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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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Abilities, [001]

Character, [133]

Genius, [381]

Talents, [848]

Aborigines, [001]

Cherokees, [136]

Indians, [420], [944], [948], [952]

Abuse, [002]

Abuses, [002]

Calumny, [122]

Libels, [497]

Ministers, [558]

Newspapers, [635]

Slander, [809]

Academy, [003]

Academies, [004]

Education, [273]

Schools, [790]

University (National), [899]

University of Va., [900]

Accounts, [005]

Finances, [336]

Acquisition of Territory, [860]

Canada, [124]

Conquest, [185]

Cuba, [022]

Expansion, [319], [468], [512], [617], [862]

Florida, [339]

Louisiana, [509]

Nova Scotia, [642]

Policy (American), [697]

Actions, [005]

Conduct, [167]

Disinterestedness, [258]

Labor, [458]

Adair (James), [421]

Indians, [421]

Adams (John), [006], [013], [018], [678], [715], [763], [800]

Adams (John Quincy), [012]

Adams (Mrs. John), [988]

Adams (Samuel), [013]

Address, Washington's Farewell, [929]

Addresses, [013]

Addresses (Jefferson's Inaugural), [980], [982]

Adjournment, [014]

Congress, [172]

Administration, [016]

Cabinet, [117]

Admiralty Courts, [019]

Courts, [214]

Admission of States, [941], [942]

States, [834]

Advertisements, [020]

Newspapers, [635]

Advice, [020]

Council, [211]

Instructions, [426]

Aeronautics, [066]

Balloons, [066]

Affection, [021]

Family, [321]

Friends, [363]

Friendship, [363]

Happiness, [397]

Home, [409]

Sympathy, [848]

Affliction, [021]

Despair, [254]

Grief, [395]

Misfortune, [560]

Age, Old, [021]

Antiquities, [039]

Time, [867]

Agents, [342]

Foreign Agents, [342]

Aggression, [023]

Filibusterism, [335]

Agitation, [023]

Lethargy, [419]

Agrarianism, [023]

Descents, [253]

Entail, [307]

Inheritances, [426]

Primogeniture, [719]

Monopoly, [579]

Mortmain, [596]

Agriculture, [023]

Farmer, [322]

Farmers, [322]

Farming, [323]

Horticulture, [411]

Olive, [658]

Potato, [707]

Rice, [777]

Sugar, [842]

Tobacco, [868]

Vegetables, [904]

Wheat, [943]

Alexander of Russsa, [027], [809]

Catherine of Russia, [421], [786]

Dashkoff (M.), [223]

Russia, [786], [888]

Alexandria, Va., [030]

Cities, [143]

Algiers, [080]

Captives, [128]

Alienage, [030]

Land, [465]

Alienation of Territory, [860]

Territory, [860]

Western Territory, [939]

Alien and Sedition Laws, [030]

Aliens, [032]

Sedition, Law, [795]

Aliens, [032]

Alien and Sedition Laws, [030]

Citizens, [144]

Deportation Act, [252]

Deportation of Aliens, [253]

Expatriation [319], [780]

Naturalization, [609]

Sedition Law, [795]

Allegiance, [032]

Expatriation, [319], [780]

Allen, Ethan, [032]

Retaliation, [762]

Alliance, [032]

Alliance, Holy, [408]

Alliances, [034]

Policy (American), [697]

Allodial Tenures, [465]

Feudal Tennres, [465]

Land, [465]

Alloy in Money, [262]

Coinage, [261], [573]

Mint, [559]

Allston, Washington, [034]

Burr (Aaron), [111]

Almanacs, [035]

Astronomy, [061]

Almighty, The, [248]

Bible, [088]

Church and State, [141]

Diety, [248]

God, [384]

Providence, [731]

Religion, [742]

Alms, [134]

Charity, [134]

Altercations, [035]

Aggression, [023]

Amalgamation of Parties, [675]

Politics, [701]

Ambassadors, [555]

Diplomacy, [258]

Diplomatic Establishment, [258]

Ambition, [035], [363]

Applause, [039]

Approbation, [042]

Reputation, [761]

Amendments to Constitution, [035]

Bill of Rights, [088]

Constitution (The Federal), [188]

Internal Improvements, [429]

Judiciary (Federal), [449]

Louisiana, [510]

President, [712]

