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AN ACCIDENCE for Young Sea-men: Or, Their Path-way to Experience.
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for Young Sea-men:
Or, Their Path-way to Experience.

THE Captaines charge

is to commaund all,
and tell the Maister to what Port he will
go, or to what height.
In a fight he is to
give direction for the managing thereof,
and the Maister is to see to the cunning

the Ship, and trim- ∥ ming the sailes.
The Captains

The Maister and his Mate is to direct
the course, commaund all the Saylors, for
steering, trimming and sayling the Ship,
his Mates are onely his Seconds, allowed
sometimes for the two Mid-ships men, that ought to take charge of
the first prize.


The Maister
and his Mates.

The Pilot when they make land, doth take the charge of the Ship
till he bring her to Harbour.

The Pilot.

The Cape-merchant and Purser haththe charge of all the Caragasoune


or Merchandize, and the Purser doth keepe an Account of
all that is received and delivered, but a Man of Warre hathonely a
The Cape-merchant

The MaisterGunner haththe charge of the Ordinances, Shot,
Powder, Match, Ladles, Spunges, Cartrages,

Armes and Fire-workes,
and the rest every one to receive his charge from him according
to directions, and to give an account of his store.
The Gunner
with his Mate,
and quarter

The Carpenter and his Mate is to have the Nayles, Clinches, rove


and clinch-nailes, spikes, plates, rudder-irons, called pintels and
gudgions, pumpe-nailes, skupper-nailes and leather,
sawes, files,


hatchets and such like, and ever ready for calking, breaming, stopping
leakes, fishing or spliceing the Masts or Yards, as occasion requireth,
and to give an account of his store.
The Carpenter
and his Mate.

The Boteswaine is to have the charge of all the Cordage, tackling,
sailes, fids, and marling spikes, needles, twine, and saile-cloth, and
rigging the shippe, his Mate the command of the long boate, for the
setting forth of Anchors, waying and fetching home an Anchor,
warping, towing, and moreing, and to give an account of his store.

The Boteswaine
and his Mate.

The Chyrurgion
and his

The Chirurgion is exempted from all duty but to attend the sicke,
and cure the wounded, and good care Would be ∥ had, he have a
certificate from the Barber-surgions Hall

of his sufficiency, and also
that his Chest bee well furnished both for Physicke and Chyrurgery,
and so neere as may bee proper for that clime you goe for, which
neglect hathbeene the losse of many a mans life.

The Marshall is to punish offendors, and to see Justice executed
according to directions, as ducking at Yards arme, hawling under the
Keele, bound to the Capsterne,

or maine Mast with a basket of shot
about his necke, setting in the bilbowes, and to pay the Cobty or the
But the Boyes, the Boteswaine is to see every Munday
at the chist to say their Compasse,
which done, they are to have a
quarter can, and a basket of bread.
The Marshall.

The Corporall is to see the setting and releeving the watch, and
see all the souldiers and saylors keepe their Armes cleane, neate and

and teach them their use.
The Corporal.

The Steward is to deliver out the victuall, according to the Captaines
directions, and messe them 4, 5, or 6, as there is occasion.

The Steward
and his Mate.

The quarter Maisters haththe charge of the hold for stowage,
rommageing, and trimming the shippe, and of their squadrons for
their Watch, a Sayne, a Fisgigg, a Harping iron, Fish-hookes, for
Porgos, Bonetos, or Dorados, etc. and rayling lines for Mackerell.

The quarter

The Cowper is to looke to the caske, hoopes and twigges, to stave
or repaire the buckets, Baricoes, Cans, steepe-tubs, runlets, hogsheads,
pipes, buts, etc. for wine, beere, syder, beverage, fresh water,
or any liquor.

The Cowper
and his Mate.

The Coxeswaine
and his

The Coxswaine is to have a choyce gang to attend the Skiffe to go
to and againe as occasion commandeth.

The Cooke and
his Mate.

The Cooke is to dresse and deliver out the Victuall, he hathhis


store of quarter cans, small cannes, platters, spoones, lanthornes, etc.
and is to give ∥ his account of the remainder.

