, M. Typographischer Buchschmuck des 18. Jahrhunderts: Ein deutscher Nachfolger von Pierre Simon Fournier. Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1950):235-44.[698]
- LANCKORONSKA, M. Die venezianische Buchgraphik des XVIII Jahrhunderts , Hamburg, Maximillian Gesellschaft, 1950. 53 p., 121 illustrations.[699]
- LE GEAR, C. E. Mercator's Atlas of 1595. Libr. Congress Quart. Journ. , 7:no. 3:9-13.[700]
- LEONARD, I. A. Books of the Brave , Harvard Univ. Press, 1949. 381 p.(Includes discussion of the Mexican book trade in 1576 and 1600, the Lima book trade in 1583, etc.)[701]
- LIEBERT, H. W. Dr. Johnson's First Book. Yale Univ. Libr. Gaz. , 25:23-28.(A translation, Father Jerome Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia.)[702]
- LIMOUZE, A. S. Doctor Gaylard's Loyal Observator Reviv'd . MP , 68:97-103.[703]
- McDADE, T. M. Gallows Literature of the Streets. New Colophon , 3:120-27.[704]
- McILWRAITH, A. K. Marginalia on Presscorrections in Books of the Early Seventeenth Century. Library , 5th ser., 4:238-48.(Especially 1624 quarto of Philip Massinger's The Bond-man.)[705]
- McMANAWAY, J. G. Additional Prompt-Books of Shakespeare from the Smock Alley Theatre. MLR , 45:64-65.[706]
- MAYO, R. D. Gothic Romance in the Magazines. PMLA , 65:762-89.[707]
- MEGAW, R. N. E. The Two 1695 Editions of Wycherley's Country-Wife . SB , 3:252-53.[708]
- MENDIA TORRES, F. See Part I, no. 448.
- METZDORF, R. F. A Newly Recovered Criticism of Johnson's Irene . Harvard Libr. Bull. , 4:265-68.[709]
- MILLER, C. W. Thomas Newcomb: A Restoration Printer's Ornament Stock. SB , 3:155-70, 6 plates.[710]
- MITCHELL, W. S. See Part I, no. 449.
- MODERN Bibliography. TLS , June 23, 1950, p. 396.[711]
- MORGAN, P. The Earliest Stratford Newspaper. N & Q , 195:52.[712]
- MORISON, S. The Roman, Italic & Black Letter Bequeathed to the University of Oxford by Dr. John Fell , Oxford, University Press, 1950. 41 p.[713]
- MORISON, S. The Typographic Arts , Harvard Univ. Press, 1950. 106 p., 32 plates.(Also: London, Sylvan Press, 1949.)[714]
- MORNAND, P. Les Robinson Crusoe. Portique , no. 7:49-64.(Illustrated editions.)[715]
- MOSSNER, E. C. Hume's Four Dissertations: An Essay in Biography and Bibliography. MP , 68:37-57.[716]
- MUIR, K. A Chapman Masque? TLS , Dec. 15, 1950, p. 801.(The Masque of the Twelve Months. Further correspondence, Dec. 29, p. 827.)[717]
- MUNBY, A. N. L. Chirm's Banded Bindings. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:181-86.[718]
- MUNBY, A. N. L. Windham and Gauffecourt. Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:186-90.(Binding at Felbrigg Hall and possible use of ms. derived from ms. of Gauffecourt's Traitè de la reliure, 1763.)[719]
- NEWMAN, F. B. A Consideration of the Bibliographical Problems Connected with the First Edition of Humphry Clinker. BSA , 44:340-71.[720]
- NOSWORTHY, J. M. The Southouse Text of Arden of Feversham . Library , 5th ser., 5:113-29.[721]
- OLIVER, L. M. Thomas Drue's Duchess of Suffolk: A Protestant Drama. SB , 3:241-46.[722]
- PARENTI, M. Intorno alla prima edizione delle “Poesie” del Tommaseo , Firenze, Sansoni, 1949. 24 p.[723]
- PARKER, W. R. Principles and Standards of Bibliographical Description. BSA , 44:216-23.(Review of Bowers' Principles of Bibliographical Description and Standards of Bibliographical Description by Bühler, McManaway, and Wroth.)[724]
