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Life and Phantasy

by William Allingham: With frontispiece by Sir John E. Millais: A design by Arthur H. Hughes and a song for voice and piano forte

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Almighty Plutus! Lord of Earth,
And Giver of all Good,
Thou who hast bless'd me from my birth
With lodging, clothes, and food;
Whose glory brightens every thought,
Inspirits every deed;
In whose great name are wonders wrought;
Whose smile is virtue's meed;
Turn not Thy face from him who bends
Untiring at Thy throne!
Repute and station, wife and friends,
I owe to Thee alone.
Thou helping—man dilates in form,
And proudly looks around;
Without Thee, he's a two-legg'd worm,
But fit for underground.
The braggart sword, the subtle pen,
To Thee are dedicate;
Yea, all the works and wits of men
Upon Thy service wait.


Barons and dukes are feeble things,
At Thy goodwill they shine;
Mere vassals are the greatest Kings,
Their fleets and armies Thine.
Before Thy footstool Beauty bows,
And Rank is cheap as mud,
And thin as smoke the bands and vows
Of Honour, Love, or Blood.
His body in Thy service doom'd,
The Martyr's not afraid;
Nay, gives his soul to be consumed
To cinders, undismay'd.
In every tongue and clime confest,
In many shapes adored,
From North to South, from East to West
The nations own Thee Lord;
Thou other and thrice-golden Sun
That dost the world illume,
Bright'ning whate'er Thou look'st upon,
And gilding ev'n the tomb.
For ever may Thy sceptre be
Supreme o'er land and wave,
King Plutus! only bless Thou me,
Thy subject, and Thy slave.