The Swabber is to wash and keepe cleane the ship and maps.

The Swabber.

The Lyer is to holde his place but for a weeke, and hee that is
first taken with a lye, every Monday is so proclaimed at the maine
Mast by a generall cry, A lyer, a lyer, a lyer, he is under the Swabber,
and onely to keepe cleane the beake-head and chaines.

The Lyer.

The Saylers are the antient men for hoysing the sailes, getting the
tackes aboord, hawling the Bow-lines, and steering the ship.

The Saylers.

The Younkers

are the yong men called Fore-mast men, to take in
the Top-sayles, or Top and yeard, Furle, and Sling the maine Saile,
Bousing or Trysing,
and take their turne at Helme.
The Yonkers.

The Lieuetenant is to associate

the Captaine, and in his absence
to execute his place, he is to see the Marshall and Corporall doe their
duties, and assist them in instructing the Souldiers, and ∥ in a fight
the Forecastle is his place, to make good, as the Captaine doth the
halfe decke, and the quarter Maisters the midships, but in the States
men of Warre he is allowed as necessary as a Lieuetenant on shore.

The Lieuetenant.

When you set sayle and put to sea, the Captaine is to call up the
company, and the one halfe to goe to the Starreboord, the other to
the Larboord, as they are chosen, the Maisterchusing first one, then
his mate another, and so forward till they bee devided in two parts,
then each man is to chuse his Mate, Consort, or Comrado, then
devide them into squadrons according to your numbers and burthen
of your ship: but care would be had, that there be not two Comorados
upon one watch, because they may have the more roome in their
Cabons to rest.

How to devide
the Company.


give a true Arithmeticall and Geometricall proportion for
the building of ships, were they all built after one ∥ mould, as also of
their Yeards, Masts, Cables, Cordage and Sayles, were all the stuffe
of like goodnesse, a methodicall rule might bee Projected, but it
would bee too curious for this Discourse, and as much too troublesome
either for the Reader or Author, but the principall names of the
timbers about the building of a ship, according to his understanding
followeth, and how being framed they are fixed.
The Principall
names of the
timbers about
the building a

First lay the Keele,

the Stemme, and Starne, in a dry docke, or
uppon the stockes, and binde them with good knees, then lay all the


Flore timbers, and cut your Limber holes above the keele, to bring
the water to the well for the pumpe. Next your Navell timbers, and
bind them all with sixe foote Skarfe at the least, the Garbell strake is
the outside plancke next the keele, be sure you have a good sufficient
Kelson, and then plancke your outside and inside up, with your Top
timbers, but the ∥ lengthes, breadthes, depthes, rakes and burdens
are so variable and different, that nothing but experience can possibly
teach it.

A Shippe

of 400. Tunnes requires a planke of foure inches, 300.
Tunnes three inch, small Ships two inch, but none lesse. For clamps,
middle bands and sleepers, they be all of 6. inch planke for binding
within. The rest for the sparring up of the workes of square 3. inch
planke; Lay the beames of the Orlope, if she be 400. Tunnes at ten
foote deepe in howle, and all the beames to be bound with two knees
at each ende, and a standard knee at every beames end upon the
Orlope, all the Orlope to be layd with square three inch plancke, and
all the planckes to be treenailed to the beames.
Notes for a
Covenant betweene
Carpenter and
the Owner.

Sixe foote would bee betweene the beames of the Decke and
Orlope, and ten ports

on each side upon the lower Orlope, all the
binding betweene them ∥ should be with three inch, or two inch
plancke, and the upper Decke should be layd with so many beames
as are fitting with knees to bind them; laying that Decke with spruce
deale of 30. foot long, the sap cut off, and two inches thicke, for it is
better then any other.

Then for the Captaines Cabben

or great Cabben, the stearage,
the halfe Decke, the round house, the Fore-castle and to binde an
ende with a Capsterne and all things fitting for the Sea, the Smiths
worke, the carving, joyning, and painting excepted, are the principall
things I remember to be observed.
For a Charter-party betwixt
the Merchant, the Maisterand the Owner, you have Presidents of all
sorts in most Scriveners shops.

