Papers of Henry T. Skinner | ||
Southern Collecting Trip
Record Book #2
June 14, 1951
June 14, 1951
- 968M. Just⁁ 2 mi E of first gap on rd from Andrews
to Wayah Bald. 9 mi E. of Andrews Macon Co, N.C.. Wooded
hillside near small stream which has been dammed
near the roadway to furnish water through large pipe
for lower in the valley. Plants ½ to 4 meters in colors
from red to pale yellow. Either Cumberlandense gone
crazy or Cum. x Calendulaceum.
Colors: (a) bright red limb. Faint orange blotch
(b) Bright orange red. deep orange blotch
(c) Strong salmon orange. Orange blotch
(d) Fairly dark salmon apricot, deep yellow blotch
(e) Apricot, deep yellow blotch
(f) Golden yellow, deeper blotch.
(g) Pale salmon yellow with deep yellow blotch
(h) Straw yellow with golden blotch.
(i) strong salmon pink with orange blotch.
Leaf glaucescence & height as noted.
(j) Fls not yet open. - 968P = plants same location
(a) = large fld. orange.
(b) = fairly large red.
(c) = cut petalled form
(d) = small late unflowered.
(e) Fairly faded orange red.(f) From beneath a semi double yellow
(g) = Large orange
(h) = " yellow
(i) = small orange—red.
June 15
- 969 M. Wooded slope along Nantahala river on rd
from Andrews to Nantahala Lake and Wayah Bald.
Plants 3 — 4½ meters. Fairly normal calendulaceum
on orange side. 2 mi from 968.
Colors:(a) salmon—orange limb. Deep yellow to orange
(b) Orange yellow with salmon tints Deep golden blotch
(c) Salmon straw limb. Golden yellow blotch.
(d) Clear ⁁canary yellow limb. Deep yellow blotch. - 970. M. West facing slopes along N.E. end of
Nantahala Lake just S. of Aquone. Bushes ¾ —1½
meters — evidently intermediate between cumberlandense
& calendulaceum. The whole region seems filled
with this sort of mixture with some plants past bloom.
& some still in unopened bud.
Colors: (a) old fls strong red orange. No blotch. Young fls
with more yellow & yellow blotch.(b) pink striped orange. Orange blotch.
(c) Strong salmon orange. Orange "
(d) Salmon with apricot blotch
(e) Straw yellow. Deeper yellow blotch. - 971 & 971P. 1 mile further around lake. Plants fairly
typical of this amazing complex, multicolored & multisized.
Plant 1 m. W. 41. Strong apricot orange. deep yellow
blotch. Leaves glossy dark green but not glaucous - 972 & 972P. ditto. W.55. Limb dull red. Orange blotch
Plant 1 meter. - 973P = unflowered seedling.
- 974 = Same location as 970 but close to the
water. Plant 2 m. W.40. Pure white fls. Scented.
Glaucous leaves. - 975M.—(see also 1091M) Summit of Wayah Bald. Among stunted oaks
or in the open. Branching shrub about 1¾ meters in the
open becoming straggly & up to 3 meters in the shade.
Suspect that compact habit is very much a result
of wind & exposure. Only just coming into
spotty bloom. Flowers white & leaves glaucous
unless otherwise noted. Upper leaf surface not asglossy dark green as in the lower altitude form —
rather a dull gray green. Midribs of petals & bud
exteriors a pronounced reddish pink. - 975 P= plants same location.
- 976M Oak woods from near summit of Wayah Bald.
Some sort of a fairly uniform (in flower & bush size)
intermediate between Cumberlandense & Calendulaceum. Bushes
mostly 1¼ to 2½ meters. Not all yet in flower.
Colors:(a) Orange red. Orange blotch.
(b) red orange. Yellow—orange blotch
(c) Salmon orange. Deep yellow to orange blotch
(d) Strong apricot. Slightly yellow upper petal.
(e) Salmon striped yellow. Golden blotch
(f) Canary yellow. Deep yellow blotch.
June 16
- 977M. Wooded ridge 4 mi ⁁S. W. of Highlands on N.C.
106, Macon Co, N.C. Plants 2—3½ meters.
Colors:(a) Strong red orange with orange blotch
(b) paler red orange—yellow—orange blotch
(c) Salmon orange with deep yellow "
(d) " yellow " " " "
(e) Clear golden yellow with deeper blotch.
These must belong to the later bloom phase of calend. - 977 P = poor plant of golden yellow (e)
- 978 & 978 P. Same location. Plants about 1
meter. W.26. Petals white. Bud pink tipped
Style red towards apex. Leaves non glaucous.
Evidently viscosum montanum. - 979. ditto. W.27. Same description.
- 980M. Hillside in oak woods ⁁above highway .7/10 mi E. of Wolfpen
Gap in Vogel State Park, Union Co, Ga Plants ¾
to 2½ meters. Similar to Cumberlandense.
Colors:(a) orange red with inconspicuous orange blotch
(b) red orange with orange blotch
(c) Salmon orange " "
(d) Strong salmon apricot, orange blotch
(e) dark salmon with " "
(f) light " " deep yellow "
(g) Clear straw yellow, deep yellow "
(h) Strong cerise red with orange blotch.
Leaves glaucous only as noted. Type habitat for
Az. Bakeri. about 5300 ft. - 980P = plants from same location
June 17
- 981. 1.8*** mi S.E. of Woody Gap just N. of Ga 60.
Wooded hillside. Lumpkin Co, Ga Plants 2 meters
W.55. Limb salmon apricot. Orange blotch. - 982. ditto. W.46. Similar color. Leaves glaucescent.
The "Bakeri" complex is relatively common above
3000 ft in Union Co. Especially abundant on the slopes
above Lake Winfield Scott on Ga 180. - 983. Wooded slopes ^on Brush Mtn E on Ga 136, 2 mi E of
Tate Lake and mi E of junction with Ga 108
between Cartecay & Dawson Co, Ga Jasper. Locally abundant at
about the 3000 ft level. W.45 Salmon apricot. Orange
blotch. ½ meter. - 984. ditto. W.43. Apricot with deep yellow blotch, ½ meter
- 985 " W.37. Bright red, no blotch. Glaucous leaves.
Twiggy bush ¼ meter high. - 985P = plant of same
- 986 ditto. W.35. pale salmon red. ¾ meter. Faint blotchorange
- 987 " W.50. Orange—red. No blotch. ½ meter.
- 988 P = miscellaneous plants same location.
- 989. ½ mile along rd to Summit of Mt Oglethorpe from
Ga 136. W. side of rd. Wooded slopes, Pickens Co,
Ga. Plants about ¾ meter.
W.32. Salmon apricot limb. Apricot yellow blotch. - 990. ditto. W.46. Glauces. lvs. Salmon limb. Apricot blotch
- 991 " W.36. Apricot limb. deep yellow blotch.
- 992. ditto. W.46. dull red limb. red—orange blotch.
- 993 " W.45. Salmon yellow limb. Orange
blotch. Glauces. lvs.
June 18
- Mountaintop streamside 4 mi N.W. of Cloudland on
Ala. 58, De Kalb Co, Ala. Bushes 2½—3 meters. All
non leaf glaucous. White limb & tube. (arb). W.32. - 995 ditto. W 32.
