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The Manuscript of Jefferson's Unpublished Errata List for Abbé Morellet's Translation of the Notes on Virginia by Joseph M. Carrière
Some Correspondence with Thomas Jefferson Concerning the Public Printers Transcribed, with a Foreword, by Jessie Ryon Lucke
In The Savoy: A Study in Post-Restoration Imprints by C. William Miller
Three Shakespeare Piracies in the Eighteenth Century by Giles E. Dawson
The Compositor of the "Pied Bull" Lear by Philip Williams
The First Five Bookes of Ovid's Metamorphosis, 1621, Englished by James G. McManaway
The Art of Selling Books: Notes on three Aldus Catalogues, 1586-1592 by Rudolf Hirsch
The Text of Chaucer's Purse by George B. Pace
The Headlines of William de Machlinia's Year-Book, 37 Henry VI by Curt F. Bühler
[section 1]
Sir John Davies' Nosce Teipsum, 1599: A Bibliographical Puzzle by Gerald J. Eberle
New Uses of Watermarks As Bibliographical Evidence by Allan H. Stevenson
A St. Memin Plate, With Some Notes on Other St. Memin Portraits Fillmore Norfleet
A Bibliographical Note from the Beaumont and Fletcher First Folio Guy A. Battle
Center Rules in Folio Printing: A New Kind of Bibliographical Evidence James S. Steck
Textual Revision in Crashaw's "Vpon the Bleeding Crvcifix" George W. Williams
The Hallam-Tennyson POEMS (1830) Mary Virginia Bowman
Running-Title Evidence for Determining Half-Sheet Imposition Fredson Bowers
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of the
Bibliographical Society
University of Virginia
Edited by
Charlottesville, Virginia
Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia