University of Virginia Library

Cavalier Daily Staff

Advertising Manager  Bruce B. Bland 
National Adv. Manager  Steven A. Brickman 
Office Manager  Sam D. Graham Jr. 
Circulation Manager  Christopher Acheson 
Associate Features Editor  Fred T. Hoblich 
Wire Editor  Bruce A. Franzel 
City Editors  Rob Buford, Rick Pearson,
Charley Sands, Peter Shea, Bien Sie 
Photo Supervisors  Theodore P. Putziger
Richard W. Wright 
Graphics  Eric P. Goetz 
Art  Gary W. Kreger 
Composition  Kathy Brewer, Ledle Rock 
Reporters  Davis Mar
Gordy Rawles, Gene Lockhart 

Offices o The Cavalier Daily are on the fifth
floor of Newcomb Hall with office hours from 11
a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Phone
924-3387 or 924-3388. Subscription rates: $5 per
semester and $10 per year. Entered as second-class
matter at the Charlottesville, Virginia post office.