- 996 " W.41. Lemon yellow blotch.
- 997. " fls. unopened
- 998 " " "
- 999 Rhod. catawbiense same location. Bushes to
3½ meters. Locally very abundant. - 1000. 4½ mi N.W. of Valley Head Toward Ider ⁁De Kalb Co, Ala. Streamside
Bushes 2—2½ meters. All with white tube & limb
W.41. Non glaucous lvs - 1001 W.35 " " "
- 1002 W.35 " " ". Pale creamy blotch.
- 1003 M Wooded gully on Cumberland Plateau in center of
Jackson Co, Ala, 7½ mi S.E. of Hytop, near Kyles,
Crow Mountain, on road between Hytop and Scottsboro.More or less typical Cumberlandense as seen north
of here. Red shades predominantly but apricots also
present. Plants ½ to 1¾ meters. With & without
glaucous leaves as noted.
Colors:(a) limb ⁁dull red to orange red.
(b) limb red—orange.
(c) " salmon orange
(d) " Strong apricot with yellow blotch.
(e) " Yellow with salmon tints. Deep yellow blotch. - 1004. Arborescens. Same location. All with white limb. None
with glaucous leaves. Bushes 2½ — 3½ meters.
Mostly already past flower. W.48. - 1005. ditto. W.40. Pale yellow blotch
- 1006. " W.41. Strong " "
- 1007 " W.40 " " "
- 1008 " past bloom.
- 1009M. = A few canes. type from same location.
All past bloom. Bushes 1½ — 2 meters.
June 19
- 1010M. Summit of Mt Cheaha ⁁2400 ft elev., Talladega Co, Ala.
Rocky oak woods. Fairly abundant on W. & S.W.sides of summit both N & S of the Lookout Tower.
Plants ¼ to 1¾ meters. Mostly past bloom but
fortunately a few still with flowers. Colors & variation
of leaf shape & glaucescence still very similar to
plants of the Cumberland Plateau & the better stands
of N. Georgia. This must be a quite isolated
occurrence!! (of Cumberlandense)
Colors & glaucescence as noted. Leaves not
glaucous unless noted. - 1010P = 4 unflowered plants from same location.
- 1011✓M. Near small stream ¼ mile below summit of
Mt Cheaha on west side. Plants 2 to 2¾ m.
All past flower. Presumably canescens.
June 22
- 1012M⁁Top of Rocky mtn ridge in oak woods 5 mi E of Rich
Mtn, Polk Co, Ark. Plants ½—1¼ meters. All past
flower. Only five plants found. Alt. 1800 ft. - 1012P = plant same locality.
- 1013M. N.E. fairly rocky slope beneath wide spaced
oaks on skyline rd. 8 mi W. of Rich Mtn and S.E.
of Page. Le Flore Co, Okla. Locally abundant. Infact practically the only floor cover at this
place. A few struggling blueberries offered no
competition. Must be very drought resistant!
Plants most ½ to ¾ meter, occasionally to one
meter. All past bloom & very few with any seeds
or remaining flower heads. Probably hit by the early
drought. One strain with fairly glaucousAlt 1000 ft leaves. - 1013P = plant same locality
June 23
- 1014M. In "Heath Hollow", a N. facing wooded hollow
½ mile N. of Magazine Mtn Rd. & about 5 mi N
of Havana, Logan Co, Ark. Comparatively moist (as
moisture goes in Arkansas) rocky slope in oak wood.
Plants ¾ — 1½ meters. Many very stoloniferous.Alt about 900 ft Apparently
a mixture of early flowering pinks & somewhat later whites, a
few of the latter still in bloom. The "pinks" resemble in foliage
etc. the collections of yesterday. Additional notes as
tagged. - 1014P = plants same location
- 1015M. N. facing rocky slope 1 mi E of White Rock
Mtn on rd. to Cass, Franklin Co, Ark. Bushes 1½—2½ m.
Locally very abundant. Appear to be all the wide leaved,early flowering & probably "pink" fld. type. All
past bloom. Above a small stream which serves as
a probably constant water supply. Alt. about 1200 ft. - 1015P = plants same locality
- 1016M. Summit of White Rock Mtn, WestNorth side.
Very abundant above & below summit cliffs. All
past bloom. Plants 1¼ — 1¾ meters. Franklin
Co. Alt. 2000 ft. A good spot to visit about
May 15! Look like the "roseum" type.
June 26
- 1017P. Summit of Big Black MtnGrown in Shade House =
Signal Red. 719/1
Harlan Co, Ky along rd. to radar
tower. Bush 1 meter. Best red found. Limb geranium
Lake 20 to Blood red 820. No orange blotch⤴ - 1018 P. ditto. Bush ½ meter. Small but wide petaled
full flower, Limb vermilion 18/1. Deep orange blotch. - 1019P. From Bush 2 m high. Deep salmon pink limb
with a hint of orange blotch. - 1020 P. ditto — Young bush. Limb Scarlet 19 — 19/1. Hint
of orange blotch. - 1021P. ditto. From beneath a large bush with salmon fls.
May be seedling. - 1022.P ditto. Small bush. Upper lobe scarlet (19). Others
somewhat darker & duller.
- 1023 P. From another good red 1 m. high. Upper lobe
Signal red — 19/1. Remainder a little darker & duller. - 1024P Small bush of a rather large flowered orange —
red with orange blotch. - 1025M. Mass coll. same location. Plants ¾
to 2½ meters. Growing in old pasture. Evidently
Cumberlandia x calendulaceum. Blotches & glaucescence
as indicated. In general gray foliage undersides is
more conspicuous than in other cumberlandense samples.
Colors:(a) Limb strong scarlet red.
(b) limb orange red
(c) " red orange
(d) " strong apricot orange
(e) " salmon apricot
(f) " salmon red. - 1026 P = from plant 1¼ meters high Harlan Co, Ky of handsome
flower, a mixture of cerise salmon & yellow. Almost
iridescent in the shade where it should probably be
grown for effect. From about ¼ mi N. of gap on
Big Black Mtn. along fairly new logging rd. - 1026M. Same location. Plants generally ½ to 1½ meters
although some may have been cut off. Red orange pre—ponderance.
Colors:(a) limb good scarlet red.
(b) Strong orange red.
(c) Red orange
(d) Salmon red
(e) Salmon apricot
(f) Apricot with orange tints
(g) Salmon " " "
Blotch & glaucescence as indicated - 1027. Wooded hillsides at Blackwood, 4 mi W. Of Norton,
Wise Co, Va. Plants ½—¾ meter.
W.40. orange red. No blotch glaucous lvs. - 1028. ditto. W.46. Orange red, no blotch. Not glaucous.
- 1029 " W 40 " " orange " " "
Quite abundant in this part of Wise Co. - 1030. Abandoned pasture on Powell Mtn. Top of gap on
U.S. 58 ¾ mi N.W. of St Paul, Wise Co, Va. Plants
about 1 meter. W.44 Red orange. orange blotch - 1031. ditto W.43. Good red, No blotch.
- 1032 " W 37. Red orange Faint orange blotch.
- 1033 " W.32. Salmon with yellow blotch
- 1034 " W 40. Red with orange blotch. Glaucous leaves.
