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TO HIS WELL Deserving friend Captaine John Smith.
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Deserving friend
Captaine John Smith.

REader within this little worke thou hast
The view of things present, to come, and past,
Of consequence and benefit to such
As know but little, thinking they know much;
And in thy quiet chamber safely read,
Th' experience of the living and the dead,
Who with great paine and perill oft have tride
When they on angry Neptunes backe did ride.
He having with his Trident strucke the maine,
To hoise them up and throw them downe againe.
Deare friend I'le cease and leave it to thy Booke.
To praise thy labour. Reader over-looke.

Edw. Ingham.

4. Inspect, peruse, read through.


5. For Edward Ingham, who also wrote a dedicatory poem for the Generall Historie,
see the Biographical Directory.