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Chapter I.
Of Dockes, and their definitions.

A DOCKE is a great pit or pond, or creeke
by a harbour side, made convenient to
worke in, with two great floud-gates built
so strong and close, that the Docke may
be dry till the ship be built or repaired,
and then being opened, let in the water to
float and lanch her, and this is called a dry
Docke. A wet Docke is any place, where
you may hale in a ship into the oze out of
the tides way, where shee may docke her
selfe. A cradel is a frame of timber, made along a ship, or the side of
a gally by her billidge,

for the more ease and safty in lanching, much
used in Turkie, Spaine, and Italy. And the stockes
are certaine
framed posts, much of the same nature upon the shore to build a
Pinnace, a Catch, a Frigot, or Boar, etc. To those Dockes for building
belongs their wood-yards, with saw-pits, and all sorts of timber;
but the masts and yards are ∥ chained together in some great water
to keepe them from rotting, and in season; Also a crab is necessary,
which is an engine of wood of three clawes, placed on the ground in
the nature of a Capsterne,
for the lanching of ships, or heaving them
into the Docke.
A dry Docke.

A wet Docke.

A Cradle.

The stockes.

A Crab.

Chapter II.
How to build a ship with the definitions of all
the principall names of every part of her
principall timbers, also how they are fixed
one to another, and the reasons of their use.

THE first and lowest timber in a ship is the keele, to which is
fastened all the rest; this is a great tree or more, hewen to the
proportion of her burden, laid by a right line in the bottome of the


docke, or stockes. At the one end is skarfed into it, the Stem, which is
a great timber wrought compassing,
and all the butt-ends of the
planks forwards are fixed to it. The Sterne post is another great
timber, which is let into the keele at the other end somewhat sloping,
and from it doth rise the two fashion peeces, like a paire of great
hornes, to those are fastened all the plankes that reach to the after end
of the ship, but before you use any plankes, they lay the Rungs, called
floore timbers, or ground timbers, thwart the keele; thorow those you
cut your Limberholes to bring the water to the well for the pumpe,
the use of them is when the ship is built to draw in them a long haire
rope, by pulling it from sterne to stem, to scowre them, and keepe
them cleane from choaking.
The Keele.

The Stem.

The Sterne.

The fashion

The Rungs.

The Limberholes.

Those ground timbers doe give the floore of the ship, being
straight, saving at the ends they begin to compasse, and there they
are called the Rungheads, and doth direct ∥ the Sweepe or Mould of
the Foot-hookes

and Navell timbers, for there doth begin the compasse
and bearing of the ship, those are skarfed into the ground
timbers, which is one peece of wood let into another, or so much wood
cut away from the one as from the other, for when any of those
timbers are not long enough of themselves, they are skarfed in this
manner, to make two or three as one: those next the keele are called
the ground Foot-hookes, the other the upper Foot-hookes; but first
lay your keeleson over your floore timbers, which is another long
tree like the keele, and this lying within as the other without, must be
fast bound together with strong iron bolts thorow the timbers and
all, and on those are all the upper workes raised, when the Foot-hookes
are skarfed, as is said, and well bolted, when they are planked
up to the Orlop they make the ships Howle,
and those timbers in
generall are called the ships ribs, because they represent the carkasse
of any thing hathribs. The sleepers
run before and after on each side
the keeleson, on the floore well bolted to the Foot-hookes, which
being thus bound doe strengthen each other. The Spurkits are the


spaces betwixt the timbers alongst the ship side in all parts, but them
in Howle below the Sleepers, are broad boords, which they take up
to cleare the Spurkits, if any thing get betwixt the timbers.
The Floore.











The Garbord is the first planke next the keele on the outside, the
Garbord strake is the first seame

next the keele, your rising timbers
are the hookes, or ground timbers and foot-hookes placed on the
keele, and as they rise by little and little, so doth the run of the ship from the floore, which is that part of the ship under water which
comes narrower by degrees from the floore timbers along to the sterne
post, called the ships way aftward, for according to her run she will
steare well or ill, by reason of the quicknesse or slownesse of the water
comming to the rudder: now all those plankes under water, as they
rise and are joyned one end to another, the fore end is called the
Butt-end in all ships, ∥ but in great ships they are commonly most
carefully bolted, for if one of those ends should spring, or give way it
would be a great troublesome danger to stop such a leake, the other
parts of those plankes are made fast with good Treenailes and Trunnions

of well seasoned timber, thorowthe timbers or ribs, but those
plankes that are fastened into the ships stem are called whoodings.

The Garbord.

Garbord strake.

Rising timbers.

The Run.






The gathering of those workes upon the ships quarter under
water is called the Tucke, if it lie too low it makes her have a fat
quarter, and hinders the quicke passage of the water to the rudder;
if too high she must be laid out in that part, else she will want bearing
for her after workes.

The Transome is a timber
lies thwart the
sterne, betwixt the two fashion peeces, and doth lay out the breadth
of the ship at the buttockes, which is her breadth from the Tucke
upwards, and according there to her breadth or narrownesse, we say
she hatha narrow or broad buttocke, the fashion peeces, before spoke
of, are the two outmost timbers, on either side the sterne, excepting
the counters. The ships Rake is so much of her hull as hangs over
both ends of the keele, so much as is forward is said, she rakes so much
forward, and so in like manner aftward: by the hull is meant, the full
bulke or body of a ship without masts or any rigging from the stem
to the sterne: The Rake forward is neere halfe the length of the keele,


and for the Rake aftward about the forepart of her Rake forward,

but the fore Rake is that which gives the ship good way, and makes
her keep a good wind, but if she have not a full Bow, it will make her
pitch her head much into the Sea; if but a small Rake forward, the
sea will meet her so fast upon the Bowes, she will make small way,
and if her sterne be upright as it were, she is called Bluffe, or Bluffe-headed.
A ships Billage is the breadth of the floore when she doth lie
aground, and Billage water is that which cannot come to the pumpe,
we say also she is bilged, when she strikes on a rocke, an anchors
flooke or any thing that breakes her plankes or timbers, to spring a
The Tucke.




The Hull.




When you have berthed or brought her up to the planks, which
are those thicke timbers which goeth fore and aft on each side, whereon
doth lie the beames of the first Orlop, which is the first floore to
support the plankes doth cover the Howle, those are great crosse
timbers, that keepes the ship sides asunder, the maine beame is ever
next the maine mast, where is the ships greatest breadth, the rest
from this is called the first, second, third, fourth, etc. forward or aftward
beames. Great ships have a tier of beames under the Orlop
whereon lies no decke, and great posts and binders called Riders
from them to the keele in howle only to strengthen all. But the beames
of the Orlop is to be bound at each end with sufficient Knees, which
is a crooked peece of wood bowed like a knee, that bindes the beames
and foot-hookes, being bolted together, some stand right up and
downe, some a long the ship, and are used about all the deckes, some
sawed or hewed to that proportion, but them which grow naturally
to that fashion are the best.






Lay the Orlop with good planke according to her proportion,
so levell as may be is the best in a man of Warre, because all the Ports
may be of such equall height, so that every peece may serve any Port,
without making any beds or platformes to raise them, but first bring
up your worke as before to the second decke or Orlop, and by the
way you may cut your number of port holes according to the greatnesse
of your ship; by them fasten your Ringbolts for the tackles of
your Ordnances, you use Ringbolts also for bringing the plankes and

to the ship side, and Set bolts for forcing the workes and
plankes together, Clinch bolts are clinched with a riveting hammer
for drawing out. But Rag bolts are so jaggered
that they cannot be
drawne out. Fore locke bolts hathan eye at the end, whereinto a fore
locke of iron is driven to keepe it from starting backe. Fend bolts are
beat into the outside of a ship with the long head to save her sides


from galling against other ships. Drive bolts is a long piece of iron to
drive out a treenaile, or any such thing, besides divers others so
usefull that without ∥ them and long iron spikes and nailes, nothing
can be well done; yet I have knowne a ship built, hathsailed to and
againe over the maine Ocean, which had not so much as a naile of
iron in her but onely one bolt in her keele.




Set bolts.

Clinch bolts.

Rag bolts.

Fore locke

Fend bolts.

Drive bolts.

She was built
of Cedar.

Now your risings are above the first Orlop as the Clamps are
under it, which is long thicke plankes like them, fore and aft on both
sides, under the ends of the Beames and timbers of the second Decke
or Orlop, or the third Decke or Orlop, or the third Decke which is
never called by the name of Orlop, and yet they are all but Decks;
also the halfe Decke and quarter Decke, whereon the beames, and
timbers beare are called risings. A Flush Decke is when from stem to
sterne, it lies upon a right line fore and aft which is the best for a man
of Warre, both for the men to helpe and succour one another, as for
the using of their armes, or remounting any dismounted peece, because
all the Ports on that Decke are on equall height, which cannot
be without beds

and much trouble, where the Decke doth camber
or lie compassing. To sinke a Decke is to lay it lower, to raise a Decke
to put it higher, but have a care you so cut your Port holes, one peece
lie not right over another for the better bringing them to your marke.


A halfe Decke.

A quarter

A Flush Decke.

A cambered

To sinke a

The halfe Decke is from the maine mast to the stearage, and the
quarter Decke from that to the Masters Cabin called the round
house, which is the utmost

of all; but you must understand all those
workes are brought up together, as neere equally as may bee from
bend to bend, or waile to waile, which are the outmost timbers on
the ship sides, and are the chiefe strength of her sides, to which the
foot-hookes, beames, and knees, are bolted, and are called the first,
second, and third Bend; but the chaine waile is a broad timber set
out amongst them, a little above where the chaines and shrouds are
fastened together to spread the shrouds the wider the better to succour
the masts. Thus the sides and Deckes are wrought till you come
at the Gunwaile, which is the upmost waile goeth about the upmost
strake or seame of the upmost Decke about the ships waste,
∥ the ships quarter is from the maine mast aftward.
To raise a

Bend, or waile.

Chaine waile.

Gun waile.

Culvertailed is letting one timber into another in such sort that
they cannot slip out, as the Carling ends are fixed in the beames, and
Carlings are certaine timbers lieth along the ship from beame to
beame, on those the ledges doe rest whereunto the plankes of the


Deckes are fastened. The Carling knees are also timbers comes thwart
the ship from the sides of the Hatches way, betwixt the two masts,
and beares up the Decke on both sides, and on their ends lieth the
of the hatches, which are those timbers and plankes which
beares them up higher than the Deckes, to keepe the water from running
downe at the hatches; also they fit Loopholes in them for the
close fights, and they are likewise a great ease for men to stand upright
if the Deckes be low. The Hatches way is when they are open
where the goods are lowered that way right downe into the howle,
and the hatches are like trap doores in the middest of the Deckes,
before the maine mast, by certaine rings, to take up or lay downe at
your pleasure.
The ships



Carling knees.



Hatches way.

A scuttle-hatch is a little hatch doth cover a little square hole we
call the Scuttle, where but one man alone can goe downe into the
ship, there are

in divers places of the ship whereby men passe from
Decke to Decke, and there is also small Scuttles grated, to give light
to them betwixt Deckes, and for the smoke of Ordnances to passe
away by. The Ramshead is a great blocke wherein is three shivers

into which are passed the halyards, and at the end of it in a hole is
reved the ties, and this is onely belonging to the fore and maine
halyards; to this belong the fore Knight, and the maine Knight,
upon the second Decke fast bolted to the Beames. They are two short
thicke peeces of wood, commonly carved with the head of a man
upon them, in those are foure shivers a peece, three for the halyards
and one for the top rope to run in, and Knevels
are small pieces of
wood nailed to the inside of the ship, to belay the sheats and tackes
A Scuttle.


The fore

The main


The Capstaine is a great peece of wood stands upright ∥ upon
the Decke, abaft the maine mast, the foot standing in a step upon the
lower decke, and is in the nature of a windis,

to winde, or weigh up
the anchors, sailes, top masts, ordnances, or any thing
it is framed in
divers squares, with holes thorowthem, thorowwhich you put your
Capstainebarres, for as many men as can stand at them to thrust it
about, and is called manning the Capstaine. The maine body of it is
called the Spindle. The Whelps are short peeces of wood made fast
to it, to keepe the Cable from comming too high in the turning about;
The Paul is a short piece of iron made fast to the Deck, resting upon
the whelps to keepe the Capstainefrom recoiling which is dangerous,
but in great ships they have two, the other standing in the same
manner betwixt the fore mast and the maine, to heave upon the


rope, and is called the Jeare Capstaine, to straine any rope, or
hold off by, when we way Anchor, to heave a head, or upon the violl,

which is when an Anchor is in stiffe ground wee cannot weigh it, or
the Sea goeth so high the maine Capstainecannot purchase in the
Cable, then we take a Hawser opening one end, and so puts into it
Nippers some seven or eight fadome distant from each other wherewith
wee binde the Hawser to the Cable, and so brings it to the Jeare
Capstaineto heave upon it, and this will purchase more than the
maine Capstainecan. The violl is fastened together at both ends with
an eye or two, with a wall knot and seased
together. A windas is a
square peece of timber, like a Role before the fore Castle in small
ships, and forced about with handspikes for the same use as is the


The Spindle.



Jeare Capstaine.

The violl.

A windas.

What are the parts of a pumpe you may see in every place, the
handle we call the brake; the pumpes can, is a great can we power
water into pumps to make it pumpe. The daile

is a trough wherein
the water doth runne over the Deckes; But in great ships they use
chained pumps which will goe with more ease, and deliver more
water. The Dutch men use a Burre pumpe by the ship side, wherein
is onely a long staffe with a Burre at the end, like a Gunners spunge,
to pumpe up the Billage water that by rea- ∥ son of the bredth of the
ships floore cannot come to the well: In pumping they use to take
spels, that is, fresh men to releeve them, and count how many strokes
they pumpe each watch, whereby they know if the ship be stanch, or
or how her leakes increase. The Pumpe sucks, is when the
water being out, it drawes up nothing but froth and winde. They
have also a little Pumpe made of a Cane, a little peece of hollow wood
or Latten
like an Elder gun, to pumpe the Beere or Water out of the
Caske, for at Sea wee use no Taps, and then stave the Caske to make
more roome, and packeth the Pipe-staves or boords up as close as
may be in other Caske till they use them.
The Pumpe.

The Brake.

The Can.

The Daile.


A Bur Pump.

The Pumpe

A beare

The Skuppers are little holes close to all the Decks thorowthe
Ships sides, whereat the water doth runne out when you pumpe or
wash the Decks; the Skupper-leathers are nailed over those holes
upon the lower Decke to keepe out the Sea from comming in, yet give
they way for it to runne out: Skupper nailes are little short ones with
broad heads, made purposely to naile the Skupper-leathers, and the

of Masts and Pumps. The Waist is that part of the Ship betwixt


the maine Mast and the fore-castle, and the Waist boords are
set up in the Ships waist, betwixt the Gun-waile and the waist trees,
but they are most used in Boats, set up alongst their sides to keepe the
Sea from breaking in.
The Skuppers.



The Waist.

Waist boords.
Waist trees.

There are usually three Ladders in a Ship; the entering Ladder
is in the Waist, made formally of wood, and another out of the Gallery
made of Ropes to goe into the boat by in foule weather, and the
third at the Beak-head, made fast over the Boulspret to get upon it,
onely used in great Ships.

The entering



It were not amisse now to remember the Fore-castle, being as
usefull a place as the rest, this is the forepart of the Ship above the
Decks over the Bow; there is a broad Bow and a narrow Bow, so called
according to the broadnes or the thinnesse: the Bow is the broadest
part of the Ship before, compassing the Stem to the Loufe,

reacheth so farre ∥ as the Bulk-head of the Fore-castle extendeth.
Against the Bow is the first breach of the Sea, if the Bow be too broad,
she will seldome carry a Bone in her mouth or cut a feather, that is,
to make a fome
before her: where a well bowed Ship so swiftly
presseth the water, as that it foameth, and in the darke night sparkleth
like fire. If the Bow bee too narrow, as before is said, she pitcheth her
head into the Sea, so that the meane is the best if her after way be
answerable. The Hauses
are those great round holes before, under
the Beak-head, where commonly is used the Cables when you come
to an Anchor, the bold or high Hause is the best, for when they lie
low in any great sea, they will take in very much water, the which to
keepe out, they build a circle of planke either abaft or before the
maine Mast called the Manger: and a Hause-plug
at Sea, now the
Fore-castle doth cover all those being built up like a halfe decke, to
which is fixed the Beake-head, and the Prow is the Decke abaft the
Fore-castle, whereon lyeth the Prow peeces.
The Fore-castle.

Cut a feather.




The Beak-head is without the ship before the fore Castle, supported
by the maine knee, fastened into the stem, all painted and
carved as the sterne, and of great use, as well for the grace and countenance
of the ship, as a place for men to ease themselves in. To it is
fastened the coller of the maine stay, and the fore tacks there brought
aboord; also the standing for rigging and trimming the spretesaile
geare, under the midest of it is the Combe, which is a little peece of
wood with two holes in it to bring the fore tacks aboord. The Bits are
two great peeces of timber, and the Crospeece goeth thorowthem,
they are ordinarily placed abaft the Manger in the ships loofe, to


belay the Cable thereto when you ride at Anchor: Their lower parts
are fastened to the Riders, but the middle part in great ships are
bolted to two great beames crosse to the Bowes, and yet in extraordinary
stormes we are glad to make fast the Cable to the maine Mast
for strengthning of the Bits and safety of the Bowes, which have in
great stormes beene torne from the ships. The David
is a short peece
of timber, at the end ∥ whereof in a notch they hang a blocke in a
strap called the Fish-block, by which they hale up the flook of the
Anchor to the Ships bow, it is put out betwixt the Cat and the Loufe,
and to be removed when you please. The Cat is also a short peece of
timber aloft right over the Hawse; in the end it hathtwo shivers in a
blocke, wherein is reeved a Rope, to which is fastned a great hooke
of Iron, to trice up the Anchor from the Hawse to the top of the fore-castle.
The Beak-head.







A Bulks head is like a seeling

or a wall of boords thwart the
Ship, as the Gunroome, the great Cabin, the bread roome, the
quarter Decke, or any other such division: but them which doth
make close the fore-castle, and the halfe Decke, the Mariners call the
Cubbridge heads,
wherein are placed murtherers,
and abaft Falcons,
Falconets, or Rabinits to cleare the Decks fore and aft so well
as upon the ships sides, to defend the ship and offend an enemy.
Sockets are the holes wherein the pintels of the murderers or fowlers
goe into. The hollow arching betwixt the lower part of the Gallery
and the Transome, is called the lower Counter; the upper Counter
is from the Gallery to the arch of the round house, and the Brackets
are little carved knees to support the Galleries.
A Bulkes head.



Low Counter.

Upper Counter.