No reds seen here on intervening mtn. at 3069 ft.
June 27.
- 1035. 10½ mi S. of Tazewell at top of Mtn. on
Rd to Tazewell Co, VaMarion. Rocky soil in deciduous woods.
Plants 1 m. high — calendulaceum.
W. 40. Orange with orange yellow blotch. - 1036. ditto. W.54. Same color.
- 1037M. Mountain 2 mi N. of Hungry Mother State
Park, Smyth Co, Va. About 2800 ft elev. on S. side
in mixed woods. Plants 1—1½ meters. Calend.
Colors as indicated. - 1038M. Mountain Lake, Giles Co, Va. Swampy
ground ¼ mi S. of Biological Station. Plants mostly
1½ — 2 meters where not recently cut off. Colors &
Glaucescence as indicated. Limb & tube white unless otherwise
noted. Look like viscosum & arborescens. - 1038 P = about 5 plants from same locality
- 1039. Near summit of Bald Mtn at about 3800 ft
elev to E. of P.O., Mountain Lake, Giles Co, Va.
In deciduous woods. W.45. Salmon orange limb. Darker
upper lobe. - 1040 ditto. W.32 orange yellow limb. Deep yellow blotch
June 28
- 1041M. Streamside on Cheat Mtn ¼ mi S. of U.S. 33
on dirt rd. near top of Mtn about 3 mi E of Elkins, Randolph
Co, W. Va. Plants 2 — 3 meters. Just coming into flower
All with white limb & tube, glaucous leaves unless
noted otherwise. - 1042. P. Plant (skipped entry) alabamense x canescens
from same location as 756M.
June 29.
- 1043M.✓ Summit of Allegheny Front 2 mi N. of Bell
Knob Tower & 5 mi along gravel rd running N.E. from
W. Va 72 at a point 9 mi E of W. Va. 32, Tucker Co,
W. Va. Plants locally abundant on high huckleberry—
Kalmia—Red Spruce plateau. 1—2½ meters. Mostly
past flower. Roseum in typical roseum pink.
Leaf glaucous as noted - 1044M. Streamside in & about Camden on Gauley,
Webster Co, W. Va. Plants 1½ to 3 meters, all with
white limb & tube & glaucous leaves unless otherwise
noted. - 1045. Roadside slope on W. Va 41, 3 mi N.E. of Craigsville
Nicholas Co, W. Va. Plants about ¾ m — probably
having been cut off in recent years (calend. Past
bloom. - 1046. ditto. W.38 orange limb. Deep yellow bl.
Frilled petals. - 1047 Rhod. maximum? Same location. Plentiful in
this region. Bushes to about 4 meters. Flowers rosy
pink with green blotch. May be max. x cataw.
June 30
- 1048 Crest of mountain about 3 mi N. of Kopperston
(N.E. of Oceana), Boone Co, W. Va. Deciduous woods
Bushes 1½ to 2½ meters (Calend.) Past bloom. - 1049. ditto
July 1.
Dry wooded slope ¼ E of Newland, Avery Co,
- 1050↗ N.C. Plants 1 meter. W.28. White limb &
tube. Glaucous leaves. - 1051 ditto. Same size & color.
- 1052 Wet swampy pasture ½ mi S.W. of Linville,
Avery Co, N.C. Plant 1¾ meters. W27. White limb &
tube. Leaves non glaucous.
July 2.
- 1053M. Woods near rd. approach on E side of
Grandfather Mtn, Avery Co, N.C. at about 4000 ft elev.
Bushes 1¾—2½ meters. (look rather like calend x
cumberlandense). Getting past flower. Glaucous leaves
as noted.
Colors: (a) red orange limb (often with individual yellow
orange flowers)
(b) limb salmon orange.
(c) " " yellow
(d) " straw yellow with salmon tints.
Blotches as noted. - 1054M. W. facing wooded slope ½ mi N. of Crabtree
Meadows above the Blue Ridge Parkway, McDowell Co, N.C.
Elev. 3600 ft. Plants 2—3½ meters. (calend x cumb?)
Colors (a) red orange with deeper red blotch
(b) red orange to orange yellow with deep yellow orange blotch
(c) Salmon yellow with deep yellow blotch
(d) Golden yellow with salmon tints. Deep yellow bl.
(e) Canary yellow with golden blotch.
Leaf glaucescence as noted. - 1055M. Same location. Intermixed with 1054.
Plants 1¾ — meters. All with glaucous leaf
undersides. Fls white with white tube unless otherwise
noted. - 1056M. 1 N E of Craggy Gardens near rd junction
with Blue Ridge Parkway. Glades and wooded slopes at
about 3800 ft elev. Buncombe Co, N.C. Plants 2—3
meters high. Still look like intermediate between
Calend. & Cumberlandense. Some at height of bloom,
some past. Leaf glaucescence as noted.
Colors: (a) Limb bright scarlet red. Not dark. No blotch
(b) Limb bright red. No blotch unless noted.
(c) Apricot orange with orange yellow blotch
(d) Apricot with deeper or yellow blotch
(e) Canary yellow with deeper blotch
(f) Past bloom
July 3
- 1057M. Banks of E. Fork Pigeon River 3 mi S. of Cruso on Haywood Co N.C.
U.S. 276. Plants 2—3½ meters. All with white limb &
tube & glaucous leaves unless otherwise noted. - 1057P. 4 plants from 1 larger flowered specimen
- (1057a) Same location
No viscosum in this vicinity - 1058M. Stunted oak woods on S. slopes, 100—300
yds E. of crossroads at Frying Pan Gap, Great Pisgah
Mtn., Haywood Co, N.C. About 4800 ft elevation
Plants 2¾—3½ meters. All with white limb &
tube & glaucous leaves unless noted. - 1058 P = probable visc x arb. hybrid same location. Very stoloniferous.
- 1059M Same location as 1058 but on slope
above the rd. junction: Plants mostly about 1—1½ meters
but a few taller as noted. Limb & tube white, leaves
glaucous unless otherwise stated. - 1059P. = probable hybrid. Pink tube. Stoloniferous.
- 1060M. ¼ mi w. of Frying Pan Gap (see above). In oak—
rhododendron woods. Plants about 3 meters. Colors & leaves as noted. Leaves non glaucous unless noted - 1060P = 2 plants same area.
- 1061P = "typical" or normal viscosum. same area
July 4
- 1062M Wooded slopes & pasture at 4300 ft elevation on
Max Patch Mtn, 1½ w of State line on Ten 107,
Cocke Co, Tenn. Bush 1—3 meters. Generally in orange—
yellow color shades. A few good reds. Glaucescence as
Colors: (a) limb tomato red, no blotch
(b) dull light red. orange blotch
(d) deep apricot orange. orange blotch
(c) Limb red orange. yellow orange blotch
(e) " salmon yellow. Deep yellow bl
(f) " salmon. yellow bl
(g) " straw yellow, salmon tints. Golden blotch
(h) " clear canary yellow. Deep yellow bl - 1062P = unflowered sdlg from same location
- 1063P = plants from base of 1062(2) — a good red.
Bush 3 m. high.
