University of Virginia Library

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Wednesday, April 4, 1951

Not having azalea records from Augustine & Sabine Counties
& feeling sure that there must be plenty; ran fast up U.S. 96 to
Brookland & collect in both. They are there in quantity &
probably extend much farther north in Texas. Retracing steps
to Jasper, took route to Newton & Alexandria via
La 21. Newton County also has an abundance of
Azaleas, as does Vernon in Louisiana. Made meagre
collections only, including some Taxodium at the Sabine
river. A mass collection some 12 mi out of Alexandria
in Route 21. About the same in variation and appearance
as in Texas. All collected a few plants to check on
later. Will not be surprised if the western population
turns out to be largely tetraploid. Flowers especially
are quite large. At Alexandria for the night.
A very pleasant city.