The Stearage roome, is before the great Cabin, where he that
steareth the Ship doth alwaies stand, before him is a square box
nailed together with woodden pinnes, called a Bittacle, because iron
nailes would attract the Compasse; this is built so close, that the
Lampe or Candle only sheweth light to the stearage, and in it alwaies
stands the Compasse, which every one knowes is a round box, and in
the midst of the bottome a sharpe pin called a Center whereon the
Fly doth play, which is a round peece of pace-boord,

with a small
wyer under it touched with the Load-stone, in the midst of it is a little
brasse Cap that doth keepe it levell upon the Center. On the upper
part is painted 32. points of the Compasse covered with glasse to
keepe it from dust, breaking, or the wind; this Box doth hang in two
or three ∥ brasse circles, so fixed they give such way to the moving of


the Ship that still the Box will stand steady: there is also a darke
Compasse, and a Compasse for the variation, yet they are but as the
other, onely the darke Compasse haththe points blacke and white,
and the other onely touched
for the true North and South. Upon the
Bittacle is also the Travas,
which is a little round boord full of holes
upon lines like the Compasse, upon which by the removing of a little
sticke they keepe an account, how many glasses (which are but halfe
houres) they steare upon every point. The Whip-staffe is that peece
of wood like a strong staffe the Stearsman or Helmesman hath
alwaies in his hand, going thorowthe Rowle,
and then made fast to
the Tiller with a Ring.

The Stearage.

Great Cabin.


The Compasse.

A darke Compasse.

A Compasse for

The Travas.

The Whip-staffe.

The Rowle.

The Tiller is a strong peece of wood made fast to the Rudder,
which is a great timber somewhat like a Planke, made according to
the burthen of the ship, and hung at the sterne upon hookes and
hinges, they call Pintels and Gudgions, or Rudder-irons. The Tiller
playeth in the Gun-roome over the Ordnances by the Whip-staffe;
whereby the Rudder is so turned to and fro as the Helmesman
pleaseth, and the Cat holes are over the Ports, right with the Capstaine
as they can, to heave the Ship a sterne by a Cable or a Hauser
called a sterne-fast. On each side the Stearage roome are divers
Cabins, as also in the great Cabin, the quarter Decke, and the round
house, with many convenient seates or Lockers to put any thing in,
as in little Cupberts.

The Tiller.



Gudgions or

The Gun-roome.

Cat holes.


The Bread-roome is commonly under the Gun-roome, well
dried or plated.

The Cook-roome where they dresse their victuall
may bee placed in divers places of the Ship, as sometimes in the
Hould, but that oft spoileth the victuall by reason of the heat, but
commonly in Merchantmen it is in the Fore-castle, especially being
contrived in Fornaces; besides in a chase their Sterne is that part of
the ship they most use in fight, but in a man of warre they fight most
with their Prow, and it is very troublesome to the use ∥ of his Ordnance,
and very dangerous lying over the Powder-roome, some doe
place it over the Hatches way, but that as the Stewards roome are
ever to be contrived according to the Ships imploiment, etc. Calking
is beating Okum into every seame or betwixt planke and planke, and
Okum is old Ropes torne in peeces like Towze Match,
or Hurds of
Flax, which being close beat into every seame with a calking Iron


and a Mallet, which is a hammer of wood and an iron chissell, being
well payed
over with hot pitch, doth make her more thight than it
is possible; by joyning Planke to Planke. Graving
is onely under
water, a white mixture of Tallow, Sope and Brimstone; or Train-oile,
Rosin, and Brimstone boiled together, is the best to preserve her
calking and make her glib or slippery to passe the water; and when
it is decayed by weeds, or Barnacles, which is a kinde of fish like a
long red worme, will eat thorowall the Plankes if she be not sheathed,
which is as casing the Hull under water with Tar, and Haire, close
covered over with thin boords fast nailed to the Hull, which though
the Worme pierce, shee cannot endure the Tar. Breaming
her, is but
washing or burning of all the filth with reeds or broome, either in a
dry dock or upon her Careene, which is, to make her so light as you
may bring her to lye on the one side so much as may be in the calmest
water you can, but take heed you overset her not; and this is the best
way to Breame Ships of great burthen, or those have but 4. sharpe
for feare of brusing or oversetting. Parsling is most used upon
the Decks and halfe Decks; which is, to take a list of Canvas so long
as the seame is you would parsell, being first well calked, then powre
hot pitch upon it, and it will keepe out the water from passing the
seames. There remaines nothing now as I can remember to the building
the Hull of a Ship, nor the definition of her most proper tearmes,
but onely seeling the Cabins and such other parts as you please, and
to bind an end with all things fitting for the Sea, as you may reade
in the Covenants betwixt the Carpenter and the Owner, which are
The bread-roome.







Barnacles, or

Broming or



If you would have a Ship built of 400. Tuns, she requires a
planke of 4. inches: if 300. Tuns, 3. inches: small Ships 2. inches, but
none lesse. For clamps, middle bands and sleepers, they be all of six
inch planke for binding within. The rest for the sparring up of the
workes of square three inch planke. Lay the beames of the Orlope, if
she be 400. Tuns at ten foot deepe in howle, and all the beames to be
bound with two knees at each end, and a standard knee at every
beames end upon the Orlope, all the Orlope to be laid with square
three inch planke, and all the plankes to be treenailed to the beames.

Notes for a
Covenant betweene
Carpenter and
the Owner.

Six foot would be betweene the beames of the Deck and Orlope,
and ten ports on each side upon the lower Orlope, all the binding
betweene them should bee with three inch or two inch planke, and


the upper Decke should bee laid with so many beames as are fitting
with knees to bind them; laying that Decke with spruce Deale of
thirty foot long, the sap cut off, and two inches thicke, for it is better
than any other.

Then for the Captaines Cabben or great Cabben, the Stearage,
the halfe Decke, the Round house, the Fore-castle, and to binde an
end with the Capsterne and all things fitting for the Sea, the Smiths
worke, the carving, joyning, and painting excepted, are the principall
things I remember to be observed. For a Charter-party betwixt the
Merchant, the Master, and the Owner, you have Presidents

of all
sorts in most Scriveners shops.

Chapter III.
How to proportion the Masts and Yards for a
Ship, by her Beame and Keele.

WHEN a ship is built, she should be masted, wherein is a great
deale of experience to be used so well as art; for if you over-mast
her, either in length or bignesse, she will lie too much downe by
a wind, and labour too much a hull, and that is called a Taunt-mast,
but if either too small or too short, she is under masted or low masted,
and cannot beare so great a saile as should give her her true way. For
a man of warre, a well ordered Taunt-mast is best, but for a long
voyage, a short Mast will beare more Canvasse, and is lesse subject
to beare by the boord: Their Rules are divers, because no Artist can
build a Ship so truly to proportion, neither set her Masts, but by the
triall of her condition, they may bee impayred or amended: suppose
a Ship of 300. Tunnes be 29. foot at the Beame, if her maine Mast be
24. inches diameter, the length of it must be 24. yards, for every inch
in thicknesse is allowed a yard in length, and the fore Mast 22. inches
in thicknesse, must bee 22. yards in length; your Bowle spret

both in
length and thicknesse must bee equall to the fore Mast, the Misen
17. yards in length, and 17. inches diameter.
A Ship over-masted.



An example.

But the Rule most used is to take the 4/5 parts of the bredth of
the Ship, and multiply that by three, will give you so many foot as
your maine Mast should bee in length, the bignesse or thicknesse will
beare it also, allowing an inch for a yard; but if it be a made Mast,


that is greater than one Tree, it must be more: for example, suppose
the Ships bredth 30. foot, foure fifts of 30. foot are 24. foot, so you


∥ finde the maine Mast must be 24. yards long, for every yard is 3.
foot and 24. inches thorow, allowing an inch to every yard. The fore
Mast is to be in length 4/5 of the maine Mast, which will be 20. yards
wanting one 4/5 part of a yard, and 20. inches thorow. The Boulspret
must ever bee equall with the fore Mast. The misen Mast halfe the
length of the maine Mast, which will be 12. yards long, and 12. inches
diameter. Now as you take the proportion of the Masts from the
Beame or bredth of the Ship, so doe you the length of the yards from
the Keele.
The rule most

A made Mast,
or an arme

These Masts have each their steps in the Ship, and their partners
at every Decke where thorowthey passe to the Keele, being strong
timbers bolted to the Beams in circling the Masts, to keep them steady
in their steps fast wedged for rowling; yet some ships will not saile so
wel as when it doth play a little, but that is very dangerous in foule
weather. Their Cotes are peeces of tarred Canvas, or a Tarpawling
put about them and the Rudder to keepe the water out. At the top
of the fore Mast and maine Mast are spliced cheeks, or thicke clamps
of wood, thorowwhich are in each two holes called the Hounds,
wherein the Tyes doe runne to hoise

the yards, but the top Mast
hathbut one hole or hound, and one tye. Every Mast also hatha Cap
if a top;
which is a peece of square timber with a round hole in it to
receive the top Masts or Flag-staffe, to keepe them steady and strong,
lest they be borne by the boord in a stiffe gale. The Crosse-trees are
also at the head of the Masts, one let into another crosse, and strongly
bolted with the Tressell trees,
to keepe up the top Masts which are
fastened in them, and those are at the tops of each Mast; all the Masts
stand upright but the Boulspret which lyeth along over the Beak-head,
and that timber it resteth on is called the Pillow.
The Steps.




The Hounds.

The Cap.




Now for the yards, suppose the ship be 76. foot at the Keele, her
maine yard must be 21. yards in length, and in thicknesse but 17.
inches. The fore Yard 19. yards long, and 15. inches diameter or
thick. The spret-saile Yard 16. ∥ yards long, and but nine inches
thicke, and your Misen-yard so long as the Mast, the top yards beares
halfe proportion to the maine, and fore yard, and the top gallants,
the halfe to them, but this rule is not absolute; for if your Masts be
taunt, your yards must be the shorter; if a low Mast, the longer, but
this is supposed the best. To have the maine Yard 5/6 parts of her
Keele in length: the top Yard 3/7 of the maine Yard, and the maine
Yard for bignesse ¾ parts of an inch, for a yard in length. The
length of the fore Yard 4/5 of the maine Yard; the Crossejacke Yard
and Spretsaile Yard to be of a length; but you must allow the Misen
Yard and Spretsaile Yard ½ inch of thicknesse to a yard in length.


to give a true Arithmeticall and Geometricall proportion for the
building of all sorts of Ships, were they all built after one mould, as
also of their Masts, Yards, Cables, Cordage, and Sailes, were all the
stuffe of like goodnesse, a methodicall rule as you see might bee projected:
but their lengths, bredths, depths, rakes and burthens are so
variable and different, that nothing but experience can possibly
teach it.
An example of
the Yards by
the Keele.

Chapter IIII.
The names of all the Masts, Tops, and Yards
belonging to a Ship.

The Boul-spret, the Spretsaile yard, the Spretsaile top-mast; the
Spretsaile top saile yard; the fore Mast, the fore yard, the fore
top-mast, the fore top-saile yard, the fore top gallant Mast, the fore
top gallant saile yard, Cotes, Wouldings, Gromits, and Staples for all
yards. The maine Mast, the maine Yard, the maine Top. The ∥ maine
top Mast, the maine top-saile Yard. The top gallant Mast, the maine
top gallant saile Yard. The Trucke is a square peece of wood at the
top wherein you put the Flag-staffe. The Misen, the Misen Yard, the
Misen top mast, the Misen top saile yard. The Crosse Jacke. In great
ships they have two Misens, the latter is called the Bonaventure
Misen. A Jury Mast, that is, when a Mast is borne by the boord, with
Yards, Roofes, Trees, or what they can, spliced or fished together
they make a Jury-mast, woulding or binding them with ropes fast
triced together with hand-spikes, as they use to would

or binde any
Mast or Yard.

Chapter V.
How all the Tackling and Rigging of a Ship
is made fast one to another, with their
names, and the reasons of their use.

THE rigging a Ship, is all the Ropes or Cordage belonging to the
Masts and Yards; and it is proper to say, The Mast is well rigged,
or the Yard is well rigged, that is, when all the Ropes are well sised


to a true proportion of her burthen. We say also, when they are too


many or too great, shee is over-rigged, and doth much wrong a Ship
in her sailing; for a small waight aloft, is much more in that nature
than a much greater below, and the more upright any Ship goeth,
the better she saileth.
Riggage or

A Mast well

A Yard well

Over rigged.

All the Masts, Top-masts, and Flag-staves have staies, excepting
the Spret saile top-Mast, the maine Masts stay is made fast by a

to a Coller, which is a great Rope that comes about the
head and Boulspret, the other end to the head of the maine Mast.
The maine top-Masts stay is ∥ fastened to the head of the fore Mast by
a strop and a dead mans eye. The maine top-gallant Masts stay in
like manner to the head of the fore top-Mast. The fore Masts and
stayes belonging to them in like manner are fastened to the Boulspret,
and Spretsaile top-Mast, and those staies doe helpe to stay the
Boulspret. The Misen staies doe come to the maine Mast, and the
Misen top-Mast staies to the shrouds with Crowes-feet: the use of
those staies are to keepe the Masts from falling aftwards, or too much
forwards. Those Lanniers are many small Ropes reeved into the dead
mens eyes of all shrouds, either to slaken them or set them taught;

also all the staies have their blocks, and dead mens eyes have Lanniers.
Dead mens eyes are blocks, some small, some great, with many
holes but no shivers, the Crowes-feet reeved thorowthem are a many
of small lines, sometimes 6. 8. or 10. but of small use more than for
fashion to make the Ship shew full of small Ropes. Blocks or Pullies
are thick peeces of wood having shivers in them, which is a little
Wheele fixed in the middest with a Cocke or Pin, some are Brasse,
but the most of Wood, whereon all the running Ropes doe runne,
some are little, some great, with 3. 4. or 5. shivers in them, and are
called by the names of the Ropes whereto they serve. There are also
double blocks, that where there is use of much strength will purchase
with much ease, but not so fast as the other, and when wee hale any
Tackle or Haleyard to which two blocks doe belong, when they
meet, we call that blocke and blocke.
All Masts have
staies except

A Coller.

A Lannier.

Dead mens


Blocks or


A Cocke.

Running ropes.

Double blocks.

Block and

The Shrouds are great Ropes which goe up either sides of all
Masts. The Misen maine Mast and fore Mast shrouds have at their
lower ends dead mens eyes seased into them, and are set up taught
by Lanniers to the chaines; at the other end, over the heads of those
Masts are pendants, for Tackels and Swifters under them. The top-Masts
shrouds in like manner are fastened with Lanniers and dead
mens eyes to the Puttocks

or plats of iron belonging to them, aloft
over the head of the Mast as the other: and the Chaines are strong
plates of iron fast bolted into the Ships side by the ∥ Chaine-waile.
When the Shrouds are too stiffe, we say, ease them, when too slacke,


we say, set Taught the Shrouds, but the Boulspret hathno Shrouds,
and all those small ropes doe crosse the Shrouds like steps are called
The Puttocks goe from the Shrouds of the fore Mast, maine
Mast or Misen, to goe off from the Shrouds into the Top, Cap, or
Bowle, which is a round thing at the head of either Mast for men to
stand in, for when the Shrouds come neere the top of the Mast, they
fall in so much, that without the Puttocks you could not get into the
Top, and in a manner they are a kinde of a Shroud. A Pendant is a
short rope made fast at one end to the head of the Mast or the Yards
arme, having at the other end a blocke with a shiver to reeve some
running rope in, as the Pendants of the backe staies and Tackles hang
a little downe on the inside of the Shrouds: all Yards-armes have
them but the Misen, into which the Braces are reeved, and also there
are Pendants or Streamers hang from the yards armes, made of
Taffaty, or coloured flanell cloth to beautifie the Ship onely: Parrels
are little round Balls called Trucks,
and little peeces of wood called
ribs, and ropes which doe incircle the Masts, and so made fast to the
Yards, that the Yards may slip up and downe easily upon the Masts,
and with the helpe of the Brest-rope doth keepe the Yard close to the
Mast. The standing ropes are the shrouds and staies, because they
are not removed, except it be to be eased or set taughter.
All Masts have
Shrouds, etc.


To Ease.








Standing ropes.

The Tackles or ropes runne in three parts, having a Pendant
with a blocke at the one end, and a blocke with a hooke at the other,
to heave any thing in or out of the ship; they are of divers sorts, as the
Botes tackles made fast the one to the fore shrouds, the other to the
maine, to hoise the Bote in or out: also the tackles that keepe firme
the Masts from straying. The Gunners tackles for haling in or out the
Ordnances: but the winding tackle is the greatest, which is a great
double blocke with three shivers to the end of a small Cable about
the head of the Mast, and serveth as a ∥ Pendant. To which is made
fast a Guy, which is a rope brought to it from the fore mast, to keepe
the weight upon it steady, or from swinging to and againe: Into the
blocke is reeved a hawser, which is also reeved thorowanother double
blocke, having a strop at the end of it; which put thorowthe eye of
the slings is locked into it with a fid, and so hoise the goods in or out
by the helpe of the Snap-blocke.


The Tackles
are of divers
sorts, etc.

A Guy.

Cat harpings are small ropes runne in little blockes from one
side of the ship to the other, neere the upper decke to keepe the
shrouds tight for the more safety of the mast from rowling. The Halyards
belong to all masts, for by them wee hoise the yards to their
height, and the Ties are the ropes by which the yards doe hang, and
doe carry up the yards when wee straine

the Halyards; the maine


yard and fore yard ties are first reeved thorowthe Rams head, then
thorowthe Hounds, with a turne in the eye of the slings which are
made fast to the yard; the missen yard and top yard have but single
Ties, that is, one doth but run in one part, but the Spretsaile yard
hathnone, for it is made fast with a paire of slings to the boltspret. A
Horse is a rope made fast to the fore mast shrouds, and the Spretsaile
sheats, to keepe those sheats cleare of the anchor flookes.
Cat harpings.


The Ties.

A Horse.

To sling is to make fast any caske, yard, ordnances, or the like
in a paire of Slings, and Slings are made of a rope spliced at either
end into it selfe with one eye at either end, so long as to bee sufficient
to receive the caske, the middle part of the rope also they seaze

and so maketh another eye to hitch the hooke of the tackle,
another sort are made much longer for the hoising of ordnances,
another is a chaine of iron to Sling or binde the yards fast aloft to the
crosse trees in a fight, lest the ties should bee cut, and so the mast
must fall. The Canhookes are two hookes fastened to the end of a
rope with a noose, like this the Brewers use to sling or carry their
barrels on, and those serve also to take in or out hogsheads, or any
other commodities. A Parbunkel
is two ropes that have at each end
a noose or lumpe that being ∥ crossed, you may set any vessell that
hathbut one head upon them, bringing but the loopes over the
upper end of the caske, fix but the tackle to them, and then the vessell
will stand strait in the middest to heave out, or take in without
To Sling.



A Parbunkell.

Puddings are ropes nailed round to the yards armes close to the
end, a pretty distance one from another, to save the Robbins

galling upon the yards, or to serve the anchors ring to save the clinch
of the cable from galling. And the Robbins are little lines reeved into
the eylet holes of the saile under the head ropes, to make fast the saile
to the yard, for in stead of tying, sea men alwayes say, make fast.
Head lines, are the ropes that make all the sailes fast to the yard.