- 1064M. Amid grass—blueberry cover & down to
stunted oak forest margin, summit of Gregory Bald,
Blount Co, Tenn, & Swain Co, N.C. (collecting area bisected
by state line) Alt 4948 ft.
Plants 1½—2 m. This collection only those with white
limb & tube, no blotch. Leaves glaucous unless noted
(see 1070) - 1065M In huckleberry tufts, summit of
Parson Bald at about 4740 ft elev. SE side Same loc as
above probably mostly in Swain Co, N.C. Plants ½—1¼
meters. All with white fls & tubes, green leaves unlessnoted otherwise. - 1066M. Same location as 1065 (Parson Bald). Chiefly
in open or on woods margins on S.W. side of summit.
No arborescens seen & only pink hybrids. Bushes
¾ — 2¼ meters; green leaves unless noted.
Colors: (a) limb bright red. No blotch unless noted.
(b) dull, lighter red. orange to yellow blotch
(c) Bright red orange. Apricot—orange blotch.
On the whole a very uniform lot! - 1067M. Same location as 1064 — Gregory Bald.
Plants generally 1—2 or 2½ meters. Large in
red or red orange shades. Leaves green unless
Colors: (a) Strong red. No blotch
(b)Limb orange red. Towards an orange blotch
(c) dull orange red with orange bl.
(d) Strong red orange. Yellow orange bl.
(e) Apricot " " " "
(f) Salmon " " " " - 1068M. Population sample. E. side of Gregory Bald.
Collection from nearest bush at every 20 pacesHeight generally 1—2 meters. Leaves green unless
Colors: (a) dull red with orange blotch
(b) red orange with " "
(c) orange with yellow orange bl.
(d) deep salmon pink, yellow bl.
(e) pale " " deeper upper lobe
(f) salmon yellow, with yellow bl
- 1069M. Same location. Some of the obvious hybrids.
Generally 2— meters.
Colors & glaucescence as indicated.
July 7
- 1070M. (Continuative on 1064M. This lot only from
back in woods at SE end of bald area. Top of rise to the left of
the trail cascading to the summit — in the
wooded section. Bushes 1¼ — 1¾ m. All with white
tubes & limb & glaucous leaves unless noted - 1071M. Mixed wood on w. slopes of Gregory Bald
on trail & Cade's Cove at 3500 ft elevation. Bushes
2—2½ meters. - 1072P = Mixed plants from top of Gregory Bald
Some of best hybrids together with a few of the good reds - {10731074 Two strains of dwarf willow from same
July 9.
- 1075M. Decid woods near summit of Wauchecha
Bald, w. side, Graham Co, N.C. Mostly past
bloom. 1½mdash;2½ meters. Colors & glaucescence as
indicated. Green lvs unless noted.
- 1076. Same mtn, w side at about 2800 ft elev.
Plants 1½ m. W.45 dull red limb. Faint
orange bl. green leaves.
July 10
- 1077. Banks of Nantahala River at Nantahala
Station. Plants 2½ meters. White limb & tube & glaucous
leaves unless noted. w.30. Faint yellow blotch. - 1078. ditto. w.34 " " "
- 1079 " w.40 No blotch. Glaucescent lvs
- 1080 " past bloom.
- 1081. ½ s. of Tellico Creek Rd on N.C. 12
between Nantahala & Aquone, Macon Co. N.C.W. facing banks. Plants ¾ meters, in flower with
Rhod. maximum nearby.
w.49. Brick red with faint orange yellow bl. - 1081 P = plant of same
- 1082. ditto. w.41 same color.
- 1083 " w.35 pale salmon red, Faint yellowish
blotch. - 1084 Sides of White Oak Creek 1 mi N.W. of White
Oak (Junction rd to Burningtown Gap) on N.C. between
Nantahala & Nantahala Lake; Macon Co, N.C.
Bushes 2—3 meters. White limb & tube & glaucous
leaves unless noted.
w. 40 - 1085. ditto. w.40. pale pink buds & tubes. yellow blotch
- 1086 " w.40 " " " " no " "
- 1087 " w.33 " " " " " " "
- 1088 (a) " w.36 " " " " pale yel. "
- 1088 (b) " w. 43 pure white
- 1089M. SE. facing wooded slopes on ridge to S. & above
Burningtown Gap. About 4000 ft elev. Plants 2½ —
3½ meters. Mostly past flower. Green leaves unless
noted. - 1090 & 1090P. 5 specimens from SE end of
Nantahala Lake on wooded slopes about 200 ft
above lake level. Just coming into bloom.
(photographed — Plant ¾ meter high, w.50, Limb
apricot orange. Orange yellow blotch. Leaves glaucous.
A few such late plants are to be seen. - 1091M. Summit of Wayah Bald, Macon Co., N.C.
Late flowering arborescens type (see also 975M)
Plants mostly 1—1¾ meters. Flowers white &
leaves glaucous unless noted. - 1091 (a) P = plant of largest, flat flowered
specimen. - 1092P = plant of dwarfest bushes near tower
(only 2 ft high) - 1093P = Larger from a late flowering orange at
about 4500 ft elev.
July 11
- 1094M. Stunted oak woods on summit of Cowee Bald,
Macon & Jackson Counties, N.C. elev 4900 ft.
Plants 2—3 meters. Mostly past bloom but chiefly on
salmon orange to yellow side where left. Leaves green
unless noted otherwise. Colors indicated. - 1095M. Deciduous slopes on S. slopes of
Satulah Mtn, Highlands, Macon Co, N.C. 4000 to
4500 ft elevation. Growing intertwined with
succeeding collection of arborescens, mostly past flower.
Few remaining largely apricot — to salmon orange.
Leaves green unless noted. Plants 2—3½ meters. - 1096M. Same location — from 4500 right to
summit of Satulah Mtn (4543 ft) Plants
1—3 meters. All with white limb & tube &
glaucous leaf undersides unless otherwise noted. - 1096P = plant same location
- 1097 Summit of Satulah Mt. Chestnut tree
About 3 m. tall. - 1098M. Edge of woods in a 2 mi radius of Highlands,
Macon Co, N.C. Plants ½—¾ meters. Green leaves
unless noted. Limb & tube white, Very fragrant. Common
in the wood from the elevation (3850 ft) right to
the summit of Satulah Mt, but very seldom flowers —
only, apparently, when established in the sunlight for some time. - (1098P = plant of 1098 M(a). O.K.Apparently lost)
- 1099. From garden of Mr. Henry Wright. 3 N of
Highlands. Looks like viscosum x arborescens
Bush 1 meter. Limb & tube strong pink. A
beautiful specimen.
July 13
- 1100M In deciduous woods along sides of Long
Branch towards the S. end of Pleasant Valley & ⅕ mi
up stream from the Flint River. Approached on 3¼ mi of
gravel road from point 5 mi SE of Woodbury on
Ga 74, Upson Co, Ga. Bushes 2—3½ meters. Only
just coming into bloom. Many plants scarcely yet
breaking their terminal buds. None past. All with
white limb & tube & green leaf undersides unless noted
otherwise. - 1100P = from same locality
- 1101✓M. A few species of canescens type, well past
flower from same location. Bushes 3 meters high. - 1102M. Moist, shady sides of ravine formed
by small branch crossing highway U.S. 27 at a point
3 ½ mi N of the center of Cuthbert, Randolph Co, Ga.
