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Document iv. CAPT. John Smith'S Last Will
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Document iv.
CAPT. John Smith'S
Last Will

[Source: Original will, Somerset House, London.]

Johannis Smith ar[miger].

In the name of God Amen: The one and twentith daie of June
1631 in the seaventh yere of the reigne of our soveraigne lord Charles
by the grace of God King of England Scotland france and Ireland
defendour of the faith etc. I Captain John Smith of the parish of St
Sepulchers London Esquiour being sick in body, but of perfect mynde
and memory, thanks be given unto Allmightie God therfore, Revoking
all former Wills by me heretofore made, do make and ordeine
this my last will and testament in manner following, first I commend
my soule into the hands of Allmightie God my maker, hoping through
the merits of Christ Jesus my Redeemer to receave full remission of
all my sinnes, and to inherit a place in the everlasting kingdom. My
body I committ to the earth from whence it came to be interred
according to the discrecion of myne Executours hereunder named.
And of such worldly goods wherof it hathpleased God in his mercie
to make me an unworthie Receaver I give and bequeath them as
hereafter followeth. first I give and bequeath unto Thomas Packer
Esquire one of the Clerks of his Majesties Privy Seale

and to his
heires forever all my houses Lands tenements and hereditaments
whatsoever scituat lyeng and being in the parishes of Lowthe and
greate Carleton in the Countie of Lincolne together with my Coate
of Armes. Item my Will and meaning is that in consideracion therof
the said Thomas Packer shall disburse and pay all such sommes of
mony and legacies as hereafter in this my Will are given bequeathed
and reserved, not exceeding the somme of fowerscore pounds of Lawfull
mony of England, That is to saie, first I reserve unto my self to


be disposed as I shall thinke good in my life time, the somme of
twentie pounds; Item he shall disburse about my funerall the somme
of Twentie pounds. Item I give and bequeath out of the residue of the
said fowerscore pounds, as followeth, videlicet, I give and bequeath
unto my much honored and most worthie frind Sir Samuel Saltonstall
the somme of fyve pounds. Item to Mistris Tredway

the somme of fyve pounds. Item to my sister Smith the Widowe of
my brother
the somme of tenne pounds. Item to my cosen Steven
and his sister the somme six pounds thirtene shillings and
fower pence
betweene them. Item to the said Thomas Packer Joane
his Wife and Eleanour his daughter the somme of Tenne pounds
among them. Item to Master Reynoldes the Saymaster of the Gouldsmiths
hall the somme of fortie shillings. All which Legacies my
meaning and Will is shalbe paid by the said Thomas Packer, his
heires executours or Administratours within one yere after my decease.
Item I give unto Thomas Packer sonne of the abovesaid
Thomas Packer my trunk standing in my chamber at Sir Samuel
Saltonstalls house in St Sepulchers parish together With my best
suite of aparrell of a tawny colour videlicet, hose dublet Jerkin and
cloake. Item I give unto him my trunk bound with iron barres standing
in the house of Richard Hinde in Lambeth, together with halfe
the bookes therin to be chosen by the said Thomas Packer and
allowed by myne Executours, and the other halfe part of the bookes
I give unto Master John Tredeskyn and the said Richard Hinde to
be divided betweene them.
Item I nominate apoint and ordeine my
said much honored frind Sir Samuel Saltonstall, and the said
Thomas Packer the elder joynt executours of this my last Will and

the marke of the [illegible] sayd John Smithe


Reade, acknowledged, sealed and delivered by the said Captain John
Smith to be his last Will and testament in the presence of us who have
subscribed our names

per me Willelmum Keble
Senior Civitatis London/.
Will[iam] Packer
Elizabeth Sewster
marmaduke X walker his marke