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  • accowprets: shears, I, 137, II, 130
  • annatto: a dye tree, III, 232–233
  • aroughcun: a beast like a badger but living on
    trees, I, 154, II, 110, 419. See also
  • ascopo: tree like sweet bay, II, 78
  • assapanick: a flying squirrel, I, 154–155, II,
  • assentamens: pease, I, 157, II, 112
  • attasskuss: leaves, weeds, or grass, I, 137, II,
  • attawp: a bow, I, 136, II, 130
  • attonce: arrows, I, 136, II, 130
  • aumouhhowgh: a target, I, 137, II, 130
  • capawack: harbor (?), II, 399 n. 4
  • casacunnakack, peya quagh acquintan
    in how many days will there
    come hither any more English ships, I, 137,
    II, 130
  • case: how many, I, 138, II, 131
  • cassavia: cassava, II, 77
  • cattapeuk: spring, I, 156, II, 112
  • caucorouse: a captain, I, 174 n. 9, II, 127
  • caw-cawwassoughes: assistants to Indian
    priests, I, 146, II, 103
  • chapacor: a root, II, 77
  • chechinquamins: nut like a chestnut, I, 152, II,
  • chepsin: land, I, 137, II, 130
  • chickahominy: cleared place, I, 101 n. 85
  • cohattayough: summer, I, 156, II, 112
  • cohouk: winter, I, 157 n. 6
  • comatinchtassapooeksku: sixty, I, 138, II, 131
  • comotinch: six, I, 138, II, 131
  • copotone: sturgeon, I, 137, II, 130
  • crenepo: a woman, I, 136, II, 130
  • habamouk: god/devil, III, 280
  • habascon: root vegetable, II, 77
  • Hinnaim namen, hinnaim michen, matta cuts: this
    here, by and by shall see, and by and by
    eat, but not speake, II, 458 n. 4
  • ka ka torawincs yowo: what call you this, I, 136,
    II, 130
  • kaskeke: ten, I, 138, II, 131
  • Kator nehiegh mattagh neer uttapitchewayne:
    Truely he is there I doe not lie, I, 139, II,
  • kekataughtassapooeksku: ninety, I, 138, II, 131
  • kekatawgh: nine, I, 138, II, 131
  • Kekaten pokahontas patiaquagh ningh tanks
    manotyens neer mowchick rawrenock audowgh:

    Bid Pokahontas bring hither two little
    Baskets, and I wil give her white beads to
    make her a chaine, I, 139, II, 132
  • kekughes: lives, I, 139, II, 131
  • kesowghs: suns, I, 138, II, 131
  • kewasowok: god or gods, II, 79
  • kewassa/kiwasa: god, I, 142 (fig.), II, 460, III,
  • Kiehtan/Kichtan: II, 460–461, III, 280
  • machacomocko: great house/temple, II, 264
  • Mache, nehiegh yowrowgh, orapaks: Now he
    dwels a great way hence at Orapaks, I, 139,
    II, 131
  • macocks: a fruit like a melon, I, 158, II, 113
  • manito/mantoac: a spirit, II, 78
  • maquówoc: beast, I, 155 n. 4, II, 77
  • maracocks: a fruit like a lemon, I, 153, 158, II,
    109, 113
  • marowanchesso: a boy, I, 136, II, 130
  • marrapough: enemies, I, 137, II, 130
  • maskapow: the worst of enemies, I, 137, II, 130
  • matchcoat: skins, I, 136 n. 2
  • matchcores: skins or garments, I, 136, II, 130
  • mattassin: copper, I, 137, II, 130
  • mattoum: berry/seed, I, 153, II, 109
  • mawchick chammay: the best of friends, I, 137,
    II, 130
  • messamins: a grape as big as a cherry, I, 152,
    II, 109
  • meworames, I, 57. See also weroance
  • mockasins: shoes, I, 136, II, 130
  • monacookes: swords, I, 136, II, 130

