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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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expand section10. 
expand section11. 
expand section11.1. 
expand section12. 
expand section13. 
expand section14. 
expand section15. 
expand section15.1. 
expand section16. 
expand section16A. 
expand section17. 
expand section18. 
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expand section20. 
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expand section24. 
expand section25. 
expand section26. 
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expand sectionVI. 
expand sectionVII. 
expand sectionVIII. 
expand sectionIX. 
expand sectionX. 
collapse sectionXI. 
 22.1-77 to 22.1-81. 
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expand section28. 
expand section29. 
expand section30. 
expand section31. 
expand section32. 
expand section33. 
expand section35. 
expand section36. 

expand sectionI. 
expand sectionII. 

Article IV. Stopping, Standing and Parking.[197]

Division 1. In General.

Sec. 18-68. Authority of city manager and chief of police.[198]

The city manager and the chief of police may adopt and put into
effect regulations designating the time, place and manner vehicles
may be allowed to park on the city streets and may make and
enforce such additional rules and regulations as parking
conditions may require. (Code 1959, § 18-68.)


For state law authorizing local parking regulations, see Code of Va., §

Sec. 18-68.1. Parking regulations within University of

All parking regulations contained in this article or promulgated
by the city manager and the chief of police, pursuant to section
18-68, shall be applicable to the roads, streets or alleys


Page 295
of the University of Virginia, as lie within or adjoin the city
limits. All parking regulations for those streets, which are not
city streets, grounds or other areas of the University which
lie within the city limits, shall be promulgated by the appropriate
official of the University of Virginia. This section
may be enforced by the city police or by persons appointed
under the provisions of section 19.1-28 of the Code of Virginia.
Any person prosecuted for a parking violation pursuant to
this section shall be subject to a fine not exceeding twenty
dollars. (1-4-65.)


For state law authorizing city to regulate parking of vehicles within
University of Virginia, see Code of Va., § 15.1-516.

Sec. 18-69. When provisions of article applicable.

The provisions of this article prohibiting the stopping,
standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply at all times or at
those times herein specified or as indicated on official signs;
except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict
with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a
police officer or official traffic-control device. (Code 1959, §

Sec. 18-70. Provisions not exclusive.

The provisions of this article imposing a time limit on parking
shall not relieve any person from the duty to observe other
and more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the
stopping, standing or parking of vehicles in specified places
or at specified times. (Code 1959, § 18-70.)

Sec. 18-71. Parking prohibited at all times on certain streets.

When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person
shall park a vehicle at any time upon any of the streets or
parts of streets so signed. (Code 1959, § 18-71.)

Sec. 18-72. Parking, etc., prohibited during designated hours
on signed streets.

When signs are erected in each block giving notice thereof,


Page 296
no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle between the hours
specified. (Code 1959, § 18-72.)

Sec. 18-73. Parking on streets on which parking time limit
is designated by signs.

When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person
shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for longer than the time
designated by such signs at any time between the hours stated
on such signs on any day except Sundays, within the district
or upon any of the streets so signed. (Code 1959, § 18-73.)

Sec. 18-74. Parking to be in accordance with signs, signals,

All vehicles, whether parked on the streets of the city or
in any of the parking lots within the city which are operated
by the city, shall be parked in accordance with signs, signals,
street marks and other devices for handling traffic which may
be provided by the city manager and the chief of police. (Code
1959, § 18-74.)

Sec. 18-75. Repealed.

Sec. 18-76. Parking for purposes of sale or advertisement.[200]

It shall be unlawful for any person to park or place any
automobile, truck, trailer or other vehicle upon or in any
street, alley or parkway for the purpose of selling or offering
the same for sale or rent.

It shall be unlawful to stop a vehicle at any time upon a
street for the purpose of advertising any article of any kind,
or to display thereupon advertisements of any article or advertisement
for the sale of the vehicle itself. (Code 1959, §


As to parking in parking meter zone for purpose of making sales,
see § 18-89 of this Code. As to parking vehicle on streets for purpose of
displaying or selling merchandise, see § 19-52.


Page 297

Sec. 18-77. Parking in certain streets between certain hours.

No vehicle shall be parked on the following streets in the
city between the hours of 3:00 A. M. and 5:30 A. M.:

Main Street, between Seventh Street, East, and 10½ Street,
West; Water Street, between Fifth Street, East, and Main
Street at Vinegar Hill; Market Street, between Seventh
Street, East, and High Street (Beck's Hill); Second Street,
West, First Street, Second Street, East, Third Street, East,
Fourth Street, East, and Fifth Street, East, between Market
Street and Water Street.

