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Papers, Vol. I, $3.50. (Free to 1948 members.)

Papers, Vol. I, $5.00. (Free to 1949 members.)

Norfolk Copyright Entries, 1857-1870, transcribed by Barbara Harris, $1.00. (Free to 1947 members.)

A Supplement to the Woodward & McManaway Check List of English Plays 1641-1700, by Fredson Bowers, $1.00. (Free to 1949 members; sent only on request.)

ALL OTHER NON-CURRENT PUBLICATIONS ARE NOW OUT OF PRINT. The Society proposes to offset a limited number of copies of Dr. Paul G. Morrison's Index of Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers in A. W. Pollard and G. R. Redgrave. A Short-title Catalogue of English Books 1475-1640. The 100-page paper-bound volume will be issued about March 1950, and will be available to subscribers only. Advance subscriptions may be sent to the Secretary. The price will be $3.00 to non-members, $2.00 to members.