Collection in ravine ¼ to ½ mi west of highway.
Bushes 2 ½ to 4 meters. Some in full bloom, some
not yet showing color. Approximately the type locality
for prunifolium. Only two really good reds
in the lots.
Colors: (a) Limb scarlet. 19—19/1— no blotch.
(b) " " 19/1—19/2 "
(c) " vermilion 18/2
(d) " mandarin red. 17/1—17/2
(e) " poppy red 16/1—16/2. Faint yellowish
July 14
- 1103M. Sides of shady ravine 1½ mi south of
Fort Gaines on Ga 39, Clay Co, Ga. Plants
2¾—3½ meters. A few not yet open. Colors as noted. - 1104✓M. On rather dry soil in deciduous woods
3 ¾ mi W. of Fort Gaines on gravel rd to
Abbeville, Henry Co, Ala. Plants ½ to 1¼ meters.
This is something resembling serrulatum which flowers
in May or probably the "Georgianum" of Harbison's
November collection but most likely does not belong
here. Plants all past flower or with green
leaves. Some canescens type mixed in. - 1104P = plants same location
- 1105✓. Similar plants, now in Mr Coleman's Nursery, from the
first creek beyond Day's crossroad, 8½ mi N of
Fort Gaines up the central rd., Clay Co, Ga. - 1106✓. Same early bloomer, Coleman's Nursery, from location
in Kolomokee Creek, just N of Kolomokee Indian
Mounds, 7 mi S. of Fort Gaines, Clay Co, Ga. - 1107. Another specimen same location
- 1108 " " " "
- 1109✓. Another early flowering type from Seven Bridges,
E. of Carnegie, Randolph Co, Ga.
July 15
- 1110M. Wooded swamp at Seven Bridges about 3 ½ mi
E. of Carnegie, Randolph Co, Ga. Bushes 2—3 meters.
At height of bloom. Limb & tube white & leaves green
unless noted otherwise. - 1110P = plant same locality
- 1111M. Sides of shady ravine 3½ mi W. of Fort
Gaines on Ala 10, Henry Co, Ala. Plants 2¾ to
3¾ meters. All with green leaves.
Colors: (a) limb vermilion 18/1—18/2. Upper tube
slightly darker, 18/1(b) Limb vermilion 18/2 (slightly lighter than (a))
(c) Limb scarlet, 19/2
(d) Limb poppy red. 16/1—16/2
(e) " light orange (apricot) 12/2 - 1111P = Several plants from same locality.
July 16
- 1112. Specimen of late blooming near white on property
of Mrs E.E. Clark, 6 mi N. of Eufala on U.S. 241.
Blooms somewhat after alabamense. Identification
needed by Mr Coleman. - 1113P. Plant of deep pink (speciosum?) Mrs Clark.
- 1114P " " white & yellow (bushy) " "
- 1115✓. Yellow Austrinum from Mrs Coleman's place coll.
17 mi E. of Fort Gaines Past bloom Calhoun Co - 1115P = plant same locality (split into 2)
- 1116 ditto
- 1117 "
- 1118✓ " but coll. between Bluffton & Arlington
- 1119M✓. Shoots of Mrs Coleman's "multiflora" to check as
to whether one clon etc. Coll (all the plants) 4 mi
below Buena Vista, Ga., Marion Co - 1119P = plant of multiflora—Nursery grown.
- 1120 M. Moist banks of wooded ravine ½ mi
N.E. of crossroad on secondary road to Abbeville,
at point 9 mi W. of Fort Gaines, Henry Co, Ala. Plants 2½ to 4 meters. Collection represents the only
plants seen. They are not plentiful in more than a
very few places.
Colors: (a) Limb vermilion 18/2
(b) " scarlet 19/2
(c) " pale scarlet to poppy red 16/1
(d) " bright orange 12/2
(e) " pale apricot
- 1121 P = plants of medium light red. same locality
- 1122 P = " " fairly dark red " " (good form.
- 1123 P = " " rather pale orange red same locality
July 18
- 1224M. Fairly dry margins of a swamp 1 mi E of
Repton on U.S. 84, Conecuh Co, Ala. S. side of
road. Bushes ½ to 1¼ meters, usually about 1 meter.
The early blooming form of serrulata (may be one or two
canescens mixed in). All past bloom. - 1224 P = 5 plants from different individuals of
above. - 12✓25 M. Drier ground above stream in quite
thick mixed woods S of U.S. 84 at a point
8.3*** mi S.E. of Whatley, Clarke Co, Ala. Plants
¼ to 1¼ m. Leaves green & rather glossier
than last collection. - 1225P = Plants from different clone, same area.
- 1226 = Phlox near stream, same location.
July 19
- 1227M. Mixed forest swamp 2¾ mi N. of Eastabutchie
on U.S. 11, Jones Co, Miss. Plants 1½ to 3 meters.
Quite abundant tho only in very scattered bloom. All
with white limb & tube & green leaf undersides. - 1227P = 3 plants from different clone. same area
- 1228. In small wooded swamp 1½ mi E of the center
of Columbia, Manson Co, Miss. Plants 2—3
meters. All past bloom — were evidently in flower
about July 1st. All with green leaves. - 1229 ditto
- 1230 "
- 1231 "
- 1232 "
- 1233. Orchid from edge of same swamp
- 1234M. Small swamp along La 34, 2 mi S. of
Warnerton, Washington Co, La. Plants 2—3 meters.
About at height of bloom. Limb & tube white, leaves
green. - 1234P. 1 plant same location. No better than average
size. - 1235. Along swampy stream 1 mi S of County
boundary on La 34, St. Tammany Co, La. Bushes
1—1¾ meters. Those found in good bloom but
only 5 found. All with white limb & tube & green
w. 32. red pedicels - 1235 P= 2 plants of this large flowered clone.
Conspicuous in that all the flowers open at the same time. - 1236. ditto. w.30. red pedicels
- 1237 " w.20 " "
- 1238 " w.25. green "
- 1239 " w.28 " "
July 20
- 1240.M. Swamp S.W. of Bayou bridge on
Miss 57, 5½ mi N. of Biloxi, Harrison Co, Miss. Plants
2—3½ meters. All with white limb & tube & greenleaves. Pedicels as noted — green unless stated - 1241M. Edge of swamp 5 mi E of Mobile Bay
on U.S. 90, N. side of highway. Baldwin Co, Miss. Plants 2—3 meters &
only just coming into flower. Most not yet open.
White limb & tube & green leaves. Pedicels green
unless noted.
July 21
- 1242M. Swampy woodland 1 mi W. of Pace,
to S. of highway U.S. 90, Santa Rosa Co, Fla.
Plants 2—3 meters. In full flower. Tube & limb
white. Leaves green. pedicels as noted. - 1243M. Wooded streamside 2¼ mi E of Walton—
Holmes Co. boundaries on U.S. 80, Holmes Co, Ala.
