University of Virginia Library

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Monday, July 16, 1951

Traveled 6 mi N. from Eufaula to visit Mrs E.E. Clark &
secure specimens of a late flowering canescens — alabamense
type azalea. She also gave me pieces of 2 color forms of
hers. Back across County towards Fort Gaines but missed
locality for a collection of prunifolium so into town for a second
visit with Mr Coleman & specimens of his yellow austrinums.
Came away with a plant as well. Added to final
collection of prunifolium just S. of Fort Gaines & drove a
second time towards Abbeville on the dirt road, this time
finally locating a ravine with at least a few very
large plants in bloom — just before dark. Supper
in Abbeville & south to Dothan for the night.

A one spot in the morning 3 prunifoliums were found
which had all layered themselves very freely. A
subsequent fire had burnt out the connecting branches so
that a grand supply of small plants were there for the
taking. They were growing in practically pure quartz
sand — with only a few leaves on top.