University of Virginia Library


9226. ZEAL, Fervent.—

Fervent zeal is
all which I can be sure of carrying into their [Congress] service.—
To John Jay. Washington ed. i, 339.
(P. 1785)

9227. ZEAL, Resources of.—

Utterly indeed,
should I despair, did not the presence
of many whom I here see remind me, that
in the high authorities provided by our Constitution,
I shall find resources of wisdom, of
virtue, and of zeal, on which to rely under all
First Inaugural Address. Washington ed. viii, 1. Ford ed., viii, 2.

9228. ZEAL, Ridicule and.—

I fear that
my zeal will make me expose myself to ridicule
* * * but this risk becomes a duty
by the bare possibility of doing good.—
To Dr. Ramsay. Washington ed. ii, 216.
(P. 1787)