Plants 2¼—3 meters. All past bloom except one
not yet out. All with green leaves. - 1243P = unflowered sdlg same location
- 1244P = Glaucous leaved & very stoloniferous canescens
type same location - 1245M Swampy hammock near Chipola
(7 mi N.E. of center of Blountstown, CalhounCo, Fla. Plants 1½ to 2½ meters. May have been
cut down several years ago. Limb & tube white,
leaves green. pedicels green unless noted.
July 22
- 1246. Torreya on shady wooded slopes
between old Mansion & Appalachicola River. Torreya
State Park, Liberty Co, Fla. - 1247. Wooded sides of shallow pond ¼ mi N. of
Rock Bluff on right side of gravel road to Roy
and Sycamore, Liberty Co, Fla. Bushes about
2 meters & in good bloom. Limb & tube white, leaves
green. w 21. partly red pedicels - 1248 ditto. w. 26, green pedicels
- 1249 " w. 24 red "
- 1250 " w.25 " "
- 1251. " w. ? " "
- 1252M. Wooded swampy stream side 1 mi NE of
Chaires on rd to Capitola, Leon Co, Fla. Plants 2—3½ meters. White limb & tube; green leaves and
red pedicels unless noted.
July 23
- 1253. Swamp area in Pine—palmetto woodland,
¼ mi W. of Fla 445 at a point 2¾ mi
NE of Eustis, Lake Co, Fla. Small trees to
about 6 or 7 meters. Gordonia lasianthus - 1254. Befaria racemosa from drier margins
of same swamp. - 1254 P = small plants from same location.
- 1255 P = Plants of serrulata from burned over Pine—
Gordonia—fern woods 2½ mi N.E. of Eustis on Fla 445.
different clone
July 24
- 1256M. Magnolia, Gordonia, Pine—fern swamp along
freshwater stream close to shore of Lake Eustis, 1¼ mi
S.W. of Eustis along the lake rd., Lake Co, Fla. Type
locality for serrulata. Plants 2½ to 3¼ meters, often forming dense thickets to be penetrated only with a
machete. Limb & tube white, leaves green. Pedicels
green unless otherwise noted.
July 25
220 M — 1257
- 1257M. ⁁Parker Island.Bay—pine—fern woods along small stream on
dirt rd at point 3¼ mi S. of rd around Lake
Istokpoga, the dirt rd. taking off 3½ mi E. of Lake
Placid. Plants mostly about 2 meters. A few still in
bloom. Limb & tube white. Leaves green. pedicels as
noted. Highlands Co, Fla. - 1258P = plant from Highlands Hammock State
Park near Sebring, Highlands Co, Fla. Reported
by Miss Beck to be in more or less constant bloom
from July to November. Two fl. clusters at N.A. Oct
25 '57 from last years buds.
July 26
- 1259M. Bay, pine & fern swamp along small
branch 5¼ mi N.E of Davenport on U.S 17,
Polk Co, Fla. bushes 2½ to 3¼ meters. In dense
growth & in varying stages of bloom. Limb & tube
white, leaves green. Pedicels as noted. - 1259P = plant of best flowering clone seen.
- 1260 M Streamside in wooded ravine, Gold Head
Branch State Park near Keystone Heights, Clay Co,
Fla. Plants 2½ to 3¼ meters. White limb & tube &
Green leaves. Pedicels green except as noted.
July 27
- 1261. Onophe suffruticosa(?) Bright orange fls.
photographed. Pine—palmetto coastal plain
on west side of Suwannee River 1 mi S.W. of
White Springs, Hamilton Co, Fla. Plant 2 m. - 1262M. Swamp along small branch in mixed
pine—hardwood woodland 1.2*** mi S.W. of
Ga border on U.S. 129, Hamilton Co, Fla. Plants
3—4 meters. Very few yet in flower. White limb &
tube & green leaves. Pedicels as noted. - 1263M. Swampy area along stream 5½ mi N of
Statenville on U.S. 129, Echols Co, Ga. Plants
2½—3½ meters. limb & tube white. Leaves green.
Pedicels as noted. - 1264M. Swamp 1 mi NE of Homerville, ⁁on US. 84Clinch Co,
Ga. Plants 3—3½ meters. Tube & limb white,
leaves green. Pedicels as noted. - 1265M. Swamp in mixed woods 1.1*** mi N.
E. of Folkston on US. 1, Charlton Co, Ga.
(Type locality for serr. Georgianum) Plants2½ to 3 meters. Limb & tube white, leaves
green. Pedicels as noted - 1265 P = about 5 plants from same locality.
July 28
- 1266M. Magnolia—maple—cedrela swamp 2 mi
N.E. of Folkston on Ga. (Charlton Co, Ga)40. Plants 2¼ to 3¼ meters.
All with white limb & tube & green leaves. Pedicels as
noted. Serr. georgianum & serrulatum - 1266P= Want plant for Joe. same location.
- 1✓267 Befaria racemosaCamden Co. 7¼ miles S.W. of Woodbine on
Ga 110. Pinelands. Bushes to 1¼ meters. - 1268. Another plant same location.
- 1269. Kalmia(?) Same location. 1 meter.
- 1270 P = Befaria plants same location.
- 1271 Maple—Pine—Magnolia swamp 1 mi S. of
Waverly on U.S. 17, Camden Co, Ga. Plants 2½
—3 meters. White limb & tube, green leaves.
W.22. ped green. - 1272 ditto ped green
- 1273 " " "
- 1274 " W.28 ped past red
- 1275 " —
July 29
- 1276M.✓ Intermediate canescens — stream zone
along branch in mixed wood 1 mi N.W. of
Springfield on both sides of Ga. 21, Effingham
Co, Ga. Plants ½ — 1 meter — none taller. All
past bloom & much resemble viscosum. May
possibly include 2 forms. - 1276P = about 5 plants from same location
- 1277P = a few seedling canescens " ".
- 1278✓M. Swamp 3.3*** mi S.W. of Newington &
just N.E. of Oliver, Screven Co, Ga. Plants 2½ to
3¼ meters. Past bloom. Canescens. On drier ground
surrounding the swamp. - 1279M. Same location. Plants ½ to 1¼ meters. May
have been cut back but did not appear so.
On intermediate ground between canescens and the
swamp proper. Mostly past bloom, tho a few are
apparently just breaking buds. (check against serr.) - 1279(a) P = plants of low non leaf pubescent
form. - 1279(b)P = plants of leaf pubescent form.
- 1280 M. Same location. Plants 2½ to 3¾
meters in the swamp proper, usually on the
hummocks about tree bases. Limb & tube white,
leaves green. pedicels as noted. - 1280 P = 2 plants of good flowered clone (1280(a))
- 1281. Drier ground along stream 2 mi S.W. of
Shawnee (7 mi N.W. of Springfield) on Ga 21,
Effingham Co, Ga. Plants ½ meter. Past bloom. - 1282. ditto
- 1283 "
July 30
- 1284✓. Edge of swamp 7 mi N.E. of Allendale, Allendale
Co, S.C. Plants 2½ meters. Past bloom. Leaves glaucescent. - 1285✓.
Near stream 10 mi N.E. of Ulmers on US. 301,
Bamberg Co, S.C. Plants 2—3 meters. All past bloom.
Leaves green. - 1286✓. ditto. leaves glaucescent.
- 1287✓ " " "
- 1288✓ " " "
- 1289✓ " " "
- 1290M. Drier slopes adjoining Four Hole Swamp.
