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Prepared by David B. Quinn


  • Austria
  • Graz
  • Landesarchiv Graz
  • Landesarchiv
  • Klagenfurt
  • Landesarchiv Klagenfurt
  • Landesarchiv
  • Vienna
  • Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv
  • Manuscript atlas. Hieronymous Ortelius, "Ortelius Redivivus."
  • K. K. Kriegs-Archiv
  • Ungarishe Akten
  • Ungarishe Kriegsakten
  • England
  • Cambridge
  • Magdalen College Library
  • Ferrar Papers
  • Hertford
  • Hertfordshire County Records Office
  • Wills
  • Feet of Fines
  • Ipswich
  • East Suffolk Record Office
  • Will of Walter Gilbert (grandfather of Bartholomew Gilbert). Probate
    Bk. 27 f. 337.
  • Wills
  • Feet of Fines
  • Lincoln
  • Lincolnshire Archives Office
  • Ancaster Manuscripts
  • Parish Register, Willoughby, 1538–1605: Willoughby Cum Sloothby Par.
    1/1; Bishops Transcript of Register, BTS Willoughby Cum Sloothby.
  • Will of George Smith of Willoughby: LCC Wills 1596, 37, 256; Probate of
    Will, INV 87/250.

  • 394

  • London
  • British Library
  • Additional Manuscripts (Davy Manuscripts) 19114–19156 (notably 19148)
    Cotton Manuscripts, Vitellus VI, 3 (John Dee, "Brytish Monarchie: Of
    Famous and Rich Discoveries")
  • Sloane Manuscript 750 (Nathaniel Butler, "Historye of the Bermudas or
    Summer Islands")
  • College of Arms
  • Vincent Old Grants, Manuscript 157
  • Goldsmiths' Hall
  • Records of the Goldsmiths' Company
  • Lambeth Palace Library
  • Manuscript 806 (James [recte Robert] Davies, "The Relation of a Voyage
    unto New England")
  • Public Record Office
  • Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Probate of Will of Captain John Smith,
    June 21, 1631, with confirmation November 6, 1632, PROB 6 (P.C.C.
    115 Audley); Original Will of Captain John Smith, June 21, 1631,
    PROB 10/Box
  • State Papers Colonial CO 1/1: [Gabriel Archer], "A Relatyon," fols.
    46–52; "A History of the Virginia Colony and an Appeal to James I,"
    fols. 78–86.
  • Saltash (Cornwall)
  • The Reverend J. R. Adams
  • Unpublished typescript, "Theodora Polaloga"
  • France
  • La Rochelle
  • Déepartement de Charente Maritime
  • Archives du Déepartement
  • Spain
  • Madrid
  • Académia de Historia
  • Colección Vargas Ponce
  • United States
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Philadelphia Free Public Library
  • Elkins Collection, Manuscript 106 (George Percy, "A Trewe Relatyon of
    the proceedings and Occurents of Moment which have hapned in
    Virginia from the Tyme Sir Thomas Gates was Shipwrackte vppon the
    Bermudas Anno 1609 vntill my departure owte of the Cowntry which was
    in Anno Domini 1612")
  • Williamsburg, Virginia
  • Swem Library, College of William and Mary
  • Alexander Brown Manuscripts. May 3, 1901, Alexander Brown to
    W. D. Chesterman.



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