Virginia Protest, [986]

America, [035]

America (British), Rights of, [963]

American Independence, [420]

American Policy, [697]

Americus Vespucius, [036]

History (American), [406]

Anarchy, [036]

Law, [479], [481]

Law (Lynch),

Order, [864]

Anatomy, [036]

Medicine, [547]

Ancestors, [036]

Ancestry, [036]

Aristocracy, [048]

Aristocrats, [051]

Birth, [092]

Birthday, [092]

Posterity, [705]

Primogeniture, [719]

Angels, [037]

Self-government, [796]

Anger, [037]

Passions, [679]

Revenge, [767]

Temper, [859]

Anglomania, [037]

Anglophobia, [037]

Anglo-Saxon Language, [471]

Language, [470]

Neology, [624]


Page 992

Animals, [110]

Horses, [411], [504], [949]

Natural History, [607]

Paleontology, [667]

Sheep, [803]

Animosities, [037]

Peace, [682]

Annexation, [861]

Canada, [124]

Louisiana, [509]

Territory, [860]

Annuties, [038]

Tontine, [869]

Anonymous Writing, [038]

Letters, [494]

Letter-writing, [495]

Anti-Federalists, [038]

Democratic Societies, [251]

Democrats, [252]

Federalism, [328]

Federalists, [329]

Hartford Convention, [400]

Jacobins, [435]

Missouri Question, [563]

Monarchy, [566]

Parties, [675]

Politics, [701]

Republicanism (Partisan), [754]

Republicans, [755]

Antiquities, [039]

Age, Old, [021]

Apostasy, [039]

Principle, [720]

Applause, [039]

Approbation, [042]

Honor, [410]

Honors, [411]

Praise, [711]

Reputation, [761]

Appointment, [039]

Office, [644]

Offices, [647]

Office-holders, [652]

Relations, [741]

Apportionment, [039]

Apportionment Bill, [041]

Representation, [747]

Approbation, [042]

Ambition, [035]

Applause, [039]

Reputation, [761]

Appropriations, [043]

Finances, [336]

Funding, [369]

Treasury, [874]

Arbitration, [044]

Umpire, [890]

Arboriculture, [045]

Trees, [886]

Architecture, [045]

Arts, [058]

Aristocracy, [048]

Aristocrats, [051]

Birth, [092]

Birthday, [092]

Aristocrats, [051]

Aristocracy, [048]

Birth, [092]

Aristotle, [051]

Philosophy, [695]

Arms, [051], [631]

Arms, American, [051]

Arms of Jefferson Family, [052]

Arms of Virginia, [052]

Armstrong (John), [052]

War of 1812, [921]

Army, [052]

Army Officers, [056]

Deserters, [254]

Discipline, [258]

Draft, [263]

Generals, [372]

Martial Law, [542]

Militia, [550]

Volunteers, [915]

War, [915]

War of 1812, [921]

War (Prisoners of), [924]

Arnold, Benedict, [056]

Treason, [873]

Art, [057]

Architecture, [045]

Artisans, [057]

Artists, [058]

Arts, [058]

Music, [599]

Sculpture, [792]

Artisans, [057]

Labor, [458]

Laborers, [459]

Artists, [058]

Arts, [058]

Assassination, [058]

Murder, [598]

Assennisipia, Proposed State of, [941]

Western Territory, [939]

Assignats, [058]

Paper Money, [668]

Assumption of State Debts, [058]

Funding, [369]

Astors Settlement, [061]

Fur Trade, [369], [939]

Astronomy, [061]

East and West Line, [271]

Latitude and Longitude, [475]

Asylum, [062]

Neutrality, [624]

Atheism, [062]

Atheist, [062]

Deity, [248]

Athens, [062], [950]

Greeks, [394]

Atmosphere, [023]

Climate, [147]

Cold, [148]

Attachments, Foreign, [343]

Alliance, [032]

Alliances, [034]

Attainder, [063]

Law, [477]

Attire, [264]

Dress, [264]

Fashion, [323]

Foppery, [342]

Attorney-General, [063]

Attorneys, [063]

Lawyers, [487]

Aubaine, Droit d', [063]

Law, [477]

Austria, [446]

Treaties of Commerce, [882]

Authority, [063]

Government, [384]

Power, [708]

Avarice, [065]

Economy, [271]

Generosity, [378]