University of Virginia Library


Sacrifices, [787]

Duty, [268]

Service, [802]

Safety, [787]

Confidence (Public), [731]

Rights, [780]

St. Croix River, [784]

River, [783]

Rivers, [784]

Salaries, [787]

Congress (Compensation), [174]

Judges, [446]

Salt Water (Distillation), [788]

Sancho (Ignatius), [622]

San Domingo, [788]

West Indies, [937]

San Juan (Porto Rico), [359]

West Indies, [937]

Santee Canal, [126]

Canal, [125]

River, [783]

Rivers, [784]

Saratoga, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Sardinia, [789]

Saussure (Horace B.), [790]

Say (Jean Baptiste), [392]

Scenery, American, [790]

Lake George, [465]

Monticello, [590]

Natural Bridge, [607]

Niagara, [790]

Potomac, [784], [790]

Schism, [790]

Union, [890]

Unity, [899]

Schools, [790]

Academies, [004]

Academy, [003]

Education, [273]

University, National, [899]

University of Virginia, [900]

Science, [791]

Education, [273]

Sciences, [792]

Scientific Societies. [819]

Scipio, [664]

People, Roman, [691]

Screw Propeller, [431]

Balloons, [066]

Inventions, [431]

Steam, [838]

Sculpture, [792]

Art, [057]

Arts, [058]

Houdon (J. A.), [412], [934]

Seamen, [792]

Fisheries, [337]

Impressment, [417]

Navigation, [610]

Ships, [806]

Search, Right of, [417]

Impressment, [417]

Secession, [793]

Disunion, [260]

Kentucky, [453]

Kentucky Resolutions, [454], [977]

Rebellion, [738]

Union (The Federal), [890]

Secrecy, [795]

Secret Societies, [819]

Secret Service Money, [795]

Secretaries of Legation, [795]

Diplomacy, [258]

Ministers (Foreign), [555]

Sectionalism, [795]

Geographical Lines. [381]

Missouri Question, [563]

Union, [890]

Sedition Law, [795]

Alien and Sedition Laws, [030]

Aliens, [032]

Self-government, [796]

Authority, [063]

Consent of Governed, [385]

Government, [384]

Rights, [780]

Rights of Man, [782]

Self-preservation, [799]

Necessity, Law of, [620]

Senate (French), [799]

Revolution (French), [770]

Senate (Virginia), [801]

Virginia Constitution, [911]

Senate (United States), [799]

Congress, [172]

Constitution (The Federal), [188], [194]

Impeachment, [417]

Treaties, [876]

Senators (United States), [188], [192]

Congress, [172]

Senate (United States), [799]

Seneca, [801]

Philosophy, [695]

Senility, [801]

Common Sense, [166]

Moral Sense, [591]

Sense, [802]

Sense, [802]

Common Sense, [166]

Moral Sense, [591]

Senility, [801]

Sermons, Political, [744]

Ministers (Religious), [558]

Service, [802]

Duty, [268]

Jefferson, Services of, [442]

Sacrifices, [787]

Shays's Rebellion, [802]

Bacon's Rebellion, [738]

Rebellion, [738]

Whisky Insurrection, [945]


Page 1007

Shakespeare, [471]

Duty, [268]

Sheep, [803]

Sheep (Merinos), [804]

Manufactures, [528]

Shells, [804]

Deluge, [250]

Geology, [383]

Mineralogy, [555]

Mountains, [596]

Sheriff, [805]

Counties, [212]

Shipping (American), [805]

Carrying Trade, [129]

Drawbacks, [263]

Navigation, [610]

Ocean, [643]

Ships, [806]

Short (William), [808]

Sierra Leone, [155]

Colonization (Negro), [154]

Sieyes (Abbé), [809]

Revolution (French), [770]

Silence, [809]

Debate, [225]

Lawyers, [487]

Silver, [262]

Bank, [066]

Banks, [073]

Dollar, [260]

Mint, [559]

Money, [571]

Money (Continental), [577]

Money (Metallic), [578]

Paper Money, [668]

Simplicity, [809]

Ceremony, [133]

Etiquette, [311]

Formalities, [344]

Levees, [496]

Sincerity, [809]

Candor, [126]

Frankness, [357]

Honesty, [410]

Truth, [887]

Sinclair (Sir John), [809]

Sinecures, [809]

Patronage, [681]

Slander, [809]

Abuse, [002]

Calumny, [122]

Libels, [497]

Malice, [526]

Ministers, [558]