Any person violating any of the provisions of this section
shall for each offense be liable to a fine of not less than two
dollars and fifty cents nor more than twenty-five dollars.
(Code 1959, § 18-77.)

Sec. 18-78. Parking of busses, trucks, etc., between midnight
and 6:00 A. M.

No truck having heels of the dual-tire type and no bus,
trailer or semitrailer shall be parked on any of the streets of
the city between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 A. M.
following of any day.

The owner, operator or driver of any motor vehicle which
is parked in violation of this section, for each offense, shall
be fined not less than two dollars and fifty cents nor more
than fifty dollars. (Code 1959, § 18-78.)

Sec. 18-78.1. Temporary parking prohibitions to expedite traffic,
aid snow removal, etc.

The city manager or his duly authorized representative may
post "No Parking" signs on any of the city streets when
necessary to facilitate the moving of traffic or the removal of
snow, ice, leaves or other debris from such streets. It shall
be unlawful for any person to park within the prohibited area
after signs have been posted and prior to their removal, or
fail to remove a vehicle from any city street on which such
"No Parking" signs have been erected within two hours after


Page 298
such notices have been posted. The city manager or his duly
authorized representative may have such vehicle towed away
to a storage yard or garage, and the owner of such vehicle
shall pay all charges for the towing and storage of the vehicle.
Such charges may be recovered by civil warrant and
shall be in addition to any fines levied. (12-3-62.)

Sec. 18-79. Repealed.

Sec. 18-79.1. Parking of inoperable vehicles on streets prohibited;
removal of same.

No motor vehicle which is inoperable shall be parked or
abandoned on any city street. A motor vehicle shall be deemed
inoperable for the purposes of this section if it does not bear a
current license plate or a current valid state inspection certificate
and has been in a specific location for ten days without
being moved, or, except for being disabled by an emergency, is
not capable of being operated for mechanical or other reasons.

When any such inoperable vehicle is reported to the police,
or is found by the police upon any city street, it shall be
removed for safekeeping under the direction of a police officer
to a storage garage or area which has been approved for
such use by the city manager and chief of police. Such removal
shall be immediately reported to the office of the chief
of police and a full and complete record shall be prepared and
kept by the chief of police on each such vehicle. The chief of
police shall notify the owner of such vehicle as promptly as
possible that it has been impounded. The owner of such motor
vehicle, before obtaining possession thereof, shall pay to
the city all reasonable costs incidental to the removal, storage
and locating the owner of the motor vehicle. Should such
owner fail or refuse to pay the costs or should the identity
or whereabouts of such owner be unknown or unascertainable
after a diligent search has been made and after notice


Page 298.1-311
to him at his last-known address and to the holder of any lien of
record in the office of the state division of motor vehicles in the
state against the motor vehicle, the chief of police may, after
holding such motor vehicle for sixty days and after due notice of
sale, have the city sheriff dispose of such motor vehicle at a public
sale. The proceeds from such sale shall be forwarded by the city
sheriff to the city treasurer, who shall pay from the proceeds of
the sale the costs of removal, storage and investigation as to
ownership and liens and notice of sale, and the balance of such
funds shall be held by him for the owner and paid to the owner
upon satisfactory proof of ownership.

If no claim has been made by the owner for the proceeds of such
sale, after the payment of the above-mentioned costs, the funds
may be deposited to the general fund or any special fund of the
city. Any such owner shall be entitled to apply to the city within
three years from the date of such sale and if timely application is
made therefor, the city treasurer shall pay the same to the owner
without interest or other charges. No claim shall be made nor
shall any suit, action or proceeding be instituted for the recovery
of such funds after three years from the date of such sale.
(7-20-64; 4-2-73.)


For state law authorizing city to prohibit parking of inoperable
vehicles on streets and provide for the removal of same, see Code of Va.,
§ 46.1-3.

Sec. 18-80. Owner of vehicle prima facie guilty of violation.

The owner of any vehicle parked in violation of this article shall
be prima facie guilty of such violation. (Code 1959, § 18-80.)

Sec. 18-81. Penalty.

Any person who shall violate any provisions of this article for
which no other penalty is provided shall be punished by a

No Page Number


Page 299

(3) Upon a street which is divided into three lanes a vehicle
shall not be driven in the center lane except when overtaking
and passing another vehicle or in preparation for a
left turn or unless such center lane is at the time allocated
exclusively to traffic moving in the direction the vehicle is
proceeding and is signposted or marked to give notice of such

(4) Wherever a street is marked with double traffic lines
consisting of a solid line immediately adjacent to a broken
line, no vehicle shall be driven to the left of such line if the
solid line is on the right of the broken line, except that it shall
be lawful to make a left turn for the purpose of entering or
leaving a public, private or commercial road or entrance;

(5) Wherever a street is marked with double traffic lines
consisting of two immediately adjacent solid lines, no vehicle
shall be driven to the left of such lines, except that it shall
be lawful to make a left turn for the purpose of entering or
leaving a public, private or commercial road or entrance.
(Code 1959, § 18-47; 6-21-65, § 10.)

