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Prepared by Alison M. Quinn

The page numbers in the Index refer to this present edition.

An asterisk (*) indicates that this name appears in the Biographical Directory.

The following abbreviations are used:

adv. Ber. Co.  adventurer Bermuda Company 
adv. Va. Co.  adventurer Virginia Company 
naut.  nautical 
ord.  ordnance 

  • Abbas (shah of Persia), II, 260 n. I
  • *Abbay, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    135, 197, 202, 241, II, 190; author, II, 136
    n. 3
  • Abbot, Francis: in New England, I, 351, II,
  • *Abbot, George (archbishop of Canterbury):
    adv. Va. Co., II, 274, III, 255, 256;
    dedication to, III, 263
  • * Abbot, Jeffrey: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    222, 244, 267, II, 161, 193, 216, 240;
    author, I, 197, II, 136, n. 3, 207
  • Abbot, Morris: adv. Va. Co., II, 273; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Abdey, Anthony: adv. Va. Co., II, 273; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Abenaki Indians, I, 293, 298, 299, 338, II, 94,
    95; language, II, 92
  • Aberden (Aborden), Me., I, 319, 322, II, 402
  • Abson, Glos., II, 440
  • Accidence (Smith), I, 374, III, 41–42; address
    to reader, III, 13; dedications, III, 11, 12,
    256; editions, III, 36–37; entered for
    publication, III, 7, 36; origins, III, 6–7;
    title page, III, 10
  • Accohanock, Eastern Shore, I, 189
  • Accomac (Accomack; Accowmack), Eastern
    Shore, I, 150, 189, II, 56, 163, 288; king of,
    II, 290, 291, 311, III, 215
  • Accomac Indians, I, 107, 118, 163, 164, 224–
  • Accominticus, New Eng., I, 319, 328, 339,
    341, II, 402, 407, 417, III, 279
  • Acconoc, Pamunkey River, I, 187
  • Accoqueck, Rappahannock River, I, 187
  • Accossumwinck, Pamunkey River, I, 187
  • Acocisco Mt., New Eng., II, 419
  • Acohanock Indians, II, 107
  • Acohanock River, I, 150, II, 107
    acorns, I, 151, 162, 164, II, 77, 109, 116, 213,
  • Acosta, José de: Naturall and Morall History
    (1604), I, 124
  • Acquack. See Atquack, Rappannock River
  • Acquaskack, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • Acquintanack, Patuxent River, I, 148, 188
  • Acrig, George: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    244, II, 193
  • Acton, Master: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II, 69
  • Adam (a German [Dutchman]): in Virginia,
    I, 250, II, 199, 217; death of, II, 226
  • Adams, Henry, of Boston, I, 194
  • Adling, Henry: 1607 Jamestown colonist, II,

  • 436

  • Adrianopolis (now Edirne), III, 186, 337,
  • Adriatic Sea, III, 160, 162, 344, 345
  • Advertisements (Smith), I, 296, 374, 415, 416;
    address to reader, III, 264; dedication, III,
    256, 263; editions, III, 307; title page, III,
  • Aecopolis (on Don River), III, 201, 202, 360,
  • Africa, I, 267, 310, 346, 349, II, 226, 406, 423,
    426; description of, III, 210–211; three
    golden balls of, III, 204
  • Africans, I, 303, 327
  • Agadir (Santa Cruz), Morocco, III, 213 n. 2
  • Agamenticus, Mount, New Eng., I, 319 n. 3,
    342 n. 2
  • Agawom (Aggawom; Agowayam;
    Augawam), New Eng., I, 319, 328, 457, II,
    399, 402, 407
  • agriculture: Bermuda, II, 340, 353; New
    England, II, 408, 417, 459; Virginia, II,
    212, 247, 256, 262, 264, 267. See also
    Indians; tobacco, in Bermuda; tobacco, in
    Caribbean; tobacco, in Virginia
  • ague, II, 238
  • Aiguillon (Gulion), Brittany, I, 358 n. 5, II,
  • Akland, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Aladin (a basha), III, 182–183
  • alamacanter (naut.), III, 27, 89, III
  • Alba-Iulia, III, 130, 180 n. 4, 335
  • Albania, I, 333, II, 411, III, 162, 345
  • Alba Regalis. See Székesfehérvar, Hungary
  • Albemarle Sound, N.C., II, 66 n. 3
  • Alberton, Robert (perfumer): 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 222, II, 162
  • Alderton, Isaac. See Allerton, Isaac
  • ale: in Virginia, III, 216. See also beer
  • Alexander VI (pope), I, 403, 439, II, 466
  • *Alexander, Sir William: An Encouragement to
    (1625), I, 322; map of New
    England (1624), III, 222; Mapp and
    Description of New-England
    (1630), III, 286
    n. 9
  • Alexander the Great, II, 237
  • Alexandretta, Turkey, III, 160 n. 4
  • Alexandria, Egypt, III, 160, 344
  • Alfantua, Morocco, III, 204, 206
  • Alfonse, Jean. See Fontenau de Saintonge,
  • Alford, Lines., III, 153
  • Algiers (Argier), I, 435, II, 463, III, 207
  • Alicock, Jeremy: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    208; death of, I, 20, II, 141
  • Aliffe, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
    alkermes. See kermes
  • Allen, Master: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II, 69
  • Allen, Edmund, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Allen, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Allen, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Allen, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Allen Island, II, 399 n. 6
  • Allerton (Alderton), Isaac: 1620 New
    England colonist, II, 446 n. 2, 472
  • Allerton (Alderton), Mary: 1620 New
    England colonist, II, 446
  • Allington, Giles: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Almacassary, Crimea, III, 195
  • Almagro, Diego de: in Peru, II, 300
  • Almania. See Germany
  • almonds, III, 29, 112
  • Altham, Emmanuel: captain Anne, II, 460,
    472 n. 3
  • altitude (height), observation of, III, 27, 89,
  • Altus River. See Olt River
  • alum, I, 336, II, 76, 301, 414
  • Amadas, Philip, III, 300; voyage to North
    Carolina (1584), II, 10, 48, 53, 63, 68;
    voyage to North Carolina (1585), II, 69
  • Amaroz. See Murad Pasha
  • Amazon River, III, 95, 279, 301; projected
    colonies on, III, 135, 224–228
  • Amazons (women), III, 228 n. 2
  • amberfish, II, 344
  • ambergris, II, 344; found at Bermuda, II,
    308, 352, 376; quarrels over, II, 353–354;
    sent to England, II, 355–356
  • Amboina, massacre of (1623), III, 6
  • America, I, 267, 310, 327, 346, 349, II, 226,
  • Amiens, France, III, 157, 341
  • Amocis (Amoris), of Paspahegh: spy in
    Jamestown, I, 93, 107 n. 216, II, 145
  • Amóret (Abenaki Indian), II, 94 n. 2
  • Amoroleck (Manahoac Indian), II, 175,
  • amplitude, observation of, III, 27, 111
  • Amsterdam: colonists from, III, 270, 282
  • Amughcawgen, New Eng. See Aumoughcawgen,
    New Eng.
  • Anabaptists, III, 270

  • 437

  • Anacostia, I, 227 n. 1, II, 305 n. 1
  • Ana de Austria, I, 359 n. 9
  • Anaskenoans, Rappahannock River, I, 187
  • Anatolia (Natolia), I, 333, II, 411
  • Anchanachuck Indians, I, 55, 103 n. 130. See
    Atquanachuke Indians
  • Anchicos. See Anzichi
  • anchors, III, 16; names for, III, 22, 79; ropes
    for, III, 79–80; working of, III, 23, 24–25,
  • Ancona, Italy, I, 333
  • Ancusan. See Enkhuizen
  • Andrews, John (the elder): adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Andrews, John (the younger): adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 273
  • Andrews, Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • angel fish, II, 344
  • angelica (plant), II, 93
  • Angiers, France, III, 203, 362
  • Anglerius, Petrus Martyr: Decades of the Newe
    , I, 258, II, 86 n. 2, 207
  • Angoam, New Eng., I, 339
  • Angola, III, 209–210
  • Ann, Cape (Trabigzanda), Mass., I, 319,
    428, II, 34, 402, 417, III, 270
  • Anne, Queen (wife of James I), II, 14;
    receives Pocahontas, II, 56, 258, 261
  • Anone: rumored territory of, I, 54, 55
  • Anrenapeugh, Rappahannock River, I, 187
  • Anthony, Charles: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Anthony, Dr. Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Antibes, III, 161, 344
  • Antigua, Leeward Islands, III, 231
  • antimony, I, 228, II, 167, 173
  • Antiphanes, II, 185 n. 2
  • ants, II, 343
  • Anzichi (Anchicos), Africa, III, 210
  • Apanaock (Indian town), I, 41
  • Aplon, Sergeant: at St. Kitts, III, 228
  • apothecaries, II, 162
  • apples, III, 232
  • Appocant, Chickahominy River, I, 21, 43,
    45, 186
  • Appomattoc (Apamatica; Appamatuck), I,
    17, 53, 173, 185, 186, 242, II, 12, 55, 126,
  • Appomattoc, queen of. See Opossunoquonuske

  • Appomattoc Indians, I, 146, 147, II, 103,
    104, 192, 242
  • Appomattoc River, I, 146, II, 103, 301
  • Appomattox River, Va., I, 185
  • apprentices, II, 380
  • apricots, III, 218
  • Apsley, Sir Allen: victualler to the navy, II,
  • Aquascogoc (Indian village), N.C., II, 69
  • Aquascogoc Indians, II, 83, 84
  • Aquauachuque Indians, of New Jersey, II,
    172 n. 1
  • aquavitae, I, 33, 210, 218, 240, II, 143, 187,
    211, 322, 324, 386, 470, 471, III, 28, 29,
    112, 113, 197, 216
  • Aquia Creek, I, 185
  • Aquinas, Thomas, III, 94
  • Aquohanock, II, 289
  • Aragon, Spain, I, 332, II, 410
  • Arash River, III, 199
  • Arawak Indians, III, 233
  • *Archer, Gabriel: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    27, 61, 127, 128, 205 n. 1, 208, 212, 219,
    271, II, 141, 145, 158, 189, 219, 222, 223;
    "Relatyon," I, 6, 193, 207 n. 3
  • Archer, Henry (watchmaker): in Morocco,
    III, 133, 206
  • Archers Hope, I, 17, 205 n. 3
  • Archipelago, islands of, III, 160, 344
  • Arcila (Arzella), Morocco, III, 239
  • *Argall, Samuel: governor of Virginia (1617–
    1619), I, 303, II, 257–258, 262, 265;
    abducts Pocahontas, II, 13, 56, 243–244;
    and expedition to Chickahominy, II, 246–
    247. Voyages: to Bermuda, I, 277, II, 236;
    to New England, I, 300–301, 323 n. 1, 326
    n. 7, 358 n. 6; to Virginia, I, 127, 128, 278,
    325, II, 35, 63 n. 5, 216–217, 238
  • Argish. See Curtea-de-Arges
  • Aristotle, III, 95
  • Arles, France, III, 159, 343
  • Armada (1588), III, 238
  • Armenia, I, 333, III, 199
  • armor (English), II, 211, 225, 299, 311, 322,
    III, 216
  • Arrohattoc (Arrowhatock; Arsahattock;
    Arseteck), I, 18, 147, 173, 186, II, 126, 240
  • Arrohattoc Indians, I, 29, 146, 147, II, 103
  • arrow arum (plant), I, 153 n. 5, 162 n. 7
  • arrows, I, 149, 150, 166, 236, II, 144, 148,
    176, 177, 183, 451; described, II, 107; gifts
    of, I, 231, II, 106, 171; making of, I, 163,
    II, 117; painting of, I, 117; poisoned, I, 255


    n. 1, III, 230; range of, I, 103 n. 118;
    African, III, 209, 210; European, III, 202,
  • Arsek (Arseek), Eastern Shore, I, 226, II, 165
  • Arthur (king of Britain), II, 47, 61
  • Arthur, Owen: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • artichokes, II, 342
  • Arundel, John: voyage to Roanoke (1585),
    II, 68, 69
  • Arundell, John, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Arundell, Thomas, Lord Arundell of
    Wardour, I, 298, II, 92, III, 162
  • Asbie, John: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I, 19
  • Ascough, James: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Ashcroft, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Ashley, Sir Anthony: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • ash trees, I, 151, 342, II, 108, 419, III, 218,
  • Asia, I, 267, 310, 346, 349, II, 226, 411, 423,
  • Askakep, Chickahominy River, I. 41, 186
  • Askew, James: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Askwith, Sir Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Aspinet (Indian chief), II, 450
  • *Aspley, John: Speculum Nauticum (1624), III,
    27, 111 n. 7
  • Assacomoco (Attoughcomoco), Patuxent
    River, II, 289, 290
  • Assan Bassa. See Hasan Pasha
  • Assaomeck, Potomac River, I, 188
  • asses, I, 159, II, 113
  • Assuweska, Rappahannock River, I, 187
  • Asten, Ambrose: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Aston, Sir Roger: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Astrakhan (Custragan), III, 200, 338, 359 n.
  • astrolabe, III, 28, 112
  • astrolabe quadrant, III, 27, 112
  • Athens, II, 226
  • Atkinson, William. Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Atlas, Mount, III, 204, 206
  • Atquack (Acquack), Rappahannock River,
    I, 188, II, 316
  • Atquanachuke Indians, I, 150, 189, 190, 232,
    236, II, 11 n. 2, 107, 172, 183. See also
    Anchanachuck Indians
  • Atriplex, II, 77 n. 5
  • Attamtuck, Pamunkey River, I, 187
  • Attamuspincke, Chickahominy River, I, 41
  • Attaock, Susquehanna River, I, 189
  • Aucher, Sir Anthony: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Aucocisco, New Eng., I, 319, 328, II, 402,
    407, 416, III, 279
  • Aucociscos Mount, New Eng., I, 319, 339,
    342, II, 402
  • augers, II, 322, 470, 471
  • Augoan (Augawoam; Auguan), Mass., I,
    339, II, 417, III, 279, 290
  • Augsburg (Aughsbrough), Germany, III,
    203, 362
  • Augusta, Me., I, 378 n. 2
  • Auhomesk, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • Aumoughcawgen, New Eng., I, 319, 328,
    339, II, 402, 407, 416, III, 279, 290
  • *Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus, III, 156 n. 10
    Aveiro, Portugal, I, 335
  • Avignon (Avinion), France, I, 332, III, 159,
  • awl (percer), II, 322
  • awning (naut.), III, 25, 77
  • axes: African, III, 210; English, II, 186, 296,
    322, 470. See also hatchets
  • Axiopolis (Cernavoda), Rumania, III, 133,
    186, 337, 355
  • Ayres, Thomas: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • azimuth, sun's, observation of, III, 27, 89,
  • Azores (western Iles), I, 356–358, II, 64, 87,
    88, 91, 238, 263, 432–434
  • Azov, Sea of (Dissabacca; Maeotis), III, 187,
    194, 201, 338, 356, 360; Tatars of, III, 198
  • Azov, town of, III, 338, 359 n. 9
  • Bache, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Back Cove, Portland, Me., I, 319 n. 4
  • Back Sea, I, 49, 55. See also South Sea
  • backstaff (naut.), III, 28, 112
  • Bacon, Sir Francis (lord chancellor), I, 302,
    306, 373, 377 n. 1, II, 27, 28. See also
    "Letter to Sir Francis Bacon"
  • bacon, II, 322, 470, III, 29, 112
  • Badger, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Bagnall (Bagley), Anthony (surgeon): 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 230, 244, 245, II,
    170, 172 n. 3, 179, 194; author, I, 197, II,
  • Bagnell, Master: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371

  • 439

  • Bahana, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402
  • Baker, Daniel: voyage (1615), I, 351, 428;
    deposition of, I, 354–356, II, 430–431
  • Baker, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Baker, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • bakers, II, 469
  • Bakers' Company: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Bakhchisarai (Bacasaray), Crimea, III, 195
  • Baldivia. See Valdivia, Pedro de; Valdivia,
  • Baldwin, Master, of Warraskoyack, II, 295–
  • Baldwin, Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Bale, John: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • ballast (naut.), III, 82
  • balls, iron (ord.), III, 25
  • balm, II, 301
  • balsam, I, 153
  • Baltimore, Co. Cork, I, 395–396, 423–424, II,
  • Bamba (Congo province), III, 209
  • Bamfield, Sir Amias: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Bancroft, Richard (archbishop of
    Canterbury), III, 296
  • bandolier, II, 322
  • Banister, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Banks (Bancks), John: adv. Va. Co., II, 274;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Banks, Miles: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Banks, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Barashi, Ukraine, III, 202 n. 3
  • Barbados, III, 226 n. 7, 236, 301; described,
    III, 233–234, 235
  • Barbary, III, 133, 204, 207, 329; pirates, III,
  • barbecue, I, 158 n. 1
  • Barber, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Barber, Gabriel: deputy treasurer Ber. Co.,
    II, 390
  • Barber, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • barbers, II, 142
  • Barber-Surgeons' Company, III, 16, 83; adv.
    Va. Co., II, 274
  • Barbotier, Captain de la: wrecked at
    Bermuda, II, 345–346
  • Barbuda, Leeward Islands, III, 231, 236 n. 1
  • Bargrave, George: at Jamestown (1619), II,
  • Bargrave, Thomas (clergyman), II, 288
  • Barker, James: and escape from Bermuda, II,
  • Barker, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Barkley, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • barley, I, 210, II, 89, 93, 143, III, 216
  • Barlowe, Arthur: 1584 voyage to Roanoke,
    II, 63, 68, III, 300
  • barnacles, III, 67
  • Barnard, John: governor of Bermuda, II, 15,
    58, 390
  • Barnes, Anthony, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Barnes, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • *Barnes, Joseph (printer), I, 121
  • Barnes, Robert: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    222, II, 161
  • Barnes, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Barnet, William: colonist in Virginia, III, 219
  • Barnstable, Mass., I, 319, 402, II, 318 n. 3,
    457 n. 2
  • Barnstaple, Devon, I, 311, II, 318, 440
  • Baron, Christopher: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Barra, Captain (pirate), I, 357, II, 432
  • *Barra, Jan (engraver), II, 29, 34, III, 140
  • Barret, Thomas: Jamestown colonist, II, 268
  • Barret, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Barrington, Sir Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Barron, Christopher: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Barrow (pirate), I, 357 n. 1, III, 240
  • Bartas, Guillaume du (poet), II, 304
  • Barties Iles. See Monhegan Island
  • Bartle, Peter: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Bartlet: surveyor at Bermuda, II, 355, 356–
  • Barwick, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402
  • Barwicke, Capt. Thomas: voyage to Virginia,
    II, 292
  • Base, The, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402. See also
    Aucocisco, New Eng.
  • Bashabes (Abenaki chief of Penobscot), I,
    329, 341, II, 407, 418, III, 279
  • basilisco (ord.), III, 25, 104; weight and
    shooting of, III, 109
  • Baskerfield (English soldier), III, 186, 354
  • baskets (Tatar), III, 192. See also Indians:
  • Basques (Biskiners): and fishing industry, I,
    331, 332, 377, 396, 424, II, 89, 410, 438
  • bass (base) (fish), I, 342, 343, 434, II, 419,
    420, 454, III, 282

  • 440

  • Basse, Humphrey: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • *Basta, Gen. Giorgio, III, 165, 169, 170, 179–
    181, 182 n. 5, 185, 203 n. 9, 333, 334–335,
    348 n. 9; "Campaign in Transylvania,"
    III, 128, 131–133
  • Batchelor (soldier), III, 354
  • Bateman, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Bates, John (instrument maker), III, 26
  • Báthory, István, III, 171 n. 6
  • *Báthory, Zsigmond (Sigismundus), I, 441, II,
    468, III, 13 n. 5, 130, 132, 170–171, 203,
    332, 333, 335, 348 n. 9, 349. See also Smith,
    Capt. John: arms
  • Báthory family tree, III, 331
  • Bathurst, Timothy: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Batta, Congo province, III, 209
  • Batteshill, Henry: quartermaster Nathan, III,
  • battles at sea. See warfare at sea
  • Bavell (soldier), III, 186, 354
  • Bayley, Roger: 1587 Roanoke colonist, II, 85
  • Bayley, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    222, II, 161
  • Bayly, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Bay of Pearles. See Chesapeake Bay
  • Bayonne (Bayon), France, III, 159, 343
    bay tree, II, 66
  • Beadle (Bedell), Gabriel: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 238, 241, II, 190; adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 274
  • Beadle, John: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 185, 190, 274; adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • beads, I, 29, 69, 149, 160, 168, 173, 174, 217,
    242, 257, 381, 402, 438, II, 90, 106, 115,
    121, 122, 126, 127, 144, 148, 151, 156–157,
    165, 177, 192, 200, 247, 257, 455 n. 3, 465;
    blue, II, 71, 73, 156–157; copper, II, 115,
    122; white, I, 53, 216, 232, II, 249. See also
  • beak-head (naut.), III, 19, 64
  • beams (naut.), III, 60
  • beans (pease), I, 53, 69, 157, II, 112, 267, 419,
    459, III, 234; in graves, II, 444
  • bearskins, I, 149, 155, 226, 231, 342, 380, II,
    70, 106, 110, 165, 167, 171, 419, III, 195
  • Beast, Benjamin. See Best, Benjamin
  • Beaumont, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Beaumont, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • beavers: skins of, I, 155, 228, 324, 329, 336,
    338, 342, 378, 380, 381, 402, 423, 426, 430,
    431, 437, II, 90, 94, 110, 168, 264, 289, 400,
    414, 415, 416, 418, 419, 450, 453, 455, 464,
    III, 278; tails of, for eating, II, 110; teeth of,
    for arrows, 117
  • Beck, Charles: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Beck, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Becklefield, Lord, III, 175, 181, 183
  • Beckwith, William (tailor): 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 223, II, 162
  • Beddingfield, Sir Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Bedford, earl of. See Russell, Edward, earl of
  • Bedfords Tribe, Bermuda, II, 369
  • beds (naut.), III, 60
  • beech trees, II, 90, 93
  • beef, I, 210, 218, 240, II, 143, 187, 469, 470,
    III, 112, 113; salt, III, 29
  • beer, I, 240, II, 187, 386, 469, 470, III, 29,
    113, 216
  • beer pump, III, 63
  • Befferes, Mully. See Mūlāi 'Abd-el-'Azīz
  • Beggers-bush, II, 303
  • Begolgi (a Tatar leader), III, 185
  • Beheathland (Behethland), Robert: 1607
    Jamestown colonist, I, 208, 216, II, 141;
    and expeditions, I, 231, 243, 252, 253, II,
    192, 200, 202
  • Belain, Pierre, sieur d'Esnambuc (De
    Nombe): at French Antilles, III, 229 n. 7
  • Belfield, Richard (goldsmith): 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 222, II, 162
  • Belgrade (Zemun), I, 133, 167 n. 2
  • Bell, Henry: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I, 241,
    II, 191
  • Bell, Capt. Philip: governor of Bermuda, III,
  • Bell, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • bells (trade goods), I, 29, 73, 231, II, 90, 151,
    165, 171
  • Belon, Pierre (naturalist): in Istanbul, III,
    351 n. 6
  • bends (naut.), III, 19, 61
  • Benet, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Benifield, Master: at St. Kitts, III, 228
  • Benin, West Africa, III, 207
  • Bennet, Edward: Virginia planter, II, 301
  • Bennet, John: mate Nathan, III, 320
  • Bennet, Robert (shipmaster), II, 312 n. 2
  • Bennet, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Benson, Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 274

  • 441

  • Benson, Peter: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Bent, David, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Bentley, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 223, II, 161; and expeditions, I, 243, 266,
    II, 193, 215
  • Berkeley, Master: surveyor in Bermuda, II,
    362 n. 3
  • Berkeley, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 274; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 370, 371
  • Berkeley, Capt. John: death of, II, 301
  • Berkeley, Sir Maurice: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Berkeley, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Berkeley Hundred, II, 301
  • Berkeley's Plantation, II, 301
  • Bermuda (Somer Iles; Summer Isles), I, 13,
    401, III, 135, 219–220; described, II, 33–
    40; engravings, II, 57 n. 2; history of, II,
    14–15, 31–32, 57–58; map, II, 336–337
    (fig.), 349, 389; name, II, 345; settlement
    of, II, 354–355, 372
  • — administration, II, 378–379; assembly,
    acts of, II, 379–381; and council, II, 358;
    forts and fortifications, II, 358, 359, 389;
    magazine, II, 372; militia, II, 385–386;
    officials, II, 378–379; prison, II, 386
  • — features: bridges, II, 336–337 (fig.), 382;
    churches, 355, 376; climate, II, 340;
    commodities, II, 344; fauna, II, 340, 342–
    344, 345, 346, 348–349; flora, II, 340–342,
    346; governor's house, II, 372; houses, II,
    375, 381, 389; state house, II, 336–337
    (fig.); storehouse, II, 382
  • — land: surveyed, II, 363; common, II, 369,
    370; glebe, II, 370; and tribes, II, 363, 369
  • Bermuda Hundred, II, 56, 242, 247, 248
  • Bernard, Nathaniel (clergyman): in
    Bermuda, II, 373 n. 1
  • Bernado Island. See Barbuda, Leeward
  • Bernards, John: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370, 371
  • Berniske (Birniske). See Bryansk
  • berries, II, 109
  • Bertie, Peregrine, Lord Willoughby, II, 172
    n. 2, III, 154 n. 10, 155
  • Bertie, Peregrine (the younger), III, 154, 161
  • *Bertie, Robert, Lord Willoughby de Eresby,
    II, 402 n. 7, III, 7, 141, 154 n. 10, 155, 161,
    257, 289 n. 9, 333
  • Berwick, Northumberland, III, 155
  • Best, Master: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Best (Beast), Benjamin: 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 20, II, 141
  • Best, Elis (Elias): marshal at Sagadahoc, II,
  • Bethlen, Gábor, III, 203 n. 9
  • Béziers (Vizers), France, III, 159, 343
  • bezoar stone, III, 195
  • Bickars, William: Virginia planter, II, 302
  • Biddeford, Me., I, 301, 319
  • Biddulph, William (preacher): "Travels,"
    III, 187 n. 4, 189 n. 5
  • Biencourt de Saint-Just, Charles de, I, 338 n.
  • Bilbao (Bilbow), Spain, I, 399, 427, 431, II,
    440, 453, III, 203, 362
  • bilboes (naut.), I, 81
  • bilge (naut.), III, 60
  • bill-hooks (bills), II, 322
  • Billingsgate, London, I, 435, II, 463
  • Billington, Francis (a boy): 1620 New
    England colonist, II, 445 n. 4, 446
  • Billington, John: 1620 New England colonist,
    II, 445 n. 4
  • Billington, John, Jr.: 1620 New England
    colonist, II, 450 n. 3
  • Bims, Robert: at St. Kitts, II, 228
  • bindings (naut.), III, 19
  • Bingley, John: member of Council for
    Virginia, I, 134
  • Bingley, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • birch trees, I, 342, II, 93, 419
  • Bird, William (witness), III, 387, 389
  • biscuit (ship's), I, 87, 240, II, 187, 469, 470,
    III, 29, 112, 113
  • bishion (bissone): military formation, I, 102
    n. 105, II, 147
  • Bishop (pirate), III, 239
  • Bishop, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Bishop, Thomas (English soldier), III, 186,
  • Biskay. See Basques
  • bison, III, 195
  • Bistrita (Beszterce), Hungary, III, 335, 349 n.
  • bits (naut.), III, 19, 64
  • bittacle (naut.), III, 19, 65
  • bitter (naut.), III, 24, 80
  • bitterns (birds), II, 342
  • bitumen, III, 235. See also pitch; tar
  • blackbirds, redwing, I, 155, II, 111

  • 442

  • Black-boyes, I, 171–172, II, 124–125
  • Blackmore, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Black Rock, Co. Mayo, I, 396, 424, II, 438
  • Black Sea (Mare Nigrum; Niger strait), I, 333
    n. 5, II, 411, III, 187, 188, 199, 356
  • blacksmiths (forgers; smiths), I, 41, 348, 382,
    II, 142, 162, 163 n. 1, 190, 424
  • Blackwall, Thames River, I, 7, II, 137
  • Blaeu, Willem Janszoon: Sea-Mirrour (1625),
    III, 111
  • Blanco, Cabo, Morocco: fishing at, I, 331,
    333, 335, 337, 379, 396, 397, 424, II, 411,
    413, 415, 438, 439
  • Blasco. See Núñez Vela, Blasco
  • blast furnace, II, 301 n. 1
  • Block, Adriaen, I, 232 n. 5, 326 nn. 6, 7; map
    of New England and Hudson, II, 307 n. 1
  • blocks (naut.), III, 20, 71; snatch, III, 72
  • bloodroot, I, 154 n. 8
  • Blount, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Bludder, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Blue Hills, Boston, I, 329 n. 7
  • Bluett (Blount), Captain: appointed to
    council in Virginia, II, 283
  • bluff, bluffheaded (naut.), III, 60
  • Blunt, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Blunt, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Blunt, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • boar (English): in Virginia, III, 318
  • boarding (naut.), III, 100
  • boats: long, III, 16, 77; parts of, named, III,
    25, 77–79
  • boatswain (boteson), III, 86; duties of, III,
    16, 22, 23, 83, 85, 103, 111; shares of, III,
    27, 110; mate, III, 16, 83
  • Bockner, Thomas. See Buchner, Thomas
  • *Bocskai, Istvàn, III, 182 n. 5, 332, 333
  • Bodmin (Bodnam), Cornwall, II, 430
  • Boethius, II, 154 n. 3
  • Bogall, Bashaw, III, 186, 337, 355
  • Bohemia, II, 64, 399, 406, III, 165
  • Bohun, Dr. Lawrence: at Jamestown, II, 238;
    death of, II, 273
  • Bojador, Cabo (Spanish Sahara), III, 212
  • bole-armoniac, I, 145, 148, 226, II, 166
  • boling (bowline) (naut.), III, 74
  • boling bridles (naut.), III, 74
  • Bolles, Sir George: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Bologna (Bolonia), Italy, I, 333, III, 162, 345
  • boltrope (naut.), III, 74, 78
  • bolts (naut.), III, 19, 60–61
  • Bolus River, Md., I, 148, 226, 230, II, 105,
    166, 170, 172, 323 n. 6. See also Patapsco
  • Bon, Ottaviano: "Descrizione del serraglio
    del gransignore," III, 337–338 n. 5
  • Bon (Bona), Cape, Tunisia, III, 160, 344
  • Bond, Master: at St. Kitts, III, 228
  • Bond, Martin: adv. Va. Co., II, 274; adv. Ber.
    Co., II, 371
  • Bond, Thomas, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • bone: used by Indians, II, 117, 163
  • Bone Esperance, cape of, III, 208
  • boneto (fish), III, 84
  • Bonham, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • bonnet (naut.), III, 24, 75, 80–81
  • Bonny Mulgro (Turkish officer), III, 173–
    174, 352
  • Booke of the Survey, The (Bermuda), II, 371 n.
  • Book of Common Prayer, II, 377, III, 292–293
  • books, II, 80, 87; table, II, 250
  • Boothe, Sergeant: Jamestown colonist, II,
    257; author, 256 n. 1, 258. See also Bouth,
  • Bordeaux, France, I, 359, II, 435, III, 159,
  • Bordeaux (Burduna), river of. See Garonne
  • bore (ord.), III, 105
  • Borgia, Cesare, II, 203 n. 1
  • Borne, David: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Borough, William: Discours of the Variation of
    the Cumpas
    (1611), III, 27, 111
  • Boston, Mass., I, 319 n. 1, II, 402 n. 3
  • Boston Bay, II, 451 n. 3
  • Boston Harbor, II, 455 n. 6
  • botargo (puttargo), I, 331, 333, 334, 379,
    397, 398, 425, II, 411, 412, 439
  • Bough (pirate), III, 239
  • Bourcher, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Bourchier, Sir Henry: commissioner (1623),
    II, 332
  • Bourne, James: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    224, 230, 244, II, 170, 193
  • Bourne, William: Inventions or Devises (1578),
    III, 164 n. 5; Regiment for the Sea (1620), III,
    27, 108, 111
  • Bourne, Cape Cod, II, 455 n. 8, 457 n. 2
  • Bourne poynt, II, 172

  • 443

  • Bouth, John: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, II, 161, 256 n. 1
  • bow (naut.), III, 19, 64
  • bowling (game), II, 239
  • bows, I, 149, 163, 164, 166, 231, 236, II, 106,
    117, 126, 144, 171, 176, 177, 183, III, 202,
    209, 210, 230, 362
  • bowsprit mast (naut.), III, 19, 64, 69, 70
  • Bowyer, Sir Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Bowyer, Robert, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Box, William: author, II, 219–220, 237
  • Boyce, Mistress: prisoner at Pamunkey, II,
  • boys (colonists), I, 209, 242, II, 142, 191
  • boys (naut.), III, 16, 22, 83, 103; shares of,
    III, 27, III
  • bracer (wrist guard), I, 95
  • braces (naut.), III, 20, 74
  • brackets (naut.), III, 65
  • Bradford, William: 1620 New England
    colonist, II, 443, 445, 472; "Journal," II,
    443 n. 2; Plymouth Plantation, III, 276 n. 4
  • Bradley, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 241, II, 191
  • brails (naut.), III, 73
  • brake (naut.), III, 63
  • Brand, Benjamin: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Brandon, Martin: Virginia planter, II, 302
  • Brandwell, Edmund: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • brant. See geese
  • brasers (naut.), III, 19
  • Brasov (Brassó), Rumania, III, 132, 335, 336
  • brass, I, 55, 231, II, 171
  • *Brathwait, Richard, I, 295; verses by, III,
  • Braudel, Fernand, The Mediterranean and the
    Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II

    (1972), III, 135
  • Brawnde, Capt. Edward (master Nathan):
    letter from, to Smith, III, 319–321
  • Brazil, I, 357, II, 433, III, 279
  • brazil wood, II, 301
  • bread room (naut.), III, 19, 65, 66
  • bream (fish), I, 331 n. 8, II, 344
  • breaming (naut.), III, 16, 67
  • breechclout, II, 65
  • Bremige, Master: voyage to Roanoke (1585),
    II, 68
  • *Brendan (Brandon), Saint, II, 47, 61
  • Brentford, Middlesex, II, 260
  • *Brereton, John: Brief and true relation (1602), I,
    325 n. 4, II, 28, 88 n. 3
  • *Brerewood, Edward: Enquiries (1614), III, 95
    n. 2
  • Brest, France, II, 95 n. 2
  • brestfast (naut.), III, 80
  • Bret, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • brett. See turbot
  • Bretton, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • brewers, II, 469. See also beer
  • Brewsey, Ambrose: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Brewster, Capt. Edward: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Brewster, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Brewster, William: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 20, II, 141, 208, 265
  • Brewster, William (preacher), II, 472
  • bricklayers, II, 142
  • brickbats, II, 296
  • bricks, II, 386
  • Bridewell, London, II, 381
  • bridges: in Bermuda, II, 380, 382, 386–387
    (fig.); in Jamestown, II, 262; Indian, I, 63,
    73, II, 155
  • bridle (naut.), III, 20
  • Brimstead, Captain: trading to Senegal, III,
  • brimstone, III, 23, 67, 104, 166
  • Brinnelcome, John: steward Nathan, III, 321
  • Brinton, Edward: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 209, II, 142, 182; and expeditions, I, 235,
    244, 250, II, 193, 199, 200
  • Brislow, Richard: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 223
  • Bristol (Bristow), Eng., I, 311, 357, II, 91, 260
    n. 3, 432, 440, III, 218, 294; and Va. Co.
    (1606), I, 299, II, 397
  • Bristol, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402, 449 n. 3
  • Bristow, Richard: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    II, 161
  • britchings (naut.), III, 105–106
  • britter (fishing boat), I, 397, 424, II, 438
  • Britton, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • broadside prospectus (Smith), II, 5, 6, 7, 8
    (fig.), 9–17; editions of, II, 23
  • Brocket, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Brockit, Captain: trading to Senegal, III, 208
  • Bromfield, Arthur, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Bromrick, Matthew: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Broniovius, Martin: "Description of

