University of Virginia Library

Offices of The Cavalier Daily,
are on the fifth floor of
Newcomb Hall with office hours
from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday. Phone
924-3387 or 924-3388. Subscription
rates: $5 per semester
and $10 per year. Entered as
second-class matter at the Charlottesville,
Virginia post office.

Due to an unexpected lack
of space in today's Cavalier
Daily we are unable to run
reviews of the two new films
which opened in Charlottesville
yesterday. We apologize to the
managements of the University
and Paramount theatres for this

Car Erickson's appraisal of
"The Sterile Cuckoo" will
appear in Monday's Dimension
issue and Steve Wells' observations
on "Last Summer" will
come out in Tuesday's CD. Both
films are scheduled to be here
for two weeks. We remind you
that reviews of the week's new
movies may be heard on WUVA
Radio this afternoon at 2:30.