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TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFULL Sir Robert Heath, Knight etc.
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Sir Robert Heath, Knight etc.

Right Worshipful:

In regard of the Present occasion, for the Arte of Navigation, and
many young Gentlemen and Valiant spirits of all sorts, do desire to
trye their Fortunes at sea: I have beene perswaded to Print this discourse,
being a subject I never see writ before. Not as an instructi-
∥ on to Marriners nor Sailors, whom I intreate rather amend it, then
condemne it, confessing it might be a taske for a most excellent Sea-man;
But as an intraduction for such as wants experience, and are
desirous to learne what belongs to a Sea-man; although it be a subject,
wherin it may be you have had little practise; yet I intreate You
accept it as a token of my love, peradventure it may pleasure some of
Your Friends inclined that Way: No more but sacring all my best
abillities to the exquisite Judgement of your renowned Vertues, I
ever rest


3. This "cancel," or substitute leaf, appears in a single surviving copy (John Carter
Brown Library, Providence, Rhode Island), where it replaces the dedication to "All The
Right Honorable And most Generous Lords. ..." The only difference between the two
dedications lies in the passage on the verso mentioned in A2vn, above.

Your Lordships ever most humbly devoted,
John Smith.