Head lines.

Furling lines are small lines made fast to the top saile, top gallant
saile, and the missen yards armes. The missen hathbut one called
the smiting line, the other on each side one, and by these we farthell
or binde up the sailes. The Brales

are small ropes reeved thorow
Blockes seased on each side the ties, and come down before the saile,
and at the very skirt are fastened to the Creengles,
with them we
furle or farthell our sailes acrosse, and they belong onely to the two
courses and the missen: to hale up the Brales, or brale up the saile,


is all one; Creengles are little ropes spliced into the Bolt-ropes of all
sailes belonging to the maine and fore mast, to which the bolings
are made fast, and to hold by when we shake off a Bonner.
Furling lines.

A smiting line.



Boltropes is that rope is sowed about every saile, soft and gently
twisted, for the better sowing and handling the sailes. Bunt lines is
but a small rope made fast to the middest of the Boltrope to a creengle
reeved thorowa small blocke which is seased to the yard, to trice or
draw up the Bunt of the saile, when you farthell or make it up. The
Clew garnet is a rope made fast to the clew of the saile, and from
thence runnes in a blocke seased to the middle of the yard, which in
furling doth hale up the clew of the saile close to the middle of the
yard, and the clew line is the same to the ∥ top sailes top gallant and
spret sailes, as the Clew garnet is to the maine and foresailes. The
Clew of a saile is the lowest corner next the Sheat and Tackes, and
stretcheth somewhat goaring

or sloping from the square of the saile,
and according to the Goaring she is said to spread a great or a little
clew. Tackes are great ropes which having a wall-knot at one end
seased into the clew of the saile, and so reeved first thorowthe
and then commeth in at a hole in the ships sides, this doth
carry forward the clew of the saile to make it stand close by a wind.
The Sheats are bent to the clews of all sailes, in the low sailes they
hale aft the clew of the sailes, but in top sailes they serve to hale them
home, that is, to bring the clew close to the yards arme. The Braces
belong to all yards but the missen, every yard hathtwo reeved at
their ends thorowtwo pendants, and those are to square the yards,
or travasse them as you please. The Boling is made fast to the leech
of the saile about the middest to make it stand the sharper or closer
by a wind, it is fastened by two, three, or foure ropes like a crows foot
to as many parts of the saile which is called the Boling bridles, onely
the missen Boling is fastened to the lower end of the yard, this rope
belongs to all sailes except the Spret-saile, and Spret-saile Top-saile,
which not having any place to hale it forward by, they cannot use
those sailes by a wind: sharp the maine Boling is to hall it taught:
hale up the Boling is to pull it harder forward on: checke or ease the
Boling is to let it be more slacke.
Bolt ropes.

Bunt lines.

Clew Garnet.

Clew line.

A Clew.






Boling bridles.

Sharp the

Checke the

Lee fanngs is a rope reeved into the creengles of the courses,
when wee would hale in the bottome of the saile, to lash on a bonnet
or take in the saile; and Reeving is but drawing a rope thorowa
blocke or oylet

to runne up and down. Leech lines are small ropes
made fast to the Leech of the top-sailes, for they belong to no other;
and are reeved into a blocke at the yard close by the top-saile ties, to
hale in the Leech of the saile when you take them in. The Leech of a
saile is the outward side of a skirt of a saile, from the earing to the


clew; and the Earing is that part of the bunt rope ∥ which at all the
foure corners of the saile is left open as it were a ring. The two upmost
parts are put over the ends of the vards armes, and so made fast to the
yards, and the lowermost are seased or Bent to the sheats, and tackes
into the clew. The Lifts are two ropes which belong to all yards
armes, to top the yards; that is, to make them hang higher or lower
at your pleasure. But the top-saile Lifts doe serve for sheats to the top
gallant yards, the haling them is called the Topping the Lifts, as top
a starboard, or top a port.
Lee fanngs.


Leech lines.

Leech of a saile.




Topping the

Legs are small ropes put thorowthe bolt ropes of the maine and
fore saile, neere to a foot in length, spliced each end into the other in
the leech of the saile, having a little eye whereunto the martnets are
fastened by two hitches, and the end seased into the standing parts
of the martnets, which are also small lines like crow feet reeved
thorowa blocke at the top mast head, and so comes downe by the
mast to the decke; but the top-saile martnets are made fast to the
head of the top gallant mast, and commeth but to the top, where it
is haled and called the top martnets, they serve to bring that part of
the leech next the yards arme up close to the yard. Latchets

small lines sowed in the Bonnets and Drablers like loops to lash or
make fast the Bonnet to the course, or the course
to the Drabler,
which we call lashing the Bonnet to the course, or the Drabler to the
Bonnet. The Loofe hooke is a tackle with two hookes, one to hitch
into a chingle
of the maine, or fore saile, in the bolt rope in the leech
of the saile by the clew, and the other to strap spliced to the chestres
to bouse or pull downe the saile to succour the tackes in a stiffe gale
of wind, or take off or put on a Bonnet or a Drabler, which are two
short sailes to take off or put to the fore course or the maine, which
is the fore saile, or maine saile.




The Loofe


A Bonnet.

A Drabler.

A Course.

The Knave-line is a rope hathone end fastened to the crosse
trees, and so comes downe by the ties to the Rams head, to which is
seased a small peece of wood some two foot long with a hole in the
end, whereunto the line is reeved, and brought to the ships side, and
haled taught to the ∥ Railes to keepe the ties and Halyards from turning
about one another when they are new. Knettels

are two rope
yarnes twisted together, and a knot at each end, whereunto to sease
a blocke, a rope, or the like. Rope yarnes are the yarnes of any rope
untwisted, they serve to sarve
small ropes, or make Sinnet, Mats,
Plats, or Caburnes, and make up the sailes at the yards armes.
A Knave line.


Rope yarnes.

Sinnet is a string made of rope yarne commonly of two, foure,


six, eight or nine strings platted in three parts, which being beat flat
they use it to sarve ropes or Mats. That which we call a Panch,
broad clouts,
woven of Thrums and Sinnet together, to save things
from galling about the maine and fore yards at the ties, and also from
the masts, and upon the Boltspret, Loufe, Beake-head or Gunwaile
to save the clewes of the sailes from galling or fretting. Caburne is a
small line made of spun yarne to make a bend of two Cables, or to
sease the Tackels, or the like. Seasing is to binde fast any ropes together,
with some small rope yarne. Marline is any line, to a blocke,
or any tackell, Pendant, Garnet, or the like. There is also a rope by
which the Boat doth ride by the ships side, which we cal a Seasen.
sarve any rope with plats or Sinnet, is but to lay Sinnet, Spun yarne,
Rope yarne, or a peece of Canvas upon the rope, and then rowle it
fast to keepe the rope from galling about the shrowds at the head of
the masts, the Cable in the Hawse, the flooke of the Anchor, the Boat
rope or any thing. Spunyarne is nothing but rope yarne made small
at the ends, and so spun one to another so long as you will with a
winch. Also Caskets
are but small ropes of Sinnet made fast to the
gromits or rings upon the yards, the longest are in the midst of the
yards betwixt the ties, and are called the brest Caskets, hanging on
each side the yard in small lengths, only to binde up the saile when
it is furled.

Mats or Panch.




sarve or Sirvis.




is a small line of untwisted hemp, very pliant and well
tarred, to sease the ends of Ropes from raveling out, or the sides of
the blockes at their arses,
or if the saile rent
out of the Boltrope, they
will make it fast with marlin ∥ till they have leisure to mend it. The
marling spike, is but a small peece of iron to splice ropes together, or
open the bolt rope when you sew the saile. Splicing is so to let one
ropes end into another they shall be as firme as if they were but one
rope, and this is called a round Splice; but the cut
Splice is to let
one into another with as much distance as you will, and yet bee
strong, and undoe when you will. Now to make an end of this discourse
with a knot, you are to know, Sea-men use three, the first is
is called the Wall knot, which is a round knob, so made with the
or layes of a rope, it cannot slip; the Sheates, Tackes, and


Stoppers use this knot. The boling knot is also so firmely made and
fastened by the bridles into the creengles of the sailes, they will
breake, or the saile split before it will slip. The last is the Shepshanke,
which is a knot they cast upon a Runner or Tackle when it is too long
to take in the goods, and by this knot they can shorten a rope without
cutting it, as much as they list, and presently undoe it againe, and
yet never the worse.

Marling spike.


A round Splice.

A cut Splice.

A Knot.

A Wall knot.

A Boling knot.


Chapter VI.
What doth belong to the Boats and Skiffe
with the definition of all those thirteene Ropes
which are onely properly called Ropes
belonging to a ship and the Boat and their use.

OF Boats there are divers sorts, but those belonging to ships, are
called either the long Boat or ships Boat, which should bee able
to weigh her sheat anchor, those will live in any reasonable sea,
especially the long Boat; great ships have also other small Boats
called Shallops and Skiffes, which are with more ∥ ease and lesse
trouble rowed to and againe upon any small occasion. To a Boat belongs
a mast and saile, a stay sheat and Halyard, Rudder and Rudder
irons, as to a ship, also in any discovery they use a Tarpawling,


which is a good peece of Canvas washed over with Tar, to cover the
Bailes or hoopes over the sterne of their Boat, where they lodge in an
harbor which is that you call a Tilt covered with wadmall
in your
Wherries; or else an Awning, which is but the boats saile, or some
peece of an old saile brought over the yard and stay, and boumed out
with the boat hooke, so spread over their heads, which is also much
used, as well a shore as in a ship, especially in hot countreys to keepe
men from the extremity of heat or wet which is very oft infectious.
are the seats whereon the Rowers sit; and Thowles
pins put into little holes in the Gunwaile or upon the Boats side,
against which they beare the oares when they row, they have also a
Daved, and also in long Boats a windlesse to weigh the anchor by,
which is with more ease than the ship can. The two arching timbers
against the Boat head are called Carlings.
Man the Boat is to put a
Gang of men, which is a company into her, they are commonly called


the Coxswaine Gang
who haththe charge of her. Free the Boat is
to baile or cast out the water. Trim the Boat is to keepe her straight.
Winde the Boat is to bring her head the other way. Hold water is to
stay her. Forbeare is to hold still any oare you are commanded, or on
the broad, or whole side. A fresh Spell is to releeve the Rowers with
another Gang, give the Boat more way for a dram of the bottell, who
saies Amends,
one and all, Vea, vea, vea, vea, vea, that is, they pull
all strongly together.
A long Boat.

A Shallop.

A Skiffe.






A Gang.

Free or Baile.

Trim Boat

Winde Boat.

Hold water.


A Spell.

Vea, vea, vea.

The Entering rope

is tied by the ships side, to hold by as you
goe up the Entering ladder, cleats, or wailes.
The Entering

The Bucket rope that is tied to the Bucket by which you hale
and draw water up by the ships side.

Bucket rope.

Bolt ropes.

The Bolt ropes are those wherein the sailes are sowed.

Port ropes.

The Port ropes hale up the Ports of the Ordnances.

Jeare rope.

The Jeare rope is a peece of a hawser made fast to the ∥ maine
yard, another to the fore yard close to the ties, reeved thorowa blocke
which is seased close to the top, and so comes downe by the mast, and
is reeved thorowanother blocke at the bottome of the mast close by
the decke; great ships have on each side the ties one, but small ships
none: the use is to helpe to hoise up the yard to succour the ties,
which though they breake yet they would hold up the mast.

The Preventer rope is a little one seased crosse over the ties, that
if one part of them should breake, yet the other should not runne
thorowthe Rams head to indanger the yard.

Preventer rope.

The Top ropes are those wherewith we set or strike the maine or
fore Top masts, it is reeved thorowa great blocke seased under the
Cap, reeved thorowthe heele of the Top mast thwart ships, and then
made fast to a ring with a clinch on the other side the Cap, the other
part comes downe by the ties, reeved into the Knights, and so brought
to the Capstainewhen they set the Top masts.

Top ropes.

The Keele rope, you have read in the building,

is of haire in the
Keele to scower the Limber holes.
Keele ropes.

The Rudder rope is reeved thorowthe stern post, and goeth
thorowthe head of the Rudder, and then both ends spliced together,
serves to save the Rudder if it should bee strucke off the irons.

Rudder rope.

The Cat rope is to hale up the Cat.

Cat rope.

The Boy rope is that which is tied to the boy

by the one end,
and the anchors flooke by the other.
Boy rope.

The Boat rope is that which the ship doth tow her Boat by, at
her sterne.

Boat rope.


The Ghest

rope is added to the Boat rope when shee is towed
at the ships sterne, to keepe her from shearing, that is, from swinging
to and againe; for in a stiffe gale she will make such yawes, and have
such girds,
it would indanger her to bee torne in peeces, but that
they use to swift her, that is, to incircle the Gunwaile with a good
rope, and to that make fast the Ghest rope.
Ghest rope.



Chapter VII.
The names of all sorts of Anchors, Cables, and
Sailes, and how they beare their proportions,
with their use. Also how the Ordnances should
bee placed, and the goods stowed in a ship.

THE proper tearmes belonging to Anchors are many: the least
are called Kedgers, to use in calme weather in a slow streame, or
to kedg up and downe a narrow River, which is when they feare the
winde or tide may drive them on shore; they row by her with an
Anchor in a boat, and in the middest of the streame, or where they
finde most fit if the Ship come too neere the shore, and so by a
Hawser winde her head about, then waigh it againe till the like
occasion, and this is kedging. There is also a streame Anchor not
much bigger, to stemme an easie stream or tide. Then there is the
first, second, and third Anchor, yet all such as a Ship in faire weather
may ride by, and are called Bow Anchors. The greatest is the sheat
Anchor, and never used but in great necessity. They are commonly
made according to the burthen of the Ship by proportion, for that
the sheat Anchor of a small ship will not serve for a Kedger to a great
ship. Also it beareth a proportion in it selfe, as the one flooke, which
is that doth sticke in the ground, is but the third part of the shanke
in length; at the head of the Shanke there is a hole called an Eye, and
in it a Ring, wherein is the Nut to which there is fast fixed a Stocke
of wood crossing the Flookes, and the length is taken from the length
of the Shanke. These ∥ differ not in shape but in waight, from two
hundred, to three or foure thousand waight. Grapells,

or Graplings,
are the least of all, and have foure flookes but no stock; for a boat to
ride by, or to throw into a ship in a fight, to pull downe the gratings
or hold fast.
A Kedger.

Streame Anchor.

The first.


Third Anchor.

Sheat Anchor.

An Anchors



Beame or Nut-Eye.



The Cables also carry a proportion to the Anchors, but if it be
not three strond, it is accounted but a Hawser, yet a great ships


Hawser may be a Cable to the sheat Anchor for a small ship: and
there is the first, second, and third Cable, besides the Sheat Anchor
Cable. If the Cable bee well made, we say it is well laid. To keckell
or sarve the Cable, as is said, is but to bind some old clouts to keepe
it from galling in the Hawse or Ring. Splice a Cable, is to fasten two
ends together, that it may be double in length, to make the Ship ride
with more ease, and is called a shot
of Cable. Quoile
a Cable, is to
lay it up in a round Ring, or fake one above another. Pay more
Cable, is when you carry an Anchor out in the boat to turne over.
Pay cheap, is when you over set it, or turnes it over boord faster.
Veere more Cable, is when you ride at Anchor. And end for end is
when the Cable runneth cleere out of the Hawse, or any Rope out of
his shiver. A Bight is to hold by any part of a coile, that is, the upmost
fake. A Bitter is but the turne of a Cable about the Bits, and veare it
out by little and little. And the Bitters end is that part of the Cable
doth stay within boord. Gert,
is when the Cable is so taught that
upon the turning of a tide, a Ship cannot goe over it.
A Cable, the
first, second,
and third.

Sheat Anchor



A shot of Cable.


A Fake.


Pay cheape.

End for end.

A Bight.

A Bitter.

A Bitters end.


To bend the Cable to the Anchor, is to make it fast to the Ring;
unbend the Cable, is but to take it away, which we usually doe when
we are at Sea, and to tie two ropes or Cables together is called bending.
Hitch, is to catch hold of any thing with a rope to hold it fast, or
with a hooke, as hitch the fish-hooke to the Anchors flooke, or the
Tackles into the Garnets of the Slings. Fenders are peeces of old
Hawsers called Junkes hung over the ship sides to keepe them from
brusing. In boats they use poles or boat-hooks to fend off the boat
from brusing. A Brest-fast is a ∥ rope which is fastened to some part
of the Ship forward on, to hold her head to a wharfe or any thing,
and a Sterne-fast is the same in the Sterne. The use for the Hawser is
to warp the Ship by, which is laying out an Anchor, and winde her
up to it by a Capsterne. Rousing is but pulling the slacknesse of any
Cables with mens hands into the Ship. The Shank-painter is a short
chaine fastend under the fore masts shrouds with a bolt to the ships
sides, and at the other end a rope to make fast the Anchor to the
Bow. To stop is when you come to an Anchor, and veares out your
Cable, but by degrees till the Ship ride well, then they say stop the
Ship. To those Cables and Anchors belongs short peeces of wood
called Boyes, or close hooped barrels like Tankards as is said, but
much shorter, to shew you the Anchor and helpe to waigh it, there is
another sort of Cans called Can Boyes much greater, mored upon
shoules to give Marriners warning of the dangers.

To bend.












Can Boyes.


The maine saile and the fore saile is called the fore course, and
the maine course or a paire of courses. Bonits and Drablers are commonly
one third part a peece to the saile they belong unto in depth,
but their proportion is uncertaine; for some will make the maine


saile so deepe, that with a shallow bonet they will cloath all the Mast
without a Drabler, but without bonets we call them but courses; we
say, lash on the bonet to the course, because it is made fast with
Latchets into the eylot holes of the saile, as the Drabler is to it, and
used as the wind permits. There is also your maine top-saile, and fore
top-saile, with their top-gallant sailes, and in a faire gaile your studding
sailes, which are bolts of Canvasse, or any cloth that will hold
wind, wee extend alongst the side of the maine saile, and boomes it
out with a boome or long pole, which we use also sometimes to the
clew of the maine saile, fore saile, and spret saile, when you goe
before the wind or quartering, else not. Your Miszen, and Miszen
top-saile, your Spret and Spret top-saile, as the rest, take all their
names of their yards. A Drift saile is onely used under water, veared
out right a head by sheats, ∥ to keepe the Ships head right upon the
Sea in a storme, or when a ship drives too fast in a current. A Netting
saile is onely a saile laid over the Netting, which is small ropes from
the top of the fore castle to the Poope, stretched upon the ledges from
the Waist-trees to the Roufe-trees,
which are onely small Timbers
to beare up the Gratings from the halfe Decke to the fore-castle, supported
by Stantions
that rest upon the halfe Decke; and this Netting
or Grating, which is but the like made of wood, you may set up or
take downe when you please, and is called the close fights fore and aft.
Now the use of those sailes is thus, all head Sailes which are those
belonging to the fore Mast and Boltspret, doe keepe the Ship from
the wind or to fall off. All after sailes, that is, all the sailes belonging
to the maine Mast and Miszen keepes her to wind ward, therefore
few ships will steare upon quarter winds with one saile, but must have
one after saile, and one head saile. The sailes are cut in proportion as
the Masts and Yards are in bredth and length, but the Spret-saile is
¾ parts the depth of the fore saile, and the Miszen by the Leech
twise so deepe as the Mast is long from the Decke to the Hounds. The
Leech of a saile is the outward side or skirt of the saile from the earing
to the clew, the middle betwixt which wee account the Leech. The
Clew is the lower corner of a Saile, to which you make fast your
Sheats and Tacks, or that which comes goring out from the square
of the saile, for a square saile hathno Clew, but the maine saile must
bee cut goring, because the Tacks will come closer aboord, and so
cause the saile to hold more wind; now when the Saile is large and
hatha good Clew, we say she spreds a large Clew, or spreds much
Canvas. In making those sailes they use two sorts of seames downe
the Sailes, which doth sow the bredth of the Canvas together, the one
we call a Munke
seame, which is flat, the other a round seame,
which is so called because it is round.
Maine Saile.