- PARTRIDGE, C. Evangelical Children's Books, 1828-1859. N & Q , 195:56-58.[725]
- PATRICK, J. M. The Date of Milton's Of Prelatical Episcopacy . HLQ , 13:303-11.[726]
- PATRICK, M. Four Centuries of Scottish Psalmody , London, Oxford, 1949. 234 p.[727]
- PAZOS, M. R. Más sobre la bibliografía de Don Rodrigo de Mandiáa y Para. Arch. Ibero-Americano , 2nd ser., 9 (1949) : no. 36:533-45.[728]
- PECKHAM, M. Blake, Milton and Edward Burney. Princeton Libr. Chron. , 11:107-26.(Illustrations for Paradise Lost.)[729]
- PECKHAM, M. English Editions of Philip James Bailey's Festus . BSA , 44:55-58.[730]
- PEERY, W. [Introductions and Check-list of works, p. 321-23], in his edition of The Plays of Nathan Field, Univ. of Texas Press, 1950. 346 p.[731]
- PESQUEIRA, F. El Estado de Occidente (Sonora y Sinaloa): Nómina de algunos de los primeros papeles impresos en la imprenta de su Gobierno. Suma bibliográfica 6:no. 19:757-68.[732]
- PLACE, E. B. “Bibliography,” in his edition of Juan de Segura's Proceso de cartas de amores (1548) , Northwestern Univ., 1950, p. 1-8.[733]
- PLACE, J. La faute de “Dominique.” Bull. du Biblioph . (1950):78-82.(Correction of text of Eugène Fromentin's Dominique.)[734]
- POVEY, K. and I. J. C. FOSTER. Turned Chain-lines. Library , 5th ser., 5:184-200.[735]
- PRICE, G. R. Compositors' Methods with Two Quartos Reprinted by Augustine Mathewes. BSA , 44:269-74.(STC 14647 and 17912.)[736]
- PURPUS, E. R. Some Notes on a Deistical Essay Attributed to Dryden. PQ , 29:347-49.(A Summary Account of the Deist's Religion . . . and An Essay, London, 1745.)[737]
- RAMSDEN, C. French Bookbinders, 1789-1848 , London, Lund Humphries & Co., 1950. 228 p.[738]
- RANDALL, D. A. The Court of Appeals. New Colophon , 2:pt.8:93-83.(Answers on points of the bibliography of specific books.)[739]
- REA, R. R. Amelia Evans Barry and Gov. Pownall's Map: An Episode in International Biblio-Philanthropy. Indiana Quart. for Bookmen , 5 (1949):7-16.[740]
- REA, R. R. Bookseller as Historian. Indiana Quart. for Bookmen , 5:75-95.(John Almon, London publisher and bookseller of latter half of 18th century.)[741]
- RECIO, A. Ensayo bibliográfico sobre San Francisco Solano. Arch. Ibero-Americano , 2d ser., 9:473-532.[742]
- RIJNBACH, A. A. v. Een Onbekende Spectator en Zijn Samensteller, Egbert Buys. Het Boek , 30:75-87.[743]
- RITSON, L. Arthur Christian, Director of the Imprimerie Nationale, 1895-1906. Signature , new ser., 9 (1949):3-28.[744]
- ROUDINESCO, A. Remarques sur le premier tirage des Fables de la Fontaine illustrées par Grandville. Bull. du Biblioph . (1950):126-30.[745]
- SANVILLE, D. W. Thomas D'Urfey's “Love for Money”; a Bibliographical Study. [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 17:71-77.[746]
- SARTON, G. Desargues in Japan. Isis , 41:300-301.(Note on Dutch translation, Amsterdam, 1664, of his Manière universelle, Paris, 1648.)[747]
- SAUL, G. B. Yeats and His Poems. TLS , March 31, 1950, p. 208.[748]
- SAVAGE, D. S. Hamlet and the Pirates. An Exercise in Literary Detection , London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1950. 115 p.[749]
- SCHMOLLER, H. P. Carl Ernst Poeschel. Signature , new ser., 11:20-36.[750]
- SCOTT, K. W. “Mary Price.” TLS , Jan. 20, 1950, p. 41.(Date of G. W. M. Reynold's play of that title.)[751]
