University of Virginia Library



Ernest Dempory  Michael Gartian 
Brian Siegal  Holly Smith 
Ass't. Business Manager  Ben Gray 
Wire Editor  Steve Johnson 
Photography Supervisors  Charley Sends,
Andy Stickney 


City Editors  Neill Atford, Ann Brown,
Chris Donart, Terry Jasperson,
Phil Kimball 
Associate Features Editors  Walter Bardenwerper,
Sharon Mayes 
Senior Sports Writer  Bill Nachman 
Night Editors  Jamia ghlay Parkes Brittain,
Linda baum, Richard Jones,
Mark Schapiro, Ira Steingoid 
Ass't Features Editors  Patti Kyle, Charles Wr 
Writers  Hugh Carter, Paul Chaplin,
Doug Doughty, Harv Fehaum,
Robert Gilmore, John Mar
Stuart Pape, William Smith,
Teri Towe, George Wilkinson,
Jim Wilson 
Local Advertising Managers  Mary Bland Love,
Kip Klein 
National Advertising Manager  Phil Cocke 
Circulation Manager  David Shriver 
Ass't. Circulation Manager  Grey Stiff 
Composition  Elizabeth Harris, Marcia Owen,
Cathy Sims 

The Cavalier Daily, the student newspaper of the
University of Virginia, is published Monday through
Friday during the school year, except during holidays
and examination periods, in the newspaper offices and
at the Culpeper Star-Exponent in Culpeper, Virginia.

Offices of The Cavalier Daily are located on the
fifth floor of Newcomb Hall. Office hours are from 11
a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Phone
924-3387 and 924-3388. Subscription rates $6 per
semester or $10 per year. Entered as second class mail
at the Charlottesville, Virginia post office.