University of Virginia Library


Abilities, [001]

Character, [133]

Genius, [381]

Talents, [848]

Aborigines, [001]

Cherokees, [136]

Indians, [420], [944], [948], [952]

Abuse, [002]

Abuses, [002]

Calumny, [122]

Libels, [497]

Ministers, [558]

Newspapers, [635]

Slander, [809]

Academy, [003]

Academies, [004]

Education, [273]

Schools, [790]

University (National), [899]

University of Va., [900]

Accounts, [005]

Finances, [336]

Acquisition of Territory, [860]

Canada, [124]

Conquest, [185]

Cuba, [022]

Expansion, [319], [468], [512], [617], [862]

Florida, [339]

Louisiana, [509]

Nova Scotia, [642]

Policy (American), [697]

Actions, [005]

Conduct, [167]

Disinterestedness, [258]

Labor, [458]

Adair (James), [421]

Indians, [421]

Adams (John), [006], [013], [018], [678], [715], [763], [800]

Adams (John Quincy), [012]

Adams (Mrs. John), [988]

Adams (Samuel), [013]

Address, Washington's Farewell, [929]

Addresses, [013]

Addresses (Jefferson's Inaugural), [980], [982]

Adjournment, [014]

Congress, [172]

Administration, [016]

Cabinet, [117]

Admiralty Courts, [019]

Courts, [214]

Admission of States, [941], [942]

States, [834]

Advertisements, [020]

Newspapers, [635]

Advice, [020]

Council, [211]

Instructions, [426]

Aeronautics, [066]

Balloons, [066]

Affection, [021]

Family, [321]

Friends, [363]

Friendship, [363]

Happiness, [397]

Home, [409]

Sympathy, [848]

Affliction, [021]

Despair, [254]

Grief, [395]

Misfortune, [560]

Age, Old, [021]

Antiquities, [039]

Time, [867]

Agents, [342]

Foreign Agents, [342]

Aggression, [023]

Filibusterism, [335]

Agitation, [023]

Lethargy, [419]

Agrarianism, [023]

Descents, [253]

Entail, [307]

Inheritances, [426]

Primogeniture, [719]

Monopoly, [579]

Mortmain, [596]

Agriculture, [023]

Farmer, [322]

Farmers, [322]

Farming, [323]

Horticulture, [411]

Olive, [658]

Potato, [707]

Rice, [777]

Sugar, [842]

Tobacco, [868]

Vegetables, [904]

Wheat, [943]

Alexander of Russsa, [027], [809]

Catherine of Russia, [421], [786]

Dashkoff (M.), [223]

Russia, [786], [888]

Alexandria, Va., [030]

Cities, [143]

Algiers, [080]

Captives, [128]

Alienage, [030]

Land, [465]

Alienation of Territory, [860]

Territory, [860]

Western Territory, [939]

Alien and Sedition Laws, [030]

Aliens, [032]

Sedition, Law, [795]

Aliens, [032]

Alien and Sedition Laws, [030]

Citizens, [144]

Deportation Act, [252]

Deportation of Aliens, [253]

Expatriation [319], [780]

Naturalization, [609]

Sedition Law, [795]

Allegiance, [032]

Expatriation, [319], [780]

Allen, Ethan, [032]

Retaliation, [762]

Alliance, [032]

Alliance, Holy, [408]

Alliances, [034]

Policy (American), [697]

Allodial Tenures, [465]

Feudal Tennres, [465]

Land, [465]

Alloy in Money, [262]

Coinage, [261], [573]

Mint, [559]

Allston, Washington, [034]

Burr (Aaron), [111]

Almanacs, [035]

Astronomy, [061]

Almighty, The, [248]

Bible, [088]

Church and State, [141]

Diety, [248]

God, [384]

Providence, [731]

Religion, [742]

Alms, [134]

Charity, [134]

Altercations, [035]

Aggression, [023]

Amalgamation of Parties, [675]

Politics, [701]

Ambassadors, [555]

Diplomacy, [258]

Diplomatic Establishment, [258]

Ambition, [035], [363]

Applause, [039]

Approbation, [042]

Reputation, [761]

Amendments to Constitution, [035]

Bill of Rights, [088]

Constitution (The Federal), [188]

Internal Improvements, [429]

Judiciary (Federal), [449]