Newspapers, [635]

Slave Trade, [811]

Colonization (Negro), [154]

Negroes, [621]

Slavery, [811]

Slaves, [814]

Slaves (Emancipation), [816]

Sleep, [818]

Dreams, [264]

Repose, [747]

Small (William), [818]

Smith (Adam), [392]

Smith (John), [818]

Smith (Robert), [818]

Smith (Samuel), [818]

Smith (William S.), [819]

Smuggling, [819]

Commerce, [156]

Free Ports, [358]

Free Trade, [361]

Tariff, [849]

Snakes, [819]

Natural History, [607]

Social Intercourse, [819]

Conciliation, [167]

Harmony, [399]

Spirit (Party), [829]

Societies (Communal), [819]

Societies (Democratic), [251]

Societies (Scientific), [819]

Societies (Secret), [819]

Society, [819]

Society of the Cincinnati, [142]

Socrates, [820]

Epicurus, [307], [695]

Philosophy, [695]

Plato, [697]

Solitude, [820]

Silence, [809]

Tranquillity, [872]

Souls, Transmigration of, [820]

Metaphysics, [549]

Materialism, [544]

Mind, [554]

South America, [820]

Spain, [821]

Spanish America, [825]

South and West, [937]

South Carolina, [820]

Sovereignty, [820]

Jurisdiction, [450]

Land, [467]

Spain, [821]

Spanish America, [825]

Special Legislation, [828]

Equality, [308]

Equal Rights, [308]

Favoritism, [324]

Privileges, [724]

Specie, [578]

Speculation, [828]

Bubbles, 109

Banks, [080]

Gambling, [372]

Panics, [667]

Paper Money, [668]

Speech, Freedom of, [358]

Debate, [225]

Eloquence, [286]

Language, [470]

Oratory, [664]

Spelling, [829]

Grammar, [394]

Language, [470]

Languages, [474]

Spies, Treasury, [630], [706], [829]

Spies, Post Office, [706]

Spirit (Party), [829]

Conciliation, [167]

Harmony, [399]

Social Intercourse, [819]

Springs, Medicinal, [829]

Medicinal Springs, [546]

Medicine, [547]

Squatters, [470], [829]

Lands, [470]

Preemption, [711]

Stability, [829]

Union (The Federal), [890]

United States, [895]

Stael (Madame de), [830]

Necker (Jacques), [620]

Standard, [830]

Pendulum, [685]

Standard (Money), [574]

Standard (Measures), [830]

Standard (Weights), [832]

State Rights, [832]

Coercion, State, [150]

Centralization, [130]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Judiciary, [448]

Supreme Court, [842]

States, [834]

Union (The Federal), [890]

United States, [895]

Statesmen, [838]

Abilities, [001]

Genius, [381]

Steam, [838]

Inventions, [431]

Screw Propeller, [431]

Sterne (Laurence), [591]

Steuben (Baron), [840]

Washington (George), [927]

Stewart (Dugald), [840]

Metaphysics, [549]

Tracy (Comte de), [870]

Strength, National, [840]

Force, [342]

Power, [708]

Strickland (William), [092]

Stuart (Archibald), [840]

Stuart (House of), [840]

History (English), [406]

Study, [841]

Education, [273]

Learning, [489]

Submarine Boats, [620]

Torpedoes, [870]

Submission, [841]

Dependence, [252]

Subservience, [841]

Tribute, [886]

Subservience, [841]

Dependence, [252]

Submission, [841]

Tribute, [886]

Subsidies, [108]

Fisheries, [337]

France (Commerce with), [348]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Manufactures, [534]

Ships, [808]

Subsistence, [841]

Olive, [658]

Plants, [697]

Suffrage, [841]

Votes, [915]

Voting, [915]

Sugar, [842]

Agriculture, [023]

Suicide, [599]

Crime, [219]

Sumter (Thomas), [842]

Sun, [842]

Astronomy, [061]

Sun-dial, [842]

Supreme Court, [842]

Constitution (Federal), [190]

Impeachment, [416]

Judges, [446]

Judiciary, [448]

Law, [477]

Surgery, [547]

Surplus, [847]

Economy, [271]

Frugality, [367]

Retrenchment, [767]

Surveying, [848]

Land, [465]

Lands, [468]


Page 1008

Swartwout (Samuel), [848]

Sylvania, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Sympathy, [848]

Affection, [021]

Family, [321]

Friends, [363]

Friendship, [363]

Happiness, [397]

Home, [409]