14 mi E of Orangeburg, Orangeburg Co, S.C.
Plants all past bloom & ½ to 1¼ meters high.
look like viscosum. - 1291M. Cut over pine barrens 3 to 3½ mi N
of center of Manning⁁on U.S. 521, Clarendon Co, S.C. Plants
past bloom & ½ — ¾ meter. (It is doubtful if they
would get much taller). Evidently viscosum. Saw
Witmer Stone's specimen, same locality.
2 Plants good foliaged specimens (1291P) - 129✓2M. Rather dry sandy soil in Scrub oak —
Pine barrens 4½ mi S. of Florence at junction
of U.S. 301 with paved side rd. towards Sardis,
Florence Co, S.C. Plants quite abundant
among bracken & low inkberry. Very
stoloniferous & low growing — seldom over ½ meter
in height. All past bloom & all with
glaucescent to glaucous leaf undersides.
Quite distinct in appearance from viscosum
seen a few counties south — quite probably
atlantica. - 1292 P = 6 plants same locality
July 31
- 1293M✓. 5 specimens only from 2½ mi farther
down (west) on side road of collection 1292.
Same description. - 1294✓M. Pine barrens 5 mi E. of Florence, on US. 301.Florence
Co. Same description as above. - 1295M. Partly burned over magnolia swamp in pine
barrens 2½ mi S.W. of center of Latta, on U.S. 301
Dillon Co, S.C. Only 1 plant still in bloom.
Plants flowering at ½ to ¾ meter but making well—rounded
bushes 2½ meters high in unharmed sections.
Leaves green beneath unless noted. May include a
few unfruited specimens of perhaps nudiflorum - 1296 = Orchid same location.
- 1297M. Pine maple swamp areas with bamboo—
magnolia underbrush 2—3 mi N E of Selma along
N.C. 39, Johnston Co, N.C. Bushes from ½ meter to
2½ meters back in the woods where the shade is
too dense for them to flower. All past bloom,
however & with green leaves — evidently viscosum
Aug 1
- 1298M. Magnolia swap 8½ mi Greensville Co, Va.S. of
Emporia on U.S. 301 (2½ mi N of State Line).
Plants 2½ — 4 meters. All past bloom. Green
leaves. - 1298P = 2 plants same locality.
- 1299M. Magnolia swamp ¼ mi S. of Henrico —
Hanover Co boundaries on U.S 1 (½ mi S. of
Oakland). Plants to about 2 meters. Mostly however
by the road & have been cut. All past bloom
Leaf glaucescence as noted & green unless
Aug 2.
- 1300M. Moist sides to small stream crossing U.S. 40
at point2 mi W. of Elkton, Cecil Co, Md.
Plants 1¾ to 2¾ meters. All past bloom. All
with green leaf undersides.
Aug 6
- 1301M. Small swamp on W. side of U.S. 30, 2½
mi S.E. of Chesilhurst, Camden Co, N.J. Plants
1½ — 2¼ meters. All past bloom. Leaves green
beneath unless noted. - 1301 P = 3 plants same location
- 1302P = good fruited, glossy leaved. Ilex verticillata
- 1303M. Swamp 2 mi N.W. of Atsion on U.S. 206,
Burlington Co, N.J. Plants 2 — 3 meters. All past
bloom. Leaf undersides green unless noted - 1303P = 4 plants same location.
- 1304M. Swampy pond & stream margins,
2¼ mi S.W. of Milltown
Middlesex Co, N.J. All past bloom. Leaf undersides
green unless noted.
Aug 7
- 1305M. Swampy pond margins 3 mi E. of Old
Lyme on U.S. 1, New London Co, Conn. Plants 2½
to 3¼ meters. All past bloom. Leaves green beneath
unless otherwise noted.
Aug 8
- 1306M. Moist pine—oak woods on Tea Lane
just S. of West Tisbury, TisburyDukes Co, Martha's
Vineyard, Mass. Plants 2½ to 3½ meters.
Generally past bloom but some still in flower.
Limb & tube white, leaf undersides green &
pedicels green unless otherwise noted. - 1306 P = 2 plants same locality
Aug 9
- 1307 = Native plant at Dr Schramm's cottage on
Mill Pond, Gardiner St, Woods Hole, Barnstable Co,
Mass. Plant 2¼ meters. Fairly late flowering. Now
just about over. - 1307 P = plant of same clon.
- 1308M. Pond margins 1 mi E of Johns Pond on
Mass 151, Barnstable Co, Mass. Plants 2—3½
meters. A few still in bloom. Limb & tube white, leaves
green & pedicels green unless otherwise noted. - 1308 P = normal & late flowering plants same
location. - 1309P. = Waterlily same location.
Aug 10
- 1310M. Osmuda swamp 4¼ mi E of
Central Valley (in Palisades Interstate Park),
Orange Co, N.Y. Bushes 2¼—3½ meters. All
past bloom. Leaves glaucous beneath unless
noted. - 1311M. Open⁁Rhodora swamps. 1¼ to 1¾ mi N.W. of
Shohola Falls on U.S. 6, Pike Co, Penna.
Plants 1—2½ meters. Green leaved specimens
usually 1—1½ m. Glaucous leaved ones often
taller. All past bloom. Leaves glaucous
beneath unless noted otherwise. - 1311 P = plant same location
Aug. 11
- 1312M. ⁁openSwamps at S. end of Lake Paupack,
Pike Co, Pa. Plants 1½—2½ meters. All past
flower. Glaucous leaves unless noted. - 1312.P = plants same location
- 1313. Stream side 4 mi N.W. of Milford on U.S. 6,
Pike Co, Pa. Plant 2½ meters. Past flower.
nudiflorum. - 1314 = Rhododora canadensis alba. for Dick
Harlow. S. Sterling, Pa.
Aug. 12
- 1315M. Wooded margins of small
swampy pond ⁁at top of hill1 mi E of highway Pa 72
at a point 2 mi S. of Quentin, Lebanon
Co, Pa. Plants ½ to 1¼ meters. Probably
all past bloom but bearing few to no old
flowers or seed pods. All with glaucous
leaves unless noted. - 1315 P = about 4 plants same locality
- 1316 P = 4 or 5 plants of nudiflorum type
same locality. - 1316 = 1 specimen nud. same locality. Bush 2¼
meters. - 1317✓. Moist woods at Mossy Glen, near
Middleport, Schuylkill Co, Pa. Plant 2 meters. - 1318. ditto. plant 2¼ meters.
- 1319 May 18 '51. At Biltmore Estate, Biltmore,
Buncombe Co, N.C. Plant 1 m. Limb and
tube strong red. Orange blotch. (A. fastigifolia)
June 1, 1952
- 1320 M. Deciduous woods ¼ mi E. of
R.R. station at Mountaintop, Luzerne Co
Pa. Plants 1—2 meters. White to deep
pink limb & evidently varying between
roseum & nudiflorum.
June 21.
