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Thursday, April 12, 1951

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Thursday, April 12, 1951

It started off promising to rain but fortunately cleared
as the day went on. Needed a mass collection in Wayne
Co but so far had drawn a blank. Taking U.S. 301
explored the Altamaha river bluffs but again no luck. Was
impressed however with the density of vegetation & noting that
the Franklinia territory (Fort Barrington)was not far away
decided to have a little side Franklinia hunt on the opposite
side of the river. Accordingly drove back to Jessup & down
U.S. 341 to Grangerville ^(12 mi) where a dirt road was found leading
back to the river. About a mile from the river Azalea
canescens suddenly appeared & increased until the river
bluffs were simply smothered with it. The mass collection
was no problem! Colors were puden wildly in shades of light
to very dark pink — only relatively few approaching white.
Worked the river jungle for an hour or so but no sign
of Franklinia. Most anything, however, could be in
there. Returning to Jessup took U.S. 341 to McRae for
the night. No Azaleas evident of the typical coastal plain
until a change in contour developed at Hazlehurst. Evidently
these plants do not like the plain proper & follow into it
only down the broader river valleys where it is cooler &
moister. For some reason Telfair Co does not yet seem
promising for another mass collection.