University of Virginia Library

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Friday, June 15, 1951

With seeming difficulty finally made the top of Wayah
Bald today & down the other side to Franklin for the night.
Azaleas on the Mtn are more confusing & more time consuming
than any population so far met. Yesterdays "Cumberlandense —
calendulaceum" complex was found today to cover the
whole extent of the Wayah region. While at first these
seemed some sorting in normal calendulaceum & normal cum,
this was completely lost after passing Nantahala Lake. It
settled down to a complete blend of the two which covered the
summit of the mountain — all colors, intermediate sized flowers,
fairly late bloom, considerable leaf glaucesence & more
or less intermediate height, What the cytology of such a
mix can be it is impossible to guess. It was noted
that the normal calendulaceum in flower 3 weeks ago &
photographed has now completely gone. The first
arborescens were in flower on the summit but will need a
visit in 10 days time for best effect.