University of Virginia Library

June 17

  • 1354. ¼ mile up trail to summit of Great Pisgah
    from Blue Ridge Parkway. Plants to 3 meters in
    fairly open woodland. Late flowering R.

    No Page Number
    calendulaceumHaywood Co, N.C. Medium yellow (C)
  • 1354P plant of same
  • 1355 & 1355P. Dark yellow
  • 1356 & 1356P Med. yellow, Late (B)

  • 1357. From foregoing location ½ way to
    Summit. Pinkish fls.
  • 1358. ditto. Pinkish fls.
  • 1359 White fls
  • 1360 White fls. Red style
  • 1361 White fls
  • 1362.— R. carolinianum same location. Past
  • 1363. From another plant of R. carolinianum
    same location

  • 1364. Above tree line near summit of
    Pisgah. Variations of R. viscosum

    Pinkish fls. Glaucous lvs.
  • 1365 " " " "
  • 1366 " " " "
  • 1367 " " green lvs
  • 1368 " " glaucous lvs

  • No Page Number
  • 1369 Pinkish fls, glaucous lvs
  • 1370 " " " "

  • 1371. Margin of woods on S. side of
    Blue Ridge Parkway ½ mile west of
    Wagon Rd. Gap, Haywood Co. N.C.
    Large fld. apricot—orange
  • 1371 P. plant of same.
  • 1372 White with pink flush, glaucous lvs
    arborescens type.
  • 1373 West facing slope on Blue Ridge Parkway
    1 mi S. of Tunnel Gap. Edge of woods
    good red (E)
  • 1373 P plant of same
  • 1374(a) Large fld. apricot with yellow flare
  • 1374(a)P. plant of same
  • 1374(b) Salmon pink w. yellow blotch
  • 1374(b)P.