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for Fragment J

Allen, W.E.D. “Problems of Turkish Power in the Sixteenth Century” . London, 1963.

Atasoy, Nurhan, and Filiz Çağman. “Turkish Miniature Painting” . Translated by Esin
Atil. Istanbul, 1974. (With pertinent illustrations.)

Bascapè, Giacomo C., ed. Le relazioni fra l'Italia e la Transilvania nel secolo XVI. Rome,

Bayerle, Gustav. Ottoman Diplomacy in Hungary: Letters from the Pashas of Buda, 1590–
1593. Bloomington, Ind., 1972. (In Hungarian, with English introduction and

Bon, Ottaviano. "Descrizione del serraglio del gransignore." In Nicolò Barozzi and
Guglielmo Berchet, eds., Relazioni degli stati europei lette al senato dagli Ambasciatori
Veneti nel secolo decimosettimo
, Ser. V, Turchia. Venice, 1866.

Cerwinka, Günther. "Die Eroberung der Festung Kanizsa durch die Türken im
Jahre 1600." In Alexander Novotny and Berthold Sutter, eds., Innerösterreich
. Graz, [1968], 409–511. (With notes, map of the siege of Kanizsa,
and appendixes.)

Chew, Samuel C. “The Crescent and the Rose: Islam and England during the Renaissance” .
New York, 1937. (Cf. Rouillard, below.)

Constantinescu, Miron, et al. Histoire de la Roumanie, des origines à nos jours. [Roanne,

Dedijer, Vladimir, et al. History of Yugoslavia. Translated by Kordija Kveder. New
York, [1974].

Holban, Maria, ed. Călălori străini despre tările române. "John Smith (1579–1631)."
Bucharest, 1972, IV, 513–536. (In Rumanian; a sincere attempt to deny
Smith's Transylvanian res gestae.)

Hurmuzaki, Eudoxiu de, comp. Documente privitóre la istoria Românilor. 19 vols., plus
supplements. Bucharest, 1887–1922, vol. VIII.

Kortepeter, Carl Max. Ottoman Imperialism during the Reformation: Europe and the
. New York, 1972.

Krajevni leksikon Dravske banovine ... (Zonal lexicon for the Drava district). Ljubljana,
1937. (In Slovene.)

Kropf, Lajos (Lewis). See Striker, below.

Kurat, Akdes Nimet. Türk-İngiliz münasebetlerinin başlangici ve gelişmesi (1553–1610)
(Beginnings and development of Turkish-English relations). Ankara, 1953. (In

Lamprecht, Otto. Die Wüstungen im Raume Spielfeld-Radkersburg: Eine. Studie zur
historischen Landeskunde Steiermarks
. Graz, 1953. (In German.)

Makkai, László. Histoire de Transylvanie. Paris, 1946.

Novotny, Alexander, and Berthold Sutter, eds. Innerösterreich 1564–1619. Graz,
[1968]. (In German.)


Olteanu, Stefan. Les Pays roumains à l'èpoque de Michel le Brave (l'union de 1600).
Bucharest, 1975.

Pakalin, Mehmet Zeki. Osmanh tarih deyimleri ve terimleri sözliiğü (Dictionary of Ottoman
historical idioms and terms). 2d ed. 3 vols. Istanbul, 1971. (In Turkish.)

Pamlényi, Ervin, ed. A History of Hungary. Translated by László Boros et al. London,

Pichler, J. Franz. "Captain John Smith in the Light of Styrian Sources." Virginia
Magazine of History and Biography
, LXV (1957), 332–354.

Pitcher, Donald Edgar. An Historical Geography of the Ottoman Empire from Earliest
Times to the End of the Sixteenth Century
. Leiden, 1972.

Rouillard, Clarence Dana. The Turk in French History, Thought, and Literature (1520–
. Paris, [1941]. (Cf. Chew, above.)

Shaw, Stanford. History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, I. Cambridge, 1976.

Smith, Bradford. “Captain John Smith: His Life and Legend” . Philadelphia, 1953. (See
Striker, below.)

Stadtmüller, Georg. Geschichte Südost Europas. Munich, 1970. (Contains valuable

Striker, Laura Polanyi. "Captain John Smith's Hungary and Transylvania."
Appendix I in Smith, “Captain John Smith” , 311–342, above, which contains a
valuable list of "Contemporary [Hungarian] Documents" and "Contemporary
[Hungarian] Historians," as well as later works. All of the contemporary works
there cited have been consulted, as well as the more significant later ones.

— . "The Hungarian Historian, Lewis L. Kropf, on Captain John Smith's “True
Travels” : A Reappraisal." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, LXVI
(1958), 22–43.

Szekfű, Jules. "Tableau de la domination turque en Hongrie." Tűra̋n, Magyar
Keleti Kulturközpont, X (1918?), 129–143.

Unat, Faik Resit, ed. “Tarih atlast” (Historical atlas). Istanbul, 1972. (In Turkish.)