University of Virginia Library


Labor, [458]

Artisans, [057]

Laborers, [459]

Industry, [424]

Offices (Labor and), [649]

Property, [726]


Page 1001

Lafayette (Marquis de), [461]

France, [347]

Instructions, [426]

Revolution (American), [767]

Revolution (French), [770]

Lafitau (J. F.), [423], [424]

Lake George, [465]

Scenery, [790]

Lamps, [465]

Franklin (B.), Argand's Lamp, [355]

Matches, [544]

Land, [465]

Allodial Tenures, [465]

Earth, [269]

Feudal Tenures, [465]

Land Companies, [467]

Land Tax, [467]

Lands (Indian), [468]

Lands (Public), [469]

Territory, [860]

Unearned Increment, [890]

Western Territory, [939]

Langdon (J.), [470]

Language, [470]

Language (Anglo-Saxon), [471]

Language (English), [471]

Language (French), [472]

Language (Gaelic), [665]

Language (Greek), [472]

Language (Italian), [473]

Language (Latin), [473]

Language (Spanish), [474]

Languages, [474]

Languages (Indian), [475]

Neology, [624]

Speech, Freedom of, [358]

Words, [949]

Languedoc Canal, [125]

Canal, [125]

River, [783]

Rivers, [784]

Latitude and Longitude, [475]

Astronomy, [061]

East and West Line, [271]

Latrobe (B. H.), [477]

Architecture, [048]

Law, [477]

Law (Common), [162]

Law (Excise), [313]

Law (International), [296], [359], [624]

Law (Lynch), [481]

Law (Maritime), [536]

Law (Martial), [542]

Law (Moral), [591]

Law (Natural), [525]

Law of Necessity, [620]

Law (Patent), [680]

Law (Parliamentary), [675]

Law (Study), [487]

Law of Waste, [485]

Laws (Alien and Sedition), [030]

Laws of England, [486]

Laws of Nature, [486]

Laws of Virginia, [487]

Lawyers, [176], [487]

Attorney-General, [063]

Attorneys, [063]

Judges, [446]

League, Marine, [150]

Leander, Case of, [488]

Chesapeake, [136]

Lear (Tobias), [488]

Learning (Classical), [489]

Books, [102]

Education, [273]

Knowledge, [457]

Language, [470], [472], [473]

Literary Men, [506]

Literature, [506]

Science, [791]

Scientific Societies, [819]

Study, [841]

Ledyard (John), [489]

Lee (A.), [489]

Lee (R. H.), [489]

Legal Tender, [574]

Money, [571]

Legislation, [490]

Congress, [172]

Legislatures, [490]

Parliament, [674]

Revolution (French), [773], [774], [775]

L'Enfant (Major), [494]

Washington (City), [924]

Lethargy, [494]

Agitation, [023]

Letters, [494]

Correspondence, [208]

Letters of Introduction, [431]

Letters, Republic of, [753]

Letter-writing, [495]

Post-office, [705]

Mails, [524]

Letters of Marque, [541]

Privateering, [723]

Privateers, [723]

Prizes, [724]

Lewis and Clark Expedition, [495]

Clark (George Rogers), [146]

Levees, Presidential, [496]

Ceremony, [133]

Etiquette, [311]

Formalities, [344]

Liancourt (Duke of), [497]

Libels, [497]

Abuse, [002]

Calumny, [122]

Ministers, [558]

Newspapers, [635]

Slander, [809]

Liberty, [499]

Declaration of Independence, [241]

Freedom, [357]

Independence, [420]

Patriotism, [681]

Personal Liberty, [693]

Rights, [780]

Library, [502]

Books, [102]

Reading, [738]

Lies, [503]

Duplicity, [266]

Falsehood, [321]

Life, [503]

Death, [224]

Future Life, [370]

Generations, [375]

Happiness, [398]

Health, [402]

Immortality, [416]

Liberty, [499]

Life (Private), [723]

Souls (Transmigration), [820]

Lincoln (Levi), [506]

Supreme Court, [845]

Literary Men, [506]

Literature, [506]

Books, [102]

Editors, [273]

Fiction, [335]

History, [404]

Learning, [489]

Library, [502]

Newspapers, [635]

Poetry, [697]

Press, [089]

Literature, [506]

Books, [102]

Editors, [273]

Fiction, [335]

Generations, [377]

History, [404]

Learning, [489]

Library, [502]

Monopoly (Inventions), [581]

Newspapers, [635]

Poetry, [697]

Press, [089]

Littlepage (L.), [506]

Jay (John), [435]

Livingston (E.), [506]

Livingston (R. R.), [506]

Loans, [507]

Funding, [369]

Taxation, [852]

Locke (John), [392]

Logan (George), [508]

Logan, Mingo Chief, [508]

London, [509]

Longitude, [475]

Astronomy, [061]

East and West Line, [271]

Looming, [560]

Rainbows, [736]

Lottery, [509]

Gambling, [372]

Speculation, [828]

Louisiana, [509]

Bonaparte (N.), [587]

Dupont De Nemours, [267]

Monroe (James), [587], [588]

New Orleans, Right of Deposit, [634]

Pike (Gen. Z. M.), [696]

Territory, [860]

Louis XVI., [520]

Bastile, [084]

Fontainbleau, [341]

French Revolution, [770]

Louis XVIII., [521]

Marie Antoinette, [536]

Luxuries, [521]


Lynch Law, [481]

Jury (Trial by), [450]

Luzerne (Marquis de la), [521]

Lyon (Matthew), [522]