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Ballads of Irish chivalry

By Robert Dwyer Joyce: Edited, with Annotations, by his brother P. W. Joyce

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Air: “Ulachán Duv O!”


With sad silent tears, through the dim mist of years,
I look to the days long ago,
To the gay happy time when with song, jest, and rhyme
We sat by the fire's ruddy glow;


When the eyes that shine no more shone around the blithe hearth
Of the homestead far away in the land of my birth,
And the brown rafters rang to the music and mirth
Of the happy Christmas days long ago.


From Seefin's guardian hill there's a bright murm'ring rill,
Dancing down to the vale of Glenroe;
There's a wood smiling fair and a grey castle there,
And a once happy homestead laid low;
My blessing on that home and the hours of delight,
With my friends around its hearth each gay festive night,
With the eyes of those I loved shining on me fond and bright,
In the happy Christmas days long ago.


O! Heaven be with the day, when with hearts young and gay,
We longed for the blithe Christmas snow
To cast its mantle white from the hill's towering height
O'er the wide fields and valleys below;
In each sad exiled heart fond the mem'ry remains
Of the Christmas candle's light in the glowing window panes;
Of the feasting and the dancing to the piper's merry strains,
In the happy Christmas days long ago.