A dry Docke,

the stockes, the keele, the steme, the sterne, the
starne-post, the flowre,
the sleepers, rising timbers, garble strake,


her rake, the fore reach, plankes, bindings, knees, boults, truni- ∥ ons, brasers, riders, the Orlope, the ports, the bend, the bowe, the hawse,
the hawses, the decke, the partners, a flush decke, fore and aft, the
ram heads, the Knights, a halfe decke, a quarter decke, the bulke,
the bulkes head, the skuttle, the hatches, the hatches way, the holes
in the commings, pitch, tarre, rosen, okum, calking. In the stearage
roome, the whip, the bittakell, the travas boord, the Compasse, the
Fly, the needle, the lanthorne, the socket. About the Gun-roome,
the Tiller, the rudder, the pintels, the gudgions, the bread-roome,
the ships runne.
The powder-roome, the Stewards roome, the cooke
roome, the great cabbon, the gallery, a cabben, a hanging cabben, a
the lockers, the round-house, the counter, the wayst, the
wayst-boords, the gunwayle, stations for the nettings, a chaine
through the stations, or brest-ropes.
Generall sea
termes belonging
to ships.

What belongs
to the Pumpe.

The Pumpe, the pumpes well, the ∥ pumpes brake, the pumpes
can, the pumpes chaine, the spindle, the boxe, the clap, the pumpe
is choaked, the pumpe suckes, the ship is stanche.


The forecastle, or prow, the beake-head, the bits, the fish-hooke,
a loufe hooke, and the blocke at the Davids

ende, the Cat, Cats head
and Cats holes, the ships draught.
What belongs
to the fore

The boule spret,

the pillow, the sturrop, the spret sayle, the
spret sayle yeard, the spret sayle top mast, the spret sayle top sayle
yard, the foremast, the fore yard, the fore top, the fore top mast, the
fore top sayle yard, the fore top gallant mast, the fore top gallant
sayle yeard, coates and wouldings
for all masts and yeards, Grummets
and staples for all yeards. The trussell trees or crosse trees, the
maine mast, the step in the kelson, where it puts its heele, as doth also
the fore mast, the maine yard, the maine top, the maine top mast,
the maine top sayle yeard, the top gallant ∥ mast, the maine top gallant
sayle yeard, the truck, or flagge staffe. The misen, the misen
yeard, the misen top mast, the misen top sayle yeard, in great ships
they have two misens, the latter is called the boneaventuer misen,
then the poope, Lanthorne and flagge staffe: when a mast is borne
by the boord, they make a Jury-mast, which is made with yards,
rouftrees, or what they can, splised or fished together.
The Masts,
Caps and

The Capsterne, the pawle, the whelps, the capsterne bars, a
Jeare capsterne is onely in great ships to hoyse their sayles, the canhookes,
slings and parbunkels, ports and ringbolts and hooks, the


skuppers, the skupper holes, the chaines, the steepe tubs, an entring
ladder or cleats, a boy, a can boy, a ship cranke sided, Iron sicke,
spewes her okum, a leake ship, the sheathing, furring, carrying, washing
and breaming, lanching, carving, guilding and painting a ship,
ballast, kintlage,
canting ∥ coynes, standing coynes, roufe trees, a
grating, netting or false decke for your close fights.
The capsterne
and other generall

The entring rope, the boate rope, the bucket rope, the boy rope,
guest rope, the cat rope, the port ropes, the keele rope, the rudder
rope, the top ropes, the bolt ropes, the brest ropes are now out of use,
the water line is.


