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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;
3 occurrences of jefferson cyclopedia
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3 occurrences of jefferson cyclopedia
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Talents, [848]

Abilities, [001]

Character, [133]

Genius, [381]

Power, [708]

Talleyrand, [849]

X. Y. Z. Plot, [951]

Tariff, [849]

Duties, [267]

Free Trade, [361]

Protection, [730]

Reciprocity, [160]

Tarleton (Col. B.), [851]

Taste, [852]

Manners, [527]

Taxation, [852]

Taxes, [039], [856]

Tax-gatherers, [859]

Taylor (John), [859]

Tea, [859]

Boston Port Bill, [104], [769]

Teachers, [859]

Academies, [004]

Academy, [003]

Knowledge, [457]

Learning, [489]

Schools, [790]

University of Virginia, [900]

Temper, [859]

Passions, [679]

Temperance, [859]

Beer, [086]

Intemperance, [427]

Whisky, [944]

Wines, [947]

Tenants, [859]

Immigration, [414]

Tender, Legal, [574]

Money, [571]

Ternant (J. B.), [859]

Territory, [860]

Canada, [124]

Conquest, [185]

Consent of Governed, [385]

Cuba, [222]

Expansion, [319], [468], [617], [862]

Florida, [339]

Louisiana, [509]

Western Territory, [939]

Tests, Religious, [864]

Equality, [308]

Thanksgiving, [323]

Fast-day, [323]

Theatres, [865]

Dancing, [223]

Music, [599]

Pain, [665]

Pleasure, [697]

Theory, [865]

Ideas, [412]

Knowledge, [457]

Third Term, [865]

Elections, [279]

Hereditary officers, [387]

President, [712]

Presidency, [715]

Rotation in Office, [786]

Tiffin (H. D.), [867]

Time, [867]

Age, old, [021]

Antiquities, [039]

Title, [867]

Simplicity, [809]

Titles, [868]

Tobacco, [868]

Agriculture, [023]

Toleration, [869]

Conciliation, [167]

Harmony, [399]

Tontine, [869]

Annuities, [038]

Tories, [869]

Parties, [676]

Whigs, [943]

Torpedoes, [870]

Defence, [247]

Fortifications, [345]

Gunboats, [395], [617]

Navy, [615]

Torture, [870]

Cruelty, [221]

Retaliation, [762]

Toulouse, Archbishop of, [870]

Marie Antoinette, [536]

French Revolution, [770]

Tracy (Comte de), [870]

Metaphysics, [549]

Stewart (Dugald), [840]

Trade, [871]

Carrying Trade, [129], [871]

Free Trade, [361]

Free Ports, [358]

Mediterranean Trade, [548]

Slave Trade, [811]

Trade Marks, [872]

Tranquillity, [872]

Happiness, [398]

Repose, [747]

Retirement, [765]

Transmigration of Souls, [872]

Metaphysics, [549]

Mind, [554]

Travel, [872]

Europe, [312]

Travelers, [873]

Treason, [873]

Burr's Treason, [113]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Rebellion, [738]

Whisky Insurrection, [945]

Treasury, [874]

Assumption, [058]

Finances, [336]

Funding, [369]

Hamilton (Alexander), [395]

Loans, [507]

Treasury spies, [630]

Post-office spies, [706]

Treaties, [874]

Alliance, [032], [034]

Alliances, [033], [034]

Compact, [166]

Compacts, [166]

Treaties of Commerce, [880]

Treaty (British Peace), [884]

Jay Treaty, [436]

Trees, [886]

Arboriculture, [045]

Tribute, [886]

Dependence, [252]

Insult, [426]

Tripoli, [886]

Barbary States, [080]

Captives, [128]

Morocco, [595]

Trouble, [887]

Difficulties, [257]

Trumbull (John), [887]

Cornwallis (Lord), [208]

Trust, [887]

Duty, [268]

Office, [644]

Truth, [887]

Candor, [126]

Frankness, [357]

Honor, [410]

Sincerity, [809]

Truxtun (Thomas), [888]

Tude (M. A. de la), [888]

Bastile, [084]

Turkey, [888]

Constantinople, [186]

Greeks, [394]

Tyler (John), [889]

Typhus Fever, [889]

Yellow Fever, [952]

Tyranny, [889]

Conquest, [185]

Cruelty, [221]

Despotism, [254]

Glory, [384]

War, [915]