- 1321M. Same location as 1311M. Plants
coming into flower. Many will be 2—3
weeks later. All stoloniferous. Limb &
tube white unless noted. Lvs. green
unless noted. - 1321P = plant of deep pink form (1321(a))
June 22
- 1322M 1 mi E. of Mt Gretna on both
sides of Pa 117 in sphagnum swamp. Bushes
1—2 meters. All with green leaves & white
limb & tube unless noted otherwise. All
stoloniferous. Lebanon Co. - 1322(a)P large white fls. gl. lvs.
- 1322(b)P " " greener " 2 pts
- 1322(c)P " " " pink tube
- 1322(d)P " " " yellow blotch
June 13
- 1323— Along dirt road just west of junction
of proposed parkway & road to Heintooga
Overlook, Soco Gap, Jackson Co, N.C.
Mixed deciduous woods. Plants mostly to
about 3 meters. Late flowering phase of
calendulaceum. - 1324—
- 1325—
- 1326—
- 1327— } same location
- 1328—
- 1329—
- 1330— To left of rd about 2 mi below summit on
S. approach to Roan Mtn, Mitchell Co, N.C.
Plants scattered along stream in semi—open
pasture. Small to large bushes to 3 meters
with equivalent spread. - 1331—
- 1332—
- 1333—
- 1334—
- 1335—
- 1336—
June 15
- 1337— ¼ mile north of Appalachian Trail from
Burningtown Gap, Macon Co, N.C. Plants
to 3 meters in mixed hardwood forest.
Plants & photo of same. Dr Fortescue's choice - 1338 — Large deep yellow
- 1339 — Light yellow, deeper blotch
- 1340 — orange—red
- 1341 — White fld. arborescens type
- 1342 — Light orange, yellow blotch
- 1343 — Clear yellow, deep blotch
- 1344 — deep yellow, deeper blotch
- 1345 — Large fld. salmon yellow
- 1346 — Late low—growing red collected by
Fortescue - 1347M.— Same location as foregoing but
farther up trail near last turn to top of
mountain. A mixture of arborescens, late
calendulaceum & hybrids. 24 specimens - 1348.— Same location as 1347. Specimen
to 2 meters. strong orange red - 1348P. = plants of same
Also kodachrome.
June 16
- 1349. South facing laurel & hardwood slopes
on n. side of rt 276, 3 mi west of junction
with 280, near Brevard, Transylvania Co,
N.C. R. minus - 1350. Another specimenplant of same. Plants 2½
to 3 meters high. Plentiful in woods. - 1351 S.W. facing slop on Blue Ridge Parkway
about 2 mi west of Wagon Rd. Gap, Haywood
Co, N.C. Plants to 2 meters involving pink—
flowered hybrids of arborescens & late calendulaceum.
White fls., glaucous lvs. Arborescens type. - 1352 Orange fls — calend type.
- 1353 Pale pink w. pink tube. Glaucous lvs.
June 17
- 1354. ¼ mile up trail to summit of Great Pisgah
from Blue Ridge Parkway. Plants to 3 meters in
fairly open woodland. Late flowering R.calendulaceumHaywood Co, N.C. Medium yellow (C) - 1354P plant of same
- 1355 & 1355P. Dark yellow
- 1356 & 1356P Med. yellow, Late (B)
- 1357. From foregoing location ½ way to
Summit. Pinkish fls. - 1358. ditto. Pinkish fls.
- 1359 White fls
- 1360 White fls. Red style
- 1361 White fls
- 1362.— R. carolinianum same location. Past
flower. - 1363. From another plant of R. carolinianum
same location - 1364. Above tree line near summit of
Pisgah. Variations of R. viscosum
Pinkish fls. Glaucous lvs. - 1365 " " " "
- 1366 " " " "
- 1367 " " green lvs
- 1368 " " glaucous lvs
- 1369 Pinkish fls, glaucous lvs
- 1370 " " " "
- 1371. Margin of woods on S. side of
Blue Ridge Parkway ½ mile west of
Wagon Rd. Gap, Haywood Co. N.C.
Large fld. apricot—orange - 1371 P. plant of same.
- 1372 White with pink flush, glaucous lvs
arborescens type. - 1373 West facing slope on Blue Ridge Parkway
1 mi S. of Tunnel Gap. Edge of woods
good red (E) - 1373 P plant of same
- 1374(a) Large fld. apricot with yellow flare
- 1374(a)P. plant of same
- 1374(b) Salmon pink w. yellow blotch
- 1374(b)P.
June 18
- 1375 Same location as 968 M. Plants of
968 visit mostly past flowering. Small late
reds & oranges now open.
Late apricot—orange - 1376 Late large—tubed apricot
- 1377 Late small—tubed apricot light red.
- 1378 Late small—tubed pale apricot
- 1379 Late small—tubed orange red
- 1380 Late small—tubed apricot
- 1380P. plant of same
- 1381 late, tall, large—tubed apricot orange
- 1382 P = plant of large flowered
calendulaceum type previously collected as
968(a). Small plant from base may be a
seedling rather than sucker
June 19
- 1383.— plants to 3½ meters in high woods at
start of foot trail to Flat Rock on
Blue Ridge Parkway near Linville Falls, Avery Co, N.C. Late flowering calendulaceum.
Apricot orange, deep yellow blotch - 1384—Pale yellow, deeper blotch, red tube
- 1385. Pale apricot yellow, deeper blotch
- 1386 Apricot w. deeper blotch
- 1387 Yellow apricot. Deep yellow flare
- 1388 Pinkish apricot. Yellow blotch.
- 1389 Edge of Blue Ridge Parkway near
Horse Gap, Ash Elev. 3100 ft.Co, N.C. Late floweringcalendulaceum. Getting past bloom.
Yellow, deeper blotch. - 1390 Straw yellow, deeper blotch
- 1391 Yellow, deeper blotch, orange tube
- 1392 Apricot orange, deeper blotch
- 1393 Orange yellow
- 1394. On west side of Rocky Nob on Blue
Ridge Parkway, Floyd Co, Va. Plants
about 2 meters high. Just past bloom.
Yellow—apricot, glaucescent lvs. - 1395 Yellow w. deeper blotch. Glaucous lvs.
- 1396 Apricot fls. Glaucescent.
- 1397 Yellow w pink flush & deeper blotch
- 1398 Yellow, deeper tube, glaucescent lvs
- 1399 Yellow, deeper blotch
- 1400 Yellow w. deeper blotch. Glaucescent
- 1401 Apricot—orange
June 20
- 1402.— Margin of woods along Blue Ridge
Parkway about 2 mi. North of Tye River
Gap, Nelson Co, Va. R. nudiflorum on
one side of the road, R. roseum on theother - 1403—
- 1404— With glaucescent leaves
- 1405—
- 1406—
- 1407 P
- 1408 P } Plant of R. roseum same
- 1409 P location
- 1410 R }
- 1411 P Plant of R. nudiflorum
- 1412 P } same location
- 1413 M. Collected by Eugene Cline, Star
Route, Canton, Ga., 30114. On May
1, 1969.
From an area 2 mi west of Ball
Ground, Ga., Cherokee Co. Region
contains R. speciosum, canescens,
alabamense, perhaps bakeri & roseum
or nudiflorum.
R. speciosum grows from 10 inches
high to an occasional plant of 3
ft. There were 2 plants up to 4 ft.Majority are 12—18" high & quite
Papers of Henry T. Skinner | ||