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I. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumeration

A. English and General

  • ANTIQUARIAN BOOKMAN. Special Bible Supplement . See Part I, no. 344.
  • ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL, Buenos Aires. Catalogo de la Mapoteca. 2.a Parte - Mapas Argentinos. Tomo I - Históricos. Tierras Australes , Buenos Aires, 1949 [i.e. 1950]. 510 p.[506]
  • BABSON INSTITUTE. Descriptive Catalogue of the Grace K. Babson Collection of the Works of Sir Isaac Newton and of the Material Relating to Him , N. Y., Reichner, 1950. 228 p.[507]
  • BATDORF, F. P. An Unrecorded Early Anthology of Crabbe. SB , 3:266-67.(Tales and Miscellaneous Poems, London, Bohn, 1847.)[508]
  • BISHOP, W. W. Checklist of American Copies of “Short-Title Catalogue” Books , [2d ed.], Univ. of Michigan Press, 1950. 203 p.[509]
  • BOWERS, F. and R. B. DAVIS. George Sandys: A Bibliographical Catalogue of Printed Editions in England to 1700. NYPB , 54:159-81, 223-44, 280-86; and separately printed, N. Y. Public Libr., 1950, 53 p.[510]
  • BREDSDORFF, E. Danish Literature in English Translation; with a Special Hans Christian Andersen Supplement , Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1950. 198 p.[511]

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  • CORDASCO, F. A Bibliography of Robert Watt, M. D. . . . with a Facsimile Edition of his Catalogue of Medical Books , N. Y., Kelleher, 1950. 27 p., facsimile 68 p.[512]
  • CORDASCO, F. Bibliography of Thomas Frognall Dibdin , Brooklyn, Long Island Univ. Press, 1950. 12 p.[513]
  • CORDASCO, F. A Junius Bibliography , N. Y., B. Franklin, 1949. 125 p.[514]
  • DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. LIBRARY. Marine Atlases in the Dartmouth College Library , Hanover, 1950. 29 p.[515]
  • EVANS, J. R. The Popish Plot. Natl. Libr. of Wales Jour. , 6:43-50.(Includes check list of pamphlets, 1678-1686, in the Library).[516]
  • FLOWER, M. Thomas Stanley (1625-1678); a Bibliography of His Writings in Prose and Verse (1647-1743). Trans. Cambridge Bibl. Soc. , 1:139-72.[517]
  • FRANTZ, A. I. Half a Hundred Thralls to Faust . . . British and American Translators . . . 1823-1949 , Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1949. 335 p.(Bibliography of translations, p. 275-98.)[518]
  • FUSSELL, G. E. More Old English Farming Books: From Tull to the Board of Agriculture, 1731-1793 , London, Crosby Lockwood & Son, 1950. 186 p.[519]
  • GIBSON, R. W. Francis Bacon . . . Works and . . . Baconiana to the Year 1750 , Oxford, Scrivener Press, 1950. 369 p., facsimiles.[520]
  • HARASZTI, Z. The First Book of Common Prayer. Boston Public Libr. Quart. , 1 (1949):93-112.(The first of a series of four articles.)[521]
  • HARASZTI, Z. The Revision of the Prayer Book [1549-1559]. Boston Public Libr. Quart. , 2:21-48.(The second of a series of four articles; continued in “Dissenters and Recusants,” 2:119-155, and “The Occasion for Plymouth Plantation,” 2:-197-230.)[522]
  • HARASZTI, Z. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville. Boston Public Libr. Quart. , 2:306-16.[523]
  • HARDING, G. L. and B. KROEPELIEN. Tahitian Imprints of the London Missionary Society, 1810-1834 , Oslo, la Coquille Qui Chante, 1950. 95 p.(Preliminary ed.)[524]
  • HOFF, B. v't. Plattegronden van de Stad Rotterdam in de 16de en 17de EEUW. Het Boek , 30:43-64.[525]
  • HOLADAY, A. “The Texts,” in his edition of Thomas Heywood's The Rape of Lucrece , Univ. of Illinois Press, 1950, p. 1-5.[526]
  • HOWE, E. Bibliotheca Typographia. Signature , new ser., 10:49-64.[527]
  • JOHNSON, A. F. See Part I, no. 414, 415.
  • JONAS, K. W. Bibliography of the Writings of W. Somerset Maugham , South Hadley, Mass., Priv. printed, 1950. 97 p.[528]
  • JONAS, K. W. More Maughamiana. BSA , 44:378-83.[529]
  • KERR, E. M. Bibliography of the Sequence Novel , Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1950. 126 p.(Processed.)[530]
  • KERSHAW, A. Bibliography of the Works of Richard Aldington from 1915 to 1948 , London, Quadrant Press, 1950. 57 p.[531]
  • LEARY, L. The Published Writings of Nathaniel Tucker, 1750-1807. Bull. of Bibl . 20:5-6.[532]
  • LETTS, M. H. I. “Bibliography. II. Printed Editions, Mainly before 1600,” in his Sir John Mandeville, the Man and His Book , London, Batchworth Press, 1949, p. 177-81.[533]
  • LOEWENSTEIN, F. E. The Rehearsal Copies of Bernard Shaws's Plays , London, Reinhardt & Evans, 1950. 36 p.[534]
  • MADAN, F. F. A New Bibliography of the Eikon Basilike of King Charles the First , London, Quaritch, 1950. 199 p.(Oxford Bibl. Soc., Publications, new ser., III.)[535]
  • MALCLES, L. N. See Part I, no. 443.
  • MATTHEWS, W. British Diaries . . . 1442-1942 , Univ. of California Press, 1950. 373 p.[536]
  • MATTHEWS, W. Canadian Diaries and Autobiographies , Univ. of California Press, 1950. 130 p.[537]
  • MORRISON, P. G. Index of Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave, A Short-Title Catalogue , Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Virginia, 1950. 82 p.(Processed.)[538]
  • OWEN, B. Welsh American Newspapers and Periodicals. Natl. Libr. of Wales Jour. , 6:373-84.(Suppl. to list published in Summer Number of Journal, 1942.)[539]
  • PETTIT, H. Further Additions to the Check-List of Young's “Night-Thoughts” in America. BSA , 44:192-95.[540]

