University of Virginia Library

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Thursday, July 5, 1951

Tried unsuccessfully to ship specimens at Sevierville so drove
on to Park Headquarters at Gatlinburg. Saw Stupka &
decided on a trip to Gregory Bald. Bought supplies & picked
up mail in Gatlinburg & drove via park road & Cades Cove
to parking area at start of 4½ mi hike to top of mtn. Getting
everything (except enough blankets) packed up, started up mountain
just after 4.0 p.m. In spite of Stupka's warning of a hard
4 hr climb I found it a climb all right but made it
to the Gregory Ridge Shelter in just 2 hrs & 25 minutes so
was able to get fed & take a quick round of the mountain
top before dark. What an amazing horticulturists paradise!
& what a job for tomorrow!

Arthur Stupka was helpful & wants plenty of reprints of
anything concerning his azaleas. Suggested Soco Bald as
another possible spot for collecting. Checked his herbarium
but did not do much other than change all his nudiflorums
to canescens. Only a dozen or so specimens.