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Tuesday, July 3, 1951

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Tuesday, July 3, 1951

Route: S. from Canton on 110 & U.S. 276 to Great Pisgah
Mtn. Back on 276 to Waynesville for the night.

Good collecting of arborescens on the way to Pisgah & it, viscosum
& late oranges on the Mtn. 4 mass collections today. Returned
in very good time in order to get a cabin before the rush
started & was lucky in this respect. This gave much needed
time to overhaul the drier & extract a considerable
of the noise & vibration.

Viscosum & arborescens were having a grand juncture of
hybridization. It was difficult to find much straight viscosum
with any flowers. Crowds are bad for the 4th tomorrow.
Will choose some very out of the way dirt roads —
probably to Max Patch Mtn, to get to Gatlinburg when the
rush is over.