- SILVER, L. H. Bunyan's Barren Fig Tree, 1670. Library , 5th ser., 5:61.[752]
- SKELTON, R. A. Pieter Van den Keere. Library , 5th ser., 5:130-32.(Corrects statements in no. 177, Check List for 1949 .)[753]
- SMYSER, J. W. Coleridge's Use of Wordsworth's Juvenilia. PMLA , 65:419-26.[754]
- STEPHENS, J. C., Jr. Addison and Steele's “Spectator.” TLS , Dec. 15, 1950, p. 801.[755]
- STEREOTYPING and Its Inventor [William Ged]. TLS , Feb. 10, 1950, Book Production Section, p. ix.[756]
- STROUT, A. L. Contributors to “Blackwood's Magazine.” N & Q , 195:70-72.(List of unidentified prose pieces.)[757]
- STROUT, A. L. James Hogg's “Chaldee Manuscript.” PMLA , 65:695-718.[758]
- SUPER, R. H. The Authorship of Guy's Porridge Pot and The Dun Cow. Library , 5th ser., 5:55-58.(First by R. E. Landor, second not by W. S. Landor.)[759]
- TEMPLEAN, W. D. The Engravings for Gilpin's Works on Picturesque Beauty. N & Q , 195:52-54.[760]
- THOMAS, S. Henry Chettle and the First Quarto of Romeo and Juliet . RES , new ser., 1:8-16.[761]
- THOMPSON, K. F. The Authorship of Yorick's “Sentimental Journey Continued.” N & Q , 195:318-19.[762]
- THORPE, J. [Bibliography, authorship, census of copies, variant readings, etc.], in his edition of Rochester's Poems on Several Occasions, Princeton Univ. Press, 1950, p. xi-xxxviii, 153-91.[763]
- TODD, W. B. The Number, Order, and Authorship of the Hanover Pamphlets Attributed to Chesterfield. BSA , 44:224-38.[764]
- TODD, W. B. Observations on the Incidence and Interpretation of Press Figures. SB , 3:171-205.[765]
- TODD, W. B. Variant Editions of Lyttleton's “To the Memory of a Lady Lately Deceased.” BSA , 44:274-75.[766]
- TOUSSAIT, A. An American Printing Equipment in Mauritius in the Eighteenth Century. BSA , 44:175-81.[767]
- TUCKER, J. E. John Davies of Kidwelly (1627?-1693), Translator from the French, with an Annotated Bibliography of His Translations. BSA , 44:119-52.[768]
- VARLEY, D. H. Adventures in Africana , Univ. of Cape Town and Trustees of the South African Libr., 1949. 46 p.[769]
- VERWEY, H. d. l. F. Hendrik van Brederode en de Drukkerijen van Vianen. Het Boek , (1949):3-38.[770]
- WALLER, F. O. Three 1695 Editions of Jevon's Devil of a Wife . SB , 3:255.[771]
- WEBER, C. J. The Tragedy in Little Hintock; New Light on Thomas Hardy's Novel The Woodlanders. In Booker Memorial Studies, edited by Hill Shine, Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1950, p. 133-53.[772]
- WEIL, E. Samuel Browne, Printer to the University of Heidelberg, 1655-1662. Library , 5th ser., 5:14-25.[773]
- WEIR, J. L. Bibliographical Notice of “The Last Battell of the Soule in Death” (1628-29). Part I. N & Q , 195:535-37.(To be continued.)[774]
- WEISS, W. Das Posthorn; ein Beitrag zur Wasserzeichenkunde. Gutenberg Jahrbuch (1944-49):39-46.[775]
- WILLIAMS, P. Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida; The Relationship of Quarto and Folio. SB , 3:131-43.[776]
- WRIGHT, W. E. A Newly Discovered Edition of Wieland's Trial of Abraham . MLN , 65:246.(Boston, John Perkins, 1764.)[777]
- ZAGORIN, P. The Authorship of Mans Mortallatie [Amsterdam (i.e. London?) 1643.] Library , 5th ser., 5:179-83.(Not by Robert Overton but Richard Overton.)[778]






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