  • 444

  • Tartaria," III, 193 n. 3, 194 n. 4, 195 nn. 3,
    4, 196 nn. 5, 6, 7, 197 nn. 2, 3, 4, 5, 198, 199
  • Brooke, Christopher: A Poem on the Late
    Massacre in Virginia
    (1622), II, 298 n. I
  • Brooke, Christopher, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Brooke, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Brooke, Sir John, II, 307, 334 n. 3
  • Brooke, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Brooker, Hugh, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Brookes, Edward: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 208, II, 141
  • Brough, Capt. John: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Broumfield, Andrew: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Browewich, James: 1584 voyage to Roanoke,
    II, 68
  • Brown, Alexander: Genesis of the United States
    (1890), I, 194, II, 88 n. 3, 258 n. I
  • Browne (Jamestown colonist), II, 294
  • Browne, Edward: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 20, II, 141
  • Browne, James. See Bourne, James
  • Browne, Robert (separatist), III, 270 n. 3
  • Browne, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Brownists, III, 221, 270, 281–282, 285, 293
  • Broxmouth (near Dunbar, Scotland), III,
  • Bruapo River, III, 188, 201, 338, 356, 360
  • Brumfield, Adam: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Brumfield, James (a boy): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 209, II, 142
  • Brunswick (Braunschweig), III, 178 n. 2,
    203, 362
  • Bruster. See Brewster, William
  • *Bry, Theodor de, I, 124, 142; map of North
    Carolina, I, 105 n. 154; engravings of, II,
    Bryansk (Berniske), III, 201, 360
    Brydges, Grey, Lord Chandos: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 274
    Bryerley, James: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    Buchner (Bockner), Thomas: 1585 Roanoke
    colonist, II, 69
    *Buck, George: verses by, III, 49
    Buckler, Andrew: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 235, II, 182
    Buda, Hungary, III, 166, 349
    Budapest, III, 165 n. 2, 167 n. 2
    Budendorfe, baron of, III, 174–175, 181
    budgebarrel (ord.), III, 106
    Bugola (Turkish officer), III, 168
    Buley, John: 1614 voyage to New Eng., I, 323
    n. I, II, 400
    Bulgaria, I, 333, II, 411, III, 185
    bulkhead (naut.), III, 19, 65
    Bull, John (servant), III, 206
    Bullock, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    bulls, III, 191, 216. See also cattle
    bunt-lines (naut.), III, 20, 74
    buoy ropes (naut.), III, 78
    buoys (naut.), III, 80
    Burgh, Nicholas: account of St. Kitts, III, 233
    Burgoney, Peter: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    Burgoney, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    Burgoney, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    Burgos, Spain, III, 203, 362
    burial at sea, III, 22, 102
    Burke, Richard, earl of Clanricard: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 274
    Burket, Richard: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, II, 161
    Burley, Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    *Burley, Nicholas: verses of, III, 50
    Burne, James: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    Burnham, Samuel: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    burning glass, II, 80
    bur pump (naut.), III, 63
    Burrage, Champlin: John Pory's Lost
    Description of Plymouth
    (1918), II, 32
    Burras, Anne (maidservant): 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 238, 242, II, 184,
    191; marriage of, II, 192
    Burras (Burroughs), John: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 241, II, 191
    Burre (Burne), James: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, II, 161, 163
    Burrell, Mineon: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    Burrell, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    Burrough, Christopher: in Russia, III, 357 n.
    Burton, George: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, 244, II, 190, 193, 414 n. 2; adv. Va.
    Co., II, 274
    *Burton, Robert, I, 121, 295, 401 n. 4; Anatomy
    of Melancholy
    (1621), II, 414 n. 2
    Burtons Mount, Va., II, 414 n. 2
    Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, I, 425 n. 5
    Busbridge, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    Busca, Giorgio. See Basta, Gen. Giorgio


    buss (fishing boat), I, 331, 397, 423, 424, II,
    Bustoridge, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    Butler, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    *Butler (Boteler), Nathaniel, II, 56, 58;
    governor of Bermuda, II, 373–389, III,
    318, 320, 324; "Discourse concerning
    marine affairs," III, 42; "Historye of the
    Bermudaes or Summer Islands," II, 32, 57
    n. 3, 338 n. I
    butt-ends (naut.), III, 59
    butter, I, 218, 240, II, 187, 469, 470, III, 28,
    29, 112, 113, 195, 216
    buttocks (naut.), III, 59
    Button, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    Buttua (kingdom in Africa), III, 210
    Byelgorod (Akkerman), Bessarabia, III, 198
    cabbages, II, 425, III, 232
    cabins (naut.), III, 19, 65, 66
    cables (naut.), III, 20–21, 79–80; working of,
    III, 23, 80
    Cabot, John: voyages to North America, II,
    10, 47, 53, 62
    Cabot, Sebastian: voyages to North America,
    II, 47–48, 62
    caburne (naut.), III, 20, 21, 75, 76
    Cádiz (Cales), Spain, III, 203, 362
    Caen (Cane), Normandy, III, 158, 342
    Caesar, Julius, II, 203 n. I, 237, III, 324–325;
    "Commentaries," II, 41, III, 47
    Cage, Anthony: 1587 Roanoke colonist, II,
    Cage, Daniel: 1615 New England colonist, I,
    351, 356, II, 428, 431
    Cage, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
    Cage, John, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
    cahow (Puffianus obscurus), II, 342–343, 357–
    358; destruction of, II, 366
    Calab, Colonel, III, 182
    Calabria, Italy, III, 161, 344
    Calais (Callis), France, III, 220
    Caldicot, Charles: governor of Bermuda, II,
    358, 359, 362 n. 3
    Cales. See Cádiz
    caliver (ord.), III, 25, 108, 202
    Callamata, Lady, II, 41, III, 201
    callentura, I, 229, II, 237
    Callice, John (pirate), III, 238
    Callicut (Caldicot), William (metal refiner):
    1608 Jamestown colonist, I, 238, II, 184
    callipers (ord.), III, 108
    Calthorp (Galthorp), Stephen: 1607
    Jamestown colonist, I, 20, II, 139 n. 2
    *Calvert, Sir George: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
    Camarden, Richard, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II,
    Cambell, James: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
    Cambia (Cambria) (in Tartary), III, 130,
    187, 188, 201, 355, 357, 360
    Cambridge, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402
    Camden, William, III, 52 n. 2
    camels, III, 191, 192, 358
    Campe, Laurence: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
    camphor, III, 166
    Campulung (Langanaw), III, 132, 181 n. I,
    can of a pump (naut.), III, 63
    Canada, I, 166, 402, 437, II, 119, 398, 401,
    III, 278, 286, 300
    Canada, river of. See St. Lawrence River
    Canary Islands, I, 16, 27, 204, 379, 380, 398,
    399, 425, 426, II, 63, 68, 137, 139 n. 2, 359,
    439, III, 209, 212
    Cancer, Tropic of, I, 16
    Candia. See Crete
    candles, II, 470
    canhooks (naut.), III, 73
    Caniza. See Nagykanizsa, Hungary
    cannibalism, II, 232, 361, III, 210
    Canning, Paul: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
    Canning, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 275; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 371
    Cannon, Thomas, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
    cannons (ord.), III, 104; names of, III, 25;
    weight and shooting of, III, 26, 109, 110
    canoes: birchbark, I, 166; construction of, I,
    163, II, 65, 117; dugout, II, 78, 289; speed
    of, II, 94, 117
    Cantaunkack, York River, I, 187
    Canterbury, archbishops of. See Abbot,
    George; Bancroft, Richard; Laud,
    William; Whitgift, John
    Cantrell poynt (near Potomac), II, 172
    Cantrill (Cantrell), William: 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 222, 224, II, 161,
    163; author, II, 256 n. I, 258; adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 275
    canvas, I, 159, 334, II, 114, 321, 412, 470
    Cão, Diogo: voyage to Congo (1483), III, 208
    n. 5


    cap (naut.), III, 24, 69, 72
    Capahowasic (Capahosawick;
    Capahowosick), York River, I, 187, II,
    151; Smith werowance of, I, 8, 57
    Capawacke (Capawe; Capawick), I, 341,
    433, II, 58, 403, 418, 457, III, 279. See also
    Martha's Vineyard
    Cape Breton (New Scotland), II, 346, III,
    Cape Charles, Va., I, 144, 224, 309, II, 34,
    101, 163
    Cape Cod, I, 294, 298, 303, 319, 322, 329,
    340–341, 429, II, 34, 399, 401, 407, 408,
    418, 428, 446, 447 n. 4, 455, III, 279, 320
    Cape Cod Bay, I, 298, 388
    Cape Comfort, Va., I, 100 n. 62, 127
    Capel, Sir Henry, III, 257
    cape merchant (naut.), III, 15, 83
    Capha, Crimea, III, 195
    caplin (fish), II, 472
    Capo d'Istria, III, 162, 345
    Capper, John: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    208, II, 142 n. I
    capsquares (ord.), III, 105
    capstan (naut.), III, 19, 58 n. 3, 62–63. See
    jear capstan
    captain (naut.), III, 86; duties of, III, 15, 82,
    85, 103; shares of, III, 110; privileges of,
    III, 111
  • Capua, Italy, III, 162, 345
  • Caramania. See Karamania, Turkey
  • carbine (ord.), III, 25, 108
  • Carcassonne, France, III, 159, 343
  • cardecu (carralue) (a coin), III, 157
  • careen (naut.), III, 67
  • Carew, Gome. See Cary, Gawyn
  • *Carey (Cary), Henry, Lord Hunsdon, III,
  • Caribs, III, 230
  • Carleill, Christopher, III, 301
  • Carleton, Sir Dudley, I, 293
  • carling knees (naut.), III, 25, 62
  • carlings (naut.), III, 25, 61, 77
  • Carlisle, earl of. See Hay, James, earl of
  • *Carlton, Ensign Thomas: verses by, I, 295,
    363, II, 393, III, 186, 355
  • Carlton, Great, Lines., III, 378, 382
  • Carne, Edward, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Carolina Outer Banks, II, 63–64
  • Carpenter, Abraham: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Carpenter, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Carpenter, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • carpenters, I, 382, 448, II, 142, 190, 424, 469,
    carpenters (naut.), III, 86; duties of, III, 15–
    16, 22, 83, 103; shares of, III, 27, 110; and
    mate, III, 15, 110
  • Carr, Sir Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Carr, Robert, earl of Somerset, III, 5
  • carrots, II, 425
  • Cartaches (Caitaches), Tatars, III, 201, 360
  • Carter, Christopher: in Bermuda, II, 350,
    351–352, 358; governor, II, 360
  • Carter, Randall: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Carter's Grove, Va., II, 296 n. 2
  • Carthage, II, 226, 227
  • Carthwright, Abraham: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cartner, M: verses by, III, 149
  • cartridges (ord.), III, 15, 25, 106, 110
  • carts (Tatar), III, 191, 192, 358
  • carvel, sails for, III, 86
  • Carver, John: governor of Plymouth, II, 445,
    449 n. I
  • Cary, Lady: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cary, Gawyn: searcher at Sagadahoc, II, 398
  • Cary, Sir George: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cary, Sir Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Cary, Capt. Sir Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Casa de la Contratacion, Seville, II, 300
  • Casco Bay, Me., I, 341 n. I, 428
  • case (ord.), III, 25, 106
  • caskets (naut.), III, 20, 76
  • casks, emptying of (naut.), III, 63
  • Caspian Sea, III, 199
  • Cassatowap (an Indian), II, 290
  • cassava, II, 77, 299, 342, 385, III, 228, 229,
    232, 234
  • Cassen, George: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    209, 212, II, 142; death of, I, 175, II, 127,
  • Cassen, Thomas: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    209, II, 142
  • Cassen, William: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    209, II, 142
  • Casson, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cassovia. See Kosice, Slovakia
  • Castille, Spain, I, 332, II, 410
  • Castine, Me., I, 322
  • castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis), II, 341 n. 2

  • 447

  • Caswell, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 275; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Caswell William, adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Catalonia, Spain, I, 332, II, 410
  • Catataugh (brother of Powhatan), I, 174, II,
  • caterpillars, II, 390
  • catfish, I, 156, II, 111
  • cat harpings (naut.), III, 72
  • Cathay, III, 199
  • Catherines fort. See St. Katharine's Fort,
  • cat rope (naut.), III, 78
  • cats (domestic), II, 367, III, 65
  • cats (naut.), III, 19, 24
  • cats (wild), II, 90, 342, 367, 419. See also
    cougars; lynxes
  • cats head (naut.), III, 19
  • cats holes (naut.), III, 19, 66
  • Cattachiptico, Pamunkey River, I, 185, 187
  • cattle: in Bermuda, II, 340, 358, 412, 414; in
    Caribbean, III, 232; in New England, II,
    472, III, 222, 283, 288, 290; Tatar, III,
    195, 197; in Virginia, I, 159, II, 263, 264,
    267, 287, 298, 302, 312, 322, 363, III, 216,
  • Caucasus Mountains, III, 199
  • Caudebec (Codebeck), France, III, 158, 342
  • caulking (naut.), III, 16, 19, 66–67
  • caulking-iron (naut.), III, 66
  • *Causey, Nathaniel: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 222, II, 161, 295, III, 215, 219
  • cavalla (fish), II, 344
  • Cavell, Matthew: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cavendish, Thomas: 1585 voyage to
    Roanoke, II, 68, 301
  • Cavendish, William, earl of Devonshire: adv.
    Va. Co., II, 274; adv. Ber. Co., II, 370;
    treasurer, III, 390
  • Cavendish Tribe, Bermuda, II, 369
  • caviar, I, 264, 331, 333, 334, 379, 397, 398,
    425, II, 411, 412, 439
  • Cavriolo, Tommaso, III, 131–132, 336
  • Cawwontoll, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • Cecil, Sir Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • Cecil, Robert, earl of Salisbury, II, 188; adv.
    Va. Co., II, 281, III, 222
  • Cecil, Thomas, earl of Exeter: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 276
  • Cecil, William, earl of Salisbury: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 274
  • *Cecill, Thomas (engraver), III, 140
  • Cecomocomoco, Potomac River, I, 188
  • Cedar Isle, Va., I, 146, 221
  • cedar trees, I, 97, 153, 342, II, 64, 90, 109,
    340, 368, 419, III, 234, 271
  • cedar wood, I, 221, II, 160, 324, 372, 374,
    377, 378, 382, III, 60
  • Cekakawwon, Potomac River, I, 188, 227, II,
    167, 304
  • Cephalonia (Zaffalonia), III, 160, 344
  • Cepowig, Baltimore Co., I, 188
  • Cernavoda. See Axiopolis, Rumania
  • Cessel. See Kassel, Germany
  • Ceuta, III, 204, 239
  • chains (copper), II, 122, 144, 246, 449
  • chains (Indian ornamental), I, 216, 249, 255,
    II, 90, 115, 122, 150, 155, 171, 198, 205,
  • chains (naut.), III, 20, 71
  • Challons, Henry: 1606 voyage, I, 299, 396 n.
  • Chamber, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • chamber (ord.), III, 25, 106
  • Chamberlain, Abraham: adv. Va. Co., II,
    275; adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • *Chamberlain, John: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371;
    letters of, I, 293, II, 57 n. 2, 260 nn. 1, 2,
    III, 5
  • Chamberlain, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 275;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Chamberlain, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 275;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Chambers, Edward (shipmaster), I, 354, 355,
    356, II, 430, 432
  • Champion, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Champlain, Samuel de, II, 105 n. 4; maps, I,
    322, 326 n. 6, III, 222 n. 1; and voyages, I,
    298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 329 n. 8
  • Chanoys (Chaurroy), Madame, II, 42, 435
  • Chapman, George, II, 464 n. 1; "De Guiana
    carmen Epicum," I, 406 n. 9, 437 n. 5
  • charcoal, I, 262
  • Chard, Edward: in Bermuda, II, 351–352,
    353, 354, 359
  • Charente River, France, I, 358
  • Charitie Fort, Henrico, II, 242
  • Charles, Prince (later Charles I), I, 309, 322,
    373, 436, II, 15, 42, 101, 236, 440, 464;
    portrait of, II, 33, 34; dedication to, I,


    421, II, 258 n. 1; and names for New
    England places, I, 319, 401, II, 402, III,
  • Charles I (king of England), III, 221, 278,
    288; portrait of, II, 488
  • Charles V (emperor), III, 333
  • Charles City, Va., II, 292 n. 3, 301
  • Charles Fort, Bermuda, II, 336–337 (fig.),
    354, 389
  • Charles Hundred, Va., II, 264
  • Charles River (Massachusetts River), I, 319,
    322, 428, II, 402, III, 288
  • Charles Town (Charleston), Mass., I, 319 n.
    1, II, 402, III, 288
  • Charronne, France, II, 434
  • charter-party (naut.), III, 18, 67–68
  • chase at sea (naut.), III, 99–100
  • Chasseguey (Shasghe), Lord, III, 158, 342
  • Chatfield, James: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Chaunis Temoatan, II, 72
  • Chawanoac (Chawonok; Chawwoncke;
    Chawwonock; Chowanok) (Indian village,
    N.C.), I, 55, 150, 244, 265, II, 67, 70, 215;
    chief of, II, 193
  • Chawanoac River, II, 10, 53, 71, 291
  • Chawonoac Indians (Chawonists; Chawons),
    II, 11 n. 2, 12, 55, 71, 73, 74, 107
  • Chawopo, James River, I, 186, 242, II, 192
  • Chawun, Mass., I, 319, 329; Indians of, I,
    340, 341, II, 402, 407, 408, 418
  • Checopissowo, Rappahannock River, I, 187
  • cheeks (naut.), III, 69
  • cheese, I, 87, 218, 240, II, 187, 322, 469, 470,
    III, 28, 29, 112, 113, 216
  • Chepanoc (Chippanum), N.C., II, 70, 73
  • Cherges. See Jerez, Spain
  • Cherley. See Sherley, James, of Plymouth
  • Chernava (Coragnaw), III, 201 n. 1, 360 n. 1
  • Chernigov (Cologoske) region, Russia, III,
    201 n. 1, 360
  • cherry trees, I, 152, II, 90, 108
  • Chesakawon, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • Chesapeake Bay (Bay of Pearles), I, 27, 53,
    309 n. 1, II, 73 n. 2, 105 n. 3, 311 n 2, III,
    237; description of, I, 144–146, 325, II, 11,
    53, 101–102; exploration of, I, 224–229,
    230–233, 326, II, 12, 54, 102–107, 162–
    169, 170–180, 323 n. 6, 324; Indian place-names
    on, I, 188, 189; maps of, I, 127, II,
    106, 189, 405; rivers of, II, 102–107
  • Chesapeake Indians (Chesepians;
    Chisapeacks; Chisapeans), I, 107 n. 200,
    146, II, 12, 55, 70, 74, 103, 178, 179
  • Chesapeake River, II, 103, 186. See also James
  • Chesapeake village, I, 146, 150, 185
  • chesstrees (naut.), III, 74 n. 2
  • Chester, Capt. Anthony: narrative of sea
    fight, II, 14, 56, 270–273
  • Chester, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Chesteven. See Kesteven, Robert
  • chestnuts, I, 151, 342, 430, II, 109, 419
  • chestnut trees, II, 108, 419
  • Cheviot Hill, New Eng., I, 319
  • Chichester, Sussex: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Chichley, Clement: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Chickahokin, Chesapeake Bay, II, 189
  • Chickahominy Indians (Chickahamanias):
    population of, II, 103, 246 n. 3; contribute
    corn, I, 212, 239, II, 12, 55, 145, 186;
    encounter colonists, II, 56, 256–257, 264–
    265; and stolen pistol, I, 262, II, 211; and
    articles of peace, II, 13, 246–247
  • Chickahominy River, I, 7, 21, II, 103, 126,
    165, 213; exploration of, I, 39, 41, 43, 91,
    146, II, 118, 145; Indian place-names on,
    I, 186
  • chicqueeres (chikines). See zecchini
  • Chile, I, 333, II, 411
  • China, I, 333, II, 411, III, 199
  • China root, II, 77
  • Chippokes Creek, I, 185
  • chisels, I, 240, II, 186, 322, III, 67
  • Chiskact, James River, II, 303
  • Chiskiak (Indian village), I, 147; population
    of, II, 104
  • Chissick (Chissel), Walter: 1615 New
    England voyage, I, 350 n. 8, 351, 356, II,
    428, 431
  • Choapoc (Indian chief), I, 226 n. 3
  • chokecherry, I, 153 n. 1
  • Chowan Indians, I, 189
  • Chowanoke. See Chawanoac
  • Chowan River, I, 185
  • Christiaensen, Hendrik: voyages to Hudson
    River (1611–1619), I, 326 n. 7
  • Christian IV (king of Denmark), I, 306, 373,
    II, 258 n. 1, III, 322, 323
  • Christianity: conversion of Indians to, I, 25,
    159, 350

  • 449

  • Christmas, John: in Guiana, III, 226
  • Christmas celebrations, I, 245
  • Christof, Hermann, Graf von Russworm, III,
    166–167, 168, 169, 349–350; at siege of
    Caniza, III, 170
  • Church, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Church of England, III, 297
  • Chute, Sir George: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Chute, Sir Walter: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • cider (sider), II, 469, 470
  • cinnamon, III, 28, 29, 112, 113
  • Cinquack, Chesapeake Bay, I, 188
  • Cinquoateck, Potomac River, I, 77, 79, 106
    n. 193, 188
  • Cinquoteck, Pamunkey River, I, 187
  • Cipo River, N.C., II, 67
  • Circassians (Çerkez), III, 198, 199, 201, 360
  • Ciudad Real, Spain, III, 203, 362
  • Civill. See Seville, Spain
  • Civitavecchia, III, 162
  • Claiborne, William, II, 286, III, 215
  • clamps (naut.), III, 61
  • clams (clamps), I, 342, II, 419, 420
  • Clanricard, earl of. See Burke, Richard, earl of
  • clapboard, I, 206, 238, 263, 430, II, 138, 182,
    185, 187, 188, 212, 324, 450, III, 271
  • Clapham, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • claret, III, 271
  • Clarke, John: 1585 voyage to Roanoke, II, 68
  • Clarke, John: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 191
  • Clarke, Silo (appraiser), III, 379
  • Clarks Island, Mass., II, 446 n. 1
  • Claudius Caecus, Appius, III, 150 n. 4
  • Claudius Claudianus, II, 288
  • clay, II, 166, 167, 339
  • cleat (naut.), III, 20
  • Clement VIII (pope), III, 161–162, 334
  • Clenart, Nicola, III, 52 n. 2
  • clergyman (naut.), III, 28
  • *Clerke, Robert (engraver), I, 306, 322, 369
  • clew (naut.), III, 74; of a sail, III, 74, 81
  • Cley, Master: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Clifford, George, earl of Cumberland, III,
  • climate: of Bermuda, II, 340; of New
    England, I, 330, 332, 334, 341, II, 408–
    409, 412, 419, 459, III, 291; of Virginia, I,
    143–144, 245, 425, II, 101, 263, 265
  • Clinton (pirate), III, 238
  • Clinton, Henry, earl of Lincoln: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 278
  • Clitheroe, Charles: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Clitheroe, Christopher: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • clock, II, 80
  • cloth, I, 381, 402, 438, II, 414, 465, 466, 470
  • clothing: presented to Powhatan, II, 65;
    recommended for colonists, II, 321, 413;
    English, II, 225, 246, 326; Tatar, III, 194
  • cloth of gold, I, 330, II, 409, III, 162, 344
  • Clothworkers' Company, III, 206 n. 1; adv.
    Va. Co., II, 275
  • Clovell, Eustace: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    208; death of, I, 18, II, 141
  • cloves, III, 28, 112
  • cloy a piece (ord.), III, 107–108
  • clubs (Indian), I, 231, 236, II, 106, 107, 126,
    144, 148, 151, 171, 183, 202
  • coalfish (cole), I, 342, II, 419
  • coamings (commings) (naut.), III, 62
  • coat (naut.), III, 63, 69
  • coava (a grain), III, 189, 358
  • cocar trees, III, 209
  • cochineal, I, 357, II, 301, 433
  • cock (naut.), III, 71
  • cockarouse, I, 146 n. 7
  • Cocke, Capt. Abraham: at Hatarask (1590),
    II, 86
  • cockles (shellfish), I, 156, II, 90, 111
  • cockroach, II, 343 n. 2
  • cod, I, 277, 331, 333, 342, 343, 396, 424, II,
    93, 96, 409, 410, 412–413, 419, 420; prices
    for, II, 424, 438; wet, I, 333, II, 411. See also
    corfish; Poor-John
  • *Codrington (Cudrington), John: 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 267 n. 3, II, 190,
    216; verses of, I, 313, II, 228
  • Codrington, Simon: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Coe (Coo), Thomas: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 222, II, 161; expeditions of, I,
    216, 244, 256, 274, II, 193, 206
  • Cohasset, Mass., I, 340 n. 10
  • coil (quoil) (naut.), III, 80
  • coins: in Bermuda, II, 361, 362
  • coins (quoins) (naut.), III, 20, 82
  • *Coke, Sir Edward (lord chief justice), I, 306;
    dedication to, I, 394 n. 2
  • Colby, Edmund: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Colchis (Petigoren): Tatars of, I, 314 n. 4, III,
    198 n. 6

  • 450

  • Cole (Jamestown colonist), II, 240
  • Cole, George (notary), III, 387, 389
  • collar (naut.), III, 20
  • college at Jamestown, II, 269
  • Collier, Samuel (a boy): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 209, 235, II, 142, 182; left with
    Indians to learn language, I, 245, II, 193;
    death of, II, 193 n. 4, 315
  • Collings, Henry: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 190; adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Collins (pirate), III, 239
  • Collins, Nicholas (quartermaster Nathan),
    III, 320
  • Collonia, III, 202, 360
  • Colmer, Abraham: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Colombiers (Collumber), Lady, III, 158, 342
  • Cologoske, II, 201, 360. See also Chernigov
    region, Russia
  • Colonists.
  • — in Bermuda, II, 355–356, 381, 382 n. 1;
    grievances of, II, 388; adventurers, listed,
    II, 370–371
  • — in Jamestown: listed, for 1607, I, 207–209,
    II, 140–142; first supply for 1608, I, 222–
    223, II, 160–162; second supply for 1608, I,
    240–242, II, 190–191; for 1610–1619, II,
    233, 234, 241, 243, 263, 264, 266–269;
    living conditions, II, 185–186, 212–214,
    235–236, 256, 257–258; and deaths (1607),
    I, 19–21, 35; massacred (1622), II, 298,
    301–302, III, 271, 273–274
  • — in New England, I, 429–430, 434, II, 443,
    446, III, 288, 292–293
  • — in Roanoke: listed, II, 85 (see also Lost
  • colonization, I, 211, 296, 332, 333, 335, 343,
    404, 436, 439, 446–448, II, 143–144, 306–
    307, 316–318, 327–332, 406–407, 420–427,
    464–465, 469, III, 223, 270, 276–277, 284,
    287, 297–302
  • colors (naut.), III, 21, 22, 100, 101
  • Colthurst, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Columbus, Christopher, I, 135, 327, 346, 349,
    360, 382, 405, 441, II, 10, 47, 53, 62, 299–
    300, 406, 422–423, 426, 474, III, 301
  • combe (naut.), III, 19, 64
  • combs, as commodity, II, 94, 249
  • comets, II, 81, 100 n. 56
  • comfits, III, 29, 112
  • commander (naut.): duties, III, 28
  • Comora. See Komarom, Czechoslovakia
  • compass, II, 79, 147, 364, III, 27, 65–66, 111,
  • compass (naut.), III, 19, 65–66; dark, III, 66;
    needle, III, 19
  • compass diall, I, 47, 49
  • compass for the variation, III, 66
  • Compton, Francis (soldier), III, 186, 355
  • Compton, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Conanacus (Canonicus) (Indian sachem), II,
    451, 456
  • Condé, Henri de Bourbon, prince de, I, 300,
    301, II, 434
  • coneys (hares; rabbits), II, 64, 65, 77, 340,
    III, 222, 288
  • Coneconam (an Indian), II, 399
  • Congo, kingdom of, III, 209, 210
  • Congo River, III, 208 n. 5
  • Conisbie, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Connock, Richard, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Conock, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Conowingo Dam, Susquehanna River, I, 185
  • Conoy Indians, I, 227 n. 1
  • Constantine XI Palaeologue, III, 332
  • Constantinople, I, 333, 345, 405, 431, 435,
    440, II, 411, 422, 453, 463, 468, III, 187,
    332, 355, 356. See also Istanbul
  • Conwey, Sir Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Conwey, Capt. Thomas, Esq.: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 275
  • conyfish, I, 156, II, 111, 344
  • Cony Island, Bermuda, II, 369
  • cook (naut.): duties of, III, 16–17, 22, 84,
    103; shares of, III, 27, 110
  • Cooke, Capt. John: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cooke, Roger: 1607 Jamestown colonist, II,
  • cook-room (naut.), III, 19, 66
  • Cooper (colonist in Virginia), III, 219
  • Cooper, Christopher: 1587 Roanoke colonist,
    II, 85
  • Cooper, David: 1615 New England voyage, I,
    351, 356, II, 428, 431
  • Cooper, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cooper, Matthew: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cooper, Michael (shipmaster), I, 352, II, 401
    n. 2, 403
  • Cooper, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • cooper (naut.): duties of, III, 16, 84; shares of,
    III, 110
  • coopers, II, 162, 469

  • 451

  • Coopers Island, Bermuda, II, 369, 389
  • coots (birds), II, 342
  • Cope, Sir Anthony: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cope, Sir Walter: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • "Copie of a Letter sent to the Treasurer and
    Councell of Virginia," II, 31
  • copper, I, 35, 59, 69, II, 76, 90, 114, 124, 200,
    206, 211, 221, 247, 250, 418, 453, III, 209;
    as commodity, I, 159, 168, 242, 257, 270,
    336, 341, II, 121, 144, 151, 165, 178, 192; as
    decoration, I, 160, II, 65, 90, 115, 122, 144,
    148, 246, 449; as wealth, I, 173, 174, II,
    126. See also mines
  • copperas, II, 76
  • copper pots, I, 71, 106 n. 178
  • copper smelting, Indian, II, 72
  • Coppin, Sir George: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Coppin, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Coppin, Robert (pilot), II, 445 n. 5
  • Coraguaw, III, 201, 360
  • coral, II, 65
  • Corbins Neck, Va., II, 176 n. 1
  • Corbitant (Indian sachem), II, 451–452, 456
    n. 7
  • cordage, I, 159, 330, 379, 398, 425, II, 114,
    409, 439, III, 194
  • cordage (naut.), III, 16, 20, 70
  • Cordell, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cordoba, Spain, III, 203, 362
  • Cordwainers' Company, II, 36, 37
  • corfish (wet-salted), I, 331, 334, 335, II, 412–
    413, 415, III, 294; made at Monhegan, I,
    324, II, 400, 410; price of, in England, II,
    401, 471, 472
  • Corfu, III, 160, 344
  • cormorants (birds), I, 342, II, 342, 419
  • corn: as commodity, I, 168, 195, 210 n. 2, 240,
    249–250, 256–257, II, 121, 145, 156, 178,
    246; cooking of, I, 157–158, II, 112–113;
    cultivation of, I, 157, II, 112, 267, III, 234,
    291; green, I, 100 n. 53; in ritual, I, 59, 170–
    171, II, 149–150; as tribute, I, 174, 179,
    239, II, 127, 186, 187, 191, 221, 247, 256
  • *Cornelius, John (merchant), II, 216, 325;
    adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Corn Hill, Cape Cod, II, 444
  • Cornwall gentry, II, 440
  • Coroski, III, 202, 360
  • corporal (naut.): duties of, III, 16, 83; shares
    of, III, 27, 110
  • Corsica, III, 159, 161, 344
  • Cortes, Hernando, I, 327, 360, II, 237, 315–
    316, 406, III, 301
  • Cortes, Martin: Arte of navigation (1615), III,
    27, 111
  • Corvo, Azores, II, 85, 92
  • Cossunka, territory of, III, 201, 360
  • Cotton, Allen: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cotton, Robert (tobacco-pipe-maker): 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 223, II, 162
  • *Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce: adv. Va. Co., II,
    275, III, 141, 176 n. 1; library of, III, 319
  • cotton, II, 301, III, 232
  • cotton tree, II, 287
  • cotton wool, III, 232
  • cougars, II, 78
  • Council for New England, I, 303, 387, 435 n.
    2; charter for (1620), I, 388
  • councils in a fleet (naut.), III, 23, 103
  • counters, lower and upper (naut.), III, 19, 65
  • Couper, Thomas (barber): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 209, II, 142
  • Coupers Ile, Bermuda, II, 342, 357
  • couscous, III, 190
  • Covell, Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Covell, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 275; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 370
  • covenants (naut.), III, 67–68
  • Coventry, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Coverdale, Miles: translator of Holy Bible
    (1535), I, 327 n. 8
  • Covert, Sir Walter: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cowes, Isle of Wight, II, 239
  • cows (kine), II, 239, 241
  • Cox, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Coxendale, Henrico, II, 242
  • coxswain (coxon) (naut.): duties of, III, 16,
    84; shares of, III, 27, 110
  • Coyse, William, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • crab (naut.), III, 57
  • crab apples, I, 152, 162, II, 108
  • crabs, I, 156, 210, 342, II, 74, 78, 84, 90, 111,
    116, 143, 311, 419, 420; land, II, 358, 390,
    III, 232
  • crabut (ord.), III, 25, 108
  • cradle (naut.), III, 57
  • craftsmen, II, 162, 469
  • Cramton, Samuel (whaler), II, 400, 435
  • cranes (birds), I, 43, 155–156, 212, 342, II,
    64, 78, 89, 111, 145, 419
  • Cranfield, Sir Lionell: adv. Va. Co., II, 274
  • *Crashaw, Raleigh: 1608 Jamestown colonist,


    I, 122, 241, II, 14, 56, 190, 275, 304–305,
    314, 316, 317; expeditions of, I, 243, 251,
    253, 255, II, 19, 200, 203, 204, 304–305,
    308–310; verses of, I, 316, II, 228–229
  • *Crashaw, Rev. William, I, 122, 124, 128, 130,
    278 n. 4; adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Craven, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • crayfish (craw fish; crevises), I, 156, II, 78,
    111, 349
  • Cremum, Crimea, III, 195
  • Creswell, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Crete (Candia), III, 160, 344
  • Crew, Anthony: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Crimea (Taurica), III, 194, 201, 360; Tatars
    of, III, 198, 353, 358
  • cringles (creengles) (naut.), III, 73–74
  • Croatoan, N.C., II, 69, 74, 75, 83, 86; and
    Lost Colonists, II, 87
  • Croatoan Indians, II, 83–84
  • crocks, brass, II, 470, 471
  • crocodiles (gwayn). See iguanas
  • Crofts, Richard: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    208, II, 141
  • Cromwell, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cromwell, Henry, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cromwell, Sir Oliver: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Crosley, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • cross-bar shot, I, 206, III, 106
  • crosses. See landmarks
  • cross-jack (naut.), III, 24
  • crosspiece (naut.), III, 64–65
  • cross-staff, II, 364, III, 28, 112
  • cross-trees (naut.), III, 69
  • crowbars (crows), II, 470
  • Crowe, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Crowe, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • crows (birds), II, 342
  • crows feet (naut.), III, 20, 71
  • Crump, Master: trading to Senegal, III, 208
  • *Cruso, John: verses of, III, 150 n. 3
  • Crym Tatars, III, 181; army of, III, 196–198;
    chief of, III, 192 (see also Giray, Gazi);
    clothing of, III, 194; description of, III,
    191–198; diet of, III, 193–194;
    entertainment of, III, 196; religion of, III,
    195, 358
  • crystal, I, 144, 336, II, 117, 414
  • Cuba, III, 231
  • cubbridge head (naut.), III, 65
  • cucumbers. See gourds
  • Cuffe, John: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Cullemore, James: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Culpeper, Sir Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Culpeper, Edward, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Culpeper, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • culverin (ord.), III, 25, 104; demi-, II, 152,
    325; weight and shooting of, III, 26
  • culvertailed (naut.), III, 61
  • Cumberland, earl of. See Clifford, George
  • Cummani, territory of, III, 201, 360
  • cunner (fish), I, 342, 343, II, 419
  • currant bushes, II, 93, 419
  • currants, I, 342, III, 28, 112
  • currier (naut.), III, 25, 108
  • Cursell (a Frenchman), III, 158, 342
  • Curtea-de-Arges (Argish), Rumania, III,
    133, 181
  • Curtine, Sir William: colonist in Barbados,
    III, 235
  • Curuske (town), III, 188, 356
  • Curzianvere (a Frenchman), III, 158, 342
  • Cushnoc, Me. (Indian village), I, 378 n. 2
  • cusk. See ling
  • Cuskarawaok. See Kuskarawaok
  • customs duty, III, 298–299
  • cut a feather (naut.), III, 64
  • Cutler, Robert: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    222, II, 161
  • Cuttatawomen Indians, Rappahannock, I,
    53, 147, 187, 188, II, 174; population of, II,
  • Cutts, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Cuttyhunk I., Mass., I, 298
  • Cyprus, III, 160, 344
  • Czechoslovakia, III, 203 n. 1
  • *Dale, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 276; at
    Jamestown, I, 130, II, 13, 14, 247, 251,
    255, 256; high marshal, II, 218; deputy
    governor, II, 239–241, 362, 378; plans
    Henrico, II, 241–242; dealings of, with
    Chickahominy, II, 246–247, 256; dealings
    of, with Powhatan, II, 244–245, 248–250
  • dale (daile) (naut.), III, 63
  • Dalmatia, I, 333, II, 411, III, 162, 345
  • Damerils Is., Me., I, 341
  • Danbury, Essex, III, 257, 289

  • 453

  • Dankov, III, 201
  • Dansker (pirate), III, 239
  • Danube River, III, 95
  • Danvers (Davers), Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II,
    276; adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Dare, Ananias: 1587 Roanoke colonist, II, 85
  • Dare, Eleanor: 1587 Roanoke colonist, II, 85
  • Dare, Virginia: 1587 Roanoke colonist, II, 85
  • Darius I (king of Persia), II, 285–286
  • Darnelly, Daniel: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Dartmouth, Devon, I, 293 n. 3, II, 88, 92, 96,
    440, III, 319, 320
  • Dartmouth, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402
  • Dasemunquepeuk (Indian village, N.C.), II,
    74, 75, 84
  • Dauphiné (Dolphine), France, I, 332
  • Dauxe, John: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 190
  • Davers. See Danvers, Sir John
  • David ap Hugh: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 191
  • *Davies (Davis), James: captain of Sagadahoc
    (1608), I, 275, II, 398, III, 300
  • Davies (Davis), Capt. James: in Virginia
    (1609–1611), II, 219, 231, 254
  • *Davies, John, I, 295; verses of, I, 313, II, 227–
  • Davies, Robert (notary public), III, 387, 389
  • Davies (Davis) journal, "Relation of a
    Voyage unto New England," II, 398 n. 3,
    399 n. 2
  • Davies (Davis), Robert: at Jamestown
    (1609), II, 231
  • *Davies, Capt. Robert: sergeant major at
    Sagadahoc, II, 398, III, 300
  • Davis, Capt.: shipmaster at Bermuda (1612),
    II, 353–354
  • Davis, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Davis, John: Virginia colonist, III, 217, 219
  • Davis, John (navigator), III, 300; Seamans
    (1607), III, 27, 42, 111
  • Davis, Lancelot: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Davison, Christopher: in Virginia, II, 286
  • Davison, George (soldier), III, 186, 355
  • davit (david) (naut.), III, 19, 65, 77
  • Dawes, Abraham: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Dawkes, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Dawkney, Clement: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Dawkney, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Dawse (Douse), Thomas: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 242, 266, II, 191, 216
  • Dawsey, Rowley: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • *Dawson, John (printer), II, 29, 31, 487–488
  • Dawson, William (metal refiner): 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 222, II, 162
  • dead mens eyes (naut.), III, 20, 71
  • dead water (naut.), III, 89
  • Deane, Alderman Richard: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Deceado. See Désirade Island, Guadeloupe
  • decks (naut.), III, 18, 19, 61
  • Declaration for the certaine time of drawing the great
    standing Lottery, A
    (1615), II, 252–254
  • Declaration of the State of the Colonie and Affairs in
    Virginia, A
    (1620), II, 269 n. 1, 273 n. 1, 281
    n. 2
  • Dee, Dr. John: "Brytish Monarchie," in
    General and rare memorials (1571), I, 378 n. 3,
    388, 389, 395, 403, 438–439, II, 58, 466
    deer, I, 154, 174, 226, 263, 338, 342, II, 64,
    65, 89, 110, 127, 165, 243, 291, 294, 298,
    310, 419, 443–444, 446, 461, III, 191, 195,
    358; horns of, I, 163, 236, II, 117, 183, 185;
    sinews of, I, 163, II, 117; skins of, I, 165, II,
    65, 115, 250; suet from, I, 59, II, 109, 124,
    206, III, 317. See also hunting; Indians:
    hunting; venison
  • Deeroe, Benjamin: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • *Delaram, Francis (engraver), II, 34
  • Delaware Bay, I, 128
  • Delawarre, Lord. See West, Sir Thomas, Lord
    De La Warre
  • Delawne, Gedion: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Delbridge, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 276; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 370, 371
  • "Democrites tree," Va., II, 414 n. 2
  • Denmark, I, 379, 397, II, 190, 438; Sound of,
    I, 424
  • Dennis, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Denny, Edward, Lord Denny: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 275
  • De Nombe, M. See Belain, Pierre
  • Denton, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Depreau, Lord, III, 157 n. 1, 158, 341, 342
  • Deptford, London, III, 13 n. 4
  • Dequester, Matthew: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • *Dermer (Dirmer), Capt. Thomas, I, 319 n. 1,
    435, II, 402 n. 3, 463; death of, II, 441; and


    voyage to New England (1615), I, 294,
    351, 427, II, 228; and voyage to New
    England (1619), I, 303, 428, II, 14, 441
  • Description of New England (Smith), I, 125,
    294, 296–297, 302, 319 n. 7, 373, 374, II,
    27, 31, 32, 57 n. 2, 230, 333 n. 1, 400 n. 2,
    III, 128; dedication of, I, 309, 310, 311, 394
    n. 2, II, 258 n. 1; editions of, I, 369–370;
    printing of, I, 301; title pages of, I, 306
    (fig.), 307 (fig.); verses in, I, 295, II, 227–
    230, 391–393
  • Désirade Island, Guadeloupe, III, 231
  • Devereux, Robert, earl of Essex (d. 1601),
    III, 301
  • Devonshire, earl of. See Cavendish, William,
    earl of Devonshire
  • Devonshire gentry, II, 440
  • Devonshire Redoute, Bermuda, II, 336–337
  • Devonshires Tribe, Bermuda, II, 369; list of
    adventurers, II, 370
  • diamonds, II, 330, 409
  • Dichfield, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Dieppe (Deepe), France, III, 158, 342
  • Digby, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 275
  • Digby, Thomas (pilot): 1615 New England
    voyage, I, 351, 354, 355, II, 428, 430
  • diggers of trees, II, 190
  • Digges, Sir Dudley: adv. Va. Co., II, 276;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Digges, Leonard, II, 80 n. 1; Geometrical
    Practise, named Pantometria
    (1571), III, 26,
  • Digges his hundred (near Henrico), II, 242
  • Dike, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 276; adv. Ber.
    Co., II, 370
  • Dinan (Dina), Brittany, III, 158, 342
  • dipsie line (naut.), III, 24, 89
  • Disacuba (Dissequibe). See Essequibo River,
  • disease: in Bermuda, II, 357; in Jamestown, I,
    19–21, 33, 209–210, II, 142–143, 238; in
    New England, I, 301, 340 n. 1, 428, II, 441;
    on shipboard, II, 237, 283–284, 328, 381;
    in West Indies, II, 299–300
  • disembogue (naut.), III, 89
  • Dissabacca Sea. See Azov, Sea of
  • Ditchfield, Edward (1), (2), (3): adv. Ber.
    Co., II, 370
  • dive-doppers (birds), I, 342, II, 419
  • Dixon, Richard: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    208, II, 141
  • Dnieper (Niper) River, III, 201, 360
  • Doag's Neck, Md., I, 227 n. 1
  • Dobrogea Tatars, III, 198
  • Dobson, William, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • docks (naut.), III, 57
  • Doderidge, Sir John, III, 222; adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 275
  • Dods, John: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I, 209,
    244, II, 142, 193
  • dogger (fishing boat), I, 397, 424, II, 438
  • dogs: African, III, 194; English, II, 261, 312,
    367, 446; Indian, I, 155, II, 111; Tatar,
    III, 194
  • Dohannida (Dohoday). See Tahánedo
  • Dole, Richard (blacksmith): 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 233, II, 162
  • Dolphine. See Dauphiné, France
  • dolphins (dorado), III, 84
  • Dominica, Windward Islands: landfall for
    ships, I, 16, 27, 204, II, 68, 86, 137; sea fight
    at, II, 270
  • Don (Tanaïs) River, Russia, III, 194, 201,
    338, 359 n. 9, 360
  • *Done, John: verses of, II, 49
  • Donka, Russia, III, 202, 360, 361
  • Donne, John (poet), II, 27
  • Dorchester group of adventurers, New Eng.,
    II, 473, III, 288
  • Dormor. See Dermer, Capt. Thomas
  • Dorogobuzh (Drogobyck), III, 202 n. 3
  • Dorrel, Sir Marmaduke: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Dorset, earl of. See Sackville, Sir Edward, earl
    of Dorset; Sackville, Richard, earl of Dorset
  • dotterels (birds), I, 156, II, 111
  • double manning (naut.), I, 335–336
  • Dover, town of: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Dowman, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 241, II, 190
  • Downe, John: bosun's mate Nathan, III, 320
  • Downes, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Downs, the, Kent, I, 27, 98 n. 14, 379
  • drabler (naut.), III, 24, 75, 80–81
  • dragons, fiery, III, 166, 349
  • Drake, Sir Francis, I, 150 n. 4, II, 51, III, 301;
    voyage of 1585–1586, II, 10, 53, 75; voyage
    of 1577–1580, I, 324, 332, II, 404, 410
  • Drake, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Dranfield, Avery: adv. Va. Co., II, 276