Fore Saile.

Maine course.

Fore course.



Maine top


Fore top Saile.

Top gallant



Misen top

Spret saile.

Spretsaile top-Saile.

Drift Saile.

Netting Saile.






Head Sailes.

After Sailes.


The Clew.


A Monke

The Ship being thus provided, there wants yet her Ordnances,


which should be in greatnesse according to her ∥ building in strength
and burthen, but the greatest commonly lieth lowest, which we call
the lower tier, if she bee furnished fore and aft. Likewise the second
Tier, and the third, which are the smallest. The fore-Castle and the
halfe Decke being also furnished, wee account halfe a Tier.
A Round

A Tier.



Halfe a Tier.

Stowage or to stow, is to put the goods in Howle in order. The
most ponderous next the Ballast, which is next the Keelson to keepe
her stiffe in the Sea. Balast is either Gravell, Stones, or Lead, but that
which is driest, heaviest, and lies closest is best. To finde a leake, they
trench the Ballast, that is, to divide it. The Ballast wil sometimes
shoot, that is, run from one side to another, and so will Corne and
Salt, if you make not Pouches or Bulk-heads, which when the Ship
doth heeld is very dangerous to overset or turne the Keele upwards.
For Caske that is so stowed, tier above tier with Ballast, and canting
Coines, which are little short peeces of wood or Billets cut with a
sharpe ridge or edge to lye betwixt the Caske; and standing Coines
are Billets or Pipe-staves, to make them they cannot give way nor
stirre. The ship will beare much, that is, carry much Ordnance or
goods, or beare much saile; and when you let any thing downe into
the Howle, lowering it by degrees, they say, Amaine; and being
downe, Strike.


To Stow.


Trench the






To beare.

Chapter VIII.

The charge and duty of the Captaine of a ship,
and every Office and Officer in a man of Warre.

THE Captaines charge is to command all, and tell the Master to
what Port hee will goe, or to what Height; In a fight he is to give
direction for the managing thereof, and the Master is to see the
cunning of the ship, and trimming of the sailes.

The Captaines

The Master and his Mates are to direct the course, command
all the Sailers, for stearing, trimming, and sailing the ship; his Mates
are only his seconds, allowed sometimes for the two mid ships men,
that ought to take charge of the first prise.

The Master
and his Mates.

The Pilot when they make land doth take the charge of the ship
till he bring her to harbour.

The Pilot.

The Chirurgion is to be exempted from all duty, but to attend
the sicke, and cure the wounded: and good care would be had he


have a certificate from Barber Chirurgions Hall of his sufficiency,
and also that his chest be well furnished both for Physicke and
Chirurgery, and so neare as may be proper for that clime you goe
for, which neglect hathbeene the losse of many a mans life.
The Chirurgion
and his

The Cape-merchant

The Cape-merchant or Purser haththe charge of all the Carragasoune
or merchandize, and doth keepe an account of all that is
received, or delivered, but a man of Warre hathonely a Purser.

The Gunner
with his Mate,
and quarter

The Master Gunner haththe charge of the ordnance, and shot,
powder, match, ladles, spunges, wormes, car- ∥ trages, armes and
fire-workes; and the rest of the Gunners, or quarter Gunners to receive
their charge from him according to directions, and to give an
account of their store.

The Carpenter and his Mate, is to have the nailes, clinches,
roove and clinch nailes, spikes, plates, rudder irons, pumpe nailes,
skupper nailes and leather, sawes, files, hatchets and such like, and
ever ready for calking, breaming, stopping leakes, fishing, or splicing
the masts or yards as occasion requireth, and to give an account of
his store.

The Carpenter
and his Mate.

The Boatswaine is to have the charge of all the cordage, tackling,
sailes, fids and marling spikes, needles, twine, saile-cloth, and rigging
the ship, his Mate the command of the long boat, for the setting forth
of anchors, weighing or fetching home an anchor, warping, towing,
or moring, and to give an account of his store.

The Boatswaine
and his

The Trumpeter is alwayes to attend the Captaines command,
and to sound either at his going a shore, or comming aboord, at the
entertainment of strangers, also when you hale a ship, when you
charge, boord, or enter; and the poope is his place to stand or sit
upon, if there bee a noise, they are to attend him, if there be not,
every one hee doth teach to beare a part, the Captaine is to incourage
him, by increasing his shares, or pay, and give the master Trumpeter
a reward.

The Trumpeter.

The Marshall is to punish offenders, and to see justice executed
according to directions; as ducking at the yards arme, haling under
the keele, bound to the capsterne, or maine mast with a basket of
shot about his necke, setting in the bilbowes, and to pay the Cobtie
or the Morioune; but the boyes the Boatswaine is to see every Munday
at the chest, to say their compasse, and receive their punishment
for all their weekes offences, which done, they are to have a quarter
can of beere, and a basket of bread, but if the Boatswaine eat or drinke
before hee catch them, they are free.

The Marshall.

The Corporall is to see the setting and releeving the watch, and
see all the souldiers and sailers keepe their armes ∥ cleane, neat, and
yare and teach them their use.

The Corporall.

The Steward is to deliver out the victuals according to the Captaines
directions, and messe them foure, five, or six, as there is

The Steward
and his Mate.


The quarter Masters have the charge of the howle, for stowing,
romaging, and trimming the ship in the hold, and of their squadrons
for the watch, and for fishing to have a Sayne, a fisgig, a harpin yron,
and fish hookes, for Porgos, Bonetos, Dolphins, or Dorados, and
rayling lines for Mackrels.

The quarter

The Cooper is to looke to the caske, hoopes and twigs, to stave
or repaire the buckets, baricos, cans, steepe tubs, runlets, hogsheads,
pipes, buts, etc. for wine, beare, sider, beverage, fresh water, or any

The Cooper
and his Mate.

The Coxswaine is to have a choise Gang to attend the skiffe to
goe to and againe as occasion commandeth.

The Coxswaine
and his Mate.

The Cooke is to dresse and deliver out the victuall, hee hathhis
store of quarter cans, small cans, platters, spoones, lanthornes, etc.
and is to give his account of the remainder.

The Cooke and
his Mate.

The Swabber is to wash and keepe cleane the ship and maps.

The Swabber.

The Liar is to hold his place but for a weeke, and hee that is first
taken with a lie, every Munday is so proclaimed at the maine mast
by a generall cry, a Liar, a Liar, a Liar, hee is under the Swabber,
and onely to keepe cleane the beake head, and chaines.

The Lyar.

The Sailers are the ancient men for hoising the sailes, getting
the tacks aboord, haling the bowlings, and stearing the ship.

The Sailers.

The Younkers are the young men called fore-mast men, to take
in the top-sailes, or top and yard, for furling the sailes, or slinging the
yards, bousing or trising, and take their turnes at helme.

The Younkers.

The Lieutenant is to associate the Captaine, and in his absence
to execute his place, hee is to see the Marshall and Corporall doe their
duties, and assist them in instructing ∥ the souldiers, and in a fight
the fore-castle is his place to make good, as the Captaine doth the
halfe decke, and the quarter Masters, or Masters Mate the mid ships,
and in a States man of Warre, he is allowed as necessary as a Lieutenant
on shore.

The Lieutenant
his place.

Chapter IX.
Proper Sea tearmes for dividing the company
at Sea, and stearing, sayling, or moring a Ship
in faire weather, or in a storme.

IT is to bee supposed by this the Ship is victualled and manned, the
voiage determined, the steepe Tubs in the chains to shift their
Beefe, Porke, or Fish in salt water, till the salt be out though not the
saltnesse, and all things else ready to set saile; but before wee goe any
further, for the better understanding the rest, a few words for stearing
and cunning the Ship would not bee amisse. Then know, Star-boord


is the right hand, Lar-boord the left; Starboord the Helme, is to put
the Helme a Starboord, then the ship will goe to the Larboord. Right
your Helme, that is, to keepe it in the mid ships, or right up. Port,
that is, to put the Helme to Larboord, and the Ship will goe to the
Starboord, for the Ship will ever goe contrary to the Helme. Now by
a quarter wind, they will say aloofe, or keepe your loofe, keepe her
to it, have a care of your Lee-latch.
Touch the wind, and warre no
more, is no more but
to bid him at the Helme to keepe her so neere
the wind as may be; no neere, ease the Helme, or beare up, is to let
her fall to Lee-ward. Steady, that is, to keepe ∥ her right upon that
point you steare by; be yare at the Helme, or a fresh man to the
Helme. But he that keepes the Ship most from yawing doth commonly
use the lest motion with the Helme, and those steare the best.
Steep Tubs.







A loofe.

Keep your

War no more.

No neare.




The Master and company being aboord, he commands them to
get the sailes to the yards, and about your geare or worke on all
hands, stretch forward your maine Halliards, hoise your Sailes halfe
mast high. Predy,

or make ready to set saile, crosse your yards, bring
your Cable to the Capsterne; Boatswaine fetch an Anchor aboord,
breake ground or weigh Anchor. Heave a head, men into the Tops,
men upon the yards; come, is the Anchor a pike, that is, to heave the
Hawse of the ship right over the Anchor, what is the Anchor away?
Yea, yea. Let fall your fore-saile. Tally, that is, hale off the Sheats;
who is at the Helme there, coile your Cables in small fakes, hale the
Cat, a Bitter, belay, loose fast your Anchor with your shank-painter,
stow the Boat, set the land, how it beares by the Compasse that we
may the better know thereby to keep our account and direct our
course, let fall your maine saile, every man say his private prayer for
a boone voyage, out with your spret saile, on with your bonits and
Drablers, steare steady and keep your course, so, you go wel.


A Pike.


When this is done,

the Captaine or Master commands the Boatswaine
to call up the company; the Master being chiefe of the Starboord
watch doth call one, and his right hand Mate on the Larboord
doth call another, and so forward till they be divided in two parts,
then each man is to chuse his Mate, Consort, or Comrade, and then
devide them into squadrons according to your number and burthen
of your ship as you see occasion; these are to take their turnes at the
Helme, trim sailes, pumpe, and doe all duties each halfe, or each
squadron for eight Glasses or foure houres which is a watch, but care


would bee had that there be not two Comrades upon one watch because
they may have the more roome in their Cabbins to rest. And
as the Captaine and masters Mates, Gunners, Carpenters, Quartermasters,
Trumpeters, etc. are to be abaft the Mast, so the ∥ Boatswaine,
and all the Yonkers or common Sailers under his command
is to be before the Mast. The next is, to messe them foure to a messe,
and then give every messe a quarter Can of beere and a basket of
bread to stay their stomacks till the Kettle be boiled, that they may
first goe to prayer, then to supper, and at six a clocke sing a Psalme,
say a Prayer, and the Master with his side begins the watch, then all
the rest may doe what they will till midnight; and then his Mate with
his Larboord men with a Psalme and a Prayer releeves them till foure
in the morning, and so from eight to twelve each other, except some
of winde come, some storme or gust, or some accident that
requires the helpe of all hands, which commonly after such good
cheere in most voyages doth happen.
How they
divide the company
at sea,
and set, and
rule the watch.

For now the wind veeres, that is, it doth shift from point to point,
get your Starboord tacks aboord, and tally

or hale off your Lee-Sheats.
The Ship will not wayer,
settle your maine Topsaile, veere
a fadome of your sheat. The wind comes faire againe and a fresh gale,
hale up the slatch of the Lee-boling. By Slatch
is meant the middle
part of any rope hangs over boord. Veere more sheat, or a flowne
sheat, that is, when they are not haled home to the blocke. But when
we say, let fly the sheats, then they let go amaine, which commonly
is in some gust, lest they spend their top-sailes, or if her quicke side
lie in the water, overset the ship. A flowne sheat is when shee goes
before the wind, or betwixt a paire of sheats, or all sailes drawing.
But the wind shrinkes, that is, when you must take in the Spretsaile,
and get the tacks aboord, hale close the maine Boling, that is, when
your Tacks are close aboord. If you would saile against the wind or
keepe your owne, that is, not to fall to lee-ward or goe backe againe,
by halling off close your Bolings, you set your sailes so sharp as you
can to lie close by a wind, thwarting it a league or two, or more or
lesse, as you see cause, first on the one boord then on the other; this
we call boording or beating it up upon a tacke in the winds eye, or
bolting to and againe; but the longer ∥ your boords are, the more you
worke or gather into the wind. If a sudden flaw of wind should surprise
you, when you would lower a yard so fast as you can, they call
A maine; but a crosse saile cannot come neerer the wind than six
points, but a Carvell whose sailes stand like a paire of Tailers sheeres,
will goe much neerer.
The wind




A paire of


It over-casts we shall have wind, fowle weather, settell your top
sailes, take in the spret-saile, in with your top-sailes, lower the fore-saile,
tallow under the parrels, brade up close all them sailes, lash
sure the ordnance, strike your top-masts to the cap, make it sure with
your sheeps feet. A storme, let us lie at Trie

with our maine course,
that is, to hale the tacke aboord, the sheat close aft, the boling set up,
and the helme tied close aboord. When that will not serve then Try
the mizen, if that split, or the storme grow so great she cannot beare
it; then hull, which is to beare no saile, but to strike a hull is when
they would lie obscurely in the Sea, or stay for some consort, lash sure
the helme a lee, and so a good ship will lie at ease under the Sea as
wee terme it. If shee will weather coile,
and lay her head the other
way without loosing a saile, that must bee done by bearing up the
Helme, and then she will drive nothing so farre to Leeward. They
call it hulling also in a calme swelling Sea, which is commonly before
a storme, when they strike their sailes lest she should beat them in
peeces against the mast by Rowling. We say a ship doth Labour
much when she doth rowle much any way; but if she will neither Try
nor Hull, Then Spoone, that is, put her right before the wind, this
way although shee will rowle more than the other, yet if she be weake
it will not straine her any thing so much in the Trough of the Sea,
which is the distance betwixt two waves or Billowes. If none of this
will doe well, then she is in danger to founder, if not sinke. Foundering
is when she will neither veere nor steare, the Sea will so over rake

her, except you free out the water, she will lie like a log, and so consequently
sinke. To spend a mast or yard, is when they are broke by
fowle weather, and to spring a mast is when it is cracked in any place.
How to handle
a ship in a



Under the Sea.

Weather coile.






To spend a

Spring a mast.

In this extremity he that doth cun the ship cannot have too much
judgement, nor experience to try her drift, or how she capes,

are two tearmes also used in the trials of the running or setting of
currants. A yoke is when the Sea is so rough as that men cannot
govern the Helme with their hands, and then they sease a block to the
Helme on each side at the end, and reeving two fals thorowthem like
Gunners Tackles brings them to the ships side, and so some being at
the one side of the Tackle, some at the other, they steare her with
much more ease than they can with a single rope with a double Turne
about the Helme.
A Yoke.

When the storme is past, though the wind may alter three or
foure points of the compasse, or more, yet the Sea for a good time
will goe the same way; then if your course be right against it, you
shall meet it right a head, so we call it a head Sea. Sometimes when


there is but little wind, there will come a contrary Sea, and presently
the winde after it, wherby we may judge that from whence it came
was much winde, for commonly before any great storme the Sea will
come that way. Now if the ship may runne on shore in ose
or mud
she may escape, or Billage on a rocke, or Ancors flooke, repaire her
leake, but if she split or sinke, shee is a wracke. But seeing the storme
decreaseth, let us trie if she will endure the Hullocke of a Saile, which
sometimes is a peece of the mizen saile or some other little saile, part
opened to keepe her head to the sea, but if yet shee would weather
coile, wee will loose a Hullocke of her fore-saile, and put the Helme
a weather, and it will bring her head where her sterne is; courage my
A head Sea.


It cleares up, set your fore-saile; Now it is faire weather, out
with all your sailes, goe lardge or laske, that is, when we have a fresh
gale, or faire wind, and all sailes drawing. But for more haste unparrell
the mizen yard and lanch it, and the saile over her Lee
quarter, and fit Guies at the further end to keepe the yard steady,
and with a Boome boome it out; this we call a Goose-wing. Who is
at Helme there? Sirra you must be amongst the Points; Well Master
∥ the Channell is broad enough; Yet you cannot steare betwixt a
paire of sheats;

Those are words of mockery betwixt the Cunner and
the Stearesman. But to proceed,



Get your Larboord Tackes aboord, hale off your starboord
sheats, keepe your course upon the point you are directed, Port, he
will lay her by the lee; the staies, or backe staies, that is, when all the
sailes flutter in the winde, and are not kept full, that is full of wind,
they fall upon the masts and shrowds, so that the ship goes a drift
upon her broad side, fill the sailes, keepe full, full and by.

ready to Tacke about, is but for every man to stand to handle the
sailes and ropes they must hale; Tacke about is to beare up the helme,
and that brings her to stay all her sailes lying flat against the shrowds,
then as she turnes wee say shee is payed, then let rise your Lee-tacks
and hale off your sheats, and trim all your sailes as they were before,
which is cast of that Boling which was the weather boling, and hale
up taught the other. So all your Sheats, Brases,
and Tackes are
trimmed by a winde as before. To belay, is to make fast the ropes in
their proper places. Round in, is when the wind larges, let rise the
maine tacke and fore tacke, and hale aft the fore sheat to the cats
head, and the maine sheat to the cubbridge head, this is Rounding
in, or rounding aft the saile; the sheats being there they hale them
downe to keepe them firme from flying up with a Pasarado, which is


any rope wherewith wee hale downe the sheats, blockes of the maine
or fore saile, when they are haled aft the clew of the maine saile to
the Cubbridge head of the maine mast, and the clew of the fore saile
to the Cat head; Doe this when the ships goes large.
Round in.

Rounding aft.


Observe the height,

that is, at twelve a clocke to take the height
of the Sunne, or in the night the North star, or in the forenoone and
afternoone, if you misse these by finding the Azimuth and Almicanter.

