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Document v.

Capt. John Smith's Will

[Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 115 Audley, November 6,
1632, Somerset House, London.]

In dei nomine Amen. Auditis, visis, et intellectis, ac plenarie et mature
discussis per Nos, Henricum Marten, militem ac legum doctorem
Curie Prerogative Cantuariensis, Magnum Custodem sive Commissarium
legitime Constitutum, meritis et circumstantijs cuiusdam
negotij Testamentarij sive probacionis Testamenti sive ultime voluntatis
Johannis Smith, nuper parochie Sancti Sepulchri, Civitatis
London, Armigeri defuncti, habens dum vivit et mortis sue tempore
bona iura sive credita in diversis diocesis sive peculiaribus Jurisdictionibus
provincie Cante: Quod coram Nobis in Judicio inter
Thomam Packer, unum Executorum testamenti sive ultime voluntatis
antedicti defuncti partem huiusmodi negotium promovens, ex
una et Anna Smith alius Oseney prox. consanguin antedicti defuncti
in specie ac omnes et singulos alios-uis titulum aut interesse in testamento
sive ultima voluntate antedicti defuncti habens seu habere
pretendens in genere, partes contra quas huiusmodi negotium promovetur,
partibus ex altera aliquandiu vertebatur et pendebat,
vertiturque adhuc et pendent indecisus, rite et legitime procedens;
prefatoque Thoma Packer Executore antedicto per eius procurationem
coram Nobis in Judicio legitime comparens; prefataque
Anna Smith alius Oseney in specie omnibusque et singulis aliis-uis
titulum aut interesse in testamento vel in bonis dicti defuncti habens
seu habere pretendens in genere, alius citata, preconizata denique,
et sufficienter expectata nullo modo comparens sed contumaciter se
absentans; parteque prefati Thome Packer unius Executorum antedicti
sententiam ferri et promulgari ac justitiam fieri pro parte sua
instanter postulans et petens; prefataque Anna Smith alius Oseney
in specie ac omnibus et singulis alijs-uis titulum aut interesse in testamento
seu in bonis iuribus et creditis dicti Johannis Smith defuncti


habens seu habere pretendens in genere, nullo modo comparens sed
contumaciter, ut prefertur, se absentans; rimatoque primitus per
Nos toto et integro processu in huiusmodi negotio inter partes predictas,
habitis et factis atque diligenter recensitis, servatisque per
Nos de jure in hac parte servandis, ad nostre sententie diffinitive sive
nostri finalis decreti prolationem in huiusmodi negotio, ferenda sic
duximus procedenda fore, et procedimus in hunc qui sequitur

Quia per acta inactitata, deducta, allegata, executata, proposita,
probata, pariter et confessata in huiusmodi negotio, comperimus
luculenter et invenimus partem prefati Thome Packer intentionem
suam in quadam sua allegatione necnon testamento antedicti defuncti,
alius in huiusmodi negotio ex parte sua data et oblata et penes
Registrum huius Curie remanens; quae quidem allegationem et
Testamentum pro his testum et insertum habemus et haberi volumus
sufficiens et ad plenum fundasse aut probasse; nihilque effectuale ex
parte aut per partem antedicte Anne Smith alius Oseney in specie
aut aliquorum aliorum sic ut prefertur in genere citatorum et
intimatorum in hac parte exceptum, deductum, allegatum, propositum,
probatum, aut confessatum fuisse et esse, quod intentionem
prefati Thome Packer in hac parte elideret seu quomodolibet

Idcirco Nos, Henricus Marten, miles ac legum doctor, iudex
antedictus Christi nomine primitus invocatus, ac ipsum solum deum
oculis nostris preponens et habens, deque et cum consilio jurisperitorum
cum quibus in hac parte cogitavimus matureque deliberavimus
prenominatum Johannem Smith, Armigerum defunctum,
mentis compotem et in sua sana memoria existens, testamentum
suum alio in hoc negotio ut prefertur exhibitum et penes Registrum
huius Curie remanens, suam in se continens ultimam voluntatem
fecisse, condidisse et declarasse; ac in eodem sive eadem dominum
Samuelem Soltonstall, militem, et prefatum Thomam Packer suos
et dicti sui Testamenti sive ultime voluntatis sue huiusmodi nominasse,
ordinasse, fecisse et constituisse, ceteraque voluisse, legasse,
dedisse, reliquisse, disposuisse in omnibus et per omnia prout in dicto
testamento sive ultima voluntate continetur; huiusmodique testamentum
fuisse et esse in vita dicti Testatoris dumque sua sana
fruebatur memoria inscriptum, conceptum et redactum, proque suo
vero testamento et ultima voluntate fassum, recognitum et publicatum
fuisse et esse pronuntiamus, decernimus et declaramus;
proque viribus, valore et validitate dicti testamenti alius ut prefertur
in huiusmodi negotio executi et in communi forma per eundem
Thomam Packer solummodo probati et penes Registrum huius
Curie remanens, etiam pronuntiamus, decernimus et declaramus;
probationemque approbationem et insinuationem dicti Testamenti


