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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;
35 occurrences of george logan
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35 occurrences of george logan
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Page (John), [665]

Pain, [665]

Affliction, [021]

Grief, [395]

Paine (Thomas), [665]

Bolingbroke (Lord), [095]

Paleontology, [667]

Mammoth, [667]

Mastodon, [544]

Natural History, [607]


Page 1004

Panama Canal, [126]

Canal, [125]

Panics, [667]

Banks, [080]

Bubbles, 109

Paper Money, [668]

Speculation, [828]

Paper and Civilization, [668]

Papers (Executive), [179], [673]

Paper Money, [668]

Bank, [066]

Banks, [073]

Dollar, [260]

Money, [571]

Money Bills, [576]

Money (Continental), [577]

Money (Metallic), [578]

Parasites, [673]

Office, [644]

Office-holders, [652]

Parties, [675]

Pardons, [673]

Crime, [219]

Murder, [598]

Paris, [674]

Cities, [143]

Park (Mungo), [674]

Parliament, [674]

Colonies (American), [151]

Parliamentary Law, [675], [801]

Parties, [675]

Anti-Federalists, [038]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Democrats, [252]

Federalism, [328]

Federalists, [329]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Jacobins, [435]

Missouri Question, [563]

Monarchy, [566]

Politics, [701]

Republicanism (Partisan), [754]

Republicans, [755]

Passions, [679]

Politics, [701]

Temper, [859]

Patents, [679]

Inventions, [431]

Trade Marks, [872]

Paternalism, [680]

Mines, [555]

Canal, New Orleans, [125]

Public Works, [732]

Patience, [681]

Stability, [829]

Patriotism, [681]

Declaration of Independence, [241]

Fourth of July, [346]

Freedom, [357]

Liberty, [499]

Union (The Federal), [890]

Unity, [899]

United States, [895]

Patronage, [681]

Office, [644]

Offices, [647]

Office-holders, [652]

Paupers, [682]

Labor, [458]

Poor, [703]

Wealth, [935]

Peace, [682]

Contentment, [204]

Repose, [747]

Tranquillity, [872]

Pedometer, [432]

Inventions, [431]

Pelisipia, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Pendleton (Edmund), [685]

Law, [484]

Pendulum, [685]

Music, [600]

Standard (Measures), [830]

Pennsylvania, [107], [685]

Boundaries, [107]

Pensacola, [686]

Florida, [339]

Jackson (Andrew), [434]

Pensions, [686]

Taxation, [852]

Taxes, [856]

People, [686]

People, English, [687]

People, European, [688]

People, French, [689]

People, Prussian, [690]

People, Roman, [691]

Perceval (Spencer), [692]

Perpetual Motion, [692]

Inventions, [431]

Personal Liberty, [693]

Rights, [780]

Rights, Personal, [781]

Petition, [693]

Petitions, [693]

Peyrouse Expedition, [694]

Philadelphia, [694]

Cities, [143]

Philosophy, [695]

Epicurus, [308]

Plato, [697]

Pickering (Timothy), [695]

Declaration of Independence, [244]

X. Y. Z. Plot, [951]

Piers, [695]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Internal Improvements, [429]

Post Roads, [707]

Pike (Z. M.), [696]

Lewis and Clark Expedition, [495]

Pinckney (Charles), [696], [951]

Pinckney (Thomas), [696]

Pitt (William), [696]

Chatham (Lord), [135]

Plants, [697]

Arboriculture, [045]

Botany, [105]

Horticulture, [411]

Trees, [886]

Plato, [697]

Plato's Republic, [697]

Philosophy, [695]

Pleasure, [697]

Dancing, [223]

Music, [599]

Pain, [665]

Theatres, [865]

Poetry, [697]

Fiction, [335]

Literature, [506]

Poland, [697]

Kosciusko, [458]

Policy (American), [697]

Alliance, [032]

Alliances, [034]

Politeness, [700]

Courtesy, [213]

Courtiers, [213]

Political Economy, [272]

Domestic Economy, [271]

Politics, [701]

Anti-Federalists, [038]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Democrats, [252]