Dead water is the Eddie water followes the sterne of the
ship, not passing away so quickly as that slides by her sides. The wake
of a ship is the smooth water a sterne shewing the way shee hath
∥ gone in the sea, by this we judge what way she doth make, for if the
wake be right a sterne, we know she makes good her way forwards;
but if to Lee-ward a point or two, wee then thinke to the Lee-ward
of her course, but shee is a nimble ship that in turning or tacking
about will not fall to thee Lee-ward of her wake when shee hath
weathered it. Disimbogue is to passe some narrow strait or currant
into the maine Ocean, out of some great Gulfe or Bay. A Drift is any
thing floating in the sea that is of wood. Rockweed doth grow by the
shore, and is a signe of land, yet it is oft found farre in the Sea. Lay
the ship by the Lee to trie the Dipsie line, which is a small line some
hundred and fifty fadome long, with a long plummet at the end,
made hollow, wherein is put tallow, that will bring up any gravell;
which is first marked at twenty fadome, and after increased by tens
to the end; and those distinguished by so many small knots upon each
little string that is fixed at the marke thorowthe stronds or middest
of the line, shewing it is so many times ten fadome deepe, where the
plummet doth rest from drawing the line out of your hand; this is
onely used in deepe water when we thinke we approach the shore,
for in the maine sea at 300. fadomes we finde no bottome. Bring the
ship to rights, that is, againe under saile as she was, some use a Log
line, and a minute glasse to know what way shee makes, but that is
so uncertaine, it is not worth the labour to trie it.

Dead water.

The Wake.


A Drift.


Dipsie line.


Log line.

One to the top to looke out for land, the man cries out Land to;
which is just so farre as a kenning, or a man may discover, descrie, or
see the land. And to lay a land is to saile from it just so farre as you
can see it. A good Land fall is when we fall just with our reckoning,
if otherwise a bad Land fall; but however how it beares, set it by the
compasse, and bend your Cables to the Anchors. A Head land, or a
Point of land doth lie further out at sea than the rest. A Land marke,
is any Mountaine, Rocke, Church, Windmill or the like, that the
Pilot can know by comparing one by another how they beare by the


compasse. A Reach ∥ is the distance of two points so farre as you can
see them in a right line, as White Hall and London Bridge, or White
Hall and the end of Lambeth towards Chelsey. Fetch the Sounding
line, this is bigger than the Dipsie line, and is marked at two fadome
next the lead with a peece of blacke leather, at three fadome the like,
but slit; at 5. fadome with a peece of white cloth, at 7. fadome with
a peece of red in a peece of white leather, at 15. with a white cloth,
The sounding lead is six or seven pound weight, and neere a
foot long, he that doth heave this lead stands by the horse, or in the
chaines, and doth sing fadome by the marke 5. o.
and a shaftment
lesse, 4. o. this is to finde where the ship may saile by the depth of the
water. Fowle water is when she comes into shallow water where shee
raises the sand or ose with her way yet not touch the ground, but
shee cannot feele her helme so well as in deepe water.
Land to.


To lay a land.

Good land fall.

Bad land fall.

A head land.

A Point.

Land marke.

To raise a land.

To make land.

A Reach.

Sounding line.

The Lead.

Fowle water.

When a ship sailes with a large wind towards the land, or a faire
wind into a harbour, we say she beares in with the land or harbour.
And when she would not come neere the land, but goeth more

than her course, wee say she beares off; but a ship boord,
beare off is used to every thing you would thrust from you. Beare up
is to bring the ship to goe large or before the wind. To Hold off is
when we heave the Cable at the Capsterne, if it be great and stiffe,
or slimie with ose, it surges or slips backe unlesse they keep it close to
the whelps, and then they either hold it fast with nippers, or brings
it to the Jeare Capsterne, and this is called Holding off. As you approach
the shore, shorten your sailes, when you are in harbour take
in your sailes, and come to an anchor, wherein much judgement is
Beare in.

Beare off.

Beare up.

Hold off.


To know well the soundings, if it be Nealed to,

that is, deepe
water close aboord the shore, or shallow, or if the Lee under the
weather shore, or the lee shore be sandy, clay, osie, or fowle and
rockie ground, but the Lee shore all men would shun that can avoid
it. Or a Roade which is an open place neere the shore. Or the Offing
which is the open Sea from the shore, or the middest of any great
streame is cal- ∥ led the Offing. Land locke, is when the land is round
about you.
Neale to.

A Roade.


Land locked.

Now the ship is said to Ride, so long as the Anchors doe hold
and comes not home. To Ride a great roade is when the winde hath
much power. They will strike their top masts, and the yards alongst
ships, and the deeper the water is, it requires more Cable; when wee


have rid in any distresse wee say wee have rid hawse full, because the
water broke into the hawses. To ride betwixt wind and tide, is when
the wind and tide are contrary and of equall power, which will make
her rowle extremely, yet not straine much the cable. To Ride thwart
is to ride with her side to the tide, and then she never straines it. To
ride apike is to pike your yards when you ride amongst many ships.
To ride acrosse is to hoise the maine and fore yards to the hounds,
and topped alike. When the water is gone and the ships lies dry, we
say she is Sewed;
if her head but lie dry, she is Sewed a head; but if
she cannot all lie dry, she cannot Sew there. Water borne is when
there is no more water than will just beare her from the ground. The
water line is to that Bend or place she should swim in when she is
To Ride.

Ride a great

Ride a stresse.

Ride betwixt

Wind and tide.

Ride thwart

Ride a pike.

Ride crosse.



Water borne.

Water line.

Lastly, to More

a ship is to lay out her anchors as is most fit for
her to ride by, and the wayes are divers; as first, to More a faire Berth
from any annoiance. To More a crosse is to lay one anchor to one
side of the streame, and the other to the other right against one
another, and so they beare equally ebbe and flood. To More alongst
is to lay an anchor amidst the streame ahead, and another asterne,
when you feare driving a shore. Water shot is to more quartering betwixt
both nether
crosse, nor alongst the tide. In an open rode they
will more that way they thinke the wind will come the most to hurt
them. To more a Proviso, is to have one anchor in the river, and a
hawser a shore, which is mored with her head a shore; otherwise two
cables is the least, and foure cables the best to more by.
To More.

More crosse.

More alongst.

Water shot.

More Proviso.

Chapter X.
Proper tearmes for the Winds, Ebbes, Floods,
and Eddies, with their definitions, and an
estimate of the depth of the Sea, by the height
of the Hils and the largenesse of the Earth.

WHEN there is not a breath of wind stirring, it is a calme or a
starke calme. A Breze is a wind blowes out of the Sea, and commonly
in faire weather beginneth about nine in the morning, and
lasteth till neere night; so likewise all the night it is from the shore
which is called a Turnado, or a Sea-turne, but this is but upon such
coasts where it bloweth thus most certainly, except it be a storme, or
very fowle weather, as in Barbaria, Ægypt, and the most of the
Levant. We have such Brezes in most hot countreys in Summer, but


they are very uncertaine. A fresh Gale is that doth presently blow
after a calme, when the wind beginneth to quicken or blow. A faire
Loome Gale is the best to saile in, because the Sea goeth not high,
and we beare out all our sailes. A stiffe Gale is so much wind as our
top-sailes can endure to beare. An Eddie wind is checked by the saile,
a mountaine, turning, or any such thing that makes it returne backe
againe. It over blowes when we can beare no top-sailes. A flaw of
wind is a Gust which is very violent upon a sudden, but quickly
endeth. A Spout in the West Indies commonly falleth in those Gusts,
which is, as it were, a small river falling entirely from the clouds, like
out of our water Spouts, which make the Sea where it falleth rebound
∥ in flashes exceeding high. Whirle winds runneth round, and
bloweth divers wayes at once. A storme is knowne to every one not
to bee much lesse than a tempest, that will blow downe houses, and
trees up by the roots. A Mounsoune is a constant wind in the East
Indies, that bloweth alwayes three moneths together one way, and
the next three moneths the contrary way. A Hericano is so violent in
the West Indies, it will continue three, foure, or five weekes, but they
have it not past once in five, six, or seven yeeres; but then it is with
such extremity that the Sea flies like raine, and the waves so high,
they over flow the low grounds by the Sea, in so much, that ships
have been driven over tops of high trees there growing, many leagues
into the land, and there left, as was Captaine Francis Nelson
Englishman, and an excellent Sea man for one.
A Calme.

A Breze.

A fresh gale.

A Loome gale.

Eddie wind.

It over blowes.

A Gust.

A Spout.

A whirle wind.

A Storme.

A Tempest.

A Mounsoune.

A Hericano.

We say a calme sea, or Becalmed, when it is so smooth the ship
moves very little, and the men leap over boord to swim. A Rough
Sea is when the waves grow high. An overgrowne Sea when the
surges and billowes goe highest. The Rut of the sea where it doth
dash against any thing. And the Roaring of the Sea is most commonly
observed a shore, a little before a storme or after a storme.


A Rough Sea.

An overgrowne



The Rut of the

Flood is when the water beginneth to rise, which is young flood
as we call it, then quarter flood, halfe flood, full Sea, still water, or
high water. So when it Ebbes, quarter ebbe, halfe ebbe, three quarter
ebbe, low water, or dead low water every one doth know; and also
that as at a spring tide the Sea or water is at the highest, so at a Neape
tide it is at the lowest. This word Tide, is common both to Flood and
Ebbe; for you say as well tide of ebbe, as tide of flood, or a windward
Tide when the Tide runnes against the streame, as a Lee-warde
Tide, that is, when the wind and the Tide goeth both one way, which
makes the water as smooth as the other rough. To Tide over to a
place, is to goe over with the Tide of ebbe or flood, and stop the contrary
by anchoring till the next Tide, thus you may worke against
the wind if it over blow not. A Tide gate is where ∥ the tide runneth


strongest. It flowes Tide and halfe Tide, that is, it will be halfe flood
by the shore, before it begin to flow in the channell; for although the
Tide of flood run aloft, yet the Tide of ebbe runnes close by the
ground. An Eddie tide is where the water doth runne backe contrary
to the tide, that is, when some headland or great point in a
River hindereth the free passage of the streame, that causeth the
water on the other side the point to turne round by the shore as in a
circle, till it fall into the tide againe.
The Roaring of
the Sea.

Floods and

A Tide of ebbe.

A Tide of flood.

A windward


A Lee-ward

To Tide over.

A Tide gate.

Tide and halfe

Eddie Tide.

As touching the reasons of ebbes and floods, and to know how
far it is to the bottome of the deepest place of the Sea, I will not take
upon me to discourse of; as knowing the same to be the secrets of
God unrevealed to man: only I will set downe a Philosophicall speculation
of divers mens opinions touching the depth of the Sea; which
I hope will not be thought much impertinent to the subject of this
booke by the judicious Reader.


Fabianus in Plinie, and Cleomides conceived the depth of the
Sea to be fifteene furlongs, that is, a mile and 7/8 parts, Plutarch
compared it equall to the highest mountaines, Scallinger and others
conceited the hils farre surpassed the deepnesse of the Sea, and that
in few places it is more than a hundered paces in depth, it may bee
hee meant in some narrow Seas, but in the maine Ocean experience
hathtaught us it is much more than twice so much, for I have
sounded 300. fadome, yet found no ground. Eratosthenes in Theon
that great Mathematitian writeth the highest mountain perpendicular
is but ten furlongs, that is, one mile and a quarter. Also
Dicæarcus affirmeth this to be the height of the hill Pelius in Thessalia,
but Xenagoras in Plutarch observed the height of Olimpus in
the same region to be twenty paces more, which is 1270. paces, but
surely all those meane onely those mountaines in or about Greece
where they lived and were best acquainted; but how these may compare
with the Alps in Asia, Atlas in Africa, Caucasus in India, the
Andes in Peru, and divers others hathnot yet beene examined.

The height of

But whatsoever the hils may be above the superficies of the
earth, many hold opinion the Sea is much deeper, who suppose that
the earth at the first framing was in the superficies regular and sphericall,
as the holy Scriptures directs us to beleeve; because the water
covered and compassed all the face of the earth, also that the face of
the earth was equall to that of the Sea. Damascen noteth, that the
unevennesse and irregularity which now is seene in the earths superficies,
was caused by taking some parts out of the upper face of the
earth in sundry places to make it more hollow, and lay them in other


places to make it more convex, or by raising up some part and depressing
others to make roome and receit for the Sea, that mutation
being wrought by the power of the word of the Lord, Let the waters
be gathered into one place that the dry land may appeare. As for
Aquinas, Dionysius, Catharianus, and some Divines that conceited
there was no mutation, but a violent accumulation of the waters, or
heaping them up on high is unreasonable; because it is against
nature, that water being a flexible and a ponderous body, so to consist
and stay it selfe, and not fall to the lower parts about it; where in
nature there is nothing to hinder it, or, if it be restrained supernaturally
by the hand and bridle of Almighty God, lest it should
over-whelme and drowne all the land, it must follow, that God even
in the very institution of nature imposed a perpetuall violence upon
nature. And this with all, that at the Deluge there was no necessity
to breake up the springs of the deepe and to open the cattaracts of
Heaven, and powre downe water continually so many daies and
nights together, seeing the only with-drawing of that hand, or letting
goe of that bridle which restraineth the water would presently have
overwhelmed all.
The height of
the hils compared
with the
superficies of
the earth and
depth of the

How all the
hils and dry
land above the
superficies of
the Sea hath
made roome
for the Sea,
therefore they
are in equall
height and

But both by Scriptures, the experience of Navigators, and
reason in making estimation of the depth of the Sea, reckon not onely
the height of the hils above the common superficies of the earth, but
the height of all the dry land above the superficies of the Sea, because
the whole masse ∥ of earth that now appeareth above the waters,
being taken as it were out of the places which the waters now possesse,
must be equall to the place out of which it was taken; so consequently
it seemeth, that the height or elevation of the one should answer the
descending or depth of the other; and therefore in estimating the
depth of the Sea, wee consider not onely the erection of the hils above
the ordinary land, but the advantage of the dry land above the Sea;
which latter, I meane the height of the ordinary maine land, excluding
the hils, which properly answer the extraordinary deepes and
whirle-pooles in the Sea. The rest is held more in large Continents
above the Sea, than that of the hils is above the land.

For that the plain face of the dry land is not level, or equally
distant from the Center, but hatha great descent towards the Sea,
and a rising towards the mid-land parts, although it appeare not
plainly to the eye, yet to reason it is most manifest; because we find
that part of the earth the Sea covereth descendeth lower and lower
towards the Sea. For the Sea, which touching the upper face of it, is
knowne by nature to be levell and evenly distant from the center, is
observed to wax deeper and deeper the further one saileth from the
shore towards the maine Ocean: even so in that part which is uncovered,
the streamings of Rivers on all sides from the midland parts
towards the Sea, sliding from the higher to the lower declareth so
much, whose courses are some 1000. or 2000. miles, in which declination,


Pliny in his derivation of water requireth one cubit of declining
in 240. foot of proceeding. But Columella, Vitruvius, Paladius,
and others, in their conduction of waters require somewhat lesse;
namely, that in the proceeding of 200. foot forward, there should bee
allowed one foot of descending downeward, which yet in the course
of 1000. miles, as Danubius, Volgha, or Indus, etc. have so much or
more, which will make five miles of descent in perpendicular account,
and in the course of 2000. or more, as Nilus, Niger, and the River of
the Amazons have 10. miles or more of the like descent.
That there is
small difference
the springs first
rising out of
the earth, and
their falling
into the Sea.

These are not taken as rules of necessity, as though water could
not runne without that advantage, for that respect the conveyers of
waters in these times content themselves with one inch in 600. foot,
as Philander and Vitruvius observed, but is rather under a rule of
commodity for expedition and wholsomnesse of water so conveyed,
lest resting too long in pipes it should contract some unwholsome
condition, or else through the slacknesse of motion, or long closenesse,
or banishment from the aire, gather some aptnesse and disposition
to putrifie. Although I say, such excesse of advantage as in
the artificiall conveyance of waters the forenamed Authors require,
be not of necessity exacted in the naturall derivation of them, yet
certaine it is, that the descent of rivers being continually and their
course long, and in many places swift, and in some places headlong
and furious; the differences of height or advantage cannot be great
betwixt the springs of the rivers and their out lets, betwixt the first
rising out of the earth and their falling into the Sea: unto which declinity
of land seeing the deepenesse of the Sea in proportion answer
as I before declared, and not onely to the height of the hils: it is concluded,
that the deepenesse to bee much more than the Philosophers
commonly reputed: and although the deepnesse of the Sardinian
Sea, which Aristotle saith, was the deepest of the Mediterranean,
recorded by Posidonius in Strabo, to have beene found but 1000.
fadome, which is but a mile and a fifth part, and the greatest bredth
not past 600. miles: then seeing if in so narrow a Sea it be so deepe,
what may we esteeme the maine Ocean to be, that in many places is
five times so broad, seeing the broader the Seas are, if they be intire
and free from Ilands, they are answerably observed to be the deeper.
If you desire any further satisfaction, reade the first part of Purchas
his Pilgrimage, where you may reade how to find all those Authors
at large.

Now because he hathtaken neere 100. times as much from
me, I have made bold to borrow this from him, seeing he hath
sounded such deepe waters for this our Ship ∥ to saile in, being a


Gentleman whose person I loved, and whose memory and vertues I
will ever honour.
The determination
of these

Note the difference
the springs of
the rivers and
their falling
into the Sea is
not great.

Chapter XI.
Proper Sea tearmes belonging to the good or bad
condition of Ships, how to finde them and
amend them.