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  • PIANTANIDA, S., and others. Autori italiana del '600. Catalogo bibliografico , Milano, Libreria Vinciana, 1948- , Vol. 1-[541]
  • PRICE, C. Eighteenth Century Playbills of the English Theatre in Wales. Natl. Libr. of Wales Jour. , 6:260-72.[542]
  • RUNNQUIST, A. Maughamiana. TLS , March 10, 1950, p. 153.(Translations into Swedish.)[543]
  • RUSSELL, K. F. A Bibliography of Anatomical Books published in English before 1800. Bull. Hist. Medicine , 23 (1949):268-306.[544]
  • SHINE, H. and H. C. The Quarterly Review under Gifford: Identification of Contributors, 1809-1824 , Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1949. xxiv, 108 p.[545]
  • SOUTHERN, A. C. Elizabethan Recusant Prose, 1559-1582 . . . with an Annotated Bibliography , London, Sands. 1950. 553 p.[546]
  • STARR, W. T. Critical Bibliography of the Published Writings of Romain Rolland , Northwestern Univ. Press, 1950. 138 p.[547]
  • STERNFELD, F. W. Goethe and Music: A List of Parodies. NYPB , 54:107-22, 182-97, 287-300, 528-37.(To be continued.)[548]
  • STEWART, P. Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection at the University of Texas. British Newspapers and Periodicals, 1632-1800 , Univ. of Texas, 1950. 172 p.[549]
  • STOTT, R. T. Maughamiana: The Writings of W. Somerset Maugham , London, Heinemann, 1950. 73 p.(Also: Garden City, Doubleday & Co., 1950.)[550]
  • TAPLIN, G. B. Mrs. Browning's Contributions to Periodicals: Addenda. BSA , 44:275-76.(Adds a dozen items to Wise's Bibliography.)[551]
  • WEINBERG, B. Translations and Commentaries of Longinus, On the Sublime, to 1600. Modern Philology , 47:145-51.[552]
  • WELSH, D. V. Checklist of French Political Pamphlets, 1560-1644, in the Newberry Library , Chicago, 1950. 204 p.[553]
  • WILSON, C. A. See no. 585.

B. United States

  • ADAMS, T. R. Commencement Dialogues and Odes of the College of Philadelphia. [Univ. Penn.] Libr. Chron. , 17:30-37.[554]
  • ADAMS, T. R. Trial Check List of the Writings of William Smith, First Provost of the University of Pennsylvania , Univ. of Penn. Libr., 1950. [25] p.(Mimeographed.)[555]
  • ALDEN, J. E. Rhode Island Imprints, 1727-1800 , N. Y., Bowker for the Bibl. Soc. of Amer., 1949 [i.e. 1950]. 665 p.[556]
  • BELKNAP, G. N. McMurtrie's Oregon Imprints: A Supplement , Portland, Binfords & Mort, 1951. 36 p. Reprinted from the Oregon Hist. Quart., 51:239-72.[557]
  • BELL, J. F. Jesuit Relations and Other Americana in the Library of James F. Bell , Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1950. 419 p.[558]
  • BLUMANN, E. and M. W. THOMAS, California Local History , Stanford Univ. Press, 1950. 576 p.(Lithoprinted from typewritten copy.)[559]
  • DAWSON, M. History and Bibliography of Southern California Newspapers, 1851-1876 , Los Angeles, Dawson's Book Shop, 1950. 86 p.(Reprinted, revised, from Hist. Soc. of Southern California Quart., 32:5-44, 139-74.)[560]
  • EBERSTADT, L. Early Oregon Imprints at Yale [1846-1850], Yale Univ. Press, 1950. 8 p., 4 p. facsimile of first imprint.[561]
  • FISHWICK, M. W. Bibliography of the American Hero , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1950. 16 p.(Mimeographed.)[562]