Louisiana, [510]

President, [712]

Virginia Protest, [986]

America, [035]

America (British), Rights of, [963]

American Independence, [420]

American Policy, [697]

Americus Vespucius, [036]

History (American), [406]

Anarchy, [036]

Law, [479], [481]

Law (Lynch),

Order, [864]

Anatomy, [036]

Medicine, [547]

Ancestors, [036]

Ancestry, [036]

Aristocracy, [048]

Aristocrats, [051]

Birth, [092]

Birthday, [092]

Posterity, [705]

Primogeniture, [719]

Angels, [037]

Self-government, [796]

Anger, [037]

Passions, [679]

Revenge, [767]

Temper, [859]

Anglomania, [037]

Anglophobia, [037]

Anglo-Saxon Language, [471]

Language, [470]

Neology, [624]


Page 992

Animals, [110]

Horses, [411], [504], [949]

Natural History, [607]

Paleontology, [667]

Sheep, [803]

Animosities, [037]

Peace, [682]

Annexation, [861]

Canada, [124]

Louisiana, [509]

Territory, [860]

Annuties, [038]

Tontine, [869]

Anonymous Writing, [038]

Letters, [494]

Letter-writing, [495]

Anti-Federalists, [038]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Democrats, [252]

Federalism, [328]

Federalists, [329]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Jacobins, [435]

Missouri Question, [563]

Monarchy, [566]

Parties, [675]

Politics, [701]

Republicanism (Partisan), [754]

Republicans, [755]

Antiquities, [039]

Age, Old, [021]

Apostasy, [039]

Principle, [720]

Applause, [039]

Approbation, [042]

Honor, [410]

Honors, [411]

Praise, [711]

Reputation, [761]

Appointment, [039]

Office, [644]

Offices, [647]

Office-holders, [652]

Relations, [741]

Apportionment, [039]

Apportionment Bill, [041]

Representation, [747]

Approbation, [042]

Ambition, [035]

Applause, [039]

Reputation, [761]

Appropriations, [043]

Finances, [336]

Funding, [369]

Treasury, [874]

Arbitration, [044]

Umpire, [890]

Arboriculture, [045]

Trees, [886]

Architecture, [045]

Arts, [058]

Aristocracy, [048]

Aristocrats, [051]

Birth, [092]

Birthday, [092]

Aristocrats, [051]

Aristocracy, [048]

Birth, [092]

Aristotle, [051]

Philosophy, [695]

Arms, [051], [631]

Arms, American, [051]

Arms of Jefferson Family, [052]

Arms of Virginia, [052]

Armstrong (John), [052]

War of 1812, [921]

Army, [052]

Army Officers, [056]

Deserters, [254]

Discipline, [258]

Draft, [263]

Generals, [372]

Martial Law, [542]

Militia, [550]

Volunteers, [915]

War, [915]

War of 1812, [921]

War (Prisoners of), [924]

Arnold, Benedict, [056]

Treason, [873]

Art, [057]

Architecture, [045]

Artisans, [057]

Artists, [058]

Arts, [058]

Music, [599]

Sculpture, [792]

Artisans, [057]

Labor, [458]

Laborers, [459]

Artists, [058]

Arts, [058]

Assassination, [058]

Murder, [598]

Assennisipia, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Assignats, [058]

Paper Money, [668]

Assumption of State Debts, [058]

Funding, [369]

Astors Settlement, [061]

Fur Trade, [369], [939]

Astronomy, [061]

East and West Line, [271]

Latitude and Longitude, [475]

Asylum, [062]

Neutrality, [624]

Atheism, [062]

Atheist, [062]

Deity, [248]

Athens, [062], [950]

Greeks, [394]

Atmosphere, [023]

Climate, [147]

Cold, [148]

Attachments, Foreign, [343]

Alliance, [032]

Alliances, [034]

Attainder, [063]

Law, [477]

Attire, [264]

Dress, [264]

Fashion, [323]

Foppery, [342]

Attorney-General, [063]

Attorneys, [063]

Lawyers, [487]

Aubaine, Droit d', [063]

Law, [477]

Austria, [446]

Treaties of Commerce, [882]

Authority, [063]

Government, [384]

Power, [708]

Avarice, [065]

Economy, [271]

Generosity, [378]