  • 455

  • Draper, Sara: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Draper, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Drapers' Company: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • draught (naut.), III, 19
  • Dresden (Drasdon), III, 178 n. 2, 203, 362
  • Drewry (Drury), Sir Drew (the elder): adv.
    Va. Co., II, 275
  • Drewry, Sir Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • drift (naut.), III, 89
  • drift sail (naut.), III, 81
  • Dring, Thomas (bookseller), III, 120
  • *Droeshout, Martin (engravers), III, 244
  • Drohobus, Lithuania, III, 202, 360
  • drought, I, 144, II, 263, 459
  • drummer, II, 142
  • drums, II, 245, III, 23, 103, 185
  • dry dock (naut.), III, 18
  • dry fish, I, 163, 323–324, 379, 380, 398, 399,
    425, 426, II, 215, 400, 401, 410, 415, 438,
    439, 440, 472. See also Poor-John
  • Duberesko, III, 202, 360
  • Dubros, Colonel, III, 182
  • Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, III, 160 n. 6; See also
    Ragusa, Adriatic
  • Ducke, Arthur (witness), III, 387, 389
  • ducks, I, 43, 156, 212, 342, II, 111, 145, 342,
    343, 386, 419, 444, III, 234. See also
  • Du Gua de Monts, Pierre, I, 298
  • Dulcina Island. See Barbuda
  • Dumpling Island, Nansemond River, II, 178
    n. 2
  • Dunbarton, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402
  • Dunkirk, France, III, 220
  • Dunn, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Duppa, Jeffery: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Durette, Philip: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Dutchmen. See Germans
  • Dutch Republic, III, 6, 135, 208, 223;
    colonies of, III, 222 n. 5, 226, 227. See also
    Holland; Netherlands
  • Duxbury, Capt. Joseph, III, 154 n. 10, 155
  • Duzihell, III, 202, 360
  • Dye, Roger: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Dyer, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    216, 264, 274, II, 213
  • Dyers' Company: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • dyes, II, 65, 301, III, 232–233, 234; Indian
    use of, II, 115, 155; sources of, II, 77, 110;
    black, II, 149, 151; red, I, 240, II, 115, 126,
    148, 187; white, II, 149
  • Dyke, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Dyot, Anthony: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Each, Capt. Samuel: in Virginia, II, 291, 292
  • eagles, I, 155, 342, II, 111, 419
  • earing (naut.), III, 20, 75
  • Easterlings, in Europe, I, 330, 331, 333, II,
  • Eastern Shore, I, 224–226; Indian place-names
    on, I, 189, II, 94 n. 1; explored, II,
    163–165, 288–291
  • Eastham, Cape Cod, II, 457 n. 2
  • East India Company, I, 130, II, 292 n. 3
  • East Indies, I, 327, II, 406, 426, III, 208, 225
  • Easton, Peter (pirate), III, 239
  • Ebersbaught, Lord, III, 162, 163 n. 3, 345,
  • Eden, Dr. Thomas, III, 384
  • Edenborow, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402
  • Edgar (king of England, d. 975), I, 403, 438,
    II, 466
  • Edirne (Adrianopolis), III, 186 n. 1
  • Edmonds, Sir Thomas (ambassador), I, 359,
    II, 435
  • Edolph, Sir Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Edward VI (king of England), I, 396, 424, II,
    39, 48, 62, 438
  • Edwards, John (merchant Nathan), III, 320
  • Edwards, Richard: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370,
    371, 391
  • Eelkens, Engel, and Honton (Dutch
    merchant firm), II, 456 n. 5
  • eels, I, 156, 342, 396, 424, II, 111, 419, 438
  • *Egerton, Sir John, earl of Bridgewater, I, 405
    n. 6; dedication to, I, 394
  • Egerton, Sir Thomas, Baron Ellesmere (lord
    high chancellor), I, 306, 373
  • egg-birds, II, 342
  • eggs, I, 210, II, 143
  • Egiock, Sir Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Egypt, I, 435, II, 463, III, 207
  • Eisenberg (Hysnaburg), III, 164, 347
  • Eldorado, III, 224
  • Eldred, John Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • elephants, III, 209; tusks of, III, 210
  • Elfrid, Capt. Daniel, II, 356, 373–374, 375
  • Eliot, Hugh (Bristol merchant), II, 47
  • Elisabeth Fort, Henrico, II, 242
  • Elizabeth (queen of Bohemia), II, 41

  • 456

  • Elizabeth I (queen of England), I, 403, 438,
    II, 62 n. 4, 63, 91, III, 159, 343; portrait of,
    II, 33 (fig.), 34; Virginia named by, II, 48,
    53, 68
  • Elizabeth, Cape, New Eng., II, 34
  • Elizabeth City, N.C., II, 305, 310 n. 1
  • Elizabeth River, I, 17
  • Elizabeths Isles, Mass., I, 325; discovery of,
    II, 10, 53, 88, 89–90; Indians of, II, 89–90
  • elk, III, 195
  • Elkin, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Ellesmere, Lord. See Egerton, Sir Thomas,
    Baron Ellesmere
  • Ellis (pirate), III, 239
  • Ellis, David: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I, 241,
    244, II, 93, 191, 193
  • elm trees, I, 151, 342, II, 108, 419; boards
    from, II, 469
  • Emanuel (Manoel) (king of Portugal), II,
  • embroiderers, III, 272
  • Embroiderers' Company: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Emden, I, 396, 424, II, 438
  • Emerson, Everett H.: Captain John Smith
    (1971), III, 41, 255
  • Emerson, William: 1618 Va. colonist, III,
    217, 219
  • Emry, Thomas (carpenter): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 45, 47, 208, II, 142; death of, II,
    146, 147, 152
  • Enkhuizen (Ancusan), Netherlands, III, 155
  • Ensenore (an Indian), II, 73, 74
  • Epenow (an Indian), I, 293, 294, 433, II, 399,
  • Epps, Captain: tried for murder (1619), II,
    266 nn. 5, 7
  • Eratosthenes (mathematician), III, 93
  • Erswell, Robert (notary public), III, 387, 389
  • Escorial monastery, Spain, III, 203, 362
  • Esenberg, III, 175, 353
  • Essequibo River, Guiana, III, 233
  • Essex, earl of. See Devereux, Robert, earl of
  • Estotiland, II, 47
  • Esztergom (Strigonum), III, 169
  • Etheridge, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 276;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Eupatoria. See Perecopia, Crimea
  • Eure, Ralph, Lord, I, 278 n. 4
  • Euripides, II, 83, 151 n. 3, 152 n. 3
  • European dress in Virginia, I, 55
  • Evans, Master: at Jamestown (1619), II, 266
  • Evans, Hugh: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Evans, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Evans, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Evelin, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • evers (fishing boats), I, 397 n. 3, II, 438
  • Eversfield, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Ewens (Euens), John: 1609 Bermuda
    colonist, II, 347
  • Ewens, Ralph: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Exeter, earl of. See Cecil, Thomas, earl of
  • Exeter, Devon, I, 311, II, 440; and Va. Co.
    (1606), I, 299, II, 397
  • Exmouth, Devon, II, 91
  • Exton, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Exton, Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • fagioli (beans), I, 157, II, 112
  • Fairfax, William: 1619 Jamestown colonist,
    II, 265
  • falcon (bird), I, 155, II, 78, 342
  • falcon, falconet (ord.), II, 152, 325, III, 25,
    65, 104; weight and shooting of, III, 26,
  • Falconer, William: An Universal Dictionary of
    the Marine
    (1771), III, 57 n. 3
  • Faldoe, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Fall River, Mass., II, 451 n. 6
  • Falmouth, Cornwall, I, 127, II, 346
  • Falmouth, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402, 457 n. 2
  • Fane, Sir Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Fanshaw, Sir Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Farar, John: sends ships to New England, I,
  • Farmer, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Farmer, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Farnese family, III, 330
  • Farr, James (gunner's mate Nathan), III, 320
  • Farrar, John. See Ferrar, John
  • Farrar's Island, James River, II, 241 n. 1
  • Farrington, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • fashion pieces (naut.), III, 58, 59
  • Fawcet, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Fayal, Azores, I, 355, 357, II, 237, 431
  • Fear, Cape, N.C., II, 34, 69, 83
  • feathers: for headdress, II, 123, 148; for
    mantles, I, 161, II, 115, 125, 149, 150; for


    towels, I, 175, II, 127, 151
  • Feld, Thomas (apothecary): 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 233
  • Felgate, Capt. Robert (lieutenant-general of
    Bermuda) (1619), II, 375 n. 4, 389
  • Felgate, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 276; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 371
  • felt: for clothing, III, 194, 358; for houses, III,
  • fenders (naut.), III, 21, 80
  • Fenner, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Fenton, Robert: 1607 Jamestown colonist, II,
    141; author, I, 197, 214 n. 10, II, 153
  • Ferdinand (archduke of Austria), III, 345
  • Ferdinand I (emperor), III, 333
  • Ferdinand of Styria, III, 165, 169, 345 n. 5,
  • *Fereby, Anthony: verses by, III, 145
  • Fernandes, João: voyage to North America,
    II, 68 n. 1
  • Fernandes, Simão (Ferdinando, Simon):
    pilot for voyages to Roanoke, II, 68, 83, 85
  • Fernández Duro, Cesáreo (historian), III,
  • Ferne, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Fernezsa, Francisco: "History," III, 13, 185;
    "The warres of Hungaria, Walachia, and
    Moldavia," III, 330–332, 336, 345, 354 n.
  • Ferrar (Farrar), John, III, 215; adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 276; deputy treasurer, II, 266, 270, 283,
    284, 292, 332; adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Ferrar, Nicholas, II, 269; adv. Va. Co., II,
    276; adv. Ber. Co., II, 371; deputy
    treasurer, II, 390
  • Ferrara, Italy, I, 333, III, 162, 345
  • Ferrars, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 277, 301
  • Fetherstone, Henry (publisher), II, 28
  • Fetherstone, Richard: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 233, II, 161; and expeditions, I,
    224, 230, II, 163, 170; death of, I, 232, II,
  • Fetherstones Bay, Rappahannock River, I,
    232, II, 174
  • *Fettiplace (Phettiplace), Michael: 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 222, 244, 432, II,
    160, 206; adv. Va. Co., II, 276; author, I,
    197, 238 n. 4, II, 229–230; verses by, I, 195,
  • *Fettiplace, William: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 222, II, 160; and expeditions, I,
    216, 243, 251, 432, II, 193, 200; author, I,
    195, 203, 258, 275, II, 136 n. 3, 207, 227 n.
    1; verses by, I, 317–318, II, 229–230
  • Fez, III, 207, 362
  • fids (naut.), III, 16; for ordnance, III, 107
  • Field, Thomas (apothecary): 1608
    Jamestown colonist, II, 162
  • Field, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • figs, I, 159, II, 114, 340, 365, 385, III, 218,
    219, 233, 234
  • Filakovo (Fylecke), Slovakia, III, 203, 362
  • files (naut.), III, 15
  • Finch, Sir Moyle: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Fines Iles, II, 34
  • Finisterre, Cape (north cape of Spain), III,
  • firearms (pieces), I, 242, 250, III, 15, 108
  • fire arrows (naut.), III, 107
  • firelock (ord.), II, 225
  • fire-making (Indian), I, 162, II, 116
  • fire pikes, III, 107
  • fire ships, III, 23, 104, 107
  • fire sticks, I, 69
  • fireworks, I, 230, III, 15, 183, 354; as battle
    stratagem, III, 164, 166; at sea, III, 107
  • fir trees, I, 144, 159, 342, II, 93, 101, 114, 178,
    419, III, 291
  • fish: as good as gold, I, 331, 406, 441; as prime
    commodity, I, 330–332, 395–398, 423–
    425, II, 409–414
  • fish-block (naut.), III, 19, 65
  • Fishborne, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • *Fisher, Benjamin (bookseller), III, 36
  • Fisher, Capt. Edward: in West Indies, II, 356
  • fishermen, I, 448, II, 163 n. 1, 190, 424, 438
  • fish hooks, I, 164, 381, 402, 437, II, 117, 249,
    250, 322, 358, 413, 465, 470, III, 16, 84
  • fishing industry: costs in, I, 337, II, 415, 465,
    469–470; employment in, I, 338, 379–381,
    II, 413; and markets, I, 398, 425; returns
    from, I, 337–338, 396–397, 400, 403, 424,
    II, 438–439, 441, 453, 469, 471–472; shares
    in, I, 332, 382, 400, 402–403, 428, 431, 434,
    438, II, 440, 441, 453, 465
  • fishing lines, I, 164, 381, 402, 437, II, 322,
    358, 413, 415, 419, 465, 470, III, 16, 84,
  • fish knives, I, 381, 402, 438, II, 465
  • fishmongers, II, 163 n. 1

  • 458

  • Fishmongers' Company: adv. Va. Co., II,
    276; dedication to, I, 393
  • fish nets (seines): English, I, 263, 381, 402,
    438; Indian, I, 164, 342, II, 117, 212, 213,
    225, 250, 322, 326, 348–349, 412, 413, 415,
    419, 465, 470, III, 16, 84, 216
  • fish spears, I, 164, II, 118, 163
  • fish-weirs: English, I, 212, 263; Indian, I, 164,
    261, II, 73, 116, 118, 178, 210
  • Fitch, Mathew: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
  • fitches (beasts), I, 342, II, 419
  • Fitz James, Captain: at Jamestown (1609), I,
    270, II, 222
  • fizgig. See harpoon
  • flags (naut.), III, 101, 103–104; of truce, III,
    23, 103
  • flagstaff (naut.), III, 19, 69
  • flamingo, III, 232
  • Flanders, I, 395, 423, II, 438
  • flannel (cloth), III, 72
  • flapjack, III, 29, 113
  • flat-bottoms (barges), I, 331
  • flax, I, 159, 330, 342, 398, 425, II, 76, 114,
    409, 419, 439, III, 66, 218, 271
  • fleas, II, 450
  • Fleet, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Fleetwood, Edward, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Fleetwood, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Flemyng, Capt. Thomas (pirate), III, 238
  • Fletcher, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Fletcher, John, & Co.: adv. Va. Co., II, 277;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • flies, II, 111, 343, 386
  • Flood, John: 1610 Virginia colonist, III, 217,
  • floor (naut.), III, 58
  • Florence, Italy, I, 333, III, 162, 345
  • Flores (Flowres), Azores, I, 355, II, 85, 92,
  • Florida, I, 235, II, 10, 63, 68, 100, 404, III,
    279, 300
  • Florida, Straits of, I, 299
  • Florio, Giovanni: A Worlde of Wordes (1598),
    II, 458 n. 6
  • flota (silver fleet), II, 383
  • Floud (laborer): 1608 Jamestown colonist, II,
  • flour, III, 28, 112
  • Flower, George: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    19, II, 141
  • Flowerdieu Hundred, II, 302
  • flux, II, 238
  • fly (naut.), III, 19, 65
  • flying fish, II, 344, 361
  • flying squirrel, I, 154–155, II, 110
  • Folkingham, William: Feudigraphia (1610),
    II, 414
  • Fontenau de Saintonge, Jean (Jean Alfonse),
    I, 400 n. 2
  • Ford, Robert: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    208, II, 141; and expeditions, I, 243, 251,
    255, II, 193, 200, 204
  • forecastle (naut.), III, 19, 64
  • fore reach (naut.), III, 19
  • Forest, Mistress: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    238, 242, II, 184, 191
  • Forest, George: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    222, II, 161; death of, II, 221
  • Forest, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 190; adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • forge: glass, II, 408; iron, II, 320, 408, 415
    forgers. See blacksmiths
  • Fort Charles, Va., II, 236, 239
  • Fortescue, Sir Nicholas: commissioner Va.
    Co., II, 332
  • Fort Henry, Va., II, 236, 239, 250
  • Fort Katherine. See St. Katharine's Fort,
  • Fort Patience, Henrico, II, 242
  • Fortune Theatre, London, III, 314 n. 5
  • forzados (galley slaves), III, 189, 357
  • Fote (Foote), Philip, I, 134
  • Fotherby, Martin (bishop of Sarum),
    Atheomastix (1622): II, 28, 145 n. 1, III,
    326; borrowed by Smith, II, 59–460 passim
  • foul water (naut.), III, 90
  • Fowey (Foy), Cornwall, II, 440
  • fowlers, I, 348
  • Fox, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 191; adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • fox, I, 155, 336, 342, II, 111, 419, 445
  • Foxall, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • fox skins, II, 90, 148, 414
  • France: Smith in, III, 157–159, 203, 341–
    343, 362. See also French
  • Francis (a German): Jamestown colonist, I,
    250, 259–260, II, 199, 209; death of, II, 226
  • Francis I (king of France), III, 333

  • 459

  • Francis, Giles: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Francis, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Franck, Peter, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Frankfurt am Main (Franckford), III, 203,
  • frankincense, I, 240, II, 187
  • Franklin, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Freake, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Frederick V (elector palatine of the Rhine),
    II, 42 n. 3
  • Fredericksburg, Va., I, 147 n. 1, 185
  • Freeman, Martin, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Freeman, Ralph: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Freeman, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • French: in Acadia, I, 338, II, 248; at Azores,
    I, 355–356, 381, 426, 427; in New England,
    I, 324, 336, II, 263, 435, 449, 453; in West
    Indies, II, 270, III, 228, 229, 230; fishing
    industry of, I, 395, 396, 423, 424, II, 410,
    438; fur trade of, II, 400–401, III, 278;
    trade of, I, 159, 334, 336, II, 114, 172, 409,
  • Fretchville, Sir Peter: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Frethorne, Richard: and letter (1623), II,
    311 n. 3
  • Frith, Richard: 1607 Jamestown colonist, II,
    142; adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Frobisher, Martin: voyages (1576–1578), II,
    10, 53, 62, III, 301
  • froe (edge tool), II, 322
  • Fry (pirate), I, 354, II, 430
  • frying pans, II, 168, 322, 469, 471
  • Fuller, Michael: in Virginia (1622), II, 318–
  • Fuller, Nicholas, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 276
  • Fuller, Thomas: Worthies of England (1744), I,
  • furling line (naut.), III, 73
  • furring (naut.), III, 97
  • furs, I, 240, 323, 324, 336, II, 143, 187, 400–
    401, 441, III, 195, 320. See also beaver;
    marten; otter
  • fustic tree, III, 234
  • futtocks (naut.), III, 58
  • Gabriel, Nicholas: at Bermuda (1617), II,
  • gal-bote (galliot), I, 397, II, 438
  • Galich (Halico), III, 202, 360
  • Galicia, Spain, I, 332, II, 410
  • Galthorp, Stephen. See Calthorp, Stephen
  • Gambia, river of. See Niger
  • gang (naut.), III, 77–78
  • Gao (Gago), Niger River, III, 208
  • Garaway, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • garbel strake (naut.), III, 18
  • garboard (naut.), III, 59
  • gardeners, I, 348, II, 190, 424
  • Gardiner, Master: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II,
  • Gardiner, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Gardiner, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • garfish, II, 344
  • garnet (naut.), III, 20
  • Garonne River, France (river of Bordeaux),
    II, 95 n. 2
  • Garret, William (bricklayer): 1607
    Jamestown colonist, I, 209, II, 142
  • Garsett, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • garvances (beans or chick-peas), I, 157, II,
    112, III, 189, 357
  • Gary, William: in Virginia (1622), II, 318
  • Gascony, I, 332
  • gaskets (naut.), III, 20
  • Gate, Peter: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • *Gates, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 277;
    patentee, II, 329 n. 2; lieutenant governor,
    II, 218; and report to Council, II, 237; and
    instructions, I, 266 n. 2; wrecked on
    Bermuda, I, 122, 127, 268, II, 27, 57, 347,
    390; at Jamestown, I, 128–129, 130, 276,
    277, II, 13, 56, 233, 234, 236, 238, 239, 241,
  • Gates Fort, Bermuda, II, 354
  • Gayangos y Arce, Don Pascual de
    (bibliographer), III, 331
  • Gaynye, William (gunner and pilot Nathan),
    III, 320
  • Gee, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Geering, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 277; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 370
  • geese (brant), I, 43, 156, 165 n. 8, 212, 342,
    II, 78, III, 145, 343, 419, 444
  • Genoa, I, 135, 332, III, 298
  • *Gentleman, Tobias: Englands way to win wealth
    (1614), I, 295 n. 8, 336 n. 7, 378 n. 3, 388,
    396 nn. 5, 7, 424, II, 438
  • Georges Islands, II, 399 n. 6
  • Georgia (U.S.S.R), III, 199
  • Gerard, John (herbalist), I, 153 n. 9

  • 460

  • Germans (Dutchmen): 1608 colonists, I, 234,
    242, 404 n. 5, II, 181, 190, 191, 225, 226;
    sent to Werowocomoco, I, 243, 244, II,
    193, 195, 198; plot against Smith, I, 246,
    250, 255, 256, 259, 266–267, 274, II, 12, 13,
    55, 199–200, 204, 208, 209, 215–216
  • Germany, I, 379, 397, 398, 424, 425, II, 406,
  • Ghir (Goa), Cape, Morocco, III, 213
  • Gibbs, Thomas, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Gibraltar, Strait of (Straits), I, 331, 338, 379,
    III, 204, 208
  • Gibs, Lieutenant: plantation of, II, 301
  • Gibson, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 241, 244, II, 191, 193
  • *Gilbert, Bartholomew: voyage to New
    England (1602), I, 298, II, 88–91
  • Gilbert, Sir Humphrey: voyage to
    Newfoundland (1583), II, 10, 53, 62
  • Gilbert, Sir John, II, 399; adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Gilbert, Raleigh (admiral of Sagadahoc
    colony), I, 299, II, 398, 399, III, 300
  • gimlet, II, 322
  • ginger, II, 66, 301, III, 28, 29, 112, 113
  • Ginnat, Post: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, II, 162
  • Gipps, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • *Giray, Gazi (khan of Crimea). III, 181 n. 3,
    182 n. 5, 332, 354
  • Girdlers' Company: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • girdling of trees, III, 291
  • Giurgui, battle at, III, 333
  • Glanville, Francis, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • glass, I, 159, 234, 238, 263, 381, 402, 437, II,
    114, 181, 182; making of, II, 185, 187, 188,
    212, 324, III, 271
  • glass (time) (naut.), III, 24, 66, 89
  • glass house (Jamestown), I, 259, 260, II, 209,
  • gloves, shooting, I, 89, 95
  • glue, I, 163, II, 117
  • Gnasbruck, III, 348 n. 5
  • Goa, Cape. See Ghir, Cape, Morocco
  • *Goad, Dr. Thomas, I, 411, II, 487
  • goats, I, 159, 273, II, 113, 225, 232, 263, 298,
    322, 363, 414, 472, III, 194, 195, 216, 222,
    274, 288
  • Goddard, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Godolfine, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Gofton, Sir Francis (commissioner Va. Co.),
    II, 332
  • gold, I, 218–219, 234, 294, 323, 330, 406, II,
    157, 159, 409, 430, III, 208. See also mines
  • Golding, George: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
  • goldsmiths, II, 162, III, 273
  • Goldsmiths' Company: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Gondomar, conde de. See Sarmiento de
    Acuña. Diego, conde de Gondomar
  • *Gonzaga, Ferrante (governor of High
    Hungary), III, 131, 330, 334, 348
  • Gonzaga, Ferrante II, count of Guastalla,
    III, 165
  • *Gonzaga, Vincenzo, duke of Mantua, III,
    131, 165, 330, 334, 348
  • Good Hope, Cape of, III, 208
  • Goodison, Raymond: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 223, II, 161
  • Goodwin, Sir Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Goodwin, William (carpenter): at Bermuda
    (1616), II, 363–364
  • Gookin, Daniel, II, 14, 56, 287, 302–303, 310
    n. 1
  • *Goos, Abraham (engraver), II, 371 n. 1
  • gooseberries, I, 342, 430, II, 89, 93, 419
  • goose wing (naut.), III, 24, 88
  • Gore, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 277; adv. Ber.
    Co., II, 371
  • Gore, Thomas: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    208, II, 141
  • *Gorges, Sir Ferdinando: and interest in
    colonization, I, 293, 294, 298, 299, 301,
    303, 352–353, 387–388, 426, 427 n. 5, 433
    n. 2, II, 398 n. 3, 403 n. 3, 427
  • Goring, Sir George: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • goring (naut.), III, 74, 81
  • goshawk, I, 155, II, 111
  • Gosling, John: 1615 New Eng. colonist, I, 350
    n. 8, 351, II, 428
  • Gosnold, Anthony (the elder, brother of
    Bartholomew): 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 208, II, 141, 153, 203, 254
  • Gosnold, Anthony (the younger): 1607
    Jamestown colonist, I, 208 n. 4, 214, II,
    141, III, 285 n. 5
  • *Gosnold, Bartholomew: voyage to New
    England (1602) I, 298, 325, II, 7, 10, 53,
    88–91, 402 n. 1; 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 203, 205, 207, II, 138, 140; death of, I, 7,


    20, 33, 100 n. 52, 196, 210
  • Gosnold, Robert, I, 208 n. 4, II, 50 n. 1
  • Gosnolls Bay, Va., II, 178
  • Gouge, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Goughland, I, 57
  • Goulding, George: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    II, 142
  • gourds (cucumbers), I, 158 n. 3, 342, II, 65,
    108, 419, III, 233, 234
  • gout, II, 238
  • *Gouyon, Amaury II, count of Plouër, III,
    158–159, 342, 344
  • *Gouyon, Charles, viscount of Pommerit, III,
  • *Gouyon, Jacques, baron of Marcé, III, 159
  • Gower, Thomas: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
  • Graciosa, Azores, II, 432
  • Gradon. Richard: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 223, II, 162
  • grampus (fish), I, 156, 342, II, 111, 419, 445
  • Grampus Bay, New Eng., II, 445
  • Grandvile, Colonel, III, 166
  • Granganameo (an Indian), II, 64–65, 69;
    death of, II, 71
  • Grantham, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • grapes, I, 152, II, 63, 108–109, 340
  • grapnel (naut.), II, 79
  • Grascocke, Rowland: at St. Kitts, III, 228,
  • gratings (naut.), III, 20, 100
  • Graves, Nathanael: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    II, 192
  • Graves, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 190, 290; adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Gravesend, Thames River, I, 435, II, 262,
  • graving (naut.), III, 67
  • Gray, Lady Elizabeth: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Gray, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Gray, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Grays Creek, I, 185
  • Graz (Grates), III, 162, 345
  • great cabin (naut.), III, 67
  • Greece, I, 333, 334, 344, II, 266, 411, 412,
    421, III, 160, 344
  • Green, Richard: at New Plymouth, II, 455 n.
  • Greene, Henry: 1584 voyage to Roanoke, II,
  • Greene, Lawrence: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • green fish, I, 398, 425
  • Greenland, II, 47, 48
  • Greenwell, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 277;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Greenwich, Eng., I, 435
  • Grenada (Granada), Lesser Antilles, III, 231
  • grenades (granados) (ord.), III, 107
  • *Grent, William: verses by, II, 52, III, 208
  • Grenville, Sir Richard, II, 63, III, 300; and
    voyages to Roanoke (1585–1586), II, 10,
    48, 53, 68–69, 82, 100 n. 2
  • Grenville, William: 1584 voyage to Roanoke,
    II, 68
  • greyhound, I, 65
  • Grice, Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • *Griffin, Mistress Anne (printer), III, 120
  • Griffin, B. (bookseller), III, 120
  • Griffin, Owen: with Waymouth (1605), II, 94
  • grindstone (millstone), I, 242, II, 151, 152,
    192, 249, 250, 322, 470, 471
  • gripes (vultures), I, 342, II, 419
  • Grivell, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    222, II, 161
  • Grobham, Sir Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Grocers' Company: adv. Va. Co., II, 277;
    Smith book presented to, II, 442 n. 3
  • ground nuts, II, 77, 90
  • grouper (fish), II, 344
  • Grualgo (Turkish officer), III, 173, 351–352
  • grummet (naut.), III, 19
  • Guadalquivir River, Spain, I, 299
  • Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles, I, 16, 205, II,
    137, 270
  • guava, III, 234 n. 10
  • Gudderington, John: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 241
  • gudgeon (naut.), III, 15, 19, 66
  • Guernsey, Channel Islands: liturgy of, II, 377
  • guest rope (naut.), III, 79
  • *Guevara, Antonio de: Diall of Princes (1557),
    III, 156 n. 10
  • Guiana, I, 387, 406, 441, II, 474, III, 135,
  • guide posts. See signposts in Russia
  • *Guillim, John, III, 140
  • Guinea, West Africa, III, 207
  • Guingamp (Gingan), Brittany, III, 159, 342
  • Guipúzcoa, Spain, I, 377 n. 5, III, 322, 323
  • gulls (mews), I, 342, II, 419

  • 462

  • gum, I, 153, 166, II, 93, 109, 301
  • gun carriage, II, 382
  • gun carriage (naut.), III, 104–105
  • Gundamore, Lord. See Sarmiento de Acuña,
    Diego, conde de Gondomar
  • *Gunnell, Richard, III, 128; verses by, I, 324,
    II, 392
  • gunner (naut.), III, 86; duties of, III, 15, 22,
    23, 83, 103, 111; equipment of, III, 15, 108;
    shares of, III, 27, 110
  • gunner's scale, III, 26
  • gunpowder, I, 240, 250, 259, II, 150, 187,
    199, 208, 211, 225, 322, 326, 356, 445, III,
    15, 83, 107; corn and serpentine, III, 26,
    110; proportions of, for guns, III, 109
    (table); Smith wounded by, I, 272, II, 223,
  • gun room (naut.), III, 19, 65, 66
  • guns (pieces), I, 246, II, 80, 87, 199, 200, 213,
    225, 232, 244, 264, 322, 453; used by
    Indians, II, 315, 327
  • gunsmith, II, 162
  • Gunter, Edmund: De Sectore et Radio (1623),
    III, 27, 111
  • gunwale (naut.), III, 19
  • Gurganey (Gurgana), Edward: 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 222, II, 161; author,
    II, 256 n. 1, 258
  • Gurnets Head, Bermuda, II, 363
  • Guta. See Ceuta
  • Guy Fawkes Day, II, 384–385
  • guy rope (naut.), III, 72
  • H., I. See Healey, John
  • Habamock (Hobomok) (Indian chief), II,
    451, 452, 458, 459, 460; oration of, to
    Massasoyt, II, 456–457
  • Hackshaw, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • haddock, I, 342, II, 419
  • *Hagthorpe, John: verses by, III, 51
  • haiduks (freebooters), III, 182
  • hair (naut.), III, 67
  • hake, I, 331 n. 10, 342, II, 412, 419
  • Hakewell, William, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • *Hakluyt (Hackluit), Richard, of Oxford, I,
    298, II, 28, 70 n. 1, 91, 92 n. 4; adv. Va.
    Co., II, 277; patentee, II, 329 n. 2;
    Principall Navigations (1589), II, 64 nn. 1, 2;
    Principal Navigations (1598–1600), I, 123,
    124, 125, 258, 395 n. 2, 400 n. 9, II, 30, 61
    n. 1, 63, 207, 464, III, 315; Virginia richly
    (1609), II, 404 n. 2
  • halibut, I, 343, II, 419
  • Hall, John: 1615 New England voyage, I, 350
    n. 8, 351
  • Hall, Joseph: Mundus alter et idem (1605), II,
    67 n. 6
  • Halley's comet, I, 100 n. 56, II, 81 n. 1
  • Halthrop, Stephen: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    II. 141
  • halyards (naut.), III, 20, 62, 72, 77
  • Hamburg (Hambrough) fishing industry, I,
    331, 379, II, 410; revenue from, I, 396, 424,
    II, 438
  • Hamden, John: at New Plymouth, II, 456
  • Hamersley, Alderman Hugh: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 277
  • Hamesbeg (a sanjack), III, 182
  • Hamilton, James, marquis of Hamilton, II,
    369; adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Hamiltons Tribe, Bermuda, II, 369; list of
    adventurers, II, 370
  • hammers, II, 322, 470
  • hammock (naut.), III, 19
  • Hamor, Ralph (the elder): adv. Va. Co., II,
  • *Hamor, Ralph: adv. Va. Co., II, 277;
    Jamestown colonist, II, 13, 56, 262, 309,
    314, 316, 317; and visit to Powhatan, II,
    248–250; True Discourse extracts, II, 239–
  • Hamor, Thomas: escapes Virginia massacre,
    II, 296
  • Hampton, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Hampton River, Va., II, 239 n. 4
  • Hanau (Hama), Germany, III, 203, 362
  • Hancock, Nicholas: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 242, 244, II, 191, 193
  • Hancock, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hanger, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hanham, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hanham, Thomas: voyage to New England
    (1606), I, 299
  • Hanno (prince of Carthage), II, 53, 62
  • Hansford, Humfrey: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Hansford, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • harbors: names for, III, 21
  • Harcourt, Michael, III, 225
  • Harcourt, Robert: voyage to Guiana (1609),
    II, 356 n. 3; patents of, III, 225, 227
  • Harding, Master: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370

  • 463

  • Hardwicke (soldier), III, 186
  • Hardwyn (laborer): 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 242, II, 191
  • Hare, John, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Harefleet, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • hares, I, 155, 165, II, 65, 110, 118
  • Harford, John (apothecary): 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 223, II, 162
  • Harington, Sir John, Lord Harington: adv.
    Va. Co., II, 277
  • Harlow, Capt. Edward (master of ordnance
    at Sagadahoc), I, 293, III, 300; voyage to
    New England, II, 399, 403; account of, II,
    398 n. 3, 400
  • Harper, John: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    222, II, 161; adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • harping iron (naut.), III, 16, 84
  • harpings (naut.), III, 20
  • harpoon (fizgig), II, 348, III, 84
  • harquebus à croc (ord.), III, 25, 108
  • Harrington, Edward: 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, II, 141; author, I, 197, 214 n. 10,
    II, 153; death of, I, 20, II, 153 n. 3
  • Harrintons Bay. New Eng., I, 428
  • Harriot (Hariot), Thomas: 1585 Roanoke
    colonist, I, 150, 244 n. 1, 325, II, 68, 69, 73,
    74, 405, III, 300; A briefe and true report, I,
    123–124, 125, II, 53, 76–82, 97; Indian
    word-book, I, 139 n. 3
  • Harriott (Heriot), Thomas (tobacco maker):
    in Bermuda, II, 388
  • Harris (pirate), III, 239
  • Harris, Sir Arthur: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Harris, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Harris, Roger: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Harris, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Harris, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Harrison, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Harrison, Harmon: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 241, II, 190; adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Harrison, John (governor of Bermuda), II,
    58, 390–391
  • Harrison, Ralph: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Harrison, Thomas (joiner): escapes from
    Bermuda (1616), II, 363–364
  • *Harsnett, Samuel (archbishop of York), III,
    255, 256; dedication to, III, 263
  • Hart, Sir Eustace: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hart, John (notary), III, 387, 389
  • Hart, Sir Percival: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hartley, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Hartwell, Abraham (translator), III, 211
  • Harvey, Sir John: in Virginia (1630), III, 218
  • Harvey, Thomas: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II,
  • Harvie, Dionyse: 1587 Roanoke colonist, II,
  • Harwood, Edward: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Harwood, Leonard: adv. Va. Co., II, 277;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Hasan Pasha, Yemişçi (grand vizier), III,
    167–169, 180 n. 4, 349
  • Haselden, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Haselridge, Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hassinnunga, Rappahannock River, I, 165,
    187, II, 119; king of, II, 12, 54, 175, 176
  • Harwell, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Harwood, Edward (councillor Va. Co.), II,
  • Hastings, Henry, earl of Huntingdon: adv.
    Va. Co., II, 277
  • hat: presented to Powhatan, I, 65
  • Hatarask, N.C., II, 34, 69, 74, 83, 84, 86–87
  • hatches (naut.), III, 19, 62
  • hatchets, I, 35, 59, 71, 75, 83, 91, 231, 232,
    240, 381, 402, II, 90, 117, 144, 151, 171,
    172, 200, 246, 247, 249, 322, 470, 471;
    Indian, I, 163, 250, II, 117
  • hatchway (naut.), III, 19, 62
  • Haughtons Iles, New Eng., II, 402
  • hauses, hause-holes (naut.), III, 19, 64
  • Haut, Isle au, Penobscot Bay, I, 341 n. 8
  • hautboys (howboys), II, 185, 351
  • *Haviland, John (printer), II, 29, 31, 231 n. 1,
    487, 488, III, 120, 135, 256, 300 n. 1
  • Havre de Grace (Le Havre), France, III, 154
    n. 10, 155
  • Hawkens, Charles: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Hawkenson, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hawkins, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hawkins, Sir John, III, 301
  • *Hawkins, Sir Richard, III, 320
  • *Hawkins, William: verses by, III, 147
  • hawks, I, 155, 342, 347, II, 111, 115, 419, III,
  • hawse bag (naut.), III, 64 n. 8
  • hawser (naut.), III, 79–80
  • *Hay, James, earl of Carlisle, III, 229
  • Hayward, Sir George: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hayward, James: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Hayward, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • hazel trees, I, 342, II, 90, 419

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  • Head, Nicholas (cook Nathan), III, 321
  • headband, coral, II, 65
  • head line (naut.), III, 73
  • Heale, Sir Warwick: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • *Healey, John, II, 67 n. 6; ed. True Relation, I,
    5, 6, 98 n. 11
  • *Heath, Sir Robert: dedication to, III, 12
  • Heiborne, Sir Ferdinando: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Heiden, Jeremy: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Heightley, Peter: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hellespont, I, 431, II, 411, 453
  • hemp, II, 76, 425, III, 66 n. 9, 218, 271
  • Henrico, James River, II, 13, 56; described,
    II, 241–242; massacre at (1622), II, 301
  • Henrietta Maria (queen of England), III, 34
  • Henry VII (king of England), II, 48; and
    discovery of America, II, 53, 62
  • Henry VIII (king of England), II, 39, 48, 62,
    III, 333
  • Henry, Prince (son of James I), I, 309, 373,
    II, 101, 236, 241, III, 96 n. 3, 225
  • Henry, Cape, I, 17, 22, 27, 63, 79, 144, 205,
    214, 309, II, 34, 101, 138, 139 n. 2, 154, 163
  • hens (cocks; chickens), I, 159, 242, 273, II,
    113, 192, 212, 225, 232, 340
  • Henshaw, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hept, John (mariner Nathan), III, 321
  • Herbert, Philip, earl of Montgomery: adv.
    Va. Co., II, 279
  • *Herbert, William, earl of Pembroke: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 280; adv. Ber. Co., II, 369, 370,
    III, 222; dedication to, III, 141
  • Herd, John (bricklayer): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 209, II, 142 n. 1
  • Hermannstadt (Hermonstadt; Sibiu),
    Transylvania, III, 202, 332, 360
  • Heron, Sir Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Heron, Alderman Richard: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • herons, I, 156, II, 78, 89, III, 342
  • Herrick, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • herring, I, 156, 331, 333, 334, 342, 379, 395,
    396, 397, 398, 424, 425, 434, II, 78, III,
    409, 410, 412, 419, 438, 439, 454, 472, III,
    282, 291
  • Herst, Gregory: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Hewes (pirate), III, 239
  • Hewes, John: 1584 voyage to Roanoke, II, 68
  • Hewit, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 277;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • hickory tree, I, 152 n. 8
  • Hicks, Sir Baptist: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hide, Sir Lawrence: adv. Va. Co., II, 277;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Hide, Nicholas, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 278;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • hides, I, 357, II, 301, 368, 369, 433, III, 195.
    See also skins
  • Hidon, Jerome: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Hill, Edward: Va. colonist, II, 305 n. 1, 312
  • Hill, Elis, II, 305
  • Hill, George: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    222, II, 161
  • Hill, John (bosun Nathan), III, 320
  • Hill, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hill, Tristram: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hilliard (a boy): 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    242, II, 191
  • Hilliard, Andrew: at Bermuda, II, 15, 57;
    shipwrecked, II, 360–361, 368, 391
  • Hilton, Edward (fishmonger), I, 430 n. 6
  • Hilton, William (fishmonger): letter from
    New England, I, 430–431
  • Hind, Richard, of Lambeth, III, 383
  • Hinson, Tobias: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hinton, Anthony: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Hinton (Hilton), Anthony: colonist at Nevis
    and St. Kitts, III, 236
  • Hinton, Griffin: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hispaniola, West Indies, III, 231
  • hitch (naut.), III, 80
  • Hitchcock, Robert: A pollitique platt (1580), I,
  • Hitchens (master of Blessing), III, 319
  • Hixon, Thomas: in Guiana, III, 226
  • Hixon, William: in Guiana, III, 226
  • Hobamock (an Indian devil), II, 461
  • Hobson, Capt. Nicholas: voyage (1614), I,
    301, 426 n. 1, II, 58, 403
  • Hodges, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Hodges, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Hodges, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Hodgeson, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hodsale (Hodsdale), John: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • hoes (English), II, 186, 213, 322
  • Hogan, Gressam: adv. Va. Co., II, 278