The ropes
names in a

The tacklings

are the fore stay, the maine stay. The tackles, the
mison stay, the collers, the maine shrouds and chaines, the maine top
shroudes, the fore shroud, the fore top shroud, the swifters, the mison
shroudes, the mison top shroudes, and their ratlings, and the parels
to all masts, the maine hallyards, the maine top sayle hallyards, the
top gallant saile halyards, the fore hallyards, the fore top sayle hallyard,
the misen hallyard, and the spret sayle hallyeard, the horse, the
maine sheats, the maine top sayle sheats, the maine braces, the maine
top sayle ∥ braces, the maine bowling and bridles, the maine top sayle
bowlin, the bunt lines, the trusses, the lifts, the earring, the cat harpings;
a Jeare, leatch lines; the Robins, garnit, Clew garnits, tyes,
martlits, the most of all these are also belonging to the fore mast,
misen and bowlespret, and haththe same denomination after their
masts, only the boulespret hathno bow lines, and the misen sheats
are called the starne sheats, they have all of them pullies, blockes,
shivers and dead mens eyes, Lanyeards, caskets and crowes feete. A
snap blocke is seldom used but in heaving of goods and ordinances.
Concerning the
tackling and
rigging a ship.

There is also diverse other small cordage, as head lines, the

gassits or furling lines, marlines, rope yearne, Caburne,
Sinnet, paunches and such like.

The Cables,

hawsers or streame cables, are most used in the
water by the Anchors, when they are too short, ∥ they shoote one into


another, when they are galled or breake, they splice them, when that
way unserviceable, they serve for Junkes, fendors and braded plackets
for brests of defence, and then as the rest of the overworne tackling:
for rope yarne,
caburne, sinnit an okum, sheeps feet is a stay in
setling a top mast, and a guie in staying the tackles when they are
charged with goods.

The Anchor hatha stocke, a ring, a shanke, a flouke, the greatest
in every ship is called the sheat Anchor, the rest Anchors, a streame
Anchor, graplings or kedgers, bend your cables to your Anchors.

Tearmes for
the Anchors.

The maine sayle, the fore sayle called sometimes the fore course,
the maine course or a paire of courses, each of them hatha bonnet
and a drabler, the maine top sayle, the top gallant sayle, and in a
faire gaile your studding sayles, then your mison, your misen ∥ top
sayle, your spret sayle, and spret sayle top sayle, a drift sayle, a cros-jack,
a netting sayle, twyne, a munke seame, a round seame, a suite
of sayles, a shift of sayles, top Armours, wayst clothes, pendants and


The names of
the sailes.

A channell,

a bay, a rode, a sound, an offen, a cove, a crike, a
river, cleere ground, very fast ground, or good anchoring, foule
ground, osie ground, sandy ground, clay ground, a headland; a
furland; a reach; a land marke.
The tearmes
for the harbor.

A calme,

a brese, a fresh gaile, a pleasant gayle, a stiffe gayle,
it overblowes, a gust, a storme, a spoute, a loume gaile, an eddy wind,
a flake
of wind, a Turnado, a monthsoune, a Herycano.
For the winds.

A calme sea, becalmed, a rough sea, an overgrowne sea, the rut
of the sea, roaring of the sea, it flowes, quarter floud, high water, or
a still water, a full sea, a spring tide, ebbe, a quarter ebbe, halfe ebbe,
three quarters ebbe, a lowe water, a dead low water, a nepe tide,
a ∥ shoule, a ledge of rockes, a breach, a shallow water, deepe water,
soundings, fadome by the marke, 3. o d. and a shaftment lest. 4. o d.

a gulph, the froth of the sea.
Tearmes for
the sea.


Starbord is the right hand,

Larbord is the left, starboord the
helme, right your helme a loufe, keepe your loufe, come no neere,
keepe full, stidy, so you goe well, port, warre,
no more; beare up the
helme, goe roumy, be yare at the helme, a fresh man at the helme.
Tearmes for

