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Chapter 2.
Needlesse custome, effect of flattery, cause of misery,
factions, carelesse government, the dissolving the
Company and Patent.

THIS the Mariners and Saylers did ever all they could to conceale,
who had alwayes both good fare, and good pay for the
most part, and part out of our owne purses, never caring how long
they stayed upon their voyage, daily feasting before our faces, when
wee lived upon a little corne and water, and not halfe enough of that,
the most of which we had from amongst the salvages. Now although
there be Deere in the woods, Fish in the rivers, and Fowles in abundance
in their seasons; yet the woods are so wide, the rivers so broad,
and the beasts so wild, and wee so unskilfull to catch them, wee little
troubled them nor they us: for all this our letters that still signified
unto them the plaine truth, would not be beleeved, because they
required such things as was most necessary: but their opinion was
otherwayes, for they desired but to packe over so many as they could,
saying necessity would make them get victuals for themselves, as for
good labourers they were more usefull here in England: but they
found it otherwayes; the charge was all one to send a workman as a

whose clamors to appease, we had much adoe to get fish and
corne to maintaine them from one supply till another came with
more loyterers without victuals still to make us worse and worse, for
the most of them would rather starve than worke; yet had it not
beene for some few that were Gentlemen, both by birth, industry,
and discretion, we could not possibly have subsisted.
The effect of
flattery, the
cause of misery.

Many did urge I might have forced them to it, having authority
that extended so farre as death: but I say, having neither meat,
drinke, lodging, pay, nor hope of any thing, or preferment: and seeing
the Merchants onely did what they listed with all they wrought
for, I know not what punishment could be greater than that they
indured; which miseries caused us alwaies to be in factions, the most
part striving ∥ by any meanes to abandon the Country, and I with
my party to prevent them and cause them stay. But indeed the cause
of our factions was bred here in England, and grew to that maturity
among themselves that spoyled all, as all the Kingdome and other
Nations can too well testifie: Yet in the yeare 1622. there were about
seven or eight thousand English, as hathbeene said, so well trained,
secure, and well furnished, as they reported and conceited. These
simple salvages their bosome friends, I so much oppressed, had laid
their plot how to cut all their throats in a morning, and upon the 22.


of March, so innocently attempted it, they slew three hundred forty
seven, set their houses on fire, slew their cattell, and brought them to
that distraction and confusion within lesse than a yeare, there were
not many more than two thousand remaining: the which losse to repaire
the company did what they could, till they had consumed all
their stocke as is said; then they broke,
not making any account, nor
giving satisfaction to the Lords, Planters, Adventurers, nor any,
whose noble intents had referred the managing of this intricate
businesse to a few that lost not by it; so that his Majesty recalled their
Commission, and by more just cause: then they perswaded King
James to call in ours, which were the first beginners without our
knowledge or consent, disposing of us and all our indevours at their
Take heed of
factions bred in

The Massacre
in Virginia.

How the company