  • 465

  • Hog Bay, Bermuda, II, 384
  • hog-fish, II, 344
  • Hoghton's Iles, New Eng., I, 319
  • Hog Island Bay, Va., I, 186
  • Hogs, Isle of, James River, I, 212, 234, 263,
    II, 203
  • hogs (pigs; swine): in Bermuda, II, 340, 345,
    346, 349, 350, 353, 362; in New England,
    II, 469, 472; in Virginia, I, 263, II, 208,
    212, 225, 232, 239, 242, 263, 286, 291, 298,
    326, 368; salted, II, 353, 469
  • Hogsell, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Hohenbrugg, III, 348 n. 5
  • Holcroft, Captain: arrival at Jamestown, II,
  • hold (naut.), III, 58
  • *Hole, William (engraver), I, 123, 124, 130;
    map of Virginia, I, 142 (fig.)
  • Holecroft, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Holeman, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Holford, Sir George Lindsay, II, 36
  • Holford, Robert Staynes, II, 36
  • Holgrave, Nicholas: 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 208, II, 141
  • Holiland, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Holland, Compton (engraver), I, 322
  • Holland, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Holland, I, 403, III, 227, 291, 298; fishing
    industry of, I, 159, 330–331, 333, 337, 377,
    379, II, 114, 409, 411, 415, 437, 466; and
    revenue, I, 331, 396–397, 424, II, 438, 439
  • Hollis, Sir John, Lord Houghton, II, 402 n. 7;
    adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • holly, II, 90
  • Holm, Thomas Campanius: Susquehanna
    vocabulary, I, 190
  • Holt, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Holy Isle, Northumberland, III, 155
  • holy stairs in Rome, III, 161–162
  • Homer, II, 88 n. 2, 91 n. 2, 96 n. 2, 159 n. 2,
    183 n. 2, III, 150 n. 3
  • hominy, III, 216
  • hominy grits, I, 158 nn. 5, 8
  • *Hondius, Jodocus (engraver), II, 438 n. 3,
    III, 330, 361
  • honey, III, 193
  • Honfleur (Humphla), France, III, 158, 342
  • hood ends (naut.), III, 59
  • Hooker, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Hooker, Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • hook makers, II, 469
  • hooks (naut.), III, 19. See also fish hooks
  • Hope, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    216, 223, II, 162; author, I, 197, II, 136 n. 3
  • Hope, Point, Va., II, 287 n. 1
  • Hope in Faith (common land, Henrico), II,
  • Hopewell, Va., II, 292 n. 3
  • Hopkins, Stephen: 1620 New Eng. colonist,
    II, 443, 449
  • Horace, II, 107 n. 3; De Arte Poetica, II, 59 n.
    1; Epistles, II, 47 n. 2; Odes, II, 123 n. 1
  • hordes (Tatar), III, 190, 191, 195, 358
  • Hore, Richard: voyage to Newfoundland
    (1536), II, 48
  • horse (naut.), III, 20, 73
  • horses (mares), I, 159, II, 113, 232, 326, 414,
    III, 189, 195, 198
  • Hoult, John: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I, 241,
    II, 190
  • hounds (naut.), III, 69
  • household equipment, II, 322, 469, 470
  • House of Commons: proclamation on
    tobacco, II, 57 n. 1
  • houses: for Powhatan, I, 242, 243, 245, 246,
    256; in Transylvania, III, 202; Tatar, III,
  • *Howard, Charles, earl of Nottingham, III, 5,
  • Howard, Theophilus, Lord Howard of
    Walden: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Howard, Thomas, duke of Norfolk, II, 39
  • Howard, Thomas, earl of Suffolk: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 281
  • Howard, Thomas, Lord Howard of Bindon,
    II, 39
  • Howard, William, earl of Northampton: adv.
    Va. Co., II, 274
  • Howe, George: 1587 Roanoke colonist, II,
    85; death of, II, 83, 84
  • Howell, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • hoy (fishing boat), II, 438
  • Huddleston, Capt. John, I, 432 n. 2
  • *Hudson, Henry (navigator), I, 128, 326 n. 7,
    327, II, 307 n. 1, 406, III, 323
  • Hues, Robert: Tractatus de Globis (1611), III,
    27, 111
  • Hughes (Hues), Lewis (preacher): in


    Bermuda, II, 359–360, 372, 377, 389; True
    (1621), II, 358
  • Hull, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402
  • hull (naut.), III, 59
  • hullock (naut.), III, 59
  • Humble, Richard, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • *Hume, David (historian), III, 154 n. 10, 155
  • Hungary, I, 405, 440, II, 406, 468, III, 203,
    362; warfare in, III, 163–167, 185, 348
  • Hunt, Master: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 190
  • *Hunt, Robert (preacher): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 123, 204, 207, 214, 217, II, 137,
    140, 153, 157
  • *Hunt, Thomas (shipmaster): 1614 voyage to
    New Eng., I, 294, 323, 433, II, 401, 429,
  • hunting by English, I, 245, 257, 347–348, II,
    194. See also Indians: hunting
  • Huntingdon, earl of. See Hastings, Henry,
    earl of Huntingdon
  • Huntley, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Huntley, Sir Pory: adv. Va. Co., II, 277
  • Hunton, Dr. Anthony: adv. Va. Co., II, 278;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Hurmuzaki, Eudoxiu de, comp.: Documente
    (1887–1922), III, 131
  • Huron, Lake, I, 301, 329 n. 8
  • Huron territory, Canada, I, 300
  • hurricanes, I, 268, III, 21, 92; at Bermuda,
    II, 376, 377; at St. Kitts, III, 228, 229, 230,
  • hurtleberries (hurts), I, 153, 340, II, 109, 418
  • husbandmen, I, 348, II, 190
  • Hutchins, Robert: 1625 Va. planter, III, 217,
  • Hutten, John (cook Nathan), III, 321
  • Hyrcania, II, 64
  • Hysnaburg. See Eisenburg
  • *Iapazaws (an Indian), II, 243–244, 268
  • Ibrahim Pasha (grand vizier), III, 348 n. 8
  • Iceland (Iland; Island): fishery at, I, 331,
    337, 379, 382, II, 410, 415, 435, 439
  • iguanas, I, 205, II, 137, III, 228, 230
  • images (Tatar), III, 192
  • imperialism, I, 344–345, II, 421–422
  • Indians, III, 280–281
  • — agriculture, I, 157, II, 66, 74, 112, 113,
    116, III, 291
  • — body painting, II, 115, 116, 121, 122, 144,
    148, 149, 150, 151, 155, 166
  • — burial practices, I, 59, II, 122, 124, 244,
  • — ceremonies: and greeting, I, 167–168, II,
    64–65, 106, 120–121, 150–151, 170–172,
    308, III, 316–317; religious, I, 59, 170, II,
    123, 124
  • — children, I, 162, 166, II, 65, 84, 116, 461; as
    captives in battle, II, 120; alleged sacrifice
    of, II, 124–125
  • — clothing, I, 149, 160–161, 232, II, 65, 77,
    106, 115, 155, 172, 184
  • — crafts, II, 78, 91, 116, 117; and baskets, II,
    116, 148, 150, 165, 171, 179, 187, 198; and
    painted baskets, I, 255, II, 204
  • — dancing, I, 21, 47, 59, 170–171, II, 123,
    144, 145, 148, 149–150, 174, 178; and
    masque by women, I, 235–236, II, 183
  • — diet, I, 152–153, 157–158, 162–163, II, 66,
    108–110, 116–117; cooking in, II, 110,
    112–113, 117
  • — disease, I, 301, II, 74, 80–81, 121, 441;
    curing of, II, 81, III, 317
  • — education, II, 78
  • — feasting, I, 236
  • — fishing, I, 163–164, 342, II, 116, 117–118
  • — gardens, I, 162, II, 116, 178, 417
  • — hair: styling of, I, 55, 160, II, 65, 107, 114,
    461; color of, II, 65, 114; and beards, II, 90,
  • — headdress, I, 59, 236, II, 65, 115, 123, 148,
    183, 185, III, 316–317
  • — history: in stone, II, 124; in holes in
    ground, II, 462
  • — houses, I, 161–162, 173; for feasting, I, 77;
    of mats, I, 73, II, 66, 78, 116, 126, 163, 445,
    446; holy, II, 122; hunting, I, 164, II, 118,
    147; store, II, 126; sweat, II, 121
  • — hunting, I, 154, 164–165, 174, 226, 263,
    338, 342, II, 116, 117, 298, 416; and
    stalking, II, 118–119; and trapping, II, 444
  • — images, I, 173–174. See also Index of Indian
    Words: Okee
  • — inheritance, I, 61, 174, 247, II, 127
  • — landholding, II, 127, 461
  • — language, I, 149, 150, 160, 338, II, 106,
    107, 114, 171, 458 n. 4; word lists for, I, 139
    n. 3, II, 92 n. 4. See also Index of Indian

  • 467

  • — maps, I, 123
  • — marriage, II, 289, 291, 461–462
  • — mats, I, 51, 53, II, 67, 116, 120, 122, 124,
    147, 444
  • — medicine, I, 168, II, 110, 121, 457, 461,
    III, 317
  • — music, I, 59, 167, II, 120, 123, 149, III,
    317; and chanting, II, 123, 150, 171, 174,
  • — names, I, 116, II, 162
  • — orations, I, 232, II, 149, 150, 155, 171
  • — ornaments, I, 53, 149, 150, 160, 216, 249,
    255, II, 65, 70, 90, 115, 171, 198, 205, 248,
  • — personality, I, 160, II, 115
  • — physicians, I, 59, 168, 170, II, 121
  • — population, I, 146–148, 149–150, 160, II,
    114, III, 294
  • — portraits, II, 106–107
  • — priests (conjurers), II, 79, 114, 119, 122–
    125, III, 316–317. See also Indians:
  • — punishments, I, 174–175, II, 127–128
  • — religion: described, I, 168–172, II, 121–
    125; altars for, I, 171, II, 123–124, 127,
    151; beliefs of, I, 59, 172, II, 78–79, 121–
    122, 124, 125, 460–461; idols in, I, 169, II,
    66, 68, 79, 122, 126, III, 317; and ossuaries,
    I, 270 n. 5; and temples, I, 169–170, II, 79,
  • — scalping, I, 175, II, 128
  • — skin color, I, 160, II, 65, 114
  • — stature, I, 149, 150, 160, II, 65, 90, 91, 94n.
    1, 106–107, 114, 165, 171
  • — stealing, I, 81, 83, 87
  • — utensils, II, 90, 108, 113, 183, 444
  • — warfare, I, 163, 165, 166–167, II, 67, 78,
    117, 119–120
  • — weapons. See arrows; bows; spears; swords;
  • — women, I, 157, 162, 163, II, 112, 117, 118;
    appearance of, II, 65, 115; as barbers, I,
    160, II, 114; as captives in battle, I, 166, II,
    120; chastity of, I, 160, II, 115, 128, 401–
    402; in childbirth, I, 162, II, 116; as
    concubines, I, 216, II, 126–127, 150, 155,
    461; and mourning, II, 122. See also
    Indians: dancing
  • Indies, II, 64, 206–207. See also East Indies;
    West Indies
  • indigo (indico), II, 301, 342, 344
  • Indus River, III, 95
  • *Ingham, Edward: verses by, II, 50–51, III,
    49, 148
  • Ingram, Sir Arthur: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Ingram, William: 1615 New England
    colonist, I, 351, II, 428
  • Innagachi mountains, III 201, 360
  • Innholders' Company: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • instruments, II, 79, 292, III, 27–28, 111, 112
  • Ipswich, Me. See Biddeford, Me.
  • Ipswich, Mass., I, 328 n. 4, 336 n. 7
  • Ipswich, Suffolk, bailiffs of: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Irbye, Anthony, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Ireland, John: at Bermuda (1622), III, 219 n.
  • Ireland and Irish, I, 403, 424, 438, II, 240,
    439, 466, III, 239; and Guiana, III, 226,
    227; and rumors of Smith, I, 20, III, 134
  • Iremonger, Henry (notary) III, 387, 389
  • Irish rugs, I, 402, 438
  • iron, I, 35, 159, 231, 257, 329, 334, 378, II, 76,
    87, 114, 171, 189, 206, 213, 287, 292, III,
    218, 271
  • Ironmongers' Company: adv. Va. Co., II,
    278; books presented to, by Smith, II, 442
    n. 3
  • iron sicke (naut.), III, 20, 98
  • Ironside, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Iroquois Indians, I, 189–190, 232 n. 4;
    language of, I, 231 n. 2
  • Irrohatock (Indian village), II, 104
  • Isabella (queen of Spain), I, 135, 382, 406,
    441, II, 474
  • Isabella, Hispaniola, II, 68
  • Isham, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Iskenderun (Scandaroon), Turkey, III, 160
    n. 4, 344
  • Isles of Shoals, N.H., I, 322
  • Istanbul, III, 167 n. 2, 337. See also
  • Istria, I, 333, II, 411
  • Italy and Italians: I, 334, 379, II, 406, 411,
    439; and commodities, I, 159, 398, 404 n. 5,
    425, II, 114, 412; and glassblowers in
    Virginia, II, 304; and Smith, III, 161–162,
  • Itopatin (Itoyatin) (successor to Powhatan),
    I, 256 n. 2, II, 265, 291

  • 468

  • Izyaslav (Saslaw), III, 202 n. 3
  • Izyum, III, 359 n. 9
  • Izyumskii Shlyakh (U.S.S.R.), III, 201 n. 1
  • Jack of the feather (an Indian), II, 14, 293,
  • jacks (quilted armor), I, 63, 105 n. 158
  • Jackson, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Jacob, Thomas: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    20, II, 141
  • Jacobson, Master: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Jacobson, Peter: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Jacobson, Philip: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Jacques, Gabriel: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Jadwine, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Jamaica, West Indies, III, 231
  • James I (king of England), I, 154 n. 2, 403, II,
    217, 260 n. 4, 261, 448, 453, III, 239; and
    medallion portrait, II, 33 (fig.), 34; and
    portraits for Indians, II, 34; and navy, II,
  • James VI (king of Scotland), III, 154 n. 10,
    155. See also James I
  • James, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • *James, Richard: verses by, III, 146–147
  • James, Cape (Cape Cod), I, 319, II, 34, 402,
    403, 408, 436, 443
  • Jameson, J. Franklin, I, 416
  • James River (Powhatan River), I, 145–146,
    II, 303, 323, III, 215; exploration of, I, 29,
    206, II, 102–103, 138, 139 n. 2; Indian
    place-names on, I, 186; falls on, I, 29, 85,
    269, 270, II, 220, 221; plantations on, II,
    240, 297, 302 n. 4
  • Jamestown: founded, I, 28, 29, 146, 211, 246,
    299; described, I, 35, 263, II, 242, 262–263,
    324–325; abandoned, I, 276–277, II, 233–
    234; burnt, I, 22, 61, 127, 128, 217–218,
    273, II, 157; rebuilt, I, 219, 233, II, 54,
    158, 180, 239, 324
  • Jamestown assembly, II, 267, 380 n. 1
  • Jamestown buildings: churches, I, 233, 243,
    263, II, 212, 324, III, 295; blockhouse, I,
    263, II, 212; forts, I, 19, 29, 233, 234 n. 9,
    263, II, 138–139, 180–181, 225, 236, 324,
    325 (see also palisades); houses, I, 37, II,
    212, 225, 236, 242, 262, 283, 320, 324;
    storehouse, I, 233, II, 180, 242, 262, 296
  • Jamestown corporation lands, II, 268, 269
  • Janissaries, III, 172, 198, 351; described, III,
  • Janson, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Jaxson, Thomas, Senior: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • jear capstan (naut.), III, 20, 63, 90
  • jear rope (naut.), III, 78
  • *Jefferay, John, III, 250
  • Jefferson, Charles: at St. Kitts, III, 229
  • *Jenkinson, Anthony (Muscovy merchant),
    III, 191 n. 1
  • Jenner, Anthony (overseer): in Bermuda, II,
  • Jennings (Gennings) (pirate), III, 239
  • Jennings, Abraham (merchant of Plymouth),
    I, 434
  • Jennings, Ambrose (merchant of London), I,
  • Jennings, Francis: "Glory, Death, and
    Transfiguration," I, 150 n. 4
  • Jeremy. See Movila, Jeremia
  • Jerez (Cherges; Cheryes), Spain, III, 203,
  • jerked beef, I, 158 n. 1
  • Jermyn, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Jersey, Channel Islands: liturgy of, II, 377
  • Jerusalem, I, 435, II, 463
  • Jesuits, III, 162, 345
  • jewelers, II, 162, III, 272
  • Jewell, James: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Jobson, Humfrey: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Jobson, Richard: 1620 voyage to the Niger,
    III, 208
  • Jobson, Walter: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Jobson, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • John (a Scot): at battle of Rottenton, III,
    186, 355
  • Johnson, Martin, III, 154 n. 7, 379
  • Johnson, Robert: Nova Britannia, I, 127; The
    New Life of Virginia
    , I, 130
  • Johnson, Alderman Robert, I, 323 n. 1, II,
    29; adv. Va. Co., II, 278; adv. Ber. Co., II,
  • Johnson, Sir Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Johnson, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Johnson, William: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 209, II, 142
  • Johnson, William (goldsmith): 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 222, II, 162
  • Jones (shipmaster with Pilgrims), II, 444
  • Jones, Sergeant: at St. Kitts, III, 228
  • Jones, Sir Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 278

  • 469

  • Jones, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Jones, Capt. Thomas: at New Plymouth
    (1622), II, 455
  • *Jones, William (printer), I, 411
  • Jones, Sir William (commissioner Va. Co.),
    II, 332
  • Jones, Zachary: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • *Jonson, Ben (dramatist), II, 27
  • Jordan, Samuel: plantation of, II, 302 n. 4,
  • Jordan's Journey, Charles City, II, 295 n. 4,
    302 n. 4
  • *Jorden, Edward: verses by, III, 51–52, 146
  • Joshua, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Jourdain, Silvester: Description of the Barmudas
    (1613), II, 32, 347 n. 1
  • jubartes (whales), I, 323
  • Juderea, Morocco, III, 204, 206
  • Judicious and Select Essays and Observations
    (1650), III, 50 n. 7
  • Judwyn, Thomas: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • junks (naut.), III, 80
  • Juvenal, II, 158 n. 1, 160 n. 3; Satires, II, 125
    n. 3
  • Kaile (Keile), Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Kanizsa. See Nagykanizsa, Hungary
  • Kapawnich, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • Karamania (Caramania), Turkey, III, 198
  • Kassel (Cessel), Germany, III, 203
  • Katataugh (Kekataugh) (brother to
    Powhatan), I, 51, 77, 247, 256 n. 2, II, 196
  • Kazan (U.S.S.R.), III, 359 n. 9
  • Keale, Richard: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    224, 228 n. 3, 230, II, 163, 170
  • Keales hill, Eastern Shore, II, 164
  • Keath, Master (clergyman): in Bermuda, II,
    355, 360
  • Keble, William (witness), III, 384
  • keckell (naut.), III, 80
  • Kecoughtan (Kegquouhtan) (Indian
    village), I, 17, 35, 37, 53, 146, 186, 211,
    229, 230, 245, II, 169, 170, 242–243, 264,
    303, 309, 315, 318, III, 218
  • Kecoughtan Indians, I, 146, II, 103;
    population of, II, 103, 104 n. 2; and
    skirmish with colonists, II, 144–145
  • keel (naut.), III, 17, 57–58; false, III, 97
  • keel rope (naut.), III, 78
  • keelson (naut.), III, 18, 58
  • Keffer, Peter (gunsmith): 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 222, II, 162
  • Kelke, Sir Charles: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Kemb, Andrew (bookseller), III, 120
  • Kemps (an Indian), I, 261, 263, 265, II, 210,
    212, 214
  • Kendall, Master: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II,
  • Kendall, Edwin: at Bermuda (1612), II, 353–
  • *Kendall, Capt. George: 1607 Jamestown
    colonist and member of council, I, 205,
    206, 207, II, 138, 140, 373 n. 2; deposed, I,
    20, 33, 35, 210, 211–212, II, 143; death of,
    I, 21, 41, II, 145, 212
  • Kendall, Capt. Miles: at Bermuda, II, 358;
    governor, II, 360, 373–375, 385
  • Kennebec River (Kenebecka; Kinnebeke),
    Me., I, 319, 328, 329, 378, 395, 423, II,
    402, 407, 416, III, 279
  • Kent, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • kentledge (kintlage) (naut.), III, 20
  • Kerahocak, Rappahannock River, I, 187
  • Kerby, Captain: at Bermuda, II, 374, 385
  • Kerkas (lake or pool), III, 201, 360
  • kermes (alkermes), I, 336, 342, II, 414, 419
  • Kesteven (Chesteven), Robert: in Bermuda,
    III, 220
  • Kettleby, John, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • kettles, I, 247, II, 195, 213, 243–244, 289,
    322, 469, 471
  • kevels (naut.), III, 62
  • Keymis, Laurence, I, 406 n. 9, 437 n. 5;
    Voyage to Guiana (1596), II, 464 n. 1
  • *Keymor, John: Observation made upon the Dutch
    , I, 378 n. 3, 388, 396 n. 7
  • *Khissl, Hanns Jacob, baron of Kalterbrunn,
    III, 162–165, 345–348
  • Killegrew, Sir Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Killingbeck, Richard: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 222, II, 161; death of, II, 264
  • Kind Womans Care, James River, I, 18
  • King, Captain: voyage to Jamestown (1609),
    II, 219
  • King, John (bishop of London), II, 260 n. 2
  • King, Ralph: adv. Va. Co., II, 278; adv. Ber.
    Co., II, 370
  • king crab, II, 78
  • King's Bench, Court of, II, 29
  • Kings Castle, Bermuda, II, 336–337 (fig.),


    354, 356, 363, 375, 376, 377, 382, 388;
    garrison for, II, 380; ordnance for, II, 389
  • King's Lynn, Norfolk: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Kings River, I, 81. See also James River
  • Kingston, Ellis: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    21, II, 141
  • *Kingston, Felix, III, 36
  • Kinsock (an Indian), I, 261
  • Kiptopeke (Kiptope) (chief of Accohanock),
    II, 289, 291
  • Kirkham, Walter, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Kirrill, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Kirrill, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Kiskiak (Kiscieck; Kiskirk), Va., I, 37, 79, 91,
    187, 245, II, 194; king of, II, 63 (see also
    Ottahotin, werowance of Kiskiak)
  • Kissanacomen (chief of the Ozenicks), II, 256
  • Kissell, Baron. See Khissl, Hanns Jacob,
    baron of Kalterbrunn
  • Kitchins, Master: Jamestown colonist, II, 240
  • knapsack, I, 57, 104 n. 136
  • knave line (naut.), III, 20, 75
  • knees (naut.), III, 17, 18, 19, 60, 271
  • *Knight, Clement, III, 36, 120
  • Knight, Thomas: at Bermuda, II, 358, 359
  • Knightley, Sir Valentine: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • knights (naut.), III, 19, 62
  • knives, II, 90, 94, 171, 231, 240, 249, 250;
    Indian, of reed, II, 117, 127, 128, 163. See
    fish knives
  • Knolles, Richard: General Historie of the Turks
    (1603), II, 28 n. 3, III, 329
  • knots (naut.), III, 76–77
  • Kolomyya (Colima), Ukraine, III, 202 n. 3
  • Komarom (Comora), Czechoslovakia, III,
    165 n. 2, 166, 169, 349
  • Konbrucke (Knousbruck), III, 164, 348
  • Körmend (Kerment), Hungary, III, 165,
    334, 348
  • Korosten. See Coroski
  • Kosice (Cassovia), Slovakia, III, 203 n. 1,
  • Krka (Kerka) River, III, 164 n. 7
  • kumiss (fermented milk), III, 192, 193
  • Kupkipeock, Pamunkey River, I, 187
  • Kupronka (now Kåpruta), III, 175, 353
  • Kuskarawaok Indians, I, 150, 185, 189, 190,
    II, 11 n. 2, 12, 54, 164–165; population of,
    II, 107
  • Kuskarawaok (Cuskarawaok) River, Eastern
    Shore, I, 150, 226, II, 107, 164, 168. See also
    Nanticoke River
  • Labrador, II, 68 n. 1
  • Lachine Rapids, Canada, I, 301
  • ladders (naut.), III, 64
  • ladle (ord.), III, 15, 25, 83, 106, 108, 109
  • Lamballe, France, III, 159, 342
  • Lambert, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 244, II, 193
  • Lambeth Palace Library, I, 398 n. 3
  • Lampedusa, III, 160, 344
  • lampreys, I, 156, II, 111
  • lanaret (hawk), I, 155, II, 111
  • Lancashire fishing, I, 395, 423, II, 438
  • Lancaster, James: voyage to East Indies
    (1591), II, 345
  • Lancaster County, Pa., I, 231 n. 2
  • landfall (naut.), III, 89
  • Landman, Christopher: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Landman, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • landmark (naut.), III, 89–90
  • landmarks: crosses, I, 17, 18, 31, 309 n. 1, II,
    95, 172, 175; names on trees, II, 172, 175
  • Lane, Ralph: 1585 Roanoke colonist, I, 146
    n. 5, 150, 226, 325, II, 48, 68, 83, 166, 405,
    III, 300; discourse of, II, 69–76
  • La Nelie (a Frenchman), III, 158, 342
  • Lang, Master (clergyman): at Bermuda
    (1618), II, 374 n. 2, 377
  • Langanaw. See Campulung
  • Langham (Langman), Capt. George: 1614
    voyage to New England, I, 323 n. 1, 425,
    II, 400
  • Langley, Master: at St. Kitts, III, 228
  • Langley, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Lango (in Africa), III, 210
  • Languedoc, France, I, 332, III, 343
  • Lannion, France, III, 159, 342
  • lantern (naut.), III, 19; dark, III, 25, 108
  • lanyard (lannier) (naut.), III, 20, 71
  • lapidaries, III, 272
  • larboard (naut.), III, 22, 85
  • Larchamp (Larsham), Baron, III, 158, 342
  • La Roche, Captain, of St. Malo, III, 159–
    161, 344–345
  • La Rochelle. See Rochelle, La, France
  • Lasco (Laxco), Ukraine, III, 202, 360
  • last of fish, I, 397, 424

  • 471

  • Lastilla (near Varna, Bulgaria), III, 187, 356
  • latchets (naut.), III, 75
  • Latham, Peter: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • latitude, observation of, III, 27, 89, 111
  • latten (mixed metal), III, 63
  • Laud, William (archbishop of Canterbury),
    I, 415
  • Laughton, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Laune, Gedeon de: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Lavander, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 241, II, 191
  • La Ware, Bay, II, 34
  • La Warre, Lord. See West, Sir Thomas, Lord
    De La Warre
  • Lawes Divine, Morall and Martiall, II, 240
  • Lawne. Christopher: at Jamestown (1619),
    II, 266
  • Lawrence, Bartholomew (witness), III, 378
  • Lawrence, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Lawson, Captain: arrival at Jamestown
    (1610), II, 234
  • Lawson, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Laxon, William (carpenter): 1607
    Jamestown colonist, I, 208, 263, II, 142,
  • Laydon, John: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    209, II, 142, III, 285 n. 5; marriage of, I,
    242, II, 192
  • Layer, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • lead, I, 336, II, 87, 414, 470
  • lead (naut.), III, 24, 90
  • Leate, Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • leather (naut.), III, 15
  • Leathersellers' Company: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Le Coq de la Saussaye, René: in New France,
    I, 300
  • leech (leatch) lines (naut.), III, 20, 74; of a
    sail, III, 81
  • Leeds, Timothy: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    282, II, 161
  • lee fangs (naut.), III, 24, 74
  • Lefland. See Livonia
  • Lefroy, Sir John Henry: ed., History of the
    (1882), II, 32, III, 324
  • Leghorn, Italy, III, 161, 298, 345
  • legs (naut.), III, 75
  • Leicester, earl of. See Sydney, Robert, earl of
  • *Leigh, Capt. Charles: in Guiana, III, 224,
    225 n. 1
  • Leigh, Sir Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Leigh, Henry: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 190; adv. Va. Co., II, 279; death of,
    I, 265, II, 214
  • Leigh, Sir Oliph, III, 224
  • Leigh, Thames River, I, 435, II, 463
  • Leipzig (Lipswick), II, 178 n. 2, 203, 332, 362
  • Leith (Leth), Me., I, 319, II, 402
  • Leith (Lethe), Scotland, III, 155
  • lemons, II, 238, 340, 385, III, 28, 112
  • Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques, I, 150 n. 4
  • Lendava (Olumpagh), Czechoslovakia, III,
    163 n. 9, 332, 334, 346
  • Leo Africanus, Johannes, I, 406 n. 9, III, 207;
    Geographical Historie of Africa (1600), III,
    204 n. 7, 207 nn. 4, 6
  • Leonard, Sir Samson: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Leonard, Sir Samuel: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Lescar, Béarn, France, III, 159, 343
  • Lescarbot, Marc: Nova Francia (1609), I, 329
    n. 9
  • Letch. See Yelets
  • "Letter to Sir Francis Bacon" (Smith), I, 374,
    375; and dedication, I, 377–378
  • lettuce, III, 233
  • Levant, I, 333, 431, III, 135
  • Levant Company, II, 260 n. 1
  • Lever, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Leveson (Luson), Sir Richard, vice admiral
    of England, III, 301
  • Levett, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Lewellin, Morris: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Lewes, John (cooper): 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 223, II, 162
  • Lewis, Master: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Lewis, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 279; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Lewkin, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Lewson, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Lewson, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Leiden (Leyden), Netherlands, III, 270, 282
  • Ley, Sir Oliver. See Leigh, Sir Oliph
  • liar (lyer) (naut.), III, 17, 84
  • Libanus (Lebanon), II, 64
  • Lichfield, Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • lieutenant (naut.): duties of, III, 17, 84;
    shares of, III, 27, 110
  • lifts (naut.), III, 20, 75
  • lignum vitae, II, 365

  • 472

  • Lily, William (d. 1522) (grammarian), III,
    52 n. 2
  • limber holes (naut.), III, 58
  • Limbo (islands in Chesapeake Bay), I, 225,
    226, II, 164, 165, 172
  • lime, II, 346, 349, 382
  • limestone, II, 386, 408
  • Lincoln, earl of. See Clinton, Henry
  • Lindisfarne, Northumberland, III, 155
  • linen, III, 210
  • lines (naut.), III, 73, 89, 90
  • ling (fish), I, 331, 333, 342, 343, 396, 424, II,
    409, 410, 419, 420, 438
  • Linley, Capt. Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • lion, from Morocco: in London, III, 206, 207
  • Lipswick. See Leipzig
  • Lisbon, I, 335, II, 413
  • Lithuania, I, 379, 398, 425, III, 191, 202, 360
  • Litomerice, III, 178 n. 2
  • Littleton, Thomas: at Nevis (1628), III, 236
  • Litton, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • livestock (in Jamestown), II, 212, 225, 263,
    III, 216–217
  • Livingston, Luther S.: Capt. John Smith's
    (1914), II, 16 n. 5
  • Livonia (Lefland), I, 397, 424, II, 438
  • lizards, II, 343
  • Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, III, 162, 345
  • Lloyd (Loide), David: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Lloyd, Humphrey (notary), III, 387, 389
  • lobsters, I, 342, 396, 424, II, 90, 344, 419, 420,
  • lock and key, II, 295, 469
  • lockers (naut.), III, 19
  • locust trees, III, 233, 234
  • lodestone, II, 79, III, 65
  • Lodge, Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Lodge, Luke: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Lodge, Peter: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • log cabins, III, 202, 361–362
  • log-line (naut.), III, 24, 89
  • Loire River, France (river of Nantes; river of
    Orleans), II, 95, III, 203, 362
  • Lombardy, I, 332
  • Lomond Hills, Scotland, I, 319 n. 5
  • London, I, 291 n. 1, II, 260 n. 2, 299, 402
  • London, bishop of. See King, John
  • London division of Va. Co., I, 299, 325, II,
    397, 403–404, 428, 429, III, 221, 278; and
    instructions, I, 101 n. 88, 106 n. 192, 107 n.
    210; and fishing voyages, I, 311, 353, 360,
    398, 399, 426–427, II, 436, 439
  • Long, Henry: at Bermuda, II, 15, 368
  • Longbridge Island, Bermuda, II, 369
  • Longfellow Mountains, New Eng., I, 339 n. 6
  • Long Island, II, 34
  • longitude, observation of, III, 27, 111
  • loof (naut.), III, 24, 64, 85
  • loof hook (naut.), III, 19, 24, 75
  • looking glass, I, 29, II, 94, 165
  • loom (naut.), III, 97
  • loopholes (naut.), III, 62
  • Lopes, Duarte, III, 209; Report of the Kingdom
    of Congo
    (1597), III, 208 n. 4, 211
  • Lore. See Van Lore, Peter
  • Lost Colonists, I, 22, 150, 234, II, 67 n. 5, 70,
    88, 181; search for, I, 244, II, 107, 188, 193;
    report of death of, I, 265–266, II, 215
  • lottery (Va. Co.) (1615), II, 14, 56, 262–264;
    abolished, II, 28
  • Louis XIII (king of France), I, 359 n. 9, II,
    404 n. 2
  • Louth, Lincs., III, 378, 382; school at, III,
    153, 154 n. 4
  • Love, William (tailor): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 208, 243, II, 142, 193
  • Lovelace, Sir Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • *Low, George (printer), I, 322
  • Low Countries fishing fleet, II, 437–438. See
    Flanders; Holland; Netherlands
  • Lower, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 278
  • Lowick, Michael: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 241, II, 190
  • Lowmonds, New Eng., I, 319, 322, II, 402
  • *Lownes, Humphrey, I, 116, 322, 369, 411, II,
  • Lubbiano. See Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
  • Lubeck, I, 396, 424, II, 438
  • Lucan, Marcus Annaeus: Pharsalia, III, 150
    n. 3
  • Lucas (carpenter's mate), II, 271–272
  • Luckin, Edward: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Lucretius, II, 76 n. 2, 107 n. 3, 150 n. 4, 220 n.
    1, 302 n. 2, 437
  • Luddington, Thomas: 1585 Roanoke
    colonist, II, 69
  • Lulls, Arnold: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • lumache (snails), III, 210
  • luzerne (lynx), II, 90
  • Lyford, John (preacher), II, 472
  • Lynnhaven, Va., I, 185
  • lynx (luswarts), I, 228 n. 2, II, 90

  • 473

  • *M., S.: verses by, II, 45–46
  • Macanoe (Indian of Paspahegh), I, 93
  • Macar, Owen: in Virginia, II, 301
  • *Macarnesse, Thomas: verses by, II, 48
  • Macedonia, I, 333
  • Machiavelli, Niccolò: Arte of warre (1560),
    III, 156, 164 n. 5
  • mackerel, I, 342, 343, II, 419, 420, III, 84
  • MacLagan, Michael, Slains Pursuivant, III,
    129 n. 7
  • Macocanaco, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • Macocke, Samuel: Jamestown colonist, II,
    266, 301
  • Macocks, Del., I, 189
  • Madagascar (Isle of Saint Lawrence), III,
  • madder, II, 344, III, 218
  • Maddock (Maddox), Thomas: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 279
  • Madeira (Medera), I, 379, 398, 425, II, 439
  • Madinina Island. See Martinique
  • Madison, Capt. Isack, II, 56; and expedition
    to Patawomek, II, 309, 312–314, 317
  • Madoc ap Owen Gwynedd: alleged voyage
    of, to America (1170), II, 10 n. 1, 47, 53,
  • Madrid (Madrill), I, 435, II, 463, III, 203,
  • Maeotis. See Azov, Sea of
  • Magdeburg (Mandabourge), III, 178 n. 2,
    203, 362
  • Magellan, Ferdinand, I, 327, II, 406, III, 301
  • Magellan, Strait of, II, 433, III, 279
  • Magnel, Francis, I, 210 n. 1, II, 217 n. 2, III,
    134; "Relation," I, 100 n. 62
  • Mahaskahod, Rappahannock River, I, 185,
  • Mahomet. See Mehmet II, the Conqueror;
    Mehmet III
  • Maicott, Sir Cavaliero: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Maile, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Maine: English in, I, 298; French in, II, 248
    n. 1, 298; description of, I, 339
  • *Mainwaring, Sir Henry, III, 5–6; "The
    Seamans Dictionary," III, 6, 7, 42
  • Mainz (Mets), III, 203, 362
  • Maio Island, Cape Verdes, I, 336 n. 7
  • Maire, Isle de (St. Marie), France, III, 159 n.
    2, 343
  • maize, I, 342, II, 419, III, 232, 234 n. 2. See
  • Málaga, Spain, II, 401; Indians sold at, II,
    401, 428 n. 4
  • Malamocco, Italy, III, 162, 345
  • Malborough (Milborow), Devon, II, 440
  • Malgo (king of Norway), II, 47, 61
  • Mallard, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 241, 266, II, 191, 216
  • mallards (ducks), I, 43, II, 342, III, 234
  • mallet (naut.), III, 67
  • Malta, III, 161, 344
  • Mamamoyck, Mass., II, 455 n. 5
  • Mamanahunt, Chickahominy River, I, 41,
    186, II, 256
  • Mamanassy, Mattaponi River, I, 187
  • Mamora, Morocco, III, 213, 239
  • *Man, Jonas (bookseller), III, 36
  • Man, Joseph: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • manchineel (tree), III, 233, 234, 235 n. 8
  • Mandeville, Henry Montagu, Viscount
    (president of privy council), II, 332
  • Maneddo (Abenaki Indian), II, 94 n. 2
  • manger (naut.), III, 64
  • Mangoak Indians (Mangoag), I, 55, 150,
    185, 266, II, 11 n. 2, 13, 53, 70, 71–72, 73,
    107; described, II, 215
  • Mangotace, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • Mangrove Bay, Bermuda, II, 384
  • Manilius (poet), II, 235 n. 1
  • Mankirkuschi, Mohammed Efendi, III, 167
    n. 2
  • Mannahoacks (Manahokes), I, 147, 150, 165,
    189, II, 11 n. 2, 12, 54, 104, 107, 119; and
    fight with colonists (1608), II, 175–176;
    ceremonial peace with, II, 176–177
  • Mannering, Sir Arthur: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Manoa, city of (Eldorado), III, 224
  • Manomet, New Eng., II, 455, 456, 457
  • Manosquosick, Chickahominy River, I, 39
  • Manquin, Va., I, 185
  • Mansa (Indian village), Va., I, 41
  • Mansell, Sir Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Mansell, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Mansfield, Capt. John: at Bermuda, II, 358;
    governor, II, 359–360
  • Mansils Tribe, Bermuda, II, 369
  • Manteo (Croatoan Indian), II, 69, 72, 73, 83,
    84; baptized, II, 85
  • Mantiuas (an Indian). See Naukquawis
  • mantles (Indian): bearskin, I, 149, II, 106;
    deerskin, II, 115, 155; rabbit skin, II, 77;
    turkey feather, I, 160, II, 115; Powhatan's,