A sayle,

how stands she, to windward or leyward, set him by the
Compasse, he stands right a head; or on the weather bow, or ley
bow, out with all your sayles, a stydy man to the helme, sit close to
keep her stydie. Give chase or fetch him up, he holds his owne, now
we gather on him, out goeth his flag and pendance or streames,
his Colours, his wast-clothes and top armings, he furles and slings his
maine saile, in goes his spret sayle and misen, he makes rea- ∥ dy his
close fights fore and after; well, we shall reach him by and by. What
is all ready? Yea, yea. Every man to his charge, Dowse your top
sayle, salute him for the sea; Hale him: whence your ship, of Spayne,
whence is yours, of England, are you Merchants or Men of Warre,
We are of the Sea. He wayves us to leyward for the King of Spaine,
and keepes his loufe. Give him a chase peece, A broad side, and runne
a head, make ready to tacke about, give him your sterne peeces, be
yare at helme, hale him with a noyse of Trumpets. We are shot
through and through, and betweene winde and water, trye the
pumpe. Maisterlet us breathe and refresh a little, sling a man over-boord
to stop the leake, done, done, is all ready againe, Yea, yea:
beare up close with him, with all your great and small shot charge
him; Boord him on his wether quarter, lash fast your graplins and
sheare off, then runne stemlins the
∥ mid ships. Boord and boord, or
thwart the hawse; we are foule on each other: The ships on fire; Cut
any thing to get cleere, and smother the fire with wet clothes, We are
cleere, and the fire is out, God be thanked. The day is spent, let us
consult. Surgion looke to the wounded, wind up the slaine, with each
a waight or bullet at his head and feete, give three peeces for their
funerals. Swabber make cleane the shippe. Purser record their
names; Watch bee vigilant to keepe your berth to windward: and
that wee loose him not in the night. Gunners spunge your Ordinances;
Souldiers skower your peeces; Carpenters about your leakes.
Boteson and the rest, repaire the sayles and shroudes. Cooke see you
observe your directions against the morning watch. Boy, Holla
Maister, Holla, Is the kettle boyled, yea, yea, Boteswaine, call up the
men to Prayer and Breakfast.
Tearmes of

Boy fetch my celler of Bottles, a health to you all fore and afte,


courage my hearts for a fresh charge: Maisterlay him a bord loufe
for loufe; Mid-ships men see the tops and yeards well maned with
stones and brasse bals, to enter them in the shrouds,
and every
squadron else at their best advantage, found Drums and Trumpets,
and St. George for England.

They hang out a flag of truse, stand in with him, hale him a
mayne, a base or take in his flagge, strike their sayles and come
aboard, with the Captaine, Purser, and Gunner, with your Commission,
Cocket, or bills of loading: out goes their Boate, they are
lanched from the Ship side, Entertayne them with a generall cry,
God save the Captayne, and all the Company, with the Trumpets
sounding, examine them in particuler, and then conclude your conditions
with feasting, freedome, or punishment, as you finde occasion;
∥ other wayes if you surprize him or enter perforce, you may stow the
men, rifle, pillage, or sacke, and crye a prize.

To call a Councell in a Fleete: there is the Councell of Warre,
and the common Councell, which hangs their flags out in the mayne
shrouds, or the misen.


betweene two Navies they use often, especially in a Harbour
or rode, where they are at anchor, to fill olde Barkes with pitch,
tar, trayne oyle, linsed oyle, brimstone, rosen, reedes, and dry wood
and such combustable things, sometimes they linke three or foure
together, towed together in the night, and put a drift as they finde
occasion. To passe a Fort, some will make both shippe and sayles all
blacke, but if the Fort keepe but a fire on the other side, and all their
peeces poynt blanke with the fire, if they discharge, what is betwixt
them and the fire, the shot will ∥ hit, if the rule be truely observed. To
conclude, there is as many stratagims, advantages, and inventions to
be used, as you finde occasions, and therefore experiences must be
the best Tutor.

Bend your passerado

to the mayne-sayle, git the sailes to the
yeards, about your geare on all hands, hoyse your sayles, halfe mast
high, make ready to set sayle, crosse your yeards, bring your Cable
to the capsterne. Boatswaine fetch an Anchor aboord, break ground,
or way Anchor, heave a head, men into the tops, men upon the
yeards, come is the Anchor a pike,
heave out your topsayles, haule
your sheates; What's the Anchor away, yea, yea; Let fall your fore
sayle, whose at the helme there, coyle your cable in small slakes,


