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July 29

No Page Number

July 29

  • 1276M. Intermediate canescens — stream zone
    along branch in mixed wood 1 mi N.W. of
    Springfield on both sides of Ga. 21, Effingham
    Co, Ga. Plants ½ — 1 meter — none taller. All
    past bloom & much resemble viscosum. May
    possibly include 2 forms.
  • 1276P = about 5 plants from same location
  • 1277P = a few seedling canescens " ".

  • 1278M. Swamp 3.3*** mi S.W. of Newington &
    just N.E. of Oliver, Screven Co, Ga. Plants 2½ to
    3¼ meters. Past bloom. Canescens. On drier ground
    surrounding the swamp.

  • 1279M. Same location. Plants ½ to 1¼ meters. May
    have been cut back but did not appear so.
    On intermediate ground between canescens and the
    swamp proper. Mostly past bloom, tho a few are
    apparently just breaking buds. (check against serr.)
  • 1279(a) P = plants of low non leaf pubescent
  • 1279(b)P = plants of leaf pubescent form.

  • No Page Number
  • 1280 M. Same location. Plants 2½ to 3¾
    meters in the swamp proper, usually on the
    hummocks about tree bases. Limb & tube white,
    leaves green. pedicels as noted.
  • 1280 P = 2 plants of good flowered clone (1280(a))

  • 1281. Drier ground along stream 2 mi S.W. of
    Shawnee (7 mi N.W. of Springfield) on Ga 21,
    Effingham Co, Ga. Plants ½ meter. Past bloom.
  • 1282. ditto
  • 1283 "