    I, 216, 237, II, 184
  • mantles (Irish), I, 216, III, 134, 161
  • Mantoughquemend, James River, I, 186
  • Mantua, duke of. See Gonzaga, Vincenzo
  • Mantua, Italy, I, 333, III, 162, 345
  • Manwood (Manhood), Sir Peter: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 279
  • Manych River, Sea of Azov, III, 356 n. 9, 359
    n. 9
  • Maocassater (an Indian), II, 148
  • Mapes, Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Maplesden, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Map of Virginia (Smith), I, 121, 123–124, 130,
    325, 374, II, 27, 30, 100 n. 1, 123 n. 3, 333
    n. 1, III, 315; and dedications, I, 133, 134,
    135, III, 128; editions of, 1, 125, 183–184;
    title page of, I, 132 (fig.), II, 136 n. 3; type
    of, I, 196
  • maps (cards, charts, plots), II, 307, 399, III,
    27, 28 n. 5; drawn by Powhatan, I, 236, II,
    183; on title page of Generall Historie, II, 33
    (fig.), 34
  • marble, I, 144, II, 267
  • Marblehead, Mass., III, 290 n. 3
  • Marcelline, George: Epithalamium Gallo-Britannicum,
    II, 34
  • Marcum, Robert: in Virginia, II, 289–290
  • mares, white, III, 198–199. See also horses
  • Margarita Island, Venezuela, III, 231
  • Margate (Margit), Kent, I, 435, II, 463
  • Marie-Galante, Leeward Islands, I, 16, III,
  • marlines (naut.), III, 20, 76
  • marling spike (naut.), III, 76
  • marmalade, I, 357, II, 432, III, 28, 112
  • Marraughtacum, Rappahannock River, I,
  • Marrens, John (quartermaster Nathan), III,
  • Marret, Humfrey: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Marseilles (Marcellos), France, III, 159, 343
  • marshall (naut.), III, 16, 83; shares of, III,
    27, 111
  • martens, I, 155, 228, 342, 380, 398, 425, 431,
    II, 168, 419
  • marten skins, I, 324, 336, II, 90, 400, 453, III,
  • Martha's Vineyard (Capawe; Capawick),
    Mass., I, 293, 341 n. 5, II, 58, 89, 399, 457
    n. 2
  • Martin, George: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
  • Martin, Sir Henry (lawyer), III, 385, 386,
    387, 388, 389
  • *Martin, Capt. John: 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 207, II, 140; member of council,
    I, 61, 205, II, 138; president, I, 269, 271,
    272, II, 220; adv. Va. Co., II, 279; at
    Jamestown, I, 20, 33, 37, 39, 43, 87, 93,
    210, 211, 212, 219, 220, 221, 268, II, 143,
    144, 145, 158; at Nansemond, I, 269, II,
  • Martin, John (son of Capt. John): 1607
    Jamestown colonist, I, 20, 208, II, 141, III,
    285 n. 5
  • *Martin, Richard, Esq.: secretary Va. Co., I,
    129; and letter to Strachey, I, 201; adv. Va.
    Co., II, 279; adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Martin, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Martinique (Madinina; Mettalina),
    Windward Islands, I, 16, II, 270 n. 2, III,
  • Martins Hundred: 1622 massacre at, II, 296,
  • martnet (martlit) lines (naut.), III, 20, 75
  • Martoughquaunk, Mattaponi River, I, 187
  • Martyr, Peter. See Anglerius, Petrus Martyr
  • Marvyn, Master: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II,
  • Mary Robinson church, Jamestown, II, 269
  • Masherosqueck Indians, New Eng., I, 328,
    I, 407, III, 279
  • Mason, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Mason, James: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II, 69
  • masons, I, 448, II, 142, 190, 378, 424
  • Massachusetts, I, 298, 329, 340
  • Massachusetts Bay, I, 322, 416, II, 307 n. 1
    407, 408, 417, 418, 457, III, 270, 279;
    description of, III, 288–289
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony, III, 222, 255,
    270, 288, 292–293
  • Massachusetts Indians, I, 340, 341, 430, II,
    89, 90, 92 n. 2, 408, 418, 455; plague
    among, III, 275–276
  • Massachusetts Mount, I, 319, 342, II, 402,
  • Massachusetts River, I, 319, II, 402
  • Massasoit (Massasowat) (Indian chief), II,
    448, 449–450, 452; illness of, II, 456, 457;
    treachery of, II, 451, 457

  • 475

  • Massasoyt Indians (New England), II, 16,
    59, 407, 448–449
  • Massawomeck, Potomac River, I, 188, 232
  • Massawomeck Indians, I, 150, 166 n. 1, 188,
    189, 226, 227, 230–231, II, 11 n. 2, 12, 54,
    105, 106, 107, 119, 165, 166, 169, 172;
    described, II, 176
  • Massawoteck (Massawteck), Rappahannock
    River, I, 187, II, 174
  • master (naut.), III, 82, 85, 103; duties of, III,
    15, 17, 22, 23, 82, 85, 111; shares of, III, 27,
  • master's mate, III, 15, 82, 85, 86, 110, 111;
    shares of, III, 27, 110
  • mastic, III, 233
  • masts (naut.), I, 159, 333, II, 114, 412, III,
    19; for boats, III, 77; names for, III, 19, 70;
    proportions of, III, 68–69, 98; sprung, III,
  • Matania (in Africa), III, 210
  • Mataughquamend, Potomac River, I, 188
  • match (for firearms), I, 45, II, 225, 326, III,
    15, 25, 83
  • Matchopick (Matchopeak), Rappahannock
    River, I, 188, II, 174
  • Matchot (Matchcod; Muskunt) (Indian
    village), II, 245, 248
  • Matchqueon, Potomac River, II, 167
  • Matchumps (an Indian), II, 350
  • Matchut, Pamunkey River, I, 187
  • Matchutt, Mattaponi River, I, 187
  • Mathomauk, James River, I, 186
  • Matinnack, Me., I, 319, 341, II, 402
  • mats, II, 147, 151, 155, 236, 469. See also
    Indians: mats
  • mats (naut.), III, 75, 76
  • Mattacock, York River, I, 187
  • Mattacunt, Potomac River, I, 188
  • Mattahunts islands, Mass., I, 329, 340, II,
    407, 417, III, 279
  • Mattakeeset (Mattachist), Cape Cod, II,
    455, 456 n. 1, 457 n. 2
  • Mattalunt, Chickahominy River, I, 41
  • Mattanock, James River, I, 186
  • Mattapanient (Mattapamient) (Indian
    villages), I, 41, 91, 147, 148, 173, 186, 188,
    II, 126, 205; Smith's visit to, II, 149
  • Mattapanient Indians: population of, II,
    104, 105; and method of warfare, I, 166–
    167, II, 119–120
  • Mattapoisett, Buzzards Bay, II, 456 n. 7
  • Mattaponi River, I, 185; Indian place-names
    on, I, 187
  • Mattapuyst (Indian village), II, 456 n. 7
  • Matthews, Capt. Samuel, III, 215
  • Matthias, Archduke, III, 165, 169, 334, 348
  • mattocks, I, 240, II, 470
  • Maude, Josias: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Maunsell (Monsell), Peter: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Mavazo (general), III, 185, 186; death of,
    in battle, III, 354
  • Maxes, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 190
  • Maximilian, Archduke, III, 169, 333
  • May, Cornelius: in Virginia, II, 318
  • May, Henry, II, 14, 57; and discovery of
    Bermuda (1591), II, 345–346
  • May, Sir Humfrey: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • May, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, II, 162
  • Mayall, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Mayflower Compact (1620), I, 303, 440 n. 3,
    II, 380 n. 1, 443 n. 2
  • Maynard, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • maypop, I, 153 n. 3
  • Mazagan, Morocco, III, 239
  • mead, III, 193 n. 3
  • *Meade, Richard: verses by, III, 148
  • meal, II, 322, 324, 326, 356, 363
  • Mecaddacut, New Eng., I, 319, 328, 338–
    339, II, 402, 407, 416, III, 279
  • Mecuppom. See Wecuppom, Rappahannock
  • Meddus, Dr. James: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Medias, Rumania, III, 132
  • Medina Sidonia, Don Alonso Pé;rez de
    Guzman, duke of, I, 396, 424, II, 438
  • Medkerk, Alonsus van. See Van Medkerk,
  • Mehmet II, the Conqueror, II, 332
  • *Mehmet III (sultan), III, 167, 182 n. 5, 333,
  • Meissen (Misnia), III, 203
  • melde (melden): plant, II, 77
  • *Meldritch, Henry Volda, earl of, III, 178,
    329, 345; campaigns of, III, 162, 166, 167,
    168, 169, 170, 171, 174, 334–335, 348; at
    siege of Regall, III, 175, 352; in Walachia,
    III, 181; at Rottenton, III, 182–185, 354

  • 476

  • Melilla, Morocco, III, 239
  • melons, II, 342, III, 233
  • Menapacant (Menapucunt), Pamunkey
    River, I, 9, 51, 57, 77, 187
  • Menascosic, Chickahominy River, I, 186
  • Menaskunt, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • Menatonon (Indian chief), II, 67;
    information from, II, 70–71, 72, 74, 84
  • Mengli Giray, khan of Crimea, III, 332
  • Mentz; Metz. See Mainz
  • Meoles, Capt. Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Mercator, Gerard: Atlas (1595), II, 411 n. 1
  • Mercers' Company: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • merchant ship, III, 99
  • Merchant Taylors' Company: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 279, 442 n. 3
  • *Mercoeur, Philippe-Emmanuel de Lorraine,
    duke of, III, 157, 165, 168; at siege of
    Szekésfehérvar, III, 165–167, 334, 348–
    350; death of, III, 169, 170, 334;
    "Campaign in Hungary," III, 128, 130–
  • Merham, Captain (privateer), III, 204, 211;
    and fight at sea, III, 212–213
  • merlin (bird), II, 78
  • Mermaid Club, London, II, 27
  • Meronocomoco. See Werowocomoco
  • Merrick, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Merrifield, Ralph: and colony at St. Kitts,
    III, 228, 230
  • Mers-el-Kebir (Massalqueber), Algeria, III,
  • Messina, III, 161, 344
  • Meta Incognita: voyages to, II, 10, 62
  • *Metham, George, III, 154 n. 8, 378
  • Metinicus (Metinnicut), Me., I, 319, 341, II
  • Metruda (in Africa), III, 210
  • Mettalina. See Martinique, Windward
  • Mevell, Francis: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Meverill, Francis: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Mevis. See Nevis, Leeward Islands
    mews. See gulls
  • Mexico, II, 316
  • Michaell (laborer): 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 223, II, 162
  • *Michael the Brave (Mihai Viteazul), voivode
    of Walachia, III, 170, 180 n. 4, 181, 185,
  • Michelborn, Sir Edward: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Middleboro, Mass., II, 449 n. 3, 546 n. 7
  • Middleton, David: councillor in Virginia, II,
  • Middleton, Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Middleton, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Middleton, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Middleton, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • midshipman (naut.), III, 15, 23, 82, 103
  • Midwinter, Francis: 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 208; death of, I, 20, II, 142
  • *Mihai Viteazul. See Michael the Brave,
    voivode of Walachia
  • *Milbourne, Robert (bookseller), III, 307
  • Mildmay, Sir Humphrey, III, 256–257, 289,
    355 n. 5
  • Mildmay, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • *Mildmay (Milemer), Thomas (soldier), III,
    186, 354
  • Mildmay, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Milford Haven, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402
  • milkweed, I, 154 n. 6, 168 n. 5
  • Miller, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Miller, Robert: 1615 New England voyage, I,
    350 n. 8, 351, 356, II, 428, 431
  • Miller, Sir Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Millet, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • millet, III, 193, 194
  • Millin, Thomas: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Millington, William: at Bermuda (1613), II,
  • mills, II, 181
  • Milman, Master (a boy): 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 242, II, 191
  • Milmer, Richard: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 223, II, 162
  • minerals, I, 156; search for, I, 79, II, 167–168,
    400, 418
  • mines, I, 57, 332, II, 111–112; copper, II, 72,
    76, 400, 413; gold, I, 333, 336, II, 300, 400,
    403, 411, 414; silver, II, 184, 414
  • minion (ord.), II, 271–272, III, 25, 104;
    weight and shooting of, III, 26, 109
  • mink, I, 155, II, 168; skins of, II, 111
  • Minsheu, John: Guide into Tongues (1617), II,
  • Minter, John (master's mate, 1615), I, 354,
    355, II, 430, 432
  • Mintren, John (master David), III, 319

  • 477

  • mirza, III, 191 n. 7
  • Mogador, Morocco, III, 213
  • Mohaskahod, Rappahannock River, II, 175,
  • Mokete, James River, I, 186
  • Moldavia, I, 440, II, 468, III, 130, 133, 181,
    183; situation of, III, 191 n. 4
  • Moll, Estinien: in Virginia (1620), II, 288
  • Molyneux, Richard: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 222, II, 161
  • Mombaza (in Africa), III, 210
  • Momford, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 224, 230, II, 163, 170; author, I,
    197, II, 169
  • Momfords poynt, Chesapeake Bay, II, 172
  • Monacan (Manacam; Monocon; Monacum)
    Indians, I, 145, 150, 165, 189, 220, II, 11 n.
    2, 12, 55, 107, 119, 175–176; as enemies to
    Powhatan, I, 55, 67, 236, II, 183; and
    assumed name in mock battle, I, 166, II,
    120; Newport's expedition to, I, 238, II,
    184–185, 188, 189; Smith's expedition to, I,
    256, II, 158–159
  • Monahassanugh Indians, I, 165, 186, II, 119
  • Mona Island, Puerto Rico, I, 16, 205
  • Monanask, Rappahannock River, I, 187
  • Monanauk, Potomac River, I, 188
  • Monanis I., Me., I, 341
  • Monasukapanough, James River, I, 186, II,
  • Monemugi (in Africa), III, 210
  • Monger, James: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Monhegan I. (Barties Iles; Barty Ile), Me., I,
    293 n. 3, 298, 319, 322, 323, 341, II, 14,
    267, 398, 399, 402, 447 n. 3, 455, 459, III,
    278, 319, 320
  • Monito, Islote del (Moneta; Monica), Puerto
    Rico, I, 16, 205, II, 137
  • Monmouth cap, II, 321
  • Monomatopa (in Africa), III, 210
  • Monomoy Point, Mass., I, 341 n. 4
  • Monopet (an Indian), II, 399
  • Monserat (a Frenchman), III, 158, 342
  • Monson, Sir William: Naval Tracts, III, 42
  • monsoons, III, 21, 92
  • Montagu, Theodosia, III, 257
  • Montague, James (bishop of Bath and Wells):
    adv. Va. Co., II, 273
  • Montgomery, earl of. See Herbert, Philip, earl
    of Montgomery
  • *Montluc, Blaise de: Commentaires (1592), III,
    147–148 n. 3
  • Montpellier, France, III, 159, 343
  • Mont-Saint-Michel, France, III, 159, 342
  • Montserrat, Leeward Islands, III, 231
  • moon, observations of, III, 27, 111
  • Moone, Captain: voyage to Jamestown
    (1609), I, 270, II, 219, 222
  • Moone, Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • mooring (naut.), III, 91
  • moose, I, 342, II, 419
  • Morap, Isles of, Chesapeake Bay, II, 164
  • Morattiggon, Abenaki territory, II, 447 n. 3
  • Moratuc (Moratocks) Indians, II, 71, 73
  • Moratuc River (Roanoke River), I, 226, II,
    10, 53, 71, 166; exploration of, II, 71–73
  • Moraughtacund, Rappahannock River, I,
    188, II, 177
  • Moraughtacund Indians, I, 147, II, 173, 174,
    177; population of, II, 104
  • moray (fish), II, 344
  • More, Adrian: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • More, Elias: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • More, Sir George: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • More, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 279; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 370, 371; governor of
    Bermuda, II, 352–359, 376
  • Morer, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Morgan: murdered by Jack of the feather, II,
    14, 293
  • Morinogh, Chickahominy River, I, 41
  • Morison, Samuel Eliot: Builders of the Bay
    (1930), I, 326 n. 6, 415–416
  • Morley (Morrell): 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 242, II, 191
  • Morley, Lord. See Parker, William, Lord
    Morley and Mounteagle
  • Morocco, III, 134, 135, 362. See also Barbary
  • Morocco city: description of, III, 204–205
  • Morris (Morish): 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    II, 141; death of, I, 20
  • Morris, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Mortain (Mortaigne), Normandy, III, 158,
  • morters, Indian, I, 164
  • Morton, Capt. Matthew, I, 205 n. 1, III,
  • Morton (Moorton), Ralph: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 222, 224, II, 160, 163; adv. Va.
    Co., II, 279

  • 478

  • Morton, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Mosco (Indian of Wighcocomoco), II, 12, 54,
    173, 174, 175, 176, 177; and change of
    name, II, 178
  • Moshoquen, New Eng., I, 328, II, 407, III
  • mosquitoes, II, 343, 450
  • Moss Neck, Rappahannock River, II, 176 n.
  • Mouhemenchughes. See Mowwhemcho
  • mould (naut.), III, 58
  • Mounslie, Thomas: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 20
  • Mount, Richard (bookseller), III, 121
  • Mount (Rich Mount) (watchtower in
    Bermuda), II, 336–337 (fig.), 375–376,
    377, 378, 389
  • Mountain, George (bishop of Lincoln): adv.
    Va. Co., II, 279
  • mountains, height of, III, 93–94
  • Mount Desert Island, Me., I, 300, II, 34
  • Mountford, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Mount Malado, Henrico, II, 242
  • Mourts Relation, II, 443 n. 3, 450 n. 2
  • Mouse, Arthur: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Mouton, Thomas: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 21, II, 141
  • Moverill, Francis: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Movila, Jeremia, III, 132, 181–184, 353–354
  • Mowdite, Otho: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Mowhemcho, James River, I, 186, II, 184
  • Mowwchemcho Indians, I, 165, II, 119
  • Moyaones (Moyaoncer), Anacostia, I, 55,
    104 n. 132, 148, 188, 227, II, 167, 305, 312;
    population of, II, 105
  • Moyomps, Potomac River, I, 104 n. 132
  • Moysenec (Moysenock; Moysonicke),
    Chickahominy River, I, 41, 43, 186
  • Moyzes, Zachell. See Székely, Mózes
  • Mozambique (Mozambeche), Africa, III,
  • Mūlaī 'Abd-el-'Aziz, of Morocco, III, 205,
  • Mūlaī Ahmed IV, of Barbary, III, 205–206
  • Mūlaī "Es-Sheikh," of Barbary, III, 205, 362
  • Mūlaī Zīdān, of Barbary, III, 133, 134, 205,
    211, 362
  • Mulberry Ile, James River, II, 302
  • Mulberry Point, James River, II, 234
  • mulberry trees, I, 151, 153, 339, 340, 342, II,
    108, 312, 320, 340, 343, 356; berries of, I,
    29, 162, II, 109, 116, 419
  • mullet, I, 156, 331, 333, 334, 335, 342, 343,
    379, 396, 397, 398, 424, 425, II, 78, 111,
    348–349, 411, 412, 413, 419, 420, 438, 439
  • Mullinax, Richard. See Molyneux, Richard
  • Mullineux, Robert (soldier), III, 186, 355
  • Mundz, Jarvis: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Munich (Miniken), Germany, III, 203, 362
  • Murad Pasha (Amaroz), III, 167 n. 2, 168
  • *Murat III (Ottoman sultan), III, 333
  • murderer (ord.), II, 385, 431, III, 25, 65, 106
  • Murrey, Sir David: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Murtissala (prophet of Islam), III, 358
  • Musa, Black Sea region, III, 187
  • Muscamunge (Indian village), N. C., II, 70
  • Muscongus Bay, Me. (Nusconcus;
    Nuskoncus), I, 328, 329, II, 398, 407, 416,
    III, 278, 279
  • Muscovy (Muscovia) commodities, I, 159, II,
    64, 114. See also Russia
  • musket (ord.), I, 273, II, 144, 225, 326;
    bastard, III, 25, 108
  • muskrats, I, 155 n. 4, 161 n. 9, 336, 342 n. 6,
    II, 110, 343, 414
  • Muskunt, Pamunkey River, II, 245 n. 1
  • musquash, I, 155 n. 4, 342, II, 419
  • mussels (muscles; mustels), I, 31, 156, 342, II,
    78, 90, 111, 419, 420, 443; and pearls, II, 67
  • Mustapha (a basha), III, 185
  • mustard, III, 29, 113, 233
  • mustard seed, II, 469, 470
  • Mutes, Philip: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Muttamussinsack, Mattaponi River, I, 187
  • Mutton, Richard (a boy): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 209, II, 142
  • mutton, III, 29, 112, 189
  • Mycenae, II, 226
  • Myghtuckpassum, Mattapanient River, I,
  • Nacotchtank (Necosts), Anacostia, I, 148,
    188, 227, II, 167, 305, 309; population of,
    II, 105, 312
  • Naemkecke, New Eng., I, 319, 328, 339, II,
    402, 407, III, 279
  • Nagay. See Nogay Tatars
  • Nagykanizsa (Kaniza), Hungary, III, 131,
    163, 164, 165, 169, 170, 332, 345 n. 5, 346,
  • Nahapassumkeck, Mass., I, 329, II, 408 n. 1

  • 479

  • nails, II, 322, 346, 469–470
  • nails (naut.), III, 15, 63, 83
  • Nalbrits (Black Sea region), III, 187, 201
  • Nalbrits, bashaw of. See Tymor Bashaw, of
  • Namaskett (Namaschet), Mass., II, 449, 451;
    attack on, II, 452–453, 455
  • Namassingakent, Potomac River, I, 188
  • Namenacus (Indian chief), II, 289, 290
  • *Namontack (an Indian), I, 63, 67, 91, 216,
    236, 237, 240, II, 183, 184, 187, 248, 290,
  • Namoraughquend, Potomac River, I, 188
  • Nancy, France, III, 203, 362
  • Nandtanghtacund, Rappahannock River, I,
  • Nansemond (Nattamonge; Nausamund)
    Indians, I, 146, 242, II, 12, 13, 14, 55, 103,
    178–179, 191, 196, 221, 247, 308, 315
  • Nansemond River (lower James River), I, 79,
    81, 83, 107 n. 200, 146, 185, 186, 269–270,
    II, 103, 220, 240
  • Nantapoyac, James River, I, 186
  • Nantaquack (Nautaquake), Eastern Shore,
    I, 189, 226. See also Nanticoke Indians
  • Nantaquak Indians, II, 165
  • Nantaquaus (son of Powhatan). See
  • Nantaquoud (Smith's Indian name), II, 151
  • Nantaughtacund (Nantaughstacum),
    Rappahannock River, I, 53, II, 149, 174,
    175, 177
  • Nantes, France, III, 159, 203, 342, 362
  • Nantes, river of. See Loire River, France
  • Nanticoke Indians, I, 227 n. 1. See also
    Nantaquack, Eastern Shore
  • Nanticoke River, Md., I, 185, 189, 226 n. 3,
    II, 164 n. 3
  • Nantucket Island, Mass., I, 341 n. 4, II, 399
  • Naples, Italy, I, 333, II, 162, 345, III, 162,
  • Narbonne, France, III, 159, 343
  • Narragansett Bay, R.I., II, 408 n. 1
  • Narragansett (Narrobiganses;
    Narrohigganset) Indians, II, 16, 449, 451,
    452; language of, II, 458 n. 4
  • Naskeag Point, Penobscot Bay, I, 319 n. 5,
    322, 324 n. 3
  • Nasnocomacack, Mass., I, 329, II, 407
  • Nassaque, New Eng., Indians of, I, 328, II,
    407, III, 279
  • Natolia, See Anatolia
  • Nauiraus (an Indian), I, 99 n. 39
  • Naukquawis (Nantaquaus) (son of
    Powhatan), I, 63, 73, 106 n. 180, II, 258
  • Nausamund. See Nansemond Indians
  • Nause, Eastern Shore, I, 189, 226, II, 165
  • Nauset (Nawsit), Mass., I, 329, 341, II, 16,
    408, 418, 448, 450, 455, 457, III, 279
  • Navarre, Spain, I, 332, II, 410
  • navy: difficulties of, III, 238–239; formation
    of, at sea, III, 104
  • navy, English (Navy Royal), I, 403–404, 405,
    438, 439–440
  • Nawacaten, Rappahannock River, I, 187
  • Nazatica, Md., II, 312–313
  • neats' tongues, III, 29, 112
  • Nechanicok, Chickahominy River, I, 41, 186
  • Necosts. See Nacotchtank
  • Nederspolt, Earl, III, 181, 182, 183, 185;
    slain in battle, III, 186, 354
  • Needham, George (colonist at Bermuda), II,
  • needles, I, 29
  • needles (naut.), III, 16
  • Negro, Rio, III, 227 n. 1
  • Negroes, I, 327, II, 15, 267, 406, III, 293
  • Neill, Edward Duffield: Virginia Vetusta
    (1885), III, 319
  • Nelson, Francis (captain Phoenix), I, 8, 22, 83,
    85, 97, 214, 219, II, 154, 158, III, 92
  • Nelstrop, Rowland: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 223, 224 n. 1, II, 162
  • Nemattanow. See Jack of the feather
  • Nepawtacum, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • Nestorians, III, 199
  • Netherlands, I, 397, 424, II, 240, 438–439,
    III, 341
  • net makers, II, 469
  • nets. See fish nets
  • netting (naut.), III, 20, 100; a sail, III, 81
  • nettles (knettles) (naut.), III, 75
  • Neuse (Neus) River, N.C., II, 67
  • Nevill, Sir Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Nevis (Mevis), Leeward Islands, I, 16, 205,
    II, 137, 139 n. 2, 238, 270, III, 226 n. 7,
    231, 300, 301
  • New Albion. See Nova Albion
  • New Andalusia, I, 324, II, 404
  • Newark, Del., I, 185
  • Newberow, Joseph: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • New Brunswick, I, 329 n. 9

  • 480

  • Newce, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • New Eńgland, I, 310, II, 15–16, 52, 227
  • — described, I, 378, 395, 423, 430–431, II,
    407–410, 416–417, III, 279–281; arms, II,
    33 (fig.), 34, III, 262 (fig.); climate, II,
    411–412; colonial policy for, I, 335–337,
    404, II, 404–405, 412–414, 423–425, III,
    274–275; fauna and flora, II, 414, 419–420;
    fertility, II, 412; fisheries in, I, 397–398,
    425, II, 412–414, 435–436, 465, III, 218,
    320; maps, I, 326, II, 399, 401, 405, 440,
    442; named by Smith, I, 401, 436, II, 44 n.
    5, 58, 97, 401, III, 221, 278; place-names,
    I, 373, 375, II, 407–408, 416, 419
  • — Smith's map of, I, 320–321 (fig.), 322, 380;
    place-names on, I, 402, II, 34, 58, 394–395
    (fig.), III, 222, 286
  • — voyages to, I, 379–381, 398–400, 426–431,
    II, 440–441, III, 281, 283; of Smith, I, 294,
    301, 323, 350–356, 379–380, 398, 425–426,
    II, 27, 58, 400–401, 427, III, 278–279
  • New Englands Trials (Smith), I, 374, 375, II,
    333 n. 1, 409 n. 1; presented to London
    Livery Companies, II, 442
  • New Englands Trials (1620), I, 302, 303, 378 n.
    8, 388, II, 27, 398 n. 3; dedications of, I,
    393, 394; editions of, I, 387, 411, 423 n. 1;
    title page of, I, 392 (fig.)
  • New Englands Trials (1622), II, 32, 397 n. 2,
    400 n. 3; dedications of, I, 421, 422;
    editions of, I, 447–448; title page of, I,
    420 (fig.)
  • New Fort, James River, I, 263 n. 5
  • Newfoundland, II, 62, 213, 234–235, 267,
    314, 432, 441
  • Newfoundland Banks (Grand Bank), I, 356,
    359, III, 346, 432, 435
  • Newfoundland Company, II, 27
  • Newfoundland fishery, I, 331, 333, 334, 335,
    337, 359–360, 379, 382, 397, 399, 424, II,
    410, 411–413, 415, 435–436, 439, 465
  • New France (Nova Francia), I, 324, II, 100,
    404, 434
  • Newgate, Christopher: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Newgate prison, London, II, 380
  • New Granada, I, 324, II, 404
  • Newgrod. See Novgorod
  • New Jersey, I, 232 n. 5
  • New Netherland, II, 456 n. 5
  • New Plymouth. See Plymouth, Mass.
  • *Newport, Capt. Christopher: at Bermuda, I,
    268, II, 219, 347; visits to Powhatan, I, 22,
    63–73, 215–217, 235–237, II, 155–156.
    Voyages to James River: of 1606–1607, I,
    7, 16–17, 27, 204, 205, II, 54, 137–138; of
    1607–1608, I, 22, 61, 214, II, 12, 54, 154; of
    1608, I, 234, II, 12, 55, 181; of 1609, I, 122,
    II, 55
  • Newport News (New Porte Newce), II, 287,
    308; named, II, 310 n. 1; Gookin
    plantation at, II, 302–303
  • New Spain, I, 324, II, 404
  • New York Bay, III, 222 n. 5, 323
  • Nice, France, III, 159, 343
  • Nicholas of Lynn, II, 47, 61
  • Nicholls, Christopher: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Nicholls, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Nicholls, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 280; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Nichols, John: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    222, II, 161
  • Nicnobbie (a drink), III, 228
  • Nieuport, battle of (1600), III, 157 n. 6
  • Niger, Strait of. See Black Sea
  • Niger River (Gambia), III, 208
  • nigua (chigger), II, 299–300
  • Nile River, III, 211
  • Nîmes, France, III, 159, 343
  • Niper. See Dnieper River
  • nippers (naut.), III, 63
  • nocturnal, III, 28, 112
  • Nogay Tatars, III, 198, 199; description of,
    III, 190–191, 358–359
  • Nohono, Island of. See Nantucket Island,
  • Nomapona River, N.C., II, 67
  • Nomini Bay, Potomac River, I, 227 n. 8, II,
    166 n. 1
  • Nonesuch Island, Bermuda, II, 369
  • Non-such (Nonesutch) plantation, James
  • River, I, 271, 272, II, 13, 223
  • Norincott, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Norman, Robert: The newe Attractive (1614),
    III, 27, 111
  • Norris, Francis, Lord Norris: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 279
  • North, Dudley, Lord North: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • North, Capt. Roger: in Guiana, III, 225–226,

  • 481

  • North America: discovery of, II, 47–48; early
    voyages to, II, 53; maps of east coast of, II,
    34, 307 n. 1
  • Northampton, earl of. See Howard, William,
    earl of Northampton
  • North Anna River, Va., I, 185
  • North East, Cecil Co., Md., I, 185
  • North Sea fishery, I, 379, 424, II, 439
  • North Star, III, 89
  • North Virginia colony. See Sagadahoc, Me.
  • North Virginia Company. See Plymouth
    division of Virginia Company
  • *Norton, Robert: and verses to Smith, II, 50;
    Smith's verses to, III, 370; Of the Art of Great
    (1624), III, 25, 108; The Gunner,
    III, 369
  • Norton, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 190; adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Norton, Capt. William: in Virginia, II, 304
  • Norumbega, I, 400, II, 10, 398, III, 278. See
    New England
  • Norway, I, 333, 379, 398, 425, II, 412, III,
  • Norwich, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402
  • *Norwood, Richard, I, 142, II, 29, 342, 345; in
    England, II, 342 n. 3; and survey of
    Bermuda, II, 57, 362–363, 369–370;
    "Journal," II, 362 n. 3; and map of
    Bermuda, II, 336–337 (fig.), 338 n. 1, 349,
    353, 370
  • Nottingham, earl of. See Howard, Charles,
    earl of Nottingham
  • Nova Albion (New Albion), I, 324, 332, II,
    404, 410
  • Nova Scotia (New Scotland), I, 298, III, 286
    n. 9, 300
  • Novgorod (Newgrade; Newgrod), III, 201,
  • Novograd-Volynski, III, 202 n. 3
  • Nubia, Africa, III, 210
  • Nuce (Newce; Nuse), Capt. Thomas:
    Jamestown colonist, II, 56, 283, 304, 309;
    plantation of, II, 310, 311–312; death of,
    II, 312 n. 1
  • Nuce, Sir William, II, 310 n. 1
  • Nun (Noa), Cape, Morocco, III, 212, 213
  • Núñez Vela, Blasco (viceroy of Peru), II, 300
  • Nuremberg (Nürnberg), III, 169
  • Nusconcus. See Muscongus Bay, Me.
  • Nushemonck, Potomac River, I, 188
  • Nusiok, N.C., II, 67
  • Nusket, New Eng., I, 319, 322, 324 n. 3, II,
  • Nussamek, Potomac River, I, 188
  • nuts, I, 342, 430, II, 108, 419
  • Nuttall, Jonathan: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 280
  • oak trees, I, 151, 339, 342, II, 66, 90, 93, 108,
    417, 419, III, 218
  • oakum, II, 470, III, 19, 21, 66
  • oatmeal, I, 87, 210, 240, II, 143, 157, 187,
    322, 324, 470, III, 29, 112, 113
  • oats, II, 89
  • Oberwin, baron of, III, 174–175, 185
  • Ob River (Yema), III, 199
  • Obtakiest (Indian sachem), II, 458 n. 1, 459
  • Ocanahowan (Ocanahoen) (Indian village),
    I, 49, 55, 266 n. 2, II, 240
  • Ocanindge (an Indian): oration to Smith, I,
    261–262, II, 13, 210
  • Occam River, II, 66, 67
  • Ochakov, Tatars of (Oczaconians), III, 198
  • O'Conor, Dionyse (Oconor, Dionis): 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 241, II, 191
  • Offley, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Ohanock (Indian village), N.C., II, 70
  • oil, I, 210, 218, 379, II, 108, 143, 187, 301,
    322, 344, 386, 412, 439, 444, III, 218, 271;
    vegetable, I, 151, 334, 338, 398, 425. See
    train oil
  • ointment (Indian), II, 126
  • Okisco (Indian chief), II, 74
  • Old Edward: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    209, II, 142
  • Old Point Comfort, I, 17, 100 n. 63, 128, II,
    102 n. 1, 302 n. 4
  • Olesko, III, 202 n. 3
  • olive oil, III, 271
  • Oliver, Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Oliver, Isaac (artist), II, 34
  • olives, II, 287, 340
  • Olomouc (Ulmicht), Moravia, III, 203, 362
  • Olt (Altus) River, III, 132, 181
  • Olumpagh, III, 130; siege of, III, 163–165.
    See also Lendava, Czechoslovakia
  • Onacoke (Onuatuck), Patuxent River, I,
    188, II, 289
  • Onawmanient, Potomac River, I, 188, 227,
    II, 149, 166, 316; population of, II, 104
  • Onawmanient Indians, I, 148, 227, II, 166–

  • 482

  • Onianimo (an Indian), II, 290
  • onions (leeks), I, 154, II, 77, 110
  • Ontponea Indians, II, 119
  • Opachisco (uncle of Pocahontas), II, 245–
  • Opanient, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • *Opechancanough (Kekataugh) (king of
    Pamunkey), I, 33, II, 13, III, 237, 363;
    brother of Powhatan, I, 256 n. 2, II, 127,
    196; and relations with colonists, I, 18, 19,
    21, 47, 49, 51, 55, 77, 93–95, 174, 217, 247,
    251–253, 317, 432, II, 14, 55, 56, 146–147,
    200–204, 229, 245, 256, 265, 308, 309, 314
  • Opiscopank, Rappahannock River, I, 187
  • Opitchapam (Itoyatin; Toyatan)
    (werowance of Pamunkey), I, 77; brother
    of Powhatan, II, 127, 196, 265; and change
    of name, II, 71 n. 5, 308; and reception of
    Smith, II, 150
  • opossums, I, 155, II, 110
  • *Opossunoquonuske (queen of Appomattoc),
    I, 18, 31, 65, II, 151, 242 n. 3
  • Opposians, II, 70
  • Oquornock, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • Oran, Algeria, III, 239
  • oranges, II, 237, 238, 340, 385
  • Oraniocke, Chickahominy River, I, 41, 186,
    II, 316. See also Ozenick, Chickahominy
  • Orapakes, Chickahominy River, I, 102 n.
    104, 147, 173, 186, II, 126, 147
  • Oravsky Podzamok (Underoroway),
    Moravia, III, 203, 362
  • orders (naut.) on leaving port, III, 85
  • ordnance: at Jamestown, I, 273, II, 152, 225,
    325; for Mass. Bay Co., III, 222
  • ordnance (naut.), III, 15, 25, 81–82, 98–99,
    104–108; shooting of, III, 26 (table), 109
    (table); gunpowder for, III, 109, 110; shot
    for, III, 106–107, 110
  • Orellana, Francisco: voyage down Amazon
    (1541), III, 228 n. 2
  • Orinoco River, III, 224
  • Orleans, river of. See Loire River
  • orlop (naut.), III, 18, 19, 58, 60
  • *O'Rourke, Brian: verses by, III, 151
  • Osocon, II, 75
  • Osow (Osovens). See Azov, town of
  • ospreys, I, 155, II, 111, 342
  • Ostrog, III, 202, 360
  • Otranto, Cape, Adriatic, III, 160, 344
  • Ottachugh, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • Ottahotin (werowance of Kiskiak), I, 63, 105
    n. 161
  • Ottawa River, I, 300, 301
  • otters, I, 155, 228, 329, 342, 398, 426, 431, II,
    110, 148, 168, 408, 419
  • otter skins, I, 236, 324, 336, 380, II, 94, 183,
    400, 414, 453, III, 278
  • Outer Banks. See Carolina Outer Banks
  • out-licker (outligger) (naut.), III, 124
  • Outpanka (Outponca) Indians, I, 165
  • Oversall, Colonel, III, 182
  • Ovid, II, 121 n. 1, 224 n. 2, 441 n. 4
  • Owen, Richard: death of (1622), II, 301
  • owls, II, 343
  • oxen, II, 264, III, 192, 216
  • Oxenbridge, William, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • oxeyes (birds), I, 156, II, 111
  • Oxford, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402
  • Oxford University Press, I, 121
  • Oyapock (Weapoco) River, III, 224, 225
  • oysters, I, 37, 162, 245, 263, 342, II, 74, 78,
    84, 90, 103, 116, 178, 194, 212, 289, 311,
    324, 344, 419
  • Ozaiawomen, Potomac River, I, 188
  • Ozenick, Chickahominy River, I, 186
  • Ozinieke, Chickahominy River, II, 316
  • Ozinies, Chester River, Md., I, 150, 189, II,
    256, 257, 303; population of, II, 107
  • Paccamaganant, Md., II, 290
  • Pace (1622 Jamestown colonist), II, 297–298
  • Pacific Ocean. See South Sea
  • Packer, Thomas (clerk of the privy seal):
    family, III, 383; as beneficiary of Smith's
    will, III, 130, 382, 383; as executor of
    Smith's will, III, 384–389 passim
  • Packer, William (witness), III, 384
  • Paconekick, New Eng., III, 279
  • Padua, Italy, III, 162, 345
  • Pagan River, I, 100 n. 63
  • Paget, William, Lord Paget: adv. Va. Co., II,
    280; adv. Ber. Co., II, 369, 371
  • Pagets Fort, Bermuda, II, 336–337 (fig.),
    354, 366, 382, 389
  • Pagets Tribe, Bermuda, II, 369; and list of


    adventurers, II, 371
  • Paghhuntanuck Indians, New Eng., I, 328,
    II, 407
  • Paine, William: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Painton, Capt. Thomas, III, 226
  • Pakanoky (Pakanokick), New Eng., II, 16,
  • Pakerakanick (Peccarecamoke): rumors of
    Lost Colonists at, I, 266 n. 2
  • Palatinate, Germany, III, 203, 362
  • Paleologue, Theodore, III, 156, 332
  • Palingenius, Marcellus: Zodiacus Humanae
    , II, 82 n. 1, 321 n. 2
  • palings, II, 239
  • palisades: for Indian villages, II, 66, 106, 107,
    171, 223; at Jamestown, I, 33, 210, II, 225,
    242, 262, 324–325, III, 216
  • Palmer, Miles: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Palmer, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 280; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 370, 371
  • palmetto trees, II, 340, 346, III, 233, 234;
    berries of, II, 360; leaves of, II, 349, 354;
    moss of, II, 367
  • Palota, Hungary, III, 169
  • Pamacocack, East Potomac River, I, 188
  • Pamacocack (Pamacaeack), West Potomac
    River, I, 148, II, 105
  • Pamaunk River, I, 5, 63, 229, 243; place-names
    on, I, 187. See also York River
  • Pamet, Cape Cod, I, 340, 341, II, 408, 418,
    457, III, 279
  • Pamet River, Cape Cod, I, 298, 329
  • Pamlico Sound, N.C., I, 124
  • Pamuncoroy, Pamunkey River, I, 187
  • Pamunkey (Pamauncke), I, 173, II, 122, 126,
    315, III, 215. See also Opechancanough
  • Pamunkey Indians, I, 251–253, II, 12, 55, 56
    114, 172, 202, 204, 290, 308, 317; and
    ceremony for Smith, II, 149–150
  • Pamunkey River, I, 51, 104, 147, 169, 182,
    248; Indian place-names on, I, 187, II,
    297, 303. See also Youghtanund River
  • Panassa (Panassamusa) (east of
    Constantinople), III, 187, 356
  • Panawicke (Indian village), I, 63, 105 n. 154
  • Pane, William: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Pango, Africa, III, 209
  • Papaschiches (an Indian), II, 249
  • papawes, II, 342, 365, 385, III, 233, 234
  • Papiscone, Rappahannock River, I, 187
  • Paquippe, Lake, N.C., II, 69
  • parbunckle (naut.), III, 19, 73
  • parceling (naut.), III, 67
  • Paris, III, 155, 203, 362
  • Parish, Thomas (appraiser), III, 379
  • Parker, Capt. Charles, III, 226
  • Parker, Sir Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Parker, William: Jamestown colonist, II, 250
  • Parker, William, Lord Morley and
    Mounteagle: adv. Va. Co., II, 279, III, 226
  • Parkhurst, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Parkins, Sir Christopher: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Parkins, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • parrels (naut.), III, 20, 24, 72
  • parrots, I, 156, 205, II, 78, 111, 137, III, 232
  • Parry, Henry (bishop of Worcester): adv. Va.
    Co., II, 182
  • parsley, III, 233
  • parsnips, II, 342, 425
  • Parsons, Robert, S.J., III, 162, 329, 330
  • partners (naut.), III, 19, 69
  • Partridge, Master: 1609 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 270, II, 222
  • Partridge, John: 1615 New England voyage,
    I, 351, 356, II, 428, 431
  • Partridge, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • partridgeberries I, 336 n. 9
  • partridges, I, 155, 165, 431, II, 78, 111, 118,
  • Pasaughtacock, Pamaunk River, I, 187
  • Pascal, Blaise: Essai pour les coniques (1640),
    III, 41
  • Pascataquack, Me., I, 328 n. 4
  • Pasharanack Indians, New Eng., II, 407, III,
  • Paspahegh Indians: population of, I, 146, II,
    103; hunting grounds of, I, 99 n. 41, 100 n.
  • Paspahegh Indian territory (at Jamestown),
    I, 17, 39, 53, 61, 83, 91, 186, II, 236, 268,
    303; king of, I, 17, 18, 49, 260, 261, 317, II,
    13, 55, 209, 210, 324, 363, III, 237; queen
    of, II, 236
  • Paspanegh, Chickahominy River, I, 41, 186
  • Passaquenock (women's town), N.C., II, 70
  • Passataquack, New Eng., I, 319, 328, 339, II,
    402, 407, 417, III, 279