hawle the cat, a bitter,
belay, loufe, fast your Anchor with your
shanke painter, stow the boate, Let falle your maine saile, on with
your bonnets and drablers, steare study
before the wind. ∥ The wind
veares, git your star-boord tacks aboord, hawle off your ley sheats,
overhawle the ley bowlin, ease your mayne brases, out with your
spret-saile, flat the fore sheat, pike up the misen or brade it, The ship
will not wayer, loure the maine top saile, veare a fadome of your
sheat, a flown sheate, a faire winde and a boune voyage, the wind
shrinks, get your tacks close aboord, make ready your loufe howks
and ley fagnes,
to take off your bonnits and drablers, hawle close
your maine bowline: It overcasts, we shall have winde, sattle
top sailes, take in the spret sayle, in with your top sayles, lower your
maine sayles, tallow under the parrels, in with your maine sayle,
lower the fore sayle, the sayle is split, brade up close all your sayles,
lash sure the Ordinances, strike your top masts to the cap, make them
sure with your sheepes feete,
a storme, hull, lash sure the helme a ley,
lye to try our drift, how capes
the ship, cun the ship, ∥ spoune before
the winde, she lusts, she lyes under the Sea, trie her with a crose-jacke,
bowse it up with the out-looker,
she will founder in the Sea,
runne on shore, split or billage on a Rocke, a wracke, put out a
goose-winge, or a hullocke of a sayle; faire weather, set your fore
sayle. Out with all your sailes, get your Larbord tackes aboord, hawle
off your Starboord sheats, goe large, laske, ware yawning, the ships
at stayes, at backe stayes, over-set the ship, flat about, handle your
Sayles, or trim your sayles, let rise your tacks, hawle of your sheats.
Rocke-weede, adrift (or flotes,) one to the top to looke out for Land,
a ships wake, the water way, the weather bow, weather coyle,
the ship by the Ley, and heave the lead, try the dipsie line, bring the
ship to rights, fetch the log-line to try what way shee makes, turne up
the minute glasse, observe the hight, Land, to make Land, how
beares it, set it by the Com- ∥ passe, cleare your leach-lines, beare in,
beare off, or stand off, or sheare off, beare up, outward bound, home-ward
bound, shorten your Sailes, take in your Sailes, come to an
Anchor under the Ley of the weather shore, the Ley shore, nealed
too, looke to your stoppers, your Anchor comes home, the ships a


drift, vere out more Cable, let fall your sheat Anchor, land-locked,
more the ship, a good Voyage, Armes; arme, a skiffe, a frigot, a pinnace,
a ship, a squadron, a fleete, when you ride amongst many ships,
pike your yards.
sayling, or
working of a

To the boate

or skiffe belongs oares, a mast, a saile, a stay, a
halyard, sheats, a boat-hook, thoughts,
thoules, rudder, irons, bailes,
a tar-pawling; or yawning,
carlings, carling-knees for the David,
the boates-wayles, a dridge, to row, a spell, hold-water, trim the
boate vea, vea, vea, vea, vea,
who saies Amen, one and all, for a dram
of the bottle.
The tearmes of
the boate.

A Basillisco,

double Cannon, Cannon Pedrea, demy Cannon,
Culvering, Sakar, Minion, Falcon, Falconet, Rabbenet, Murderers,
slings, Chambers, Curriors, Hargabusacrock,
Musquets, bastard
Musquets, Colivers, Carbines, Crabuts, long Pistols, short Pistols,
Charges, Cartrages, Match, Spunges, Ladles, Rammers, Rammers
heads, tomkins,
a worme, a bore, a barrell, taper bore, hunicomed,
lint-stockes, carrages, truckes, linch-pins, trunions, axell-trees, beds,
coynings, the peeces in the prow, the chase peeces in the sterne, the
quarter peeces, the mid-ships, the upper tyre, the middle tyre, the
lower tyre, their fids and leads to keepe dry the touch hole: Travers
a peece, dispeart a peece, compasse Calipers, a gunners quadrant, a
hand spike, a crow of iron, to mount a peece, to dismount a peece, a
darke Lanthorne, a budge barrell, a horne, a priming iron: wyer,
round-shot, crosse- ∥ barre-shot, chayne-shot, langrill
shot, a case,
case-shot, lead, melting ladles, moulds, bullet bagges, Musquet shot,
Colyver shot, quartred shot, Pistol shot, poysoned bullets, brasse
bals, iron bals, granadoes, trunkes of wilde fire, pikes of wild fire,
arrowes of wild fire, pots of wild fire, or dragouns. To cloye a peece:
To loade a peece: To poyson a peece, hookes for gunners or tacklings.
The names of
all sorts of
great Ordinance
peeces, and
their appurtenances.

