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Chapter VIII.

The charge and duty of the Captaine of a ship,
and every Office and Officer in a man of Warre.

THE Captaines charge is to command all, and tell the Master to
what Port hee will goe, or to what Height; In a fight he is to give
direction for the managing thereof, and the Master is to see the
cunning of the ship, and trimming of the sailes.

The Captaines

The Master and his Mates are to direct the course, command
all the Sailers, for stearing, trimming, and sailing the ship; his Mates
are only his seconds, allowed sometimes for the two mid ships men,
that ought to take charge of the first prise.

The Master
and his Mates.

The Pilot when they make land doth take the charge of the ship
till he bring her to harbour.

The Pilot.

The Chirurgion is to be exempted from all duty, but to attend
the sicke, and cure the wounded: and good care would be had he


have a certificate from Barber Chirurgions Hall of his sufficiency,
and also that his chest be well furnished both for Physicke and
Chirurgery, and so neare as may be proper for that clime you goe
for, which neglect hathbeene the losse of many a mans life.
The Chirurgion
and his

The Cape-merchant

The Cape-merchant or Purser haththe charge of all the Carragasoune
or merchandize, and doth keepe an account of all that is
received, or delivered, but a man of Warre hathonely a Purser.

The Gunner
with his Mate,
and quarter

The Master Gunner haththe charge of the ordnance, and shot,
powder, match, ladles, spunges, wormes, car- ∥ trages, armes and
fire-workes; and the rest of the Gunners, or quarter Gunners to receive
their charge from him according to directions, and to give an
account of their store.

The Carpenter and his Mate, is to have the nailes, clinches,
roove and clinch nailes, spikes, plates, rudder irons, pumpe nailes,
skupper nailes and leather, sawes, files, hatchets and such like, and
ever ready for calking, breaming, stopping leakes, fishing, or splicing
the masts or yards as occasion requireth, and to give an account of
his store.

The Carpenter
and his Mate.

The Boatswaine is to have the charge of all the cordage, tackling,
sailes, fids and marling spikes, needles, twine, saile-cloth, and rigging
the ship, his Mate the command of the long boat, for the setting forth
of anchors, weighing or fetching home an anchor, warping, towing,
or moring, and to give an account of his store.

The Boatswaine
and his

The Trumpeter is alwayes to attend the Captaines command,
and to sound either at his going a shore, or comming aboord, at the
entertainment of strangers, also when you hale a ship, when you
charge, boord, or enter; and the poope is his place to stand or sit
upon, if there bee a noise, they are to attend him, if there be not,
every one hee doth teach to beare a part, the Captaine is to incourage
him, by increasing his shares, or pay, and give the master Trumpeter
a reward.

The Trumpeter.

The Marshall is to punish offenders, and to see justice executed
according to directions; as ducking at the yards arme, haling under
the keele, bound to the capsterne, or maine mast with a basket of
shot about his necke, setting in the bilbowes, and to pay the Cobtie
or the Morioune; but the boyes the Boatswaine is to see every Munday
at the chest, to say their compasse, and receive their punishment
for all their weekes offences, which done, they are to have a quarter
can of beere, and a basket of bread, but if the Boatswaine eat or drinke
before hee catch them, they are free.

The Marshall.

The Corporall is to see the setting and releeving the watch, and
see all the souldiers and sailers keepe their armes ∥ cleane, neat, and
yare and teach them their use.

The Corporall.

The Steward is to deliver out the victuals according to the Captaines
directions, and messe them foure, five, or six, as there is

The Steward
and his Mate.


The quarter Masters have the charge of the howle, for stowing,
romaging, and trimming the ship in the hold, and of their squadrons
for the watch, and for fishing to have a Sayne, a fisgig, a harpin yron,
and fish hookes, for Porgos, Bonetos, Dolphins, or Dorados, and
rayling lines for Mackrels.

The quarter

The Cooper is to looke to the caske, hoopes and twigs, to stave
or repaire the buckets, baricos, cans, steepe tubs, runlets, hogsheads,
pipes, buts, etc. for wine, beare, sider, beverage, fresh water, or any

The Cooper
and his Mate.

The Coxswaine is to have a choise Gang to attend the skiffe to
goe to and againe as occasion commandeth.

The Coxswaine
and his Mate.

The Cooke is to dresse and deliver out the victuall, hee hathhis
store of quarter cans, small cans, platters, spoones, lanthornes, etc.
and is to give his account of the remainder.

The Cooke and
his Mate.

The Swabber is to wash and keepe cleane the ship and maps.

The Swabber.

The Liar is to hold his place but for a weeke, and hee that is first
taken with a lie, every Munday is so proclaimed at the maine mast
by a generall cry, a Liar, a Liar, a Liar, hee is under the Swabber,
and onely to keepe cleane the beake head, and chaines.

The Lyar.

The Sailers are the ancient men for hoising the sailes, getting
the tacks aboord, haling the bowlings, and stearing the ship.

The Sailers.

The Younkers are the young men called fore-mast men, to take
in the top-sailes, or top and yard, for furling the sailes, or slinging the
yards, bousing or trising, and take their turnes at helme.

The Younkers.

The Lieutenant is to associate the Captaine, and in his absence
to execute his place, hee is to see the Marshall and Corporall doe their
duties, and assist them in instructing ∥ the souldiers, and in a fight
the fore-castle is his place to make good, as the Captaine doth the
halfe decke, and the quarter Masters, or Masters Mate the mid ships,
and in a States man of Warre, he is allowed as necessary as a Lieutenant
on shore.

The Lieutenant
his place.