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  • HAMILTON, S. Early American Book Illustrators and Wood Engravers, 1670-1870; a Catalogue of a Collection of American Books . . . Presented to Princeton University , New York, 1950. 591 p.(Mimeographed.)[563]
  • HARDING, W. Additions to the Thoreau Bibliography. Thoreau Soc. Bull . See issues.[564]
  • HARLOW, N. Maps of San Francisco Bay from the Spanish Discovery in 1769 to the American Occupation , San Francisco, Book Club of California, 1950. 140 p., facsimiles.[565]
  • HARWELL, R. B. Confederate Music , Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1950. 184 p.[566]
  • IRISH, W. R. Modern American Muse: A Complete Bibliography of American Verse, 1900-1925 , Syracuse Univ. Press, 1950. 259 p.[567]
  • JOHANNSEN, A. The House of Beadle and Adams, and Its Dime and Nickel Novels , Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1950. 2 vols.[568]
  • LEARY, L. See no. 532.
  • LUTRELL, E. Newspapers and Periodicals of Arizona, 1859-1911 , Univ. of Arizona, 1950. 123 p.[569]
  • McGIRR, N. F. Mr. Roosevelt's Roosevelt Collection. New Colophon , 3:264-70.[570]
  • McMURTRIE, D. C. Oregon Imprints, 1847-1870 , Univ. of Oregon Press, 1950. 206 p.(For a supplement see Belknap, G. N. no. 557.)[571]
  • MALONE, R. M. Wyomingana: Two Bibliographies , Univ. of Denver Press, 1950. 66 p.[572]
  • MINICK, A. R. History of Printing in Maryland, 1791-1800, with a Bibliography of Works Printed in the State during the Period , Baltimore, Enoch Pratt Free Libr., 1949. 603 p.(Mimeographed.)[573]
  • POTTER, J. Bibliography of John Dos Passos , Chicago, Normandie House, 1950. 96 p.(Review, with additions, by W. White, BSA, 44:201-204.)[574]
  • QUERNEL, L. Bibliography of the Work of Karl Jay Shapiro, 1935-1949 , Baltimore, Enoch Pratt Free Libr., 1950. 13 p.(Mimeographed.)[575]
  • REICHMANN, F. German Printing in Maryland: A Check List, 1786-1950. Soc. for the History of the Germans in Maryland, 27th Report (1950):9-70.[576]
  • ROBBINS, J. A. Some Unrecorded Poems of James Kirke Paulding: An Annotated Check-List. SB , 3:229-40.[577]
  • RUDOLPH, E. L. Confederate Broadside Verse , New Braunfels, Texas, The Book Farm, 1950. 118 p.[578]
  • SKEEL, Mrs. R., Jr. Mason Locke Weems: A Postscript. New Colophon , 3:243-49.(Addenda to Paul L. Ford's bibliography of Weems.)[579]
  • UNITED STATES. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. DIVISION OF MAPS. United States Atlases . . . National, State, County, City and Regional . . . in the Library , Washington, 1950. 445 p.[580]
  • VERNER, C. A Further Checklist of the Separate Editions of Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1950. 26 p.(Mimeographed. “Further” in acknowledgement of debt to unpublished notes and memoranda of Mr. Harry Clemons. For additions see the Secretary's News Sheet of the Society, No. 14, July 1950, and No. 15, November 1950.)[581]
  • WEBER, C. C. and C. J. Bibliography of the Published Writings of Sarah Orne Jewett , Colby College Press, 1949. 105 p.[582]
  • WEMYSS, S. General Guide to Rare Americana, Philadelphia , Priv. pr., 1950. 323 p.(Enlarged ed. in 1 vol.)[583]
  • WHITE, W. John P. Marquand: A Preliminary Checklist. Bull. of Bibl. , 29 (1949):268-71.[584]
  • WILSON, C. A. Thirteen Author Collections of the Nineteenth Century and Five Centuries of Familiar Quotations , N. Y., Priv. Pr. for Charles Scribner's Sons, 1950. 2 vols.(Louisa May Alcott, Emerson, Hardy, Hawthorne, Irving, Longfellow, Lowell, Melville, Poe, Thoreau, Familiar Quotations; O. W. Holmes, Anthony Trollope, Whittier.)[585]