ASHIP that will try, hull, and ride well at Anchor, we call a wholsome
Ship. A long Ship that drawes much water will doe all this,
but if she draw much water and be short, she may hull well, but
neither try nor ride well; if she draw little water and be long, she may
try and ride well, but never hull well, which is called an unwholsome
ship. The howsing in of a Ship is when shee is past the bredth of her
bearing she is brought in narrow to her upper workes: it is certaine
this makes her wholsome in the Sea without rowling, because the
weight of her Ordnance doth counterpoise her bredth under water,
but it is not so good in a man of warre, because it taketh away a great
deale of her roome, nor will her tacks ever so well come aboord as if
she were laid out aloft and not flaring, which is when she is a little
howsing in, neere the water, and then the upper worke doth hang
over againe, and is laid out broder aloft, this makes a Ship more
roomy aloft for men to use their armes in, but Sir Walter Rawleighs

which is to be proportionally wrought to her other
worke is the best, because the counterpoise on each side doth make
her swimme perpendicular or straight, and consequently steady,
which is the best.
A wholsome

An unwholsome
Howsing a


If a ship be narrow, and her bearing either not laid out ∥ enough
or too low, then you must make her broader and her bearing the
higher by ripping off the plankes two or three strakes under water
and as much above, and put other Timbers upon the first, and then
put on the plankes upon those Timbers, this will make her beare a


better saile, but it is a hindrance to her sailing, this is to be done when
a Ship is cranke-sided
and will beare no saile, and is called Furring.
Note also, that when a Ship hatha deepe Keele it doth keepe her
from rowling. If she be floty and her keele shallow, put on another
keele under the first to make it deeper, for it will make her hold more
in the water, this wee call a false Keele. Likewise if her stem be too
flat to make her cut water the better, and not gripe, which is when
shee will not keepe a winde well; fix another stem before it, and that
is called a false stem, which will make her ride more way and beare
a better saile. Also the Run of a ship is as much to be regarded, for
if it be too short and too full below, the water comes but slowly to the
Rudder because the force of it is broken by her bredth, and then to
put a false stem post to lengthen her is the next remedy, but to
lengthen her is better; for when a Ship comes off handsomly by
degrees, and her Tuck
doth not lye too low, which will hinder the
water from comming swiftly to the Rudder, makes her she cannot
steare well, and they are called as they are, a good runne or a bad.
When a Ship hathlost a peece of her Keele, and that we cannot come
well to mend it, you must patch a new peece unto it, and bind it with
a stirrop, which is an iron comes round about it and the Keele up to
the other side of the Ship, whereto it is strongly nailed with Spikes.
Her Rake also may be a defect, which is so much of the Hull, as by
a perpendicular line the end of the Keele is from the setting on of the
stem, so much as is without that forward on, and in like manner the
setting in of her stern Post. Your French men gives great Rakes forwards
on, which makes her give good way and keepe a good wind,
but if she have not a full bow she will pitch her head extremely in the
Sea. If shee have but a small Rake,
∥ she is so bluffe that the Seas
meets her so suddenly upon the Bowes shee cannot cut the water
much, but the longer a ship is, the fuller should be her Bow, but the
meane is the best. The looming of a ship is her prospective, that is, as
she doth shew great or little: Her water draught is so many foot as
she goes in the water, but the Ships that drawes most water are commonly
the most wholsome, but the least draught goes best but rolls
most, and we say a Ship doth heeld on Starboord or Larboord, that
is, to that side shee doth leane most.
Cranke side.


A false Keele.


A false stem.

The runne.

A good runne.

A bad runne.

A Stirrup.

Her Rake.



To overset or overthrow a ship, is by bearing too much saile you
bring her Keele upwards, or on shore overthrow her by grounding
her, so that she falls upon one side; and we say a Ship is walt

shee is not stiffe, and hathnot Ballast enough in her to keepe her
stiffe. And wall reared when she is right built up, after shee comes to


her bearing it makes her ill shapen and unseemely, but it gives her
within much roome, and she is very wholsome, if her bearing be well
laid out. The Masting of a Ship is much to be considered, and will
much cause her to saile well or ill, as I have related in the masting a
Ship. Iron sicke, is when the Bolts, Spikes, or Nailes are so eaten with
rust they stand hollow in the plankes, and so makes her leake, the
which to prevent, they use to put lead over all the bolt heads under
water. Lastly, the trimming of a ship doth much amend or impaire
her sailing, and so alter her condition. To finde her trim, that is,
how she will saile best; is by trying her sailing with another Ship so
many glasses, trimmed a head and so many a sterne, and so many
upon an even Keele; also the easing of her Masts and Shrouds, for
some ships will saile much better when they are slacke than when
they are taught.



Wall reared.

Iron sicke.


Chapter XII.
Considerations for a Sea Captaine in the choise of
his Ship, and in placing his Ordnance. In giving
Chase, Boording, and entering a man of warre
like himselfe, or a defending Merchant man.

IN Land service we call a man of warre a Souldier either on foot or
horse, and at Sea a Ship, which if she be not as well built, conditioned,
and provided, as neere fitting such an imploiment as may
be, she may prove (either) as a horseman that knoweth not how to
hold his raines, keepe his seat in his saddle and stirrops, carry his
body, nor how to helpe his horse with leg and spur in a curvet, gallop,
or stop; or as an excellent horseman that knoweth all this, mounted
upon a Jade that will doe nothing, which were he mounted according
to his experience, hee would doe more with that one, than halfe
a dozen of the other though as well provided as himselfe. But I confesse,
every horseman cannot mount himself alike, neither every Seaman
ship himselfe as he would, I meane not for outward ornament,
which the better they are, the lesse to be disliked; for there cannot
be a braver sight than a ship in her bravery, but of a competent sufficiency
as the businesse requireth. But were I to chuse a ship for my
self, I would have her saile well, yet strongly built, her decks flush
and flat, and so roomy that men might passe with ease; her Bow and

so Gally-like contrived, should beare as many Ordnances as


with conveniency she could, for that alwaies commeth most to fight,
∥ and so stiffe, she should beare a stiffe saile and beare out her lower
tier in any reasonable weather, neither should her Gunroome be unprovided:
not manned like a Merchantman, which if they be double
manned, that is, to have twise so many men as would saile her, they
think it is too many in regard of the charge, yet to speake true, there
is few Merchant Ships in the world doth any way exceed ours. And
those men they entertaine in good voiages have such good pay, and
such acquaintance one with another in shipping themselves, that
thirty or forty of them would trouble a man of warre with three or
foure times their number manned with prest men, being halfe of
them scarce hale Boulings. Yea, and many times a Pirat who are
commonly the best manned, but they fight only for wealth, not for
honour nor revenge, except they bee extremely constrained. But such
a Ship as I have spoken of well manned with rather too many than
too few, with all sufficient Officers; Shot, Powder, Victuall, and all
their appurtenances, in my opinion might well passe muster for a
man of warre.
How to chuse a
Ship fit to
make a man of

Now being at Sea, the tops are seldome without one or other to
looke out for purchase,

because hee that first discries a saile, if she
prove prize, is to have a good sute of Aparell, or so much money as
is set downe by order for his reward, as also he that doth first enter a
Ship there is a certaine reward allowed him; when wee see a Ship
alter her course, and useth all the meanes she can to fetch you up,
you are the chase, and hee the chaser. In giving chase or chasing, or
to escape being chased, there is required an infinite judgement and
experience, for there is no rule for it; but the shortest way to fetch up
your chase is the best. If you bee too lee-ward, get all your Tacks
aboord, and shape your course as he doth to meet him at the neerest
angle you can, then he must either alter his course and Tacke as you
Tacke as neere the wind as he can lye to keepe his owne till night, and
then strike a Hull that you may not descry him by his sailes, or doe
his best to lose you in the darke; for looke how much he falls to lee-ward,
hee falls so much in ∥ your way. If he be right ahead of you,
that is called a sterne chase, if you weather him, for every man in
chasing doth seeke to get the weather, because you cannot boord him
except you weather him, he will laske, or goe large, if you gather on
him that way, hee will trie you before the wind, then if your ordnance
cannot reach him, if he can out-strip you he is gone: But suppose you
are to wind-ward, if hee clap close by a wind, and there goes a head
sea, and yours a lee-ward ship, if you doe the like your ship will so
bear against the Sea, she will make no way; therefore you must goe
a little more large though you chase under his lee till you can run
His reward that
first discries a
Ship, or enters
a prize.

How to give
chase, and
escape the


Boord and Boord is when two ships lie together side by side, but
hee that knoweth how to defend himselfe, and worke well, will so cun
his ship, as force you to enter upon his quarter, which is the highest
part of the ship, and but the mizen shrouds to enter by; from whence
he may do you much hurt with little danger, except you fire him,
which a Pirat will never doe, neither sinke you if he can chuse, except
you be able to force him to defend himselfe. But in a Sea fight wee
call Boording, in Boording where wee can, the greatest advantage for
your Ordnance is to boord him thwart the hawse, because you may
use all the ordnance you have on one side, and she onely them in her
prow; but the best and safest boording for entring is on the bow, but
you must be carefull to cleare the decks with burning granados, fire-pots,
poutches of powder, to which give fire by a Gunpowder match,
to prevent traines to the powder chest, which are long boards joyned
like a triangle with divers broad ledges on either side, wherein lieth
as many peeble stones or beatch

as can there lie, those being fired
will make all cleare before them. Besides in an extremity a man would
rather blow up the quarter decke, halfe decke, fore castle, or any
thing, than bee taken by him he knowes a mortall enemy, and commonly
there is more men lost in entering, if the chase stand to her
defence, in an instant, than in a long fight boord and boord, if she be
provided of her ∥ close fights: I confesse, the charging upon trenches,
and the entrances of a breach in a rampire are attempts as desperate
as a man would thinke could be performed, but he that hathtried
himselfe as oft in the entring a resisting ship as I have done both them
and the other, he would surely confesse there is no such dangerous
service ashore, as a resolved resolute fight at sea. A ships close fights,
are smal ledges of wood laid crosse one another like the grates of iron
in a prisons window, betwixt the maine mast, and the fore mast, and
are called gratings, or nettings as is said, which are made of small
ropes, much in like manner covered with a saile, the which to undoe
is to heave a kedger, or fix a grapling into them, tied in a rope, but a
chaine of iron is better, and shearing off will teare it in peeces if the
rope and anchor hold, some have used sheare hookes, which are
hookes like sickels fixed in the ends of the yards armes, that if a ship
under saile come to boord her, those sheares will cut her shrouds, and
spoile her tackling, but they are so subject to breake their owne yards,
and cut all the ropes comes from the top-sailes, they are out of request.
To conclude, if a ship bee open, presently to boord her is the
best way to take her. But if you see your chase strip himselfe into
fighting sailes, that is to put out his colours in the poope, his flag in
the maine top, his streamers or pendants at the ends of his yards
armes, furle his spret-saile, pike his mizen, and sling his maine yard,
provide your selfe to fight. Now because I would not bee tedious in


describing a fight at Sea, I have troubled you with this short preamble
that you may the plainlier understand it.
Boord and

Boording and
entering a ship.

Powder chests.

Evident signes
that a chase
will fight.

Chapter XIII.
How to manage a fight at Sea, with the proper
tearmes in a fight largely expressed, and the
ordering of a Navy at Sea.

FOR this master peece

of this worke, I confesse I might doe better
to leave it to every particular mans conceit as it is, or those of
longer practice or more experience, yet because I have seene many
bookes of the Art of Warre by land, and never any for the Sea, seeing
all men so silent in this most difficult service, and there are so many
young Captaines, and others that desire to be Captains, who know
very little, or nothing at all to any purpose, for their better understanding
I have proceeded thus farre; now for this that followes, what
I have seene, done, and conceived by my small experience, I referre
me to their friendly constructions, and well advised considerations.
Many bookes
of the Art of
War for the
land, none for
the sea.

A saile, how beares she or stands shee, to wind-ward or lee-ward,
set him by the Compasse; he stands right ahead, or on the weather-Bow,
or lee-Bow, let flie your colours if you have a consort, else not.
Out with all your sailes, a steady man to the helme, sit close to keepe
her steady, give him chase or fetch him up; hee holds his owne, no,
we gather on him. Captaine, out goes his flag and pendants, also his
waste clothes and top armings, which is a long red cloth about three
quarters of a yard broad, edged on each side with Calico or white
linnen cloth, that goeth round about the ship on the out sides of all
her upper workes fore and aft, and before the cubbridge heads, also
about the fore and ∥ maine tops, as well for the countenance and
grace of the ship, as to cover the men for being seene, hee furles and
slings his maine yard, in goes his spret-saile. Thus they use to strip
themselves into their short sailes, or fighting sailes, which is onely the


fore saile, the maine and fore top sailes, because the rest should not
be fired nor spoiled; besides they would be troublesome to handle,
hinder our sights and the using our armes; he makes ready his close
fights fore and aft.
To give chase.

Wast clothes.

Top armings.

Fighting sailes.

To hale a ship.

Master how stands the chase? Right on head I say; Well we
shall reatch him by and by; What's all ready, Yea, yea, every man
to his charge, dowse your top-saile to salute him for the Sea, hale him
with a noise of trumpets; Whence is your ship? Of Spaine; Whence
is yours? Of England; Are you a Merchant, or a man of War? We
are of the Sea; He waves us to lee-ward with his drawne sword, cals
amaine for the King of Spaine, and springs his loufe, give him a chase
peece with your broad side, and run a good berth ahead of him;
Done, done, We have the wind of him, and he tackes about, tacke
you about also and keepe your loufe, be yare at the helme, edge in
with him, give him a volley of small shot, also your prow and broad
side as before, and keepe your loufe; Hee payes us shot for shot; Well,
wee shall requite him; What are you ready againe, Yea, yea. Try
him once more as before, Done, done; Keepe your loufe and lode
your ordnance againe; Is all ready? Yea, yea; edge in with him
againe, begin with your bow peeces, proceed with your broad side,
and let her fall off with the wind, to give her also your full chase, your
weather broad side, and bring her round that the sterne may also
discharge, and your tackes close aboord againe; Done, done, the
wind veeres, the Sea goes too high to boord her, and wee are shot
thorowand thorow, and betweene wind and water. Try the pump,
beare up the helme, Master let us breathe and refresh a little, and
sling a man over boord to stop the leakes; that is, to trusse him up
about the middle in a peece of canvas, and a rope to keepe him from
sinking, and his armes at liberty, with a malet in the one hand, and a
plug lapped in Okum, and ∥ well tarred in a tarpawling clout in the
other, which he will quickly beat into the hole or holes the bullets
made; What cheere mates, is all well? All well, all well, all well;
Then make ready to beare up with him againe, and with all your
great and small shot charge him, and in the smoke boord him thwart
the hawse, on the bow, mid ships, or rather then saile, on his quarter,
or make fast your graplings if you can to his close fights and sheare
off. Captaine we are fowle on each other, and the ship is on fire, cut
any thing to get cleare, and smother the fire with wet cloathes. In
such a case they will presently be such friends, as to help one the
other all they can to get cleare, lest they both should burne together
and sinke; and if they be generous, the fire quenched, drinke kindely
one to another; heave their cans over boord, and then begin againe
as before.

How to begin a

How to sling a
man over

A consultation
and direction
in a sea fight,
and how they
bury their

Well Master, the day is spent, the night drawes on, let us consult.
Chirurgion looke to the wounded, and winde up the slaine, with
each a weight or bullet at their heads and feet to make them sinke,
and give them three gunnes for their funerals, Swabber make cleane


the ship, Purser record their Names, Watch be vigilant to keepe your
berth to wind ward that we lose him not in the night, Gunners
spunge your Ordnance, Souldiers scowre your peeces, Carpenters
about your leakes, Boatswaine and the rest repaire the sailes and
shrouds, and Cooke see you observe your directions against the morning
watch, Boy, Holla Master Holla, is the kettle boiled, yea, yea,
Boatswaine call up the men to prayer and breake fast.

Boy fetch my cellar of bottels, a health to you all fore and aft,
courage my hearts for a fresh charge, Gunners beat open the ports,
and out with your lower tire,

and bring me from the weather side to
the lee, so many peeces as we have ports to beare upon him, Master
lay him aboord loufe for loufe, mid ships men see the tops and yards
well manned, with stones, fire pots, and brasse bailes,
to throw
amongst them before we enter, or if we be put off, charge them with
all your great and small shot, in the smoke let us enter ∥ them in the
shrouds, and every squadron at his best advantage, so sound Drums
and Trumpets, and Saint George for England.
A preparation
for a fresh

They hang out a flag of truce, hale him a maine, a base, or take
in his flag, strike their sailes and come aboord with their Captaine,
Purser and Gunner, with their commission, cocket,

or bils of loading.
Out goes the boat, they are lanched from the ship side, entertaine
them with a generall cry, God save the Captaine and all the
company with the Trumpets sounding, examine them in particular,
and then conclude your conditions, with feasting, freedome, or punishment,
as you finde occasion; but alwayes have as much care to
their wounded as your owne, and if there be either young women or
aged men, use them nobly, which is ever the nature of a generous
disposition. To conclude, if you surprize him, or enter perforce, you
may stow the men, rifle, pillage, or sacke, and cry a prise.
How a prise
doth yeeld, and
how to entertaine
him Seaman

To call a Councell of Warre in a Fleet; There is your Councell
of Warre to manage all businesses of import, and the common
Councell for matters of small moment, when they would have a
meeting, where the Admirall doth appoint it; if in the Admirall, they
hang out a flag in the maine shrouds; if in the Vice Admirall, in the
fore shrouds; if in the Reare Admirall, in the mizen; If there bee
many squadrons, the Admirall of each squadron upon sundry occasions
doth carry in their maine tops, flags of sundry colours, or else
they are distinguished by severall pendants from the yards armes;
every night or morning they are to come under the Lee of the Admirall
to salute him and know his pleasure, but no Admirall of any
squadron is to beare his flag in the maine top, in the presence of the
Admirall generall, except the Admirall come aboord of him to
Councell, to dinner, or collation, and so any ship else where he so


resideth during that time, is to weare his flag in the maine top. They
use to martiall or order those squadrons in rankes like Manaples,
which is foure square, if the wind and Sea permits, a good berth or
distance from ∥ each other, that they becalme not one another, nor
come not fowle of each other; the Generall commonly in the middest,
his Vice Admirall in the front, and his Reare Admirall in the
Reare; or otherwise like a halfe Moone, which is two squadrons like
two triangles for the two hornes, and so the rest of the squadrons
behinde each other a good distance, and the Generall in the middest
of the halfe circle, from whence he seeth all his fleet, and sendeth his
directions, as he findes occasion to whom he pleaseth.
How to call a
Counsell of
War, and order
a Navy at Sea.

Now betweene two Navies they use often, especially in a harbour
or road where they are at anchor, to fill old Barkes with pitch, tar,
traine oile, lincet

oile, brimstone, rosen, reeds, with dry wood, and
such combustible things, sometimes they linke three or foure together
in the night, and puts them adrift as they finde occasion. To passe a
fort some will make both ship and sailes all black, but if the fort keepe
but a fire on the other side, and all the peeces point blanke with the
fire, if they discharge what is betwixt them and the fire, the shot will
hit if the rule bee truly observed; for when a ship is betwixt the fire
and you, shee doth keepe you from seeing it till shee bee past it. To
conclude, there is as many stratagems, advantages, and inventions
to be used as you finde occasions, and therefore experience must be
the best Tutor.
Stratagems for

Chapter XIV.

The names of all sorts of great Ordnance, and
their appurtenances, with their proper tearmes
and expositions, also divers observations
concerning their shooting, with a Table of
proportion for their weight of metall, weight
of powder, weight of shot, and there best at
randome and point blanke inlarged.

A CANON royal, or double Canon, a Canon, a Canon Serpentine,
a bastard Canon, a demy Canon, a Canon Petro, a Culvering, a
Basilisco, a demy culvering, a bastard Culvering, a Sacar, a Minion,
a Falcon, a Falconet, a Serpentine, a Rabbinet. To all those doe
belong carriages whereon peeces doe lie supported by an axeltree


betwixt two wheeles, whereon doth lie the peece upon her trunnions,
which are two knobs cast with the peece on each of her sides, which
doth lie in two halfe holes upon the two cheekes of the carriages, to
raise her up or downe as you will, over them are the capsquares,
which are two broad peeces of iron doth cover them, made fast by a
pin with a fore locke to keepe the peece from falling out. That the
peece and carriages is drawne along upon wheeles every one doth
know, if shee bee for land service, they have wheeles made with
spokes like coach wheeles, and according to their proportion strongly
shod with iron, and ∥ the pins at the ends of the Axeltree is called
Linch pins.
The Names of
great Ordnance.