  • 484

  • Passaunkack, Mattapanient River, I, 187
  • Passe, Crispin van de (engraver), I, 322, II,
  • *Passe, Simon van de (engraver), I, 322, II, 39
  • *Passe, Willem van de (engraver), II, 39
    passerado (naut.), III, 23, 88–89
  • Passharanack Indians, New Eng., I, 328
  • Patapsco River, I, 185, 226 nn. 3, 4. See also
    Bolus River
  • Patawomeke, I, 188, II, 14, 172; population
    of, II, 104–105, 119
  • Patawomeke Indians, I, 55, 148, 166, 232, II,
    309–310, 312–313, 316; chief of, II, 167,
    308, 312
  • Patawomeke River (Potomac), I, 147–148,
    165, 230, 256, 277, II, 12, 13, 54, 56, 104,
    205, 236, 243, 268, 304, 308; exploration of,
    I, 227–228, II, 166–168, 170, 173
  • Patuxent River, I, 256, II, 56, 105, 205;
    exploration of, II, 172; Indian place-names
    on, I, 188
  • Patuxet, Mass., I, 340 n. 1, II, 407, 408 n. 1,
    447, 448, 450
  • Pau (Pow) (in Navarre), III, 159, 343
  • Pauhuntannuck, New Eng., III, 279
  • Paulson, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • paunches (naut.), III, 20, 76
  • Pawcocomocac, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • pawl (paul) (naut.), III, 19, 62
  • Pawlet, John, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Pawtuxent (Patuxent) Indians, I, 148, 166,
    232, II, 119; population of, II, 105, 172
  • Payankatank (Piankatank) River, I, 53, 147,
    175, 187, 229, 232, II, 55, 128, 149, 169,
    178; population of, II, 104
  • Payne, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Payne, John (artist), III, 244
  • Payne, Sir Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Payne, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Pazatican Indians, Potomac River, II, 305
  • peaches, III, 218
  • Peacock, Nathaniel (a boy): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 209, 244, II, 142, 193
  • pearls, I, 31, 53, 173, 174, 249, 255, 330, II,
    65, 67, 70–71, 77, 122, 126, 127, 155, 198,
    205, 248, 344, 409
  • pears, III, 218
  • peas, I, 157, 212, 342, II, 66, 89, 93, 322, 324,
    342, 469, 470, See also garvances
  • peas/beans, II, 65, 145, 267, 419, III, 113
  • Peashall, Edmund: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Peate, Peter: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Pechmo (an Indian), II, 399
  • Pecksuot (an Indian), II, 458
  • Peirce, Master (Virginia planter), II, 301
  • Peirce, Abraham: adv. Va. Co., II, 280; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Peirce, Edmund: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Pierce, John, and Associates, II, 468 n. 1
  • Peirce, Thomas (Virginia planter), II, 302
  • Peirce, William (master Anne), II, 468 n. 1
  • Pekenimne (Cape Cod Indian), II, 399
  • Pelham, Capt.: at St. Kitts, III, 229
  • Pelham, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • pelicans, I, 205, II, 137
  • pellitory of Spain, I, 154, II, 110
  • Pelus, III, 356. See also Screwe
  • Pemaquid (Pennaquid), Me., I, 319, 325,
    328, 339, II, 398, 402, 407, 416, 428 n. 3,
    III, 278, 279
  • Pemaquid Point, I, 298
  • pemblico (bird), II, 343
  • Pembo, Africa, III, 209
  • Pembroke, earl of. See Herbert, William, earl
    of Pembroke
  • Pembrokes Fort, Bermuda, II, 336–337 (fig.),
    354, 389
  • Pembrokes Tribe, Bermuda, II, 369; list of
    adventurers, II, 370–371
  • Pembroks Bay. See Penobscot Bay/River
  • Pemisapan (Wingina) (Indian chief), II, 71;
    and plot against Roanoke colonists, II, 74–
    75; death of, II, 75
  • pendant (naut.), III, 21, 72
  • pendant (pennant) (naut.), III, 22, 72, 100,
    101, 103
  • pengromes (a fruit), III, 233
  • Penington, John: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    II, 141
  • Penington, Robert: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 20
  • Penington, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Penistone, Anthony: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Penobscot, Me., I, 319, 322, 328, 339, 378,
    407, 408, 419, II, 34, III, 416
  • Penobscot Bay/River, I, 338, 428, III, 416
  • Penobscot Indians. See Abenaki Indians
  • Penryn, Cornwall, II, 440
  • Pentecost Harbour, Allen Island, Me., II, 93
  • pepper, III, 28, 112

  • 485

  • peppers, II, 341, 385, III, 232
  • Perce, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, II, 161
  • perch (fish), I, 156, 342, II, 111, 419
  • Percivall, Richard, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Percy, Allen: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • *Percy, George, I, 28, 227 n. 1, II, 139 n. 2, III,
    134, 285 n. 5; adv. Va. Co., II, 280; 1607
  • Jamestown colonist, I, 208, 239, 267 n. 5,
    432, II, 140, 181, 184, 186, 192, 210, 216,
    236; president, I, 128, 272, II, 54, 224, 232,
    237, 238; at Old Point Comfort, I, 128, 263,
    II, 213; and expedition to Werowocomoco,
    I, 243, 251, 252, 255, II, 193; and return to
    England, I, 269, II, 220; "Discourse," I, 6,
    193; "A Trewe Relacyon," I, 193–194, 276
    n. 3, II, 44 n. 1, 233 n. 1
  • Percy, Henry, earl of Northumberland, II,
    28, 189 n. 1, 260 n. 4
  • Perecopia (Eupatoria), Crimea, III, 194,
    195, 198
  • Peregryns Mount, I, 185, II, 172
  • perfumers, II, 162, III, 272
  • Pergilos, Cape. See Phanagoria, Cape
  • Pericles of Athens, I, 403, 438, II, 466
  • periwinkles (shellfish), II, 78, 419
  • Perkin, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Perkins, Aden: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Perkins, Francis (the elder): 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 223, II, 161; discourse of, I, 6, 9
  • Perkins, Francis (the younger): 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 223, II, 161
  • Pernezy family, III, 330–331
  • Perovolog (Perolog), III, 191, 359
  • Perrot, Sir James: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Perry, Master (Jamestown colonist), II, 297
  • Persia, I, 333, II, 226, 411, III, 199
  • Persia, Gulf of, III, 208
  • persimmons, I, 152 n. 1, II, 145
  • perspective glass, II, 79, 80 n. 1, III, 26
  • Petersburg, Va., I, 185
  • Peteske, Rumania, III, 133, 181
  • Petigoren, Tatars of, III, 198. See also Colchis
  • Petman (Peryman), Nicholas: 1584 voyage to
    Roanoke, II, 68
  • Petre, John, Lord Petre: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Pett, Phineas (shipwright), III, 96 n. 3; adv.
    Va. Co., II, 280
  • Pettus, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • petty tally (naut.), III, 112–113
  • Pewriffe, Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • pewter, II, 65
  • Peyton, Sir Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Phanagoria, Cape, III, 188, 356
  • Phelps, Thomas: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 191
  • Phettiplace. See Fettiplace
  • Philip III (king of Spain), III, 226 n. 5
  • Philips, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Philpot, Henry: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 190; adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Phips, Robert: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Phrygius, Dares: De bello Troiano, II, 123 n. 2
  • physicians, II, 121, 163
  • Piamacum (Indian chief), II, 67–68
  • piaster (piastre) (a coin), III, 162, 344
  • pickaxes, I, 240, II, 186, 263, 322, 470
  • Pickhouse, Dru: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    20, 208, II, 141
  • pieces. See guns
  • Pierce, Jane (wife of Capt. William), III, 218
  • Pierce, John: 1620 patentee, I, 440
  • Pierce, Capt. William: 1609/1610 Va.
    colonist, III, 218 n. 5
  • Piersey, Abraham (cape merchant), II, 312
    n. 4, III, 216
  • pigeons, I, 156, 431, II, 111, 343, III, 232
  • Piggase. See Pickhouse, Dru
  • Piggot, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • pike heads, I, 240, 250, II, 187, 199
  • pikes, I, 273, II, 200, 225
  • pilau, III, 189, 357
  • pilchards, I, 396, 424, II, 349, 438
  • Pilgrims (1620), I, 296, 302, 303, 319 n. 1,
    387, 388, 415, 416, 429, III, 221, 255. See
    Plymouth, Mass.
  • pillow (naut.), III, 19, 69
  • pillow, Powhatan's, II, 155
  • pilot (naut.), III, 15, 82, 89
  • pilot fish, II, 344
  • pineapples, II, 342, 365, III, 228, 232
  • pine trees (pines), I, 144, 339, 340, 342, II, 64,
    101, 178, 215, 417, 418, 419, III, 234
  • pink (ship), I, 331, 397, 424, II, 438
  • pinnacks (fish), I, 342, 343, II, 419
  • pins, I, 29
  • pintles (naut.), III, 15, 19, 66
  • pipe staves (naut.), III, 63
  • piraguas (canoes), III, 229

  • 486

  • pirates, I, 311, 354, 381, 398 n. 2, 431, II, 431,
    III, 135, 238–241; French, I, 355, 399, II,
  • Pisa, I, 333
  • Pisacack (Pissacoack), Rappahannock River,
    I, 187, 188, II, 174, 177
  • Pising, Edward (carpenter): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 208, II, 142; expeditions of, I,
    230, 243, 244, 245, II, 170, 193, 194
  • Pisings poynt, II, 172
  • pistachio nuts, II, 64 n. 2
  • pistols (ord.), I, 45, 51, 103 n. 118, III, 25,
  • Pit, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • pitch, I, 159, 234, 238, 263, 330, 333, 337,
    379, 398, 425, II, 114, 181, 182, 185, 409,
    412, 439, III, 19, 234, 271; making of, II,
    187, 188, 212, 324, III, 218; military uses
    for, III, 164; naval uses for, III, 23, 104
  • Pitt, Sir William: commissioner (1623), II,
  • Pizzaro, Hernando, I, 327, II, 300, 406, III,
  • Placentia, Newfoundland, II, 435
  • plackets (naut.), III, 21
  • plague, II, 455; among Indians, III, 275–276
  • plaice, I, 156, 343, II, 78, 111
  • planks (naut.), III, 19, 59, 60
  • plantains, II, 342, 365, 385, III, 219, 228,
    232, 234
  • Plata, Rio de la (La Plata River), I, 333, II,
  • plate (silver), II, 269
  • plates (naut.), III, 15
  • platter, Indian, I, 166
  • Plautus, II, 389 n. 2
  • Pleasant Bay, Mass., II, 455 n. 5
  • Plessis, Charles du, duc de Liancourt
    (governor of Paris), I, 300
  • Pliny, III, 93, 95
  • plovers, II, 342
  • plows, II, 264
  • Ployer. See Gouyon, Amaury II, count of
  • Ployer point, Va., I, 225, II, 164
  • plummet (naut.), III, 89
  • plum trees, I, 151–152, 342, 430, II, 108, 419,
    III, 234
  • Plutarch, II, 91 n. 2, 152 n. 3, III, 93
  • Plymouth, Devon, I, 294, 302, 352, II, 258 n.
    1; fishing voyages from, I, 360, 380, 399, II,
    436, 439, 440–441
  • Plymouth, Mass., I, 319, 340 n. 1, II, 408 n. 1,
    445 n. 5, 459, III, 221, 270; colonists of, I,
    429–430, 434, III, 282–284, 292–293;
    discovery of, II, 446; history of, II, 442–
    451, 452; named, II, 450; plantation
    (1620), II, 16, 59, 402 n. 3
  • Plymouth division of Va. Co., I, 299, 311,
    325, II, 397–398, 428, 429, 440–442, III,
    221, 278. See also Sagadahoc
  • *Pocahontas, I, 220, 259, 274, II, 12, 13, 203–
    204, 232, 243–245; baptized, II, 221; death
    of, II, 14, 262; marriage of, II, 13, 56, 245–
    246, 249, 259; portrait of, I, 322. See also
    Rolfe, Thomas
  • — in Jamestown, I, 93, 95, 160, II, 152, 154;
    with Powhatan at Werowocomoco, II,
    182–183, 198–199; rescue of Smith, I, 6, 8,
    416, 432, II, 31, 43, 54, 146 n. 3, 151, 258–
    259, 323; abducted by Argall, II, 243–244,
  • — in London, II, 56, 203 n. 3, 255, 258, 261
  • — servants of, II, 384, 386, III, 237
  • Pocapawmet, Mass., I, 329, II, 408 n. 1
  • Pocasset Indians, Mass., II, 451 n. 6
  • Pocatamough, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • Pocomoke River, Md., I, 186
  • Pocopassum Indians, New Eng., I, 328, II,
    407, III, 279
  • Pocoughtaonack Indians, I, 55, 67
  • Podolia, II, 411, III, 191 n. 4, 202
  • points (laces), II, 321
  • Point Comfort, Va., I, 233, 240, 263, 275, II,
    13, 55, 178, 187, 213, 231, 254
  • Point Lookout, Md., I, 227 n. 8
  • poison ivy, II, 341
  • Poitiers (Poyters), III, 159, 342
  • pokeweed, II, 341 n. 2
  • Poland (Polonia), I, 159, 333, 379, II, 181,
    190, 411 n. 1, 412, 438 n. 3, III, 338
  • polecats, I, 155, II, 111
  • Poles (Polanders), I, 234, 242, 260, 404 n. 5,
    II, 191, 209 n. 2, 225, III, 180
  • Pollard, Lewis (bailiff): at Bermuda, II, 309,
  • Pollison, Michael: 1581 Roanoke colonist, II,

  • 487

  • pomegranates, II, 340, 365, 385
  • Pomeioc (Indian village), N.C., II, 67, 69;
    Indians of, II, 83, 84
  • Pomerania (Pomerland), I, 397, 424, II, 438
  • pompions. See pumpkins
  • Pons, Antoinette de, marquise de
    Guercheville, I, 300
  • Pont-Audemer, France, III, 158, 342
  • Pont du Gard (Poundegale) (near Nîmes),
    III, 159 n. 1, 343
  • Pontorson, France, III, 158, 342
  • Poole, Robert: Jamestown colonist, II, 268;
    as interpreter, II, 312–314
  • Poole, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Poole, Dorset, I, 357, II, 432
  • Poor-John (dried cod), I, 331, 333, 334, 335,
    379, 396, 397, 424, 425, II, 410, 411, 412,
    413, 470, III, 29, 113
  • Popham, Sir Francis (treasurer Plymouth
    Co.), I, 199, 324, 360, II, 398, 399–400,
    401 n. 1, 436
  • Popham, Capt. George (president of
    Sagadahoc colony), I, 299, 300, II, 398,
    399, III, 300
  • *Popham, Sir John (lord chief justice), I, 299,
    325, II, 398, 428 n. 3, III, 222, 274; death
    of, I, 299, 324 n. 4, II, 399
  • poplar trees, I, 153, II, 109
  • porgies (fish), I, 331, 379, 396, 397, 424, 425,
    438, 439, II, 344, III, 84
  • pork, I, 218, 240, II, 187, III, 29, 113
  • porpoises (pork pisces), I, 156, 342, II, 78,
    111, 419
  • Port Royal, Bay of Fundy, I, 298, 301, 338
    n.4, II, 13, 56, 248, III, 300
  • Port Royall, Bermuda, II, 358
  • ports (naut.), III, 19, 60, 61
  • Portsmouth, Hants., II, 76, 85
  • port the helm (naut.), III, 85
  • Portugal, I, 257, 331, 379, II, 206, 207, 406,
    411; colonization by, I, 348, III, 277;
    empire of, II, 425, 426, 427, 437; fishing
    fleet of, I, 396, 424, II, 438; and markets for
    fish, I, 398, 425, II, 413, 439; trade of, I,
    333, II, 409
  • Poruptanck, Pamaunk River, I, 187
  • Pory, John: secretary for Virginia, II, 14, 56,
    262 n. 3, 288; member of council, II, 266;
    and observations (1620), II, 288–291
  • Pory, Peter: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I, 222,
    II, 161
  • Pory, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Potapaco, Potomac River, I, 148, 188;
    population of, II, 105
  • potatoes, II, 342, 356, 385, 386, III, 228, 232
  • Potauncac, Pamunkey River, I, 187, 255, II,
  • Potomac River. See Patawomeke River
  • Potosí, Bolivia II, 474
  • pot-stick, I, 236
  • Pott, John (physician), II, 286, III, 215, 217
  • *Potter, Christopher (preacher): verses by,
    III, 150 n. 4
  • *Potts (Pots), Richard: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 222, II, 161; clerk of council, I,
    122, 129, II, 201 n. 2; author, I, 195, 196,
    197, 200, 201, 275, II, 136 n. 3, 220 n. 2,
  • Poulson, Richard: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • poultry, II, 326, 472, III, 216, 274, 283
  • Poundegale. See Pont du Gard
  • Pountis, John (councillor Va. Co.), II, 283
  • Pow. See Pau
  • Powas (an Indian), II, 459
  • Powcomonet, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • powder chests (naut.), III, 100
  • powder room (naut.), III, 19, 66
  • Powell, Master: 1609 Jamestown colonist, I,
  • Powell, Henry: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 191; and expeditions, I, 244, 251,
    252, 253, II, 193, 200, 202
  • Powell, Henry: at Barbados, III, 233
  • Powell, John: at Barbados, III, 234, 235
  • Powell, John (son of John): at Barbados, III,
  • Powell, John (tailor): 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 223, 224, II, 162, 163
  • Powell, Capt. John: at West Indies and
    Bermuda, II, 365–366, 368, 382–383
  • *Powell, Nathaniel: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 208, II, 141; deputy governor, II, 266;
    and expeditions, I, 216, 230, 243, II, 170;
    and search for Lost Colonists, I, 265, II,
    215; death of, II, 295, 302; author, I, 195,
    197, 203, 233, II, 136 n. 3, 180, 256 n. 1,
  • Powell, Sir Stephen: adv. Va. Co., II, 280

  • 488

  • Powell, William: 1609 Jamestown colonist,
    II, 222, 310, 318; adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Powell Brook plantation, II, 302
  • Powells Isles, Chesapeake Bay, II, 172
  • *Powhatan (overlord of tidewater Virginia), I,
    21–22, 91, 163, 317, 432, II, 11, 13, 117,
    138, 211–212, 221, 229, 258, 384; death of,
    II, 14, 56, 104 n. 1, 265
  • — contact with English: coronation, I, 237,
    II, 181, 184, 188, 189; gifts to English, I,
    220, 234, 237, 248, II, 159, 160, 248;
    speeches, I, 65, 67, 217, 246, 247–249, II,
    183, 195, 196, 197, 249–250
  • — described, I, 53, 65, 173, 216, II, 126–127;
    family, I, 59, 61, 174, II, 126–127, 196,
    245, 249; houses, I, 51, 173–174, II, 126;
    name, II, 71 n. 5, 126; portrait of, I, 142
    (fig.), II, 134–135 (fig.); territories, I, 150,
    173, II, 126
  • Powhatan Indians, I, 150, 166, 206, II, 119,
    138, 148 n. 2, 175, 198, 244–245
  • Powhatan language, I, 225, 231, II, 163
  • Powhatan River. See James River
  • Powhatan village, I, 29, 31, 37, 99 n. 29, 147,
    173, 186, 206, II, 13 n. 2, 102 n. 1, 126, 138;
    colonists at, I, 270, 271, II, 221, 223;
    Indian population of, II, 103, 104
  • Powlson, Master: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • pox, French, I, 153 n. 9, II, 299
  • Poykemkack, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • Poyntell, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Poyrune, Capt: at La Rochelle (1615), II,
  • Prague, Czechoslovakia, I, 435, II, 463, III,
    178 n. 2, 180, 203, 362
  • Pranell, Henry (vintner), II, 39
  • Pratt, John: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I, 241,
    244, II, 191, 193: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Pratt, Roger: 1587 Roanoke colonist, II, 85
  • prawns, III, 232
  • Presbiter John, III, 210
  • Prestwick, Philip (appraiser), III, 379
  • Preston, Sir Amias: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Pretty, George: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    222, II, 161, 227 n. 1; adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • preventer rope (naut.), III, 78
  • Price, Master (Jamestown colonist), II, 240
  • Price, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • prickly pears, II, 341, 385, III, 232, 234
  • Pricopes, III, 201, 360
  • Prideaux, Master (1585 Roanoke colonist),
    II, 69, 74
  • *Pring, Martin, III, 230 n. 6, 300; and voyage
    to New England (1603), I, 298, II, 10, 53,
    91–92; and voyage to New England
    (1606), I, 299, II, 428 n. 3
  • Prinne, Capt.: at St. Kitts, III, 230
  • privateering, I, 356–358, 359, 431 n. 1;
    French, I, 301, 355, 399, II, 432–434
  • Privy Council, II, 29, 332
  • Proceedings (Smith), I, 122, 125, 130, 135 n. 7,
    374, II, 30–31, 333 n. 1, III, 128; address to
    reader of, I, 201–202; and collaborators, I,
    197; printing history of, I, 195–197; title
    page of, I, 200 (fig.); type of, I, 196
  • Proctor, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Proctor, John, wife of, II, 303
  • Prodger, Richard: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 222, II, 161
  • Profit, Jonas: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    209, 243, II, 142; and expeditions, I, 224,
    228 n. 3, 230, II, 163, 170, 193
  • Profits poole, Chesapeake Bay, II, 172
  • Prosper of Aquitaine: De Providentia, II, 180 n.
    2, 460 n. 2
  • Proude, Capt. William: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Provence, France, I, 332, 379, 398, 425, II,
    411, 439
  • prow (naut.), III, 64
  • prunes, III, 28, 29, 112, 113, 271
  • Prussia (Sprussia), II, 438
  • Prynne, John (merchant), III, 218 n. 9
  • pudding (naut.), III, 73
  • Puerto Rico, II, 68, III, 231
  • Puet, Henry: escape from Bermuda, II, 363–
  • puffer fish, I, 156 n. 3
  • pulleys (naut.), III, 20, 71
  • pumpkins, I, 158, 212, 342, II, 342, 353, 419,
    III, 234
  • pumps (naut.), III, 19, 63; nails for, III, 15,
  • punishments (naut.), III, 16, 83
  • *Purchas, Samuel: maps, II, 438 n. 3; verses,
    II, 47–48; Pilgrimage (1613–1626), I, 6,
    124–125, 130, 148 n. 2, 154 n. 7, 196;
    Pilgrimes (1625), I, 228 n. 5, 252 n. 6, 353 n.
    9, 395 n. 2, II, 28–29, 30, 91 n. 3, 398 n. 3,


    III, 157 n. 7, 328
  • Purfoot (warden Stationers' Company), III,
  • Puritans, I, 296, 415, III, 270
  • Purser (pirate), III, 238
  • purser (naut.), III, 15, 22, 23, 83, 103
  • purslane, I, 153, II, 109, III, 233
  • Purtan Bay, York River, I, 105 n. 159, 106 n.
  • puttargo. See botargo
  • puttocks (naut.), III, 71, 72
  • Quackcohowaon, Mattapanient River, I,
  • Quactataugh, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • Quadaquina (Massasoyt Indian), II, 448
  • quadrant, III, 27, 112; gunner's, III, 25, 108
  • Quadroque, Susquehanna River, I, 189
  • quail, I, 431
  • quartermaster (naut.), III, 86; duties of, III,
    16, 84, III; shares of, III, 27, 110
  • Quebec, I, 299, 300
  • Queenborough (Quinborow), Kent, I, 435,
    II, 463
  • Quercus coccifera (oak tree), II, 414 n. 1. See also
    oak trees
  • Quicke, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 280; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 370
  • quicksilver, II, 301
  • quivers, I, 47, 150, 236, II, 107, 148, 176, 177,
  • Quivola (in Africa), III, 210
  • Quiyoughcohanocke River, I, 140, 171, 186,
    II, 103
  • Quiyoughcohanock Indians, I, 266, II, 215;
    population of, I, 146, II, 103; sacrifice of
    children by, II, 124; werowance of, I, 19,
    99 n. 41, II, 125
  • Quiyough River, Potomac River, I, 105, 148,
    185, 186, 188
  • quoil. See coil
  • quoines. See coins
  • Quomo, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • Quonahassit, Mass., I, 329, 340, II, 408 n. 1,
  • Quotough, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • rabinet (ord.), III, 25, 65, 104; weight and
    shooting of, III, 109
  • raccoons, I, 154 n. 1, 342, II, 150
  • radishes, II, 342, III, 232
  • Ragusa, Adriatic, I, 435, II, 463, III, 160 n.
    6, 162, 345
  • Rainsford, Sir Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • raisins (reasons), I, 159, II, 114, III, 271
  • rake (naut.), III, 19, 59–60, 97
  • Ralegh, Sir Walter, I, 123, 150 n. 5, 325, II,
    48, III, 300 n. 2; execution of, I, 302, 387;
    and patent (1584), II, 63, 97; promotion of
    colonies by, II, 10, 68, 82; and voyages to
    Roanoke, II, 10, 53, 63, 405 n.2; and
    voyage to Guiana, III, 224, 225;
    "Discourse of the invention of Ships," III,
    50 n.7; Discoverie ... of Guiana, I, 406 n. 9
  • Ramée, Pierre de la, III, 52 n. 2
  • rammer (ord.), III, 25, 106
  • Ramnicu-Valcea (Rebrinke), III, 132, 181,
  • Ramsden, Millicent: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • ramshead (naut.), III, 62, 73, 75
  • Ransack, Abraham (refiner): 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 222, II, 162
  • Rapahanna, king of. See Quiyoughcohanock
    Indians: werowance of
  • rape (plant), II, 425, III, 218, 271
  • Rappahannock Indians (Rapahanokches),
    II, 12, 54, 173, 177; population of, II, 104;
    and relations with colonists, II, 173, 174,
  • Rappahannock River, I, 21, 150, 185, II,
    107, 149, 168, 205; exploration of, II, 172–
    173; Indian place-names on, II, 187–188.
    See also Toppahannock River
  • Rasauweak (chief habitation of Monacans),
    I, 165 n. 1, II, 119, 147 n. 6
  • Rascia (now Novi Pazar), Bulgaria, III, 191
    n. 4
  • Ras et Tin, Cape, Libya, III, 160, 344
  • raspberries (respises), I, 153, 342, II, 89, 109,
  • Rassawek (Rossaweak) (hunting camp), I,
    47, 51, 102 n. 104, n. 117, 165, 186, 253, II,
  • *Ratcliffe, Capt. John (alias Sicklemore): 1607
    Jamestown colonist, I, 7, 128, 205, 207,
    268, 271, 272, II, 138, 140, 186, 189, 222,
    223; death of, I, 275, II, 13, 56, 244;
    member of council, I, 33, 207, II, 138, 140,


    182; president, I, 20, 35, 210, 229, II, 143,
    144, 158, 162, 188; deposed, I, 229, 233, II,
    169, 180
  • Ratcliffe, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Ratcliffe, Essex, II, 92
  • Rat Isle, La Rochelle, I, 358, II, 434
  • ratlines (ratlings) (naut.), III, 20, 72
  • rats, I, 258, 263, II, 108, 115, 157, 212, 264; in
    Bermuda, II, 343; plague of, II, 356, 366–
    367, 391
  • ratsbane, II, 367
  • rattles, I, 59, 167, II, 120, 123, 149, III, 317
  • rattlesnakes, I, 161, II, 148, III, 293
  • Ravenna, Italy, I, 333
  • Ravens, Henry (shipmaster), II, 349
  • ravens, II, 357
  • Rawdon (Roydon), Capt. Marmaduke: 1614
    voyage to New Eng., I, 425, II, 400
  • *Rawdon, Sir Marmaduke (merchant), I, 294
  • Rawhunt (servant to Powhatan), I, 93, II,
  • Raymell, Humfrey: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • rays (fish), II, 78
  • Razdory, Ukraine, III, 359 n. 9
  • Ré, Île de, Brittany, I, 358, III, 238, 285
  • reach (naut.), III, 90
  • Read, James (blacksmith): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 209, II, 142; expeditions of, I,
    224, 244, II, 163, 193
  • Reads poynt, Chesapeake Bay, II, 172
  • reals of eight, II, 433, 434
  • Rebrinke. See Ramnicu-Valcea
  • Rechitsa, Russia, III, 201, 360
  • Redpath (Ripweth), Scotland, III, 155
  • red-shanks (birds), II, 342
  • reeds, II, 74, 84, 117, 127, 128, 157; naval uses
    for, III, 23, 104
  • Reeve, James (printer), I, 322, III, 244
  • reeving (naut.), III, 74
  • refiners, II, 162, III, 272
  • Regall, III, 171, 174; siege of, III, 171–172,
  • Reignolds, Henry, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Reignolds, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Relation ... of the English Plantation Settled at
    , II, 397 n. 1
  • Rennes (Raynes), Brittany, III, 159, 342
  • Renolds Isle, II, 34
  • resin (rosin), I, 159, 330, II, 64 n. 2, 76, 114,
    409, III, 19; naval use for, III, 23, 67, 104
  • rewards (naut.), III, 27, 99
  • Reynoldes, Master (goldsmith), III, 383
  • Reynolds, John (goldsmith), II, 34
  • Rhodes, John: at St. Kitts, III, 226–227, 228
  • Rhodes, III, 160, 344
  • ribs (naut.), III, 58, 72
  • rice, II, 287, 311, III, 189, 193, 195, 357; as
    ship's victuals, III, 28, 29, 112, 113
  • Rich, George: at Bermuda, II, 369
  • *Rich, Sir Nathaniel, I, 323 n. 1; adv. Ber. Co.,
    II, 371
  • Rich, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Rich, Sir Robert, earl of Warwick: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 280; adv. Ber. Co., II, 29, 369, 370,
  • Riches Mount, Bermuda, II, 336–337 (fig.)
  • Richmond, Va., I, 18, 99 n. 29
  • Richmond and Lennox, duke of. See Stuart,
    Ludovick, duke of Richmond and Lennox
  • Rickahake, Chickahominy River, I, 41, 186,
    II, 291
  • Rickards Cliffs, Chesapeake Bay, I, 226, II,
    165, 168, 323 n. 6
  • Rickards (Richards) family (of Yorkshire),
    III, 140, 153
  • ride (naut.), III, 90–91
  • riders (naut.), III, 19, 60
  • Ridlesdon, Sir Steven: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Rieux, Jean de, marquis d'Assérac, I, 430, II,
  • rigging (naut.), III, 16, 20, 70–71
  • ring-bolts (naut.), III, 19, 60
  • Rio Grande (Amazon). See Amazon River
  • risings (naut.), III, 61
  • rising timbers (naut.), III, 18, 59
  • Rivers, Thomas (witness), III, 387, 389
  • road (naut.), III, 90
  • roanoke (wampum), I, 190
  • Roanoke Island, N.C., I, 10, 53, 55, 63, II,
    82–85, III, 315; Indian village on, II, 66–
    67. See also Lost Colonists
  • robands (robbens) (naut.), III, 20, 73
  • Robert (a Pole), II, 257
  • Roberts, Elias: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Roberts, Elias, Jr.: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Roberts, Tedder: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Roberts, Thomas (mariner Nathan), III, 321
  • Robins, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Robins, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Robinson, Arthur: adv. Va. Co., II, 280

  • 491

  • *Robinson, Ensign Edward, I, 295, III, 186,
    355; verses by, I, 362, II, 393
  • Robinson, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Robinson, John: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    21, 45, 208, II, 139 n. 2, 141; adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 280; death of, I, 47, II, 146, 147, 152
  • Robinson, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Rochdale Hundred, Henrico, II, 242
  • Rochelle, La, France, I, 355, 358–359, II,
    423–425, 431 n. 3, III, 159, 342
  • rockfish, I, 156, II, 111, 344, 348
  • Rocke Hall, Henrico, II, 242
  • rockweed/seaweed, III, 24, 89
  • Rodes, Christopher: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 223, II, 161
  • Rodes (Rods), William: 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 20, 209, II, 142
  • Rodoll. See Şerban, Radul
  • *Roe, Sir Thomas (ambassador), I, 98 n. 21,
    III, 224, 225 n. 1; adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Rogers, Hugh: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II, 69
  • Rogers, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 280; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Rolfe, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Rolfe, Jane Pierce, III, 215 n. 3
  • *Rolfe, John: 1609 Jamestown colonist, II,
    255, 261, 274 n. 3; member of council, II,
    216; author, II, 250, 265; "relation," II,
    265–269; letters of, II, 251, 262 n. 2, 440 n.
    2, 441 n. 1; and marriage to Pocahontas, II,
    13, 245–246, 249
  • Rolfe, Thomas (son of John), II, 258, 260,
    262, 280 n. 3
  • Rome and Romans: I, 332, 333, 344, 360,
    435, II, 226, 227, 410, 411, 421, 422, 463,
    III, 161, 345
  • Romney, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • roove and clinch nails (naut.), III, 15, 83
  • ropemakers, II, 469
  • ropes, I, 334, II, 412
  • ropes (Indian), II, 419, 444
  • ropes (naut.), II, 470; names of, III, 20, 70–
    76; for anchors, III, 79–80; running, III,
    71; to control sails, III, 73–75; standing,
    III, 72
  • rope yarn (naut.), III, 76
  • Rosata, Cape. See Ras et Tin, Cape, Libya
  • Roscarrocke, William, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Rose (laborer): 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    242, II, 191
  • rose bushes, II, 93
  • * Rosier, James, II, 28, 88 n. 3; True relation
    (1605), I, 295, 325 n. 4, II, 92 n. 4, 428 n. 3
  • Rosworm, Earl. See Christof, Hermann, Graf
    von Russworm
  • Rotherham, Alderman Edward: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 280
  • Rottenton (Verestorony), III, 133, 182–184;
    battle of, III, 184–186, 354
  • Rouen (Roane), France, III, 154 n. 10, 155
  • round house (naut.), III, 19, 65, 66
  • Rowcroft, Edward (alias Stallings), I, 427;
    death of, in Virginia, I, 428, II, 440
  • Rowse (Russe): 1585 Roanoke colonist, II, 69
  • Royle, William: at St. Kitts, III, 228
  • Rubruquis, William de: "Peregrinations,"
    III, 191 n. 2, 192 n. 5, 193 nn. 8, 9, 1–3
  • rudder (naut.), III, 19, 25, 66, 67; irons III,
    15, 25, 66, 77; rope, III, 78
  • Rudolph II (emperor), III, 157, 162, 334,
    348 n. 9
  • rugs (Irish), II, 465, III, 134
  • run (naut.), III, 19, 59, 97
  • rungheads (naut.), III, 58
  • rungs (ship's timbers), III, 58
  • Russell, Edward, earl of Bedford: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 273
  • Russell, John: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    238, 241, II, 185, 190; and expeditions, I,
    243, 245, 251, 255, II, 192, 194, 198, 200;
    adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Russell, Dr. Walter: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 222, II, 161; and expedition, I,
    224, 228, II, 163, 168–169; author, I, 121,
    195, 197, 203, 229, II, 136 n. 3, 169
  • Russell, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 190
  • Russell, Dr. William, I, 224 n. 8
  • Russell, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 280
  • Russels Iles, Eastern Shore, I, 225, II, 164,
  • Russia, II, 48, 62, 188–189, 412, 438
  • Rut, John: 1527 voyage to North America,
    II, 48
  • *S., M.: verses by, II, 45–46
  • Saba, Lesser Antilles, I, 16
  • sable, I, 228, II, 94
  • sack (wine), I, 33, 159, 210, II, 114, 143, 386,