sive ultime voluntatis dicti defuncti alius auctoritate huius Curie in
communi forma habitum et factum ratificamus et confirmamus per
hanc nostram sententiam diffinitivam sive hoc nostrum finale decretum,
quam sive quod fecimus et promulgamus in hijs scriptis.

Lecta, lata et promulgata fuit hec sententia diffinitiva per
dominum Henricum Marten, militem, legum doctorem Curie Prerogative
Cantuariensis, Magnum Custodem sive Commissarium
legitime constitutum, secundo die juridico post festum sive diem
Commemorationis Omnium Animarum, die Martis sexto videlicet
die mensis Novembris Anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo tricesimo
secundo, in loco Consistorio infra Ecclesiam, Cathedralem
divi Pauli, London, iudicialiter et pro Tribunali sedens ad peticionem
Roberti Davies, Notarij publici pro curis dicti Thome Packer;
necnon in penam contumacie tam prefate Anne Smith alius Oseney
in specie, quam omnium et singulorum aliorum-uis titulum aut
interesse in testamento vel bonis iuribus aut creditis dicti defuncti
habens seu habere pretendens in genere, sic ut prefertur, citata,
intimata et preconizata et non comparens sed sese contumaciter
absentans, super cuius sententie prolationem dictus Davies requisivit
me, Robertum Erswell, notarium publicum tunc presentem ad conficiendum
sibi unum vel plura instrumenta publica ac testes ut
partibus tunc et ibidem Magistris Thoma Rives, Arthuro Ducke,
Richardo Zouch et Williamo Bird, legum doctoribus, Humfrido
Lloyd, Henrico Iremonger, Johanne Hart et Georgio Cole, Notarijs
publicis dicte Curie pro curibus, testibus, etc.

In the name of God, Amen. We, Henry Marten, Knight and
Doctor of Laws of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Great
Keeper or Commissary legitimately constituted, having heard, seen
and considered, and fully and maturely investigated the merits and
circumstances of this particular testamentary business or probation
of the Testament or Last Will of John Smith, recently of the parish
of St. Sepulchre of the City of London, Armsbearer (now) deceased,
(who), having while he lived and at the time of his death goods (and)
deeds or credits in diverse dioceses or various jurisdictions of the
county of Kent: the which (business), being brought before Our
presence for judgment, between one Thomas Packer, Executor of
the Testament or Last Will of the aforementioned deceased, advancing
his part of this business; (and on the other hand) one Anna Smith
alius Oseney, nearest of kin to the aforementioned deceased as
appears, in general and in certain particulars having or pretending
to have title or interest in kind in the Testament or Last Will of the
aforementioned deceased; (these being) the two parties among
whom this business would be conducted; the case swung back and
forth from the one party to the other for some time and hung undecided,


it still pendulates and presently hangs undecided, (although)
duly and lawfully conducted. With the aforesaid Thomas Packer,
Executor as was stated above, for his part being lawfully present in
Our presence for judgment; and the aforesaid Anna Smith alius
Oseney as appears, in general and in certain particulars having or
pretending to have title or interest in kind in the Testament or the
goods of the aforementioned deceased, was summoned, commanded
at length, and sufficiently expected, being present in no wise but
scornfully absenting herself; on behalf of the aforementioned Thomas
Packer, one of the Executors as was stated above, earnestly requesting
and seeking that sentence be passed and promulgated and justice
be done in his interest; and the aforementioned Anna Smith alius
Oseney as appears, in general and in certain particulars having or
pretending to have title or interest in kind in the testament or in the
goods, deeds and credits of the said deceased John Smith, in no wise
being present but scornfully absenting herself, as is manifest; and the
entire and total process in this business among the previously mentioned
parties having been investigated for the first time by Us, and
the behaviour and facts diligently reviewed, and those things having
been lawfully observed by Us in this case which ought to have been
observed, to the pronouncement of Our definitive sentence or Our
final decree in this business We thus present those things (which are)
to be considered, and proceed in the following manner:

Since through the deeds activated, produced, alleged, executed,
proposed, probated and likewise confessed in this business we ascertain
clearly and discover the case of the aforementioned Thomas
Packer (and) his intention in this particular allegation as well as in
the Testament of the aforementioned deceased; and also in this
business on his behalf given and offered and remaining in the possession
of the Registry of this Court; the which allegation and testament
attested and introduced on his behalf we have and we wish to
be adequately and fully founded and proven; and, as is manifest,
nothing effectual from the part of or on behalf of the aforementioned
Anna Smith alius Oseney as appears, or of any others in the nature
of witnesses or relatives in this matter was and is presently received,
produced, alleged, proposed, probated or confessed, which would
destroy or in any way weaken the case of the aforesaid Thomas
Packer in this matter.

Therefore We, Henry Marten, Knight and Doctor of Laws,
aforesaid Judge in the name of Christ, (being) for the first time called
in, and putting and keeping God alone before our eyes, and from
and with the counsel of those men learned in law with whom in this
case we reflected and maturely considered (that) the previously
named John Smith, deceased Arms-bearer, (being) compos mentis and
being in his sane wits, made, established and declared his will in this


business (which) remains in the possession of the Registry of this
Court, containing in it his last request; and in the same (testament
or will) he named, ordained, made and constituted Mr. Samuel
Soltonstall, Knight, and the aforementioned Thomas Packer his
(executors) of his said Testament or Last Will; and other things he
wished, willed, granted, relinquished and arranged in all things and
through all things, just as is contained in the said Testament or Last
Will; and that this Testament was and is written, conceived and
produced in the life of the said Testator while in possession of his sane
wits, and was expressed, recognized and published as his true Testament
and Last Will we pronounce, recognize and declare; and for
the force, strength and validity of the said Testament, that is, as is
manifest in this business, executed and probated in common form by
the same Thomas Packer alone, and remaining in the possession of
the Registry of this Court, we also pronounce, recognize and declare;
and the probation, approbation and publication of the said Testament
or Last Will of the said deceased, otherwise by the authority of
this Court had and made in common form, we ratify and confirm
through this our definitive sentence or this our final decree which we
have made and promulgate in this written (deed).

This definitive sentence was read, produced and promulgated
by Mr. Henry Marten, Knight, Doctor of Laws of the Prerogative
Court of Canterbury, Great Keeper or Commissary legitimately
constituted, on the second juridical day after the Feast of Commemoration
Day of All Souls, Tuesday that is the sixth day of November,
A.D. 1632, in the Consistory Court of the church, St. Paul's Cathedral,
London, judicially sitting on behalf of the Tribunal at the
petition of Robert Davies, Notary Public on behalf of Thomas
Packer; also, in penalty for the scornfulness of the aforesaid Anna
Smith alius Oseney as appears, who in general or in certain particulars
having or pretending to have title or interest in kind in the
testament or goods, deeds or credits of the said deceased, as is manifest,
was summoned, announced and commanded and not being
present but scornfully absenting herself, on the pronouncement of
whose sentence the said Davies requested me, Robert Erswell, Notary
Public then present for producing for him one or several public instruments
or witnesses to the parties as Masters Thomas Rives,
Arthur Ducke, Richard Zouch, and William Bird, Doctors of Laws,
Humphrey Lloyd,Henry Iremonger, John Hart and George Cole,
Notaries Public of the said Court for concerns, witnesses, etc.


1. Transcribed and translated with the courteous aid of Dr. Michael Lapidge,
Clare Hall, Cambridge. Dr. Lapidge observes: "Words in parentheses in the translations
are added to make some sense of the English but are not found in the Latin. — I
suspect Parker, not Packer, on paleographical grounds. — If the English translation is
garbled and incoherent, then it properly represents the legal gibberish of the Latin!"