Federalism, [328]

Federalists, [329]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Missouri Question, [563]

Monarchy, [566]

Parties, [675]

Republicanism (Partisan), [754]

Republicans, [755]

Polygraph, [432]

Copying Press, [207]

Engraving, [307]

Polypotamia, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Poor, [703]

Economy, [271]

Frugality, [367]

Paupers, [682]

Pope Pius VL, [703]

Population, [703]

Census, [130]

Emigration, [296]

Immigrants, [413]

Immigration, [414]

Porter (David), [704]

Porto Rico, [359]

West Indies, [937]

Portugal, [704]

Brazil, [108]

Correa de Serra (J.), [208]

Treaties of Commerce, [884]

Posterity, [705]

Generations, [375]

Post Office, [705]

Mails, [524]

Post Roads, [707]

Post Roads, [707]

General Welfare Clause, [374]

Internal Improvements, [429]

Virginia, Protest, [986]

Posts, Western, [707], [939]

Treaty (British Peace), [885]

Potato, [707]

Horticulture, [411]

Vegetables, [904]

Potomac and Ohio Canal, [126]

Canal, [125]

Potomac River, [784]

Power, [708]

Authority, [063]

Government, [384]

Powers, [708]

Powers (Assumed), [708]

Centralization, [130]

Pradt (Abbé de), [710]

Praise, [711]

Applause, [039]

Approbation, [042]

Honor, [410]

Honors, [411]

Precedent, [711]

Abuses, [002]

Example, [313]

Preemption, Right of, [711]

Land, [465]

Lands, [468]

Prerogative, [711]

Privileges, [724]

Presbyterian Spirit, [711]

Liberty, [499]


Page 1005

Presents, [711]

Bribery, 109

President, The, [712]

Constitution (Federal), [188], [191]

Elections (Presidential), [280]

Electoral College, [715]

Presidency, [715]

Third Term, [865]

Vice-Presidency, 907

Press (Freedom of the), [089], [717]

Editors, [273]

Libels, [497]

Newspapers, [635]

Price, Basis of, [718]

Price of Wheat, [718]

Priestley (Joseph), [719]

Primogeniture, [719]

Agrarianism, [023]

Descents, [253]

Entail, [307]

Monopoly, [579]

Principle, [720]

Principles, [720]

Truth, [887]

Printing, [722]

Books, [102]

Newspapers, [635]

Press, [089], [717]

Prison, [046], [722]

Crime, [219]

Pardons, [673]

Prisoners of War, [764], [765], [924]

Captives, [128]

Retaliation, [762]

Privacy, [722]

Private Life, [722]

Privateering, [723]

Letters of Marque, [541]

Privateers, [723]

Prizes, [724]

Privilege (Franking), [355]

Privileges, [724]

Equality, [308]

Equal Rights, [308]

Favoritism, [324]

Special Legislation, [828]

Prizes, [724]

Privateers, [723]

Procrastination, [725]

Delay, [250]

Idleness, [412]

Production, [725]

Free Trade, [361]

Protection, [730]

Tariff, [849]

Progress, [725]

Innovation, [426]

Reform, [739]

Reformers, [741]

Prohibition, [944]

Intemperance, [427]

Temperance, [859]

Property, [726]

Taxation, [852]

Prophecy, [729]

Prophet, Wabash, [730]

Proscription, [730]

Tyranny, [889]

Prosperity, [730]

Markets, [536]

Peace, [682]

Protection, [730]

Duties, [267]

Free Trade, [361]

Tariff, [849]

Protestants, [730]

Bible, [088]

Providence, [731]

Bible, [088]

Deity, [248]

Religion, [742]

Provisions, [628]

Contraband of War, [204]

Prussia, [357]

Frederick the Great, [357]

Frederick William II., [357]

Psalms, [731]

Bible, [088]

Religion, [742]

Public Confidence, [731]

Credit, [217]

Credulity, [219]

Faith, [321]

Public Works, [732]

Paternalism, [680]

Publicity, [732]

Information, [425]

Newspapers, [635]

Punishment, [734]

Crime, [219]

Pardons, [673]