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Scene IX.

—A Corridor in a Monastery at Sheen.
Two Monks.
First Monk.
He slept two hours—no more; then raised his head
And said, “Methinks it raineth.”

Second Monk.
Twice he coughed
And then he spat.

First Monk.
He raised himself and said,
“Methinks it raineth”—pointing with his hand;
And as he pointed, lo! it rained apace!

Second Monk.
Against such blows what body of mortal man
Could e'er hold out? He's on the way to heaven
Unless he deal more mildly with his flesh.

First Monk.
He raised his body—which is just his bones—
Upon one hand, and crossed himself and groaned.
And Father Bridferth met me in the court,
And quoth he, “Hast thou seen the holy Dunstan?”


I answered, “Yes, and on his wasted hand
Red stains that spurted from the nightly scourge.”

Second Monk.
Nightly and daily, brother. At this hour
He plies it for a double “De Profundis.”
As I passed out—

Enter Athulf, attended by the King's Jester, Grimbald.
God save you, holy Sirs!
Is Father Dunstan here?

Second Monk.
My son, he is.
He rose at five. I gave him his hair shirt.

First Monk.
At four he called for me and sate upright,
And on his hand appeared—

I pray you tell him
Earl Athulf, on an errand from the King,
Would be beholden to his courtesy
For some three minutes of his time.

Second Monk.
My Lord,
Unless your business be of instant haste
He hardly will bestow himself so early
On aught of secular concernment.

But, Sirs, it is in haste—in haste extreme—
Matters of State, and hot with haste.

Second Monk.
My Lord,


We will so say, but truly at this present
He is about to scourge himself.

I'll wait.
For a King's ransom would I not cut short
So good a work. I pray you, for how long?

Second Monk.
For twice the “De Profundis”—sung in slow time.

Please him to make it ten times, I will wait.
And could I be of use, this knotted trifle,
This dog-whip here, has oft been worse employed.

First Monk.
My Lord, we'll bring you to the room where stand
The poor, whose feet he washes after penance,
Whence you may see him in the oratory
Plying the blood-stained lash. Tread softly, Sirs,
For he were not well pleased were he to know
That strangers' eyes beheld him.