University of Virginia Library


Offices of College Topics are located in the fifth floor tower of Newcomb Hall.
Office hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Phone: 924-33.
Cable Address: Smutrag. Subscription rates: $6 per semester or $10 per year.
Entered as second class matter at the Charlottesville. Virginia Post Office.

Associate Features Editors  Steve Wells, Steve Grimwood 
Photography Supervisors  Andy Stickney, Howard Weinberg 
Advertising Managers  Jim Doug Golden 
National Advertising Manager  Joe Ranney 
Office Manager  Bn Gray 
Circulation Manager  H. Allen Glover 
Circulation Manager  David Shriver 
Staff Writers  Gordon Peerman, Steve Johnson, Alan atertone. 
Paul Chaplin, Myles Tronic, Roy Bonavits, Ann Brown, Susan Hardwicke. 
Sharon Mayes, Holly Smith, Charles Grymes, Mike Gartian, Bill Nachman. 
Susan Hardwicke, John Markon, Randy Wert 
Composition  Cathy Sims, both Harris, Marcia Owen 
Courier Extraordinaire  George Fitch 

The College Topics, the free student press at the University of Virginia, is
published irregularly, and not since 1948, at the offices of The Daily Cavalier,
Fifth Floor Newcomb Hall, and at the Culpeper Monthly Bugle and Battleaxe,
Culpeper, Va. All mail should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, c/o Seven
Society, Rotunda, Criticism is not read.