If for Sea she have Trucks, which are round intier

peeces of
wood like wheeles. To mount a peece is to lay her upon her carriages;
to dismount her to take her downe. Her Bed is a planke doth lie next
the peece, or the peece upon it upon the carriage, and betwixt the
Peece and it they put their quoines, which are great wedges of wood
with a little handle at the end to put them forward or backward for
levelling the Peece as you please. To travas a Peece is to turne her
which way you will upon her Platforme. To dispert a Peece is to
finde a difference betwixt the thicknesse of the metall at her mouth
and britch or carnouse,
which is the greatest circle about her britch,
and her mussell Ring is the greatest circle about her mouth thereby
to make a just shot, there are divers waies to dispert her, but the most
easiest is as good as the best: and that is but by putting a little sticke
or a straw that is strait into the toutch hole to the lower part of the
Sillinder or Concave, which is the bore of the Peece and cut it off
close by the metall, and then apply it in the same manner to the
mouth, and it will exactly shew you the difference, which being set
upon the mussell of the Peece with a little Clay, Pitch, or Wax, it will
bee as the pin of any Peece is to the sight, levell to the carnouse or
britch of the Peece, otherwaies you may give her allowance according
to your judgement.

To mount a


To dismount a












How to dispert
a Peece.

Taper boared, is when a Peece is wider at the mouth then towards
the britch, which is dangerous (if the Bullet goe not home) to
burst her. Honicombed, is when shee is ill cast or overmuch worne
shee will bee rugged within, which is dangerous for a crosse barre
shot to catch hold by, or any ragge of her wadding being a fire and
sticking there may fire the next charge you put in her; and you may
finde if she be Taper boared,

either with a crooked wyer at the end
of a long staffe, by scratching up and downe to see where you can
catch any hold, or a light
candle at the end of a staffe thrust up and
down to see if you can see any fault. Britchings are the ropes by which


you lash your Ordnance ∥ fast to the Ships side in foule weather.
Chambers is a charge made of brasse or iron which we use to put in
at the britch of a sling or murtherer, containing just so much powder
as will drive away the case of stones or shot, or any thing in her. In a
great Peece we call that her Chamber so far as the powder doth reach
when she is laded.
Taper boared.


How to finde it.



A Cartrage is a bagge of Canvasse made upon a frame or a round
peece of wood somewhat lesse than the bore of the Peece, they make
them also of paper, they have also Cartrages or rather cases for
Cartrages made of Lattin to keepe the Cartrages in, which is to have
no more powder in them than just the charge of your Peece, and they
are closely covered in those cases of Latten, to keepe them dry, and
from any mischances by fire, and are farre more ready and safer than
your Ladles or Budgbarrels.

A Budgbarrell is a little Barrell made
of Latten, filled with powder to carry from place to place for feare of
fire; in the cover it hatha long necke to fill the Ladles withall without
opening. A Ladle is a long staffe with a peece of thin Copper at
the end like halfe a Cartrage, in bredth and length so much as will
hold no more powder than the due charge for the Peece it belongs to.
A Spunge is such another staffe, with a peece of a Lambe skin at the
end about it to thrust up and downe the Peece, to take off the dust,
moisture, or sparkes of fire if any remaine in her. And a Rammer is
a bob of wood at the other end to ramme home the Powder and the
Waddings. Waddings is Okum, old clouts, or straw, put after the
powder and the Bullet. A Case is made of two peeces of hollow wood
joyned together like two halfe Cartrages fit to put into the bore of a
Peece, and a case shot is any kinde of small Bullets, Nailes, old iron, or
the like to put into the case to shoot out of the Ordnances or Murderers,
these will doe much mischiefe when wee lie boord and boord:
but for Spunges and Rammers they use now a stiffe Rope a little
more than the length of the Peece, which you may turne and wind
within boord as you will, with much more ease and safety than the


A Budgbarell.

A Ladle.

A Spunge.

A Rammer.


Wood cases.

Case shot.

Round Shot is a round Bullet for any Peece: Crosbar-shot is also
a round shot, but it hatha long spike of Iron cast with it as if it did
goe thorowthe middest of it, the ends whereof are commonly armed
for feare of bursting the Peece, which is to binde a little Okum in a
little Canvasse at the end of each Pike.

Trundle shot is onely a bolt
of iron sixteene or eighteene inches in length; at both ends sharpe
pointed, and about a handfull from each end a round broad bowle
of lead according to the bore of the Peece cast upon it. Langrell


runnes loose with a shackell, to be shortened when you put it into the
Peece, and when it flies out it doth spred it selfe, it hathat the end of
either barre a halfe Bullet either of lead or iron. Chaine shot is two
bullets with a chaine betwixt them, and some are contrived round as
in a ball, yet will spred in flying their full length in bredth; all these
are used when you are neere a ship to shoot downe Masts, Yards,
Shrouds, teare the sailes, spoile the men, or any thing that is above
the decks. Fireworkes are divers, and of many compositions, as
Arrowes trimmed with wild fire to sticke in the sailes or ships side
shot burning.
Pikes of wild fire to strike burning into a ship side to
fire her. There is also divers sorts of Granados, some to breake and
fly in abundance of peeces every way, as will your brasse balls and
earthen pots which when they are covered with quartered bullets
stucke in pitch, and the pots filled with good powder, in a crowd of
people will make an incredible slaughter; some will burne under
water, and never extinguish till the stuffe bee consumed; some onely
will burne and fume out a most stinking poison smoke; some, being
but onely an Oile, being nointed
on any thing made of dry wood,
will take fire by the heat of the Sunne when the Sunne shines hot.
There is also a Powder, which being laid in like manner upon any
thing subject to burne, will take fire if either any raine or water light
upon it; but those inventions are bad on shore, but much worse at
Sea, and are naught
because so dangerous, and not easie to bee
quenched, and their practise worse, because they may doe ∥ as much
mischiefe to a friend as to an enemy, therefore I will leave them as
they are.
Round shot.

Crosse bar shot.

To Arme a

Trundle shot.

Langrill shot.

Chaine shot.

Fire workes.

Arrowes of wild

Pikes of wild

Granados of
divers sorts.

Brasse Balles.

There are also divers sorts of Powder, the Serpentine is like dust
and weake, and will not keepe at Sea but be moist. The common sort
is great corned powder but grosse, and onely used in great Ordnance.
Your fine corned Powder for hand Guns is in goodnesse as your Salt-Peter
is oft refined, and from ten pence a pound to eighteene pence
a pound.



Grosse corned

Fine corned

A Tomkin.

A Fid.

A Tomkin

is a round peece of wood put into the Peeces mouth
and covered with Tallow, and a fid a little Okum made like a naile
put in at the toutch hole, and covered with a thin lead bound above
it to keepe the Powder dry in the Peece. Shackels are a kinde of Rings
but not round, made like them at the hatches corners (by which we
take them up and lay them downe) but bigger, fixed to the middest
of the ports within boord, through which wee put a billet to keepe
fast the port for flying open in foule weather, which may easily indanger,
if not sinke the Ship. To cloy or poison a Peece, is to drive a
naile into her toutch hole, then you cannot give fire. And to uncloy


her, is to put as much oile as you can about the naile to make it glib,

and by a traine give fire to her by her mouth, and so blow it out.

To cloy a Peece
or poyson her.

To uncloy.

Compasse Callipers.

Compasse Callipers belongs to the Gunner, and is like two halfe
Circles that hatha handle and joint like a paire of Compasses, but
they are blunt at the points to open as you please for to dispert a
Peece. A Horne is his touch box, his Primer is a small long peece of
iron, sharpe at the small end to pierce the Cartrage thorowthe
toutch hole. His Lint stock is a handsome carved stick, more than
halfe a yard long, with a Cocke at the one end to hold fast his Match,
and a sharpe pike in the other to sticke it fast upon the Deck or platforme
upright. The Gunners quadrant is to levell a Peece or mount
her to any random.

A darke Lanthorne is as well to be used by any
body as he. For Morters, or such chambers as are only used for
triumphs, there is no use for them in this service; but for Curriours,

∥ Muskets, Bastard-muskets, Colivers, Crabuts,

Carbins, long Pistols or short Pistols, there belongs to them Bandiliers,
bullet Bags, Wormes, Scowrers, melting Ladles, Lead, Molds
of al sorts to cast their shot. Quarter Bullets is but any bullet quartered
in foure or eight parts, and all those are as usefull a ship-boord as on
shore. For the soule, trunke, bore, fortification, the diversity of their
metals, and divers other curious Theoremes or tearmes used about
great Ordnance, there are so many uncertainties as well in her
mounting, levelling upon her platforme, as also the accidents that
may happen in the powder, the ground, the aire, and differences in
proportion. I will not undertake to prescribe any certaine artificiall
rule. These proportions following are neere the matter, but for your
better satisfaction reade Master Digs Pantometria,
Master Smith,
or Master Burnes art of Gunnery, or Master Robert Nortons Exposition
upon Master Digs Stratiaticos, any of those will shew the
Theoricke at large. But to bee a good Gunner you must learne it by

Priming Iron.

Lint stocke.

Gunners quadrant.

Darke Lanthorn.


The names of
small Peeces,
and their implements.


Bullet bags.



Melting Ladles.

Lead Molds.

Quartered shot.


A Table of proportion for the weight and shooting of great Ordnance.

The names of the
great Peeces 
of the
of the
of the
of the
of the
of the
2400. li.
of powder
makes of
shot in a
in Paces. 
in Paces. 
Inches.  Pound.  Pound.  Pound.  Inches.  Inches. 
These Peeces be most serviceable
for battery being within 8c. paces
to their marke, which is the chiefe
of their forces. 
1 A Canon Royall.  8 ⅓  8000  66  30  13 ¼  24 ½  80  16  1930 
2 A Canon.  6000  60  27  12  24  85  17  2000 
3 A Canon Sarpentine.  7 ½  5500  53 ⅓  25  10 ½  23 ⅓  96  20  2000 
4 A Bastard Canon.  4500  41 ¼  20  10  23 ⅓  120  18  1800 
5 A demy Canon.  6 ½  4000  30 ¼  18  9 ⅓  23 ¼  133  17  1700 
6 A Canon Petro.
3000  24 ¼  14  23  171  16  1600 
These Peeces be good and also
serviceable to be mixt with the
above Ordnance for battery to
peeces being crost with the rest,
as also fit for Castles, Forts, and
Walls to be planted, and for
7 A Culvering.  5 ½  4500  17 ⅓  12  8 ½  22 ⅓  200  20  2500 
8 A Basilisco.  4000  15 ¼  10  7 ½  22  240  25  3000 
9 A demy Culvering.
4 ½  3400  9 ⅓  6 ⅓  21  300  20  2500 
10 A bastard Culvering.  3000  6 ¼  20  388  18  1800 
11 A Sacre.  3 ½  1400  5 ⅓  5 ⅓  5 ½  18  490  17  1700 
12 A Minion.  3 ¼  1000  4 ½  17  600  16  1600 
13 A Faulcon.  2 ½  660  2 ¼  2 ¼  4 ¼  15  1087  15  1500 
14 A Faulcon.  2 ⅓  800  4 ¼  15  800  15  1500 
These Peeces are good and serviceable
for the field, and most ready
for defence. 
15 A Faulconet.  500  1 ¼  1 ¼  3 ¼  11 ¼  1950  14  1400 
16 A Sarpentine.  1 ½  400  ⅓  ⅓  2 ½  10  7200  13  1300 
17 A Rabonet.
300  ½  ½  1 ½  4800  12  1000 


Note that seldome in Ships they use any Ordnance greater than
Demy Canons, nor have they any certainty either at point blanke or
any random.

Note your Serpentine powder in old time was in meale, but now
corned and made stronger, and called Canon corne powder.

But that for small Ordnance is called corne Powder fine, and
ought to have in strength a quarter more, because those small Peeces
are better fortified than the greater.

Now if you have but one sort of Powder for all, abate ¼ part,
and cut off ¼ of the bredth and length of your Ladle.

But Cartrages are now found the best and most readiest.

Provided alwaies, that all Shot must be a quarter lesse than the
height of the Peece.

Chapter XV.
How they divide their shares in a man of Warre,
what Bookes and Instruments are fit for a
Sea-man, with divers advertisements for
Sea men, and the use of the petty Tally.

THE ship hathone third part, the victuallar the other third, the
other third part is for the Company, and this is subdivided thus
in shares.


The Captaine hath  10  In some but  9. 
The Lieutenant  or as he agreeth with the Captaine. 
The Master  In some but  7. 
The Mates  5. 
The Chirurgion  3. 
The Gunner  5. 
The Boatswaine  5. 
The Carpenter  5. 
The Trumpeter  5. 
The 4. quarter Mast.  apeece, or  4. 
The Cooper  4. 
The Chirurg. Mate  4. 
The Gunners Mate  4. 
The Carpent. Mate  4. 
The Corporall  3. 
The quarter Gunners  3. 
The Trump. Mate  3
3 ½. 
The Steward  3. 
The Cooke  3. 
The Coxswaine  3. 
The Swabber  3. 


In English ships they seldome use any Marshall,
whose shares
amongst the French is equall with the Boatswaines, all the rest of the
Younkers, or fore-mast men according to their deserts, some 3. some
2. and ½. some 1. and ½. and the boyes 1. which is a single share,
or 1. and ½. or as they doe deserve.

Now the Master, or his right hand Mate, the Gunner, Boatswaine,
and foure quarter Masters doe make the shares, not the Captaine,
who hathonely this privilege, to take away halfe a share, or a
whole share at most, to give from one to another as he best pleaseth.

For to learne to observe the Altitude, Latitude, Longitude,

the variation of the Compasse, the Suns Azimuth and
Almicanter, to shift the Sunne and Moone, and know the tides, your
Roomes, pricke your Card, say your Compasse, and get some of these
bookes, but practice is the best.

  • Master Wrights errours of Navigation.
  • Master Tapps Sea-mans Kalender.
  • The Art of Navigation.
  • The Sea Regiment.
  • The Sea-mans secret.
  • Waggoner.
  • Master Gunters workes.
  • The Sea-mans glasse for the Scale.
  • The New Attracter for variation.
  • Master Wright for use of the Globe.
  • Master Hewes for the same.


Instruments fitting for a Sea-man.

Compasses so many paire and sorts as you will, an Astrolobe
Quadrant, a Crosse staffe, a Backe staffe, an Astrolobe, a Nocturnall.


Young Gentlemen that desires command at Sea, ought well to
consider the condition of his ship, victuall, and company, for if there
be more learners than sailers how slightly soever many esteeme
sailers, all the worke to save, ship, goods, and lives must lie upon
them, especially in fowle weather, then their labour, hazzard, wet,
and cold, is so incredible I cannot expresse it. It is not then the
number of them that here can say at home what I cannot doe I can
quickly learne, and what a great matter is it to saile a ship, or goe to
Sea; surely those for a good time will doe more trouble than good, I
confesse it is most necessary such should goe, but not too many in one
ship; for if the labour of threescore should lie upon thirty, (as many
times it doth) they are so over-charged with labour, bruises, and
overstraining themselves they fall sick of one disease or other, for
there is no dallying nor excuses with stormes, gusts, overgrowne Seas,
and lee-shores, and when their victuall is putrified it endangers all:
Men of all other professions in lightning, thunder, stormes, and tempests
with raine and snow may shelter themselves in dry houses by
good fires, but those are the chiefe times Sea-men must stand to their
tackling, and attend with all diligence their greatest labour upon the
deckes. Many suppose any thing is good enough to serve men at sea,
and yet nothing sufficient for them ashore, either for their healthes,
for their ease, or estates, or state; A Commander at Sea should doe
well to thinke the contrary, and provide for himselfe and company
in like manner; also seriously to consider what will bee his charge to
furnish himselfe at Sea with bedding, linnen, armes, and apparrell,
how to keepe his table aboord, and his expences on shore, and provide
his petty Tally, which is a competent proportion according to
your number of these particulars following.

for young Commanders,
other Officers.

Fine wheat flower close and well packed, Rice, Currands, Sugar,
Prunes, Cynamon, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, greene Ginger, Oyle,
Butter, Holland cheese, or

∥ old Cheese, Wine vineger, Canarie
sacke, Aqua vitæ, the best Wines, the best waters, the juyce of Limons
for the scurvy, white Bisket, Oatmeale, gammons of Bacon, dried
Neats tongues, Beefe packed up in vineger, Legs of Mutton minced
and stewed, and close packed up, with tried sewet or butter in
earthen pots. To entertaine strangers Marmalad, Suckets, Almonds,
Comfits and such like.
The petty

Some it may be will say I would have men rather to feast than


fight; But I say the want of those necessaries occasions the losse of
more men than in any English fleet hathbeene slaine since 88. For
when a man is ill, or at the point of death, I would know whether a
dish of buttered Rice with a little Cynamon, Ginger, and Sugar, a
little minced meat, or rost Beefe, a few stewed Prunes, a race of greene
Ginger, a Flap-jacke, a can of fresh Water brewed with a little Cinamon,
Ginger, and Sugar bee not better than a little poore John, or
salt fish with oile and mustard, or bisket, butter, cheese, or oatmeale
pottage on fish dayes, or on flesh dayes salt Beefe, Porke, and Pease
with six shillings beere, this is your ordinary ships allowance, and
good for them are well if well conditioned, which is not alwayes as
Sea-men can (too well) witnesse. And after a storme, when poore
men are all wet, and some have not so much as a cloth to shift him,
shaking with cold, few of those but wil tell you a little Sacke or Aqua
vitæ is much better to keepe them in health, than a little small beere,
or cold water although it be sweet. Now that every one should provide
those things for himselfe, few of them have either that providence
or meanes, and there is neither Ale-house, Taverne, nor Inne to
burne a faggot in, neither Grocer, Poulterer, Apothecary, nor
Butchers shop, and therefore the use of this petty Tally is necessary,
and thus to be imploied as there is occasion. To entertaine strangers
as they are in quality every Commander should shew himselfe as like
himselfe as he can, as well for the credit of the ship, and his setters
forth, 1∥ as himselfe; but in that herein every one may moderate themselves
according to their owne pleasures, therefore leave it to their
owne discretions, and this briefe discourse, and my selfe to their
friendly construction and good opinion.
The use of the
petty Tally.



1. "Bilge," bottom of a ship's hull.


2. The word "stockes" curiously is omitted by Sir Henry Mainwaring in "The Seaman's
Dictionary," in G. E. Manwaring and W. G. Perrin, eds., The Life and Works of
Sir Henry Mainwaring
(Navy Records Society, LIV, LVI [London, 1920, 1922]), II,
hereafter cited as Mainwaring, "Seaman's Dictionary."