Concerning the particuler theoremes, or tearmes for great Ordnances,
as the concave, trunke, cylinder, the soule or bore of a peece:
To know whether she be equally bored, camber, taper, or belbored,
the severall names of her mettle, the thinnesse and thicknesse, her

or base ring at her britch, her shaft or chase, her trunnions,


at her mouth, to dispart her, know her levell
poynt blanke and best at randome, her fortification, the differences
of powder, be it serpentine or corned powder, if she be well moun-
∥ ted, uppon a levell plot-forme or no, besides there are so many uncertaine
accidents, both in the peece, shot, and powder, the ground,
the ayre and differences in proportion, they can no certaine artificiall
rules be prescribed. Those proportions following are neere the
matter, but for your better satisfaction, read Master Digs his Pantrymetria,
Master Smith, or Master Burnes Arte of gunry, or Master
Robert Nortons expositions upon MaisterDigs,
any of these will
shew you the Theoricke; but to be a good Gunner, you must learne
it by practise.
The Gunners scale is made in brasse at Tower Hill,
with prospective glasses, and many other instruments by Master

A Table
of Proportions for the use of great Ordinance.

of the
of the
shot in

of the
shot in
of the
shot in
of the
of the
of the
A Cannon.  8000  63  24 5/4  7 ¾  23  15  46  26 
Demy Cannon.  6000  32  18 1/6  22 ½  11 ½  24  30 
A Culvering.  5500  18  15 5/7  22  14  33 
Demy Culvering.  4500  12 4/7  20  39 
A Sacar.  3500  5 ¼  10 3/14  3 ¼  16 1/6  6 ½  5 ¼  26 
A Minion.  1500  9 3/7  15  25 
A Falcon.  1100  2 ¼  7 6/7  2 ½  12 ½  2 ¼  14 
A Falconet.  500  1 ¼  6 2/7  10  1 ¼ 
Concerning the
shooting of
great Ordinance.

Note that seldome in any Ships they use any Ordinance greater then
a demy Cannon.


The Ship

hathone third part; the Victualer the other third;
the other third part is for the Company, and this is sub-devided


The Captaine hath  9. 
The Master hath  7. 
The Mates hath  5. 
The Gunners hath  5. 
The Carpenter hath  5. 
The Boteswaine hath  4. 
The Marshall hath  4. 
The Corporall hath  3. 
The Chyrurgion hath  3. 
The quarter Masters hath  4. 
The Steward hath  3. 
The Cooke hath  3. 
The Coxon hath  3. 
The Trumpeter hath  4. 
The Sailers, two or one and a halfe. 
The Boyes a single share. 
The Leiuetenant what the Captaine
will give him, or as they can
How they devide
shares in a
Man of Warre.

They use to appoint a certaine reward extraordinary to him that
first discries a Sayle if they take her, and to him that first enters her.

For to learne to observe the Altitude, Latitude, Longitude, Amplitude,
the variation of the Compasse, the Sunnes Azimuth and
Almicanter, to shift the Sunne and Moone, and to know the tydes,
your roomes, pricke your card, and say your Compasse, get some of
those bookes,

but practise is the best

  • Master Wrights errors of Navigation.
  • Master Taps Sea-mans Kallender.
  • The Art of Navigation.
  • The Sea Regiment.
  • The Sea-mans secrets.
  • Wagganour.
  • Master Gunters workes.
  • The Sea-mans glasse for the skale.
  • The new attracter for variation.
  • Master Wright for the use of the Globe.
  • Master Hewes for the same.

    Good Sea Cards.

  • Two paire of Compasses.
  • An Astralobe quadrant.

  • 28

  • A Crosse staffe.
  • A backe staffe.
  • An Astrolobe.
  • An Nocturnall.

If you have a Divine,

his pay is most commonly both from the
Adventurers and the Saylors, so also is the Chyrurgion.