Sec. 18-48. Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions.[202]

Drivers of vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall
pass each other to the right, each giving to the other, as
nearly as possible, one half of the main-traveled portion of
the roadway. (Code 1959, § 18-48.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-207.

Sec. 18-49. Passing upon overtaking a vehicle.[203]

The driver of any vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding
in the same direction shall pass at least two feet to
the left thereof and shall not again drive to the right side of
the street until safely clear of such overtaken vehicle, except
as provided in this article. (Code 1959, § 18-49.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-208.

Sec. 18-50. Audible warning signal upon overtaking vehicle.[204]

The driver of an overtaking motor vehicle, when traveling


Page 300
outside of a business or residence district, shall, when necessary
to insure safe operation, give audible warning with his
horn or other warning device before passing or attempting
to pass a vehicle proceeding in the same direction. (Code
1959, § 18-50; 6-21-65, § 11.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-209.

Sec. 18-51. When overtaking vehicle may pass on right.[205]

(1) The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upon
the right of another vehicle only under the following conditions:

(a) When the vehicle overtaken is making or about to
make a left turn, and the driver of such vehicle has given a
signal as required.

(b) Upon a street with unobstructed pavement not occupied
by parked vehicles of sufficient width for two or more
lines of moving vehicles in each direction.

(c) Upon a one-way street, or upon any roadway on which
traffic is restricted to one direction of movement, where the
roadway is free from obstructions and of sufficient width for
two or more lines of moving vehicles.

(2) The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass another
vehicle upon the right only under conditions permitting
such movement in safety. In no event shall such movement be
made by driving off the pavement or main-traveled portion
of the roadway. (Code 1959, § 18-51.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-210.

Sec. 18-52. Driver to give way to overtaking vehicle.[206]

Except when overtaking and passing on the right is permitted,
the driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to
the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle on audible signal
and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until completely
passed by the overtaking vehicle. (Code 1959, § 13-52.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-211.

Sec. 18-53. Limitations on privilege of overtaking and passing.[207]

The driver of a vehicle shall not drive to the left side of
the center line of a street in overtaking and passing another


Page 301
vehicle proceeding in the same direction unless such left side
is clearly visible and is free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient
distance ahead to permit such overtaking and passing to be
made in safety.

No person operating a truck or tractor and trailer shall
pass or attempt to pass any truck or tractor and trailer going
in the same direction on an upgrade hill if such passing will
impede the passage of following traffic. (Code 1959, § 18-53.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-212.

Sec. 18-54. Following too closely.[208]

The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another motor
vehicle, trailer or semitrailer more closely than is reasonable
and prudent, having due regard to the speed of both vehicles
and the traffic upon, and conditions of, the street at the time.
(Code 1959, § 18-54.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-214.

Sec. 18-55. Turning around in street.[209]

The driver of a vehicle within a business district shall not
turn such vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction
except at an intersection of streets; provided further, that no
such turn shall be made on Main Street between Seventh
Street, East, and the west side of the Lewis and Clark Monument.
(Code 1959, § 18-55.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-214.

Sec. 18-56. Required position and method of turning at intersections;
authority of city manager as to markers,
etc., indicating specified course for turns
at intersections.

The driver of a vehicle intending to turn at an intersection
or other location on any street, except as prohibited by the
preceding section or any other provision of this chapter, shall
do so as follows:

(1) Right turn. Both the approach for a right turn and a
right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand
curb or edge of the roadway.

(2) Left turns on two-way roadways. At any intersection
where traffic is permitted to move in both directions on each


Page 302
roadway entering the intersection, an approach for a left turn
shall be made in that portion of the right half of the roadway
nearest the center line thereof and by passing to the
right of such center line where it enters the intersection and
after entering the intersection the left turn shall be made so
as to leave the intersection to the right of the center line of
the roadway being entered. Whenever practicable the left
turn shall be made in that portion of the intersection to the
left of the center of the intersection.