3. By the time William Falconer wrote An Universal Dictionary of the Marine, 2d ed.
(London, 1771), the crab was obsolete except on a few merchant ships, being "a sort of
wooden pillar, whose lower end, restd upon a sockey like the capstern; and having in it's
upper end three or four holes, at different heights, through the middle of it, above one
another, into which long bars are thrust" (sigs. L2r, M4v). He explains that a capstan
has a drum head into which numerous bars are inserted in relatively shallow holes,
whereas the long bars of the crab impeded its users and so it was less efficient. The
"clawes" are not defined, but in an illustration it appears that they might have been the
three curved supports for the crab's pillar, whose base was two boards at right angles to
each other. In the case of the crab described here for use on land, the base was evidently
secured in some way to the ground.


4. "Compassing" here means "in a curve."


5. "Futtocks"; curved framing timbers. See Mainwaring, "Seaman's Dictionary,"
153–154, 216, for full descriptions of the futtocks, the rung heads, and so on.


6. "Hold"; this was also spelled "holl," "hole." The orlop is explained on p. 5,


7. Stringers.


8. On a ship, a seam is the interstice between the planks.


9. Smith apparently meant something like "trennels," i.e., a phonetic spelling of
the way "treenails" was pronounced. Treenails are pins of oak used to hold a ship's planking
together. Trunnions, the metal projections from the side of the bore of a cannon used
to support it on its carriage, are an entirely different kind of thing, which would be out
of context in this paragraph.


10. Apparently Mainwaring's spelling of "hood ends," or "hooding ends" ("Sea-
man's Dictionary," 256); cf. the OED, s.v. "hood" sb8.


1. Mainwaring defines "tuck" as "the very gathering up of the ship's quarters under
water" ("Seaman's Dictionary," 250). The OED defines it as "the gathering of the ends
of the bottom planks of a ship under the stern." Round tuck and flat tuck are variations
in the manner in which this was done.


2. The relative pronoun ("that," "which") is missing here, as often in Smith's


3. Cf. Mainwaring, "Seaman's Dictionary," 206: "The rake aftward on ... commonly
is about a fourth or fifth part of her rake forward on."


4. "Wales."


5. For this term, see Mainwaring, "Seaman's Dictionary," 104. "Jaggered" is perhaps
a hapax legomenon for "jagged."


6. The reference is to Sir George Somers's cedar ship built in Bermuda, 1609–1610,
called the Patience (see the Generall Historie, 175–176).


7. False decks for convenience in mounting ordnance (Mainwaring, "Seaman's
Dictionary," 96).


8. This replaces Mainwaring's "uppermost" (ibid., 213). The meaning is "aftermost."


1. A frequent spelling of "waist."


2. A variant spelling of "coamings."


3. A miscopy of Mainwaring's "they are" ("Seaman's Dictionary," 218).


4. A rare spelling of "sheaves." Properly, the sheaves were the wheels in the pulleys
(see p. 19, below).


5. "Kevels" (cf. Mainwaring, "Seaman's Dictionary," 172).


6. A variant form of "windlass" current in Smith's day.


7. A new sentence should begin here.


8. An uncommon word, more usually spelled "jeer."


9. "Voyal."


10. "Sease" was a variant spelling of "seize," meaning "to fasten two parts together."


1. "Dale."


2. A variant spelling of "thight," which is an earlier form of "tight" in the sense of


3. A yellowish mixed metal like, or the same as, brass (cf. Spanish lata, "tin can").
Elder guns were popguns made of elder shoots.


4. "Coats"; these are explained on p. 16, below.


5. "Loof."


6. Variant of "foam."


7. More commonly, "hawse-holes."


8. The bit about the "Hause-plug" was added by Smith. The reference is probably
to what is also called a hawse bag, a canvas bag filled with oakum used to stuff into the
hawseholes, thereby preventing the entrance of seawater (see Peter Kemp, ed., The
Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea
[London, 1976], 380).


9. "David" was an old form of "davit."


1. "Ceiling"; the word was not limited in nautical use to meaning "roof," but
referred to inside planking generally.


2. An obsolete term practically synonymous with "bulkhead."


3. "Murderers" were small iron or brass cannons (see Mainwaring, "Seaman's
Dictionary," 189). The various kinds of ordnance are listed on p. 70, below.


4. "Pasteboard"; Smith's or the compositor's phonetic spelling.


5. Magnetized.


6. The traverse board was used to keep track of changes of course and either distance
run or speed. This enabled the navigator to reckon course and distance made good at the
end of the watch. Traverse tables were used for the calculation.


7. An obsolete form of "roll."


8. Possibly a misprint for "parted [off]" (cf. the OED, s.v. "bread-room"), but
probably the meaning is "plated" with tin sheeting to protect the bread-room from rats
and other vermin.


9. Also "tozed match," teased or shredded hemp, etc. Hurds, or hards, were the
coarser parts of flax, hemp, etc.


1. Smeared.


2. Graving was cleaning a ship's bottom (usually by burning); Smith seems to have
been confused (see Mainwaring, "Seaman's Dictionary," 156–157).


3. "Broming" in some copies; the modern form is "breaming," more or less the
same as graving.


4. The phrase "4. sharpe Flores" seems mutilated. "Having a sharp floor" meant
"having a narrow and wedge-shaped bottom" (see the OED, s.v. "sharp," A.9.e.);
Mainwaring refers to ships built "sharp under water" ("Seaman's Dictionary," 117).
Below, "parsling" is an obsolete spelling of "parceling."


5. Read "precedents," i.e., specimen printed forms (cf. the Accidence, 10n).


6. "Bowsprit."


7. A made mast is one built up from several pieces rather than turned out of a single


8. "Hoist." Mainwaring has a long paragraph on the "ties" ("Seaman's Dictionary,"


9. See ibid., 116.


10. "Trestle trees."


1. The rest of this paragraph is Smith's observation.


2. To "woold" is to bind with ropes, chains, etc.


3. "Sized."


4. "Lanyard."


5. "Taut."


6. Puttocks were small or short shrouds. Smith clarifies the matter on the next page.
The word was later confused with "futtocks."


7. "Ratlines."


8. Mainwaring calls them "little round things of wood which belong to the parrells"
("Seaman's Dictionary," 249).


1. Mainwaring calls this the "snatch block" (ibid., 228), which is the term in modern


2. Make taut.


3. Another variant of "seize."


4. "Parbuckle."


5. Obsolete form of "robands."


6. "Brails."


7. "Cringles." Note that Smith goes on to cite two spellings of modern "furl," to
which "fardel," "farl," and "furdle" may be added. The word is a good example of
specialized jargon spread by word-of-mouth and eventually written down in various
forms according to the pronunciation or hearing of the speaker or the listener. In this
instance the source seems to have been an Arabic word for "bundle" (OED, s.v. "fardel"


8. "Bowlines bridles."


1. "Goring."


2. "Chesstrees."


3. "Eyelet."


4. Obsolete form of "latchings."


5. Perhaps this should read, "or the bonnet to the Drabler," in view of the rest of
the sentence.


6. This word could be an error for "cringle," or for "chinkle," a small loop in a
rope. The latter is not in the OED, but is attested in F. H. Burgess, A Dictionary of Sailing
(Baltimore, 1961), 50 (see the editor's Introduction, above).


7. "Nettles."


8. The meaning of "sarve" as used here is explained below.


9. More commonly, "paunch."


1. Broad shreds of cloth or rags, woven of loose ends, braided cordage, coarse hemp,


2. "Seasen" is apparently a sea painter. In the margin, "Sirvis" seems to have been
a unique spelling of "service," a "small cord ... wound around a rope to protect it"
(OED, with a later reference).


3. A variant form of "gasket."


4. "Marline."


5. Lower ends.


6. Mainwaring has a pertinent passage: "an extraordinary wind ... will blow the
sail out of the bolt ropes" ("Seaman's Dictionary," 101).


7. A cut splice refers to two ropes spliced to form an eye between the ropes. Mainwaring
has a different word for "cut" (ibid., 231).


8. Obsolete form of "strands."


9. This is surely based on Smith's own experience on his second Chesapeake Bay
voyage, July–Sept. 1608 (Proceedings, 37).


10. "Wadmal" was a coarse woolen material made in Wales in Smith's day and in
Witney, near Oxford, still.


1. "Thwarts."


2. "Tholes."


3. "Carlins."


4. The word "ging" was more common in Smith's time. He was an early user of
the word "gang" in the modern sense.


5. Probably an error for "Amens!" (cf. the Accidence, 30).


6. This list of 13 ropes can be taken for what it is worth. It is not complete, and it
includes one or two names of doubtful general acceptance.


7. Read: "you have read in the chapter on the building of a ship" (p. 2, above).


8. "Buoy."


9. More commonly, "guest."


1. Girds were sudden, jerky movements.


2. "Grapnels."


3. No further information seems to be available (see the OED, s.v. "shot" sb2).


4. "Coil."


5. "Girt."


6. "Rooftrees."


7. "Stanchions."


8. "Monkey" or "monk's."


9. For explanatory notes pertinent to this chapter, see the Accidence, 1–7nn. The
following changes in the sequence should be observed: the paragraph on the "Chirurgion,"
which in this book falls almost at the beginning of the chapter, was placed after
the "Boteswaine" in the Accidence; a new paragraph on the "Trumpeter" was inserted in
this book where the "Chirurgion" paragraph was in the Accidence. Otherwise the differences
between the texts are of little consequence.


1. That is, "keep the ship near the wind." The word "latch" here is equal to, and
perhaps a distortion of, "lurch" (see the OED, s.v. "lurch" sb3).


2. Read: "means no more than."


3. The origin of this exclamation is obscure. It may be a relic of Norman French
prie Dieu, "pray to God." Note the exhortation below: "every man say his private prayer
for a boone [bon] voyage."


4. This paragraph, as far as "... in their Cabbins to rest," has been expanded and
improved from the Accidence, 7.


5. Gust.


6. Here, "tally" means "haul taut."


7. "Wear."


8. Parallel form of "slack."


9. "A-try" meant "lying to" in a storm.


1. To weather-coil is to lie to in a special way, described in what follows.


2. Sweep over.


3. Keeps her course.


4. "Ooze."


5. Mainwaring has a long passage pertinent to this bit of standard jargon ("Sea-
man's Dictionary," 129–131).


6. Read: "keep the sails full, and sail as close by the wind as is possible."


7. "Braces."


8. As always in sailing, "height" means "latitude."


9. Two aids to navigation. The azimuth is an arc of the heavens at right angles to
the horizon that extends up to the zenith; almacantars (now obsolete) were small circles
of the heavens parallel to the horizon, cutting the meridian at equal distances (see the
OED). There should obviously be a new paragraph after this passage.


1. These markings seem not to have changed (see Burgess, Dictionary of Sailing,


2. This character looks like the letter c in the copy text, but careful inspection under
magnification shows it to be a zero. Cf. the Accidence, 18, where some sort of error in the
text is miscorrected in the Errata (p. 42). "5. o. [fathom] and a shaftment [handbreadth]
lesse" makes more sense than the version given in the Accidence.


3. "Roomy," large (in the nautical sense); see "goe large," a few lines below.


4. "Nealed to, neal," is obsolete for "deep."


5. Grounded, high and dry; note the pronunciation "sued [syood]."


6. A common spelling then for "moor."


7. An occasional variant of "neither."


8. Nelson was the captain of the Phoenix. He arrived in Jamestown on Apr. 20, 1608,
after being driven to the West Indies by a hurricane in late autumn 1607. It was from
the likes of Nelson that Smith obtained many details.


1. The paragraphs that follow, to the bottom of p. 51, are stated to have been
derived from Samuel Purchas's Pilgrimage (Purchas his Pilgrimage. Or Relations Of The
... [London, 1613]). This should be corrected to read Purchas's Pilgrimes (Hakluy-
tus Posthumus, or Purchas His Pilgrimes
... [London, 1625]), as explained in the note on
p. 51, below.


2. Smith is mistaken here. The long borrowed passage is from Purchas's Pilgrimes,
I, 124–126, which in turn is a small part of a long extract Purchas reprinted from Edward
Brerewood, Enquiries touching the Diversity of Languages, and Religions through the cheife parts
of the world
... (London, 1614). The original source for pp. 48–51, then, is Brerewood,
Enquiries, 109–117. For Brerewood, see the Biographical Directory.


3. It is difficult to know just what proportions are meant. The facts known to the
editor are: Edward Edwards states in his biography of Sir Walter Ralegh that one of
Prince Henry's last enjoyments was his attendance at the launching of his fine ship the
Prince Royal. Edwards notes that the ship was built in accordance with suggestions
Ralegh included in a letter to Prince Henry written in c. 1610 (The Life of Sir W.
... [London, 1868], I, 510–511, II, 330–332). The details in the letter correspond
roughly with the proportions mentioned by Smith. But there is little to confirm that
Ralegh's principles were applied to the Prince Royal. Ralegh is not mentioned in this connection
in W. G. Perrin, ed., The Autobiography of Phineas Pett (Navy Records Soc., LI
[London, 1918]), a work by the actual builder of the vessel. Finally, the letter to Henry
first appeared in print in 1657, in the Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh ..., published in
London. Smith may well have heard that such and such principles of proportion were
suggested by Ralegh, but grounds for a specific attribution, with "chapter and verse,"
seem to the editor to be lacking.


4. A ship that is "cranky" heels too easily.


5. See p. 4n, above.


6. In the copy text, folios 54 and 55 were switched, although the text was in the
correct order. The mistake has been corrected in this edition.


7. Obsolete usage meaning "unsteady," "cranky."


8. See n. 6, immediately above.


9. The chase refers to that part of a ship where the chase ports are; here undoubtedly
the stern.


1. Booty, plunder.


2. Pebbles or stones from the beach.


3. It does not seem improbable that Smith was again inspired by Gervase Markham,
whose Markams Maister-Peece ... (London, 1610) had appeared in a new edition as
recently as 1623. In any case, it was in Smith's own day that the Dutch word meesterstuk
first began to appear in anglicized form. We should not attribute any sense of overwrought
self-esteem to Smith's use of it, for the meaning was not yet quite that of chef
or capo-lavoro. The meaning is merely "work of a master," and that in turn means
"work of somebody who knows what he is talking about." And Smith explains himself
quite clearly in the first paragraph. Yet this chapter, by any standard, is the masterpiece
of Smith's reportorial incursion into the seaman's art (see D. W. Waters, The Art of Navigation
in England in Elizabethan and Early Stuart Times
[New Haven, Conn., 1958], xxxiii–
xxxv). What few comments the editor has to offer regarding chap. 13 are given only
where the linguistic gulf seems too broad. Modern punctuation might facilitate quick
reading, but would destroy the atmosphere John Smith created.


4. "Tier."


5. "Balls."


6. A customhouse certificate. The group of documents would constitute the ship's


7. "Linseed."


8. For Smith's indebtedness to others for this chapter, see Waters, Art of Navigation,
472–474 and nn; and the list of works on p. 83, below.


1. "Entire."


2. An unusual name for the base ring around the breech of a gun. Below, "mussell"
is modern "muzzle."


3. Smith obviously intended to say "honicombed," not "Taper boared."


4. "Lighted"; a common form of the past participle.


5. The element "budg[e]-" was derived from Old French bouge, "a small leather
bag"; the English "bulge" comes from the same source.


6. Here "pike" appears to be an error for "spike." Trundle shots seem to have fallen
into disuse by the 18th century. This passage contains bits not to be found in Mainwaring,
"Seaman's Dictionary," 91, in the paragraph on arming a shot.


7. Later known as "langrage."


8. I.e., the wild fire was attached to arrows and ignited; thus they were shot


9. An aphetic form of "anointed."


1. No good; then a common meaning of the word.


2. Obscure variant of "tampion."


3. Slippery.


4. Elevation.


5. A "currier" seems to have been very similar to a harquebus, but it had a longer


6. A "harquebus á croc" had a hook (croc) to support it on a rest.


7. Obviously, a kind of firearm; the name is of uncertain derivation.


8. The books Smith refers to here are: Leonard Digges, A Geometrical Practise, named
... (London, 1571, STC 6858 [orig. publ. 1511]); Thomas Smith, The Arte of
... (London, 1599, STC 22855); William Bourne, The Arte of shooting in great
... (London, 1587, STC 3420); and Robert Norton, Of the Art of Great Artillery
... (London, 1624, STC 18676).


9. "Petro" may be a distortion of the word for the cannon called the pedrero in Spanish, also called perrier (Old French), both of which are
mentioned as ship's guns in the OED.


10. It is impossible to tell for this weapon, because of battered agate (or smaller) type, whether the "bredth of the Ladle" is intended to be
"6 ⅓" or "6 ⅕." The editor has printed it here as "6 ⅓," under the assumption that this is the more likely figure.


1. See the OED, s. v. "rabinet."


2. In Smith's day, this was a petty account kept of certain portions of a ship's


3. This is probably a typographical error for "4."


4. From here to the end of the Sea Grammar the pagination is wrong, skipping from
p. 72 to p. 83. This obviously should have been "73."


5. On board ship the marshal superintended the carrying out of punishments.


6. In Smith's day the amplitude was the angular distance at rising or setting of any
celestial body from magnetic E or W on the horizon.


7. Smith's references are to the following: Edward Wright, Certaine Errors in Navigation
... (London, 1610, STC 26020 [orig. publ. 1599]); John Tapp, The Seamans
..., 9th ed. (London, 1625, STC 23681 [orig. publ. 1602]); Martin Cortes, The
Arte of Navigation
..., trans. Richard Eden (London, 1615, STC 5805 [orig. publ. 1561]);
William Bourne, A Regiment for the Sea ... (London, 1620, STC 3430 [orig. publ. 1574]);
John Davis, The Seamans Secrets ..., 4th ed. (London, 1626, STC 6370 [orig. publ.
1594?]); Willem Janszoon Blaeu, The Sea-Mirrour ..., trans. Richard Hynmers (Amsterdam,
1625, STC 3113), based on Lucas Janssen Wagenaer, The Mariners Mirrour ...,
trans. Anthony Ashley (London, 1588, STC 24931); Edmund Gunter, De Sectore et
Radio ... (London, 1623, STC 12520); John Aspley, Speculum Nauticum: A Looking Glasse,
for Sea-Men ... (London, 1624, STC 861); Robert Norman, The newe Attractive ...
(London, 1614, STC 18652 [orig. publ. 1581]); William Borough, A Discours of the
Variation of the Cumpas
... (London, 1611, STC 3392 [orig. publ. 1581]); Edward Wright,
The Description and use of the Sphære ... (London, 1627, STC 26022 [orig. publ. 1613]);
Robertus Hues, Tractatus de Globis et eorum Usu ... (London, 1611, STC 13906a [orig.
publ. 1594]), a work that had more recently appeared in Latin in Amsterdam (1624), in
Dutch in Amsterdam (1623), and in French (Paris, 1618). The editor here acknowledges
a great debt to Waters, Art of Navigation, 471–476, in connection with Smith's sources.


8. "74." For a few explanatory notes on the text from here to the end of the book,
see the Accidence, 37–42 nn.


9. "75."