Young Gentlemen that desires commaund ought well to consider,
the condition of his ship, victuall, and Company; for if there
be more learners then Saylers, how sleightly soever many esteeme
Saylers, all the worke to save Ship, goods, and lives, must lye upon
them, especially in foule weather, the labour, hazard, wet and cold
is so incredible I cannot expresse it. It is not then the number of them
that here will say at home, what I cannot ∥ doe, I can quickly learne,
and what a great matter it is to sayle a Ship, or goe to Sea, surely
those for a good time will doe most

trouble then good, I confesse it is
more necessary such should go, but not too many in one ship, for if
the labour of sixty should lye uppon thirty, as many times it doth;
they are so over-charged with labour, bruses, and over-strayning
themselves, for there is no dallying nor excuses, with stormes, gusts,
over growne seas, and ley shores; they fall sicke of one disease or
other, and then if their Victuals be putrified, it indangers all. Men of
all other professions in lightning, thunder, stormes and tempests,
with raine, and snow, may shelter themselves in dry houses, by good
fires, and good cheare; but those are the chiefe times, that Sea-men
must stand to their tackelings, and attend with all diligence their
greatest labour upon the Deckes: Many supposeth any thing is good
e- ∥ nough to serve men at sea, and yet nothing sufficient for them a
shore, either for their healthes, for their ease, or estates, or state. A
Commaunder at sea should do well to thinke the contrary, and provide
for himselfe and company in like manner; also seriously to consider
what will be his charge, to furnish himselfe at sea, with bedding,
linnen, armes and apparell; how to keepe his table aboord, his expences
on shore, and his petty tally, which is a competent proportion
according to your number, of these particulars following.
for yong Commanders,

Captaines and

Fine wheat flower, close and well packed, Rise, Currands, Sugar,
Prunes, Cinamon, Ginger, Pepper, Cloves, Greene-ginger, Oyle,
Butter, Olde Cheese, or Holland, Wine vinegar, Canary Sacke, Aqua
vitæ, the best Wines, the best Waters, the juyce of Lemons for the


Scurvey, white Bisket, Oate-meale, Gammons of Bakon, dried neates
tongues, Rosted Beefe, packed up in vineger.

Legges of Mutton minced and stewed and close packed up with
butter in earthen pots.

To entertaine strangers, Marmelet, Suckets, Almonds, Comfits,
and such like.

Some it may bee will say, I would have men rather to feast then
fight. But I say the want of those necessaries, occasions the losse of
more men, then in any English fleet hathbin slaine in any fight since
88. for when a man is ill sicke, or at the poynt of death, I would know
whether a dish of buttered Rice, with a little Cinamon and Sugar, a
little minced meate, or roast beefe, a few stewed Prunes, a race

greene ginger, a flap-Jacke, a Can of fresh water brued with a little
Cinamon, Ginger and Sugar, be not better then a little poore John,
or salt fish, with oyle and mustard, or bisket, butter, cheese or oatemeale
pottage on fish dayes, salt beefe, porke and pease and sixe
shillings beere,
this is your ordinary ships allowance, and good for
∥ them are well, if well conditioned, which is not alwayes, as sea-men
can too well witnesse: and after a storme, when poore men are all
wet, and some not so much a cloth to shift him,
shaking with cold,
few of those but will tell you, a little Sacke or Aquavitæ, is much
better to keepe them in health, then a little small beere or cold water,
although it be sweete, now that every one should provide those things
for himselfe, few of them have either that providence or meanes. And
there is neither Alehouse, Taverne, nor Inne to burne a fagot in,
neither Grocer, Poulterie, Apothocary, nor Butchers shop: and
therefore the use of this petty tally is necessary, and thus to be imployed
as there is occasion, to entertaine strangers as they are in
quality, every Commander should shewe himselfe as like himselfe as
he can, as well for the credit of the ship and his settors forth as himselfe,
but in that heerein every one ∥ may moderate themselves according
to their owne pleasures, therefore I leave it to their owne
discretions. And this briefe Discourse, and my selfe, to their friendly
construction and good opinion.

John Smith Writ this with his owne Hand.