(3) Left turns on other than two-way roadways. At any
intersection where traffic is restricted to one direction on one
or more of the roadways, and at any crossover from one roadway
of a divided street to another roadway thereof on which
traffic moves in the opposite direction, the driver of a vehicle
intending to turn left at any such intersection or crossover
shall approach the intersection or crossover in the extreme
left-hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the direction
of travel of such vehicle and after entering the intersection
or crossover the left turn shall be made so as to leave the
intersection or crossover, as nearly as practicable, in the left-hand
lane lawfully available to traffic moving in such direction
upon the roadway being entered.

The city manager may cause markers, buttons or signs to
be placed within or adjacent to intersections and thereby require
and direct that a different course from that specified in
this section be traveled by vehicles turning at any intersection,
and when markers, buttons or signs are so placed, no
driver of a vehicle shall turn a vehicle at an intersection other
than as directed and required by such markers, buttons or
signs. (Code 1959, § 18-56.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-215.

Sec. 18-57. Signals required on starting, stopping or turning.[211]

Every driver who intends to start, stop, turn or partly turn
from a direct line shall first see that such movement can be
made in safety and whenever the operation of any other vehicle
may be affected by such movement shall give a signal
as required in sections 18-58, 18-59 or 18-60, plainly visible
to the driver of such other vehicle, of his intention to make
such movement. (Code 1959, § 18-57.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-216.


Page 303

Sec. 18-58. Same—How such signals given.[212]

The signal required in section 18-57 shall be given by means
of the hand and arm or by some mechanical or electrical device
approved by the superintendent, in the manner herein
specified. Whenever the signal is given by means of the hand
and arm, the driver shall indicate his intention to start, stop,
turn or partly turn by extending the hand and arm from and
beyond the left side of the vehicle, in the following manner:

(1) For left turn or to pull to the left, the arm shall be
extended in a horizontal position straight from and level with
the shoulder;

(2) For right turn or to pull to the right, the arm shall be
extended upward;

(3) For slowing down or to stop, the arm shall be extended

Wherever the lawful speed is more than thirty-five miles
per hour, such signals shall be given continuously for a distance
of at least one hundred feet, and in all other cases at
least fifty feet, before slowing down, stopping, turning, partly
turning or materially altering the course of the vehicle. (Code
1959, § 18-58.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-217.

Sec. 18-59. Same—Change of course.[213]

Drivers having once given a hand, electrical or mechanical
device signal must continue the course thus indicated, unless
they alter the original signal and take care that drivers of
vehicles and pedestrians have seen and are aware of the
change. (Code 1959, § 18-59.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-218.

Sec. 18-60. Same—Duty of drivers upon receiving signals.[214]

Drivers receiving a signal from another driver shall keep
their vehicle under complete control and shall be able to avoid
an accident resulting from a misunderstanding of such signal.
(Code 1959, § 18-60.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-219.


Page 304

Sec. 18-61. Same—Drivers of parked vehicles.[215]

Drivers of vehicles standing or stopped at the curb or edge
before moving such vehicles shall give signals of their intention
to move into traffic, as hereinbefore provided, before
turning in the direction the vehicle will proceed from the curb.
(Code 1959, § 18-61.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-220.

Sec. 18-62. Right of way generally.[216]

Except as provided in section 18-64, when two vehicles
approach or enter an intersection at approximately the same
time the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right
of way to the vehicle on the right unless a "yield-right-of-way"
sign is posted. Where any such sign is posted, the
driver of the vehicle approaching or entering such intersection
on the street on which such sign is posted shall yield the
right of way to the driver of a vehicle approaching or entering
such intersection from either direction. At traffic circles,
vehicles already in the circle shall have the right of way over
vehicles approaching and entering the circle. The driver of
any vehicle traveling at an unlawful speed shall forfeit any
right of way which he might otherwise have hereunder.
(Code 1959, § 18-62.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-221.

Sec. 18-63. Right of way when vehicle turns to left.[217]

The driver of a vehicle, in an intersection and turning
therein to the left across the line of travel of vehicles within
or approaching the intersection shall yield the right of way
to such other vehicles; provided, however, that where there
is an automatic signal device governing the flow of traffic at
any intersection and allowing turns to the left while all other
vehicular traffic is required to stop, any vehicle making such
turn shall have the right of way over all other vehicles approaching
the intersection. (Code 1959, § 18-63.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-222.

Sec. 18-64. Exception to right-of-way rules.[218]

The driver of a vehicle entering a street or sidewalk from


Page 305
a private road, driveway, alley or building shall stop immediately
before entering such street or sidewalk and, upon
entering such street or sidewalk, shall yield the right of way
to all vehicles approaching on such street or to all pedestrians
or vehicles approaching on such sidewalk. (Code 1959, §


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-223.

Sec. 18-65. Right of way of United States forces, troops, national
guard, etc.

