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The page numbers below refer to the boldface numerals in the margins of the present
text, which record the pagination of the original edition used as copy text. The word
or words before the bracket show the text as emended by the editor; the word or
words after the bracket reproduce the copy text. The wavy dash symbol used after
the bracket stands for a word that has not itself been changed but that adjoins a
changed word or punctuation mark. The inferior caret, also used only after the
bracket, signifies the location of missing punctuation in the copy text.



A2v.2  condemne] con.demne
(period used instead of endof-line
A2v.4  advansing] advanfing 
A2v  condemne] con.demne 
cancel.2  (period used instead of endof-line
A2v  pleasure] pleasnre (inverted 
cancel.6  "u") 
A3v.5–6  Bathor, Prince] ~ ^
A3v.10  although] . althongh (inverted
A3v.16  Planters] Plainters 
A4r.1  this] thir 
A4r.2  kindly] kind,ly (comma
used instead of end-of-line
1.6  height. In] ~ , ~ 
3.4  for] fot 
4.12  basket] bisket (corrected in
Errata, p. 42) 
5.11  choyce gang to] choyce to
(corrected in Errata) 
6.marg.  Lieuetenant] Lieuete.nant
(period used instead of endof-line
7.3  Maisters the midships,]
Maisters, and mid-ships
men, (partially corrected in
Errata; see Sea Grammar, 37) 
9.4  400. Tunnes] 400, Tunnes 
9.10  standard] stardard 
10.10  observed. For] ~ , for 
12.5  blocke] blot (corrected in
15.3  Clew] Clow (corrected in
15.6–7  sheats are] ~ , ~ 
5.11  knavlings,] knavlings ^ 
15.11  rope] rop 
16.2  another, when] ~ ^
17.9  reach] ketch ("reatch" in
17.12  monthsoune] mouthsoune
("mounthsoune" in Errata) 
18.11–12  now we] no ~ 
19.6  wayves] wayses 
26.9  such] sutets (corrected in
27.14  falle] fayle 
28.13–14  make them sure with your]
make sure your (corrected
in Errata) 
29.10  adrift (or] ~ , ~ (see Sea
, 43) 
30.5  stoppers] stops (corrected
in Errata) 
30.6–7  land-locked, more] ~ ^
30.12  tar-pawling] trar-pawling 
31.4  Colivers] Coliners 
31.7  truckes] trukes 
31.11  dispeart] dispect (corrected
in Errata [the spelling is a
variant of "dispart"]; see
p. 32, below) 
32.6  gunners] gunuer (in some
copies; corrected in Errata) 
32.7  theoremes] theormes 
33.4  prescribed] proscribed (cf.
Sea Grammar, 69) 
35.1  Victualer] Victuler 

Hyphenation Record

The following lists have been inserted at the request of the editorial staff of the
Institute of Early American History and Culture. The list immediately below
records possible compound words that were hyphenated at the end of the line in the
copy text. In each case the editor had to decide for the present edition whether to
print the word as a single word or as a hyphenated compound. The material before
the bracket indicates how the word is printed in the present edition; the material
after the bracket indicates how the word was broken in the original. The wavy dash
symbol indicates that the form of the word has been unchanged from the copy text.
Numerals refer to the page number of the copy text (the boldface numerals in the
margin in this edition) and to the line number (counting down from the boldface
number) in the present edition.

A2v.4  Sea-man] ~ 
Sea-man] ~ 
wherin] wher-in 
2.6  Mid-ships] ~ 
2.marg.  Cape-merchant] ~ 
3.2  rudder-irons] ~ 
3.marg.  Boteswaine] Bote-swaine 
5.8  steepe-tubs] ~ 
5.marg.  Coxeswaine] Coxe-swaine 
6.10  Top-sayles] ~ 
7.6  Starreboord] Starre-boord 
11.9  bread-roome] ~ 
11.10  powder-roome] ~ 
11.14  brest-ropes] ~ 
12.4  beake-head] ~ 
Page. Line 
13.9  capsterne] cap-sterne 
15.6  boulespret] boule-spret 
17.8  headland] head-land 
24.8  windward] wind-ward 
24.14  Breakfast] Break-fast 
25.3  Mid-ships] ~ 
26.8  linsed] lin-sed 
27.5  mayne-sayle] ~ 
29.2–3  crosejacke] crose-jacke 
31.7  lint-stockes] ~ 
31.13  Lanthorne] Lant-horne 
31.14–32.1  crosse-barre-shot] ~ 
32.12  mousell-rings] ~ 
35.2  sub-devided] ~ 
40.11  flap-Jacke] ~ 
41.13–14  himselfe] him-selfe 


The list below contains words found as hyphenated compounds in the copy text that
unavoidably had to be broken at the end of the line at the hyphen in the present text.
In quoting or transcribing from the present text, the hyphen should be retained for
these words. Numerals refer to the page number of the copy text (the boldface
numerals in the margin in this edition) and to the line number (counting down from
the boldface number) in the present edition.

A2v.2–3  Sea-man 
2.marg.  Cape-merchant 
2.15–16  Fire-workes 
19.11–12  over-boord 
30.2–3  home-ward