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Document vi. ORIGINAL EPITAPH in St. Sepulchre's Church, London
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Document vi.
in St. Sepulchre's Church, London

[Source: John Stow, Survey of London (London, 1633).]

To the living memory of his deceased friend
Captain John Smith,
sometime Governour of Virginia,
and Admiral of New England,
who departed this life the 21st of June 1631.

Here lyes one conquered that hathconquered Kings.
Subdu'd large Territories, and done things
Which to the World impossible would seem,
But that the Truth is held in more esteem.
Shall I report his former Service done
In honour of his God and Christendom?
How that he did divide from Pagans three
Their Heads and Lives, Types of his Chivalry.
For which great Service in that Climate done,
Brave Sigismundus, King of Hungarion,
Did give him as a Coat of Armes to wear,
These Conquered Heads got by his Sword and Spear.
Or shall I tell of his Adventures since
Done in Virginia, that large Continent?
How that he subdu'd Kings unto his Yoke,
And made those Heathen flee, as Wind doth Smoke:
And made their land, being of so large a Station,
An Habitation for our Christian Nation,
Where God is glorify'd, their Wants supply'd;
Which else, for Necessaries must have dy'd.
But what avails his Conquests, now he lyes
Interr'd in Earth, a Prey to Worms and Flyes?
O! May his Soul in sweet Elysium sleep,
Until the Keeper that all Souls doth keep,
Return to Judgment; and that after thence,
With Angels he may have his Recompence.