    III, 28, 29, 112, 113, 216, 217
  • Sackville, Sir Edward, earl of Dorset: adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 371; treasurer (1623), II, 390,
  • Sackville, Richard, earl of Dorset: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 275
  • Sad, Steven: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • saffron, II, 344
  • Saffron Walden, Essex, II, 27
  • Safi (Saffee), Morocco, III, 204, 211, 213, 329
  • Sagadahoc, Me., I, 277, 319, 325, 326, 328,
    339, 341, II, 231 n. 3, 350 n. 4, 402, 405,
    407, 408, 416, III, 279, 300; English colony
    at (1607–1608), I, 299–300, II, 399
  • Sagoquas, Mass., I, 319, 329, II, 402, 408 n. 1
  • Sagoria (Sagovia), Bulgaria, II, 411, III, 356
  • sail-cloth (naut.), III, 16
  • sailors, III, 86; duties of, III, 17, 28, 84; shares
    of, III, 27
  • sails (naut.), III, 16; for boats, III, 77; names
    of, III, 21, 80–81; proportions of, III, 81;
    ropes to control, III, 73–75; on
    approaching land, III, 23–24, 90–91; at
    departure, III, 17, 85–86, 88–89; in fight at
    sea, III, 22, 101–102; in storm, III, 87–88
  • St. Barthélémy (Bartholomew), Lesser
    Antilles, III, 231
  • Saint-Brieuc (Simbreack), France, III, 159,
  • St. Christopher. See St. Kitts
  • St. Croix (Sancta Crux), New France, I, 298,
    II, 248
  • St. David's Island, Bermuda, II, 369
  • St. Domingue, West Indies, III, 231
  • St. Eustatius, Caribbean, I, 16
  • St. George Channel, Bermuda, I, 389
  • St. George's Fort, Sagadahoc, I, 299, 324 n. 4
  • St. George's Harbour, Bermuda, II, 336–337
    (fig.), 351, 353, 354, 362, 377, 387, 389;
    assizes at, II, 363, 366, 369, 371, 382
  • St. George's Island, Bermuda, II, 348 n. 1,
    358, 369
  • St. Georges Isles, Me., II, 95
  • St. Giles Church, Camberwell, II, 28
  • St. Helen's Church, Willoughby, III, 151 n.
    3, 376
  • Saint-John, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Saint-John, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • St. John de Lateran Church, Rome, III, 162
  • St. Johns towne, Me., I, 319, II, 402
  • St. Katharine's (Catherine) Fort, Bermuda,
    II, 336–337 (fig.), 348 n. 1, 354, 389
  • St. Kitts (St. Christopher), Leeward Islands,
    III, 236, 300, 301; colony at, III, 226–227,
    228–230; described, III, 230–232; and
    Indians, III, 228, 229
  • St. Lawrence Island. See Madagascar
  • St. Lawrence River (Canada), I, 232, II, 172
  • Saint Lucas. See Sanlúcar, Spain
  • St. Lucia, Windward Islands, III, 231
  • St. Malo, Brittany, III, 159, 342
  • Saint Marie, Isle de. See Maire, Isle de
  • St. Martin, Leeward Islands, III, 231
  • St. Mattalin Island. See Martinique
  • St. Paul's churchyard, London, II, 252
  • St. Peter's Patrimonie, Rome, III, 345
  • St. Saviour's Church, Southwark, I, 122
  • St. Sepulchre's Church, London, III, 382
  • St. Steven Abbey, prior of, III, 158
  • St. Thomas harbor, Virgin Islands, I, 16
  • St. Valery sur Somme, France, III, 157, 341
  • St. Vincent, Windward Islands, III, 231
  • Sakaweston (an Indian), II, 399
  • saker (ord.), I, 145 n. 2, II, 152, 325, 385, 386,
    III, 25, 104; weight and shooting of, III,
    26, 109
  • Salé (formerly Sallee): pirate base, III, 239
  • Salem, Mass., I, 328 n. 4, III, 279, 288, 296
  • Salinas, Cabo de, Venezuela, III, 233
  • Salisbury, earl of. See Cecil, Robert, earl of
    Salisbury; Cecil, William, earl of Salisbury
  • Sallust, De re publica oratio, III, 150 n. 4
  • Sally men (pirates), III, 240
  • Salmaria, III, 130
  • salmon, I, 335, 343, 396, 424, II, 413, 420,
    438; white, I, 156, II, 111
  • salt, I, 159, 381, 402, 437, II, 77, 114, 287,
    289, 413, 414, 415, 465, 469, 471, III, 195,
  • Saltash, Cornwall, II, 440
  • Salter, David: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II, 69
  • Salter, Sir Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Salterne, Robert: voyages to New England,
    II, 91, 92
  • Salters' Company: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • salt-houses, I, 159, II, 289
  • salt-making, I, 336, II, 472, 473
  • Saltonstall, Capt. Charles, III, 383 n. 3; at St.
    Kitts, III, 230
  • Saltonstall, Sir Richard, III, 383 n. 3

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  • Saltonstall, Richard S., III, 383 n. 3
  • *Saltonstall, Sir Samuel (S.S.), III, 7, 47 n. 1,
    142, 230; verses by, III, 53; as executor to
    Smith, III, 383, 384, 386, 389
  • *Saltonstall, Wye (W.S.): verses by, III, 52
  • saltpeter, III, 107
  • salt-pond, II, 417
  • salutes (naut.), III, 22, 102
  • Salutium, Crimea, III, 195
  • Sambage, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 241, II, 190
  • Samms, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Samoset (Abenaki Indian): visit to New
    Plymouth, II, 447–448, 449
  • Samuel (a Dutch man), I, 250, II, 200, 217
  • Sancta Cruse. See Agadir, Morocco
  • Sandal Bedesteni, Constantinople, III, 355 n.
  • Sandbatch, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Sander (Black Sea area), III, 187, 355 n. 6,
  • Sanders, Richard: and escape from Bermuda,
    II, 363–364; and voyage to East Indies, II,
  • Sanderson, William (merchant), II, 63
  • Sands, Thomas: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    208, II, 141
  • Sandwich, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402
  • *Sandys, Sir Edwin: treasurer Va. Co., I, 302,
    387, II, 29, 266, 269, 270 n. 1, 284 n. 1, 369,
    373 n. 2; adv. Va. Co., II, 281; adv. Ber.
    Co., II, 371
  • *Sandys, George, II, 286, 297; adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 281; adv. Ber. Co., II, 371; Relation of a
    (1615), I, 145 n. 9
  • Sandys, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Sandys, Sir Samuel: adv. Va. Co., II, 281;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Sandys, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Sandys (Sands) Tribe, Bermuda, II, 369,
    383; list of adventurers, II, 371
  • Sanford, John, I, 369
  • sanjak, III, 168, 349
  • San Juan, Puerto Rico, I, 16
  • Sanlúcar (de Barrameda), Spain, III, 203,
  • San Sebastián, Spain, I, 377 n. 3, III, 322,
  • São Miguel (St. Michael), Azores, I, 357, II,
    263, 432
  • São Salvador, Congo, III, 209
  • Sara (an Englishwoman): prisoner at
    Pamunkey, II, 315
  • Sarapinagh Indians, Nanticoke River, II,
  • Saratov, Russia, III, 359 n. 9
  • Saray (near Istanbul), III, 356 n. 6
  • Sardinia, III, 159, 161, 344
  • Sarmiento de Acuña, Diego, conde de
    Gondomar (ambassador), I, 302, II, 388,
    III, 226, 322, 323
  • sarsaparilla, II, 301
  • Sasanou (Sassanows) Mountain, New Eng.,
    I, 342, II, 402, 419
  • Saslaw (Shaslaw), Podolia, III, 202, 360
  • Sasquesahanough, Susquehanna River, I,
  • Sassacomoit (Abenaki Indian), I, 293–294,
    II, 94 n. 2
  • sassafras, I, 226, II, 64, 66, 70, 72, 90, 109,
    110, 143, 166, 324, 419, 443
  • Sassafras River, Del., I, 185, II, 105 n. 3
  • sassafras tree, I, 153, 342, 430
  • Satquin Island. See Seguin Island, Me.
  • Satu-Mare (Szatmar), Hungary, III, 350 n. 6
  • Savage, Richard: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, 244, 250, II, 162, 193, 200
  • *Savage, Thomas (a boy): 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 223, II, 162, 248, 289, 290;
    given to Powhatan, I, 69, 216
  • Savoy, I, 379, 398, 425, II, 439
  • Sawkwell (pirate), III, 239–240
  • Sawocotuck, Me., II, 416
  • saws, II, 322, 470, 471
  • saws (naut.), III, 15
  • sawyers, I, 348
  • saxifrage, I, 153 n. 9, 154
  • Sayres (pirate), III, 240
  • Scaliger, Joseph Justus (d. 1609), III, 52 n. 2,
  • scallop (shellfish), II, 78, 90
  • Scanderoon. See Iskenderun, Turkey
  • Scar (an Indian of Massachusetts), II, 456
  • Scarborough, Thomas (witness), III, 378
  • Scarpe, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Scot, Master: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    242, II, 191
  • Scot, Nicholas: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    209, II, 142
  • Scotland, I, 357, II, 432, III, 154 n. 10, 155;


    and fishery, I, 331, 424, II, 439
  • Scott (Scot), Edward/Edmund: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 282: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Scott, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 281; adv. Ber.
    Co., II, 371
  • Scott, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Scoutan, Capt. Peter: in Bermuda, II, 376–
  • Screwe (near Constantinople), III, 187, 356
    n. 6
  • *Scrivener, Mathew: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 87, 215, 218, 221, 222, 224, 242,
    II, 12, 55, 187; adv. Va. Co., II, 281;
    member of council, I, 61, II, 154, 157, 158,
    160, 162, 182; president, I, 229, 233, 239,
    II, 169, 170, 180; and expeditions to
    Monacans, II, 184; and expeditions to
    Nansemond, I, 81, II, 191; and expeditions
    to Werowocomoco, I, 63, 69, 77, 79, 240;
    death of, I, 254, II, 13, 55, 203
  • scrivener, III, 18
  • scuppers (naut.), III, 20, 63; and nails and
    leather, III, 15, 63, 83
  • scurvy, II, 237, 238, 247, III, 29, 112
  • scuttle (naut.), III, 19, 62
  • Scythia, III, 191
  • sea: depth of, III, 93–95; terms for
    movements of, III, 21, 87–88, 92–93
  • Seabright, William, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • sea fan (a polyp), II, 341
  • sea fights. See warfare at sea
  • Seaford, Del., II, 164 n. 3
  • Sea Grammar (Smith), I, 374, III, 7, 42, 142,
    289; address to reader, III, 48; dedication
    of, III, 47, 256; editions of, III, 120–121;
    entered for publication, III, 120; title page
    of, III, 46 (fig.); verses to, III, 49–53
  • seals, I, 156, 337 n. 6, II, 111
  • Seaman, Robert: secretary at Sagadahoc, II,
  • Seaman's Dictionary ("Nomenclator Navalis")
    (Mainwaring), III, 6, 11 n. 1
  • seams on sails (naut.), III, 21, 81
  • sea robin, I, 156 n. 2
  • seasen (naut.), III, 76
  • sea terms (naut.), III, 18–19, 96–98
  • sea travel, III, 292
  • Sea-Venture Flats, Bermuda, II, 348 n. 1
  • Seberia. See Severski region, Russia
  • Secassaw, Mass., I, 329, II, 407
  • Secobeck, Rappahannock River, I, 187, II,
  • Secotan (Sequotan), N.C., II, 67, 69; people
    of, II, 67–68, 83, 84
  • Secowocomoco, Md., I, 148; population of,
    II, 105
  • Sedacom, Crimea, III, 195
  • Sedan, Mully. See Zidān, Mūlāi
  • Sedan, Thomas. See Tindall, Robert
  • Segar, Sir William (garter king of arms), III,
    129, 130, 176 n. 1; and Smith's grant of
    arms, III, 176–179
  • Segocket, New Eng., I, 319, 328, 339, II, 402,
    407, 416, III, 279
  • Segotago Indians, New Eng., I, 328, II, 407,
    III, 279
  • Seguin Island (Satquin), Me., I, 341, III,
    279, 319
  • Seine River, France, II, 95
  • seines, II, 470, III, 84. See also fish nets
  • Sekacawone, Md., I, 148; population of, II,
  • *Sendall, Thomas (merchant), II, 216 n. 2,
    III, 154
  • Seneca, II, 149 n. 2, 185 n. 1, 214 n. 3
  • Senegal River, West Africa, III, 208
  • sennit (naut.), III, 20, 21, 75–76
  • Separatists, III, 270
  • Şerban, Radul (voivode of Walachia), III,
    132, 181–183, 336, 353
  • serpentine (ord.), III, 104; weight and
    shooting of, III, 109
  • serpents, III, 211
  • Severski region (Seberia), Russia, III, 201,
  • Seville (Civill), Spain, II, 463, III, 203, 362
  • Sewster, Elizabeth (witness), III, 384
  • *Seymour, Edward, earl of Hertford, I, 122,
    II, 39; adv. Va. Co., II, 281; dedication to,
    I, 133, III, 128, 315
  • Seymour, Jane (queen of England), II, 39
  • Seymour, Richard: chaplain at Sagadahoc,
    II, 398 n. 4
  • Shackaconia, Rappahannock River, I, 165,
    187; Indians of, II, 119
  • shackles for gunports (naut.), III, 107
  • shad (shades) (fish), I, 156, II, 111
  • Shakahonea, king of, II, 175
  • Shakespeare, William, I, 130; Tempest, II, 83
    n. 4
  • shallop (naut.), I, 211 n. 5, III, 77

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  • shank-painter (naut.), III, 24, 80
  • shares in a ship's voyage, III, 26–27;
    allocation of, III, 110–111
  • sharks, I, 342, II, 344, 419
  • Sharpe, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Shasghe. See Chasseguey, Lord
  • sheare-grass, III, 290
  • shear hooks, III, 100
  • sheathing (naut.), III, 67
  • sheats (naut.), III, 20, 24, 74, 77
  • sheaves (shivers) (naut.), III, 62, 71
  • Sheckley, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • sheep, I, 159, 273, II, 113, 225, 232, III, 194,
    195, 357, 358. See also ulgry
  • sheeps feet (naut.), III, 21, 24
  • Sheffield, Edmund, Baron Sheffield: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 281
  • Sheffield (Sheffeld), Thomas: plantation of,
    II, 301
  • sheldrake, I, 342, II, 419
  • Shelley, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 281; in
    Bermuda, II, 347–349
  • Shelley, Walter: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • shells, II, 148; as tools, II, 117, 127, 128
  • Shelton, Sir Ralph: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Shepard, Matthew: adv. Va. Co., II, 281;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Shephard, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Shepley, Hugh: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • sherbet, III, 189
  • Sherley, James, of Plymouth, II, 468 n. 1
  • Sherwell, Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Sherwell, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Sherwin, Thomas (captain Peter Bonaventure),
    III, 220
  • Shingleton, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • ships: construction of, III, 17–19, 57–68, 70,
    98–99, 289–290; proportions of, III, 96–97;
    sailing qualities of, III, 96–98
  • Abigale, II, 292
  • Abraham, I, 434
  • Anne, II, 460 n. 2, 468 n. 1, 472 n. 4
  • Bermudas, II, 345
  • Blessing, II, 356, 373, III, 319
  • Bona nova, I, 440, II, 268
  • Darling, I, 440
  • David, III, 319
  • Deliverance, II, 349
  • Diana, II, 372, 373
  • Discovery: of 1607, I, 7, 204 n. 6; of 1622, II,
    455 n. 3
  • Discovery (barge), I, 243
  • Edwin, II, 360, 362, 363, 365
  • Elizabeth: of 1612, II, 355 n. 2, 356; of 1622,
    II, 304–305
  • Fortune, I, 430 nn. 3, 4, 5, II, 450 n. 4, III,
    280 n. 1
  • Four Sisters, III, 222
  • Garland, II, 375–376, 377
  • George: of 1616, II, 362, 365; of 1617, 262,
    263, 267, III, 217 n. 4
  • George Bonaventure, III, 222
  • Gilliflower, II, 373
  • Godspeed, I, 7, 204 n. 6
  • Hercules, I, 400
  • Hopewell (70 tons), I, 440; a bark (1616),
    II, 365, 368; of London (1624), III, 229
  • Judith, III, 320–321
  • Lions-whelpe, II, 222
  • Little James, II, 460 n. 2
  • Lydia, III, 220
  • Margaret (of Bristol), II, 267; of 1613, II,
  • Margaret and John, II, 270
  • Martha, II, 355
  • Mary and John, I, 267 n. 6
  • Mayflower: of 1620, II, 445 n. 4, 447 n. 1,
    450 n. 4, 473 n. 2; of 1629, III, 222
  • Nathan, III, 319
  • Neptune, II, 366, 368
  • Nightingale, I, 434
  • Paragon, I, 434, II, 16, 454, 459
  • Patience, II, 349, III, 61 n. 6
  • Peter Bonaventure, III, 220
  • Phoenix, I, 83, 97, 214, 219, 224, II, 154,
    158, 163, III, 92 n. 8
  • Pilgrim, III, 222
  • Plow, III, 229
  • Prince Royal, III, 96 n. 3
  • Royal James, II, 288, 292 n. 3
  • Sampson, III, 217 n. 4
  • Sea-flower, II, 374
  • Sea-Venture (Sea-Adventure), I, 127, 204 n. 8,
    268, 276, II, 219, 347–348; and ordnance,
    II, 355; and salvage, II, 387
  • Sparrow, II, 455 n. 3
  • Starre, II, 356
  • Susan Constant, I, 7, 204 n. 6
  • Talbot, III, 222
  • Thomas, II, 363
  • Tiger, II, 287
  • Treasurer, II, 264, 374, 376

  • 496

  • Triall, II, 267, III, 320
  • Virginia, I, 275 n. 2, 299, II, 231 n. 3
  • Warwick, II, 15, 375–376, 379, 387
  • Welcome, II, 358
  • ship's company: division of, III, 17, 85–86;
    duties of, III, 82–83
  • ship's victuals, III, 28–29
  • Shipton, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Shirley, Robert: envoy to London, II, 260 n.
  • Shirley, Hundred, II, 302 n. 4
  • shivers. See sheaves
  • shoes, II, 184, 321
  • Shooters (Shuters) hill, New Eng., I, 319, II,
  • Short, John: 1607 Jamestown colonist, II, 141
  • Shortridge, Jeffrey: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 241, 243, II, 190, 193, 243
  • shot (ord.), I, 240, 250, II, 187, 199, 322, 326,
    III, 15, 25, 104, 106, 108; chain, III, 107
  • shovels. See spades
  • Shrewsbury, earl of. See Talbot, Gilbert, earl
    of Shrewsbury
  • shrimp, II, 111
  • shrouds (naut.), III, 20, 71
  • Siberia, III, 199
  • Sicily (Sicilia), I, 379, 398, 425, II, 439, III,
    161, 298, 344
  • *Sicklemore, Capt. John: at Point Comfort, II,
    231; death of, II, 232, 244. See also Ratcliffe,
    Capt. John
  • *Sicklemore, Michael: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 222, II, 161; and expeditions, I,
    224, 230, 243, 244, 265, II, 163, 170, 193,
  • Sicklemore poynt, II, 172
  • sickles, II, 446
  • Sider, John (appraiser), III, 379
  • Siena, Italy, I, 33, III, 162, 345
  • Sierra Leone, III, 208
  • Sigismund III (king of Lithuania), III, 202 n.
  • Sigismundus, Prince. See Báthory, Zsigmond
    signals: by flags, III, 23, 103; by torches, III,
    163–164, 347–348
  • signposts in Russia, III, 200–201, 360
  • Silesia, III, 180
  • Silistra, Bulgaria, III, 133, 186 n. 9, 337
  • Silius Italicus, II, 314
  • silk, I, 159, 330, 334, 379, 398, 425, II, 114,
    287, 292, 344, 356, 409, 412, 439, III, 162,
    210, 271, 344
  • silk grass, I, 244 n. 1, II, 76, 193, 215, 291, 324
  • silk-men, III, 272
  • silkworms, I, 151, II, 76, 108, 312, 320, 343
  • silver, I, 227, 238, 330, 336, 358, II, 269, 409,
    433, III, 209, 271. See also mines: silver
  • Simons, Richard: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    II, 141; death, I, 21
  • Simons, Thomas: account of St. Kitts, III,
  • Simons, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, II, 161
  • Sinaia, Walachia, III, 132
  • Sinan Pasha (grand vizier), III, 333
  • Sion College, London, I, 139 n. 3
  • Siouan territory, II, 215 n. 2
  • Sirius River, Caucasus Mts., III, 199
  • Sisak, Yugoslavia, III, 345 n. 5
  • skarfing (naut.), III, 18, 58
  • skate (fish), I, 343, II, 420
  • Skelton, William: voyage to New England
    (1614), I, 323 n. 1, 425, II, 400
  • Skicóack, N.C., II, 66–67
  • Skicowáros (Abenaki Indian), II, 94 n. 3
  • skiff (naut.), III, 77
  • Skiko (son of Menatonon), II, 72, 73, 74, 75
  • Skinner, James: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II,
  • Skinners' Company: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • skins, I, 69, 149, 173, 174, II, 65, 121, 126,
    127. See also bearskins; beavers; deer;
    martens; otters; weasel skins
  • slander, damages for, I, 21
  • slate, I, 329
  • Slater, Thomas (publisher), III, 135, 250
  • slaves: African, III, 210; American Indian, I,
    352, 433; Tatar, III, 195, 197; to Turks,
    III, 189, 357
  • sleepers (stringers) (naut.), III, 18, 58
  • sling (ord.), III, 25, 202
  • slings (ord.), III, 19, 73
  • Slovenia (Slavonia), II, 411, III, 162, 345
  • Small, Robert (carpenter): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 208, 224, II, 142, 163
  • Smalman, Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Smals poynt, Va., II, 172
  • Smerwick, Ireland, II, 85
  • Smethes, William: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    II, 141

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  • Smith (pirate), III, 239
  • Smith, Adam: New England colonist (1615),
    I, 351, 428
  • Smith, Alice (mother), III, 377–378, 379
  • Smith, Alice (sister), III, 378
  • Smith (alias Oseney), Anna, III, 385–389
  • Smith, Cleophas: adv. Va. Co., II, 281; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Smith, Edmund: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Smith, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Smith, Francis (brother), III, 378; wife of,
    III, 383
  • Smith, George (father), III, 154 n. 7, 375; will
    of, III, 377–378; inventory of, III, 379–381
  • Smith, George: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370, 371
  • Smith, Grace, III, 376 n. 1
  • Smith, Humfrey: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Smith, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Smith, Capt. John: and arms, II, 33 (fig.), 34,
    97 (fig.), III, 129–130, 139 (fig.), 140 (fig.),
    269 (fig.), 328, 353; baptism of, III, 376;
    biography of, I, lv–lxi; death of, III, 390;
    epitaph of, III, 390; family of, III, 377–
    378; and patent, III, 176–179; and
    pension, I, 401 n. 3, III, 175, 353; portrait
    of, I, 322, II, 394 (fig.); verses of, III, 369,
    370; will of, III, 382–384, 385–389
  • — in Europe: soldier, III, 163–165, 182, 334–
    351; sergeant major, III, 174; captain, III,
    165, 348; in single combats, III, 172–174,
    351–352; captured, III, 186, 336–337, 354;
    slave, III, 186–189, 337, 355; escape, III,
    200–203, 338, 359–360. See also France;
  • — in New England, III, 237–238; admiral, I,
    427, 435. See also New England
  • — in Virginia, III, 237; adv. Va. Co., II, 281,
    329 n. 1; member of council, I, 61, 267, II,
    138; president, I, 127, 233, II, 180, 221;
    werowance, I, 8, 67. See also Chesapeake
    Bay: exploration of; James River:
    exploration of
  • — comments: on colonization, I, 335–337,
    436, II, 306–307, 316–318, 327–332, 420–
    427, III, 223, 287, 297–302; on
    imperialism, I, 344–345, II, 421–422; on
    religion, III, 280, 294–295; on Virginia, II,
    28, 57, 303–304, 305–307, 320, 325–326; on
    Va. Co., III, 269–272
  • — speeches: to colonists, I, 251, 264–265, II,
    201, 208; to Opechancanough, I, 251, 252,
    II, 200, 201; to Pamunkey Indians, I, 253,
    II, 202; to Powhatan, I, 53, 55, 57, 246,
    248, 249, II, 194–195, 196–197. See also
    Virginia Company: Smith's reports to
  • — maps. See New England; Virginia
  • — works. See individual titles
  • Smith, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Smith, Jonathan: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • *Smith, N., I, lv; verses of, I, 314, II, 228
  • Smith, Othowell: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Smith, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Smith, Sir Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Smith, Robert, III, 378
  • Smith, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 281; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Smith, Capt. Roger, III, 215
  • Smith, Steven (cousin), III, 383
  • Smith, Thomas: 1587 Roanoke colonist, II,
  • Smith, Thomas: Arte of Gunnerie (1599), III,
  • Smith, Sir Thomas. See Smythe, Sir Thomas
  • Smith, William (captain Hopewell), III, 229
  • Smith, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Smith family of Lancashire, III, 140, 153
  • Smithfield, Jamestown, II, 181
  • Smith Point, Va., I, 227 n. 8
  • smiths. See blacksmiths
  • Smiths (Smyths) falls, Va., I, 185, II, 172
  • Smiths fort, Bermuda, II, 336–337 (fig.), 353
    n. 2, 354, 374, 389
  • Smiths Isle, Bermuda, II, 353, 354, 369
  • Smith's Isles (Isles of Shoals), N.H., I, 319,
    322, 341, 388, II, 402, III, 286
  • Smiths Isles, Va., II, 101, 163, 168, 288, 291,
    III, 215; salt house at, II, 289
  • Smiths Tribe, Bermuda, II, 369; and list of
    adventurers, II, 370
  • smiting line (naut.), III, 73
  • *Smyth, John, of Nibley, II, 28
  • Smyth, William Henry (admiral), III, 40
  • Smythe, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 281;
    treasurer Va. Co., I, 127, 129, 302, 352, II,
    14, 29, 136–352 passim, 353 n. 2; adv. Ber.
    Co., II, 370; treasurer Ber. Co., II, 352,
    355, 359, 366, 369, 391
  • Smyth family, of Theddlethorp, III, 140
  • snakes, I, 161, II, 111, 115, III, 211; skins, II,
    123, 451. See also rattlesnakes

  • 498

  • snaphance (ord.), II, 225
  • Snarsborow, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Snarsbrough, Francis: 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 208, II, 141
  • Snelling, Master: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II,
  • Snowdon hill, New Eng., II, 402
  • soap, III, 67
  • soap ashes, I, 151, 159, 234, 238, 263, 379,
    398, 425, II, 108, 114, 181, 182, 185, 187,
    188, 212, 324, 439, III, 218, 271
  • soap-berries, III, 233, 234
  • socket (naut.), III, 19, 65
  • Sockobeck, Rappahannock River, I, 187
  • sodomy: in Bermuda, II, 387
  • Sofola, Africa, III, 210
  • soil fertility, I, 145, 332, 334, II, 239, 267;
    tests for, II, 66, 89, 93, 412
  • sole (fish), I, 156, II, 111
  • Solmos, Hungary, III, 175, 353
  • Solon of Athens, II, 153 n. 2, 221 n. 1
  • Some, Edward (master Peter Bonaventure), III,
  • Some (Soame), Joseph: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Some (Soame), Sir Steven: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Somer Iles. See Bermuda
  • *Somers, Sir George, III, 300; admiral of
    Virginia, I, 127; shipwrecked, I, 122, 268;
    in Jamestown, I, 276; in Bermuda, I, 277;
    death of, I, 129, 277; epitaph of, I, 278
  • Somers, Capt. Matthew, II, 352
  • Somes (Szamos) River, Hungary, III, 350 n.
  • Songo (in Africa), III, 209 n. 8
  • Sophocles, II, 193 n. 5
  • Soraphanigh, Eastern Shore, I, 226
  • Sorico Island, Penobscot Bay, I, 341
  • sorrel, I, 153, 263, II, 109, 213
  • Soto, Hernando de, I, 325, 327, II, 404, 406,
    III, 301
  • sounding line (naut.), III, 89, 90
  • Southampton, earl of. See Wriothesley,
    Henry, earl of Southampton
  • Southampton, New Eng., I, 319, II, 402
  • Southampton Fort, Bermuda, II, 336–337
    (fig.), 385, 389
  • Southampton Hundred, Va., II, 302
  • Southampton River, Va., II, 236
  • Southampton Tribe, Bermuda, II, 369; list of
    adventurers, II, 371
  • Southick, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • South Sea (Back Sea; Pacific Ocean), I, 49,
    75, 234, II, 119; rumor of passage to, I, 229,
    II, 169, 181, 183, 188
  • Southwell, Captain: at Bermuda, II, 373
  • Sowams (Indian village), Mass., II, 456 n. 5
  • Sowocatuck, New Eng., I, 301, 319, 324 n. 3,
    339, II, 402, 408
  • spades (shovels), II, 263, 285, 296; and
    equipment, II, 322, 469, 470
  • Spain and Spaniards, II, 227, 314, 318, 406,
    411, 435, III, 298; commodities, II, 114,
    412; colonization by, I, 257, 327, 331, 348,
    349, 350, 379, III, 277, 293–294; empire of,
    II, 425–427, 437, III, 299, 301; fishing
    fleets of, I, 395, 396, 423, 424; fish trade of,
    II, 398, 415, 425, 439; revenue of, I, 159,
    334, 424; trade of, I, 333, II, 409, 415, 439;
    ambassador of, to London (see Sarmiento
    de Acuña, Diego). See also Finisterre, Cape
  • Sparkes, Master: Jamestown colonist, II, 245
  • Sparkes, Michael (publisher), II, 29, 487
  • Sparkes, Thomas: planter in Bermuda, II,
    344 n. 3, 345, 375
  • Sparrow, Francis: in search of Eldorado, III,
  • Sparrow, Steven: adv. Va. Co., II, 281; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 371
  • sparrow hawks, I, 155, II, 111
  • Sparta, II, 226
  • Spearman, John: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, II, 161
  • spears (Indian), I, 163, 224
  • Speckhard, Abraham: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Spelman, Henry: 1609 Jamestown colonist, I,
    166 n. 1, II, 14, 57, 221 n. 4, 257, 302; living
    with Indians, II, 232, 236, 304–305, 320;
    death, II, 321; "Relation," I, 271 n. 8
  • Spence, Ensign: in Virginia, II, 302
  • Spence, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, II, 161, 247
  • Spencer, Robert, Lord Spencer: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 281
  • Spencer, Urion: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • spermaceti, III, 219
  • Speyer (Speyre), Germany, III, 203, 362
  • Spicer, Capt. Edward: at Hatarask (1590),
    II, 86
  • spices, II, 322

  • 499

  • spiders: in Bermuda, II, 343
  • spikes (naut.), III, 15, 16, 25; hand, III, 25;
    marling, III, 16
  • Spiller, Sir Henry (commissioner 1623), II,
    332 n. 1
  • spindle (naut.), III, 19, 62
  • spinsters, I, 348
  • splicing (naut.), III, 16, 76, 80
  • sponge (ord.), III, 15, 25, 83, 106
  • spout. See water spout
  • Spranger, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Springham, Matthias: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Sprint, Gregory: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • spruce trees, II, 93
  • Sprusland/Sprussia (East Prussia), I, 397,
  • Spruson, Hildebrand: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • spunyarn (naut.), III, 76
  • spurkits (naut.), III, 58–59
  • Squantum. See Tisquantum
  • squash (melon; pompion), II, 65, 145
  • squirrels, I, 154, 162, 215, 240 n. 9, 263, II,
    110, 116, 117, 212
  • Stacey, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Stacy, Master: 1610 Jamestown colonist (?),
    II, 236
  • Stafford, Edward, duke of Buckingham, II,
  • Stafford, Capt. Edward: Roanoke colonist
    (1585–1587), II, 69, 74, 75, 83, 84
  • Stafford, Elizabeth, II, 39
  • stage for cutting fish, I, 335
  • Stallings, Daniel: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    222, II, 162
  • Stallings (alias Rowcroft), Edward:
    Jamestown colonist, I, 351, 356, II, 266,
    428, 431; death of, II, 266, 440
  • Standish, Capt. Miles: New England colonist,
    II. 59, 443, 445, 447, 455–456, 458, 472
  • Stanhope, John, Lord Stanhope of
    Harrington: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Staper, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Stapers, Hewet: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • starboard (naut.), III, 22, 84–85
  • starving time at Jamestown, I, 125, 129, II,
    232–233, 239, 247
  • Stationers' Company, II, 16; adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 281
  • stations for nettings (naut.), III, 19
  • Statius, Publius Papinius, II, 122 n. 1
  • stays (naut.), III, 20, 71
  • steel, I, 159, 334, 378, II, 114
  • steep tubs (naut.), III, 84
  • steerage room (naut.), III, 19, 65
  • steering a ship, III, 59, 84–85; in a storm, III,
    87; terms for, III, 22, 85
  • Stegara (Stegarakes), Rappahannock River,
    I, 165, 187, II, 119, 175, 176
  • stem (naut.), III, 18, 58
  • stern-fast (naut.), III, 80
  • stern post (naut.), III, 18, 58
  • Stevens, Thomas: 1587 Roanoke colonist, II,
  • Stevens, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Stevenson, John: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    II, 141
  • Steward, Augustine: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • steward (naut.), III, 19; duties of, III, 16, 83;
    shares of, III, 27, 110; stewards room, III,
  • Stile, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • stingray (fish), I, 156, 228, II, 111, 168, III,
    230, 237
  • Stingray Isle, I, 228, 230, II, 169, 170
  • stirrup (naut.), III, 19, 97
  • Stobaeus, Joannes, II, 185 n. 2, 193 n. 5
  • stockdove, II, 78
  • Stockham (Stockton), Jonas: "Relation," II,
    14, 56, 285–286, 298, 302
  • Stockley, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • stocks (naut.), III, 18, 57
  • Stokes (lieutenant of King's Castle,
    Bermuda), II, 363
  • Stokes, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Stokes, Capt. Thomas: sheriff in Bermuda, II,
  • Stokley, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Stolewisenberg. See Székesfehérvar, Hungary
  • Stone, Captain: at St. Kitts, III, 230
  • Stone, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • stone: New England, I, 329, II, 408, III, 290;
    Virginia, I, 144–145, 329, II, 408, III, 290
  • stonecutters, III, 272
  • Stoneman, John: account of Challons voyage,
    I, 396 n. 8
  • Stonnard, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • stopper (naut.), III, 24
  • stowage (naut.), III, 82
  • Strabo (Greek geographer), III, 95
  • *Strachey, William: career of, II, 27–28; adv.


    Va. Co., II, 281; secretary in Virginia, I,
    129, 201 n. 3, II, 28; Indian word list of, I,
    139 n. 3; The Historie of Travell into Virginia
    , I, 124, 125, 302, 378 n. 7; "True
    Reportory," I, 129, 130, 193, 373–374
  • strakes (naut.), III, 18, 59
  • strand-boat, I, 397, 424, II, 438
  • stratagems (military), III, 163–164, 166,
    183–184, 347–348, 349, 354
  • Stratford, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Strasbourg (Strausborough), Germany, III,
    203, 362
  • strawberries, I, 29, 153, 162, 342, 430, II, 89,
    93, 109, 116, 419
  • Strigonum. See Esztergom
  • stringers. See sleepers
  • Strongtharm, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • strug (Russian sailing vessel), III, 191, 359
  • Stuard, Augustine, Esq. See Steward,
  • *Stuart, Frances, duchess of Richmond and
    Lennox, I, 133 n. 1, III, 129; and
    genealogy, II, 39; patron of Generall
    , II, 29; dedication to, II, 41–42;
    portrait of, II, 38 (fig.)
  • Stuart, Ludovick, duke of Richmond and
    Lennox, I, 133 n. 1, II, 39, 334 n. 3;
    engraving of, II, 34
  • Studley (Stoodie), Thomas: 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 208, II, 136 n. 3, 141; author, I,
    195, 196, 197, 203, 213 n. 6, 221, II, 153,
    160; death of, I, 20, 197, 214 n. 10, II, 153
    n. 3
  • Stuhlweissenburg. See Székesfehérvar,
  • *Stukeley, Sir Lewis, vice-admiral of Devon, I,
    354, II, 262, 430
  • Stukely, John: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II, 68
  • Stukely, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • sturgeon, I, 33, 146–147, 156, 159, 210, 264,
    267, 331, 333, 334, 342, 343, 379, 396, 397,
    398, 424, 425, II, 78, 103–104, 111, 114,
    143, 213, 324, 325, 411, 438, 439
  • Stutevil, Sir Martin: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • Styria (Steiermark), III, 162, 332, 345
  • subsidies for transporting colonists, II, 328
  • Succonet (Suckanesset), Cape Cod, II, 457
  • suckets, I, 357, II, 432, III, 29, 112
  • Suffolk, earl of. See Howard, Thomas, earl of
  • sugar, I, 357, 379, 398, 425, II, 28, 322, 365,
    432, 433, 439, III, 112, 113
  • sugarcane, II, 301, 342, 344, 365, 381, 385,
    III, 233
  • sugar-works, III, 228
  • Suleiman the Magnificent, III, 333
  • sultanies (coin), III, 162, 344
  • Sultz, Karl Ludwig, Graf von, III, 166, 349
  • sumac, II, 77
  • Summer Isles, II, 350, 406. See also Bermuda
  • sun, eclipse of, II, 81; observations of, III, 27,
    89, 111; worship of, I, 232
  • Sundi (in Africa), III, 209
  • surgeons (chirurgions), II, 142, 162, 170, 453
  • surgeons (naut.), III, 16, 22, 82–83, 102; pay,
    III, 28; shares, III, 27, 110
  • Susax (Susack) (town near Azov), III, 188,
  • Susquehanna River, II, 105; Indian place-names
    on, I, 189
  • Susquehannock Indians, I, 148, 165, 189,
    190, II, 11 n. 2, 12, 54, 94 n. 1, 105;
    described, I, 149–150, 160, II, 106–107,
    114; engraving of, I, 142 (fig.), 150;
    language of, II, 106, 171; and meeting with
    English, I, 231–232; population of, II, 106
  • *Sutcliffe, Dr. Matthew, dean of Exeter, I, 353
    n. 9; adv. Va. Co., II, 281, 427
  • Sutton, Sir Richard (commissioner 1623), II,
  • swabber (naut.): duties of, III, 17, 22, 84,
    102–103; shares of, III, 110
  • Swan, Conrad (York Herald), III, 129, 262
  • swans, I, 43, 155, 212, II, 78, 111, 145, 419
  • swearing, I, 238, II, 185
  • sweat house, II, 121
  • Sweden (Swethland), I, 159, 333–334, 379,
    397, 398, 424, 425, II, 114, 188–189, 412,
  • sweep (naut.), III, 58
  • Swift, James: adv. Va. Co., II, 281
  • swifter (naut.), III, 71
  • swine, I, 273, III, 195, 234, 274, 283. See also
  • Swinhow, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 281; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 371; death of, II, 302
  • swords: English, I, 149, 163, 166, 220, 236,
    242, 245–246, 250, 253, 259, II, 144, 159,
    192, 199, 200, 203, 208, 213, 225, 232, 244,
    322, 327; Indian, II, 81, 106, 117, 183

  • 501

  • Sydney, Robert, earl of Leicester: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 278
  • *Symonds, William, D.D.: editor of Smith's
    works, I, 121, 122, 130, 195–196, 197, 213
    n. 6, 225 n. 4, 278 n. 3, 279, II, 54 n. 2, 136,
    231, 234, III, 314
  • Syon House, London, II, 260 n. 4
  • syphilis, I, 153 n. 9, II, 299
  • Syria, I, 344, II, 421
  • Székely, Mózes, III, 171–172, 174, 175, 180,
    203 n. 9, 350–351, 352
  • Székesfehérvar, (Alba Regalis;
    Stuhlweissenburg), Hungary, III, 131;
    siege of, III, 165, 167 n. 2, 169, 180 n. 4,
    334, 348
  • Sziget (Segeth), III, 166
  • Szigetvar (Zigetum), Hungary, 167 n. 6
  • tackling/tackles (naut.), III, 16, 20, 72, 87
  • tacks (naut.), III, 74
  • Tadoussac, St. Lawrence River, I, 300, 301
  • taffeta, III, 72, 195, 198
  • *Tahánedo (Bdahnedo; Dohannida;
    Dohoday) (Abenaki Indian), I, 351, II, 94
    n. 2, 428
  • tailors, I, 348, II, 142, 162, 424
  • Talbot, Gilbert, earl of Shrewsbury, II, 281 n.
  • Talbot, Mary, countess of Shrewsbury: adv.
    Va. Co., II, 281
  • Talbots Bay, New Eng., I, 428
  • tallow, III, 67
  • Tanaïs River. See Don River, Russia
  • Tangier (Tanger), Morocco, III, 204, 239
  • Tankard, William: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 208, 244, II, 141, 193; author, I, 197, II,
  • *Tanner, Salo.: verses of, III, 151
  • tanners, II, 369
  • Tantucquask, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • Tantum. See Tisquantum
  • Tanxnitania (Tauxuntania), Rappahannock
    River, I, 165, 187, II, 175, 176
  • Tanx Powhatan, I, 18
  • Tanx Wighcocomoco river, Md., I, 150
  • Tapp, John: Seamans Kalender (1625), III, 27,
  • Tappe, John (printer), I, 116
  • Tapuya Indians (South America), III, 228 n.
  • tar, I, 159, 234, 238, 330, 333, 337, 363, 379,
    398, 425, II, 76, 114, 181, 182, 185, 409,
    411, 439, III, 19, 23, 271; made at
    Jamestown, II, 187, 188, 212, 324, III, 218;
    naval uses for, III, 67, 104
  • targets (shields), Indian, I, 149, 163, 166,
    231, II, 106, 117, 126, 144, 171, 174
  • tarpaulins (naut.), III, 25, 69, 77
  • Tarrentine (Terentyne) Indians, I, 338, 351,
    II, 416, III, 279
  • Tassantessus, II, 246. See also Chickahominy
  • Tassore (an Indian), I, 261 n. 9, 263
  • Tatam (Tanton), Samuel: at Bermuda, II,
  • Tatars (Tartars), I, 164, II, 118, III, 132,
    133, 185, 186, 336; description of, III, 190,
  • Tate, Francis, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Tattershall Castle, Lines., III, 156, 157 n. 8
  • tattooing, I, 160, II, 115
  • Taughaiten, I, 256 n. 2. See also Opichapam
  • Taughtanakagnet Indians, I, 328, II, 407,
    III, 279
  • Taur, Cape, Black Sea, III, 188, 356
  • Taurica. See Crimea
  • Tauricaces, III, 201, 360
  • Tauskus, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • Taux (Toags), Potomac River, I, 227, II, 167
  • Tauxanias Indians, II, 119
  • Tauxenent, I, 88, 148, 188; population of, II,
  • Taverner, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 282; 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 216, 222, II, 161
  • Tavin, Henry: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    209, II, 142
  • Tayler, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Tayler, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    242, II, 191
  • Taylor, John, I, 295; Smith's verses for, III,
  • Taylow, Randal (bookseller), III, 120
  • teal (bird), I, 342, II, 419
  • Teesdale, Ezekiel (appraiser), III, 379
  • Tegonea Indians, I, 165, II, 119
  • Tegreeman (Tegramund) (Carib chief), III,
  • Teius (Tövis), battle of (1602), III, 353 n. 10
  • telescope, II, 80 n. 1
  • Temesvár (Temesware), Hungary, III, 180