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  • Mowchick woyawgh tawgh noeragh kaquere mecher:
    I am very hungrie, what shall I eate? I, 139,
    II, 131
  • musquaspen: a root, red as blood, I, 154, II, 110
  • mussamaneeks: a kind of squirrel, I, 161 n. 9,
    240, II, 187
  • mussascus: muskrat or musquash, I, 155, II,
  • musses: woods/pieces of wood, I, 137, II, 130
  • necut: one, I, 138, II, 130
  • necuttoughtysinough: one hundred, I, 138, II,
  • necuttweunquaogh: one thousand, I, 138, II, 131
  • nemarough: a man, I, 136, II, 130
  • nepawweshowghs: moons, I, 138, II, 131
  • nepinough: earing of the corn, I, 156, II, 112
  • netoppew: friends, I, 137, II, 130
  • ningh: two, I, 138, II, 130
  • ninghsapooeksku: twenty, I, 138, II, 131
  • noughmass: fish, I, 137, II, 130
  • nuss: three, I, 138, II, 130
  • nussapooeksku: thirty, I, 138, II, 131
  • nusswash: eight, I, 138, II, 131
  • nusswashtassapooeksku: eighty, I, 138, II, 131
  • ocoughtanammis: berry like a caper, I, 153, II,
  • Okee: a god/the devil, I, 138, 169, 170, 172, II,
    122, 125, 131, 144, 460, III, 280
  • osamener: a berry like an acorn, II, 77
  • osawas: brass, I, 137 n. 6
  • osies: heavens, I, 138, II, 131
  • pamesacks: knives, I, 137, II, 130
  • paniese/pinese: medicine man/councillor, II,
    451 n. 2, 461 n. 4
  • pansaromanans: corn and beans boiled, I, 77,
    106 n. 191, 158
  • parankestassapooeksku: fifty, I, 138, II, 131
  • paranske: five, I, 138, II, 131
  • pawcohiccora: walnut water, I, 152, II, 109
  • pawcorances: altar stones, I, 171, II, 123
  • pawcussacks: guns, I, 137, II, 130
  • pawpaxsoughs: years, I, 138, II, 131
  • pawpecones: pipes (musical), I, 137, 167 n. 2,
    II, 130
  • pemmenaw: a grass, I, 163, II, 117, 215
  • pocones: root that dyes red, I, 154, 161, 168,
    170, 171, 172, 270, II, 110, 115, 121, 122,
    124, 125, 148, 187, 221
  • pokatawer: fire, I, 136, II, 130
  • ponap: bread, I, 158, II, 113
  • popanow: winter, I, 156, II, 112
  • popogusso: afterlife/hell, II, 79
  • powas: priests (?), II, 461
  • pummahumps: stars, I, 138, II, 131
  • pummuckoner: berry like an acorn, II, 77
  • pungnough: a powder from burning the core of
    ears of corn, I, 158, II, 113
  • putchamin: a fruit like a medlar, I, 152, 212, II,
    108, 109, 145
  • quiyoughcosughes: gods and their affinities, I,
    139, 172, II, 125, 131, 144, 146, III, 317
  • quiyoughquosicke: an idol, I, 59, III, 237 n. 6
  • qunnoune: a sachem or chief, II, 451 n. 1
  • rahaughcums/raugroughcuns: racoons, I, 53, 61,
    103 n. 124. See also aroughcun
  • rakeock: a tree, II, 78
  • rassaweake: king's house, I, 165 n. 1
  • rawcomens: fruit like a gooseberry, I, 152, II,
  • rawcosowghs: days, I, 138, II, 131
  • rawranoke: white beads, II, 108, 168, 249
  • righcomoughes: deaths, I, 139, II, 131
  • sachem: a chief, I, 329 n. 5, II, 461, III, 280
  • sachimo comaco: sachem's house, II, 456 n. 7
  • sagamore/sagamo: a chief, I, 329 n. 5, III, 279,
  • sagatamenor: a berry like an acorn, II, 77
  • sapúmmener: a nut or berry, I, 152 n. 6
  • saquenuckot: a beast like a rabbit, I, 155 n. 4,
    II, 77
  • sawwehone: blood, I, 137, II, 130
  • secanauk: king crab, II, 78
  • sequenummener: a berry like capers, II, 77
  • shacquohocan: a stone, I, 137, II, 130
  • Spaughtynere keragh werowance mawmarinough
    kekaten wawgh peyaquaugh:
    Run you then to
    the king mawmarynough and bid him
    come hither, I, 139, II, 131
  • suckahanna: water, I, 137, II, 130
  • tangomockomindge: bark of a tree, II, 77
  • Tantum: Indian god, II, 428 n. 4, 441, 461,
    III, 280
  • taquitock: harvest and autumn, I, 156, II, 112
  • Tawnor nehiegh Powhatan: Where dwells
    Powhatan? I, 139, II, 131

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  • tockahacks: pickaxes, I, 137, 163 n. 1, II, 130
  • tockawhoughe: a root used for food, I, 153–154,
    162, II, 109–110, 116, 213. See also
  • tockwough: a berry, I, 263
  • tomahacks: axes, I, 137, II, 130
  • toppawass: seven, I, 138, II, 131
  • toppawousstassapooeksku: seventy, I, 138
  • toppquough: nights, I, 138, II, 131
  • tussan: beds, I, 136, 162 n. 3, II, 130
  • uetchunquoyes: wild cat, I, 155 n. 5
  • ussawassin: iron, brass, silver, or white metal,
    I, 137, II, 130
  • ustatahamen: a kind of porridge, I, 158, II, 113
  • utchanquores: a beast like a wild cat, II, 111
  • Uttapitchewayne anpechitchs nehawper
    You lie, he staide ever at
    Werowocomoco, I, 139, II, 131
  • uttasantasough: offered service, II, 246 n. 1
  • Utteke, e peya weyack wighwhip: Get you gone,
    and come again quickly, I, 139, II, 132
  • vetchunquoyes: a wild cat, I, 155
  • wapeih: medicinal clay, II, 76
  • wasebur: a herb, II, 77
  • wassador: copper, II, 72
  • weghshaughes: flesh, I, 137, II, 130
  • wepenter: a cuckold, I, 137, II, 130
  • weroance/werowance: king/governor/captain, I,
    57, 102 n. 100, 104 n. 135, II, 103, 119, 120,
    III, 280; defined, II, 127
  • werowocomoco: chief's house, II, 456 n. 7
  • wighsacon: juice of a root for purging, I, 154,
    168, II, 110, 121, 124 n. 2
  • winauk: sassafras, I, 153 n. 9
  • yehawkans: houses, I, 136, II, 130
  • yowgh: four, I, 138, II, 131
  • yowghapooeksku: forty, I, 138, II, 131