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TO HIS TRULY deserving friend, Captaine John Smith.
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deserving friend,
Captaine John Smith.

CAn one please all? there's none from Censure free,
To looke for't then it were absurd in thee;
It's easie worke to censure sweetest Layes,
Where Ignorance is Judge thou'd have no praise:
Wisdome I know will mildly judge of all,
Envious hearts, tongues, pennes, are dippt in Gall.
Proud malignant times will you now bring forth
Monsters at least to snarle at others worth;
O doe not so, but wisely looke on him
That wrought such Honours for his Countries King:
Of Turks and Tartars thou hast wonne the field,
The great Bashaw his Courage thou hast quel'd;
In the Hungarian warre thou'st shewd thy Arts,
Prov'd thy Selfe a Souldier true in all parts:
Thy Armes are deckt with that thy Sword hathwonne,
Which mallice can't out-weare till day be done:
For three proud Turks in single fight thou'st slue,
Their Heads adorne thy Armes, for witnesse true;
Let Mars and Neptune both with Pregnant wit,
Extoll thy due deserts, Ile pray for it.

7. [Salomon?] Tanner's identity is unknown.

Salo. Tanner.