United States forces or troops, or any portion of the Virginia
national guard or naval militia, parading or performing
any duty according to law, or any civil defense personnel performing
any duty according to law, shall have the right of
way in any street through which they may pass; provided,
that the carrying of the United States mails, the legitimate
functions of the police and the progress and operation of fire
engines and the fire department shall not be interfered with.
(Code 1959, § 18-65.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-224.

Sec. 18-66. Conduct required of driver of vehicle upon approach
of emergency vehicle.

(a) Upon the approach of any vehicle listed in subsection
(a) of section 18-66.1 giving audible signal by siren, exhaust
whistle or air horn designed to give automatically intermittent
signals, the driver of every other vehicle shall immediately
drive the same to a position as near as possible and
parallel to the right-hand edge of curb, clear of any intersection
of streets, and shall top and remain in such position
unless otherwise directed by a police or traffic officer until such
vehicle shall have passed. This provision shall not operate to
relieve the driver of any such vehicle from the duty to drive
with due regard for the safety of all persons using the streets,
nor shall it protect the driver of any such vehicle from the
consequences of an arbitrary exercise of such right of way.

(b) Violation of this section shall constitute failure to yield
the right of way. (Code 1959, § 18-66.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-225.

As to driving through streets occupied by fire department, see § 12-1
of this Code.


Page 306

Sec. 18-66.1. Emergency vehicles exempt from regulations in
certain emergencies; exceptions and additional

(a) The operator of (1) any police vehicle operated by or
under the direction of a police officer in the chase or apprehension
of violators of the law or persons charged with or
suspected of any such violation, (2) any vehicle used for the
purpose of fighting fire, including publicly owned state forest
warden vehicles, when traveling in response to a fire alarm
or emergency call, (3) any vehicle owned by a political subdivision
of the commonwealth for rescue purposes, when
traveling in response to a fire alarm or an emergency call, or
(4) any ambulance or rescue or life-saving vehicle designed
or utilized for the principal purposes of supplying resuscitation
or emergency relief where human life is endangered,
whether such vehicle is publicly owned or operated by a nonprofit
corporation or association, when such vehicle is being
used in the performance of public services, and when such
vehicle is operated under emergency conditions, may, without
subjecting himself to criminal prosecution:

(1) Proceed past red signal, light, stop sign or device
indicating moving traffic shall stop if the speed and movement
of the vehicle is reduced and controlled so that it can pass
a signal, light or device with due regard to the safety of
persons and property.

(2) Park or stand, notwithstanding the provisions of this

(3) Disregard regulations governing a direction of movement
of vehicles turning in specified directions so long as the
operator does not endanger life or property.

(4) Pass or overtake, with due regard to the safety of
persons and property, another vehicle at any intersection.

(b) These exemptions, hereinbefore granted to such a moving
vehicle, shall apply only when the operator of such vehicle
displays a flashing, blinking or alternating red light and
sounds a siren, exhaust whistle or air horn designed to give
automatically intermittent signals, as may be reasonably necessary,
and, only when there is in force and effect for such
vehicle standard automobile liability insurance covering injury


Page 306.1
or death to any person in the sum of at least fifty thousand
dollars because of bodily injury to or death of one person
in any one accident and, subject to the limit for one person,
to a limit of three hundred thousand dollars because of bodily
injury to or death of two or more persons in any one accident,
and to a limit of five thousand dollars because of injury to or
destruction of property of others in any one accident. Such
exemptions shall not, however, protect the operator of any
such vehicle from criminal prosecution for conduct constituting
reckless disregard of the safety of persons and property. Nothing
in this section shall be construed to release the operator
of any such vehicle from civil liability for failure to use reasonable
care in such operation.


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-226.

Sec. 18-67. Following or parking near fire apparatus.[222]

It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle, other than
one on official business, to follow any fire apparatus traveling
in response to a fire alarm at a distance closer than five
hundred feet to such apparatus or to park such vehicle within
five hundred feet of where fire apparatus has stopped in answer
to a fire alarm. (Code 1959, § 18-67.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-227.

As to driving through streets occupied by fire department, see § 12-1
of this Code.


For state law authorizing local parking regulations, see Code of Va., §

As to parking vehicles containing livestock, see § 3-10 of this Code. As to
stopping truck transports of flammable liquids, see § 11-15. As to lights on parked
vehicles, see § 18-132. As to off-street parking, see ch. 20. As to standing vehicles
upon railroad tracks, see § 26-7. As to vehicles standing upon sidewalks or
intersections, see § 30-31. As to backing vehicles up to sidewalks, see § 30-34. As to
parking house trailer on street, see § 33-2.