  • 502

  • Tenerife, III, 212
  • Teracosick, James River, I, 186
  • Terceira, Azores, I, 379, 398, 425, II, 433,
  • terra incognita, I, 327, 346, 349, II, 226, 406,
    423, 426
  • terra sigillata, I, 57, 87, 145, II, 76, 166
  • Tesinigh, Susquehanna River, I, 189
  • Tessamatuck, Potomac River, I, 188
  • Tested, William: at St. Kitts, III, 228
  • thatching, II, 74, 157
  • Theognis of Megara (Greek poet), II, 140 n. 2
  • Thessalia, Greece, I, 333, II, 411
  • Thirty Years' War (1618–1648), III, 5
  • tholes (naut.), III, 25, 77
  • Thomond, Donogh O'Brien, earl of:
    president of Munster, II, 364
  • Thompson, Morice: colonist at St. Kitts, III,
    236 n. 3
  • Thorne, Anthony (master Lydia), III, 220
  • Thorne, Robert: merchant in Seville, II, 47
  • Thornton, Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Thorpe, George, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 282;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 370; appointed to
    council, II, 283, 287, 293; and letter to
    Sandys, II, 270 n. 1; death of, II, 294–295,
  • *Thorpe, Thomas (bookseller), II, 46 n. 2
  • Thracia, I, 333, II, 411
  • thread, Indian, II, 117
  • Three Turkes heads islands, New Eng., I,
    339, 341, II, 417
  • Throckmorton, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Throgmorton, Kenelm: 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 208, II, 141; death of, I, 20
  • thrums (naut.), III, 76
  • thrushes, I, 155, II, 111
  • thwarts (naut.), III, 25, 77
  • Tiber River, Rome, III, 162, 345
  • Tickner, Samuel: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • tides (naut.), III, 21, 92–93, 111
  • ties (naut.), III, 20, 69, 72–73
  • Tilbury, Thames River, I, 435, II, 463
  • tiller (naut.), III, 19, 66
  • Tilly, Edward: New England colonist, II,
    443, 445
  • Tilly, John: New England colonist, II, 445
  • Timbed, Henry: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • timber (wood and trees), I, 330, 337, 379,
    381, 398, 425, II, 298, 408, 409, 415, 439,
    466, 469, 470
  • Timberlake, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • timbers (naut.), III, 17–19, 58–60
  • Timbuktu (Tumbatu), Niger River, I, 406,
    441, III, 208
  • Timisoara. See Temesvár
  • *Tindall, Robert: gunner, II, 216 n. 2; sketch
    map of Virginia, I, 107 n. 200
  • *Tisquantum (Squantum; Tantum),
    (Abenaki Indian), II, 16, 59, 428, 448, 449,
    451, 452–453; death of, II, 455
  • tissue (cloth), III, 161, 195, 344
  • Tite, Lewis: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • toadfish (puffer), I, 156, II, 111
  • tobacco, in Bermuda, II, 342, 343, 344, 356,
    367, III, 220; crops, II, 372, 373, 376, 377,
    381; as pensions, II, 380; price for, II, 388;
    for public works, II, 380; regulations for
    growing, II, 382
  • tobacco, in Caribbean, III, 226, 229, 230, 234
  • tobacco, in Virginia, II, 77, 89, 284, 292, 301,
    310, 327; crops, II, 256, 262, 285, 287, III,
    216, 218, 271, 274; as currency, II, 314;
    marketing of, III, 214, 237; as medicine, II,
    77; price for, II, 263, 327
  • tobacco bags, II, 177
  • tobacco controller, II, 308
  • tobacco house, II, 296
  • tobacco inspectors (triers), II, 378, 380
  • tobacco-pipe-makers (English), II, 162, III,
  • tobacco pipes (Indian), I, 149, 166, II, 106,
    171, 177
  • tobacco ritual, I, 59, 170, II, 124, 248, III,
  • Tobbe, Thomas (mariner Nathan), III, 321
  • Tocka. See Tokaj, Hungary
  • Tockwhogh River, Eastern Shore, I, 150,
    185, 230 n. 9, 231, 232
  • Tockwhogh village, I, 189, 231, II, 171
  • Tockwogh Indians, I, 150, 166, 190, II, 11 n.
    2, 12, 54, 105, 119; hostility of, to
    Massawomeks, II, 171; population of, II,
  • tode-boat (fishing vessel), I, 331, 397, 424, II,
  • *Todkill, Anas: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    208, II, 142 n. 1; and expeditions, I, 216,
    224, 230, 243, II, 163, 170, 172 n. 3, 173,
    174, 193; and search for Lost Colonists, I,
    265–266, II, 215; author, I, 195, 197, 203,


    213 n. 6, 221, 229, 238 n. 4, 258, II, 136 n.
    3, 160, 169, 180, 207
  • Tokaj, Hungary, III, 203, 362
  • Tokamahamon (an Indian), II, 452
  • Toledo, Spain, II, 463, III, 203, 362
  • tomahawks (poleaxes), I, 55, 104 n. 133
  • tomkin/tamkin (ord.), III, 25, 107
  • Tomlins, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 282; adv.
    Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Tomocomo. See Uttamatomakkin
  • Tompson (pirate), III, 239
  • Tompson, Edward: colonist at St. Kitts, III,
  • Tonquédec (Tuncadeck) castle, France, III,
    159, 342
  • Tooker, Briane (mate Nathan), III, 320
  • tools (English), II, 208, 213, 225, 244, 322,
    324, 326, 346, 413
  • top armings/top armor (naut.), III, 101
  • Topent, Mass., I, 329, II, 407
  • Topmanahocks territory, I, 53
  • Toppahanock River, I, 51, 232, 256, II, 104,
    119, 316. See also Rappahannock River
  • Toppahanock territory, I, 37, 51, 53, 147, II,
    168; Indians of, I, 232
  • Tor Bay, Devon, III, 220
  • torches, III, 327
  • Tordesillas, Treaty of (1494), I, 203, II, 466
  • tornadoes, III, 21, 91
  • tortoises, I, 205, II, 78, 90, 116, 137, 344, 346,
    353, 380, III, 232. See also turtles
  • Totan (Totant), I, 319, 329, II, 402, 407, III,
  • Totheet, Mass., I, 329, II, 407
  • Totnes (Tattnesse; Totneys), Devon, I, 311,
    II, 260 n. 3, 440
  • Toulon (Tolonne), France, III, 159, 343
  • Toulouse (Tolouza), France, III, 159, 343
  • Towler, Charles: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Townson, Leonard: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Towtales, Laurence: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 223, II, 162
  • Toyatin (Taughaiten). See Opitchapam
  • *Trabigzanda (Tragabigzanda), Charatza, I,
    319 n. 2, 340 n. 8, II, 41, III, 186, 187–188,
    200, 334, 337, 355, 357
  • Tracy, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Tracy, William: appointed to council, II, 283
  • trade: with Indians, I, 21, 239, 240, II, 114,
    121, 144, 154, 156–157, 172, III, 298, 320
  • trade routes in Russia, III, 359 n. 9
  • *Tradescant, John, III, 383
  • tradesmen (craftsmen), II, 191
  • Tragabigzanda, Cape, Mass., I, 319, 339,
    341, II, 402, 417
  • trail, Indian, III, 134
  • train oil, I, 324, 337, 380, 381, 398, 399, 426,
    II, 401, 415, III, 67, 112, 291; naval uses
    for, III, 23, 104; price of, II, 471, 472
  • transome (naut.), III, 59
  • Transylvania, I, 405, 440, II, 468, III, 132,
    170, 179, 181, 202–203, 348, 353, 362
  • traps (gins), II, 444
  • traverse board (naut.), III, 19, 66
  • "Treatise on shipbuilding and a treatise on
    rigging, written about 1620–25," III, 43
  • Tredway, Mistress, III, 383
  • Treedell, William (owner Nathan), III, 320
  • treenails (naut.), III, 59
  • trees (naut.), III, 64, 69, 81
  • Tres Puntas, Cabo de, III, 231
  • tressel-trees (naut.), III, 69
  • Trever, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • trim (naut.), III, 98
  • Trinidad, Caribbean, III, 224, 232
  • Trinity House: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Tripoli, North Africa, III, 207
  • tropic bird, II, 343
  • Troughton, Andrew: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • trousers (trouses), III, 134
  • trout, I, 156, II, 78, 111
  • trucks (ord.), III, 105
  • True and Sincere Declaration of the Purpose and
    Ends of the Plantation Begun in Virginia

    (1610), I, 128, II, 218 n. 3, 237 n. 3
  • True Declaration of the estate of the Colonie in
    (1610), I, 129, II, 218 n. 3, 237
  • True Relation (Smith), I, 125, 374, II, 333 n. 1,
    III, 316; dedication, I, 24–25; editions, I,
    116–117; publishing history, I, 5–6; title
    page, I, 5–6, 23 (fig.)
  • True Relation of a Wonderfull Sea Fight (1621),
    II, 270–273
  • True Travels (Smith), I, 295, 374, 426, II, 97,
    III, 328, 329; dedication, III, 256; editions,
    III, 250–251; registered, III, 250; title
    page, III, 138
  • trumpeter (naut.), III, 23, 83, 86, 102, 103;
    mater, III, 110; shares, III, 27, 110
  • trumpets, I, 69, 106 n. 174, II, 245, III, 185
  • trunnions (ord.), III, 19, 25, 59 n. 9, 105
  • trusses (naut.), III, 20

  • 504

  • Truro, Mass., II, 457 n. 2
  • Trypaniks (Indian tribe), II, 70
  • Tsaryov Borisov, III, 359 n. 9
  • Tubliano. See Ljubljana, Yugosiavia
  • tuck (naut.), III, 59, 97, 98
  • Tucker, Daniel: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371; adv.
    Va. Co., II, 282; 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 241, II, 190; governor of Bermuda, II,
    57, 58, 362–367; reprimanded by
    Company, II, 368, 369; return to England,
    II, 373–374
  • Tucker, George: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371; adv.
    Va. Co., II, 282
  • Tucker, William: III, 215; adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Tufton, Sir Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Tufton, Sir William: governor of Barbados,
    III, 230
  • Tumbatu. See Timbuktu, Niger River
  • Tunis, II, 431, III, 207, 239
  • Tunis, Gulf of, III, 160, 344
  • tunny (fish), I, 396, 397, 424, 425, II, 438, 439
  • Turbashaw (a Turkish officer): challenges
    Smith, III, 172, 351
  • turbot (brett), I, 156, 342, II, 111, 419, 420
  • Turin, Italy, I, 332
  • Turk, the Great. See Suleiman the
  • Turkey and Turks, I, 343, 426, II, 120, 422,
    427, 439, 453, III, 132; diet of, III, 189,
    357–358; raid Hungary, III, 163–164,
    346–350; religion of, III, 296–297
  • turkey feathers, I, 161, II, 115
  • turkeys, I, 155, 161, 162, 165, 174, 220, 245,
    342, 431, II, 78, 111, 115, 116, 117, 118,
    127, 159, 194, 212, 294, 298, 419, 431
  • turkey spurs, II, 117
  • Turkhoman, deserts of, III, 199
  • Turner, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Turner, Dr. William: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • turnips, II, 425
  • turpentine, II, 76, III, 166
  • turtledoves, III, 232
  • turtles, I, 162, III, 228, 229, 232, 234. See also
  • Tuscany, Italy, III, 161, 343
  • Tusser, Thomas: Five hundreth Pointes of Good
    , I, 155 n. 7
  • Tussore (an Indian), II, 210, 212, 214
  • twine (naut.), III, 16
  • Twisden, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Tymor Bashaw, of Nalbrits, III, 187, 188–
    189, 337, 355, 357; death of, III, 200, 338,
  • ulgry (sheep), III, 189, 190, 191, 357, 358
  • Ulm, Germany, III, 203, 362
  • Ulmich (Ulmicht). See Olomouc, Moravia
  • Underoroway (Unaderawa). See Oravsky
    Podzamok, Moravia
  • Unger, William: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    209, II, 142
  • Upton, John (servant), II, 312
  • Ural (Yaik) River, III, 199
  • Urbino, Italy, I, 333
  • Utchowig, Susquehanna River, I, 180
  • Utcustank, Mattapanient River, I, 187
  • *Uttamatomakkin (Tomocomo) (Indian
    attending Pocahontas), I, 172 n. 9, II, 260
    n. 1, 261
  • Uttamussack, Pamunkey River, I, 169, 187,
    II, 122
  • Uttamussamacoma, Potomac River, I, 188,
    II, 261 n. 2
  • Uttasantasough (an Indian), II, 178. See also
  • Vaca de Castro, Cristóbal (governor of Peru),
    II, 300
  • Vahan: in battle in Hungary, III, 168
  • Valdivia, Pedro de, I, 333 n. 6
  • Valdivia, Chile, I, 333, II, 411
  • Valencia, Spain, I, 332, II, 410
  • Valladolid, Spain, III, 203, 362
  • Valuiki, III, 201 n. 5, 359 n. 9
  • Vandalorum, III, 130
  • Van Lore, Peter: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Van Medkerk, Alfonsus: adv. Va. Co., II, 279
  • Varatzo, sack of, III, 175, 329, 353
  • variation of the compass, III, 27, 111
  • Varinas, Venezuela: tobacco from, II, 267
  • Varna, Bulgaria, III, 187, 356
  • Vas, Ferenc, III, 330–331
  • Vasco. See Vaca de Castro, Cristóbal
  • Vassell, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Vaughan, Master: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II,
    69, 73
  • *Vaughan, Robert (engraver), I, 124, 358 n. 7,
    II, 29, III, 129, 140, 187 n. 5, 201 n. 7, 356
    n. 9. See also Virginia (Ould Virginia): map

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  • Vaughan, Sir Walter: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Velasco, Don Alonso de (ambassador), I,
    123, 129
  • Velasco map (1610), I, 123, 129, 325 n. 11,
    326 n. 6, II, 34
  • Veltus, Colonel, III, 171, 181, 182, 183, 185,
    186, 354
  • velvet, I, 159, 330, II, 114, 409, III, 162, 344
  • Ven, Nicholas: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, II, 161
  • Venice, I, 330 n. 2, 333, 435, II, 226, 227, 409,
    411, 463, III, 131–132, 344, 345; fleet of,
    III, 160, 162
  • venison, I, 49, 77, 231, 245, II, 167, 171, 194,
    199, 212
  • Venne, Arthur: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Venne, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Vere, Master: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, II, 162
  • Vere, Sir Horatio: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Verestorony. See Rottenton
  • Vergil, Polydore, III, 50 n. 7
  • Verona, Italy, I, 332
  • Verrazzano, Geronimo da: map of America
    (1529), I, 400 n. 2
  • Verrazzano, Giovanni da: voyage to America
    (1524), II, 91 n. 1, 326 n. 7
  • "Verses on the Puritan Settlement in
    America," I, 429 n. 9
  • Vertue, Christopher: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Vespucci (Vesputius), Amerigo, II, 47
  • victualer (naut.), III, 26, 110
  • victuals: for colonists, II, 322, 323, 469–470
  • victuals (naut.): allowance on departure, III,
    86, 112–113
  • Vienna, Austria, III, 162, 169, 345
  • Vieques Island, Puerto Rico, I, 16
  • vignerons (vineytours), II, 310
  • *Villiers, George, duke of Buckingham, II, 39,
    III, 5, 6
  • Vincent, Master: 1585 Roanoke colonist, II,
  • Vincent, Augustine (Windsor Herald):
    "Collecteana," III, 129, 176 n. 1
  • Vincent, Henry: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • vinegar, II, 211, 322, 324, 420, 469, 470, III,
    28, 112
  • Vines, Richard: voyage to New England
    (1616), I, 301
  • vines, I, 152, 342, II, 89, 93, 108, 235, 287,
    340, III, 218
  • vineyards, II, 310, 320
  • violets, I, 153, II, 109
  • violl (naut.), III, 63
  • Virgil, II, 158 n. I
  • Virginia: area of, defined, I, 143, 324, II, 100,
    404–405; coat of arms of, II, 33 (fig.), 34;
    comments of Smith on, II, 255–256, 263,
    III, 271–274, 279, 295–296, 363; as island,
    I, 325, II, 412; map of (Smith/Hole), I, 103
    n. 121, 106 n. 193, 140–141 (fig.), 149, 150,
    151, 166 n. 1, II, 11 n. 2, 53, 54, 106, 126,
    134–135 (fig.), 324 n. 1, 414 n. 2, III, 135;
    verses to, II, 229–230
  • Virginia (Ould Virginia), II, 100 n. 4; map
    of, II, 97, 98–99 (fig.), III, 129; named, II,
    10, 68, 97. See also Roanoke Island, N.C.;
    Vaughan, Robert
  • Virginia Beach, I, 185
  • Virginia Company, II, 231 n. 1, 454, III, 214,
    272; and charter of 1606, I, 299, II, 54, 97,
    137, 397; and charter of 1609, I, 122, 127,
    268, 300, II, 218; and charter of 1612, I,
    130; instructions from, II, 182 n. 1, 203,
    217 n. 1, 268–269; and patent for Pilgrims
    (1619), I, 303, 387; Smith's reports to, II,
    187–190, 264, 305–307, 327–332; and
    dissolution (1624), II, 29, 143 n. 1, 332–
    333, III, 215, 274; royal commissioners
    appointed, II, 29, III, 215. See also London
    division of Va. Co.; Plymouth division of
    Va. Co.
  • Viterbo, Italy, III, 161, 345
  • Vitruvius (Roman architect), III, 95
  • Vizers. See Béziers, France
  • Volda, Henricus, III, 130
  • Volday, William: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    266, 267, II, 215–216, 217; death, I, 226
  • Volga (Edel), River, III, 95, 191, 199, 359
  • Volgograd, III, 359 n. 9
  • Volhynia (Volonia), III, 202 n. 3
  • vultures. See gripes
  • Waad (Wade), Nathaniel: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Waad, Sir William: adv. Va. Co., II, 282;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Waconiask, Rappahannock River, I, 187
  • waddings (ord.), III, 106
  • wadmal (woolen cloth), III, 77

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  • Wagenaer, Lucas Janssen: Mariners mirrour
    (1588), III, 27, 111
  • Wahunsonacock, I, 173, II, 71 n. 5, 126. See
  • Wainman, Sir Ferdinando, I, 277, II, 218,
    234, 328
  • wainscot, I, 159, 240, 263, 430, II, 114, 182,
    187, 212, 324, 450, III, 271
  • waist (naut.), III, 19, 63–64
  • waist cloths (naut.), III, 101
  • Wakcogo Indians, I, 328, II, 407, III, 279
  • wake (naut.), III, 89
  • Walachia, I, 405, 440, II, 468, III, 132, 176,
    181, 183, 185, 188 n. 7
  • Waldo, Capt. Richard: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, II, 190; member of council, I, 235,
    239, 240, 243, 254, II, 188, 203; and
    expeditions, II, 182, 184, 192, 242
  • Wale, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Wales: fishing industry of, I, 395, 423, II, 438
  • wales (wailes) (naut.), III, 25, 61
  • Walker, Master: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    242, II, 191
  • Walker, George: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Walker, George: 1607 Jamestown colonist,
    II, 141; death of, I, 20
  • Walker, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Walker, Marmaduke (witness), III, 384
  • Walker, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Waller, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 283; 1607
    Jamestown colonist, I, 208, II, 141
  • walnuts, I, 162, 430, II, 65, 70, 109, 116, 419
  • walnuts, black, I, 150, 342, 430, II, 108, 324,
    III, 218, 271
  • walnut trees, I, 151, 342, II, 90, 108, 417, 419,
  • walruses, I, 337 n. 6
  • Walsingham (pirate), III, 239
  • Walsingham, Capt. Robert, 1610 Jamestown
    colonist: in Bermuda, II, 349
  • Walsingham, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Walter, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 282 n. 3
  • Walters, Robert: Jamestown colonist, II, 350
    n. 1
  • Wamanato (an Indian), II, 289
  • Wampanoag Indians, II, 448
  • wampum (roanoke), I, 216 n. 10, II, 168. See
    beads: white
  • Warbigganus Indians, I, 328, II, 407, III,
  • Ward, Captain: voyage to Monhegan (1619),
    II, 14, 56, 267
  • Ward, Jack (pirate), III, 239
  • Ward, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 283; 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 223, II, 162; and
    expeditions, I, 230, 243, II, 170, 193
  • Ward poynt, II, 172
  • Ware, Master: at St. Kitts, III, 228
  • Wareham, Mass., II, 457 n. 2
  • warfare at sea, III, 22–23, 101–104, 160–161,
    212–213, 329, 344
  • Warner, Edward: at St. Kitts, III, 228
  • Warner (Warriner), Thomas: at St. Kitts
    (1623), III, 226–227, 228, 229; and patent,
    III, 231; wife of, III, 229
  • Warr, Thomas, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Warraskoyack, James River, I, 22, 63, 148,
    186, 229, II, 56, 103, 169, 193; discovery of,
    II, 145; king of, I, 244–245
  • Warraskoyack Indians, I, 37, 100 n. 63, 146,
    II, 103 n. 2; chief, II, 193
  • Warraskoyack plantation, II, 14, 267
  • Warwick, earl of. See Rich, Robert, earl of
  • Warwicks Castle, Bermuda, II, 336–337
    (fig.), 354, 382, 389
  • Warwicks Tribe, Bermuda, II, 369; list of
    adventurers, II, 371
  • Wasapokent, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • Wascocup, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • Wasinacus, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • Wassapinewat (an Indian), II, 458
  • watch (naut.), III, 85–86
  • Water, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Waterhouse, David, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Waterhouse, Sir Edward: adv. Va. Co., II,
    282; Declaration of the State of the Colony and
    Affairs in Virginia
    (1622), II, 293 n. 1, 302 n.
  • water line (naut.), III, 91
  • Waters, Master: Jamestown colonist, II, 14,
  • Waters, Master: Virginia planter, II, 301
  • Waters, Edward, 1610 Jamestown colonist: at
    Bermuda, II, 350, 351–352, 358, 359, 368;
    planter in Virginia, II, 308–309
  • Waters, John: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Waters, Robert: Jamestown colonist, II, 350
    n. 1

  • 507

  • water spout, III, 92
  • Watkins, James: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, II, 161; and expeditions, I, 224, 227,
    230, II, 163, 167, 170, 173; sent to
    Werowocomoco, I, 244, II, 193
  • Watkins poynt, II, 172
  • Watson, Thomas: and True Relation, I, 5–6, 24
  • Watson, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 282;
    member of council, I, 134
  • Watson, Thomas: 1615 New England
    voyage, I, 351, II, 428
  • Wattey, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Watts (Wats), Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wawrigwick Indians, I, 328, II, 407, III, 279
  • wax, I, 398, 425, II, 439
  • *Waymouth, George: 1605 voyage to Maine,
    I, 293 n. 3, 298, 325, II, 11, 53, 92–96, 405,
    III, 300
  • Weanock (Indian guide), I, 91, 108 n. 230
  • Weanock (Indian village), James River, I,
    186, 242
  • Weanock Indians, I, 31, 192; population of, I,
    146, II, 103
  • Weanock plantation, II, 302, 311 n. 2
  • Weanock (Weyanoke) Point, I, 31, 39, 99 n.
  • Weapoco River. See Oyapock River
  • Weapomeiok (Weapemeoc) (Indian village),
    II, 69, 70
  • weasel skins, I, 155, II, 111, 149; headdress of,
    I, 59, III, 316
  • weather coil (naut.), III, 24, 87
  • Weaver, Master: at St. Kitts, III, 228
  • Weaver, Edmund: warden Stationers' Co.,
    III, 120
  • weavers, I, 348
  • Webb, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Webb, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Webb, Sandys (Sands): adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Webb, William: adv. Ber. Co., II, 370
  • Webbe, Captain: voyage to Jamestown
    (1609), I, 270, II, 219, 222
  • Webbe, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 282; 1607
    Jamestown colonist, I, 208, II, 141, 240
  • Weber, Thomas (quartermaster Nathan), III,
  • Webster, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wecuppom (Mecuppon), Rappahannock
    River, I, 174, 188
  • Wecuttanow (an Indian), I, 255–256, II, 205
  • Welbie, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Welby, William (bookseller), I, 116
  • Welch, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Weld, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • well-boat, I, 397, 424, II, 438
  • Wells, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • wells: in Bermuda, II, 339–340; in Virginia,
    II, 310, 325
  • Wentworth, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wepanawomen, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • Weraskoyack. See Warraskoyack
  • Werawahone, Chickahominy River, I, 41,
  • Werowocomoco (Meronocomico),
    Pamunkey River, I, 53, 147, II, 126, 187,
    211; population of, I, 147, II, 104;
    expeditions to, I, 22, 63–69, 235–236, 243–
    250, II, 182–184, 192–199, 206
  • Wessagusset (Wichaguscusset), Mass., I, 431
    n. 9, II, 455, 459
  • *West, Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 282; adv. Ber.
    Co., II, 370; 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, 275, II, 184, 190; member of council
    (1619), II, 266, III, 215; governor, III,
    217; and expeditions, I, 243, 251, 252, 255,
    432, II, 193, 200, 202, 205, 231–232; at the
    falls, I, 263, 269–270, II, 213, 220, 221, 223
  • West, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 282; adv. Ber.
    Co., II, 371; plantation of, II, 301
  • West, Katherine, Lady Conway: adv. Va.
    Co., II, 282
  • West, Capt. Nathaniel: plantation of, II, 301
  • *West, Sir Thomas, Lord De La Warre: adv.
    Va. Co., II, 278; governor of Virginia,
    1609–1610, I, 122, 268, II, 218, III, 272;
    governor of Virginia, 1618, II, 56; at
    Jamestown, I, 129, 130, 276, 277, II, 13,
    234, 235, 237, 250; death of, II, 14, 263;
    "Relation" (1611), II, 237–239; wife of, II,
  • Weste, William (shipmaster), III, 320
  • West Fort (near Richmond), I, 271
  • Westhampton, Richmond, I, 185
  • West Indies, I, 324, 327, II, 10, 14, 63, 83,
    154, 206–207, 299, 359, 365, 368, 406, 433,
    434, III, 135, 279, 293–294, 301, 325, 363
  • Weston, Garret: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • *Weston, Thomas: merchant for Plymouth
    colony, II, 454, 455; plantation of, I, 431 n.

  • 508

  • Westover plantation, Va., II, 301
  • West Point, Va., I, 104 n. 137, 106 n. 193
  • Westrow, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • West Shirley Hundred (near Henrico), II,
  • Westwood, Humfrey: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wetwood, Randall: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Weymouth, Mass., II, 455 n. 2
  • whale fishing, I, 323, 425, II, 386, 400, III,
    322, 323
  • whales, I, 342, II, 93, 344, 346, 363, 419, 443,
    445, III, 219, 278
  • wheat (English), I, 210, II, 89, 143, 267, III,
    112, 216. See also corn; maize
  • Wheatley, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 282;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Wheeler, Nicholas: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Wheeler, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • wheels (ord.), III, 105
  • whelks (shellfish), I, 342, II, 90, 358, 419
  • whelps (naut.), III, 19, 62
  • wherry (naut.), III, 77
  • whipstaff (naut.), III, 19, 66
  • whirlwind, III, 92
  • Whistler, Francis: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • *Whitaker, Rev. Alexander, II, 242, 298; and
    letter, II, 251
  • Whitaker, Rev. William, I, 122
  • Whitbourne, Richard, Discourse containing a
    loving invitation to Adventurers in the Newfound-land

    (1622), II, 397 n. 1; extracts
    from, II, 468–472
  • Whitchurch, Dorset: Somers buried at, I,
    278, II, 351
  • White, Master: at Jamestown (1609), I, 270,
    II, 222
  • White, James: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • White, John (artist), I, 150 n. 5, III, 300;
    governor of Roanoke, II, 53, 83, 84–85, 86–
    87; drawings by, I, 124, II, 97; and map of
    Virginia, I, 105 n. 154, II, 97
  • White, Capt. John: and relation of Barbados,
    III, 235
  • White, Leonard: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • White, Perigrine (an infant), II, 445
  • White, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • White, William: 1607 Jamestown colonist, I,
    175 n. 10, 209, II, 142
  • White, Capt. William: and exploring the
    Amazon, III, 225, 227
  • White Mountains, Me., I, 341 n. 1
  • *Whitehorne, Peter: translator of Machiavelli,
    Arte of Warre, III, 163 n. 5
  • Whitgift, John (archbishop of Canterbury),
    III, 211
  • Whitson, John: mayor of Bristol, II, 91
  • Whitson Bay, Mass., II, 92
  • Whittingham, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Whonkenteac Indians, I, 165, II, 119
  • Wichaguscusset. See Wessagusset, Mass.
  • Wickam, William: Jamestown colonist, II,
  • Widowes, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • *Wiffin, David, II, 307; adv. Va. Co., II, 283;
    verses of, II, 51
  • *Wiffin, Richard: adv. Va. Co., II, 282; 1608
    Jamestown colonist, I, 222, II, 160; and
    expeditions, I, 216, 254, II, 13, 55, 203–
    204, 206, 216; verses of, II, 229–230; as
    writer, I, 195, 197, 238 n. 4, 258, II, 136 n.
    3, 207
  • wigeons (bird), I, 156, II, 111
  • Wighcocomoco, Potomac River, I, 148, 188,
    189; population of, II, 104, 107
  • Wighcocomoco Indians, Eastern Shore, I,
    114, 150, 160, 225, II, 165, 173, 305
  • Wighcocomoco River, Eastern Shore, I, 186,
    189, 225, II, 107, 164
  • Wight, Isle of, I, 128, 426, II, 399, 403
  • Wilcocks, John: plantation of, II, 288
  • Wilcox Neck, Chickahominy River, I, 101 n.
  • wildcat, I, 342
  • wild fire, III, 25, 107, 183–184
  • Wiles, Bishop: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    223, II, 162
  • Wilkes, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Wilkinson, William: 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 209, II, 142
  • Willes, Richard: History of Travayle in the West
    and East Indies
    (1577), II, 28
  • Willeston, Hugh: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Willeston, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Willet, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Willet, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Williams, Captain: and voyages to
    Monhegan, II, 399–400
  • Williams, Master: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 242, II, 191
  • Williams, Nicholas (soldier), III, 186, 355

  • 509

  • Williams, Roger: president of Rhode Island,
    II, 451 n. 1
  • Williams, Sir Roger (soldier), I, 363 n. 5
  • Williamson, Sir Richard: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Williamson, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Willoughby, Lord. See Bertie, Peregrine,
    Lord Willoughby
  • Willoughby, Sir Hugh: voyage to Russia
    (1553), II, 48, 62
  • Willoughby, Sir Percival: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Willoughby, Lincs., III, 153, 156–157, 376,
  • Willowbies Iles, New Eng., I, 319, II, 34, 402
  • Willowbyes river, Va., II, 172
  • Wills, John (seaman Nathan), III, 321
  • Wills, Phillip (seaman Nathan), III, 321
  • Wilmer, Andrew: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Wilmer, Clement: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Wilmer, George, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Wilmott, Sir Charles: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wilsford, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wilson (pirate), II, 240
  • Wilson, Master (stationer), I, 116
  • Wilson, Felix: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wilson, Sir Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wilston, William: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Wincop patent, I, 440 n. 3
  • winding sheets, II, 122
  • windlass (naut.), III, 62, 63, 77
  • winds, II, 144; names of, III, 21, 91–92
  • wine, I, 159, 334, 379, 398, 425, II, 114, 344,
    412, 415, 439, III, 28, 112, 113, 219; in
    Virginia, I, 152, 338, II, 109, 292, III, 271.
    See also sack
  • wine of height (naut.), II, 345
  • Wingandacoa, Indian territory, N.C., II, 53,
    64, 67 n. 6
  • *Wingfield, Edward Maria: adv. Va. Co., II,
    282; patentee, II, 329; president of council
    in Jamestown, I, 7, 27, 33, 205, 207, II,
    138, 140; deposed, I, 20, 35, 210, 211, 219,
    II, 139 n. 2, 143, 145, 158; "Discourse of
    Virginia," I, 6, 9, 193
  • Wingina (Indian chief), II, 64, 65, 67, 69. See
  • Winne (Wynne), Edmund: adv. Va. Co., II,
  • Winne, Hugh: 1608 Jamestown colonist, I,
    241, II, 191
  • Winne (Gwinn), Capt. Owen: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 283
  • Winne, Capt. Peter: 1608 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 240, II, 190; member of council,
    I, 235, 239, 260, 261, II, 182, 188, 192, 199,
    209, 210; and expeditions, I, 242, II, 184,
    191; death, I, 265, II, 214
  • Winne, Capt. Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Winsack, Rappahannock River, I, 188
  • Winslow, Edward: 1620 New England
    colonist, II, 445, 448, 449, 456–457;
    journal of, II, 443 n. 2, 462; Good Newes from
    (1624), II, 397 n. 1
  • Winthrop, John, governor of Massachusetts,
    I, 416, III, 292–293
  • Winwood, Sir Ralph: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371;
    adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wiseman, Richard: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • *Wither, George, I, 295, II, 58; verses of, I,
    315, II, 391–392
  • Wittenberg, Germany, III, 203, 362
  • Wittuwamat (an Indian), II, 456, 458
  • woad, II, 301
  • Wococon, N.C., II, 64, 69; islands off, II, 86
  • Wodall, John: adv. Ber. Co., II, 371
  • Wolleston, Hugh: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 241, II, 190
  • Wollistone (pirate), III, 240
  • Wollistone, Captain: at Azores (1615), I, 357,
    II, 432
  • Wolstenholm, Sir John: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • wolves, I, 155, 226, 342, II, 111, 165, 419,
    445; skins of, II, 106, 107
  • women (English): as colonists, II, 184, 191
  • Wood, Captain, II, 222; voyage to
    Jamestown (1609), I, 270, II, 219
  • Wood, Ensign: death of, II, 371
  • Wood, Benjamin: voyage to Roanoke (1584),
    II, 68
  • Wood, John: voyage to Roanoke (1584), II,
  • Wood, John: in Bermuda (1616), II, 363
  • Wood, Capt. Roger: governor of Bermuda
    (1629), III, 220
  • Wood, Thomas: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Wood, William: and map of New England
    (1634), I, 322
  • wood. See timber
  • wood cases (ord.), III, 106

  • 510

  • wood hooks, II, 471
  • Woodhouse, Capt. Henry: governor of
    Bermuda (1623), II, 9 n. 1, 15, 58, 390 n. 2,
    391, III, 219
  • Woodliffe, Captain, of Bristol: at Jamestown,
    II, 268
  • woodpecker, II, 342
  • Woogam, Devereux: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Wooller, Edward: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wooller, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wolverstone, Capt. Charles: and relation of
    Barbados, III, 235
  • Worley, Richard: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 222, 243, II, 161, 192
  • Worms, Germany, III, 203, 362
  • worms: in Bermuda, II, 343, 344; and
    attacking plants, II, 390
  • Worral, Dr. Thomas, III, 36, 120
  • Worrell, Sir Hugh: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Worseley, Edward, II, 41; verses of, II, 49–50
  • Worsley, Sir Bowyer: Virginia patentee, II,
    50 n. 1
  • Worsley, Sir Richard: Virginia patentee, II,
    50 n. 1
  • Wosameus, Patuxent River, I, 188
  • Wotton, Thomas (surgeon): 1607 Jamestown
    colonist, I, 208, II, 141, 143, 153
  • Wright, Edward: Certaine Errors in Navigation
    (1599), III, 27, 111; Description and use of the
    (1627), III, 27, 111; world map
    (1599), I, 325 n. 11
  • Wright, John: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wriothesley, Henry, earl of Southampton, II,
    399, III, 222, 301; adv. Va. Co., II, 281;
    adv. Ber. Co., II, 369, 371; treasurer, II,
    14, 29, 270, 283, 284, 291, 320
  • Wroth, John, II, 302 n. 1; adv. Va. Co., II,
    282; adv. Ber. Co., II, 370, 371
  • Wroth, Sir Robert: adv. Va. Co., II, 282
  • Wyatt, Sir Francis: governor of Virginia
    (1621), II, 14, 56, 284, 286, 291, 293, 302 n.
    4, 318, 334 n. 3; wife of, II, 292 n. 1
  • Yaik River. See Ural River
  • yards (naut.), I, 159, 333, II, 114, 412; names
    of, III, 19, 70; proportions of, III, 69
  • Yarington, George: 1608 Jamestown colonist,
    I, 241, 244, II, 190, 193
  • Yarmouth (Great Yarmouth), Norfolk, I,
    397, II, 438
  • Yarmouthport, Mass., II, 457 n. 2
  • *Yeardley, Sir George, II, 14, 56, 315, 440 n. 2,
    III, 215; adv. Va. Co., II, 283; deputy
    governor of Virginia, II, 255, 256–258,
    262; governor, II, 56, 266, 283 n. 1, 284 n.
    1, 288, 327 n. 3; plantations of, II, 301, 310,
    311; death of, III, 217
  • Yelets (Letch), Don River, III, 201, 202, 360,
  • Yellow Falls, Potomac River, I, 185
  • Yema River. See Ob River
  • Yeomans, Simon: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Yeu, Ile d', II, 450
  • yew trees, II, 93
  • yoke (naut.), III, 87
  • York River, I, 104 nn. 137, 139, 105 n. 155,
    147 n. 8. See also Pamunkey River
  • Yorktown, Va., I, 104 nn. 139, 140
  • Youghtanund, Indian territory, I, 57, 91,
    126, 173, 205, 256, 317; population of, I,
    147, II, 104; and visit by Smith, II, 149
  • Youghtanund River, I, 51, 104 n. 137; Indian
    place-names on, I, 187. See also Pamunkey
  • Young (Young), William: adv. Va. Co., II,
    283; 1608 Jamestown colonist, I, 223, II,
  • younkers (naut.), III, 86; duties of, III, 17,
    84; shares of, III, 111
  • Zachel Moyses. See Székely, Mózes
  • Zaffalonia. See Cephalonia
  • Zagora. See Sagoria, Bulgaria
  • Zarandului Mountains, III, 350 n. 9
  • Zarkam (Zarand), III, 171, 335, 350
  • Zarvana, earl of, III, 175, 181, 183, 186, 354
  • zecchini (chicqueenes) (coins), III, 162, 344
  • Zeeland, I, 396, 424, II, 438
  • Zidãn, Mũlãi, III, 133, 134
  • Zigetum. See Szigetvar, Hungary
  • Zizimmus (a basha), III, 182, 183
  • Zouch, Dr. Richard (witness), III, 387, 389
  • Zouche, Edward, Lord Zouche: adv. Va. Co.,
    II, 283
  • Zouche, John, Esq.: adv. Va. Co., II, 283
  • Zumalacke, III, 201, 360
  • Zúñiga, Don Pedro de, I, 103 n. 122, 293
  • Zúñiga map, I, 103 n. 129, 105 n. 154, 123,
    127, 166 n. 1